The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 11, 1898, Image 7

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It runs on Van Buren St
directly In front of the
Rock Island &
PuMngers arriving In Cbicaco can, by the
new Union Elevated Loop, reach as partol
the city; or, for a five cent fare, can betaken
immediately to any of the large lores in the
down town district.
All Elevated Trains will stop at the "Bock
island" Htatton. Tralna every minute.
These facilities ran only be offered by the
If you will send a t-cent stamp for postage
we will nail you atonre a new bird's-eye view
of Chicago, just issued in five colors, which
chows you just what you want to know about
Chicago and the new Loop and Elevated Bye
fm. This map you should have, whether yon
live out of the city and exiect to come to It.
or whether you live in Chicago and you or
your friends contemplate making a trip.
8-17-f Chicago
Store Prices
Best describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth $5 00
Best Set Teeth 7 60
Gold Fillings 11.00 and up
. Silver Fillings 1 00
Gald Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 25
Teeth out in the morning-
A'ew Ones Same Day,
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Ykaes' Experience 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Attorney, Merchants National Bank BIdg.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an alias
) order of sale issued out of the District
court for Douglas county, NeDraska, and to
me directed, I will.on the 8th day of March A.
D. IS1., at ten o'clock A. at. of said day, at the
EAST front door of the county court house,
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the property described In
said order of sale as follows, to-wit:
Lots two 2), live (5), six (8) and twenty-two
22 In blocs one (1) in South Exchange Place
Addition to the city of South Omaha, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded all situated In
Douglas county, stae of Nebraska.
(aid property to be sold to satisfy Jaoces
L. Browne, plaintiff herein, the sums as fol
lows, to-wit:
On lot two (2), block one (1), above de
scribes the sum of (42.13, together with an
attorney's 'ee of W.21.
On lot five (5), block one (I), above des
cribed, the sum of IdD.M, together with an
attorney's fee of 13.90.
On lot s x (6), block one (1), above des
cribed, the sum of $39,011, together with an
attorney's fee of 13.90.
On lot twenty-two (22). block one (1). above
described, the sum of 136.05; together with
an attorney's fee of 13 M.
All of which sums, by the judgment of the
district court, bear interest thereon (except
ing attorneys' fees), at the rate of ten (10) per
cent per annum from May 3rd, 1897, and are
f rst lien upon said property.
To satisfy the further sum of one hundred
8-100 dollars (1100.03) costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a judgment
rendered by the district court of said Doug
las county, at its May term, A. D. 1897,
in a certain action tben and there pending,
wherein James L. Browne is plaintiff, and
David M. Stuart, Mrs. Htuart. first
and real name unknown, his wife, R. W
Clayton, first and real name unknown,
American Bank and Trust Company of
Woonsocket, South Dakota, a corporation,
ieorgla A. Cloud, wi'iis v. uoua. bernus
band. Ueorse W. Hervey and Mrs.
Hervey, first and real name unknown, bis
wife, are aeienaants.
Omaha, Nebraska, February 4th. 1898.
john w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W A. Saunders, attorney.
Browne vs. Stuart et ai.
Doc. 59; No. 20.
Rx.-Doc. Z; Page 108. 2-4-5
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
By virtue of an order of sale issued out
of the district court for Douglas county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on
the 22d day of March, A. D. 1898, at "ten
o'clock a. m. of said day, at the east front
door of the county court house, in the city
m , . . V. . Tl.mi.liia (uiiintv 'clir-Q t-ln .all
Jl uuna. u.-.l
at public auction to the highest bidder for
. . . . j
lilt) prvyvi iy urawiuw ... ooju viuer
m . 1 ) V. H Til (i .i an altllHran (n thai nltv
of Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and re-
t. -. .4 .mp, ,r tr nj. an 11 tci Katlafv TCal.
OOJU yi . v - - j - -
ter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of
thirty-two and 82-100 ($32.82) dollars Judg
ment, with Interest theron at rate of ten
(10) per Cent per tvnuuxu iivm fcui utuy
i 4nitVias tVia suit, tvt VH IH rtt a
herein, together with accruing costs, ac
cording to a decree rendered by the dis
trict court of said Douglas county, at its
February term, A. D. 1837, in a certain ac
tion then and there pending, wherein Wal
ter E. Keeler is plaintiff and Mary Cun
ningham and others are defendants.
Omaha. Nebraska, February 18, 1898.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Cunningham, et al.
Docket 67, No. 178.
