The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 11, 1898, Image 1

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II lilt I it. 110 vucatod b Uiim pi
pe yoar approval w ah&U tx
p , ' to rwcriTo foot ubwnpuoB
7 f I BE AMLR1CAN lur on
, A, , wiva a koo1 bouk o
U rfJ4x 2jZ
Chiiu,-uT, "rimr yrauh in thk
I HUllcil OIT HOICK," wilt to any
Btklrt-Miln tha Uiutml HlatM r Cannil
by mall Icir ouljr AO rwl CASH
with your ,orUnr . ...,.
'AMERICA FOR AMEKICANS."--We hold that all uien are Anierciana who Swear Allegiance to the United State without a mental reacrvatkm.
Would Unite All Reformers
In One Grand Union
All Wenld Cembat Ram, Romanism
and Saleoi Politics With the
Allied Farces Now Divided
lit Many Small
The pope of Borne Is longheaded,
has wonderful political sagacity and
ell understands his political and ec
clesiastical relations in this country,
and Is fully prepared to adapt his pol
icy to existing circumstances. He has
teen many yean In securing this in
fluence and . power In politics which
he now holds In this country, and
midst all his reverses be has had a
single eye to his one purpose and work
ef ultimately bringing this land ott
promise under the papal yoke; hut
atlll he Is in no haste hut adopts the
rery heat policy to that end. And he
knows tery well that bold and defiant
measures will not do here, and now,
consequently, he professes great at
tachment to American Institutions and
government ...
The papal policy first of . all is to
keep itself hid as much . as possible
from the active work of the licensed'
saloons of this country, and to dis
claim all. political responsibility in the
matter and try to make the Protes
tants of the old parties responsible for
the whole thing. It is true that the
Protestants are responsible for their
own sins in voting with political par
ties which stand on the license priif
dple, but who is back of all this? I
answer the papal hierarchy. And who
runs the principal part of the liquor
business? Roman Catholics. Hence
the master Btroke of papal policy Is in
being chief Instigator and most ef
fective promoter of the licensed saloon
system-for political ends without being
noticed by the Protestants as such.
The policy of the pope is to keep
both the Democratic and Republican
parties alive, giving political direction
to each, so that on general election
day he niay direct through his arch
i blehops, it may be to swing over to
the support of either party, as will be
for the Interest of "the holy Catholic
church." And this papal political in
fluence is exerted so quietly in the
regular voting way as to create little
or no suspicion of Its despotic power
in politics. The object of advancing
'k - f the papal interests in this quiet way is
I I to keep, if possible, the four millions
of the Protestant church and ministry
asleep as to any proper sense of dan
ger from Rome, so as not to arouse
any general antagonism against it, and
- V.-- ttiam all ahculrhpd In the DOlIt-
IJU uroj; Mlbui
-Vteal Interests of their own respective
parties, giving no time ror consider
ation of other Issues. And this sleepy
attitude of Protestants as to the exist
ing danger from Romanism makes the
church press generally silent on this
great and momentous subject, when It
should flame out everywhere against
the terrible curse of popery in any
department of this government
The present papal policy is to pro
fess through the archbishops great po
litical patriotism, love of temperance
and temperance institutions, thereby
blinding the eyes more or less of tem
perance reformers, by hypocritical
pretensions of reform, while at the
' same time he gives the papal screw
In politics another turn, being careful
to do it quietly so as not to arouse the
sleepy Protestants before the proper
time, for on this depends his future
political triumph.
This master stroke of policy is hav
ing ltd designed effect all over the
country, giving the impression to the
great mass of Protestants that the Ro
manists are being persecuted for their
Mllrlon. therebv securlna the arm-
$ MatYiv mnA tftan tliotp vvfM wtlfetl ATI.
tables the papal helrarchy by its double
dealing and wily maneuvering to give
the papal screw still another turn In
politics, secretly working with the
Jesuits in Romanizing this govern
ment in Its different branches without
successful opposition from the sleepy
Protestants. And while all things
from the papal stand-point seem to
he moving on nicely the pope can well
If Roman Catholics Are Loyal, as They Profess, What Did Arch
bishop Ireland's Words Mean ?
guished callers today was Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul. The noted prelate is
earnestly working to prevent any conflict between Spain and the United States. He
made a strong plea to the president against any action which might lead to hostili
ties and declared that while a most liberal Catholic he considered IT IMPOLI
A NATION to which this country owed so much and WHOSE DOMINANT
It is believed that Archbishop Ireland's arguments will have some influence in. de
termining the president's future action.- Minneapolis Times,
afford to work and wait for the right
time to come to strike a blow in order
to add this great country to the num
ber of papal states and perhaps make
It the seat of the Vatican.
