The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1898, Image 8

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I'aO Sam'a (. Will Belch Forth
t the Time FUe4 I po by
th PrcMldcat.
Tv Hour Wear at Haad to Eaforco
tho Decree of th Amer
icas Coagreas.
.WAPHINOTON. April .-Tb fol
lowing sutrmrnt of the trit of tb
ttltlniatum to Spain tul '
On yesterday. April 20, 1898, about
11 'dixit a. m.. tbe department of
Mat srvrd notice ot the purposes of
this government by delivering to Min
ister I'olo a ropy of an Instruction to
Minister Woodford, and aleo a copy of
the resolutions passed by the congress
f the I'nlted States on the 19tn Inst
After the rrport of thU notice tbe
Spanish mlnlaer forwarded to the atate
department a request tor hie pass
ports which were furnished to him
w yesterday afternoon. Copy of the
Instructions to Woodford la herewith
The Tnlted Statee minister at Mad
rid waa. at the same time, instructed
to make a like communication to tbe
government of Spain. This morning
the department received from llenersl
Woodford a telegram, ropy of which
to hereunto attached. Knowing that
the Spanish government bad broken
ff diplomatic relatione with this go
rnment. Thii course rtr.iT un
neceeeary any further diplomat:'.'
Uon on the part of the United State.
WASHINGTON, April 20, 1898.
WoocVord. Minister. Mudrld: You
have been furnished with the teit ot
a. Joint resolution voted by the con
gress on the 19th inat. approved to
ay In relation to the paoincatlon of
the ktland of Cuba. In obedience to
that act, the president direct you to
Immediately communicate to the gov
ernment of Spain said resolution with
Ue formal demand of the government
t the I'nlted Statea that tbe govern
ment of Spain relinquish lta author
ity and government In the Inland of
Cuba and wlthdaw lta land and naval
force fora Cuba and Cuban waters. In
taking thla atep. the I'nlted Statee
hereby dlaclalme any disposition or In
tention to exercise sovereignty, Juris
diction or control over said Island, ex
cept for the pacification thereof and
asserts lta determination when thla la
accomplished to leave the government
and control of the Island to lta peo
' pie under turh free and independent
government aa they may establish.
If by the hour of noon on Saturday
next, the 2Sd day of April, Inst, there
be not communicated to this govern
ment by that of Spain, a full and sat
isfactory response to this demand and
resolution whereby the ends of peace
to Cuba shall be assured, the president
will proceed without further notice to
nse the power and authority enjoined
and conferred upon him by the said
Joint resolution to such extent aa may
be necessary to carry the same Into
The followlnt. reply waa received
from Minister Woodford at :02 yes
terday morning:
MADRID. April 21. 1898. Sherman.
Washington: Karly this, Thursday,
morning. Immediately after the re
ceipt of your open telegram and before
I bad communicated same to tbe
Spanish government. Spain's minis
ter for foreign affairs notified me that
diplomat relations are broken off
between the two countries, and that
all official communication between
their respective representatives have
oeaeed. I accordingly asked for safe
Mssporta. Turn legation over to the
British embassy and leave for Parts
this afternoon. Have notified consuls.
The White Ho mm to Be Guarded.
""""'VCTON, April 22. Tbe Post
Majaayi: -
n u....ivy guard will be placed at
tbe White House In a few days. This
baa been definitely settled , but none of
the details of the srrangements are
known.. Colonel Bingham, superln
teadent ot public buildings and
grounds, will have charge of tbe
guard and such others as may be plaC'
ed at the public buildings.
A conference was held today between
Major Moore, superintendent of po
lice, and Chief Wilklc. ot the United
b tares secret service In regard to a
civil guard at the White Hoise. The
force around the grounds ill l ta'ge-
ly Increased and many detectives In
rltixens clothes will be placed on duty.
Every precaution will be taken to pro
tect the prsident from any possible
Torpedoes and mines are being
planted in the Potomac below Wasn-
Ington. They are being put there as
a safeguard in case of an emergency
and the exact location of the mines
are being kept secret. The majority of
the worK Is being done by night and
pushed forward with the possible con
tingency of a fleet attempting to shell
the capital.