Ex. Docket Z, Page 291 . 2-18-6
l2Sffiil rm I ntTtn AND A LI
immm. luuid points
Ticket Office. I.E. Carner Ulth and Faraan SU.
TitM Ifflu. 1. 1, Cm. tl i4 Fanaa SU
The fallowing arc tfca declaration mt
principles adopted by the National Osan
etl of the A. P. A. at lsa afolnaa.
"Loyalty to true Americanism, which
knows neither birth, place, race, erssd.
or party. Is the first requirement for
membership In the American. tTotectlve
A nrlatlon.
The American Protective Aasoctsttsa
is not a political party, and does not con
trol the political affiliations of Its mem
bers; but It teaches them to b intensely
active in the discharge of their political
duties in or out of party Unas. bacauaa
It believes that all problems confronting
our people will be bound solid by a con
scientious discharge of the duties of eitl
senship by every Individual.
"While tolerant of all creeds. It holds
that subjection and support to any politi
cal power not controlled by American ctt
taens. and which claims equal If not
greater sovereignty than the government
of the United States. Is Irreconcilable
with American cltlsenship. It is. there
fore opposed to ths holding of offices la
state or national government by any
subject or supporter of such scclssiastloal
"We uphold the constitution of the
United Btates of America and no portion
of It mora than its guarantee of religious
liberty, but ws hold this religious liberty
to be guaranteed to the Individual, and
not to mean that under its protection any
un-American ecclesiastical power can
claim any absolute control over the edu
cation of children, growing up under the
stars and slripes.
"We consider the non-sectarian free
public school the bulwark of American
institutions, the best place for ths edu
cation of American children. To keep
them such, we protest against the em
ployment of subjects, of any un-American
ecclesiastical power aa officers or
teachers of our public schools.
"We condemn the support out of the
public treasury by direct appropriation
or by contract of any sectarian school,
reformatory or other institution not own
ed and controlled by public authority.
"Believing that exemption from taxa
tion Is equivalent to a grant of publto
funds, we demand that no real or person
al property be exempt from taxation, the
title to which is not vested in the national
or state governments, or in any of their
"We protest against the enlistment In
the United States army. navy, or the
militia of any state, of any person not an
actual citizen of the United Btates.
"Ws demand for the protection of our
citizen laborers the prohibition of the im
portation of pauper labor, and the re
striction of all Immigration to persona
who cannot show their ability and honest
intention to become self-supporting Amer
ican cltlsens.
"We demand ths change of the natural
thortslng ths naturalisation of minors,
without a previous declaration of Inten
tion, and by providing that no alien shall
be naturalised or permitted to vote In
any state in the union who cannot speak
ths language of ths land, and who can
not prove seven years' consecutive resi
dence in this country from the date of
hisadeclaration of intention,
"Ws protest against the gross negli
gence and laxity with which the judici
ary of our land administer the present
naturalisation laws, and against ths
practice of naturalizing aliens at the ex
pense of committees or candidates as
the most proline source of the present
prostitution of American citizenship to
the basest uses.
"We demand that hospitals, asylums.
reformatories, or other institutions In
which people are under restraint, be at
all times subject to public Inspection,
whether they are maintained oy me pud
lic or by private corporations or Individ
uals. We demand that all national or stats
legislation affecting financial, commer
cial or Industrial Interests be general la
character and in no Instance In favor of
any one section of the country, or any
ons class of the people."
I. The constitutions of princes are not
superior, but subordinate to ecclesiasti
cal constitutions. -
2. The laws of the emperor cannot dis
solve the ecclesiastical or cannon laws.
S. It is not lawful for an emperor to
exact anything opposed to the apostolic
4. It is not lawful for kings to usurp
the things that belong to priests.
6. no custom or anyone can thwart tne
statutes of the popes.
6. Let no resistance oe offered to tne
apostolic (cannon) precepts, but let them
be salutlferiously fulfilled.
7. The yoke imposea Dy tne noiy see is
to be borne, though it appear intolerable
and insupportable.
8. The Pontiff can neither he loosed nor
bound by the secular power.
9. That the Pontiff was called God by
the pious Prince Constantine, and that
as God he cannot be Judged aa man.
10. That as Uod he is far above tne
reach of all human law and Judgment.
11. That all laws contrary to the can
ons and decrees of the Roman prelates
are of no force.
12. That all of the ordinances or tne
Pope are unhesitatingly to be obeyed.
13. We ought not even to speak, to one
whom the Pope has ex-communicated.
14. Priests are latners ana masters.
even of princes.
