THE AMERICAN. THE AMERICAN rVRUSHEU WEKKLY. RirnoN KATES' 2 00 Pauk Kraft tith Ant KKlt AN K.HUH INO TO r'uMiKtiiw, I til (V HawarJ ttrt, Omaha Nt. JOHN C THOMPSON, - - - KUlfcw. W. C. KELLKY, - Han"" Mnarr OMAHA. NEH, AI KIL lft. l TO THE PUBLIC. THE AXMUCAN not lb orgaa of mi y swl. ordrr. aMM'Utloa. party clique. .actVa or dlvUiua t lbs population uf talagraad KpuWlC and ropudlatra aad brand at f . I all claim of chart that It I such. ! au claim f charge ba made by any itrraoa or persons whom soever. , TUB AMtCRlOAN li a newspaper of general clrculalt. taint to and balm raad by people of all religious bellefe and political amllatlfna; by tna whlta and tba black, ntlvw-bora and tnn naturalised, lh Jew and the Oentlle. tba Pruteetant and Ui Uoruan Catholic. TnU claim can waauuatnatlated la any court of Justlcant any Uine. AaliRICAN POBLlSMINa CO.. $, tout e. mmro. . Hurrah for Lee. Billj Mason It In the hearts of the common people. What this country needs li ft man to tba presidential chair. McKlnley'i message eulted the men who elected bio but not the men who voted 'or him. Home U paving the way so m to be Able to clalsn that Queen Victoria died a Roman Catholic Hanna and Klklna are at great a menace to a Republican, popular, form of government at the pope of Rome. This government baa debt enough of iu own without becoming the endorser for Cuba or any other country for WOO, 000,000. :. Hat our national honor become to tarnished that money can atone for In tuit, pay for virtue and aettle for the lossolllfe? Why should McKlnley and Congrett make the Cubant pay 1400,000 000 or any other turn for tbelr freedom when they have won tt with the aword? One of our friendt hat hastened to call our attention to the tact that the word "froie" under the out laat week waa cot good English. True, true; but gocd Americans understood it. Those pamphlets which Rev. J. A Lansing of Cambridge, Mass., offers to send for ten cents are sent to your ad dress absolutely free of any other cost You had better avail yourself of his exceedingly liberal offer. Who ever beard of any other patriotic publisher offering 430 pages of the most choice and valuable of his publications for a silver dime? We tell you frankly that it is a bargain, and one that may never be offered again. One of the men appointed by the board of fire and police commissioners last Monday night was A. A. Keysor Keysor's record is as bad as Ormsby's We once read the sworn statement of a poor but respectable woman of this city to the effect that Keysor told her be would give her 950.00 if she would al low him to have illicit carnal inter course with her sixteen-year-old daugh ter. Such a rascal as that Is a tine character to clothe with police powers when our city Is to be filled with young and inexperienced girls from the ooun try. If our country fails to chastise Spain for the murder of the officers and men of the Maine, how can Its officers expect any American mother te teach her son that be should be ready to give hit life in defense of the nation? If our boys are to offer their lives to uphold the dignity and honor of this nation at any and all times it should be with the dis tinct understanding that the life of every other citizen of the republic it ready to be offered in their country's be half in case they should fall. No sum of money, however fabulous, could com pensate us for the loss of our son, and no amount of money can satisfy the pa rents whose boys were slain through the damnable treachery of the Roman Catholio Spaniards who blew up our battleship in the harbor of Havana the 15th day of last February. To atk for money would be a greater insult than that which we have already been called upon to endure. Nothing but blood can heal the wound or wipe out the In .it, There should be war. SEAT OF IRR1LICION. The time U coming, aad the sooorr (he better, when lu will be fnlrly and squarvly julnod lvlwtn the rral frleods of religion and the p-orooUrs of irre llgloo in lhee United S at. La l week tbe U. S. House of Jtrpreaenta tlves Mured to author! te ibe Secret try of War to build chapel on too govern ment reservation: and an Injunction was granted In tbe District of Columbia agamtt paying the leading hospital In that city for public services, b -cause 1 is under the rare of tbe Slaters of Charity! If our constitutions and laws do not ready make It clear enough that re ligion U to have tbe same rights as lr- religion, and Catholicity the same rights as sectarianism, the sooner their provisions to this effect are made effec- ve and unmistakable the more cbsnce there will be of saving our country from tbe abyst of worse than pagan corruption Into which it Is falling. At present Irreilglon I. la the saddle and is growing bolder and bolder every day. Tbe seat of this Irreilglon It io the Masonic sect, which honey com Ds the separated portions of the commun ity. Through It