A hyatcm that Seesna to Bo Provtag
wim frovieiea.
Tbe parole system at the hospital
for tbe insane, aavs a Lincoln corre
spondent ot tbe Omaha Bee. whereby
convalescent or mild (patients may be
sent out of tbe institution and p ared
n the rare of frleoda. bas proven to
be a wise provision In the regulation
of tbe hospital, not only making more
room for new patients, but leaaenlng
in expense of mote who are afflicted
with only a mild form of insanity.
After a medical report la made by t-a
physicians, tbe state board inquires
into UM rase and allows tbe patient to
be aaroled with some responsible party
who is usually a relative, for tbe pe
riod of ninety days, the state during
tuts time being relieved of all eipenae.
At the end of the ninety daya tbe pa
tient mav be returned to tbe hospital
If tbe derangement I aui b as to make
blm unmanageable or unsafe to be left
unrestrained. If no ar plication la
made for a return to the Institution,
however, a final discharge Is ghen.
When patients are brought tack at the
end of the parole term tbe expense
must be paid bv the outside parties
up to the time that the parent Is re-
elved bark Into the institution. Tbe
release of patients on paro'.e befo e
final discharges are made often bas a
good effect In bringing about a com
plete cure.
But there are Instances where the
present system is abused. Otie bas just
om to the attention of the manage
ment of thi- asvlura. which lequtred
pi omul action. Tbe case is that t-f a
Swede ilrl who lived In a county in
tbe central part of the state. She be-
a me mentally derang.d. but only In
i mild form. Af;er being confined in
tbe asvlum for a few months she was
paroled to her bro her-ln-law, a farmer
living In the same neighborhood from
which she was sent. The man gave
good references to tbe board and seem
ed anxious for tbe future wel'aie of the
grl. isotnlut further was beard 'role
tne rase until a few days ago wnen
complaint was made to Superintendent
Abbot tbat the girl waa not receiving
rood treatment. People in the neigh
borhood said that she waa abused,
forced to work in the field like a man,
and waa not allowed to leave the pla e
on anv excuse. Dr. Abbott Inquired
Into tbe matter, found out tbat tbe
reports of 111 treatment were true, and
today telecranbed the autho.i.ies of
the county to immediately take tbe
girl awar from the custody of the
brother-in-law and provide for her
until furuier arrangementa could be
made. The letters received by Dr.
Abbott in res Don se to his Inquiries
showed that the brother-in-law had
secured the parole of the girl in older
that he might have her take the place
of a hired hand on the farm.
Preparing a Revenue Measure.
WASHINGTON, April 22 The re
publican members of the ways aand
means committee expert to complete
the war revenue measure and hava
it ready for submission to the full
committee tomorrow or Saturday at
the latest.- One of the biggest contests
in the progress iu the committee Is
over the question of taxing tea and
roflee. The proposition to place 10
cents tax on tea rind 3 ceuts upon cof
fee has met considerable oppositio
and various suggestions have been
made as to subjects for taxation in lien
of tea and coXce. Among them is a
proposition to place 50 cents per bar
rel tax on petroleum, but it now seems
probable that this will be abandoned
There is also a proposition to tax
mineral waters, wines, etc., but
proposition wMch now meets with
more favor is to tax railroad tickets
and sleeping car ticket 10 cents ft
each trip of over 100 miles. It Is es
timated between f20.txm.000 and VI.
010,000 rould be raited from this
The Government Exhibit.
