THE AMERICAN. r t Union Elevated Loop?0 It runs on Van Buren St directly In front of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Passengers arriving In Cblraro can. by the ew Unloa Klevated Loop, reach ai part of Mia city; or, for a Arc cent fare, can b taken immediately to any of the large stores la the own town aietncu All Elevated Tralna will atop at ths "Bock Inland" rltatlon. Trains every minute. Tnem f a?llttlea can only Ke offered by the "OKKAT HOCK 1HLAND KODTK." If you will aend a I cent stamp for postage ws will mail yon at once a new oira s-eye view of Chicago, fuat laaued la Ave colors, which shows you just what you want to know about uueago ana the new imoo ana Kievstea eya ean. this map you ahoufd have, whether you lire out of the city and eiiecttocometolt, or whether yon lire In Chicago and you or your frlenda contemplate making a trip. Addreaa JOHN SEBASTIAN, 3. P. A.. J-17-1 Chicago Department Store Prices Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth 15 00 Beet Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings 11.00 and up Silver Fillings I OP Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the morning' New Ones Same Day. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Years' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776 W. A. SAUNDEItS, Attorney, Merchant National Bank Bldg. SHKKIFF'8 SALE. By rlrtue of an alias order of sale laaued out of the District court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will. on the 8th day of March A. D. im. at ten o'clock A. M. of laid day, at the EAST front door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In aald order of Bale as follows, to-wit: Lota two (2), live (5), aix () and twenty-two 33) In bloc one (1) In South Exchange Place Addition to the city of south Ouiaha. aa aur eyed, platted and recorded all situated In Douglas county, ata'e of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Jan ea L. Browne, plaintiff herein, the aumaaafol Jows, to-wit: On lot two (2), block one (11, above de scribed, the sura of $42.12, together with an attorney'!) ee of $4.21. On lot fire (5), block one (I), abore des cribed, the sum of &19.M, together with an attorney's fee of Kt 90. On lot a x (6), block one (1). above des cribed, the sum of $.19.06, together with an attorney's fee of M.80. On lot twenty-two (22). block one (1), above described, the sum of $36.66; together with -aa attorney's fee of $3 66. All of which sums, by the judgment of the district court, bear Interest thereon (except ing attorneys fees), at the rate o' ten 110) per oentper annum from May 3rd, 1897, and are frit lien upon said property. To satisfy the further sum of on hundred t-100 dollars ($100.05) costs herein, together with accruing coats, according to a judgment tendered by the district court of said Dou las county, at its May term, A. D. 18U7. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein James L. Browne Is plaintiff, and David M. Stuart, Mrs. Htuart. first and real name unknown, his wife, R. W. Clayton, first and real name unknown, American Bank and Trust Company ol Woonsocket, South Dakota, a corporation, -Georgia A. Uloud, Wills C.Cloud, her hus band, ueorge w. Hervey and Mrs. bervey, first and real name unknown, hla wife, are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 4th. 1898. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska, W. A. Saunders, attorney. Browne vs. Stuart et al. Doc. SB; No. 20. kx,-Doc.Z; Page 108. 2-4-5 W. A, SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out e)f the district oourt for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to ma directed. I wllL on the d day of March, A. D. 1898, at tea O'clock a. m, of said day, at the east front Jjoor of the county court house, la the city f Omaha, Douglaa county, Nebraska, ell at Dubllo auction to the hlrhest bidder for oaah, tha property described In said order rsaie, as iouowa, to-wit: ijot u, olock In Bedford place, an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re corded, all in Douglaa county, state of Nev orasasL Bald Drooerty to be sold to satisfr WaJ tar EL Keeler, plaintiff herein, too sum of Ihirtr-two ana st-iuu ti .km dollars Judar- anent, with Interest theron at rate of ten 0) per cent Pr annum tram oruary To satisfy further tha sum of $20.01 costs herein, together with accruing costs, ao cwrdlna: to a decree rendered by tha dis trict court of said Douglas county, at its February term, a. i. vmi, in a certain ac tion then and there pendiiur. wherein Wal ter E, Keeler la plaintiff and Mary Cun- dngbam and others are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 18, 1898. JOHN W. M' DONALD, Bherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney. Keeler vs. Cunningham, et al. Docket 67, No. 178. Ex. Docket Z, Page 291 . - KtftfSflS CITY, ST. LOUIS Joints SOUTH and SOUTHEAST Ticket Xnrt. I.E. Corner 13th ind Farum St. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan wary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the word. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2. ; 600 for $7.60; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that nurn Jer to your friends? You should! They houla not sleep longer. The New w,TTSirFO A. P. A. PRINCIPLES. The fallow!, are the ssclarattoas at pHnc.pi-op, by " co Lo alt y t o Irut A merkVn ism. which knows neither birth, place, race, creed, hi.i-,ht:.BAjrnrx,niu'v: T!2UT.?.P U --rlt" roteU" Tha American Protective Asaoctatlsa Is not a political party, and down not cob. trol the political aOtliatioaa of Its mem bers; but It teaches them to be) Intensjiy active In ths discharge of their political duties In or out of party linns. our people will be bound solid by a conl nWbUebto.Varnt of'Il? "cU. It h.1.1. that aubtacttun and sunnort to anv Doiltl- ral Dower not controlled by American cit laena, and which claims euual If not greater sovereignty than the government of the United States, la Irreconcilable with American cltisenshlp. It Is. there fore opposed to the holding of offices la stats or national government by any subject or supporter of such ecclesiastical power. we tipnoia tns constitution or tno United Btates of America and no portion of It mors than Its guarantee of religious liberty, but we hold this religious liberty to be guaranteed to the Individual, and not to mean that under Its protection any un-American ecclesiastical power can claim any absolute control over tha edu cation of children, growing up under the stars and stripes. "Ws consider ths non-sectarian fres public school ths bulwark of American Iwark of American place for the edu- children. To keep inatitutlona, the best cation of American them such, we protest against ths em ployment of subjects, of sny un-American ecclesiastical power as officers or teachers of our public schools. "We condemn the support out of tha public treasury by direct appropriation or by contract of any sectarian school, reformatory or other Institution not own ed and controlled by public authority. "Believing that exemption from taxa tion Is equivalent to a grant of publlo funds, we demand that no real or person al property be exempt from taxation, tha title to which is not vested in the national or state governments, or In any of their sub-divisions. "We protest against the enlistment In the United States army, navy, or the militia of any state, of any person not an actual citlsen of the United States. "Ws demand for the protection of our citlsen laborers the prohibition of the Im portation of pauper labor, and the re striction of all Immigration to persons who cannot show their ability and honest intention to become self-supporting Amer ican clttsens. "We demand the change of the natural thorlxlng tha naturalisation of minors, without a previous declaration of Inten tion, and by providing that no alien shall be naturalised or permitted to vote In any state In the union who cannot speak the language of the land, and who can not prove seven years' consecutive resi dence in this country from tbs dats of his declaration of intention. "We Drotest asralnat the gross negli gence and laxity with which the judici ary of our land administer the present , tiHturniiznrinn inwa. ana aarainsi tna practice of naturalising aliens at the ex pense of committees or candidates as the most prolific source of the present prostitution of American cltisenshlp to tne Ottuesi uses. 'We demand that hospitals, asylums. reformatories, or other Institutions In which people are under restraint, be at all times subject to publlo Inspection, whether they are maintained by the pub lic or by private corporations or individ uals. "We demand that all national or state legislation affecting financial, commer cial or Industrial Interests be general In character and In no Instance In favor or any one section of the country, or any one class or the people. CANNON LAW. , ' 1. The constitutions of princes are not superior, but subordinate to ecclesiasti cal constitutions. 2. The laws of the emperor cannot dis solve the ecclesiastical or cannon laws. 3. It is not lawful for an emperor to exact anything opposed to the apostolic rules. 4. It is not lawful for kings to usurp the things that belong to priests. 6. No custom of anyone can thwart the statutes of the popes. 6. Let no resistance be offered to the apostolic (cannon) precepts, but let them be salutlferlously fulfilled. 7. The yoke imposed by tne noiy se- is to be borne, though It appear Intolerable and insupportable. 8. The Pontlit can neitner be loosed nor bound by the secular power. 