The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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IF Vr VIFWC nd Principles Ad-
THE AMERICA "r'tt&tt
CHl'UCB OF hOMK," mmt u mm
luKl rmw in Uka UiuUxl Klatrw or Canada
by awl) fur only ftO 8a'iui
with jruur ortler Mm .....
P n 4a rr"T1 w hU be
the pn&, ;yRICAN until
good book Kcili,.' .
"AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that all men are Amcrcians who Swur Allegiance to the United State without a mental reservation.
Volume VI II.
Number 25.
Such Is the Claim Set Up
By the Spanish Consul
In Chicago, 111.
Catholic Priests la Inlted State, Snail,
nnaaiKB ivivum ana mub rn-
fa U Pray la Ceacert for Peace.
A Significant Stab-aunt.
Basing his action by statements
made to hira by two Roman Catholic
priests, the Spanish Consul in Chica
go, Senor Fernando Staud y Grmnez,
has written a letter to Novadades a
Spanish weekly newspaper published
In New York, in which be goes bo far
as to assert that "Catholic element of
this part of the country" is affected
with "good desires." towards Spain,
"now under the shadow of war." says
the Chicago Tribune.
The consul's letter also reveals the
fact that two Roman Catholic priests
The Rev. Thomas F. Cashman, nastor
of St. Jar lath's Church, Jackson Boule-
.1 .1 tr,w nA iYia. Pav V.
vbiu uuu vvu oun a, f..u vi.c ......
,J. Vattman, a United States Army
Chaplain stationed at Fort Sheridan
have been carrying Into effect a plan
whereby the Cainolic priests In the
United States. Spain, the SDanish col
onies, and Latin America shall oler up
In concert at some time to be agreed
.upon a mass for peace. These priests
suggested the matter to the Spanish
Consul here, who put the plan into ac
tion by making it public throught the
The editor of that paper in publish
ing the Consul's letter, says:
"A distinguished compatriot and
friend residing in Chicago baa sent us
a letter In which he shows the kindly
spirit which animates two priests in
this Tepublic, and which spirit is, no
doubt, to be found in many others.
The letter in question states that these
two priests have suggested that, it
might be productive of much good if
all the priests in the two countries
would celebrate a mass for peace and
Implore the most high to remove the
cloud of war which now hovers across
the horizon and threatens to bring to a
disastrous end the friendly relations
which have always existed between the
United States and Spain."
The editor goes on to state that the
Novadades is In hearty sympathy with
the idea.
The following is the Consul's letter
to the editor of the Novadades:
To the Editor Dear Sir and Distin
guished Friend: Counting on the sup
port which your paper has given and
gives, to all that which tends to bene
fit our beloved Spain, I hasten to
acquaint you with a request which the
Rev. FatWers E. J. Vattman and Thom
as F. Cashman direct to all the priests
of Spain, her colonies, and Latin
America, a request which it is as laud
able as it is great
I ' peat literallly the words of the
aboe "uentioned two priests: "It is
not XMSsible." they say, "nor just to
forget in these trying moments the
favors snd benefits which Spain has
continua ly and liberally given to this
country, counting amongst' others the
materia! support given during the rev
olution, which ultimately gave this
country & independence, and the mor
al suppc rt during the civil war; and it
would b i therefore very painful to see
a disastrous termination on both sides
to the present unfortunate differences
between the two countries. Counting
already upon a large number of priests
who will celebrate a mass for peace In
the United States, we' strongly desire,
and take this means of asking, that
there should unite with the American
priests the largest number possible of
itiA nrtoota nf Qncln har pninnlAR And
I At in America, so that as nearly as
possible on the same day the sublime
prayer 'Give us peace' may be heard
Informs Spain that He Has Four Thousand Former
American Sailors Enlisted.
MADRID, April 20.--An official dispatch from Havana says General Blanco has
chartered vessels to bring over 4,000 Spanish sailors vWHO HAVE HERETO
dispatch adds that the Cuban Insurgent leader Betancourt has published a procla
mation agreeing to a suspension of hostilities. In conclusion the official dispatch says:
"The inhabitants ol Santiago de Cuba even those most hostile to Spain, are resolved
to fight on the side of the Spaniards and some influential rebel leaders have the same
intention. "--Omaha Bee. . '
The American has always held that adopted Roman Catholic citizens of any Protestant country cannot be loyal
in case of war with a Roman Catholic country, and the above dispatch proves our assertion to be correct. This
government can expect other similar incidents. Id.
and responded to by many millions of
Catholics in all the world."
Knowing thoroughly the spirit of
your paper, please accord to me for the
time being the courtesy of your col
umns for the service of this patriotic
and praiseworthy object. As Fathers
Cashman and Vattman do not speak
our language, I have placed myself un
conditionally at their orders for any
service they may request in connection
with their proposition.