CaDtaln H. C. Ward. U. S. A., the
representative of the board of mana
gers of the government exhibit of the
Trsns-Mlsslsstppl exposition, has re
ceived notice tbat. portion of the
war deDartment exhibit has been ship
ped and will arlve in Omaha with n a
few days. Some of the material Includ
ed In this shlDment will be of peculiar
interest to visitors to the exposition,
being torpedoes of various kinds and
ground mines slml ar to the Instrument
of destruction which caused the wrecK
ot tbe Maine. These exhibits are eh p-
ped from the army war college at u-
let's Point and include, in addition to
the mines and tortv.dops, models of
engineering works of various kinds,
models of mortar butteries, a model
of Kev West harbor, about which con
siderable Interest la now centering; a
model of a denresslon gun battery, a
model of the American lock at Sault
St. Marie, tbe larsest canal lock In
tbe world, etc. The shipment also ft)
eludes a miscellaneous collection cf
small arms. Including specimens ot
the antlaue ss well as the most Im
proved Instruments of warfare.
Railroad M Take Cornell.
Niobrara dispatch: A tew days ago
the managers of the Fremont, E kborn
and Missouri alley railroad made for'
mal demand noon the Chicago. Mil
waukee and St Paul Railway company
to vacate their riant of way le ween
Niobrara and Verdigris within thirty
davs. as it desired to make room fur
extension st an early date. Last night
several officials came over from the
Mnwauaee and remained her for some
Elkhorn train this morning for Oma
ha. E. S. Kellev. the assistant general
freight aent. and R. M. Calkina. fo
merlr division frelsht agent for the
Iowa and Dakota division and now
general freight agent of the Des Moines
and Northwestern railroad. It is sail
they were here for insoectlon of the o d
grade of the Mllwauaee made in iuj
and abandoned. The trade of the Mil
waukee from this section bas been ex
cellent and lealouelv guarded, and
these omcials will make the necessary
recommends ton as to their lossts in
the event of the Ekhorn's proposed
extension in the Vilwaukee's terrl
A Farmer's Wife Drops Dead.
Amsworu dispatcj: Mrs. Fred
J. Dather. a farmer living atout t
and one-half miles west of town, drove
in here Saturday to no some trading.
She bad finished her shopping and
went to the poetoffloe and inquired to.'
tbe mail. Tbe clerk turned to wait oa
her when she fell to tbe floor and ex
pired in three minutes. Heart trou
ble was tbe cause.
(Continued from Tage 3.)
yielded mechanically to the impulse. It was the
last stroke of twelve when they all rose together.
Then said the notary, in a slightly agitated
voice, for there was something extraordinary and
solemn iu this scene: "No other heir of M.
Marius de Rennep-uit having presetted himself,
before noon on this day; I execute the will of the
testator, by declaring, in the name of law and
justice, that M. Francoise Mane Gabriel de Ken-
neoont. here Dresent. is the sole heir and pos-
sessor of all the estate, real and personal, be-
queathed under the said will; all which estate the
said Gabriel de Rennepont, priest, has freely and
voluntarily made over by deed of gift to Frederic
Emanuel de Bordeville, Marquis d'Aigrigny,
priest, who has accepted the same, and is, there
fore, the only legal holder of such property, in
the room of the said Gabriel de Rennepont, by
virtue of the attid deed, drawn up and engrossed
by me this morning, and signed in my presen-e
by the said Gabriel de Rennepont and Frederic
At this moment, the sound of loud voices was
head from the garden. Bathsheba entered hasti
ly, and said to her husband with an agitated air:
" Samuel a soldier who insists "
She had not time to finish. Dagobert appeared
at the door of the red room. The soldier was
fearfully pale. He seemed almost fainting; , his
left arm was in a sling, and he leaned upon
Agricola. At sight of Dagobert, Jhe pale and
flabby eyelids of Rodin were suddenly distended,
as if all the blood in his body had flewed towards
the head. Then the socius threw himself upon
the casket, with the haste of ferocious rage and
avidity, as if he were resolved to cover it with
his body, and defend it at the peril of his life.
(To be Continued.)
Here's a Book Bargain!
Five of the Best Storks Ever Written.
S , We give you these just to make you hungry for other
"y good things. These books in cloth binding sell for
nVftr-i-f m.,m from $1.00 to fa. 50 per copy. In paper cover
A it? 'YW they have never a offered ftt Ies than ,J
fa M cents a copy.