8. That the ponttrr. was called uod oy the pious Prince Conntantlne, and that as God he cannot be Judged as man. 10. That as Uod he Is far above tna reach of all human law and judgment. 11. That all laws contrary to the can ons and decrees of the Roman prelates are of no force. 12. That all of the ordinances of the Pope are unhesitatingly to be obeyed. 13. We ought not even to spean to one whom the Pope has ex-communicated. 14. Priests are fathers and masters, even of princes. 15. The civil law is derived from man, but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is de rived directly from God, by which the Pontiff can. In connection with his pre lates, make constitutions for the whole Christian world. In matters spiritual, con cerning the salvation or souls, and tne right government of the church; and If necessary judge and dispose ot all the temporal goods of ail Christians. 16. A heretic, holding or teaching false rinrrrln concerning the sacraments, is excommunicated and degraded, and hand ed over to the secullar court. 17. Secular princes unwilling to swear to defend the church against heretics are excommunicated, and they are laid under an Interdict. 18. The goods or nertics are to oe con fiscated and applied to the church. 19. Advocates or notaries, favoring heretics, or their defenders, or pleading for them in law suits, or writing uocu ments for them, are Infamous and sus pended from office. 20. The secular powers, whether perma nent or temporary, are bound to swear that they will exterminate, according to their nower. all heretics condemned by the church; and a temporal lord not purg ing his land or nereucs, is excommuni- "lTThose signed with the cross for the extermination of heretics, rejoice in the Eiivllege granted to the crusaders for the elp of the holy land. 12, They are absolved from all obliga tions who are In anywise bound to here tics. $8 Whoever dies In battle against tha unbelieving, merits the kingdom of heav- el14. Wa do not esteem those homicides to whom It may have happened In their seal for their mother church against tba excommunicated, to kill some of them. 26. The Cathollo princes are bound, both by civil and common law, not to receive or tolerate heretics, and much more are not to permit their rites, or other exerclse.of their religion, or rather, their false sect, but are most solemnly bound everywhere, to repel and expel them. . is. Tha following temporal punish ments are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, and the consequent disqualifi cations for all civil acta 2nd Intestabili ty, as well active as passive (that is, they can neither make nor will Inherit hut is left to them by others). 3rd Loss of parental power over children. 4th LiOSB 01 oowrj, anu timer privutvee granted to women, tth Confiscation of all goods. 6th That vassals and slaves and others are from all, oven sworn nhiintions due to their lord, or another. 7th Capital corporal punishment, es pecially death, and perpetual imprison, "fir? The canon law forbids all tolera' linn 28. That metropolitans and bishops ar to ex-communlcate mm who grants uo- erty of conscience. 29. No oath Is to be kept toward here tlo princes, lords or others. 20. Heretics are to be deprived of all olvll and naternal rights. II. Ths Pope can absolve from all natha. 81 Every bishop Is ordinary judge In a cause of heresy. The reason Is because the bishops can ex-offlclo, and ought to extirpate heretics, and Inflict upon them the due punishments, and to this are bound on pain of deposition. Besides are the laauiaitora especially aapatod by the apostolie se. Every bishop la his d! t"" SUtH sf."ua- .t'2TlV;.K7lXZ 1 UeU i ',' , h .,,.., k nzjsrJ ,utns lailtlr ui.der.tood. annt wbKh I la, It I i.i I .... 1 t rtmttt and authority of 'a superior, ird Wwa tha oath auptoaes the tiouor of ths apoS' touc ses to o Illicit. M. 'i hat the rouucll of Trent, (tha last and great authority of Home), decrees and commands that the sacred caneue "" eouncus. also the clOer !LV.--" : """" " -"T -- and miutt be eaaclly ubserved by ait. EXTREME OATH OK THE JESUIT. t. . now in the presenrs of Al mighty Uod, the bleesed Virgin Mary, lbs bieaeed Michael the Archangel, tue bless ed bU John ths liMDlUL tne holy Auusl- Ira bt. 1'eier and bt. I'aul and the baiuU a .1.1 L.M. Ij..., ..9 k . -.. t ... ...... v ghostly father, the superior geueral ' the society of Jesus, founded by tUint ignatus Luyola lu the ttontiucation of I'aul the 'Ihird, and couuuued to the present, ao, by the womb ot the virgin. the matrix of Uod, and the rod of Jesus Christ declare and swear that his holi ness, ths pope, is Christ's vlce-gerent. and Is the true and only head of the Catholic or universal church throughout 1 111 eunn, anu mat oy viitue 01 tne aei ) of binding and loosing given to ins noil neas by my bavlour. Jesus Christ. h tne earth; and that by vlitue ot the sea hs haih power to depose heretical kings. princes, Btates, common weal tha and gov ernments, all being illegal witnout tils sacred conllrmatloii, and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore, to the ut most of my power, 1 will defend this doctrine and his holiness' right and cus tom against all usurpers of me heretical or Protestant authority whatsoever, es pecially ths Lutheran church of Ger many, Holland, Denmark. Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authori ties and churches of England and Scot land, and branches of the same now es tablished In Ireland, and on the conti nent of America, and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sac led church of Home. "1 do now denounce and disown any al legiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Lib erals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. "1 do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calviniats, Huguenots and others of the name of Protestant or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will nut forsake the same. "1 do further declare that 1 will heip, assist and adv'se all or any of his holi ness' agents, in any place wherever 1 shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Hol land, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Eng land, Iceland or America, or In any other kingdom or territory, 1 shall coma 10, and do uiy utmost to extirpate the heietical Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal vuici-hw. "1 do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding 1 am dispensed with to assume any luligiou heretical for the propagation ot the mother church's in terest, to keep secret and private all her agents' councils from time to time, aa they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever, but to exe cute all that shall be proposed, given In charge, or discovered unto me, by you or my ghostly father, or any of his sac red convent. "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perlnde ao cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that 1 may re ceive from my superiors In the mliltia of the pope and of Jeaus ClirisL '"J hat 1 will go to any part of tha world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the north, the burn ing sands ot the desert of Africa, or the piugles of India, to the centers of civili zation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining und will be submissive In all things whatsoever, communicated to me. "1 do furthermore promise and declare that 1 will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secreteiy or openly, against all heretics, Protest ants and Liberals aa 1 am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth, and that 1 will spare neith , er age, sex or condition, and that I will banc, burn, waste, Don, nay, ku angle ana burn alive these Infamous heretics; rip up the stomach and wombs of their wo men and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, 1 will se cretly use the poisonous cup, the strang ulating cord, the Bteel or tne poinara, or the leuden bullet, regardless of the tank, dignity or authority of the person or per sons, whatever may be their condition in life, either puouc or private, as x at any time may oe aireciea so 10 ao uy any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood or. tne noiy tamer, 01 tne society of Jesus. in connrmalion 01 wnicn 1 nereoy oeui cate my life, my soul and all corporal powers, and with this dagger which 1 now receive, I will subscribe my name, written in my blood. In testimony there of; and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethern and fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope cut off my bands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons In an eternal hell forever. All of which 1 ao swear by the blessed trinity, and blessed sacra ment which 1 am now to receive, to per form, and on mv Dart to keep lnvioiaoiy; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these, my real Intentions, to keep this my oath. In testimony bereoi 1 taae mis meat holy and blessed sacrament of the eu charist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped in my own blood, and seal in the face of this holy convent. 