THE AMERICAN. self. No doubt the old man felt a lively sympathy for the young priest; but then he was a priest, and with him would finish the line of llcunepout; and this immense fortuu. accumulated with so Uut of all my. fortune, tltere remains to ine a I sum of fifty thousand crowns, deposited in a I friend's hands. I have no longer a son; but 1 have numerous sum of liftv thousand crowns, divided between littl e. II much labor, would either be again distributed, or relations, exiled in various parts of Europe. This employed otherwise than the testator had desired. The dill'erent actors in this scene were stauding rouud the table. As they were about to seat themselves, at the iuvitation of the notary, Samuel pointed to the register bond in black shagreen, aud said: " I was ordered, sir, to deposit here this register. It is locked I will deliver up the key, immediately after reading of the will." " This course is, in fact, directed by the note which accompanies the will," raid M. Dumesnil, "as it was deposited, in the year 1082, in the hands of Master Thomas Le Semelier, king's counsel, and notary of the Chatelet of Faris, then living at No. 13, Plate Royale." So saying, M. Dumesnil drew from a portfolio of red morocco a large parchment envelope, grown yellow with time; to this envelope was annexed, by a silken thread, a note also upon vellum. "Gentlemen," said the notary, "if you please to sit down, I will read the subjoined note, to regulate the formalities at the opening of the will." The notary, Rodin, Father d'Aigrigny, and Gabriel, took seats. The young priest, having his back tuned to the fireplace, could not see the two portraits. In spite of the notary's invitation, Samuel remained standing behind the chair of J hat functionary, who read as follows: ."'On the 10th February, 1832, my will shall be carried to No. 3, in the Rue Saint-Francois. "At ten o clock precisely, tne uoor oi tiie re( room shall be opened to my heirs, who will no dolbt have arrived long before at Paris, in an ticipation of this day, and will have no time to establish their line of descent. "'As soon as they are assembled, the will sha be read, and, at tbe last stroke o! noon, the in heritance shall be finally settled in favor of those of my kindred, who, according to my recom mendation (preserved, I hope, by tradition in my family, during a century-and a half), shall pre sent themselves in person, and not by agents before twelve o'clock, on thelSth of February, in the Rue Saint-Francois.'" Having read these words in a sonorous voice the notary stopped an instant, and resumed, in a solemn tone: ' M. Gabriel Francois Marie de Rennepont, priest, having established, by lega documents, ins descent on the lather s side, and his relationship to the testator, and being at this the only one of the descendants of the Rennepont family here present, I open the testament in his presence, as has been ordered." So saying, the notary drew from its envelope the will, which had been previously opened by tie President of the Tribunal, with the formali lies required by law. Father d'Aigrigny leaned forward, and resting his elbow on the table seemed to pant lor breath, uabriel prepared himself to listen with more curiosity than inter est. Rodin was seated at some distance from the table, with his old hat between his knees, in the bottom of which, half hidden by the folds of a shabby blue cotton handkerchief, he had placed his watch. The attention of the socius was di vided between the least noise from without, and the slow evolution of the hands of the watch winch lie louoweu with his imie, wratniui eye as if hastening their progress, so great was his impatience for the hour noon. The notary, unfolding the sheet of parchment read what follows, in the midst of profound atten tion. Ilanieau de Villetai euse, " 'February 13th, 1082. "'I am about to escape, by death, from tbe dis grace of the galleys, to which the implacable enemies of my family have caused me to be con demned as a relapsed heretic. Moreover, life is too buter for me since the death of my son, the victim of a mysterious crime. At nineteen years of age poor Henry! and his murderers unknown no, not unknown if I may trust my presentiments. To preserve my fortune for my son, I had feigned to abjure the Protestant faith. As long as that beloved boy lived, I scrupulously kept up Catholic appearances. The imposture revolted me, but the interest of my son was concerned. When they killed him, this deceit became in supportable to me. I was watched, accused, and condemned as relapsed. My property has been confiscated, and I am sentenced to the galleys. 'Tis a terrible time we live in! Misery and servitude! sanguinary despotism and religious in tolerance! Oh, it is sweet to abandon lifel sweet to,rest, and see no more such evils and such sor rows! In a few hours, I shall enjoy that rest. I shall die. Let me think of those who will survive or rather, of those who will live perhaps in betier times. . . USE . . SAWYERSCELEBR . TED SOAP Ack your Gwr Ut It an 1 If ho does Dot hate It. I t'T OUT thU ilrL mm l tod have him r!r It for you We manufacture, the ( Howing b'audt Sawyer's Pure Family Soap Floating soap. Pure Castite Soap FRIEND ' FOR SALE BY SAWYER & FRY ISO Steuben St., west (no. PiTTftmianu pa them, would profit each of them verv have disposed of it differently. T 1 i . a m in mis i nave loiioweu tne wise counsels oi a man, w hom 1 venerate as the image of God on earth, for his intelligence, wisdom, and goodness are almost divine. Twice in the course of my life have I seen this man, under very fatal circumstances twice have I owed him saletv, once of the