15. The civil law Is derived from man,
but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is de
rived directly from God. by which the
Pontiff can, In connection with his pre
lates, make constitutions for the whole
Christian world, in matters spiritual, con
cerning the salvation of souls, and the
right government oi tne cnurcn; ana
necessary judge and dispose of all the
temporal goods of all Christians. j
16. A heretic, holding or teaching false !
inrtrlne concerning the sacraments. Is
excommunicated and degraded, and hand
ed over to the secultar court.
17. Secular princes unwilling to' swear
to defend the church against heretics
are excommunicated, and they are laid
under an interdict.
18. The goods of hertics are to be con
fiscated and applied to the church.
19. Advocates or notaries, favoring
heretics, or their defenders, or pleading
for them In law Bults, or writing docu
ments for them, are infamous and sus
pended from office.
20. The secular powers, whether perma
nent or temporary, are bound to swear
that they will exterminate, according to
their power, all heretics condemned by
the church; and a temporal lord not purg
ing his land of heretics, is excommuni-
Cf21?dThose signed with the cross for the
extermination of heretics, rejoice in the
privilege granted to the crusaders for the
help of the holy land.
22. They are absolved from all obliga
tions who are in anywise bound to here
tics 23 Whoever dies In battle against the
unbelieving, merits the kingdom of heav-
it We do not esteem those homicides
to whom it may have happened in their
seal for their mother church against the
excommunicated, to kill some of them.
26. The Catholic princes are bound,
both by civil and common law, not to
receive or tolerate heretics, and much
more are not to permit their rites, or
other exercise of their religion, or rather.
their false sect, out are most soiemmy
bound everywhere, to repel and expel
them. . , .
28. The following temporal punish
ments are to be enforced on heretics: 1st
Infamy, and the consequent disqualifi
cations for all civil acta 2nd Intestabili
ty, as well active as passive (that is,
they can neither make nor will Inherit
what is left to them by others). 3rd Loss
of parental power over children. 4th
Loss of dowry, and other privileges
granted to women. 6th Confiscation or
all goods. 6th That vassals and slaves
and others ars from all, even sworn
obligations dus to their lord, or another.
7th Capital corporal punishment, es
pecially death, and perpetual Imprlson-
mlt' The 'canon law forbids all tolera-
tL That metropolitans and bishops are
to ex-communicate him who grants lib
erty of conscience.
29. No oath is to be kept toward here
tic princes, lords or others.
SO. Heretics are to be deprived of all
civil and paternal rights.
31. Ths Pope can absolvs from all
n!1'Every bishop Is ordinary judge In a
cause of heresy. The reason Is because
ths bishops can ex-offlclo, and ought to
extirpate heretics, and Inflict upon them
ths dus punishments, and to this are
bound on pain of deposition. Besides ars
ths Inquisitors es
spoclaiiy steps hy. tho
apostolic sea. Every bishop In his dleessa
ss thought to bo. and W . reahty Is. a
natural inquisitor, (literally born taquia-
ttor). so aa la have the same power with
tbuao already aieaUooeil ta a cause of
U. in ovary promissory oath, although
absolutely taken, theie are varlaln cou
ttiuons tacitly ituderstood. amongst which
are: 1st If 1 can; Xo io save toe right
and authority of a superior; 3rd '
the oath supposes the honor of the apos
tolic see to bo Illicit.
M. 'i hat the council of Trent, (the last
and groat authority of Hornet, decrees
and commands that the sacred vanoas
ana ail ganeral councils, also ths other
apostolic enactments Issued In favor of
ecclvaiasticai parsons of ecclesiastical
liberty, and against Its violators, all of
which by this present decree It renews,
and must be exactly observed by all.
l. . now la the presence of Al
mighty God. the blessed Virgin Mary, ths
bieMMMl aticnael the Arcnanei. tua bless
ed bt. Jonn tne Uaptut, the holy Apost
les bt. Pater and tot. Paul and tus oaints
and bacred Host of heaen, and to you.
