The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 15, 1898, Image 7

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Every Person Implicated In
the Diabolical Plot a Ro
man Catholic.
Standpoint Occupied by Ex Priest
. Chiniiju)', Who i the Pres
ident's Friend.
Father Chlniquy.' the apostate Cath
olic priest, who has been lecturing in
Baltimore, in conversation with a
Morning Herald reporter, made a
number of statements regarding the
assassination of President Lincoln,
which are not to be found in the his
tories of the period, and accounts for
that lamentable tragedy:
"I am a French Canadian by birth,"
aid he to the reporter, "and was born
In Kamovaska. Canada, in 1809. both
of my parents were Catholics, and I
was, of course, hi ought "up in that
faith. From a very early age I was
destined for the priesthood, and my
education was conducted with that end
always in view. Having been ordain
ed, I arose very rapidly in the esti
mation of my religious superiors as
well as In popular favor, and was soon
looked upon as one of the most prom
ising members of the Canadian priest
hood. My work in" the cause of tem
perance brought me Into special prom
inence, and I became widely known
all over Canada, and, indeed, in the
Catholic church everywhere,
"In 1851 Catholic bishops and clergy
from all over North America met in
Becret conclave at Buffalo, N. Y., and
there the question was discussed, and
It was decided to seize the cities of
North America for the Catholic
church. The plan adopted was to
bring Catholic emigrants from Europe
In sufficient numbers to gain control
of the city governments by popular
trote. The attempt was carried out to
some extent, and was successful at
least in New York. It was partlcu
lrly the desire of the church to get
possession of the school fund in the
various cities In order to use it for
the benefit of Catholicism. The well
remembered struggle for the expulsion
of the Bible from the public schools
in Cincinnati in 1870 was the out
growth of the action of the conclave
in 1851.
"At this same conclave I was assign
ed to go to Illinois with a band of
French Canadian Catholics and to
found a colony or coionies. Colonists
also came from France, and early in
3852 I founded my colony Ut St. Anne,
Kankakee county, 111. A chapel or
church was built, and we had a con
gregation of about 500 souls.
"In 1858,, after Beveral years of
study and many trials, I determined
to leave the Church of Rome, whose
doctrines I no longer believed. It was
on Saturday evening that I reached
my final determination, and the next
morning I went into the pulpit and
told ray congregation of the step 1
was about to take, and my reasons
After talking to them for two hours
I put the master to a vote, and all but
fifteen of my 300 parishioners ex
pressed their intention of following
me. Tnis action, when it became
known, created no little excitement all
over the country. About a year later
we Joined the Chicago Presbytery, and
afterward the Canadian Presbytery
to which we still belong.
"Previous to this Abraham Lincoln
had defended me when I was prose
cuted by the church, and when, some
time after our withdrawal .from the
church our colony was theatened with
destruction from famine, he came for
ward and for our benefit delivered a
lecture. In which he denounced the or
der of the Jesuits with the greatest
boldness. Thin made our former
friendship all the stronger.
"In 1862 a Canadian Jesuit priest
was converted through my teaching,
and from him I first learned of a plot
of that order to assasinate Mr. Lin
coln. He told me that the plot was
first laid in 18CI. I went at once to
Washington, and in a conference with
Mr. Lincoln warned him of what I had
learned. He told me that he was al
ready informed of the matter by Mr.
Samuel F. B. Morse, the telegraph In
ventor, who had heard it by chance
while in Rome. Mr. Morse was not a
Catholic. '
"About a year afterward I convert
ed another Jesuit priest, who had ab
solutely no knowledge of any other
convert, and by him 1 was told the
fame story. I again went to Wash
ington and warned the president.
After the assassination, while I was in
San Francisco, anoMier Jesuit priest
gave me, for a third time. Identically
the same account of the plot In the
order against the president. While I
was seeking information in regard to
the crime I met the Rev. F. A. Con
well, of Chicago, who related the fol
lowing: "Ninety miles northwest of St. Pajil,
Minn., is the little village of St.
Josi ph. settled by Roman Catholics,
and with a college for the education
of priests. On the 14th of .April, 1865,
at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, two men
drove up to the village hotel; one was
the Rev. F. A. Conwell, chaplain of
the first Minnesota regiment and the
other was Horace P. Bennett, of St
Cloud about ten miles eastward.
While Mr. Bennett was attending to
the horse in the barn the landlord, J.