1 H receives the wafer from tne super- tor and writs his name with the point of his dagger, dipped in bis own blood, tak en from over tha heart. CARDINAL'S OATH. cardinal of ths Holy Ro- i, V..U V. V. - " " ' man church, do promise and swear that, from this time to tha and of my life I will be faithful and obedient unto St. Peter, the holy apostolic Roman church, and our most holy lord, the pope of Rome, and bis successors, canonlcally and lawfully elected; that 1 will give no advice, consent or assistance against the pontifical majesty and person; mat 1 will novor knowingly and advisedly, to their injury or disgrace, make public the coun cils entrusted to me oy uieiuoeivco, ui uy m.cnnnn or letters: also that I will give them any assistance In retaining, H-rnriintr und recovering tba Roman papacy and the regalia of Peter, with all mv might and endeavor, so far as the rights and privileges of my order will allow It, and will defend them against all their honor and state, and I will direct and defend, with due form and honor, the legates and nuncious of the apostolic see In the territories, churches, monas teries and other benefices committed to my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate with them and treat tham with honor la their coming, abiding and re turning, and that 1 wiU resist unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them. That I will by every way and by every means strive to preserve, augment and advance tba rights, honors, privileges, the authority of the Holy Roman bishop, our lord tba pope and his before mentioned succes sors, and that, at whatever time anything shall be decided to their prejudice, which Is out of my power to hinder, as soon as 1 shall know that any steps or measures have been taken in the matter, I will make It known to the same, our lord or his successors, or some other person by whose means It may be brought to their knowledge. That I will keep and carry out and cause others to keep and carry out the rules of the holy father, the decrees, ordinances, dispensations, reservations, provisions, apostollo man dates and constitutions of the Holy Fsther Sextus, of happy memory, as to visiting tbs thresholds of the apoatlas at rcrtaia preerrieed tiasaav. aesarai se the tenor cf that waieh I have just ree4 through, last I wiu seek Sat cs poee. proeecelo mo4 tght toma woaata iwraecuturwm et lenpugnatiutuaj against heretics or erhiamatlta who vpseee ear lord, the pope mt Room, and his before mentiwaed successors, and this t wtU Oe with every puaaitle effort." tSlgaature) tbea seat to the pop. BlSHOI-8 OATH. . elect of Iks 1. 1 1 be falthrul and obedient Hi. Peter ths Apostle and to the Holy Itemaa chute. aud to Ubr lord h- k,..m . ... and to bis aucceaeura. cauouualiy eater lug. 1 will neither advice, content Her do anything that they may lose tale er meas ber, or that their peieons suay be seised, or hands in auywiee uid upua tbeas. or any uajuriee ottered lo then, under any pretence whatsoever. 1 he counsel with wiucb tbey shall tutrust me by tbeas eelvee, their nieaseUKvte or letteis, 1 will no knowingly reveal to ana, to esMar prejudi.e. 1 will help them to aaal keep the Rowan papacy aud the royalMea of bt. I eler aaaiust ail men. 'lbs ss gats or the eposiuilo aeo, going and cens ing. 1 will honorably treat and help ta hie necessities, the rig ate. hoaois. privi leges and authority vi tue Holy Kuuuua church of our lord, the pope, and has aforesaid successors. 1 will endeavor to preserve, defend, increase aud advance. 1 will not be in any counsel, action or treaty, lu winch shall be plotted against our said luid and llomaa churoh, any thing to the hurt or prejudice of shear persona, rights, honor, state or powea, and. If I aiiail know any aucb thing so be treated or agitated by any whatso ever. 1 will hinder It to Biy a us eat. and as soon as 1 can, I will signify It to our lord. '1 he ordinance and luaudates of Use pope, 1 will observe with all my nilglst and cauae to be ebaerved by others. 'Heretics, schismatics and rebels to aur said lord or bis successors, 1 will as uy utmost persecute and oppose. "Heretics, actusuiaticoa et lebellea sld em Domino nostro vol suctasauribua pre dictis pro posse perseuuar et oppusaaoe." "1 will come lo a council wheu l aaa called, 1 will visit the threshold of I be apostles every three years and glvs aa account of our lord of all my pastoral oillce and of ths things belonging to my diocese, to the discipline ot uiy clsigy aud people. 1 will In like manner huiuoiy receive and diligently execute the apost olic commands. If 1 am detained by a lawful Impediment. 1 will perfoim the aforesaid by a member of my chapter or a nneel of mv ilmi-ftHM. fuliv m-ir. ,.