The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 01, 1898, Image 7

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It runs on Van Burea St
directly In front of the -
TIn New
i Chicago,
Rock Island &
TuMn arriving la Cb tears ems, by th
sew Ualua glevaied Loop, ntck at r part of
tbe city; or, for a se cent fare, ess be takes
tsnsnedtately to hi of th large stores la th
owl hwi guinck
All Elevated Trains will atop at tha "Rock
Mead" tetloa. Tralaeevery nlnare.
Treee f artlltlea ran only e offered by th
II you will aand a t cent stamp for poetag
will swell tod atosre ivt bird 'a eye view
rat Chicago. Jus laaued la colon, which
show yoa juat what you waatto kaow about
tnlcago and th aaw lop and Elevated era
teat. Ihia nap you ahould hare whether yon
Use oat of tha city and extect to Coma to It.
or whether j ou lira In Chicago and you of
your mens contemplate making a trip.
t-lM Uvcago
Store Prices
Best describe! the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth 16 00
Best Set Teeth 7 60
Gold Fillings 11.00 ADd up
Silver Fillings t 00
Geld Crowns 6 00
Teeth Extracted 26
Teeth out iu the morning
New Ones Same Day,
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Ykars' Eipkriincb 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an allaa
order of aale Issued out of the District
eoort tor Douglaa county, Nebraska, and to
me directed, I wlll.on the 8th day of March A.
D. UBS. at ten o'clock A. u. of raid day, at the
ABT front door of the county court houie.
In the city of Omaha, Douglaa county Ne
braska, eell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of aale as follows, to-wit:
Lota two (2), II re (5), all (ft) and twenty-two
dS) In bloc, one (1) In South Exchange Place
Addition lo the city of couth Omaha, as sur
eyed, platted and recorded all situated In
Douglaa county, sta'e of Nebraska.
Paid property to be sold to satisfy Jarre
L. Browne, plaintiff herein, the sums as fol
lows, to-wit:
On let two 0), block one (1), above de
eerlbea. the sum of 142.12, together with an
attorney's ee of 14.21.
On lot Ire (5), block one (I), above des
cribed, the sum of M M, together with an
Attorney's fee of 13.80.
On lot s x , block one (1). above des
cribed, the sura of 9J8.0S, together with as
attorney's fee of 13.90.
On lot twenty-two (22). block one (1). above
described, the sum of 136. 5; together with
an attorney's fee of S3 M.
Allot which sums, by the judgment of the
district court, bear in erest thereon (except
ing attorneys' fees), at the rate of ten (10) per
entper annum from May 3rd, 187, and are
rat lien upon said property.
To satisfy the further sum of one hundred
S-1S0 dollars (1100.05) coses herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by the district court of said Dout
las county, at its May term, A. D. 1807.
n a certain action then and there pending,
wherein James L. Browne Is plaintiff, ana
David M. Htuart, atrs. Htuart, first
and real name unknown, his wife, B. W.
Clayton, first and real name unknown,
American Bank and Trust Company of
Woonsocket, South Dakota, a corporation,
treorgla A.OIoud, Wi lls C.Cloud, faerhus-
eana, uenrge w. uervey and Mrs.
Mervey. first and real name unknown, hi.
wife, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, February 4th. 1898.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. Haunders, attorney.
Browne vs. Htuart et al.
Doc. 69: No. 20.
hi.-Doc. Z; Page 108. 2-4-4
Attorney. Merchants National Bank.
By virtue of an order of sals laaued out
wf the district court for Do us; las county,
Nebraska, and to mo directed, I will, on
the XJd day of March, A. D. UK, at ten
O'clock a. to. of said day, at too east front
door of the county court house. In the city
f Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, saTl
at Bubllo auction to the highest bidder for
ease, the property described In said order
fsaJe, as followa, to-wit: Lot Is, block
In Bedford place, an addition to the city
wf Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re
orded. all la Douclaa county, state of Ns
kraakst. Stud property to bo sold to satisfy Wal
ter EL Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of
thirty-two and aVUw (ttrtt) dollars judo
Dent, with Interest theron at rate of ten
410) per cent per annum from February
t. la7;
To satisfy further the sum of $20.01 coats
herein, together with accruing coats, ao
sordine to a decree rendered by the dis
trict court of said Douglas county, at Its
V February term, A. D, US7, In a certain ac
tion then and there pending-, wherein Wai
ter EL Keeler Is plaintiff and Mary Cun
angham and others are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, February 18, 1898.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
mr. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Cunningham, et al.
Docket 67, No. 178.
Six. Docket Z, Pace XV. . t-li-t
fST. LOUIS Joints
Ticket Hfic. !l. E. Corner 13th and Fanra SU.