secularism It always able to use Protestantism to pull lu chestnuU out of the fire. Church Pro gress. Yet the Masons In Congress voted for bill giving tbe Roman church a priv ilege which we believe the Constitution positively prohibits the building of church edifices on government land, thereby establishing religion. The Senate should promptly defeat the bill. If there are Protestant chapelt or houses of worship now standing on gov ernment ground, the denomination own ing, using or occupying tbe same should promptly remove them, and thereby oc cupy the same position relative to a viol ation of the Constitution by erecting re ligious houses on government land that all denominations except the Roman Catholio take relative to the appropri ation of publio money for the support and maintenance of sectarian Indian schools. Should any denomination fall to do this the Secretary of War should promptly order, the removal of all tucb sectarian houses from government land and those not removed within a stated periol should escheat to tbe govern' ment. Tbe American people do not want a union of church and state. They will repudiate any party that makes such union possible. That was a fine batch of American citizens which the board of fire and po lioe appointed as patrolmen last Mon day night. With the exception of two or three Rome hat her trade mark on them all. Even Tom Ormsby was among the chosen, and every man in Omaha knows what character of man he It They will remember him at the ser geant who, when his fellow Hibernians were trying to break into a hall where Council No. 1 of the A. P. A. was meet lng, said, when repairing to the scene with a squsd of police, "if there's to be any shooting, I'll shoot Into tnelr d- hall." This It fine protection the Ore and police board are giving the Protestants of this community! And Ormsby's sentiment finds a responsive chord in every Roman heart, and would find speedy and terrible expression if this government went to war with Ro man Catholic Spain, and were the pope to hint to them, as be has already done to the Romanists of Europe, that he "would not fail to use his influence WHERE THE OCCASION OFFKR9, in Or der that the legitimate wishes of the Spanish government may be REALIZED and THE PRESTIGE OF THE NOBLE CATHOLIC NATION betjn impaired." Protestants should now prepare to protect themselves. "Trust in God and keep your powder dry," would be a good motto. Our brother has written us that the Romans are all shouting for war with Spain, and that it is his opinion that if hostilities commence the Romans will enlist to a man In order to disprove the standing charge that they are disloyal to all government except that of the pope. We see he is not up on Roman tactics. The pope's army in this coun try had not, up to the hour that he wrote bis letter, the least idea that there would be war; consequently they were ready to jump into tbe breach and make a display of their loyalty It Is the worst kind of nonsense to say that tbey would be permitted to help deprive the godson of the pope of one of hit dependenolea. They would toon be told the interests of tbe church were an closely connected with the In terests of Spain that it they could not support bis oo tbey certainly should not do anything agalnt him. Thea, if they bad enlisted, they would derert lik rats from a sicking ship. Their record of 2 per cent In tbe lite war would tot be a n arker! They can't be trusU d Don't forget tbt The Colorado Catholic thinks It l about time for the A. P. A.t to tteal away to Canada. If too editor of tht paper will permit us to make a predic tion we will stats that the A. P A.s will be upholding tbe Stars and Stripes when his co religionists will be desert ing those colors la obedience to the commands of their Irish ecclesiastical superiors, If there is war between the United States and Spain; that the A.A P. A.s will be found defending the life of the president and hit advisers when the co-rellglooisU of tbe editor of that paper are skulking about the nation's oapltal waiting for a chance to assass inate them; that tbe A. P. A.'t will be nursing woundt la front, received la defense of the nation's honor, while the oo-rellglonlsts of that editor are hiding In Roman Catholio convents, not only in the United States, but In Canada and Mexico, even in tbe Vatican, tbe borne of the pope, as did John H. Sur- ratt, who was tried for complicity In the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The A. P. A.t do not boast of tbelr loyalty; they let their acts speak. They have just had a city election in Chicago and, walle the A. P. A. is dead, very dead, It teems to have been an lssus in the campaigr. We draw this conclusion from the following cir cular which was placed in the handt of every Romanist in the Eighth ward: Attention! To the voters of the 8th ward. The A. P. A's. are holding private meetings and