my ghostly father, the superior general
of lii society ut .issue, touudsu b saint
ignalua luyola In the puntincauoa of
Paul ths 'ihlrd, and continued to ths
present, do, by the aomb ol tue virgin,
the mains of Uod, and the rod of Jesus
Christ declare and swear that his nou
iwu, ths pope, is Christ's vice-gerent,
and is the true and oniy head ol the
Catholic or universal church thiougliout
the earth; and that by vlitue ol the kes
ot binding and loosing given to Ins uoll
nesa by my Saviour, wen us Chriat, bo
hath power to depose hurotleal kings,
princes, states, communwsaiths and gov- :
erniueuts, an bolus literal wituoui nls
sacred confirmation, and they may bo i
saleiy deairoyed. 'iherafore, to the ut
most ot my power, 1 will defend this
doctrine and his holiness' right and cus
tom against all usurpers of ins heretical
or Protestant authority whatsoever, es
pecially the Lutheran church of Ger
many, Holland, Denmark, bweden and
Norway, and tne now pretended authori
ties and churches of England and buot
land, and branches of the same now es
tablished In Ireland, and on the conti
nent of America, and elsewhere, and ail
adherents in regard that they be usurped
and heretical, opposing the sacrsd church
of Koine. (
"1 do now denounce and disown any al
legiance as due to any heretical king,
prince or stale named Protestant or Lib
erals or obedience to any ot their laws,
magistrates or officers.
"i do further declare that the doctrine
of the churches of England and Scotland,
of tne Cat viniels, Huguenots and others
ef the name of Protestant or Liberals to
be damnable, and they themselves to bo
damned who will not forsake the same.
"1 do further declare that 1 will heip,
assist and advlss all or any of his holi
ness' agents, In any place wherever 1
shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Hol
land, Denmark, hweden, Norway, Eng
land, Iceland or America, or in any other
kingdom or territory, 1 ataaii como to, and
do my utmost to extirpate the heielical
Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to
destroy all their pretended powers, isgai
or otherwise.
"I do further promise and declare that,
notwithstanding 1 am dispensed with to
assume any religion heretical for the
propagation of tne motner enureb's In
terest, to keep secret and private all
her agents' councils from time to time,
as they sntrust me, and not to divulge,
directly or inulrectly, by word, writing
or circumstances whatever, but to exe
cute all that shall be proposed, given In
charge, or discovered unto me, by you
or my ghostly father, or any of his sac
red convent.
"I do further promise and declare that
I will have no opinion or will of my own
or any mental reservation whatsoever,
even as a corpse or cadaver (perlnde ao
cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey
each and every command that 1 may re
ceive from my superiors In ths militia of
the pope and of Jesus Christ.
"That 1 will go to any part of the
world whithersoever I may be sent, to
the frozen regions of the north, the burn
ing sands of the desert of Africa, or tho
plngies of India, to the centers of civili
zation of Europe, or to the wild haunts
of the barbarous savages of America,
without murmuring or repining and will
be submissive in all things whatsoever,
communicated to me.
"I do furthermore promise and declare
that 1 will, when oppdrtunity presents,
make and wage relentless war, secreteiy
or openly, against all heretics, Protest
ants and Liberals as I am directed to do,
to extirpate them from the face ot the
whole earth, and that 1 will spare neith
er age, sex or condition, and that I will
hang, burn, waste, boll, flay, strangle and
burn alive these infamous heretics; rip
up the stomach and wombs of their wo
men and crush their infants' heads
against the walls in order to annihilate
their execrable race. That when the
same cannot be done openly, 1 will se
cretly use the poisonous cup, the strang
ulating cord, the steel of the poinard, or
the leaden bullet, regardless ot the rank,
dignity or authority of the person or per
sons, whatever may be their condition In
life, either public or private, as 1 at any
time may be directed so to do by any
agent of tho pope or superior of the
brotherhood of the holy father, of the
society of Jesus. ,
In confirmation of which I hereby dedi
cate my life, my soul and all corporal
powers, and with this dagger which I
now receive, I will subscribe my name,
written in my blood, In testimony there
of; and should 1 prove false or weaken In
my determination, may my brethern and
fellow soldiers oi tno mum oi wo uupo
cut off my hands and my feet, and my
throat from ear to ear. my belly opened
and sulphur burned therein, with all the
punishment that can be intiicted upon
me on earth and my soul be tortured by
iinnnna in an eternal hell forever.
All of which I do swear
by the blessed trinity, ana Diesseu sacra
mor, which I nm now to receive, to per
form, and on my part to keep inviolably;
and do call all the heavenly and glorious
host of heaven to witness these, my real
int.ntinnB tn kMn this mv oath.
In testimony hereof 1 take this most
holy and blessed sacrament of the eu
charlst, and witness the same further,
with my name written with the point of
this dagger, dipped in my own blood, and
anal in tne face ot this holy convent.
IHe receives the wafer from the super
ior and writs his name with the point of
his dagger, dippea in nis own uiouu,
en from over tho heart.