Papal supremacy is an unwelcome
phrase to use In reference to the polit
ical affairs of this country and yet,
I firmly believe that papal supremacy
will as surely take place as the sun
will rise tomorrow unles sthe Protes
tants of the land, the (treat American
church and ministry, together with
their friends awake to a proper sense
of papal danger, and to arouse them
selves to united action at the polls to
turn the tide of political affairs before
it is too late. This and this alone can
possibly avert the terrible disaster
which now threatens to destroy our
liberties and even the Republic Itself.
Just consider the controlling power
in politics now exerted by the Roman
Catholics over almost every large city
of the nation, some of which I will
name: New York, Washington, D. C,
Baltimore, Chicago, St. Paul, New Or-
Ijeana, : Mobile, Savannah, St Louie,
Boston, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Al
bany, Troy. Now all these and others
are under the papal power, and it Is
said that the cities rule the country
and from the stand:point of these cit
ies where is our country today? It
seems apparent from the official ap
pointments of President McKlnley
that he must be very much under the
papal Influence. And what do we find
in congress, in the government build
ing, in the army and navy? All con
trolled to a great extent, If not en
tirely by the papal power. We take a
glance at the state legislatures, the
municipal elections and the great
dailies and there we see the corrupting
hand of Rome. The Protestant min
istry, the church, press and business
men seem to be Ignorant of papal
danger or they are muzzled in their
utterances and dare not speak out
against political Rome for fear of los
ing ministerial, prestige, of being boy
cotted In their business, and in fact the
pope has even now stretched forth his
polluted hands to grasp and hold most
everything that we hold dear, home,
free Institutions and country and we
are deeply pained in heart to see all
being gradually swept away from us
by the great hypocritical usurper 01
the prerogatives of God and of the
rights of humanity. But strange as
It Is, the great body of Protestants,
both of the church and ministry, con
tinue to sleep on, apparently as un
concerned as though no papal danger
was near, and what shall the end be?
If this deep sleep continues much
longer to paralyze the political sensi
bilities of the millions of Protestant
voters the pope will soon have every
thing In his own way. What then?
Balloting will be at an end, and civil
Institutions destroyed, our government
broken up and a papal despotism es
tablished upon Its ruins. Even today
Feb. 23 Times Special. One of President
our politics, our managers of laws and
our law-makers are largely under the
papal power. Therefore if politics go
on in the nation In this way it will be
but a few years before the pope will
give the papal screw one long turn in
politics and the work will be accomp
lished, the papal victory achieved and
the pope of Rome will be the supreme
ruler of the country. And what then?
Let a few papal authorities answer
this Question.
"We can have the United States in
ten years, and I want to give you
thre pointa. tbe Indians, the Nogroes
and the Public Schools." Archbishop
Ireland In a speech at Rome, 1S92.
"The church holds it unlawful that
various sorts of divine worship should
be on a par with the true religion he
fore the law." Pope Leo XIII.
"If Catholics ever gain sufficient
majority in this ountry religious
freedom will be at an end." Shep
herd of the Valley, Official' Organ of
the Bishop St Louis, 1851.
"The day will come when the Ro
man Catholics will take this country
and build their Institutions over the
grave of protestantism and then relig
ious freedom is at an end." Bishop
O'Connor, Pittsburg!
I might extend these papal authori
ties to any length but the foregoing
are sufficient for my purpose. Hence
it Is evident hat our national govern
ment is fast passing into the hands
of the papal power and its utter over
throw will positively take place in tae
near future unless the Protestants of
this country awake from their long
political slumber and unite at the polls
to prevent It, which they can now do
if they will. But will they do it? Will
they I
At the present day there are tnree,
at least national sources of evil, m
this country destructive to the well
being cf the nation, the licensed liquor
traffic, the papal power in politlcj and
monopoly, the last of which space will
not permit me to discuss in this arti
cle. These sources of evil have a large
following and are united in the main in
politics against all national reforms
and reformers. Many thousands of our
best citizens are perfectly aware of this
and have Instituted equally as many
branches of national reform to coun
teract, If possible, those sources of evil,
hoping goon to triumph. But the fail
ure of these reformers has been the
want of a united ballot and efforts in
their cause. Now so long as the sup
porters of those sources of evil. re
main united and the reformers divid
ed at the polls, Just so long the ob
structive forces of the nation will tri
umph, growing worse and worse until
the government is overthrown and
passes into the hands of Its enemies.
