THE AMERICAN, tMO and principle Ad- vucated bw thui pe- THE AMERICAN ftWft-ft, "rirTY VK4KH IN THK I limit 11 Or HOMK," arat to anv atiilrcw la U UiuImI HtatM of ;aaaU by auul lut only AO Read CASH with four ortif-r ( ..... oval we hail be our mbwrtpuoa M ERIC AN tor on a good book 0 plrawa The pnc o. year tOKelher v is only . . . . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that all men are Atnerciana who Swear Allegiance to the United Sutra without a mental reservation. PRICK FIVE CENTS. VOLCMK VIII. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AntlL 8, 18U8. NUMltEK 23. I I DEATH TO THE JESUITS Was the Cry Which Echoed Through the Streets of Rome Recently. Pllwe4 By Cries f "Death to the Paper 'T the Glbbett With the Ciorlar f Cardlaeto!" A disp tch from Rome to the Roman Catholic Irish World of New York, contains at account of a demonstration Is the "boly"(?) city which should have a wide circulation, because it ahowi the temper of the Italian popu lation when the pope is In any way con cerned. The dispatch says: To the lasting die grace of the I talian government, on Wtdnesday, I6tb cur rent, a band of rowdies, constituting the rank and file of the liberal, anti-clerical students of the University of the Sa pienza, now a sad misnomer the fear of God and consequently all true wisdom having long since been ban lane d thence to the number of some 400, reinforced by the customary specialists in popular demonstrations thereby swelling the number to about 2,000, were permitted act only with the tacit connivance, but with the manifest protection of the public authorities and lawfully consti tuted powers that be, to parade the streets and squares of the capital of united Italy the honored and pacific abode of the sovereign pontiff, declared equally intangible with King Humbert, by the famous law of the guarantees bearing a wreath of fresh flowers with rich streamers and appropriate lnecrip tion, to be deposited on the statue of Giordano Bruno in Campo del Fiori February 10, his anniversary, as a sol emn protest on the part of the radicals against the presence of the Catholic University students at the papal mass of Sunday last "in homage," remarks the officious Popolo Romans, "to that freedom of conscience the liberal party so loudly invoke in their own behalf, but strenuously deny to all those of con trary opinions." Throughout the duration of this dem onstration the air rang with shouts of "Death to the pope!" "To the gibbet with the Ciociaro of Cardineto!" "Death toprleits!" "Death to the Jesuits! the Clericals!" "The Club of St. Peter!" "Down with the Popt 1" and "Vive Gi ordano Bruuol" This on the eve of the golden jubilee of that national statute, the first article whereof bears:. "The Catholic, apostolic, Roman religion is the religion of the state." No attempt was made by the large police force lin ing the path of the cortege to check this irreverence, nor hinder the hissing and other Insults greeting every priest and ecclesiastic met during the march, their remarkable tolerance having un doubtedly its chitf reason in fear of the cobble stones laid ready for the repay ing of the tquare, wnlch might prove efficient missiles in the hands of an ir ritated, unruly crowd. The wreath being deposited within the arms of the statue of Bruno speeches breathing contumely and insult to religion, t the pope and to the clericals were pro nounced by two students, their elo que nee being finally brought somewhat summarily to a close by the decidedly significant protruding of brooms from some of the windows fronting on the square. The demonstrators thereupon re traced their ateps toward the university breaking some windows of the Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on passing before it, and, reaching their alma mater, closed the day's proceed ings by purchasing and committing to the flames all the procurable copies of clerical journals and displaying from the main entrance the official universi ty flag, duly draped In mournlcg, in honor of Giordano Bruno. The official, officious and liberal organs, as was to be espected, carefully refrain in their respective reports from in any wise acting the derisive shouts mentioned above and characterized the episode as It hte froze there, if not, wlny doe- Vie keep the Nfition in HUHpeone V "most dignified, civilized and highly appropriate, viewing the provocation received." Astrology en Trial. The Chicago Tribune, April 3rd, pub lished the following: Here is an opportunity for everybody to test the claims of astrology and its practitioners. A Chicago astrologer, whose standing among his kind is Irre proachable, says war is certain to break out this week probably tomorrow; that it will be long and serious, and will ever tually involve nearly all the world that, indeed, this is to be the "Battle of Armageddon, " foretold lc Holy Writ. He also says the hour for Cuba's freedom has struck; and adds. by way of good measure, that our new battleship Kearsarge will sink on it first cruise. "Mercury," says he, "is the ruling planet of the United States and is po tent for weal or woe, according to It relation to other planets. Neptune re lates to countries as Mercury doe-to in dividual, and astrologers throughou the country have watched Neptune', transit through Gemini with muct anxiety for this country in general am with especial relation to the cities o London, New York and Chicago. Sa turn and Uranus are now Spain's rullnj signs approaching our opposition V Neptune, and in very close oppositioi to our rising degree, which is probabl. the ninth degree of Gemini. 