-( u all things above mentioned. The posses- wvBiiig iu iuj lauin, win neitner sell nor otherwise alienate without eon- .. . . . . . . . . ... ,'v.t, u 1 1 . , iiui uiw Uod and these holy gospsls of God." IBignaiursi. Sent to ths Romish Maiieger. THE FENIAN'S OATH. "I swear by almighty God, by all la heaven and eartu, by the holy prayea book of my holy church, by tha bieeed Virgin Mary mother of Uou, by bar sor row and grief at the cross, by bsr tsass and waitings, by the holy apoatles bf, Peter aud Paul, by the glorious apostle of Ireland Su Patrick liv tna lluaad and holy church of ail ages, by the Soar national martyrs, to tight upou the lnaa soil, to tight lor the ludepanuense of lie laud to light until 1 die, wading in 10-4 red gore of the Sasseuauh tProtestaua) for tue glorious cause ot nationality; to light until nut a single vestige. Hack or loolstep, is left to tell that the holy seal ot Ireland was ever trodden by the Sass enach tyrants and murderers; and, more over, wnen the Protestant robbers aad brutes In Ireland shall be murdered aud driven into tue sea like the swine our Lord Jesus Christ caused to be drowned, then we shall embark for, and take kiig laud, and root out every vestige of tits accursed blood of the heretic adulter, Henry v 111., und possess ourselves of tae beasts who have so lung kept our Island of saints Old Ireland 111 the chains of bonduge, driven ua from her shores, aa- lies uuo foreigu lands, i will wade 111 tag Olood of Oiangeinun and heretiss (Pro testants) who uo not join us and become ourselves. bcutiaiid too, having given aid and sue- cor to the beast, we thail live In her gore. w e shun not give up until we have re stored our holy faith all over Uie isles. iu all of this I sincerely and conselen- tously awear with uiy eyes bunded, not knowing who to me udministers nils oaia. PRIEST'S OATH. 'I , now in the presence of Almighty Uod, tne blessed Viigui Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the liuluiat. H10 Holy Apostles SL Peter and bt, Paul and the bainls and the bacred Hosts ot Heaven, and to you, my lord, 1 do declare from my heart, without mental reservation that the poue is Christ s Vlcui-Ktnerai : and is the true and only head ot the unl- versai church throughout the eartn, and that, by virtue of tue keys of binding I and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ he has power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonweaithsand governments, all being luegai without Ills sacred coulirmutlon, and mat tuey may sately be destroyed, 'ibereiore, to tne utmost of my power. 1 will detend this doctrine and his holiness' rights und cus toms against all usurpers ot the Protest ant authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended uulhor.ty and church In Emrlaiid and all adherents, in regard ttiat they be usurpal and heretlcals. opposing the sacred moluer 01 tne cnurcn 01 Rome. "1 do denounce and disown any allegi ance as due to any Protestant king, prince or state or obedience to any of their inferior officers. 1 do further de clare the doctrine of the church ot Eng land, of the Calvanists, Huguenots and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not for sake the same. 1 do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his holi ness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extir pate the Protestant doctrine and to des troy all their pretended power, regal or otherwise. 1 do further promise aud de clare that, notwithstanding 1 may be per mitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion tProtestant denomina tions,) for the propagation of the mother church's Interest, to keep secret and pri vate all her agents' counsels as they en trust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum stances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall be proposed, given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my most reverend lord and bishop. "All of which I. . do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacra ment which 1 am about to receive, to perform on my part to keep inviolably, and do call on all the Heavemy ana Glori ous Host of Heaven to witness my real intentions lo keep this my oath. "In testimony whereof 1 take this most holy and blessed Sacrament ot the Euch arist, and witness the same further with my consecrated band. In the presenoe of my holy bishop and all the priests who assist him in my ordination to the priest hood." OATH OF THE CLAN-NA-GAEL. The folllowing is the oath taken by tha members of that famous Romish Catho lic society; "I (name in full) do solemnly swear In the presence ot Almighty God, that 1 will lahnr while life Is left in me to establish and defend a republican form of govern ment in Ireland; that 1 win seep secret ihx names and everything connected with the Irish brotherhood from all not en titled to know such secrets; that I will obey and comply with ths constitution and laws ot the same, that 1 will pre serve the funds of this order for tha cause of Irish revolution alone, as speci fied in the constitution; that I will deem it mv special duty and mission to pro mote and foster sentiments of the union, brotherly love, nationality, . among all Irish. 