Now right here will not the politi
cal reformers pause and reflect upon the
utter futility of the suicHal policy of
continuing divided at the polls m their
national refers rork? Are thar not
heartily sick of spending thtlr strength
; in this way, and will they not be will
ing to make .almost any sacrifice of
natural preference and feeling to duty
and principle' for the sake of the
I right and for national triumph? For it
la undoubtedly certain that If these
I reformers will nnite In their political
I work and at the ballot box during the
present year 1898 national victory in
1900 will be assured. But who are the
j reformers? First: The antl-llcensed
saloon voters who are willing to vote
; for the national suppression by law
; of the licensed drink traffic in the
I nation. Second: All anti-papists, all
voters who are opposed to having this
j country come under the dominion of
the papal power. Now nnless these
different classes of reformers will goon
nnite on some satisfactory basis of
union In politics, will work and vote
on the same line, no victory in any
national reform is In sight.
But all reformers should understand
that it is the definite policy of the
pope to keep these classes of reformers
from uniting In politics, and to keep
them morally insensible to papal dan
ger In order to carry on his work more
effectually In destroying the govern
ment as we shall see further on. And
hence all reformers should realize that
If politics go on In this way much
longer in this country the pope will
surely wake up these good but sleepy
Protestants who have been declaring
no danger, no danger from Rome, and
he may do It in a wav oulte unex
pected by them when it will be too late
to use the ballot in the struggle. The
pope is even now almost ready to
make a strike for papal triumph In this
country; and we may be sure that
when he gives the word to strike he
will mean business, and when that
time comes It will doubtless be found
that the pope has everything to his
hand to execute his orders to over
throw this government by force of
arms if necessary. (
But my Protestant fellow citizens,
let me remind you of what you al
ready know and believe, that this
country U worth saving from Rome,
but how shall It be done? We should
be wtlling and anxious to know the
truth of our national danger from Ro
manism, end to this end we should
stndv popery in all Its departments,
should take American periodicals,
should a'tend patriotic convention."! and
vote according to our convictions of
rteht Irrespective of circumstances.
We should, as I see It. cease at once
and forever to cast our ballots In fav
or of licensed saloon parties, and vote
for men of clear American principles
at every time and place. And Just as
soon as all classes of reformers will
consent to this let them come together
In convention and organize a great
union political party on purely Ameri
can and anti-saloon nrinrinlea
grapple with the papacy and with
papal saloon politics before the pope
makes his bloody strike, with the as
surance that this speedy union move
ment will put an end to the licensed
McKinleys distin
saloon curse and the political papal
power In this country.
And here I inquire who Is the man
and where is the "Moses" called In
the providence of God, and chosen by
the American anti-saloon patriots to
unify freedom's hosts and to lead them
on to glorious national victory? As I
see it, God is now ready to work with
the friends of the government to save
it from licensed saloon drunkenness
and papal despotism; and it remains
to be seen whether or not this great
people will be equal to Its glorious
opportunity and work m harmony
with Providence to that end. I have
no doubt but God has the great patri
otic leader now in training, who will,
like Moses, come forth from his com
parative obscurity as soon as the way
is prepared for him to lead the united
American hosts to national triumph
over the allied forces of the licensed
saloon and papal power in politics,
There c.n be no doubt, I think, but
the great union party, if formed, will
be under the necessity of destroying
In a legal way the papal licensed sa
loon system In this country for the
awo weighty reasons: First: to save
the life of the nation which will be
Just as necessary as it was for Lincoln
to destroy slavery to save the Union,
looking at it only from a financial and
political standpoint. Second: De
stroying the papal saloon system will
make it comparatively easy to utterly
overthrow the papal political power of
the nation.