advocating their cause to defeat the only catholio candi date for alderman, Frank Sevclk. Gentlemen if be la to be defeated be- cause he Is a catholic, he It willing to suffer defeat. So we ask you to oast partylsm aside, and do all you can to defeat the cause of the A. P. A'a and their bigotry. Jamea O'Brien, chair mancommittee." We are pleased to be able to state that Mr. Sevclk was de feated. He received a little lees than one-seventh of the vote past. Be polled 641 votes, Slman, 1,839 and Novak, ,407. We have concluded that there are some things that are more dead than the A. P. A., and Mr. O'Brien, his committee and his candidate are tome of the things. Probably tome of our readers knew Daniel Le Geyt who workxd for the U. P. railway several years and who died in this city about three years ago. It they do they will be Interested in learn ing that his wife has just escaped from Roman Catholio institution In St. Louis, where the wat confined against her will. Why she was confined there and why she was not allowed to see her friends can be inferred from the fact that she it worth $30,000. She has been stopping with friends since her return to this city, among the number being Mrs. Euclid Martin, wife of our postmaster. Her other friends, among whom she numbers such well-known people as Mr. Fred Montmorency, Mrs Fonda, Mrs. Kelby, Mrs. Martin and others equally as prominent, are quite Indignant at the way she has been treated by the Romans. When this country had a grievance against Spain's aubject and ber Indian wards In Florida nearly a century ago, Jackson, commanding the army In the south, wrote the authorities at Wash ington an account of the outrages and, without waiting for Instructions, drove out the Spaniards, took possession of their forts, ran up the Stars and Stripes and then waited for the diplomats to settle the controversy. A little of the Jackeonlan vigor would be a good thing to inject into the present admin istratlon. Let us whip Spain, then, if she wants to apologize for her outrage- out cruelty and treachery of five bun dred years, we will decide whether it is couched in proper diplomatic language We could write a lot of mean things about tbe president's message, but we won't We are for the government, right or wrong. If It's wrong we will help right it. That should be the atti tude of every patriot. It ia our judg meat that bo money was used to secure the delay! or tha modification of the melange, which have wrought up tbe people. McK nle)'a rtcord is not that of a boodler. NeliLet is It tbe record of a financially dULooet man. For that reaaoa a different motive must te sought. It might be found la bis loy ally to his friends, or in fear of erronal pb) ileal violence. Hut It nutter not what the reason, co.bicg we caa ay would briug back tbe time ttal t as bseu consumed In useiis nego'.ia lions. For that reasoo, looking beyond wbat is visible to tbe naked eye, and seting over and ahove McKlthy the sacred folds of our national erublea we say stand by it, whether you like the atti tude of tbe chief executive or not. Nick Darga.zkkl, Bishop Scsnnell't rlghtbaod man among tbe Poles In the Seventh ward, was appointed by the Are and police commissioners to a posi tion on tbe pjllce foice. Unless we are mistaken he is one of the follows who backed up tbe g ng who made a mur derous assault on Rev. Kmln.-kl a re formed Roman priest tome three yeara ago. Ia that scrimmage the ex priest came out uoscratched, but tbe church and adjoining lota were cov ered with his wounded and dying as sailants, among the most seriously wounded being Dargactwskl's brother. A man who connives at or participates lo riots because some other man differs with him in religion ia not a fit person to invest with police power. For the third time SelineClewett has been deprived of a verdict for damages against the House of the G.od Shep hei d at St. Paul through the disagree ment of tbe jury on which Roman Catholics were permitted to tit. A judge who will permit men to tit at jurors In a case In which they have a personal Interest ought to be Impeached if such a thing can be done. All true Roman Catholics are personally inter ested In every suit brought against any person or institution acting under the authority of the Roman church. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan nary 28, containing the exposure of Rome t plot to take this country by the tword. Ten for SO cent; fifty for 91.2a; 100 for 92. ; 600 for 97.50; 1.000 for 910. Hare you aent any of that num ber to your friends T Ton should! They should not aleep longer. Honesty. I think there are few people who want war with Spain, unless it is for the best interests of all concerned. And while the Roman Catholio church does not want war with Spain because Spain it a Roman Catholic country and it doing ail she can to prevent tbe United States from having war with that country (she would prefer England) this church, which has a certain influ' efice with the secular press, is shouting all the time about the men ia Wall street stopping tbe war. If the Roman Catholio church could get out of an at mosphere where there is continual ly lng and deception she would be like a fish out of water. If she were id see honesty and truth walk into one of her places where she had convened her faithful the pope's own would all faint dead away. Kdnrnta Tour Bow eu With Cancareta. Candy Cathartic, aura constipation forever. wa, ate. If C O n r "ist ref un refund money An American Answer. The text of the pope's message ca bled to President McKlnley is given in a dispatch from Rome as follows: "As the head of the religion of fra ternity, I will solicit Spain to grant an armistice In the name of humanity. pray you, pending the result of this step, to deign t3 suspend all extreme measures." A correspondent obtained at the Vat ican the text of the president's reply, in the following words: "An armistice is a question which concerns Spain and Cuba alone. But between Spain and the United StateB another question is pending, and I must receive a distinctly submissive and con dilatory answer from Spain." Chicago Journal, April 8. THE OPIUM AND MORPHINE HABIT. " Wbat We May Do to be Saved" is a little book, giving run particular! 01 a renaoie cure, r Dr. J. I Stephens, Dept. B.,Lebanon Took the Right Track. Some time ago a friend at North Platte sent us the following item taken from the Tribune of that city: We learn that Father Healy has asked all Catholics who are members of the, Y. M. C. A. to hand in their membership cards to the secretary and not to frequent the rooms in the future The request it being aomplled with but ANDY CURE CONSTIPATION 10 i 23 SO ABSOLUTELY CDAEAITEED t?ZZXZ7" -i fteaaS awkMIW. S4. KTrKLIIO Mllul not wl bo it protest on the part of oae of tbe persons tffecttd. Father Ha'y sajs that inasmuch as tha Y. M. C A. is a Protestant institution ar.d that there Is such a wide difference between tbe Catholic and Prote tanl churches It Is not best that members of the f irmer should affiliate too closely with tbe institutions of tbe latter. Ho-To-Km for rirty Oata. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak eiea airoo-. bioo4 pure hue. ai All drutsista A lap or the United Mate. Tbe new wall map iisued by tbe Bur lington Route It three feet four inches wide by four feet long; is printed in six colors; is mounted on rollers; shows every state, oountv, important ton and railroad In the Union, and forms a very desirable and useful adjunct to any household or business establish ment. Purchased in lots of 5,000 the maps cost the Burlington Route nearly 20 cents apiece, but on tbe receipt of lf cents in stamps or coin tbe under signed will be pleased to send you one. Write Immediately, as tbe supply it limiU'd. J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. The only offer to furnish patriotic ll'erature at a figure less than cost which we hive ever received comes from Rev. J. A. Lansing of Cambridge, Mass. Rev. Lansing has ltsued hun dreds of thousands of pamphlets of 32 pages each, of which be bat about 5,000 still on hand, and as he is going to Europe he offers to send to each of our subscribers, who will send him a silver dime, 2 pamphlets of 32 pages each The pamphlets are the best anti-Roman llteratuie ever issued, and we advise you to take advantage of this offer Address Rev. J. A. Lansing, 1034 Main ave., Cambridge, Mass. , Darlight Train te Cbicage. Beginning Monday, February ,7th, the Northwestern Line placed in ser vice a DAYLIGHT TRAIN TO CHICAGO, leavine Omaha 7:00 a. m., Council Bluffs 7:25 a. m., and arriving in Chi cago 5:45' p. m., making connections wfth evening trains for all points east. Dining cars serve all meals. Tbe afternoon limited trains at 4:4o and 6:30 arriving Chicago next morning at 7:45 and 0:30 a. m., respectively, still remain in service. City ticket office 1401 Farnam St. met toe Smooth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are to smooth and the cars furnished to complete that you can imagine your self In your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok lng Cars as they pass through Omaha every morning To Tare Conitipatlnn forever. Take Otgcareta Candv Cuthnrtlc. 10c or!S& tf C. C. C. fall to cure. druKXists rrftind money Have you read Rev. Kostelo's great exposure of the RomanCo nfessional. We sell It. Price 50 cents. Most sen- sstlonal-book ever published. Trans lations from Den, Ligourl, Kenrick and St. Thomas. Only 50 cents W. A. 8AUNDEKS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg SHERIFF'S 8ALK. By virtue or an order of sale lasued out of tbe district court for Douglas county, Nebraska and to me directed. 