H. Llnneman ,who has charge of the
friary, and was purveyor for the
priests, told Chaplain Conwell ' that
President Lincoln and Secretary Sew
ard were -assassinated. . And when
Mr. Bennett returned from the barn to
the tavern the landlord reiterated the
tatement to both his guests.
"This was not later than 6:30 p. m.,
and the assassination of Lincoln did
aot occur till about 10 p. m. - Allow
ing for the difference in time betveen
St Joseph and Washington the news
reached St. .T oseph a least two hours
before It occurred. ; . . i .:
"The two n."n make affidavit of tie
faot, swofn to September 6, and Octo
ber 18, 1883. Landlord L'um man,
purveyor , for the priests, reuiee to
' . '. k, , . L I I
wear, but makes a written declara
tion. October 20. H-iS. duly signed,
saying that he told Conwell and Mr.
IWnuett that 'he had hraru this rumor
Id hi store from people who came in
and out; but he cannot remember
from whom.' That lap-te of memory
probably saved the landlord s life. The
'Priests of St. Joseph were cognizant
of the plot to &4.tis.inaie Lincoln
and Seward.
"Without a single exception the con
spirators were Rowan Cut ho! -is. It
is true that Atzeroth. Payne and Har
old ked tor Protestant ministers
when they were to la htiue. but they
had be''i considered Catholics till
then. J'hn Wilkes Booth was a
pro. . to Catholiiisui, and so were
Atxero'h. Payne and Harold. But
bad i'i, i: father confessors appeared
wlili ih'in on the scaffold that would
ha cf red the eyes of the Americau
people to clearly see that (be assassin
ation of Lincoln and Seward were
planned and executed by Jesuit p: lists.
The murderers were instructed to con
ceal their religion. Such is the doc
trine of the Catholic church. St.
Liguori says:
" "It Is often more to the glory of
God and the good of our neighbor to
conceal our religious faith. a when
we live among heretics we can more
easily do them good in that way; or
If by declaring our religion, we cause
some disturbance or deaths, or even
wratn of the tyrant.' Llgttorl
Theologla, li. 3.)
"Dr. Mudd, at whose place Booth
stopped in his flight, was a Catholic
and so was Garrett, in whose barn
Booth wag killed.
"After the murder Father Chiniquy
went to Washington in disguise. He
found that the influence of Rome at
the capital was almost supreme. The
only statesman who dared to face the
nefarious influence of Rome was Gen.
Baker. But several other statesmen
confessed that without doubt the Jes
uits were at the bottom of the plot;
and sometime this would appear so
clearly in evidence before the mili
tary tribunal that It was feared it
could not be kept from the public. Mrs
Surratt was a Catholic, and her house
was the common rendezvous of the
"Booth, the assassin himself, was
confirmed in this very city of Balti
more. He was hut the tool of the
Jesuits. He was taught by them that
the pope had called Jeff Davis his
dear son, and had taken the southern
confederacy under his protection. He
was taught that Lincoln was an apos
tate, that he had been baptized in the
Catholic religion, had rebelled against
it and broken his oath of allegiance to
the pope. He was taught that it was
his religious duty to slay this infa
mous enemy of bis church.
"Compare other murders known to
Ifave been plotted and executed by
Jesuits with this one and you will
find that they resemble each other as
one drop of water resembles another.
Compare the last hours of the Jesuit,
Ravaillac, the assassin of Henry IV.,
who absolutely refused to repent,
though sufferlngUhe most horrible
tortures on the rack, with Booth, who,
with an unset broken leg. the bone al
most puncturing the flesh, writes In
his dally memorandum: 'I can never
repent, though we hated to kill. Our
country owed all its troubles to him
(Lincoln), and God simply made me
the instrument of his punishment.'
"I found that the Influence of Rome
was almost supreme in Washington.
Several of the government men with
whom I conversed told me that they
had not the least doubt that the Jesu
its were at the bottom of the crime.
They were afraid to let the crime
come out lest the priests should be
implicated, and in the event of their
execution they knew that riots, blood,
fire and devastations must follow, and
these the country, in its then divided
state could not sustain."
Evading Keal Issues.
, The weakness of the case of those
who are vigorously opposing the im
migration restriction bill is shown
by their persistent refusal to meet
fairly and squarely the real and es
sential issue involved in the proposal
of an educational test for new arrivals
The protest of the German societies
of Chicago and of the league recently
organized in New York, as well as
the arguments advanced in congress
by such men as Senator Caffrey, deal
with but one aspect of the problem.
They harp upon the obvious and ad
mitted fact that illiteracy Is not al
ways and necessarily a sign of vl
clousness and incapacity, and Indulge
in irrelevant emotional appeals to
principles which no friend of the edu
cational test dreams of surrendering.