I, . cardinal or tne tioiy no
nun church, do promise and swear that
from this time to tho end of my life I
will be faithful and obedient unto tit.
Peter, the holy apostolic Koman church,
and our most holy lord, the pope of
i hi- .iii-Kauanr, fsnnnli-lll 1 V
Home, win -,
and lawfully elected; that 1 will give no
advice consent or assistance fcuit. me
i.L I noraiin Hint 1 Will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their
. - jiu,Tru,.a mnkA milllic the cciun-
llijuiy oi uioft.-w, ...
cils entrusted to me oy inemoeives, or oy
messongers or letters; also that I will
. .. . i ., In rAtnlnlnsf.
give mei" ...... -
defending and recovering the Roman
papacy and the regalia of Peter, with all
my might and endeavor, so far as the
riKhts and privileges of my order will
allow it and will defend them against all
their honor and state, and I will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, tho
legates and nuncious of the apostolic
see in the territories, churches, monas
teries and other benefices committed to
my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate
with them and treat them with
honor la their coming, abiding and re
turning, and that 1 will resist unto blood
all persons whatsoever who shall attempt
anything against them. That 1 will by
every way and by every means strive to
preserve, augment and advance tho
rights, honors, privileges, the authority
of the Holy Roman bishop, our lord the
pope and nls before mentioned succes
sors, and that, at whatever time anything
shall be decided to their prejudice, which
is out of my power to hinder, as soon as
1 shall know that any steps or measures
have been taken in the matter. 1 will
make It known to the same., our lord
or his successors, or some other person
by whoso means It may be brought to
their knowledge. That I will keep and
carry out and cause others to keep and
carry out tho rules of the holy father,
tho decrees, ordinances, dispensations,
reservations, provisions, apostollo man
dates and constitutions ot tho Holy
Father Beitus. of hsppy memory, as to
visiting tho thresholds of tho apostles at
rertala prescribed tdasee. aeeardlag o
the tenor of that which I have Jeat rsad
through. That J lll sash ooa aad ap
pose, prooacato and Bf bt 4oass ooaafcs
parsecuturum at impugnataroaai against
heretics or schismatics who oppose os
lord, the pope of Howe, and his bolero
mentioned successors, and this I will (to
with every possible Sort."
(signature) then seat lo ths papa.
"L " . elect of tho
- diocaoo. from aeeceforward sM
do faithful and obedient to Bt. Peter Use
iia ana ta tss iisly Kemaa chasoa,
and to our lord, the hoty posa of Koaso,
and to his successors, caneuically eater
ing, l wul neither advice, consent nor do
anything that they may loss his or mesa
ber. or that their poisons may be seised,
or hands in auyaise hud upea Ibesa, or
any Injuries onsred to thesa, unoor any
pretence whatsoever. The counsel with
which they shall Intrust me by Ihess
saives. their lueweiisvis or leiteis, i aid
not knoalngly reveal to assy, to Shear
prejudic e, 1 a ill help them to Uetaad aad
keep ths Human papacy and the royal Mas
of tot. Peter agalual all men, 'lbs se
nate of the apoatoilc see, going ana coin
ing. 1 will honorably treat and help ta
ins necessities. Ihs rights, nosers, privi
leges and authority ot the Holy Muuiaa
church of our lord, tho pope, and ha
aforesaid successors, 1 will endeavor So
preserve, defend, increase and adveaoo.
I will not bo in any counsel, auuoa or
treaty, in which shall bs piollsd against
our said lord and ilomaa church, as
thing to the hurt or prejudice of MV
persons, rig his, honor, slats or pewes.
and, if I shall know any such thing sb
be treated or agitated by any whatso
ever, l a hi hinder It to aiy utmost, aad
ss soon as 1 can, I wlii signify It so our
lord. '1 hs ordinance and mandates of W
pope, 1 will observe with all my might
auu causa to pa observed by others.
"Heretics, schismatics asd rebels to our
said lord or his successors, 1 will to my
uiiuusi persecute ana oppose.
"Heretics, schismaticos et isbslles eld-
em Loimuo noslro vol succoaaoribu nso-
dictis pro poass persequar el oppugaaoa."
i win come lo a council when 1 ssm
called, 1 will visit ths threshold ot ina
spostles svery thrss years and givo aa
account of our lord of all mv unmoral
ottlcs aud of ths things belonging to my
diocese, to ths discipline of my clergy
ami people. I will in use manner nuuibMr
receive aud diligently execute the auoso-
olio commanda If 1 am detained by a
lawful impediment. 1 will uerform tho
aforesaid by a member of my chapter or
a priest of ray diocese, fully instructed ta
all things abovs mentioned. The posses
sions belonging to my table, I will neither
sell nor otherwise alienate without oon-
suilliiK the i.oinan poiiim. bo ueip laa
uoa ana these holy gospels of God."