soul, once of the b dy. 4 111 . t Aias. ne migni perhaps have saved niv poor child, but lie came too late too late! Before he left me, he wished to divert me from the intention of dying for he knew all. Rut his voice was powerless. My grief, my regret, my discouragement, were too much for him. ii is strange: wnen lie was convinced of my resolution to finish my days by violence, some words of terrible bitterness escaped him, making me believe that he envied me my fate niv death! Is he perhaps condemned to live? 1 es; he has, no doubt, condemned himself to be useful to humanity, and vet life is heavy on him, for I heard him repeat one day, with an ex pression of cespair and weariness that I have never forgotten: 1 Life! life! who will deliver me from it?' Is life then so very burdensome to him? lie is gone. His last words have made me look for my departure with serenity. Thanks to him, my death shall not be without fruit 1 hanks to hun, these lines, written at this moment by a man who, in a few hours, will have ceased to live, may perhaps be the parents of great things a century and a half hence yes! great and noble things; if my hist will is piouslv followed by my descendants, for it is to them that I here address myself. That they may understand and appreciate this last will which I commend to tbe unborn, who I IWI v-U o v- HTckilz-vv 1(r luoi oiicbii u i auui to A Map of the United States tKND in 15 rents in staiiij, ami I will mail you a mn of the United Stateti, three l't four inches wide by ! four leet lent;. Printed in wi colors. J Mounted on rollers. Shows every Ktate, county important town and railroad in the United States. J. KKANCIP, General Fntweni-er Agent, unmlia, Nub. JOHN M. DALEY, dwell in the future whither I am hastening they must know the persecutors of my family and avenge their ancestor, but with a noble ven geance. My grandfather was a Catholic. , Induced by perfidious counsels rather than religious zeal, he attached himself, though a layman, to a Society whose power lias always been terrible and mysterious the Society of Jesus " At these words of the testament, Father d'Ai grigny, Ivodin, and uabriel looked involuntarily at eac h other. I he notary, who had not per ceived this action, continued to read: "Aiier some years, during which he had never ceased to piofess the most absolute devotion to this Society, he was suddenly enlitrhtened bv tearful revelations as to the secret ends it pur sued, and the means it employed. litis was in 1610, a month before the assassin ation of Henry IV. My grandfather, terrified at the secret of which he had become the unwilling depository, and win h Avas to be fully explained by the death of the Lett of kings, not only broke with the Society, but, as if Catholicism itself had been answerable for the crimes of its members, he abandoned the Romish religion, in which he hail hitherto lived and bcame a Protestant. Undeniable proofs, attesting the connivance of i . . 1 . . i r i i t mi iwu memoers oi me uompany wiin liavaiuac, a connivance also proved m the case of Jean Chatel, the regicide, were in my grandfather's possession. riiis was the first cause of the violent hatred of the Society for our family. Thank Heaven these papers huve been placed in safety, and if my last will is executed, will be found marked A. m, (j. 1). (.. in the ebonv casket m the hal) of mourning, in the house in the Rue Saint Fran cois. My father was also exposed to these secret per secutions. ll;s ruin, and perhaps his death, would have been the consequence, had it not een for the intervention of an angelic woman, towards whom he felt an almost religious veneration. The portrait of this woman, whom I saw a few years ago, as well as that ot the man whom 1 hold in the greatest reverence, were painted by me from memory, and have been placed iu the red room in the Rue Saint Francois to be gratefully alued, 1 hope, by the descendants of my family.'" I . I 4 4 111 11 r or some moments uaonei nau necome more and more attentive to the reading of this testa ment. He thought within himself by how strange a coincidence one of his ancestors had two cen turies before broken with the Society of Jesus, as ie himself had just done; and that from this rupture, two centuries old, dated also that species of hatred with which the Society of Jesus had always pursued his family. Nor did the young priest find it less strange that this inheritance. transmitted to him after a lapse of a hundred and ntty years from one of his kindred (the victim of the bociety of Jesus), should return by a volun tary act to the coffers of this same society. When the notary read the passage relative to the two portraits, Gabriel, who, like Father d'Aigrieny. sat with his back toward the nirtnrps tnmorl look at them. Hardly had the missionary cast hia eyes on the portrait of the woman, than he uttered a loud cry of surprise, and almost terror. he. notary paused in his readme, and looked un easily at the young priest. Suits Made to Order. Guarantee a perfect fit In all caaei. Clotfa Inir, cleaned dyed and remodeled. 604 N. Kith St., : OMAHA. XER Omaha Express and Delivery Co,, " J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYFORD Seo Trees. Movlnt and light exDresi work at reason- able price lMano moving a specialty Houw hi.lil KoodBitored. Backed and atiluued Carry- alls tor picnic. Office, 410 North 16th Street. Telephone 1203. Lake Linden, Mich., Feb., 21, 1898 Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased; tar beyond my expect itions. yours, JOUN COLLING !Tl r"; i P i ! St' ' " t H t ! i Is Marriage a Failure? 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