That immigration has done much
for the development of the country is
not quest'oned by nny sane man.
That it can and will do still more is
equally beyond dispute. That an edu
cational teat if applied a hundred or
even fifty years ago, would have
barred out thousands of worthy, use
ful and desirable citizens, to the great
detriment of the country, is also
readily and cheerfully conceded. Why,
then, urge considerations that have
absolutely no' bearing upon th ques
tion we are called upon to settle here
and now?
What is this essentia question?
Simply this, whether or not the coun
try needs a rest from Jthe work of ab
sorption and assimilation Imposed by
a practically unrestricted immigra
tion. Today we only exclude paupers,
criminals diseased persons and con
tract laborers. If we need no further
restriction in the interest of the
American standard of wages and liv
ing, the educational test is indeed un
necessary and improper; but those
who admit that present restrictive
measures are inadequate are bound-to
supply a better and fairer test than
that of ability to read and write, a
test so parfect as to exclude all un
worthy applicants and admit all
worthy ones. The champions of the
Immigration bill recognize . that here
and there inlustice would result, but
they most emphatically deny that any
great number of desirable immigrants
would be Bhut out or that the law
would stop immigration. Are not the
labor; orpaJi. nations better authorities
on the need of further restriction than
the' societies now fighting the Lodge
bill? Chicago Even. ug Post. .
; . . ;"
Yes, we l.uve plenty of this Issue,
We can "fill- your order. Ten for 20
cents; fifty fnr $1.25; 100 for $2.00; EQO
for.J7.'50; 1.000, for HO.Ou. .
A. V. A. I'ltlNTiri.KH.
The following are ih declarations of
principles adopted by 111 Nalion.l Ceuu
ill of lb A. I. A. at Ivi Monies.
"Loll lo true" Americanism, which
kii a neither bltth. place. t, creed,
nor party. I the nrt requirement for
viemuerahip in the American Protective
"Til American I'rolevtlve Association
Is I'ol a political party, an.t d'x- nol con
trol the iMilultal umii.itioiia t It mem
bers; but II teaches them to tm nit !. ,y
active tit the discharge of their political
(tunc in or out ( iariy lirn a. lmau-
it belie vea that all problems cwilr-'Milu;
our people will be bound aolid by a con
scientious dls. haige of the dutiea of citi
zenship by every Individual.
'While I. .1. taut of all creeds. It hoi Is
thai aviblectloli aii.l purport to any politi
cal power not controlled by Am ric.ui cit
ixeii. ami ahull claims i-yual If not
greater novel inty than the government
of the I'nlied Slate. Is irr.-coiu-ltatile
with American citisenslop. It in. there
foie oppoaed to the holding of offices in
state or national governiiit nt by any
subject or supporter of such ectieslantical
"We uphold the constitution of (ha
I'nlied States of America an I no portion
of it inoie than Its jjuaralilee of rellfoua
liberty, but we hold this rel,i;iou liberty
to be guaranteed lo the lml.v idiot), and
not to mean that under II prot lion any
un-American ecclesiastical power can
chum any absolute control over the edu
cation of children, growing up under lha
star and atrlpea.
'We consider the non-sectarian free
public school the bulwark of American
institutions, the bent place for the edu
cation of American children. To keep
(hem such, we protest against the em
ployment of subject, of any un-Amert-can
ecclesiastical power a oiticcrs or
toucher of our public schools.
"We condemn the support out of the
public treasury by direct appropriation
or by contract of any eeotiaiian school,
reformatory or other instil mum nut own
ed and controlled by public authority.
"Helleving that exemption from taxa
tion Is equivalent to a grant of public
fund, we demand that no real or peron
al property be exempt irom taxudon, lha
title to which is not vestel in the national
or state governments, or in any ol their
"We protest against the enlistment in
the 1'ti n oil state army, navy, or the
militia of any slate, of any person not an
actual citizen or the fluted Stutes.
"We detuuiiii for the protection of our
citizen laborers the prohibition of tho im
portation of pauper labor, and the re
striction of all Immigration to persons
who cannot show their ability and honest
intention to becomj self-supporting Amer.
lean citizens.
"We demand the change of the natural
thorlzlng the naturalization of minors,
without a previous declaration of Inten
tion, and by providing that no alien shall
be naturalized or permitted to vote In
anv slate In the union who cannot speak
the language of tho Innd. and who can
not prove seven years' consecutive resi
dence In this country from the date of
hi declaration of intention.