-&W They r yours at 10 cent per copy. I
V. copiea for 25 cent. The whole five books
. lor u cenis, posipaio. ucy um w
'l 1 : .A ,
LMir(Uij i live iui n uifii.
Lmlv. Hy UAHHIEI ht.t:i HF.H STuUK. So ottuf
1 sssr A XBV X. ST "
J SIX ViZZmJ-. i
. I Arts1 rut
3 jf evlthomf
Painful Ulcers
Troubled with Them for the
Past Ten Years .
Purifying the Blood with Hood's
Sarsaparilla Effects a Cure.
All troubles that are due to impure
blood yii'ld with wonderful prompt
ness to Hood's SursHparilla, which
thoroughly eradicates all scrofulous
taints and makes the blood rich and
pure. Head these words:
"I hsve been troubled with very pin
tul ulcers on my ankles tbe greater part
ot tbe time for about ten years. I decided
to try Hood's Barsaparilla. and when I
had taken two bottles I could seescbange
for the better. I have now taken four
bottles and the ulcers are well. I am able
to attend to my work about the bouse
without sny pain, and I can rest well at
nlgbt. ' I regard Hood's Barsaparilla as an
excellent medicine." MARY A. WtlX
MAN, W infield, Kansas.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tbe best-In fact tbe One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. 11 ; six (or $6.
r:il the only pills to take
rlOOa S fills with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Pasbengers arriving at Chicago by
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific K'y
can, by tbe new 'Union Elevated Loop,
reach any part of the city, or tor a five
cent fare can be taken Immediately to
any of the large stores In the down
town district. A train will slop at the
Rock Island Station every minute.
These facilities can only be offered by
the "Great Bock Island Route."
vv nave plenty of the March 4th tt
sue. We can fill your order. Tour
friends should read the sworn testi
mony against the Roman Catholic
House of the Good Shepherd st 8t
Paul. Ten for SO cents; fifty for $1.26;
100 for 12.00; 600 for ?7.60; 1,000 tor
$10. Have yon sent sny of that num
ber to your friends? Ton should!
They should not sleep longer.
A new, modern, 6 room bouse to ex
change for land 5 to 40 at re 1 in vi
cinity of Omaha. House bas city water,
gas, bath, good cellar, Lot is above
grade; fruit, sidewalks, clear title; four
blocks from carline. Addres "Good,"
care American. Omaha, Neb.
State Motes.
The Argo Manufacturing company of
Nebraska City will this gearon increase
the capacity of the large plant one
third and erect a new building to be
used tor their dry kilns.
Frits Pelch of Bancroft when work
ing at a seeder while in gear had OD.e
of the fingers of his right hand bad
ly mangled by getting it in between
an endless rhain and. a small cog
wheel. The finger had to be amputat
ed In order to save the hand.
Prof. Nicholson of the State univer
sity is making arrangements for plac
ing several hundred experimental half
acre beet plots in different parts of
tbe state, going In person to the dif
ferent localities and securing persons
to take charge of the seed who will
keep a careful record of the experi
ment and make a full report to tbe
university next fall with samples of
the beets grown tor analysis.
Educate Tear Bowels With t'lturarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure eonntlpaUnn forever
X)o, S&c. II C O f fc.- "-"""st refund money
We bare plenty of the laaue of Jan
uary 28, containing the exposure of
Rome's plot to take this country by tbe
word. Ten for 80 cents; fifty for $1.28;
100 for $2. ; BOO for $7.B0; LOOO for
$10. Have yon sent sny ot that num
ber to your friends T Tou should! They
should not sleep longer. ,
No greater, no more Interesting, no
more fearless exposure of Romanism
waa ever written than that penned by
Key. Charles Chlnlquy and popularly
known ss "Fifty Tears In the Church
of Rome." Price $2.2. Send us $1.00
and get the book. American Pub. Co.,
161S Howard 8L. Omaha. Neb.