His Excellency, the Minister of Spain
in Washington will be advised in the
ordinary manner of the good desire
which the Catholic element of this part
of the country have towards our coun
try, now under the shadow of war. A
copy of this request will also be sent
to the Duke of Satomayr, to be by him
transmitted to her Majesty the Queen
Regent, in order that it may be deem
ed worthy that the chaplain of their
majesties may be one of those who
will intone the "dona nobis pace" on
behalf of our tried and beloved Spain.
With thanks in anticipation to those
already mentioned priests, I remain,
yours, etc.,
Father Dent's Hew SaiL
The Rev. Franci? Dent has begun a suit for damages to the amount of
$100,000 in the Supreme Court against
the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
New York, Michael A. Corrigan; Joseph
L. Keane, William T. Schley, a lawyer;
Anacletus de An gel is, head of the Order
of Friars Minor, and against the Order
itself. Father Dent has been suing the
Order for a number of years, and has
become quite a familiar figure in the
courts, where he is greatly .respected.
He acts in all cases as his own lawyer,
and it would be difficult for him to find
an hMer one.
In the April number of The Con
verted Catholic of last year a resume
of the legal proceedings begun by him
ia If 93 was given. It may be remem
bered that hia suit was for reinatate
iient in his rights and privileges as a
number of the Franciiican Order, su
wtll as indemnity for their bread of
contract, and the years of hardship It
entailed upon him. Whilst this case
was in progress the defendants pro
cured his arrest and imprisonment on
a charge of perjury about the twenty
third of October, 1893. He was re
leased on heavy bail, and the Indict
ment before the grand jury was
On December 18, 1896, the defend
ants paid Father Dent the sum of $10,
000 on the condition that he withdraw
his suit .gainst them for breach of
contract and unlawfully expelling him
from the Order. In order to pay him
this sum the Franciscans had to mort
gage their property They offered him
at first a certified cheque for the
amount, but he was unwilling to ac
cept it, fearing further legal difficulties
might arise before he could collect it
At last they complied with his demand
and paid him down in currency. This
was the end of the original suit, which
wns accompanied by some notable cir
cumstances, chief among them being
the rebuke admlnstered by Judge Bart
lett to Archbishop Corrigan for his ar
rogant behavior towards Father Dent.
The suit for $100,000 which Father
Dent now brings against the defend
ants above mentioned had its origin
in the first one, which was only for
$50,000. Whilst the trial was in pro
gress the defendants brought two ec
clesiastical dignitaries from Rome to
prove that a rescript which Father
Dent had presented in court was a forg
ery. On their testimony he was In
dicted by the Grand Jury for perjury,
and was imprisoned for twenty-seven
hours. Mr. John Glass, of 426 West
Twenty-third street, New York, be
came his bondsman. The charge,
however, was not pressed, and in the
course of the trial Father Dent had
ample opportunity to prove that his
rescript was genuine.
Now that the original suit is settled
Father Dent has determined also to
obtain redress for the arrest and im
prisonment which the defendants un
justly caused him. He alleges and be
lieves that they contrived to do so
maliciously, that they procured the In
dictment against him merely to injure
and impoverish him, and that they pro
cured the attendance of witnesses for
the same purpose. He also says that
the defendants knew then, and at all
times since, that the charge of perjury
brought against him was wholly false
and untrue.
Fathn Dent also complains that the
facts and circumstance of the indict
ment for perjury, his unjust arrest and
prosecution, were extensively published
in several newspapers; that it caused
the delay of his original action, ex
tending over a period of three years;
that he endured great mental anguish
on account of the indignities heaped
upon him, as a Roman Catholic priest,
by reason of the Indictment, arrest and
prosecution, and that he was under the
care of a physician for three years ow
ing to the mental and bodily suffering
entailed by that Indictment, arrest, im
prisonment and prosecution, and that
he was forced to seek legal advice and
to engage the services of an attorney
on account of the alleged malicious
All the parties named in the suit as
defendants have been on the witness
stand, and some of them on several
occasions, when, as a newspaper mild
ly and charitably states it, they ex
hibited great confusion of mind and of
memory of most important topics. The
original trial from beginning to end
was most sensational, and as the same
parties are to figure in this one it will
no doubt be as interesting and excit
ing. It is, at all events, a novelty for
high ecclesiastics to be brought before
the civil courts, from which they have
considered themselves exempt in the
past. They are accustomed to assume
superiority and to exact despotic sway
in their ecclesiastical sphere, but in
the civil courts they are nothing more
than private citizens, not as good as
others. The Converted Catholic.
Exconiunieation of Locust, Caterpillars.
No doubt the first thought of the
reader will be that no such a thing
as a solemn excommunication of lo
custs and caterpillars could ever tal e
place, excepting in a lunatic asy
lum. Well, certainly it does seem
strange that a body of priests with
brains left in their heads, could ever
be guilty of such an act of folly, or
that they should be asked to exercise
such powers by anybody of human
beingR possessed of reason. Yet
truth is often stranger than fiction.
The thing has been done, but, of
course. It was in those Dark Ages
when the people were kept by the
priests in darkness and ignorance.
The fact is that where the Word Df
God is unknown people will believe
almost anything, however foolish It
may be. Under the heading of
"Formula of Excommunication of An
I main," the Department of History in
the University of Pennsylvania, hae
just published the following document,
for which the authority is given ?s
follows: "Found In Du Cange GIos-
sarium. s..v. Excommunlcatio."
' in the name of the Lord, Amen
Complaint having been made in court
by the inhabitants of Vulenoce, in the
diocese of Troyes, against the locusts
and caterpillars and Outer such ani
mals, called in the vulgar Hurebecs,
that have laid waste thev vine-yards of
that place for several years, and con
tinue to do so, as is asserted on the
testimony of credible witnesses and
by public rumour, to the great detri
ment of the inhabitants of that and
neighbouring regions; and their re
quest having been considered thar. the
aforesaid animals should be warned
by us and compelled by threats of ec
clesiastical punishment to depart from
that territory of said town, &c. We,
by the authority that we exercise
warn the aforesaid locusts, caterpil
lars, and other animals, under what
soever name known by thess pnwenu,
under threats of curses and ex -m-munication,
to depart from the vine
yards and land of the said town of
Villenoce by virtue of this sentence
within six days from the publication
of this warning, and to do no further
injury either there or elsewhere in
the diocese of Troyes. But, if the
above-mentioned animals do no im
plicity obey this our warning within
the specified time, then at the expira
tion of the six days by virtue of our
said authority we excommunicate
them through this doument and
curse them by the same."
To Oueen Victoria has recently been
sent a memorial niened by 336,350 wo
men, setting forth the fact that since
her reixn ocean 800 convents have
been established in England, with 20,
000 women now in them, and praying
that the government will take speedy
measures to inspect their condition,
management, etc.
Birthday of William of Or
ange Fittingly Observed
. By Holland Society
Hit Deareatfaat, ) Lavlala I, Kpe.
rial tJaest f tat, Society at IN
lis nq set Last Moadajr.
The third annual banquet of the Hol
land society of Cuirngo was given last
night at Kinsley's in commemoration
of the birth of William. Prince of
Orange. It was more pretentious than
the other annual celebrations of this
exclhsive society, whose membership
is confined to descendants of the Inde
pendent and sturdy race of heroes of
the low country. The occasion was
graced by the presence of the head of
the Holland society of New York, Miss
Lavlnia Van Westerveld H. Dcmpsey,
who holds the title of Lavlnia I., queen
of the Holland dames.
Queen I-Avlnla I. was the guest of
honor and sbe was greeted on her en
trance with cries of "Ilulde Aan den
Koningen! Leve den Konlngcn!" Al-
though the family name of Queen La
vlnia I. Is Irish, she Is descended from
the first hero of Holland, the anniver
sary of whose birth was celebrated last
evening with pretty ceremony.
All of the decorations of the banquet
hall were suggestive of the "veld en
den staden van het vaderland." The
walls of the room were covered with
great panorama paintings of the lean
ing gables and narrow grachts of Delft,
where William met his untimely end.
On the tables were strewn tulips and
the candle lights were shaded with
tulip-shaped decorat.ons, and long
stemmed pipes were hs'de the plates
for the burghers to smok.' when they
had finished the dinner.
Queen Lavinia I. was dressed in a
gorgeous green gown of the pattern of
the court costume of the period of the
Prince of Orange. The great green
sleeves of the gown were slashed to
show the colors of the principality of
Orange, and in the corsage were fes
toons of gleaming diamonds.
Vice President Van Schaack, who
presided in the absence of President
Van Benthuysen, paid a tribute toxhe
guest of honor and called for George
Birkhoff to make the speech of wel
come to the queen, which he did in a
brief address. Queen Lavinia I. re
sponded, flie spoke at some length
and with more eloquence than might
have been expected from a queen. She
paid a tribute to- the heroism of the
Cuban patriots, who are struggling for
liberty and freedom from the Spanish
yoke, she said, as did her ancestors.
Her speech was generously applauded.
Henry D. Lloyd was then introduced
as the toastmaster. He reviewed the
life of William. Prince of Orange,
whom he characterized as the greatest
hero of the Netherlands and the' one
who did most to free his native land
of Spanish oppression. The other
speeches were:
"A Heroic Period," responded to by
General John C.JBlack; "Dutch Art,"
by Rev. John Henry Barrows; "The
Golden Days of the Dutch Republic,"
Rev. Charles J. Little; "The Pilgrim
Fathers of the West,"' Professor Henry
E. Dosker, Holland, Mich.; "The Day
We Celebrate," John Vennema. Chi
cago Chronicle, April 19.
The Methodist Episcopal Church
maintains in the United States fifty
three colleges and universities, twenty
five theological schools, sixty-four
classical seminaries and four Bible
training schools, aggregating in value
including buildings and endowments,
$29,193,314. The attendance upon these
institutions aggregates nearly 40,000.
Many of the theological schools are
departments in univeasltiee. Omaha
Advoct" - i