"We protest against the gross negli
gence and laxity with which the Judici
ary of our luml administer the present
naturalization laws, and against the
practice of naturalizing aliens at the ex
pense of committees or candidates as
the most prolilic source of the present
prostitution of American citizenship to
the buses t uses.
"We demand that hospitals, nsylums,
reformatories, or other Institutions In
which people are under rrstruint, be at
all tlmts subject to public inspection,
whether they are maintained by tha pub
lic or by private corijorutions or individ
uals. "We demand that all national or state
legislation affecting financial, commer
cial or industrial interests be general in
character and in no Instance In favor of
any one section of the country, or any
one class of the people."
1. The constitutions of princes are not
superior, but subordinate to ecclesiasti
cal constitutions.
2. The laws of the emperor ennnnt dis
solve the ecclesiastical or cannon laws.
3. It Is not lawful for an emperor to
exact anything opposed to the apostolic
. It Is not lawful for kings to usurp
the things that belong to priests.
6. No custom of anyone can thwart the
statutes of the popes.
6. Let no resistance be offered to the
apostolic (cannon) pietepts, but let them
be salutlferiously fulfilled.
7. Tho yoke Imposed by the holv see is
to be borne, though It appear Intolerable
and Insupportable.
S. The lJontlit can neither be loosed nor
bound b'y the secular power.
9. That the l'ontiff was called flod by
the pious Prince Constantino, and that
as God he cannot be judged as man.
10. That as Uod he Is far above the
reach of all human law and Judgment.
11. That all laws contrary to the can
ons and decrees of the Koman prelates
are of no force.
12. That all of the ordinances of the
Pope are unhesitatingly to be obeyed.
IS. We ought not even to speik to one
whom the Pope has ex-commiinlcnted.
It. Priests are fathers and masters,
even of princes.
15. The civil law Is derived from man,
but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is de
rived directly from Uod. by which the
Pontiff can, in connection with his pre
lates, make constitutions for the whole
Christian world, in matters spiritual, con
cerning the salvation of souls, and the
right government of the church; and If
necessary judge and dispose of all the
temporal goods of all Christians.
1G. A heretic, holding or teaching false
doctrine concerning the sacraments, is
excommunicated and degraded, and hand
ed over to the seculinr court.
17. .Secular princes unwilling to swear
to defend the church against heretics
are excommunicated, and they are laid
under an interdict.
IX. The goods of hertics are to be con
fiscated and applied to lhe church.
Hi. Advocates or notaries, favoring
heretics, or their defenders, or pleading
for them In law suits, or writing docu
ments for them, are infamous and sus
pended from oflice.
2d. The secular owers. whether perma
nent or temporary, are bound to swear
that they will exterminate, a'cording to
their power, all heretics condemned by
the church, and a temporal lorl not purg
ing his land of heretics. Is excommuni
cated. 21. Those signed with the cross for the
extermination of heretics, rejoice In the
privilege granted to the crusaders for the
help of the holy land.
22. They are absolved from all obliga
tions who are in anywise bound to here
tics. 23 Whoever dies in battle agalnBt the
unbelieving, merits the kingdom of heav
en. 24. We do not esteem those homicides
to whom It may have happened In their
zeal for their mother church against the
excommunicated, to kill some of them.
25. The Catholic princes are bound,
both by civil and common law, not to
receive or tolerate heretics, and much
more are not to permit their rites, or
other exercise of their religion, or rather,
their false sect, but are most solemnly
bound everywhere, to repel and expel
them. , I
26. The following temporal punish
ments are to he enforced on heretics: 1st
Infamv, and the consentient disqualifi
cations for all civil acts. 2nd Intestabili
ty, as well active as passive (that is.
they can neither make nor will inherit
what is left to them by others), "rd Loss
of parental power over children. 4th
Loss of dowry, and other privileges
granted to women. uth-Conflsoation of
all goods, (ith That vassals and slaves
and others are from all. even sworn
obligations due to their lord, or another.
7th Capital corporal punishment, es
pecially death, and perpetual Imprison
ment. 27. The canon law forbids all tolera-
ffi! That metropolitans and bishops are
to ex-eommunicate him who grants lib
erty of conscience.
29. No oath is td be kept toward here
tic princes, loud or others.
30. Heretics are to he deprived of all
civil arid paternal rights.