If you want something nice as west
as Interesting and Instructive, fat
Edith O'Gorman'a Convent Life Be
velled. Price, $1.25. We have sold
hundreds of them and they always
give satisfaction. Order from ss,
American Pub. Co., Omaha. Neb.
Fortunes Awaiting Claimants.
I have tbe copjwrlght register from
the court of chancery In England, Ire
land and Scotland of heirs to $248,
000,000 in money and estates For
information send ancestors' name, na
tlonallty and enclose $1 00. Records
seachrd and particulars answered.
South Omaha, Neb.
The Quickest Time
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Pacific
Coast is via
from Missouri River.
14 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake I'ily
than Any Other Line
16 Hours Quicker to San Francisco
than Any Other Line.
For tickets and full Information call a
City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St.
Attorney. M6 New York Life Building.
CHKRlFK'B f ALK.-By virtue of 2nd pluries
0 order of sale lsssued out of the district
court for DouKla county, Nebmska, and to
rue directed, 1 will, on tne &itn day or May,
A. I). Wm. at ten o'clock A. M. of said
dav. at the EAST front door of the cnunty
court house. Id the city of Omaha. Douiclat
county. Nebraska, aellat public auction to
tne mirnesi Diauer ror c&sn, toe Droperty ae
scrlbed In said order ot sale as follows, to-wit:
The east one-half of the southwest quarter
(K 4 S. W. and tbe west forty-nine and
36-1(10 (49.:) acres or tbe west one-bir or tbe
southeast ouartr W. V4 . E. VI all In section
Dumber eigbt () and the nortn nineteen (ivi
acres of the weat twenty-four and 08-100
(U4.W) acres of the northwest puarter of tbe
northeast quarter N. W. of N. E. ') of
section number seventeen (171 all InTiWn
hlp-alxteen il'ijnorsn of Banfre thirteen (IU)
eaat of 1 he filth PrlnclDal Meridian contain-
in one hundred and forty-eight and 16-1(10
(148.36 acres more or less aa surveyed, and
recorded, all situated la DOdgias county,
state or Nebraska.
Said Drooerty to be sold to satisfy Hlcbl
can Mutual Life Insurance Co- nany. Dials
tiff herein, tbe sum of four thousand elvht
hundred and ihlrty-tlx ana e.-iuo
dollars Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from May
ftn, itwo;
To satisfy Balotna Bowman defendant
herein the sum of eisbt hundred and ninety
six and 15-1(1) (S3!.l.) dollars judgment, with
Interest thereon at rate or ten iiu per cent
per annum from May 3rd. IBM;
and to musty said micnigan mutual l,ho
Insurance Com Dan t. ulalntlff herein, the
further sum nf one hundred and thirty-nine
and Do-100 ($i:e 96) dollars Judgment for taxes
paid thereon by said plaintiff in order to pro
tect its lien tneroon witn interest on rony
six and OVliK) iui 05) dollars from July 3rd,
18M. at ten (10) oer cent oer annum, and in
terest on tbe sura of ninety-three and W-100
(S43.9I dol ars at the rate of ten (10) per cent
per annum from December IT. tn, iwi,
To satisfy the further sum of one hundred
and eighty two and 33-100 fl&.Sil dollars
costs herein, together with accruing costs,
according to a Judgment rendered by tne
district court of said Douglas county, at Its
May term, A. D. 1HW, In a certain action then
and there Dendlns. wherein the Michigan
Mutual Life Insurance Company la ulalntlff
andJu'iaK. VaadercooK. James a. v anaer-
nook. The Mutual Investment CouiDanv,
John L. Fierce Kecelver of tbe Mutual In
vestment Company and Saloma Bowman are
Omaha, Nebraska. April isth. 1HW.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W H. RuaaAll. attnrnev.
Mich. Mut. Life InsOo vs. Vandercook etal.
Doc. 54: No. 184. f-15-4
w litis nlentr of thla
We can All your order. Urn for
cents; fifty for flM'. 100 tor t.H; Ml
for rr.M; 1.0 tat n.w.