We have plenty of the Issue of Jan
uary 28, contalninf the exposure of
Rome's plot to take this country by the
sword. Ten for 30 cents: fifty for $1.25;
100 for $2. ; 600 for $7.60; 1.000 for
10. Hare you sent any of that num
ber to your friends? You should! They
should not sleep longer.
The feUewlag are the Serlsraflsos at
principles adopted by the National Ceasa
eal ef the A. P. A. at Vmt MoaWaav
"lssyalty to tree Aaasricsalaaa. whtrh
knows neither birth, place, raoe. oread,
aer party, the Brst requirement tor
WMsnberehlp la the Aaiertoaa PToteoUve
The American Protective Aaeoctetlea
la not a political party, and does aet oe
trot the poUUcal efnlleuee ef Its mem
ber: but it teaches (hem to be tnteesy
active la the discharge of their political
duties la er out of party Unas, beraiue
It beHeves that all probleene euafroauwa
ear people will b bound solid by a eoa
eeteatloua discharge of the duties ef eitt bf eve " InitividusJ.
Wr hlie tole
ail creeda. It holds
that subject!
cal power iu,
leans, and
greater euve
of tbe Lou
with A merle
for oppoeeu
state or I
subject or s
pport to any politi
es by American eit
lalms equal If not
ban the government
e. le Irreconcilable
enshlp. It Is. there
holding ef offices la
government by any
of such eocieslaalioal
i uphold
k Mtnatf tutlAfk nt the
united states ef America and no portion
of It more than Its guarantee of religious
liberty, but we hold this religious liberty
to be guaranteed to the Individual, and
not to mean that under Its protection say
un-American ecclesiastical power can
claim any absolute control over tbe edu
cation of children, growing up under the
stars and stripes.
we consider the non-sectarian free
fiublle school the bulwark of American
natltutlona. the beet place for the edu
cation of American children. To keep
tnem such, we protest asralnst the era
ploy men t of subjects, of any un-Amsrl-can
ecclesiastical power as officers er
learners or our publlo schools.
"We condemn the support out of the
public treasury by direct appropriation
or by contract of any sectarian school.
reformatory or other Institution not own
ed and controlled by public authority.
"Believing that exemption from taxa
tion is equivalent to a grant ot puoue
funds, we demand that no real or person'
al property be exempt from taxation, Ibe
title to wnicn is not vested in the national
or state governments, or in any ot their
"We protest against the enlistment In
the United Stales army, navy, or the
militia of any state, of any person not an
actual citiien of tbe United States.
"We demand for the protection of our
citizen laborers the prohibition of tbe 1m
portatlon of pauper labor, and the re
striction of all Immigration to persons
who cannot show their ability and honest
Intention to become self -supporting; Amer
ican cittsens.
"We demand the chance of the natural-
tbonilng the naturalisation ol minora,
without a previous declaration of Inten
tion, and by providing that no alien shall
be naturalised or permitted to vote in
any state In the union who cannot speak
the language of the land, and who can
not prove seven years' consecutive resi
dence In this country from the date of
hla declaration of Intention.
We protest against the gross negli
gence and laxity with which the judici
ary of our land administer the present
naturalisation laws, and against tha
practice ot naturalising aliens at the ex
pense of committees or candidates as
the most proline source of the present
prostitution ot American cttlsenshlp to
tbe basest uses.
We demand that hospitals, asylums.
reformatories, or other Institutions in
which people are under restraint, be at
all times subject to publlo Inspection,
whether they are maintained by the pub
lic or by private corporations or individ
uals. We demand that all national or state
legislation affecting; financial, commer
cial or Industrial Interests be general In
character and In no Instance In favor of
any one section of the country, or any
one class of the people."
L The constitutions of princes are not
superior, but subordinate to ecclesiasti
cal constitutions.
2. The laws of the emperor cannot dis
solve the ecclesiastical or cannon laws.
I. It is not lawful for an emperor to
exact anything; opposed to the apostolus
4. It Is not lawful for kings to usurp
the things that belong to priests.
. No custom or anyone can thwart tha
statutes of the popes.
s. Let no resistance be offered to the
apostolic (cannon) precepts, but let them
be salutirerlously fulfilled.
7. Tne yoke imposed by tne noiy see is
to be borne, though It appear Intolerable
and Insupportable.
8. The Pontiff can neither be loosed nor
bound by the secular power.
. That tne Pontiff was called uod by
the pious Prince Constantine. and that
as God he cannot be judged as man.
10. That as Uod he Is far above the
reach of all human law and Judgment.
U. mat an laws contrary to tne can
ons and deorees of the Roman prelates
are of no force.
12. That all of the ordinances of the
Pope are unhesitatingly to be obeyed.
13. we ought not even to speak to one
whom the Pope has ex-communicated.