1 will, on tbe 10th day cf May. A. D. 1898. at ten o'clock A. m. of aald day, at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed In said order of sale as follows, to- It: Lot four m. block three hundred and six teen (816) In the original plat of tbe city of Omaha, as aurveyea, piattea ana recoraea and all telng situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska, Said oronerty to oe som to satisfy Harry J. Twlntlng. plaintiff herein, the sum of Fifty six and 78-100 (S5S.78) collars judgment, with interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 37, 1807, to gether with an attorney's fee of five and 67-100 (15 87) dollars which said amounts are a nrst lien upon sam above a escribed prop erty. To satisfy the further sum of sixteen and 60-100 (116.60) dollars costs herein, to gether with accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, state of Nebraska at Its September term, A. I)., 1897. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Hurry 3. Twlnting Is plaintiff and The Amer ican National Bask of Omaha, Nebraska, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States, Samuel S. Curtis and Kite Bird Curtis are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, April 8tb. 1898. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. w. A, saunaers, attorney. Twlnting vs. Am. Nat. Bank et. al. Doc. 61 . No. 229. Ex. 1, P. 242. 4-8-5 Notice of Administration. In tbe county court of Douglas coun y, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Edward J.Don ecken, deceased: All persons Interested in sa'd estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and rraylni for ad ministration upon bis estate, and that If tbey fall to anoear at said Court on the 25th day of April, at S o'clock A. H., to contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said eHate to Augustus H. Donee ken or soma other suitable person aad proceed to a settlement taersol. ibvimo r. haitkh, t'ouaty Judg CATHARTIC . ,i SVi ("A Ail ALL DRUGGISTS .. f Sk a. orL f aa.. atV If. THE GREAT HISTORICAL REVIEW. Current History, An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine. DEVOTED TO RECORDING IMPORTANT EVENTS, PRO GRESS AND GROWTH IN ALL, COUNTRIES Or THE WORLD. In Its Field Current His tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted.c""S O magazine fer a genu to handle. It appeals to intelligent people. Aaarewa NEW ENGLAND PUBLISH'G CO., ' 3 SOMERSET STREET. BOSTON, MAS 8. Our Boolj Catalogue. ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. "FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME," by Rev. Chas Chlnl quy; cloth, $2.00. "THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by Rev. Chas. Chiniquy; cloth, 1.00. "CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED," by Edith O'Gorman; cloth, $1.00 "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM. WHICH?" by J. T. Christian; cloth, $1.00. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," by Rev. J. O. White; cloth, $1.25. ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by Rev. Guinees; cloth, $LW.' ROMANISM AND THE REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lansing, $L0) REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNamara; paper, 26c. HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R. L. Kostello; paper, Sea. SECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Rev. T. E. Leyden; paper, 30c SECRET CONFESSION TO A PRIBST by Rev. T. E. Leyden; paper, 30c. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORL . Contains latest information st maps of Cuba and the Klondike Gold Region; paper, 50c. IF CHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; paper, We. ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA? 4 Tota.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK, by Dr. E. B. Foote; cloth, $2.00. AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, $ vols.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK, OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foote; cloth. Popular Edition, $1.B0. ' PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF TUB WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; cloth, $i.6o. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? by Mm A. V. Swetland, M. D.; cloth, $1.H. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 75. LIFE OF JAMES G. BLAINE; Buck ram Cloth. $1.50. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? Pr- ular Edition; paper, 60c. ' c ' Tha above are aome of the beat st moat popular publications, and the) cloth bound books will be an iiinsina in any library. Sent on receipt f price. Addreaa, Cut Price Book Store, 1615 Howard St., OMAHA, NEB. PAGE COILED SPRING WOVEN WIRE FENCE and GATES for Farm Park and Lawn. r. j.rL: - - r ri sst w i .-I. rMj.-.-Trr-. OMAHA OFFICE: 33 Dc uglas Block, M. H. ISH, AGT- Mention this paper when writing. ' Te ttore CwMtlpaMon far. Take Cam srsui ,.:) v Cathartic.- Msortfe II C. C. C. fail tesure, druggists retnad avasS