Attorney, Room 22 Patterson Block.
In the District Court of Douglas county.
In the matter of the estate of Charles B,
Evans, deceased.
To Lydla E. Hpauldlng and KogerC. Evans
Vnn r iherehv notified that the District
Court of Douglas county. Nebraska, made
tbe following order in the above entitled ac
tlnn. tjtwll:
Now thla cause coming on for hearing on
the report of tbe administrator of tbe above
f state 1 1 the sale of the W st one-half of Lot
Eighteen (It)) Felbam Flace, an addition to
the city of Omaha. Nebraska, for tbe purpose
of paying debts and expenses of administra
tion fa pursuance of a license granted by
this fnurton the 13th day of November. liST.
and it appearing by said report tbat said
one-bait lot waa sold on the 11th day of April.
ixuh. to Emma . Bohm for the sum of five
hundred dollars ('00) cash In hand paid; tt
i Lharttfore ordered tbat all persons Inter
ested In said estate be notified to appear be
fore me at Court Koom No. 7, of the District
Court of Douilaa County. Nebraska, on tbe
16th day of May. 1WW, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of
said day to show cause If aey why said sale
should not be confirmed and a deed executed
to tne purchaser therefor by rv!ce of this
order, publication of same to be in the weekly
Amshk on non-residents.
Dated this 14th day of A prll
J. r A WCKTT. Judge,
Doc. M: o.. -IS-
Amrta aovoi tttrr u-hltvrd aw'h popularity, and
although It waa written over tony yean ago U rlatac
eratlua la new rwuiing -uwm rum "u
mum kites euJoymeul that their grandfathers and
grauduwUivra eipertpncrd, fur It la a book that wlH
Uerer grow oiu, ana omrr gviirrmtHms win u
vr Top and c.-y ovr Kva and I nt'ie 1 oin. ic la
printed in rkr. readable type, on good paper, com-
V A - .. . ...... a.,.,1 mntAtliB
nearly Mt Urge pages,
A 't'aU of Lore and A it rvt, turf on Lfl4 n4 Aw.
"Owen Hub" I without doubt tbe best of this aoe-
ular author a works. It la aa startling, realistic aaa
fascinating aa tbe works of Jules Verne or H. Hkler
Haggard, and deals with tbe wonderful adventures
of a young Englishman on a voyage to the tropic.
Never since the days of Kobtoson Crusoe havesurb atrauge
and startling adventure been recorded, yet all within lit
boundsof possibility. ItconUlnsoverKO pages, printed from new plate.
A BRIDE FROM THE BUSH. By E. '. 0OR.VC.VO. A Tnle of AuttraUan Life. This story
ba won for Us gilutl author a name and fame over two continent. There Is no lack of thrilling dra
matic situations throughout the book. The whole story baa life and motion, pathetic and ludicrous
situations follow each other In rapid succession, with a happy aud satisfactory but uulooked-forsad-liig.
It Is a fascinating book from cover U cover.
TICKET NO, 16547. By EVELnt ADAMS. IUuntrattd. ThlalsaroraantlcUleofthe wonderful
adventures of a young A merlcan in Mexico. How he made tiu.OUO In three years, aud won the hand ef
the fair 1'artnellta, by tbeaid of ticket lo547, la estrange story of hardship and guud luck, and makes
Interesting reading.
FOR THE DEFENSE. By R. L. TARJEON. This Is one of the best and most Interesting works
of this famous author. It In a detective and love story, with a deep mystery cleverly unraveled by
skillful work. It Is of thrilling Interest from beginning to end. Ml pages of clear type.
7"N0TE THE PRICE One book, 10 cents; Three books, 23 cents;
All Five books, 4Q cents, postpaid.
When Joy . Fills the Heart
it finds expression in song, gratifying the performer
and delighting the hearer. Nothing so serves to calm
the wearied soul after a storm-tossed day as the
sweet melodies that recall memories of childheod
and those long gone to rest. Recognizing the need
of a varied list of songs, in neat and convenient
form, that would appeal to all hearts and tastes,
The Favorite Collection of Songs has been pre
pared expressly to fill this want, and contains
words and music of 70 of the choicest produc
tions of gifted and famous composers. Picture
to yourself an evening at home with the follow
ing list of beautiful songs before you:
X .