14. Priests are latnera and masters.
even of princes.
is. The civil law is derived rrom man.
but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is de
rived directly from God, by which the
Pontiff can. In connection with his pre
lates, make constitutions for the whole
Christian world. In matters spiritual, con
cerning tne salvation or souls, and tne
right government ot the church; and it
necessary judge and dispose of ail the
temporal goods of all Christians.
16. A heretic, holding or teaching false
doctrine concerning the sacraments. Is
excommunicated and degraded, and hand
ed over to the secuiiar court.
17. Secular princes unwilling to swear
to defend the church against heretics
are excommunicated, and they are laid
under an Interdict.
18. The goods of hertlcs are to be con
fiscated and applied to the church.
19. Advocates or notaries, favoring
heretics, or their defenders, or pleading
for them In law suits, or writing docu
ments for them, are Infamous and sus
pended from office.
xo. rne secular powers, vnnr perma
nent or temporary, are bound to swear
that they will exterminate, according to
their nower. all heretics condemned by
the church; and a temporal lord not purg
ing his land 01 heretics, is excommuni
cated. .... .
2L Those slgnsd witn tne cross tor tne
extermination of heretics, rejoice in the
Erlvtlege granted to the crusaders for the
elp of the holy land.
22. They are absolved from all obliga
tions who are in anywise bound to here
tics. IS Whoever dies In battle against the
unbelieving, merits the kingdom of hear-
la. We do not esteem these homicides
to whom It mar havs happened In their
seal for their mother church against the
excommunicated, to kill some of them.
2k. The catbono princes are oouna,
both by civil and common law, not to
receive or tolerate heretics, and much
more are not to permit their rites, or
other exercise of their religion, or rather,
their false sect, but are most solemnly
bound everywhere, to repel and expel
26. The following temporal punish
ments are to be enforced on heretlos: 1st
Infamy, and the consequent disqualifi
cations for all civil acts. 2nd Intestabili
ty, as wen active as passive ttnat is,
they can neither make nor will Inherit
what is left to them by others). 3rd Loss
of parental power over children. 4th
Loss of dowry, and other privileges
granted to women. Ith Confiscation of
all goods, (th That vassals and slaves
and others are from all. even sworn
obligations due to their lord, or another.
7th Capital corporal punishment, es
pecially death, and perpetual imprison
27. The canon law toroias au tolera
tion. ....
23. That metropolitans ana nisnops are
to ex-communicate him who grants lib
erty of conscience.
29. No oath Is to be kept toward here
tic princes, lords or others.
20. Heretics are to be deprived of all
civil and paternal rights.
31. Tbe Pope can absolve from all
32. Every bishop is ordinary iuflre in a
cause of heresy. The reason Is because
the bishops can ex-omclo. and ought to
extirpate heretics, and Inflict upon them
the due punishments, and to this are
bound on tln of dapoeitleav Besides are
the liMulaUore especially I span J by the
a peat site aae. Kvery bishop la his dleeese
le thought te be, and sa realsty as,
aatural laeulslter. (literally bora taenia
Itert. as aa te have the aaase power with
hose already saeattwaed la a eaeee ef
33. la every preailasory oath, although
aeeoiuieiy tahea. tfeere are certain con
ditions tacitly understood, assuage! which
are: lei If 1 can. lad Te aeve the tight
and authority of a superior. 3rd Whea
the oath suppose the honor ef the apee
tolte eee te be Illicit.
34. 1 hat the council ef Trent, (the last
ana great authority of Kernel, dern
end. commands that the sacrsd cajw
and all' ges.rai councils, also tbe ether
apoetolle eaectaventa Issued la (aver ef
ecclesiastical persona of ecclesiastical
liberty, and against IU violators, ail of
which by this present decree It renews,
and must be exactly observed by all.
. , now la tne presence of Al
mighty Ood. the hleeeed Virgin Mary, the
blessed Michael tha Arcbeuael. tne bless-
'onn tne siapitst. the holy Apost
les Be Peter and bt. Paul and the baiats
and Bacred Host of heaven, and to you.
my ghostly father, the superior general
of tbe society of Jesus, founded by tUint
Ignatus Loyola In the pontincatloe of
Paul the Third, and continued lo the
Preeent, do, by the womb ol the virgin,
the matrix of Uod. and the rod of Jesus
Christ declare and swear that bis holi
ness, tbe pope. Is Christ's vlce-gerent,
and la the true and only head of the
cainouc or universal church throughout
the earth; and that by virtue of the aes
ui utuuiua- ana loosing given to hie holi
ness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he
hath power to depose heretical kings,
princes, slates, commonwealths and gov
ernments, all being Illegal witliout his
sacred confirmation, and they may be
aim? ueairoyea. inererore, to tlis ut
most ot my power, I will defend thia
doctrine and his holiness' right and cus
tom asalust all usurpers of the heretical
or Protestant authority whatsoever, es
pecially the Luiheran church of tier
many, Holland, iMmmark. Sweden and
Norway, and the now pretended authori
se, suu cnurcnes or England and Boot
land, and branches of the sams now es
tablished In Ireland, and on the conti
nent of America, and elsewhere, and all
adherents in regard that they be usurped
hu nercucai, opposing tne sacred church
oi nome.