1 Mars, th planet of war, is in our 'house of got eminent,' in evil aspect to the opposlni planets that are now In the signs rulln, the United States and Spam. Mercury our ruling planet, just enters Taurus the sign ruling our 'house of secret en emies,' and the moon on the 4th o April will be in evil aspect to everj planet. The 4th of April is, therefore, fraught with , dire portents .: for thi country every sign points w the be ginning of the long delayed con 11 lot. "The planets also foretell that the war will not be the sixty-day affair which most people Imagine. Neither will it be a single-handed war between two nations, but will bring into the conflict first one and then another of the European nations. The real power back of it all against the United States will be ecclesiastical; and the essence of the fight will b religious haired. England will be deeply Involved and will be forced to assist the United States. Continental Europe will be against us, and the struggle for su premacy will see some of the hardest aad quickest fighting on record, with calamities following rapidly on each other' footsteps." Now we shall see how trustworthy as guides these same stars are. Cranks. ' The News of Denver has a peculiar streak through it and it looks as if the streak were green. In a comment on the warships being painted black a person could read between the lines and see the position held by the writer. It also claims there are some cranks who are threatening the life of the president, and seems to try to lay the blame upon those who desire to avenge the death of the Maine marines. When the Roman Catholic church tries to cover up its tracks it publishes re ports exactly opposite, as the outlaw who wrote on the black board of a schoo house, "I am going west and the men who follow me will be filled with holes," and then started east. That is the same tactics taken by the Roman Catholic church. Look at Lincoln; and what is said about the one who was with Guitea, who killed Garfield. If there are detectives at wont let them look well to the "cranks" who have Roman Catholic backing. If anything could be done to injure the United States, so that Spain or any other Roman Catholic country could get any advantage over it, it would be done by the "faithful" notwithstanding their protestations to the contrary. Their object is and has been to "down the government," and they will do it if they can do it secretly. Indians have no more "flannel" in their mouths than the political Roman Catholics. They want to put down the schools of the nation and have the nation build their religious institution and if it is not done then threaten to "boycott" those who are running for office. If one million of the fifty million could be used in seoret work to find out who are trying to intimidate the leading offioers of the nation it would be a wise pro vision and then we would know where our danger as a nation originated. The pope and the people of the United States cannot run this government at the same time, A. Wants More Swill. The following Is taken from the Pres byterian of Philadelphia: The ArchbiBhop of Philadelphia, the Rev. P. J. Ryan, D. D., has been before the committee of the Senate of the Uulted States on Indian Affairs to make a plea for the continuance of what is known as "contract schools" among the Indians. The various religious bodies which formerly maintained schools of this kind, and received appropriations from the Government to help defray the cost thereof, have, in later years, declined this aid and assumed the sup port of the schools for themselves. The Home mission Board of the Presbyter ian church said in its last report: "The Indian problem remains still unsolved." The church must continue to provide Christian instruction especially for those Indians who are particularly her wards. To do otherwise would be un christian. Among the various tribes there are ten b)arding and industrial schools, and nine day schools with eighty-six teachers. These schools are supported wholly by the church; no government aid is asked. The Roman Catholic arch bit hop stands on a different ground, and one that is, we believe, antagonistic to the fundamental principle of our Constitu tion, which wholly separates church and state. This principle is, further more, denounced in the journals of the Raman Catholic church as "a mere fetish, a constitutional fiction. ' It is represented as the "shibboleth of sec tariacism" and the 'maintenance of this bugbear" by the authorities of the United States, is styled a "monstrous disgraceful injustice and cruelty." Are the people of the United States ready to abandon a principle wrought into the administration of our national govern ment at its foundation, because men who handle the money of the nation are scattering abroad bitter words, or cajoling congressional committees into forgetfulness or the established rules of our Constitution? We fear, however, that the bland and specious Archbishop will carry his point. It Is said that since his plea has been entered before the Senate committee it has been decided to rec ommend an addition of ten per cent to the appropriation "already voted by the House." This is a monstrous abuse. 