Sent to ths Romish Manage
"I swear by alnilirhty God. bv all in
heaven and earth, by tho holy prayos
book of my holy church, by ths blessed
virgin Mary mother of Uod. by hsr sor
row and grist at ths cross, by hsr tsasa
and waitings, by the holy apostles b
Peter and Paul, by the glorious aposus
of Ireland tot. Patrick ty ths blessed
and holy church of all ages, by the hot
national martyrs, to light upon the sriaa
soil, to tight lor ths Independence of Ire
land lo light until l a mi, wading in too
red gore of the Sassenach (Protestant
for the glorious causs of nationality; to
light until not a single vsstigs, track or
footstep, is left to tell that tho holy seal
ot Ireland was svsr troddsn by the Sass
enach tyrants and murderers; and, mere
over, when the Protestant robbers aad
brutes in Ireland shall bs murdered aad
driven Into ths sea ilka the swine oar
Lord Jssus Christ caused to be drowned.
tben we shall embark for. and take Una-
land, and root out svery vsstigs el Mas
accursed blood of the heretic adulterat.
Henry VI11-, and possess ourselves of tne
beasts who have so tour ksut our island
of saints Old Ireland la the chains of
bondage, driven us from her shores, ca
nes into foreign lands. 1 will wade In the
blood of Orangemen and heretics (Pro
testants) who do not Join us aad become
Scotland too. having given aid and sua-
cor to the beast, ws shall live In her gore
Wo shall not alvo up until we nave re
stored our holy faith ail over the iiritan
in all of this I sincerely and conscien-
touslv swear with my eyes blinded, aot
knowing who to nis administers mis oats.
l . now in the presence of
Almighty Uod, the. blessed V 11 gin Mary,
the blessed Michael the Archangel, tne
blessed bt. John Ine Uapilsl, the Holy
Apostles bt. feler and Hi. 1'aul and the
baints and the bacreu Hosts ot Heaven,
and to you, 111 y lord, 1 do declare from
my heart, without mental reservation
that the none la Christ s vicar-general
and Is the true and only head ot the uni
versal church throughout the eurtn, ana
that, by virtue of tne keys ot binding
and loosing given to his holiness by jesus
-hrit ha hm Dower to deuose heretical
kings, princes, states, commonwealths and
governments, an oeing megai wuuoui n
sacred conlirmation, and that they may
safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the
utmost of my power. I will defend this
aoctrine and his holiness' rights and cus
toms against all usurpers 01 tne rroioai
ant authority whatsoever, especially
against the now pretended authority and
church in Kngland and all adherents, in
regard that they bs usurpal and heretical,
opposing the sacred motuer of the church
01 Rome.
"1 do oenounce and disown any allegi
ance as due to any frotestant king,
prince or state or obedience to any of
their inferior officers. I do further de
clare the doctrine of the church ot Eng
land, of the Calvanists, Huguenots and
other Protestants, to be damnable and
those to be damned who will not for
sake the same. , . ,
"1 do further declare that I will help,
assist and advise all or any of his holi
ness' agents in any place wherever I
shall be, and to do my utmost 4.0 extir
pate the Protestant doctrine and to des
troy all their pretended power, regal or
otherwise. 1 do further promise and de
clare that, notwithstanding 1 may be per
mitted by dispensation to assume any
heretical religion (Protestant denomina
tions) for the propagation of the motner
church's Interest, to keep secret and pri
vate all her agents' counsels as they en
trust me, and not to divulge, directly or
indirectly, by owrd, writing or circum
stances whatsoever, but to execute all
hirh shall be DroDosed. given in charge
or discovered unto me by you, my most
reverend lord ana Disnop.
ah of which 1. . . do swear by
the blessed Trinity and blessed feacra
ment which 1 am about to receive, to
,.orfrm im mv Dart to keep inviolably.
and do call on all the Haveniy an Ulort
ous Host ot Heaven to witness my real
im.ntinriR to keeD this my oath.