"1 do now denounce and disown any al
legiance as due to any heretical king-,
prince or state named Protestant or Lib
erals or obedience to any of their laws,
magistrates or oltlcers.
"1 do further declare that the doctrine
or the churches ot Kngland and Scotland,
of the Calvlmsts, liiucuouol and' others
of the name of Protestant or Liberals to
be damnable, and they themselves to be
uamnea wno will not forsake tbe name.
"1 do further declare that I will help,
assist and adv'se ail or any ot his holi
ness' agents, in any place wherever 1
shall be, in Swltserland, Germany, Hol
land, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Kng
land. Iceland or America, or in tnv nthar
kingdom or territory, 1 shall come to, and
do my utmost to extirpate the ueietica!
Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to
destroy all their pretended powers, legal
or otherwise.
'I do further promise and deolare that.
notwithstanding 1 am dispensed with to
assume any religion heretical for tbe
propagation of the mother church's in
terest, to keep secret and private all
her agents' councils from time to time.
as they entrust me, and not to divulge,
directly or Indirectly, by word, writing
or circumstances whatever, but to exe
cute all that shall be proposed, given In
charge, or discovered unto me, by you
or my ghostly father, or any of his sac
red convent.
"I do further promise and declare that
I will have no opinion or will of my own
or any mental reservation whatsoever,
even as a corpse or cadaver (perlnde ac
cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey
each and every command that 1 may re
ceive from my superiors In the militia of
the pope and of Jesus Christ.
"That I will go to any part of tha
world whithersoever I may be sent, to
the f rosea regions of the north, the burn
ing sands of the desert of Africa, or the
plnglea of India, to tha centers of civili
sation of Kurope, or to the wild haunts
of the barbarous savages of America.
without murmuring or repining and will
be submissive In all things whatsoever.
communicated to me.
'I do furthermore promise and declare
that I will, when opportunity presents,
make and wage relentless war, secreteiy
or openly, against all heretics, Protest
ants and Liberals as I am directed to do,
to extirpate them from the face of the
whole earth, and that 1 will spare neith
er age, sex or condition, and that I will
hang, burn, waste, boll, flay, strangle and
burn alive these Infamous heretics; rip
up the stomach and wombs of their wo
men and crush their Infants' heads
against the walls In order to annihilate
their execrable race. That when the
same cannot be done openly, 1 will se
cretly use the poisonous cup, the strang
ulating cord, the steel of the polnard, or
the leaden bullet, regardless of the rank,
dignity or authority of the person or per
sons, whatever may be their condition In
life, either public or private, aa 1 at any
time may be directed so to do by any
agent of the pope or superior of the
brotherhood ot the holy father, of the
society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which I hereby dedi
cate my life, my soul and all corporal
powers, and with this dagger which 1
now receive, I will subscribe my name,
written In my blood. In testimony there
of; and should I prove false or weaken In
my determination, may my brethern and
fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope
cut oft my hands and my feet, and my
throat from ear to ear, my belly opened
and sulphur burned therein, with all the
punishment that can be inflicted upon
me on earth and my soul be tortured by
demons in an eternal bell forever.
Ail of which I do swear
by the blessed trinity, and blessed sacra
ment which I am now to receive, to per
form, and on my part to keep Inviolably;
and do call all the heavenly and glorious
host ot heaven to witness these, my real
Intentions, to keep this my oath.
In testimony hereof 1 take this most
holy and blessed sacrament ot the eu
charist, and witness the same further,
with my name written with the point of
this dagger, dipped in my own blood, and
seal In the face of this holy convent,
I He receives the wafer from the super
ior and writs his name with the point of
his dagger, dipped In his own blood, tak
en from over the heart.
I, , cardinal of the Holy Ro
man church, do promise and swear that,
from this time to the end ef my lite I
will be faithful and obedient unto St.