A Year Ago.,
,....TT. S. Rortatra
V. UubHH
J. L. Hntlon
. . . Virgin ii (jiibrlr I
..Mart? PiaHquetlt
Jnmr$ Mottoy
...FelLr Mitltemum
Mr. HtnMM
..W.M. Hrhit
.Laity John Srott
All Among the Summer Hoses
As I d Nothing Klse To Do
Across the Sejt. . . i
Bring Back Thy Sunshine
Hliie Eyes
Come to t he Sunset Tree'.
Dream Kaces
lMmtflus! Tender and True
Dreaming of Home , J. L. HatUm
llelow the Wavlnir Llndena " . . E. L. heiiu
Faded Leaves P.iilt Hruriim
Forget Me Not IViiVIm
Five (('Clock In the Morning" t'lnribd
Olrl I Met on the Farm (The) John It'ad
Molden Years Are Fleeting l.ini Jhl
;Kxlnlirht Wott araodn ' JMrtlirt"
Hour of Kest (The) Jiinrpk L. Hnrrkel
llappv Mule Country ( llrls KltauVth i'liWp
How Will He Ever Catch Them J-Comlc,
W. Tnubrrt
He Is An Englishman Sirlrflitir NnHiran
I Whistle anil Walt for Katie Michael A'nfain
I Keally Don't Think I Shall Marry -4m
Just Touch the HarpGeutly cans. Hlnm(n
Jenny In the Orchard Hamilton Ai'lt
Jin k's Farewell Jaiw JMHoy
Kate, Poor Kate, Comic Katr ltoylt
Katey s letter ldn Inifrrin
Mttle Annie Konney Mirhari Kolan
Little Fisher-Maiden (The) Lii.l.d H'uMimillrt
Let Music Break on This Blest Mom,
Cliiistmas Carol
Mttle Bnttercop's Song Sir Arthur Sullimn
Ive sSift Greeting N. L. Uilhert
Love That Slumbers Milton HViv
pages, full sheet music alae, pi
Mary and John, or the Lovers' Quarrel,
Oswald SfoB
Many Tears Ago Sir Arthur Sullivan
Mother Watch the Little Feet J. IV. Tunirr
Nancy Lee Strphtn Aaamt
Oh! Vou Pretty Blue Kyed Witch.... V. F. Taylor
Old Garden Gate (The) IV. F. HVHinon, Jr.
Old Cottage Clock (The) Jar. L. M.Mof
Old Burn Hate (The) H. Hallma
Playmates .. Edmund k'orman
Poliy Jamr L. MoUuy
Km hand I.
Somebody ,
Strangers Yet
Speak to Me . ,.
Speak (lent I y
That is love
The Sweetest Tune
Think of Me Nevermore
The Hoy I l-ove
Two hy Two
The Dear old Songs of Home.
The Passing Bell
The Country Cousin. Comic
M. W. hallt
a. A. JKcPormn
Umtfrev Maria
...... Ffioio 'onifsina
W.T. Wrtyhton
....Felix MedUnnon
Franz A bt
O. iinlry
...Sol Smith UvwtU
Nichola Ferri
Vtncrnt J)avi$
Th.H'i a u!lvr l.iiitior Ui Kverv Cloud.
Tell Me Truly A.M. WakrHrl
When Soft Eves Smile Jot. L. Hotcktl
Why TaiTles My Love? T. IVl-a
When Twilight Gathers In . k. MuUoy
Will Your Heart Respond to Mine?.. .A. V. Dmivitr
When I View the Mother Holding Anon
Watchman, Whatof the Night? ca. Gounod
Wstl Wst! Wst ! Loo Sharp
Won't You Tell Me Why Roulnl ClaruVl
Whisper in the Twilight Anthony Mtn
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