"In testimony whereof 1 take ibis most
holy and blessed Sacrament 01 ine cutn-
my consecrated hand, in the presence of
my holy bishop and all the priests who
. . .. , u n u'linfuw 1 in ntLiiia lu, ,u.i .
assist him in my oruinauou 10 i,,v
The folllowing is the oath taken by tho
members of that famous Romish Catho
lic society:
"I (name in full) do solemnly swear In
the presence of Almighty God, that 1 Will
labor while life is left in me to establish
umi defend a reuublican form of gan,a-
ment In Ireland; that I will keep secret
the names and everything connected with
the Irish brotherhood from ail not en
titled to know such secrets; that I will
obey and comply with the constitution
and laws of the same, that 1 will pro
serve the funds of this order for tho
cause of Irish revolution alone, as speci
fied la the constitution; that I will deem
It my special duty and mission to pro
mote and foster sentiments of the union,
brotherly love, nationality, among all
Irish, I take this obligation wlthoat any
mental reservation, holding tho same for
ever binding apon ms, and that any vio
lation thereof, or desertion of my duty to
the brotherhood Is Infamous, and merits
the severest punishment, so help mo
Thls oath ths candldats Is abjured ta
keep at the hazard of his Ufa It was
printed In tho Chicago Inter Ocean aad
warn to be correct at tho Cronta
trial. It was reported by said paper No
vember 17, UM. Priests aad bishops aot
as obaplalM lor tats hoy (1)
"THE A. P. A.
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Over SO Illustrations of Ku'tal lleielopmenl: 12 True-to-Liio
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Are You Well?
ODD HULin rure
twin too uimeinllv slltdiu d.
Tbose fortunately ttim en
duwrd from llrtli are apt to
tie rei ki)'" of tli. lr uiTliau.
It Is so eaay to "r jiwi-
Iiate It thai luckv frllowi are
1M ky Indeed If they have
aeiiM- pnouKb to learn now fci
maintain 11. 1 ' " ran u
I.T reading "I'laln lloms
Talk"un the caime of dia.
eaw, errors In diet, paranltea,
exrenale meat eailntr, tee
snd eoltee drlnklnic, the nae
snd alme of elrohulles, the
lwd hahtta of children, the
nreralenrfl of errors of
youth thst undermine; vigor of manhood- c Mpter
t ml ean'l le read and heeded too eauerly. Then there
are the numerous tires of adults, the toharro habit
:n men, tia-ht-larlnn In women, etc., etc., and the 011
nowerful cuatoma of society wherehy many of tho
le of both sexes are doomed to "social etama
llon " This chapter ahowa why thouuhtlena yonntr
folka to astray, how proatltntlon has heroine preva
nt, why It will not down, how lis haneful ifeaea
are conveyed to the "Innocent" moat, startling aud
Important facts to know. . t. m
The renulu of a mad chase for wealth, of over
work, over-study, failures In biulnena, tho fart that
health Is the hals of wealth not r)r reran and the
cauaes and effects of horrible melancholy these
are all matters It would be well for jou lo think over.
Are You III?
TIIEVvnn are Indeed arare man
If vou are not snxlona to learn
how It came about, what's the
matter and what's to be done.
Whether It be "onlv a cold," a
chronic catarrh, or someihlna;
mure uerltuia that has Mettled
on Ihe Itmga" In bronchitis or
conaunipttoii, the eooner you nun
out how sprlotta It in. snd what to
do for yoiirertf the la tter. If you
must learn "how to live with one
Inn" the earlier yon sxt this
knowledge the longer yomvill livo.
(Ir, may Iw )our parlKUlar ra.
epnt Is In the liver, stomach or
how-la. Thin vou ran make no
ml:-iake In li-arnh: the. net
methodtof reirulatlnir these vital functlona 11 you
are full of ache.. alns. neuralllia ' fheiima-
1. ...1.1 Id rial' tn 1. .,.- III! li t nS tOlMlKkn
1".'. ff surely vou can't wsnt to neislert the insid.
,i svmptoms of llrishl'e disease, orolher,.iia.,.ai
of the 'Venlto-urlliary orfn." ami
iw.,,.. nunmie Iot.tcd on HUl'll tilllllH
ironorrlKea.strlrtiire and worse forms of coiilauioiis
diseases "hv the hook" than by experience. The
aimclrd wlll read with avidity all about Imm-tenry.
Urrcnncsa. diseases of women, nervous diseases,
paresla, shin diseases, aerofa la, , etc. 1 et.
tiUu, one book cannot rover "all the Ills that
flesh it heir to," snd therefore In nnurt -ituiurluw.
Iir Fnott antkoriv IM aHHimncfmrnl lam n
rnnvr of -P. H. T." K'o it's to Jlnd In U vhul ht
MtTmaw eonlt hi' prrtm or In itutr, ttuhnut
rZsndtoeVuuT ' be answered to the best
pi ul anuiiy.
nAvvp fpTTTVT.' von alrestlr have
UUJN 1 X 11 li' IV declared tliat it is
v vrp T?r'PPV'r,'hat this work is offered for it ova infringe tort it ami vmniy, and not
X X1 WlVUljl distributed in cttmpform to advertise proprietary medicines.
nVTTHfA7I A T iiot the most enthusiastic kind rom o(l countries here English lsspo
iOl litluli lxklaOieniWould, even lu small tvpe, 0110 panes of this sire.
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POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, $1 .6Q
American Publishing (p.
is $2
Confessional 1.00
or Deeds of
Or Cotjssb You Want to Know
vtcat Everybody Ought to Ekow,
The Yotrarc flow to choose tho best one to marry.
Tub Married how to bo happy in marriage;
The Fond Parent how to have prize babies;
The Mother how to have them without pain;
The UiiiLDLEHft how to be fruitful and multiply;
The Curious how they 'growed" and came to oej
The Healthy how to enjoy life and keep well;
The Invalid how to get well again speedily;
The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
All who want knowledge that is of most worth
Find it in Dr. Foote's 'Tlnin Home Talk,"
1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 36 col. plates; 200 recipes.
children) complete table of antidolee to poiiena II
the drownedi hvrienie ridel for ths cars sf
this book snd ths sallufsctlon It slw tothoughfaL
inqutiitive ptople can tw pruperlj slated here.
Are You Engaged ?
is 1. 1 nnpins to as as
yet, perhaps. WsH.
don't hurry, and snake
no mistake. It to ea
easy to get tn aad ss
dliricult lo set art.
that It la well worth
while to "be sure ytxs
are right before yes
go ahead." There a
ho !ok so helpful la
enabling you to seise,
wisely sa "Plata
Home Talk.' Voa
can learn something
from hi Iter's mistakes.
The History of Mar
riage of all kinds, la
.11 .Km A
ons experiments some tstlnns hsve made, saeleat
and modern, barbarouaandclvillr.ed, help us to know
what not to do. The arxual Immorality irrowlns ot
of unsatisfied nature and marriage nilsttta. the history
o( prostitution. Its Prevalence, slliiremcnls.dsnsers,
results, the efforts of religions snd asceticism to sab.
due and control the dominant passion all these etas,
lessre fruitful In Indicating pnlnlla to atold. Oa
the other hand chapters on adaption In marrlsco
physical, mental and magnetic oa esrly niarrtajrss.
Intermarriage, elopements, etc., etc.. aid thereaoerto
make a good match, select happily for home and
spring, to avoid "Lucifer Matches," and to escape Uts
rat trap snd lottery kinds of marriage.
Are You Married?
THERE are ehsp
tcrs equslly useiwi
tn sliow ing yos
"how 10 he hsppv
iliotigh marries,
iiitiv niarrled peo
ple would get along
lutler If they knew
bow to adapt them
selves to ea h oilier,
and would try to un
drrstanil one an
other needs. TJ.ey
on.-ht to read hat
1 bun Home Talk"
es ahool the true
phtltwrliy Inter
course, ihe"nstur-
I relation ot the
n-xcV the Influence;
m liestth and evil
of perversions, "the wormwood that tti.l liters social
liie." etc.. etc Many wiil timl n h ssilsiactloa la
tile chapter on hnrrennrss hicb lila en themruns
of great jov toinanv s rhlh'.less pair, auilng theui to
ilKt t er and ri move th" olisincle others like Its
unlune "esNiVS tor married people" treating of equal
It v. Bleeping apart, cvccsb, looorratlon. jtulonsy. In.
difference, prevention, continence, food for pree
limit S.OHICU. the ei'huiat!(.n ct child-making, why
children of second husband resemble the lirst. etc., etc.
in short, men and women hesitate to talk with their
home concerning many de'icntr sites
lions that perplex them and that they really need to
mult i-stand, snd which tills book w ill enlighten them
on hut rmtrnibrr Uiul if fail lo dv theuutor
umiU rrmly tn funic tip ror thr oniuaion o rtpUinf
frtt of charge to epfrial Jetxeis qftnifnim.
"somothlnfr like It" or "lust ax (rood." Hnndreds ha vs.
'teciyiwir d irse'f." snd fnr almul ot sll oilier work.