Peter, the holy apostolic Human church,
and our most holy lord, the pope of
Home, and his successors, canonlcally
and lawfully elected; that 1 will give no
advice, consent or assistance against the
pontifical majesty and person; that 1 will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their
Injury or disgrace, make public the coun
cils entrusted to me by themselves, or by
messengers or letters; alBO that 1 will
give them any assistance in retaining,
defending and recovering the Roman
papacy and the regalia ot Peter, with all
my might and endeavor, so far aa the
rights and privileges of my order will
allow It, and will defend them against all
their honor and state, and I will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, the
legates and nuncious of the apostollo
see. In the territories, churches, monas
teries and other benefices committed to
my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate
with them and treat them with
honor La their coming;, abiding and re
turning, and that 1 will resist unto blood
ail persons whatsoever who shall attempt
anything against them. That I will by
every way and by every means strive to
preserve, augment and advance the
rights, honors, privilege, the authority
of the Holy Roman bishop, our lord the
pope and his before mentioned succes
sors, and that, at whatever time anything
shall be decided to their prejudice, which
is out of my power to hinder, as soon as
I shall know that any steps or measures
have been taken In the matter. 1 will
make It known to the same, our lord
or his successors, or some other person
by whose means It may be brought to
their knowledge. That I will keep and
carry out and cause others to keep and
carry out the rules of the holy father,
the decrees, ordinances, dispensations,
reservations, provisions, apostollo man
dates and constitutions of the Holy
Father Bextus, of happy memory, as to
vwdtlnc the three holds of the apostles al
certain prescribed Usaai
tbe teeer et that whieh 1 ha1
i or us a. iaat 3 wist aees eex
poee. preeerete aad tgM less
perseruturasa e isBDuaoetevesi
heretics er erhlssaauee who
lord, the pepe ef Hume, and
s i
successors, aad thl
with svery possible esTeri."
ta)ig aa lure) thee asal te
.,-,,- .' escetoreiewa-ejssi
?!tu'n heeiedt te Be Peter ehe
Apostle and is tbe ilely Mesaaa eaasea.
and la our . k . 1
7-- - 'r iese et ainsae.
JuV l Jin "fM. eaneaieally taut
lug. 1 will neiihsr advice, ceaeeut aer As
anythlag that they snay lees his Tit ZLmZ
rt 'hy eir persons saay be seised,
or bands la i.n w m ,u i. . .w
any injurlss ottered lo taeaa. under any
preteaca k.i... f
" T . ; ' ' i rust aae by tkeaa
Mivse. ibvir niessengera or istleis. I wis
- -- -' t rsTeai to assy, so sat
Prejudice 1 .ill k.i. . i. " 7.' . .
-t.t".,0,,,,, W' sad She royeitaes
OK HL I mlmr . . . . . .1, .... .
.... - . r fc men. sue sa
gate or the apostollo see, going aad ceas
ing. 1 will honorably treat and bout an
bis nacauniaa k. ., w . . . tTl."
. fnJ suthenty ef tbe Holy Momaa
church of our lord, the pope, and baa
7 ".csors. 1 will sndsavor to
pfeaerve. defend, increase and advance.
1 will not be In any counsel, ectioa or
treaty. In which eueil be plotted uaiast
our said lnr.1 .4 i ..1 rTr
imng to (he hurt er prejudice of their
. ta' Honor, siate or pewee.
and. If I shall know any such thing to
, - umuvi II IU mi J UBUL fJM
& BOOIl U 1 fhll I wa-lll ...salst., t. IT.
lord ih it m. m vw
-...HstHvw esasu suea sitAAh .eguaj Wi WMm
pop, 1 will observ with all mr utcM
etiidcauM to be trvi by oitors.
Heretics, chlsniatks am 4 rb.a to our
aid lord or bis luccewon, 1 wiM m my
asa.wsr, BVrV-u i9n sag Vly (MftO.
"i irl !.' sL.hian.ulin- ... -1 M
7 "-ae.aeaaasas.ivsjpap ejt. rWUWIirvm anjgj
fll 1 Llimlttll nnuta 1 .. .a...
" t w saweiasv w nyi VU V MleUri U I1JJ g)trfg
. fwavsawj yvrwaquiLT Ol OPpUtfUU. "
- w aW en wuiiui v UOU A HI
called, 1 will visit tbe threshold of law
- .... - ,i taree years aaxi give aa
account of our lord of ail my pastoral
office and of the things belonging to my
, -w u.H.iriiu. Vi uiy clergy
and people. 1 will In like manner humbly
.--..-.. - uiiig.iiiiy vaocuie tne a pose
pile commanua. If 1 am detained by a
lawful Impediment, 1 will perform the
aforesaid by a member of my chapter ox
a linnet of mv li,uuu r,,iiw
- mwww nivuuoiisu. lot poases-
aiona belonging to my table, 1 will neither
""i wtss aueueie wiiaout can.
Hllltllltf llU
. ..wuiaii ,oilllll DO lieiu WO
Uod and theae holy goapela of God."
Bent to tbe Romish hUiiagar.