1 take this obligation without any mental reservation, holding the same for ever binding upon me, and that any vio lation thereof, or desertion of my duty to the brotherhood Is infamous, and merits the severest punishment, so help ma This oath tha candidate Is abjured ts keep at the hazard ot hla Ufa. It was printed In the Chicago Inter Ocean anal was sworn to be correct at tha Cronla trial. It was reported by said paper No vember 17, 1XH. Priest and bishops not as ehaplafwe for tola holy (T) oroaa. "THE A. P. A. SONGSTER" RISV. O. IJ. MUUUAY, A. M.t !. 1. A Patriotic Song Hook for patriotic gatherings, homes. Schools, and all who love our Nation. Sjecial Selrx-tiona for Washington Birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and school and Society EnterUinraent. Sent on receipt of prioe. lrlcc, In l'apor Cover, JS Cents. Thi Icsrlcta Publishing Cc:u7. 19 DurPr.ce is $2 Per Yearl anyone who will send us te ny eiprem. bank draft, poelaifllca order or r -ale-(trail lttlar,can have Ths AasaiaaNannttia y ad dreanln the U sited stales or Canada, Until Jinusry ist. 1899, and any oes of tha fol lowing sxrellent b sjks: .Ifeof da-neaa Blaine 11.60 hetngraphia Hlsto y of aba Worlds Fair 1.60 fomania'W or Americanism, Wmxh 1. 00 UMivant Life Unveiled 1 2f rlest. Woman A Oen'esalonal 1.00 Iteming Facta or Deeds of Darkness 1 6( THE BODK IS FREB To subwrrlhers wh take adfantattof this offer. Ad Ir-m. AS)BHICH PiiauMHinii Oo., IIII5 11 iwir.l Mt. I Omaha, SOSsfelV- Popular Medical, Sal Science A Sensible Book for Curious People--A Useful Book for Everjont Bf RIW lOEI'S MOST CELKBR1TKD HKDIflL AUTBOB ARB RPRCIALInT. DR. I. B. rMTI. 'TSBjBjsBBkaaaBBBnlssV-' , - jtii ;rxc REALLY KOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. PART I.-DISEASES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURL PART II. CHRONIC DISEASES OF ALL SORTS, AND Alt PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXO PART IIL-PIAIN TALK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMS) MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. PART IV.-IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGE) A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO K. APPENDIX common to adulta and T.TO T" X Tp TriTT X of th richness of liU Z VlXi L.ULmt earnest and Kiitey 10 PLATES. 30 CHBOISOB. 200 ILLUSTRATIONS. The Anatomy of Man ana of Woman) The saint venereal r.rapiions) i nree r.ieaani i oior I'laies or t Hal ana sternal ursaaai Over 20 Illustrations of In-ml Itetelopinrnt; 12 True-le-Ufe Colorllypea by Color l'bolorapli, la rite Colors. Are You Well ? OOIJ nr. A l. in is a rre boon too KMirrllr sllnhtrd. Tlx fortunately tlitu en dow! from lilrlli are apt to be recltl! of Uirir tierlini.'e. It Is so esy to lone or illwil. ale It Hist In, ky MU. k are lucky Imleed I' I'"')' have senx! enoiiKli to lesrn how to riMlnlaln it. 1 hla all ran do by ri-ndink "I'lnlll Home Talk" on the rsunes of 01. eaM, errors In diet, panutllea, eii-emlTe meal eailnv. lea and roffee ilrlnkliiK. the uae and shine of ah -oliolli a, the had haldu of children, the nrevalriM-e of errnra of yoolh that ondermlne vigor of manhood-a i rhspter tlmiean'l lie read snd heeded too eagerly. Then there are the numerous lees of adults, the totsweo lislill nieo. llhcht -lamina: In women, ete.. etc., and the all powerful customs of society whereby many of tlie best of both sejes sre doomed to "social atarvn. lion." This chapter shows why thought lens young folu go ami ray, how prostitution has Ix-emne pre .ent, why It will not down, how Ita haneful dlnesnes sr conwyed to the "lnnoceBl"-uio surtllmj aud Important facts to know. The results ot a msd ensse for wealth, of oyer work, orsr-atudy, failures In bunlueaa, the fact that health Is the baals of wealth not tw-s eerwe-and the causea and effects of horrlhle melancholy these are all matters It would be well for you to think over. Are You III? Til F. It vou are indeed a rare man If you are not euiiuus to It-am bow It came shout, what's the matter and what's to be done. Whether It. be "only a cold," a chroule catarrh, or something more serious that has "settled on the IiiiisV In bronchitis or consumption, the sooner you find out how serious It K snd what to do for yourself the bitter. If yoa must lesrn "ho to live with one lunif" the earlier von get this knowledge the longer ynnwillllve. Or, may tie your particular weak spot Is In the liver, ftontsch or bowels. Then vou t sn nmke no mistake In linrnlMg the best methods of regulating tluwe vital functions. If ou are full of aehra. pains, neuralgia or rheuma tism. It Will surely Py to look up the wsy tosh.ike them off. Surely yon can't wsnt to neglect the mailt. Ions symptoms of llriiht'a disesse, or oilier de tructlvedlsessesof the "genito-urluary organs, and yon belter become posted on wich uimga as gonorrlMr, stricture and worse forma of contagions dl-eascs "by the hook" than by eiiierlewe. Hie stmcied will read with avidity all alut linpotrncy. Iwrrenueas. dlsesses of women, nervous diseases psresla, paralyals, skin dl-easee. acro'ala. i if et, VeuatJv. one book cannot cover "all tlic Ills that flesh Is heir to." and therefore fo nmire mlis fncWm. Ijr fbnlt authorurt tht oaaotmcemeivr Aul anu fir csaaer of"PB T" vko fmlt to rui in it iro( k mtiv mM aim in perton or htl'tur, 'eu-l rrri and the inquiry will be answered to lbs beat nf tils ability. 