31.. Tha Tope fan. absolve from all
oaths. 1 : -
32. Every -bishop Is, ordinary judge in s.
cause pf heresy. The reason Is because
the bishops can -ex-oflVclo. and aught to
extl,ruat heretics, and Inflict upon tbern
the due punishments, srld To this 'are
lound on-pain of deposition.. Besides are
the inquisitors especially deputed by tha
pcislntie e Kvery Mahop In his dloeew
la Ihouaht to be. and In reality la,
natural iii.pnii.,i iliierjnv born innui
llnri. so a tn have the mit puwor with
tho mentioned 111 it tause of
XI In everv promissory oath, although
alnwlulelv lkeii. there ar lertaln con
dition t. itly undetaiauxl. amongst which
re: 1 mi If I ran; rnd -To Mir lhe right
and authority of a superior; Snt-Whrn
the oath suppose the honor of the ai
folic we to tm Illicit
34. That the council of Trent, ithe Lot
and great until. olt f )t..iuei decree
and ceinniaiiiW thai the -rel canon
and all general lounell. ! the other
apostolic enuriiiient issued In favor of
ec-lelMtlcal mt.oi of e. vlealasttf al
lllerly. ami aicmiKi it violators, all of
which by I hi present decree 1( renews,
lid must be exactly observed by all.
T- . now In the presence of Al
mighty (!od. the blessed Virgin Mry. the
hlrsned Michael lhe Archangel the ble
ed Ht. John ihe HaptUt, the holy Apost
le St. Peler and St Paul and the Sulnts
nd Sacred Host ,t heaven, and to you.
my ghostly father, the superior general
of the MMiely of Jesus, founded by H.nnt
Ignniu Loyola in the potitificatlon f
Paul the 'Jhird. and continued to the
present, do, by the womb or lhe virgin.
Ihe matrix of Hod. mid the rod of Jesus
Christ declare and swear that hi bou
nces, the pope, 1 Christ vlce-gerent.
and Is the true and only head of Ihe
Catholic or universal chinch Ihiougliout
the e.iltli, and that by vlitue of the keva
of bitidlutt und loosing given lo In bon
nes by my Saviour. Jeii Christ, ha
hath power to depose heietlcal king,
o lines, slates, commonwealth and gov
ernments, all being llleual w.thout his
sacred conlirmatioii. ninl they may lie
safely destroyed. Therefore, to the ut
most of my power, I will defend this
doctrine and bis holiness' right and cus
tom against nil usurpers of the heretical
or Protestant authority whatsoever, es
pecially the Lutheran church of Ger
many, Holland. Jienmark. Sweden and
Norway, and the now pretended authori
ties ami churches of Kngland and Scot
land, and branches of the same now es
tablished in Ireland, and on the conti
nent of America, and elsewhere, and all
adherents in regard that they be usurped
und heretical, opposing the sacred church
of Home.
"I do now denounce and disown any al
legiance as due to anv heretical king,
prince or slute named Protestant or Lib
erals or obedience to any of their laws,
magistrates or othYer.
"I do further declare thnt the doctrine
of the churches of Kngland and Scotland,
of tha Calvlnlsts. Huguenot und others
of the name of Protestant or Liberals to
be damnable, and they themselves lo ba
damned who will not forsake the same.
"1 do further declare that I will help,
assist and advise ull or any of li:s holi
ness" agents. In any place wherever I
shall be, In Switzerland, (lermany, Hol
land, ltenmnrk, Sweden, Norwuy, Kng
land. Iceland or America, or In any other
kingdom or teiritory, I shall come to, and
do my utmost to extirpate the hetetical
Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to
destroy ull their psulended poweis, legal
or otherwise.
"I do further promise und dep'a'e that,
notwithstanding I am dispensed with to
assume any religion heretical for the
propagation of the mother church's In
terest, to keep secret and private all
her agents' councils from time to time,
as they entrust me. und not to divulge,
directly or Indirectly, by word, writing
or circumstances whatever, but to exe
cute all that shall be proposed, given In
charge, or discovered unto me. by you
or my ghostly futher, ur uny of his suc
red convent.
"I do further promise and declare that
t will huve no opinion or will of my own
or any mental reservation whatsoever,
even as a corpse or cadaver (perlnde ac
cadaver), but will unhesitatingly oDVy
each and every command that 1 may re
ceive from my superiors In lhe militia of
the pope and of Jesus Christ.
"That 1 will go to any part of the
World whithersoever I may be sent, to
the frozen regions of the north, the burn
ing sands of the desert of Africa, or the
plngles of India, to the center of civili
zation of Kurope, or lo the wild haunts
of the barbarous savages of America,
without murmuring or repining ami will
be submissive In all things whatsoever,
communicated to me.