"I swear bv almlithtv (Ini h .11 In
heaven and earth, by the holy prayee
book of my holy church, by the bleed
Virgin Maiy mother of Uod. bv her mum.
row and grief at tbe croas, by her leans
and waitings, by tha holy a do. lies ba.
feter and Paul, by the glorious epoetin
of Ireland SL Patrick bv tne
and holy church of all ages, by the hoar
national martyrs, to light upon the lrisa
soil, to light tor the Independence of Ire
landto light until 1 die, wading in the
red gore of the Sassenach (Protestant
for the glorious cause of nationality; te
tight unui not a single vestige, track or
footstep. Is left to tell that tbe helv aaat
of Ireland was sver trodden by the rises
enach tyrants and murderers; and, mere
over, when the Protestant robbers aad
brutes In Ireland shall be murdered and
driven into the sea ilka ths swlns our
Lord Jesus Christ caused to be drowned,
then we shall embark for, and take hUuj
land, and root out every vsstlse of aae
accursed blood of the heretic adulters.
Henry VI1L, and possess ourselves of the
beasts who have so long kspt our Island
of saints Old Ireland m the chains of
bondage, driven ua from her shores, es
ilea into foreign lands, 1 will wade in the
blood ot Orangemen and here ties (Pro
testants) who do not join us aad become
Scotland too. having given aid aad suc
cor to the beast, we shall live In her gore.
we snail not give up until we have re
stored our holy faith all over the British
'lo all of this I sincerely and consoles
tously swear with my eyes blinded, not
knowing who to me administers nils eeta.
-, now In the presence of
Almighty Uod, the blessed Vnsin Mary,
the blessed Michael the Archangel, the
blessed St. John the Hamlet, tho Holy
Apostles St Peter and St. Paul and the
bainis and the eavreu Hosts ol iieavea,
and to you, my lord, 1 do declare from
my heart, without menial reservation
hat me pope is Christ a vicar-Kcneral
and Is the true and only head of the uni
versal church throughout the eartn, and
that, by virtue of the keys of binding
and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus
Christ he has power to depose heretical
kings, princes, states, commonweaithsand
governments, all being luegai wilttout nis
sacred coiilirmation, and that they may
safely be destroyed, 'therefore, to the
utmost of my power, 1 will defend this
doctrine and his holiness' rights and cus
toms against all usurpers ol the Protest
ant authority whatsoever, especially
against the now pretended authority and
church In KiiKland and all adherents, in
regard that they be usurpal and heretlcala.
opposing the sacred nioliier ol the cnurcn
of Rome.
1 do denounce and disown any allegi
ance as due to any Protestant king,
prince or state or obedience to any of
their Inferior officers. 1 do further de
clare tbe doctrine of the church ol Eng
land, of the Calvanists, Huguenots and
other Protestants, to be damnable and
those to be damned who will not for
sake the same.
1 do furtber declare that I will hele.
assist and advise all or any ef his holi
ness' uieents In any place wnerever i
shall be, and to do my utmost to extir
pate the Protestant doctrine ana to aes
trov all their pretended power, regal or
otherwise. 1 do furtber promise and de
clare that, notwithstanding 1 may be per
mitted by dispensation to assume any
heretical religion (Protestant denomina
tions) for the propagation of the motner
church's Interest, to keep secret and pri
vate all her agents' counsels as they en
trust me, and not to divulge, directly er
indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum
stances whatsoever, but to execute all
which shall be proposed, given In charge
or discovered unto me by you, my most
reverend lord and bishop.
"All of which 1, , do swear by
the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacra
ment which 1 am about to receive, te
urinrm on mv nart to keep Inviolably.
and do call on all the Heaveaiy and utort-
ous Host of Heaven to witness my resa
Intentions to keep in is my oatn.
-In testimony whereof 1 take this most
holy and blessed Sacrament of tbe Euch
arist, and witness the same further with
my consecrated nana, in toe pressaes ui
mv holy bishop and all the priests who
assist him in my ordinalion to the priest
The folllowlng is the oath taken by the
members of that famous Romish Catho
lic society;
"1 (name In full) do solemnly swear In
the presence ot Almighty Ood, that I Will
labor while life Is left In me to establish
and defend a republican form of govern
ment in Ireland; that I will keep secret
the names and everything connected with
the Irish brotherhood from ail not en
titled to know auch secrets; that I will
obey and comply with the constitution
and laws of the same, that I wtU pre
serve the funds of this order for the
cause of Irish revolution alone, as speci
fied in the constitution; that I will deem
It my special duty and mission to pro
mote and foster sentiments of the amiea,
brotherly love, nationality, among ail
Irish. I take this obligation without any
menial reservation, holding; the same for
ever binding upon me, and that any vio
lation thereof, or desertion ef my duty to
tbe brotliernood Is Infamous, and merits
the severest punishment, so help me
This oath ths candidate is abjured te
keep at the haaard ot his Hfe. It was
printed In the Chicago Inter Ocean and
was sworn to be correct at the Cronla
trial. It was reported by said paper No
vember IT. ISM. Priests aad bishops aet
as shaalaSss tar thai hoey (t) srdes.
11 j RISV. O. B. MURRAY, A. At., Mh, .
A Pfttriotie Song Dock for patriotic gatherings, homo.