4 r-wz-vxriT TrTITrTrTOha,ra,,y have"sotnetbln(f Ilk It" or "Jnst aa ffoofl." Btrndretla haea 1 IKJPt X i II l iv IV declared that it is '1rculiar to l("!.f," and far oneutt of all other works. 1 v VVTV VTrjt?rp that this work la offered for (otm tnfrinsfcfiirrif and ntillty, ami not 1v'iN X rWltvJril distributed in rfuvpform to advertise proprletsrv medicines. T'VCTTXfnVT AT 1"' tne Diost enthusiastic kind from all wwnirtes here Enjtllah lsspo l-io 1 1 1UV.1V 1 iVisli woul.i, even i u small type, fill M) pages of thtasiiie. ppt-poijTrv'V A T men of ail rlais. rlerotnien, tfurfnr.s. ftrir, ediorji, critics, hava 1 ikvfl rOolvxs iVljglvrn flattering rndorxement; remarkably few critical. ., , 9 , POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding. Prepaid by Mail, $ 1 ,6Q American Publishing (p. it Nebraska. Of CorntsE You Want to Know '-"uat Everybody Ouoht to Kirow Tns Youni cow to choose the best ono to marry, Thk Marriei how to bo happy in nuirrino; The Fond Parknt how to have prizo babic; The Mother how to havo them without pain; The Childless how to be fruitful and multipryj Thk Curious how they "growtHi" and enmo to be; The Healthy how to enjoy life and kfMp well; The Invalid how to pet well again speedily; The Imprudent how to regain wonted energy. All who wnnt knowlodpo that is of moat worth Find it in Dr. Foote'8 "l'luin Homo Talk," 1,000 paces, 200 cuts, 3G col. plates; 200 recipes. PLSAfiES ALL t'LAfcnEMI A BOOK FOR TUB MAoHKUt Contains over 200 prescriptions for relief (nd curs of scut sad chronic children) complete table of antidoiet to poisons lllusbsnw) direction! for resuscitating ths drownedl hygienic rules for the car sf I this book and tha (WtlKfurtlon It rl" tothoogkfBj, inquisitive peopie can be properly stated here. . Origin of Life; Man from the Kcsi IHiM-asee ef th Are You Engaged? i.i nopmg co oa aa) Set. perhspa. WaJi. on't niirry; and make Bo mistake. It a se easy to get la and aa dlitimlt to gel out, thai It Is well worth while to "te aura ye are right before yoe. go shead." 1 here to no look so helpful Bb ensMlng yoa to sense wlely ss "Plata, Home Tain. To ran k'Arn aomeyhfasT from ot Iter's msuakss. The llhuorr of Mar riage of all kinds, la. aiicounines.iiia esjrt nns experiments some nations lisij niade, anetaat snd modern, harbaronaand clvlllrrd, help as to know whatnot lo do. The scxiisl Immorality growing oae, of uimtilanVd nature and marriage mlanu. the history orproniiiiitlon. iu prevalence, allurements. dangers. rcHtnis, uieertortsor reitgiona ana asreucwm wi due and eitnlrtd the dominant tianrdon all Uisseet lea sre fruitful In Indicating plilalla le avoid. Obi in oiner nana cnapiers on auspiion is iiiwriur nhvalra). mental ami nisgneuc on esriy marmures. iiuernmrrlane, elopemenu, tie, etc., aid the reader a nu nske a good match, selert bai.ptly ror some au oa iprlng, to avoid -Lucifer Mstcbea," and to escape u spring, to svold "Lucifer Matches," rat trap and lottery kinds of marriage. Are You Married? THRKK are cha-. ten equally mp( to tliuwmg yo "how lo hr h)y thttuch niarrtr.fc Nuny married peoa rM would pet alone tiir If they kn?w hew fn sts-Iar, Ihtrin- mm t'lv to 1) other, nd woutil try lo na si rut und n saw ottH-r'tBerris. Thrf wttUt lo raif h, Ml luln huiw Talk trnyg alvmt t')C trua philosophy of Inter c our', t ho ' y n t u r. I rrlnllona of th m iff," the lriflurnoa 3 on ht-Hiih and vll nt pen rwiaotiit, "the wormwood timt mit-Utcr iofM lite." m-., etc. Many find mm h lM t ion In tin rtmptrr on linrrra ne wldrlt h5rtM'nihtinn of Joy to many a 4 hi. ilk pair, atdntfi Ur-m to dlM-ii r aiid rrmuvr th obsurlt'. Oihera like lt uiitquf 'Vitwiys for nftrrtctj Horif" trpatinir of ejuaU tty,filP?pluK apart, exec, narration, Jralnoay, liw differriir. pr'enttn, continence, food for prisS nam wonirn, (ho explanation of rhtld-rnaktiic, way children of M'cond luiHmnd rrw mhle the nrt.rwec In hort nit-n ami wonton henate to ulk with t-hcir ttoiiie phMian cincfrnlnK many aielicafr afiiea thma that perplex thin ami that they really aecd to umfc retjhnd, and which t hla book will enttKhtea Uiaoi on but rtmfntbrr Unit U U fail latoMKteuHar 9UtnU rtfy to molt vi)or the OfrntmiDn byrrpli'if free of rkurgt lo Xpert u. Uutrt qf trnjutry. s