"I do furthermoie promise and declare
that I will, when opportunity presents,
muke and wage relentless war, secretely
or openly, ngainst all heretics, Protest
ants ami Liberals as 1 nm dire ted to do,
to extirpate them from the face of the
whole cHrth. and thnt I will vn pool
er age. sex or condition, and that I will
hang, burn, waste, boil. Hay. ft angle and
burn alive these infamous heretics: rip
up the stomach ond wombs of thPlr wo
men and crush their Infants' heads
against the walls In order to annihilate
their execrable race. That when the
same cannot be done openly. I will se
cretly use the poisonous cup, th strang
ulating cord, the steal of the pmnard. or
the leaden bullet, regardless of the rank,
dignity or authority of the person or per
sons, whatever may be their condlt on in
life, either public or private, as 1 at any
time may be directed so to do by any
agent of the pope or superior of the
brotherhood of the holy futher. of the
society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which I hereby de ll
rate my life, my soul and all corporal
powers, and with this dagger which I
now receive. 1 will subscribe my name,
written In my blood. In testimony there
of; and should 1 prove false or weaken In
my determination, may my brethcrn and
fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope
cut off my hands and my feet, and my
throat from ear to ear, my belly opene 1
and sulphur burned therein, with all th
punishment that can be inflicted upon
me on earth and mv soul be tortuie l by
demons In an eternal hell forever.
All of which 1 do swear
by the blessed trinity, and blesse I sacra
ment which I am now to receive, to per
form, and on my part to keen inviolably;
and do call all the heavenlv and glorious
host of heaven to witness thet-e, my real
Intentions, to keep this my oath.
In testimony hereof I take this most
holy and blessed sacrament of the eti
charist. and witness the same further,
with my name written with the point of
this danger, dipped In mv own blood. Bnd
seal In the face of this Inly convent.
lle receives the wafer from the super
ior and writs his name with the point of
his dagger, dipped In his own blood, tak
en from over the heart.
I, . . cardinal of the Holy Ro
man church, do promise and swear (hat.
from this' time to the end of my life I
will be faithful and obedient unto St.
Peter, the holy apostolic Roman church,
and our most holy lord, the pope of
Rome, and his successors, canonically
and lawfully elected; that I will give no
advice, consent or assistance against the
pontifical majesty and iwrson: that I will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their
Injury or disgrace, make public the coun
cils entrusted to me by themselves, or by
messengers or letters: also that I will
give them any assistance In retaining,
defending and recovering the Roman
papacy and the regalia of Peter, with all
my might and endeavor, so far as the
rights and privileges of my order will
allow It. and will defend them against all
their honor and state, and I will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, the
legates and nuncious of the apostolic
see. in the territories, churches, monas
teries and other benefices committed to
; my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate
with them and trent them with
honor In their coming, abiding- and re
turning, and that I will resist unto blood
all persons whatsoever who shall attempt
anything against them. That 1 will by
every way and by every means strive to
preserve, augment and advance the
rights, honors, privileges, the authority
ef the Holy Roman bishop, our lord the
pope and his before mentioned succes
sors, and that, at whatever time anything
shall be decided to their prejudice, which
is ont of my power to hinder, as soon as
1 shall know that anv' steps or measures
have been taken In (he matter. I will
make It known to the same, our lord
or litis successors, or some other person
by whose means It may be brought to
their knowledge. That t will keep and
carry out snd cause others to keep snd
carry out the rule of the holy father,
the decrees, ordinances, dispensations,
reservations,, provisions, apostolic man
dates and constitutions of the Holy
I Father Seitn,. of happy memory, as td
'visiting tba thresholds of Ilia apnstlea at
certain r-recrlld (hum. accord rig (a
the lennr of that which I have juat re
through Thai I mill .-k out an op
poa. jiroMrut and flhl lomal corutlu
(el e uluriim rl iiiipuKiiatiu uim ks'I
ll.-rellca or III Kan t h m who oppoaw out
lord. I He pope of Home, and lata hefjra
mentioned succ,. and Ihla I will 4o
with every poMibte efton '
(Signature! then aeiu to th papa.
elect ef the
- dioreae. from hen, elm i will
lie faithful and obedient Ht. J eter tha
Aihii and lu Ihe Holy Roman church.
nd to our loid. ihe holy pope of l(..m.
and to hi auevrser. lan.oii. ullv enter
ing. I will neither a. nice. noi..ui nor d i
thli.g that they may loe life ,,r mem
ber or Ihlt their petsonx mav be seized
or hand la anie laid upon them er
any lojurl.-a ottered ., ihem uiol. r any
ptetence w liaison, , 'j h ,,,-1 with
which they shall iiniut m by tnm
wlvr. their nipeliKl ot letleia a, III
not knowingly reveal to any, (, (Ueir
pie ni.l ice I will Help i hem to il. fend ana
keep the Roman papacy and Ihe royalties
or St. Peter attains! all men. The Ik
Kate nt the apostolic see. going and toni
Ing. I will honorably treat and help in
Ins lea, 'I he rlshl. hunor privi
leges and authority of the Holy Roman
church of our lord, the poie, and ht
al.oes.Od sucoossora. I wilt endeavur to
preserve, defend, Increase ami advunce.
I will not be in any counsel, action or
treaty, in which shall be plotted ugjln.-t
our an Id lord and Koitmn church, anv
thlng to the hurt or prejudice of (heir
persons, right, honor, stale or power,
and, If I shall know any such thing ta
be treated or ugltutrd bv any whatso
ever, 1 will hinder It to my utmost, and
u oon as 1 can. I will siunlfy It to our
bird. The ordinance und inundates ef the
pupa, I will observe with all my might
and cause to be observed by olher.
'Heretics, schismatics and iebel teToitr
said lord or his successor, I will to my
utmost persecute und oppose.
"Herellc, m hiHiuutleoM et tehelles eld
em Homlno nnstro vel iicceiaoribu pre
dictia pro posse perseijuar el oppusntbo."
"I will come to a council when 1 am
culled, 1 will visit the threshold of lb
"f awear by almighty Clod, by all In
heaven and earth, by tho holy piuyar
book of my holy church, by the blessed
Virgin Murv mother of Uod. by her Bor
row and grief at the cross, by her tears
and walling, by the holy apostles St.
Peter and Paul, by the glorious apostle
of lreland-St. Putrlck by (he blessed
and holy church of ull ugos, by the holy
national msrtyrs, to tight upon the Irish
oil, to fight for the Independence of lie
land to tight until 1 die, wading In the
red gore of the Sassenach I I'rotostunt)
for the glorious cause uf nationality; to
tight until nol a single vestige, (rack or
footstep, la left to tell that the holy soil
of Ireland was ever trodden by the Base
enach tyrants and murderers; and. n.oie
over, when the Protestant robber and
brutes In Ireland shall be miudered and
driven Into the sea like the swine our
Lord Jesus Christ caused to lie drowned,
then we shall embark for, and take Kng
land, and root out every vestige of the
accursed blood of the heretic adulterer,
Henry VI 11., and posses out salves of the
beusts who have so long kept our Island
of saints Old Ireland in the chain of
bondage, driven us from her shores, ex
iles into foreign lands. 1 will wade In tile
blood of Orangemen and heretic (Pro
testants) who iia not Join u und become
Scotland too, having given aid and suc
cor to the beast, we rhull live in h 'r gore.
We shall not give up until we have re
stored our holy fuitli all over the Hr t sii
To nil of this I sincerely nnd eonselen
tously swear with my eves blinded, nut
knowing who to me administers ihl-i oath.
apostles every three years and give an
account of our lord of all my pastoral
oflice and of the things belonging to my
diocese, to the discipline ol my clergy
and people. I will In like manner humbly
receive and diligently execute the apost
olic commands, if I am detained by a
lawful Impediment. 1 will pcrtnim I ho
aforesaid by a member of my ihapier or
a priest of my diocese, fully I list no ted in
all (hings above mentioned. The pusi-eg-slons
belonging lo my table, I will neither
sell nor otherwise allenute without con
sulting the nomad pimiin svi oeip n,
Uod and these holy gospels of Ood."
Sent to the Romish Manager.
rniKsrs oath.
-, now In the presence of
Almighty Cod, the blessed Virgin Mary.
the blessed Michael the Archangel the
blessed 1st. John the Hiiptlsl 1 h Ibilv
Apostles St. I'eter and jSt. I'.inl and the
Kulnts and the rlacred Hosts Hav.-ii.
and to you, my lord, I do declare from
my heart, without mental reservation
that Hie jinpe Iri I'll! 1st s vie, i r general
and is the true and only heul or the uili
veisiil church throughout the earth, and
that, by virtue of the keys id binding
and loosing given lo his ho lues bv jesus
Christ he has power to ib-p s
kings, primes, states, common, a t lis and
governments, nil being lne.u wnn.ui nit
sacred conllrmation.' and that they may
safely be destroyed. Thefejore. lo the
utmost of my power. I will defend this
dor-trine and his holiness' r. kilts ,.nl cus
tom against nil usurpers ol lhe 1'n teo
Hiit authority whatsoever, especially
against the now pretended author ty and
chinch In Kngland and all adherents, in
regard that they be usurpal und heretical,
opposing the sucred mother of ih- ihurch
of Home.