It should be well understood that
tne licensed saloon system of this
country is principally a papal Insti
tutlon, for more than three-fourths of
the liquor dealers are Roman Catho
lics, and the pope could destroy the
whole licensed saloon business If he
would; for one word from him. forbid
ding the traffic upon the peril of their
souls would he sufficient to close up
every papal saloon in the land. But
be it known to all that the none re
gards the licensed saloon system as
one of the most powerful means that
can be devised to hasten the full
fruition of his brightest hopes and
fondest expectations of overthrowing
the government and establishing
popery In the nation. And he is doing
his beet to give it that turn In politics
by making the licensed saloon a neces
sity in the old parties, and by keep
ing Protestants voting with them, thus
contributing the weight of their in
fluence to corrupt an debauch the gov
ernment and to place It, unconsciously
it may ne, into the bands of the Rom
an Jesuits. Therefore all who sunnort
papal saloons In this way should real
ize that in doing this they are In fact
supporting the papal power.
Therefore it would seem that the
great union party. If one should be
formed, cannot consistently leave the
240,000 papal saloons In full blast and
expect to triumph, well knowing that
wbat Rome wants In politics the Prot
estants do not want and will not have
at any cost And thus voting and
working on true patriotic lines U
united and well organized union party
which I hope 4 III' be formed will tri
umph in the :aear future, will long
lire and be. a worthy example to all
nations and the political glory of the
worli. 11
, ,. ; PARTY.
The necetwlty of a union reform party
In politics in essential in order to
grapple euoremtfully with the three
great national forces of evil, the papal
power In politics, the licensed saloon
system and oppressive monopoly. Just
consider the utter Impossibility of the
non-partisan and ' antl-Romanlst or
ganisatlou of Itself alone destroying
the papal power In politics. It would
first be obliged to form Itself Into a
political party, and even then undet
existing circumstance what would be
the prospect of national success? And
even admitting that the anti-Roman-Uta
did succeed in 'this, It would not
by any means- secure true national re
form, leaving the licensed saloon pow
er and monopoly untouched. In Ilk
manner how are the antl-salooa re
formers of themselves alone going to
destroy the licensed syster of the na
tlon, Judging from the past and pros
pects of the future? And If they should
destroy It and that evil alone the na
tlon would etui be on the very verge
of ruin from the iipapat power and
monopoly. Bo also respecting monop
oly or the money question which Is
great national evil; but how Is It post
slble that the reformers on the money,
question alone can win the day Id
politics, and if they fild win in that one
reform the political sword of corrup
tion, death and damnation would be
still pointing at the very heart of the
nation. ,
Hence, if, the, foregoing principles
are correct our reformers must change
their line of work or they will fall to
secure true national 1 reform. It Is a
most remarkable fact that our reform
ers do not eeotn to take any Interest
in national ! reforms only the one In
which they are 'especially engaged. To -Illustrate:
',The prohibition papers do
not seem to know or have much con
cern about the papal power in politics
nor of oppressive monopoly which are
so destructive to the nest interests of
the country. It sems also that the
patriotic American 1'eriodiralb have lit
tle to say In opposition to the licensed
liquor traffic which In connection with
the papal power, now rule the politics
of the country, causing great political
corruption, poverty,, suffering and
death In every nook and corner of the
land. And the periodicals which es
pecially oppose monopoly make no '
mention so far as I know of ny nation
al evil outside of its particular issue
with, the exception of the New Era of
Springfield, Ohio, the organ of the
Liberty party which does combine op
position to two great national evils,
the licensed saloon and oppressive
monopoly, leaving nntouehed, however,
the papal power In politics with all
that It means to our civil institutions
and to the national government. But
after all, I do not blame the managers
of these periodicals, for they are all
right and are doing the best they cau
under the circumstances, but I eay
this only to show the stern necessity
of the immediate organization of the
great union party of national reform,
for the couHummation of which all
political reformers should unite to
make such a party possible and suc
cessful in overcoming the three great
national evils, the papal power in pol
itics, the licensed saloon and oppres
sive monopoly. The times now Indicate
that if a national unon party of reform
ers is not organized and that soon, the
allied forces of national evils will In
some way destroy our free institutions,
break up our civil government and es
tablish a political despotism in all the
I will now make the Inquiry, what
national reform organization will! be
first to declare its willingness to en.
dorse this or some better plan for a
great union party for the purpose of
controlling the politics In the country
In the interest of good government
against papal rule, the licensed saloon
system and business monopoly? Shall
it be the great, the noble and patri
otic American Protective Association.
now generally known as the patrlotio
American organisation, and its scores
of kindred organizations and their
friendB who agree with them In all
the essential principles of true Ameri
canism? Shall it be the anti-saloon
reformers, Including the anti-saloon
leaguers, the prohibition and liberty
parties? orshallltbe the theantl-mo-
nopoltst reformers? These questions are
(Continued en Page S.)