1 Uses the nation for one ag gressive sect. It Is an unconstitutional and unjust measure. To Replace the Maine. Starting in a pubfio school in New ark, N. J., March 15, the plan by which another battleship Maine is to be built by contributions of school children has rapidly covered the entire country. Many of the contributors to the fund known very little of how the plan orig inated and to enlighten the western school children the following from the Newark Daily Advertiser is repro duced: The plan to replace the United States steamship Maine by contributions from the children of America originated in the Thirteenth Avenue publlo school. Since the destruction of the Maine the children belonging to the school have been most anxious and iaterested lis teners to and readers of anything per taining to the lost ship and her sad fate. The daily papers have been eagerly scanned, and every available picture of the boat has been seized and brought to school. , Teachers and parents have been un der a continual bombardment of ques tions, and not Infrequently have found that the young people were bett r pested than themselves. Naturally, this feeling reached Its climax among the pupils of the graduating class, and last week it was 'suggested that if all the school children In the United States would contribute a penny each, a large fund might be collected toward a new battleship to replace the Maine. Little heed was given to the idea at first, until it began to grow among the children. Then principal and teachers realised that a g;eat and beautiful les son in patriotism could be developed from the subject if it was properly handled. By this time the enthusiasm of the children knew no bounds. A collection box labeled "Maine" has been fastened in one corner of the room and was be coming rapidly filled with pennies and other coins, and plans were being form ulated for the spreading of the scheme throughout other schools. American Freedom. Let us rejoice in this attempt. Let us try to have America both North and South free from the despot! cos- troll of the httrellcal church called the Roman Catholic. Many things are working for that end and let each of u do our share to have all the countries In South America, Mexico and Cent al Amerli-a breathe the same freedom that we have here. We may nuke al liances with England because that is a Christian country and thy speak the same language we do, but this Is our side of the Atlantlo and let us pull the weeds out of the garden ami keep them out. Tbure la a bad Inflow from Europe, but let morality be taught, the Bible ewt In the schools, and Romanism kept In Its plane until the whole country Is eonqtkHred for liberty. AndaaQieen Victoria said, the cause of the great oea of England was the Bible, let us make the Bible the cause of the great ness of the Americas. If we have it taught, if we have It read by the fam ilies, and read In our schools, the shad ow of papacy will sneak away as night does before the approaching sun. D not forget the watchword, "Liberty for the Americas." U. S. LET. Americans, Attention! "No matter bow great Our superior ity over the power with which we en gage in conflict, the result would be disastrous to this country. Formerly, in regard to war, the only question of Importance was as to the fee without. Our ability to vanquish him was all that was neceisary to be considered. Now, unhappily, In the event of trou ble, the-e may be danger from within as well as without, and domestlo condi tions are such that we should pause a long while before entering a contest with any foreigner. All over the world the sky seems overcast, and mutterlngs of battle are heard in nearly all lands." -Ex-Mlnlster Phelps, Prof, in Yale Law School, as printed in The Tribes. , Bible In Public Schools. Much agitation is being created now by the determination of pome who want the Bible in the puhlU: and iM-trtt schools, to be read "without notu or comment." There is no book Ln tho world the Roman Catholics are more afraid of than the Bible, that they say their church rests upon, if the United State wants this land to be free of that semi-pagan religion, let the Bible be kept ln every school. It is not a sec tarian book. M. U. CRAGIT. Mr. Mij Cubans. Mr. Moody is filled with sorrow, be cause of the distress In Cuba, caused by the Spanish army, and the blessings of the pope. And Mr. Moody does not understand why the pope dees not stop thin work. Mr. Moody does not seem to be fully acquainted with the pope, but we would suggest to the evangelist that Mr. Peccl the pope would be a good subject for him to work on. The sooner he commences on him the better. I. S. FILL. The Lying Romanists. My attMtlon is called to the history compiled by the Roman Catholics and used In certain schools, giving honor to Roman Catholic for what was done by Protestants. This will be done all tho time if our school books are managed by them. The sooner the fight begins between Protestantism and Romanism the better. Let no one rest as there Is a deceiving papist, who prefers to lie than tell the truth. A. It Continues. The pope is doing all in his power to preveat war, and at the same time the Roman Uatholle newspaoer men of the United Slates are pounding Hanna and Wall street over the head,' because they are afraid if there is war their money interests will be injured. If you ever find a Roman Catholic who will not lie bring him to me, and I will make a for tune showing the oddity to the world. For fifty cents w will send you a sojry of the Atlas of the World, con taining th latest and most accural maps of Cuba and th Klondlk coun try, beside a grant deal of useful and valnabl tatomatloa. American Pub. On,