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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1898)
THE AMERICAN DESIGNED TO FIGHT. rMAT A RIAL BATTLESLIP 18 LIKE. fa ItuwIUa 9tm Daalf Tfcat May B mt tea to ifc Hmrj .i f BMty. Tio accomptnylnf sketch was made 7 naval officer who has had ome exaerlence oa tho larger monitors. It MsWMenU In a general way his con tortion of the Ideal battleship. - All aatpo are compromises, and this de departs materially from the well aawra and approved monitor type In Oka via a superstructure forward. This faMws enables the ship to maintain DESIGNED TO FIGHT, fear speed In a head sea. which Is whol ly Impracticable with the ordinary Monitor, although a sea abeam has but flttla effect on the speed of this pe eatiar craft For about two-thirds of Its length the design presents a free board of only thirty Inches, which may feo considered the monitor standard. The freeboard at the bow Is ten feet The twelve-inch guns are well located for sea work, being eighteen feet above tho water line. The turrets are housed la barbettes. The height of each bar potto above the deck is twelve and one- THE COLUMBIA, THE naif feet 0Mps llag feature is the con ning towerfwaiaa is a tower In fact as wall as In name. It has a height of twenty-seven and one-half feet above tho water line, is twenty-five feet in diameter, and twenty inches thick. There la nothing equal to It now afloat MAXIM'S NAVAL GUN. (It Works Automatically and la Gen erally Kept In a Warship's Conning Tower.) Tho corning towers on most ships are " re death traps, and many con- ssaadlng officers say they woald rather take their chances oa an open bridge thaa t occupy one of the alleged "eoa Blog towers." The smoke pipe passes up through the center of the tower and receives protection from it. The smokepipe is utilised as a mast and carries the usual fighting top and signal yard. The top of the smoke pipe Is 100 feet above the water line, and as the fighting top Is fifteen feet below the smoke outlet, the men at the top guns ought not to suffer any discomfort from smoke. The bar bettes and conning tower rest on' the main deck, which is two Inches thick. The side armor is continuous and has a mean thickness of twenty in bes, twenty-four Inches amidships, tapering to sixteen Inches st the ends. The depth of side armor Is six and one half feet. The thickness of srmor on turrets, bar bettes, snd conning tower is twenty Inches. The length of the vessel on water line Is 300 feet; beam, seventy feet; draught forward and aft, twenty and one-half feet; displacement, about 8, 600 tons; twin screw; indicated horse power, 5,000; speed, about thirteen and one-half knots per hour; coal capacity, 500 tons; main battery, four twelve Inch and six four-inch guns secondary battery, six six-pounder rapid-firing guns and two thirty-seven mm. Hotch klss revolving cannon. The sketch represents tbe ship clear ed for action, the boats another times being stored on the superstructure. The presence of a superstructure amidships adds much to the comfort of a moni tor's crew and does not increase her size as a target, as bridges and other gear would incumber the space between the turrets and give the enemy as good a mark as does a superstructure. This point is Illustrated by a comparison of the Minantonomah and the Amphltrlte, the former having no superstructure. The model of this design is necessarily FASTEST VE SSEL IN THE UNITED very full, otherwise the enormous ar mor weights could not be borne. The absence of eight-inch guns means a sacrifice of offensive power, but there Is a corresponding gain in armor pro tection and In general simplicity. The ship can be commanded by one man and handled by a small crew. The de signer believes that this ship, although costing not over two- thirds as much as the Indiana and being much cheaper to maintain, would be more than a match tor tho pride of the Hoosler state. Could Be Fitted for Action. Attention has been attracted to the merchant steamships that are classed as auxiliary cruisers to the navy, and which could be fitted out in a short time so as to serve moBt effectively as commerce destroyers or as speedy transports for the handling of troops. The available steamships that could he utilized by the government would con stitute a big fleet, and experts believe that It would prove of great service In the event of war with any country. Tho tour big steamers of the American line, the St. Loaia. tho St FaaL tho New York aad the Paris, are the target ahlpo of tho Dumber, and beoldeo Umoo there are tho steamships of tho New York and Cuba