"I do denounce and disown anv allegi
ance us due to any I'rotestaiit king,
prince or state or obedience to any of
their Inferior otticers. 1 do further de
clare the doctrine of the church o Kng
land. of the Ciilvanists. Huguenot and
other l'rotestaiits. to lie damnable and
those lo be damned who will not for
sake the same.
I do further declare that I will h ip.
assist and advise all or any of his holi
ness' agents In any place wherever I
shall be, and to do my utmost to extlr
inite the Protestant doctrine and to des
troy ull their preiende.i jioer. regal or
otherwise. 1 do further piomise and de
clare that, notwithstanding 1 may he ier
initted by dispensation to assume any
heretical religion i Protestant denomina
tions! for the propagation of the mother
church's Interest, to keep secret and pri
vate all her agents' counsels as they en
trust me. and not ta divulge, directly or
Indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum
stances whatsoever, but to execute all
which shall be proposed, given in charge
or discovered unto me by you, my most
reverend lord and bishop.
"All of which i, . do swear by
the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacra
ment which 1 am aliout to receive to
..r.,rr.. mi mv imrt to keep inviolably.
and do call on all the Heavenly a: a Glori
ous Host of Heaven to witness my iwi
intentions to keep this my oath.
"In testimony whereof 1 take this most
holy and blessed Sacrament of the Euch
arist, and witness the same further with
my consecrated hand, in the presence of
my holy bishop and nil the priests who
assist him In my ordination to the priest
The folllowlng is the oath taken by the
members of that famous Romish Catho
lic society:
"I (name In full! do solemnly swear In
the presence of Almighty Ood. that I wdl
labor while life is left in me to establish
and defend a republican form of govern
ment In Ireland: 'hat 1 will keen secret
the narnes snd everv thing connected with
the Irish brotherhood from nil not en
titled to know such secrets; that 1 will
obey snd comply with the constitution
nnd laws of the same, that I will pre
serve the funds of this order for the
cause of Irish revolution alone, as ppecl
fld In the constitution: that I will deem
It my special duty end mission to pro
mote and foster sentiments of the union,
brotherlv love, nationality, among all
Irlsti. 1 take this obligation without any
mental reservation, holding the t-ame for
ever binding upon me. and that any vio
lation thereof, or desertion of my duty to
the brotherhood is infamous, anl merits
(he severest punishment, so he:p me
GThls oath the candidate l-i ab'-ired to
keep at the h.icnrd of h-s life. It rfs
printed In the Chics go Tntec c-an a
was sworn to be correct at Se Crotuu
trial. It wn reported by salt, psper No
vember 17.' l. Priests snd bsho act
srchapls1" tor this hoi (T) order, .
Sllll I nKfd
i'AKl3. Jan. ri. -Muring the dcbl
la lhe Chamber of lieputies todsy am
tha estimates of the depart ment tat
public worship M. Herald, ilenotine4
the daggers of clericalism."
The BreiniVr. M. Mellne. derltr4
there was no k round for such fa
ourlanlnc. he denied the governi
was contposed of clerical, or that M
wan. under iontiflial direction, addlag
that the so called clerical peril wmm
ontv put forward to divert altenl!m
front tha socialist ami revolution!-?
F Minister Cohlct then moved tk
separation of the church and st4tn
which i ..efcateil by jH9 to 192 votanV
Several mcmhera denounced the lntar
ferenreof Chief Itaiihl .uddiu kanaa re) lOslerlnzr affair, whereupon tC
Mellaril replied that If the chief rabal
hail ncted Improperly he could ba da
pilve.I of his salary.
M ile Mnhy railed attention to tan)
propAganrtn of Kngllsh and Hermans
pastor In ? srlotis purl of France, 4a
iioiHicliig them amid applause an)
"splei" and a being a veritable parti
to t lift existence of the fatherland."
The estimate, were then adopted.
M. Dutrlcx moved the denunciation
of tha concordat (or understanding b
(weerj the Frencft government and Uva)
Vatican). The motion was defeat
by n vote of 318 to 171.
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