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dress Is he Ualted States
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Until JsniMry lit, 1890,
and aay oae of the fol
lowing .ir.ll.nt h was:
.Ifeef Je-nesO Blaine 11.60
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lomaniam er Amerleaniaie,
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Iteming Fan la er Dssse sr f
Daraneee Lot'
Tisuhicrlhers who take
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Popular Medical, S Science
A Sensible Book for Curious People--A Useful Book for Everjcn
r xnr rout mmt diuiutii bidicai inist imciaiht. ... mra,
TJH V L TP THP 2 lh" richDWW of
11W i. 11111 lis 1.41 ear
earneat and wiaely
The A .atomy ef Man aad of Woman t The Orlaln of l.lfet Mae from the Kei ntaeaae ef
Bikini Venereal Km
iioaai l n r re
Over to
l llln.lrallon. of Pinal llevelnpnirnlt 12
Colerllypea by Color Pnolosraphy, la Five I
Are You Well ?
OOD HEALTH le a rare
boon too Knerally IIkIiU'4.
Thime fouun.u-lr tliua en
dowed from birth are apt to
be recklin. of tlirlr hern am.
It 1 no ran? to lone or dlMl.
pale It thai lucky fellowii are
lucky Indeed if tln-r have
afnar enouKll to learu now to
maintain II. Thia all ran do
l.r reading "Plain Home
Talk" on the rauw. of duv
eaar.errore In dlet.paraiulfe,
eiralT meat eatinn, b
and rofle drltiklntr, ttie une
and aliiiee of eU-ohotlci, Hie
bail haMta of children, the
nrevali-ni-e of rrmra of
youth that undermine vlvor of manhood- a chanter
that can't he read and heeded looeaicrly. Then lliere
are the numerous viree of alulti, the tolef co hehll
;n niea llslil-larlng In women, ele., etc., and the all
powerful ruauraa of society whereby many of lite
beat of bom ariee are doomed to ".ocl.l alarm,
lion." This chapter ahnwa why thouslitleM youna;
lolke ro astray, bow proetltuilon ha. ueeome preva
nt, why II win not down, how Ita baneful dlaeaM
are conveyed to the "taeoceBI" moat atarlilun aud
liDportant faau to know.
Tbe result, of s mad chase for wealth, of over
work, over-Modr, failure, la hualneaa, the fact that
lie. Ith la u baala of wealth not eve eeraa-and the
ratwes and effects of horrible melsaeholy theae
arc all aiauere It would he well for yuu te think oyer.
Are You III? '
7T n B. Ji you are mneea a rare man
If you are not aniloua lo learn
bow It name about, what's tlie
niairer and what a to De done.
Wlx'ther It be "only a eolrt." a
chronic catarrh, or eomethlnr
iiHire aerlou. that baa "settled
on the lime." In hmnrhltla or
eonsiiiiiptlon, the .oonrr you find
out how erlou It Is. and what to
do for yourm-lf the better. It you
muat learn "how to live with one
limit" the earlier you get this
knowledge the lunger yon III live.
Or, may lie your imrtlcular weak
snot l In the llu r, Mnmach or
bowels. Then ou can make no
mistake In Icarnliiir the hcrt
methods of rerulstlnir Uieee vital functions. If "U
are full of ache., pain, neurnlnia or rheuma
tism. It will surely py to look up the way loaliake
them off. Hiirely yon can't want to nt'K'lei i the Injur
ious sympl4ins of B right's disease, or other de
structive diseases of Uie "irenlto-urinsry orfrans," end
you better tieeome po'd on h UiIiiks aa
(ronorrhusa. stricture and worse forms of ronlaioiia
dlseaar. "hy the Ixnik" than by eviM-rli me. Tlw
afflicted will read with avidity all aln.ut tmpntenry,
barrennesa, diseases of women, nervous diseases,
paresis, paralysis, skis disease., scrota a. ele. et.
ffinUlw, one book cannol cover "all the Ills that
flesh Is oetr to," and therefore to esurwre ,rtixrVirfc"i.
Ur. bs auikorur tAs j.jiH.eemnu rlulonvpur
cwiiser of "P. H- T." Kko fmlt w sdl
serls mat eowraJI IMm in nersoa or 1 leuer, truMnut
cAinve, and tbe hutulry will be answered to the beat
of his ahliity.
r.kOXPrr TTTT VTv Ton lr bwomtl.ttir tot It or "Just akockI. HnndrlH har
UKJVi AllliiV declarei) that It la ytuliar to itself" Rntl fur nftrtirt of 11 other work".
i.lMT TOI?rPn,ht XM work ,B ottered for it mm intrtntnc merit nr1 utility, ami ov
I Ji i- V liVJ 1j X tiisinnatp'l tn rArttjorm toailvertiM- proprletan metltolnen.
r'liT'TAlOT T f ,lie siioatenthaslantlo kind rot all ctmntrttn where KugMsh is apo
Ijd X I lUVii ll Ijo ?n( WrUi,it even lunnmli tvpe. AM AO p)(r5 of thia izi.
pTJOVVsTO'V AT n,enof Rl1 clHJft?. elerffymen. tiocturx, latrvers etitnr$t critics, hTt
I 1VVI JdOOlUiiAljg,veQ natteriiijf enilorwiiifnt; lymnrkalily few criiiOwl, .
POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, SI .5Q
American Publishing (p.
- rf"W T T-w MJ XL "
t KK I
Of Coras You Want to Know
tUAT Everybody Ought to Eirow
Tire Ybw i flow to choose the best one to manyi
Tub Married how to bo happy in iTMrriaee;
The Fohd Parent how to huve prizo babioa;
The Mother how to have thorn without pain:
The Childless how to be fruitful and multiply;'
The Curious how they "growed" and came to be;
The Healthy how to enjoy life and keep weft;
The Invalid how to get well again npeodily ;
The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy. .
All who want knowledge that is of most worth.
Find it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Home Talk,"
1,000 pagofl, 200 cuts, 36 col. platos; 200 recipe.
Contains ever 200 prescription! for relief and curt ef seals tni oVoaic
commoa te adulii and children) complete table ef antidote to teitest) I
direction for resuscitating th drowned) hygienic raie for the car f
ths hoc and the aatnfactloD It rives to thonghrsJL
iwfuititive peopU can be properly stated here.
oior rialea or vital aa eriai ureaast
Are You Engaged ?
fi.r nonmc to se aa
Set, perhaps. wen,
oo't hurry; and aaaae
B mistake. US)
easy to get Is sad se
dinicult to get eee.
that It la wall wane.
Willie to "be sure ysa
are riKht before yon
go ahead." There S)
no hook so belpral ha
enabling yen to anient,
ytaely aa "Plain
Hone TslB. Yoa
can learn soeneSMng
from oiher'a mutakee.
The lltslury of Mar.
rlace of all kinds, at
aiirountriea,UM eeart.
one ei.erlmenls some nations have made, an l at
and modsro, harbaroue and civilised, help ua lo know
w hat not to do. Tbeaeiual Immorality growls; sot.
of unsatisfied nature and marriage mtanta, the history
of prostitution, tie prevalence, allurements, danger,
results, the efforts of religions and aaretlrkwn aosua
due and control the dominant passion all ibewastod
lea are fruitful In Indicating pltl.ll. to avoid. OA
the other hand chapters on adaption In Dial i las
rihyalcal, mental and magnetic oa early marTtaese,
ntemiarrtage. elopements, etc., etc., aid tbe reader ee
make a good match, select happily for home and S
spring, to avoid "Lucifer Matclie, and te escape lee
rat leap and lottery kinds of nwrksge.
Are You Married?
(Ml IQIsaVirT h
tB stirtiwinc tarsal
how l W fcv
though mmrrW4 .
jMuiy niarrrrMg i
umiio nvt isinr
lei iter If itrfv ktwa
bow to tlftjit itH'in
(elvrtloeit h other,
and wmird iry to un
drnMBnU 4D BO-.
OtlMT'inftXlA. Tti'
Otitcht to tvmd hat
a't "ruin Honw Ti!k"
g nht-iit the fruft
k ptiUfUhi.rhy oi Ibtd-ts
P com , t h " p i m r.
I rrlatlon f
H it," tht-lnfturnr
on health Btxl
of rit'itloiw, thf wortTtwootl that viuhnten eXH-nJ
llfr," ip., rtr, lHanv vlll flnrt niiK h i tit- ihmi la
thf thutupr on hnrrfunrsiM Itivh haMlwnUii'nwan
of (rrt At J,t toiimnv a rhlU1l rvalr, aitllnt U'm t
lli-svr and irmov th olwracle. Otini Itke It
uniqiM 'VrwaTf for nmrriefl'"tnatfiT of rquai
lt, siTM-pirtg apart, pxceiw. nuM'-nstU-n. jt-alouay. In.
diTTer.'Dc nrf-vt-ntlon, ronttiirnc. fnd for rfsl
nant womrn, th? f xplanatlon of rhtld-maklnc. bf
rhtldp'D tf acond hnband ww-mNe list' flrst. ftr.-rtc.
In atiort, Rrfn and wonwn hrnttatr to talk wltb irrtT
home phynlctanfj einornttiK many tirhrate !,
tiona that perplex tlwrn ami thai thvy n ally Df-d (o
undcnuod, and hieh thta hook vlll enllKnifD then
on hut rrmrmber tkiU t U foil to i v. Uea-iAr
Hind referfy to makf cr ike mttimm rrptyiHQ
free of chary to fral utter (J myviry.