Steamship company, and the kfallory, Morgan, Rod D and Panama lines. All of these vessels could bo fitted out and prepared for duty to a very abort time. They would be supplied with guns of tho Drlggs Schroeder and Hotchklso pattern, which are designed to throw a largo number of small projectiles with groat rapidity. Naval officers do not be lieve that all the available merchant steamships would be called upon to do duty as commerce destroyers. They believe that half a doxen of the fastest JL'DGE ADVOCATE MARIX. (He Carried the Report of tho Main Inquiry to Washington.) ones would be more than enough to wipe Spain's small commerce from tho seas In a comparatively Bhort time. The navy yard at Brooklyn could ac commodate ten large steamships at one time if It were necessary to fit them out at short notice. Horrors of War. "War," said the old colonel, as he stirred his toddy, "is too terrible to contemplate. It should not be lightly STATES NAV T. spoken of, sir; It is a serious, sad affair. I have two graves in Virginia, one in Tennessee and three in Ken tucky, and but for war the men who All them would be living yet!" "Yonr sons, colonel?" asked the listener, la an awed voice. The colonel tossed off his toddy neat, and stroking his gray beard said: "No, sir; my substitutes; tho brave men who fought, bled and THE O HIGGINS. (Now Belongs to Chile, But May Bo Purchased by Uncle Sam.) died tor me!" Then the listener cough ed and observed that whisky waa not as good now as it was before tho war. . . USE . . SAWYERS' CELEBRATED SOAP Ask your Gmoor for tt and If bo does not have It CUT OUT this advertise ment and have him order It for you. We manufacture tho following brands: Pure Family Soap. Floating Soip. Pure Castile Soap. FRIEND " Sawyer's FOR SALE BY HARRY C.SAWYER. Mgr. ISO Steuben St., WEST END. PITTSBURGH, PA. A Map of the United States CLEND me 16 cents in stamps and I will mail you a map of the United Slates, three feet four inches wide by four feet long. Printed in six colors. Mounted on roller. Shows every stats, county important town and railroad in the United States. J. FRANCIS, General Pamenger Agent, Omaha, Nub. JOHN M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a oerfect tt in all cases. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 504 1. 16th St. : OMAHA. NEB. Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYFORD Seo. Treae. Morlns and lleht exnreg work at reaaon- able price, I'lano moving a apeclalt Household ood,tored, packed and .hipped. Carry-alls for picnics. Office, 410 North 16th Street. Telephone 1203. Lake Linden, Mich., Feb., 21, 1898 Dear Sir: I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased; far beyond my expectations. Yours, JOHN COLLING iP(5G!'!li8W0ir THE POPULAR LINE TO LEADV1LIE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTION AND CRIPPLE CREEK Reaches all the principal towns and mln Ing oampi In Colorado, Utah and New Msxlco. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY EN ROUTE TO AND FROM PACIFIC COAST. 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It Is the boldest exposure of vloe and oorruntion in hltrh Dtaoes ever written. Ilasl H and loam about your high officials, your Senators and Coogrewwneo and their mistresses, and tho desecration of our National Capital. STARTLING DISCLOSURES mada icnown for the flrst timel Read and learn. Over in.uiw copies sola in wasa lngton In three weeks. The best seller out. Now In Its third edition . PRIOR BO GRNTS., Pjjii, Illustrated. Sent Postage Prepaid on Receipt of Price. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. The Priest, the Woman, And the Confessional By Rev. Chab. Chiniquy, $1.00. Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis tered letter to the AN Ur-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED MasoffHoi Especially prepared to meet the wants Of Farmers, Mer chants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all wh desire a complete work at the minimum coot. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 New and Superb Illustrations. 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All the large Cities of the World, the Important Towns and most of tho Villages of the United States are given on the Maps It gives a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo- graphical Location, Size and Population. This beautiful Atlas li bound in heary paper ewer, and wMI be aent to CO PCVTC lay sddreaa upon receipt of -UUbLMIO, AMERICAN: PUBLISHING CO BOOK STORE, OMAHA, NEB. 4. HOWARD. .Book Ever Written! AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY