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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1898)
"THE AMERICAN. Q. She tried to whip It up? A. She vu striking at us. and trying to take it go. and Anally she left the Bilk wagon and ran through a bouse. Q. And when you caught her where Ud you take hold of her? A. By the arm. Q. Where did Josie have hold of her? A. By the arm. Q. Each had an arm? A. Yee, air. Q. What did Martin say? A. He said when he drove up. "Loretta, get in. child, you wrU make a holy show f yourself." Q. Did you and Joule hare bold of her tnen? A. Yes. sir. Q. When you pot in the laundry -wagon who shut the door? A. Mar On. Q. Where was be when he shut it? A. He got down from bis seat and shut it and got back again. Q. Were all the doors shut then? A. There was only one opened. Q. The rest were all closed? A. Yea, sir. Q. That door shuts from the out aide does it? A. Yes sir. Q. Well, when you got there, up to the gate, the gate was shut and she vent into the house? A. She went Into the bouse. They didn't take her in, she went In herself. Q. And the gates were locked? A. Tes sir. Q. Where did you get these clothes that you bave on? A. Why the dress is my own. Q. Where did you get the sack? A. Well that te a sack up there. Q. It Isn't yours then? A. Well, no sir. I am wearing it though. The above is a synopsis of the ver- fcatim (word for word) sworn tesU- toony of the witnesses quoted. We have not space 10 proceea as ws nave com- tnepced, so we will give the more con- , Sensed report of the sworn testimony CI otner witnesses iurmsueu vy uur regular correspondent, Zambot, which is as follows: Kate Connolly testified that she was for ten years an Inmate of the place. She was- never taught to read and -write. She was a virtuous girl when he entered the institution at St Paul, and learned all her badness there in. "They say it (tho house) is to save souls," she said, "BUT IT DAMNED MY SOUL!" She described the food aa bad, the laundry cold, etc., Ehe contracted disease; her feet and legs were sore. Dr. O'Brien told her t was scrofula contracted in a way that she could not be to blame She had worked till midnight and began at 3 o'clock a, m. The Inmates hsd to kneel when the mother provincial came, but sometimes Protestants did not kneel and were punished. Her dress was turned for refusing to work and ber satchel taken from her. At ene time she was set to watch Miss vjiewett an unwilling muiaie. to pro- Tent her escaping. Witness said a sis ter once struck her with a twisted pil low case. She saw Sister Valeria etrlke Ranees Montaur and offer to I whip other girls. Sometimes girls were made to kneel on the floor from half day to nearly a whole day. For violating a rule witness was pnt in the "black hole." from 9 p. m. till midnight. (The "black hole" was a room in which there was no light.) Whsn released 6be bad to be car- rled out. She had beart disease at the for usefulness in a world of sin, sor tlme. Witness often saw other elrls row, suffering and shame that even a Ine'ifnYIently dothed nd hd loaned representative of a damnable and de- them some of her clothing. After stay 1ng several years nhe ran away, but m coiie-ht bv officer MVBrlde and lorteed In Jail the same nleht. and the wert day w,s tnVon hack without first toeing taken before a court Miss Connolly, recalled, said that Jnrlng ber utay of ten years In the Mouse or tne uooa snenne''i, "B'g Blanch." a married womfin,30 or 40 years of nee. jtiwwil out of a thlrd- inry window and broke both ber n Sh wa anrv because kept over-time. nd witness learned thr she "d In th hnTiltal of ber Inturles. Witness eald ae often rav ber own clothes to other inmates. Looktne: toward a fTOtm of ladle shout slRters wit ness, said snlrUedlv: 'There 1. a e'rl In tH"! room that baa mv Mark wlt on. and T wish eh wonM Hti tt back. rrwm tsm ottt of my trunk AFTFR T LEFT." jnnv purriv was ca'ld and testified tbat Cb'ef of Pol're Onlcley. of Grand Fnrkg, N. D.. recommended her to the JTonRft. savin tba.t It was a nice nlaee for her. and that she would be In structed In reartlne, wrIHn. etc.. and after a while would rectfve wap-e. end oonlrf leave any MmA the tint live it. Sh rame to Rt. Pant with the. fhtof who waa tairino- mother dri to the Good Shepherd. She was an Inmate for over a year and earaned with two othrs by removlns-the bars of a win- "w. A sltr and an officer eanht them, rmt they wore released hv Ihe ehW of notice. The w1tnRfl enrrnho- rafd other wttneaaog an to hard work had fa-e. cml troatmont. fha hAsttnwn te. She saw Sister Genev'eve strike Florence Nochols. Mrs. Mnmhy went to hem and they threw Florence on the floor and nonndad hr. .TniWa waa whnrd o TWa" HFR biiiid ran to the Fror.R and another jrlrl wined It m. ".Tul'ets Is at present with the sisters ovit there," raid Miss Purdv. Masle Roberts was call ,d and said that she worked In the la'tndry In the t-asement. She bad NO TTNDER- : CLOTHINO IN THE WINTER and counters the variety of surprising ex borrowed clothing frcm olher girls, perlences that fall to the lot of the From April to July siie had no shoe a . ,, and went barefoot. ' "al"" " "r "Sister Bernard whipped me more miliar witn tne barkin hounl the than five different times," said Mlas rlcn a1 yellow cur of his con Roberts. Once witness waa whlnned temporary and as a traveler he could with a clothes stick AN ORDINARV i . . BROOM HANDLE -for not washlne giV6 vauluable Pomters t0 the Wand" clothes clean. She was unaccustomed erlng Jew Hia innate modesty and to washing and did not know how to dislike of notoriety have robbed the do euch work well. She was slapped public of much that is interesUng uc iavc in me ii uu-ruurn lor iook- lag around. Another time In th. X. r"m she accidentally tore another glr fa dress and Sister Bernard nnnlah ed her severely. She was kneeling and EYE. MAKING A WOUND, the scar ij wnicn was exnihited to the jury. Sne was DRAGGED ABOUT THE ROOM AND SEVERELY BEATEN. leed fearMly; and THE BLOOD SO RATURATED NORA orn?WMfl m J7iMTTTCY WTIUNG THE T? 0UT IN STREAMS her own eiotning was made bloody and she had elf. The nart A.m .v. w.j uax w muvi wi snow outside for an hour in a black rapper, an old pair of shoes and NO UNDERWEAR. Sister Bernard THREW HER DOWN STAIRS be cause she was not dressed for bene diction. The same sister BLACKED HER EYE with a twisted towel. This same sweet sUter whipped others: struck Edith Apple with a washboard. When Tisltors came the Inmates had to "slick up" and "hare a good time." She said Sell ne Clewett was a peace able girl and a good worker. , Witness wrote letters to her aunt ' at Sheldon, la., asking her to ft ber out and gave them to the sister to mall. She never received an answer. She finally got a letter in the mall by handing it to a girl that was leaving the house. The aunt came to the Good (?) Shepherd and the sisters toid her that there was no such person In the. hnnaa An InmatA M fra Dnk. I erts that her aunt was there and she ran Into the yard and talked to the aunt through a knot-hole In the fence. And then the aunt returned and took the witness away. Emma Cotta's testimony corrobor ated the story of Juliet,, (Miss Rob erts') punishment. Juliets ran away, wss canrht, returned and WHIPPED TILL HFR BTVin FFXL TO TH! FLOOR IN STREAMS. It was she and Laurentine that wiped the blood from the floor. She also corroborated the story of hitting Edith Apple with a wash-board, also the brutal pounding of the aforesaM and others. Durjng her stay Miss Clewett was continually talking- of leaving. Witness told of a rmraletle and epileptic negress Inmate. The sisters did nothing- for her and fnM th. f . . . . ,. w. Cotta e,hlhltP(, a lumt) on nPr n.n(J which was cn"d by bar work n .ha laundry. WHEN MTSS ROBERTS was BEATEN MOTHER ADEL SAID, "PITCH INTO HER " AND SISTER THERASRA SAID. "POUND THE DEVIL OUT OF HER." MA ZIE'S CLOTHING WAS ALL BLOODY. TO ATTORNEY BUTTS THE WITNESS SAID THAT WHEN GENEVIEVE AND MISS MURPHY WHIPPED FLORENCE, GENEVIEVE BEGAN THE TROUBLE. 4 Wrsc ful Tribute. Upon learning of the untimely death of the Illustrious patriot and reformer. Miss Frances E. Wlllard, the Rev. James M. Cleary, president of the Catholic Total Abstinence Un ion of America, telegraphed from Minneapolis to the New York Voice: "In the death of Frances Wlllard. American womanhood has lost one of its noblest representatives; the cause of reform a fearless champion, a con sistent advocate, a loyal defender. sh gnent her llf for r.nit and hn manity. Her fruitful years have not been Bpent ln valn Friends of Chris- tlan sobriety mourn her loss, and hon or her name with affectionate rever ence. Her unselfish heart throbbed for all the sorrowing and sin-laden Our common Father in Heaven will justly reward her. That her short comings be not reckoned against her, should be the fervent prayer of the thousands who know her but to re spect and honor her." Miss Willard was so great and so noble In all those things that make for goodness and grading religious system a system that provides a perdition for Protest ants was constrained to break over the barriers of militant Catholicity to pay a glowing and graceful tribute to her whom we unhesitatingly pro nounce an Ideal nonpareil of Amerl- Can womanhood, HVaps tbue on Uncle Mam. Rondout, N. Y., Feb. 24. Special fne F. Weber, assistant priest of St. Peter's German Catholic Church. arter preaching the funeral sermon o Frank MarUnelll, a member of St Peter's Commandery, Knights of St, John, made an address in which he reviled the United Staites. He told the members of the commandery it was their duty as loyal Catholics to take up arms against the United States and fight for Spain in the event of war being declared by this couutry. The address caused con sternation and several persons left the church in anger. The priest said that under no circumstances should Catholics fight against Spain, a Cath olic nation. Regarding President McKinley and the members of his Cabinet, the priest 8aid 11 would be an excellent thing if they were all blown up. Father Weber is regarded as a fanatic. Asked today why he preached the sermon, tne Priest said: 1 preacnea a Catholic sermon to Catholics. It is no one's business what I said. I simply told Catholics what their duty was in case the Unit- ed States fought with Spain." The members of St Peter's Com mandery declare to a man that in the event of war they will fight for the stars and stripes. A MOKLD-HEIULD TALE. The Carious ftcperieuce of a Western Tramp. Probably no class of humanity en- , , . ... - concerning W but the following ep iaode, vouched for by one of the most disreputable tramps In the profession, is an illustration of the vicissitudes 0eIr Wo' Ite Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad recently put into service a very fast express train. It leaves Chi ca at 10 'clock the morning. reaches Omaha at 11:60 the same night and Denver the next day at i;aO p. m. Nearlng Omaha, after crraalng the Missouri river bridge, .ware a stretch of twentr mil as tralght The other day there was a tramp waiting at the end of the bridge on the Nebraska side, hoping to rid from there into Omaha on the plat- j form of the baggage car. Hut be made a miscalculation. There are no plat forms on those baggage cars. They come out flush like a box car. In the darkness the tramp didn't notice this. He swung on board the tank of the lo comotive, worked his way over the coal to the rear and jumped down, ex pecting to light on the platform which wasn't there. It had taken him a few minutes cautiously to reach the edge of the tank and by the time he bad got to the jumplng-off place the train waa going at Us regular gait only a shade or two faster. The engineer, reallxlng that this was the place to make up a little lost time, bad pulled ber out just a little. She got to going, and going good. She was doing ber nicest and gracefuleet when that tramp jumped. Now a curious thing happened. Ev eryone has aeen an amateur magician put a dollar coin on the flat palm of his hand and move the open band so swiftly through the air that the coin didn't drop off and the magician pre tended that it wasn't there just be cause it didn't drop. Well, that waa what happened to the tramp. He was like the coin agahiBt the flat palm, he rested against the blank front end of that baggage car like a fly on a win dow pane. There wasn't anything be low for blm to bang to. He was just held there, as I say, by that force which came from the fast forward motion of the train. Below him there was Bpace and car wheels. It was a pretty ticklish position. No wonder the fellow roared and shouted and said as many pious things aa he knew how. and said them very loud. Of course be understood that when the train began to slow up for the Omaha yard that force would diminish and he would drop down and be macerated. Well, he was a lucky tramp. Just . n ii m as they were passing weiievue, iuur miles out of Omaha, the fireman heard him and hurried back and saw htm, He was a quick-witted fireman, and yelled to the engineer not to shut off just yet and, reaching one of his long pokers over, he caught it Into the clothes of the hobo and tried to pull him off and into the safety of the tank. But he couldn't budge him. Then he got to reasoning, and he saw they'd have to shut off and ease' down before the adhesive force of the speed would let the man be pried off. The engl neer slapped on the air and threw ber over, and after two miles of easing they got her to a pace that admitted of loosening the fellow. The tramp says that he never before exDerlenced such quick service ana courteous treatment at the hands of any railroad, and heartily recommends The Burlington No. 1 Fast Express as being the most desirable train out of Chicago for Omaha and Denver. THE OPIUM AND MORPHISE HABIT. ' What We May DotobeSaved'MaaliMlebook. rlvinn full particular" l a renaDie cure, rrea Ur. J. L.. Stephen, Dept. B., Lebanon, OtU DR. C GEE WO He Treats all Acute and Chronic Diseases, such a a Ca tarrh. As huia Rheumat tin , sick Head ache, Female AeakueHg, Lost Maoho'd Nervous l)e b llty, Kidney Liver ad .Htomach Tr-'iiii klldlsasea R. r. WILLIAMS. ISAAC H. BASOALL. 105 Sou fa Thirteenth street, Umaba. Mr W lllaris Is se -ret ry ot Omnha KepubHcan lllmetalln Leaiiue. Mr Hatmali las fur yrars been a membei of the Omaha city Council Ex-(Nonstable Clark. 313 South fourteenth tftfAfat. b rles Carlson, corner Twentieth and Ames avenue kldaey and bladder trouble 4 varV siandlnir. Jnhn Bruuks. 524 Nort Eltthternth street of spralne aek. liver and kidney trouble of t tee years' Bland n. Is now a w llmtn. Hra. H. A. Duuay. A04 Park avenue, Kanaas Uliy, Ho, Heart tronme ana nervous aeon Ity of many years' at an Inn. -ONSCLTATION FREE. Dr. U. Gee Wo guarantees a cure In every cae or the m n- y will n funded. Bend 2csan p fr bonk and question blank ny na want! g advice can write to above taores or r-an upon DK. C. GEE VI O. 519 N. 16th Street timana, nfd ANDY (1 nKnhiOHK CURECOHSTIPATIOtl 2550 I RCJAT HTPT f r.TTIDl VTPrn " acaac enaatlaatlaa. raarsrrtt ar th ISal Uu nuuvuu iuui vunuDiuuuv , r. &,-r al aa kaaklal fr. 14. STUtl 1M1 UI'IHM tit., THE NEST04 OF UIQAZINES North American Review uatbet-n intiieianoi A m-rloao thought fur D.ore tho i hree-quarters i.f a cen tury, rai king al)s with the beat aud miMi Infl j. n lal periodical of the worio. It la the inoutb-)li oe ol the men wbo know oiiMi a ui the gre t toulos on which Amiricaos require to be In formed i rum ffiuola iU month, lu con tributor beio(f the leaders of thought and aoiluo in vfery Held. Tuobo who would Uke counsel of tht bi'ieai koowl, dga on tne affair of the tim.', and lero what la to be sid r gardin tiiem by the recognised author t ea un notb aioer, mint therefore read 27k Ao th 4mer.con Iteviete, the Nestor Ul Uiagazluea. "Tq s tLaa-azlae ba for more than elgtity y ar., within iu well ottioeu liues, u a at tne nea 1 1 1 moniniv jjuo Uoatioos " Lhv ago Jixord. The Review way weil be Lroad of lueiguty to eara, tor truly be raid of it tua. Ke cannot wituer nor ume atie iu lntlnite Variety. r'uriunttte is one ho cn ait dowo and least on luu ituod ih uif lurnUutd oy tne oeat literary calerora in tne Worid.'' Ui and Rapids Democrat "11 any ouo ua ue i.. luagaxlne lltera turesauUa lor wtiat iui.tiranvethi name is the NOKTU AMERICAN UEVIEW wuiuu lor mo e t .u ck .a yenr. a rtmainuti at tu- Of-aJ f tub oiuutuly perioutoaU "liooton 1'Oat. ' Tne hEViEW la Hi ed taca month witn artiuiva wbiua ai uu d be read b (St k'avA 'Toe UEVIEW baa donj mo e for the better uiaaa ui i auera can a jv other publication if i fii Hi d id iuo ooun- try. " tr stian A.avocaw, oi iiuu. 50 Cents a Number; $3.00 a Year. NOW IS THE Tl.nii TO SUBSCRIbE. THE KOfiTE AMERICAN EEYiEW, N. Y. Munlion The American when you write. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHhttlFb'ti BALfc. lly virtue of an order of sale Issued out of tue district court for DouKlaa county. Nebraska, aud to me di rected. 1 will uu the 22 day of March, A. U. lfW, at ten o cioca a. M, of said day. ai the EAST front door of the county court bouse, In the city of Utuaba. Douglas couniy. Nehmuka. sell at Dublc auction to the high est bidder for cash the property descrloed In said order or sale aa follows to-wit: Lot fortv-thrur (431 In W ndsor Place Exten sion an Addition tu ihecliy of umaba. a. s ,r veytd, plait- d and reco aed, all In Douglas couniy, stale ot Nebraska. balu property lobeeo d to satisfy Harry J. Tabui ng. pUluilff herelu. the sum of forty- nine aud u-HJU (.B) aoiiaia juagweni. witn Inir'Kt Ihei nun at the at ol ten (101 tar C-nt per annum from Kebiuary 1st, lrt7. To sattsiy tne runner sum oi lourteeo and 33 lOOuollarsdli.aj) costs herein. together with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the dlstrU t court of said Doug las county at Iu February term. A. D. lttW. In a certain action then aud there pending. wherein Harry Jl win ting is naiuiiu ana John Baumer, os -phlne Baumer, bis wife. and Cbiltopher summer art aaieoaanu. Umaba seuraska. feoru .ry min, inn. JuHN W MCDONALD, Sheriff of Doug, a-Couuty, Nebraska W. A. SaUN L)b.K3 Attoruey. Twluilng vs. Hauiuer et al. 2-18-S uoo. 57. No. 24. itx. uoc. ii. rage I. It. AM)UKH 8, Attorney, euNe Yoik Llf Building. SoEKIFF's SALE. By V1RTLK Olf A order . f sale issued out of the district court for Doualai toun.y. Nebraska, and to me dire, ted, 1 alii, on the lam day or marcn. A. D. I8 at 10 u'cUxk A. M of said day at tbe EAS 1' frout ooor ot the county court house. In tbe city of Omaha, Dougiaa coun y IMei.ra-ka. sell al puollc auction tohe high est bidder for cash, the property described In said older of faie as follows, to-wlt: l,ot iJUiubertwo(2) in Block number three (3) in the I irst Addition ,o the city of South Omaba as surveyed, platted an i recorded, all m Douglai County stale oi aeDrasaa. Said ruperty to be sold to satisfy .Nellie Bi.rgstrom plaintiff h rein, the sum of twe.v huodr d and thirty-three and 5-1U0 (11,233 OS) do lars luagment. To NMllafV tlie e rurtnt ner sum of eleven aud 98-100 do lars (ill M costs herein, to f ether with accruing costa, according to a dgmei t rendered by the district court of saiu uougtas couniy, at its ccpirmwr verm, A D 1897. In a certain action tnen and there pending, wherein NeMe Burgs ron Is plain I ff and harry Johnson, a minor, is defend ant. Omaha, Nebraska, February 11th. 1898. John w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska, I. R. Andrews, attorney for plaintiff. Burgstrom vs. Johnaou. Doc. 60; No. 125. 2-11-5 Omaha Express and Delivery Co., J. L. TURNEY, Mgr. H. H. HAYFORD Seo Treas. Moving and light express work at reason able Diires Piano moving a soeclaltv Household goods a to red, packed and shipped. Carry alls lor picnics. Office, 410 North 16th Street. Telephone 1203. JOHN M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth lng cleaned dyed and remodeled. 604 X. 16th St., ! OMAHA, NEB. Everybody Bays no. Ca-acarets Candy Cathartic, the most woti' flerful medical discovery of tlie ape, pleas ant and refreshing to tbe taste, act ttently anil positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tlie entire system, dispel colas, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation nd billoimniws. I'lcaso buy and try a bog of a C. C. to-day; 10, M) tenia, boki aud guaranteed to cure by all druggist. Kdooata Tour Howals With t aaearsta. Candy Cathsrtlr, cure aonailpaUon forever. Va, ate II Q 0 O. sW 'rvawajM rcfusd BOoay. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS aria ar sriaa. Ml nM mi aalaral malts, fee. ma ar (klraru. Moalrval. I aa.. mr Na tart. til MT. A. HAUNDKKn, Attorney, atrrrhaou National Haas Bldf. SH KRI r r s A t-V-By vtrlua of aa alias oa derof sale Issued out of ilia dlatrk.t ooun f ,r Douglas county, Nebraska and tn oi d rectad. I will, on tha Ell day of March ary. A. I). imt at tu oviix a a. oi aaiu uy. at th- EAST front door of the county ourt boiiae. In thaclty of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at putilio auction m tbe hlgheat bidder for cash, the prouart y da a rlbetl In said order of aala aa tollowa to-wlts Allot lota aavan (7), tea (101. thlrteaa U. t vnty-flva (25) and thirty JU In t'unnlag ham k Hren an's Addition o tha liv f U aha as surveyed, platted ad racord d t Ho D.tuglas county atatao' Nebraska. Said property to he sold to satisfy Harry I. wtntluy, plaintiff herein, tha sums as fol lows, to-wli: n l't siven (7), above described, the auw "ttX it. together wUb aa attorney 'a tea of 12 Ha. On lot tea (10). above deacrlbed. tha auiu f 2S II. together alth aa attorney 's few ol t!M O lot twe've (12), above deacrlbed, tha sum n in a I, ogether with an attorney's fe of KM On nt thirteen (11). above dea'rlbed. Uit run of f2S.IL togstlier with an attorney's fee of On lo twenty-ve(2ft), above described, the um of f 17.32. together with an attorney's fee Ml 73; and . . On lot t Irty (80), above deacrlbed, tha aunt ' 120.48, toaeth' r with an attorney! fee of 12 04; All of which sums, by the Judgment ot the duurlct court, bear nteresl (excepting the attorneys' fees) at the rata of ten (10) per ce 't from May 8'd, 1iW7, and ire a Brat Ilea upon sal I above descrloed property To satisfy Job i A. L'relgbton, defendant herein, the sum of three bun. Ire I and twenty ana aud to-100 dollars ifilADii. jud.nient against Dentils Cunningham aud Jer y Kvaa. with tmerret thereon at rate of seven (7) per eni per annum f om December IHib, 1MVI ; which amount are a second ilea u,,n lois seven 7i. tei' (10). iwilve (12), thirteen (13) and twenty Ave (2.M. above descrllie t To attlsfy F M Harmelee Uun Company, defendant herein, 'hesu of three huoUred and sixteen and 4.V1U0 dollars (iII.4S), Judg ment aaalnst Jerry Kyn, with luterest h'renn at rate o' seven (7) per cent per inn 'in from Ma 1Mb. 1HW); which amount Is a t 'ird lien upon lot twenty-live 'ii), above aeacrioea. Alo to sitUfy Daniel Condon the sutnot el1 ven thouxand seven bund ed and tei. an 34-100 ollara (111,71034). Judgment against Item, Is Cunningham ni Jerry Kyan, with inierest thereon at rate of seven (7 ier cent per an uiu f om February 3rd. 1MK): which amount Is a fourth lien upon said uuscrloed property. ' Toaai.ii.fy the further sum of one hudred nd b'ty-rour and 2V-1U0 dollars (flM.tti Costa h rein, v got her with accruing uoaia. accordln to a Judgment rendered by the district cou t of said Dougiaa county. at lu May term, A, u. lew, in a car ta n action ti en and th r pending wherein Harry J. Twlnting Is u aiutlff and Denials Ounnlngham. M ir? Cunning ham, his w.fe. William Mealey. lira. Mealey, hla wl e. Brat and real name un k now ,. Jerr Uvan and Mrs. Kyan hla wife, first and real oama unknown. James J. Koellinan. Mia. SkbII nan his wife, first and r ai iliul unknown. Julia Ooe scfauls, Tue (Jo mt.y o D. ug as, Daniel Condon John A. Orelghton. Mtr bnts Na-tloni-1 Bank. Jnhn P. Hreeu, Joliu Uroasman. Olobe Lotn&Tru t uom any, tienry uo m.n. Thnniaa .tiurrav Unar.-S Klouo. K. Harmelee U n Coin any, 1'arll urendorffA Martin i ompany. McCoro, H rally coinuaoy Tbe Western Newspaper Union, boren T Peterson and Anna cunnlugham are de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 18 mi, I88. JOHN W. MCDONALD. Sheriff of Douglas Oounty, Nebraska W. A. Sau iders. attorney. Twlnting va. Cunm gham et al. Doc. ST: No. 20D. Kx.-Doc. Zt Faget3S. 2 W- W. A. SAUNDE3RS. UerchanU National Bank Building. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will oa tha 22d dav of March. A. I). 1MM. at 10 a. m. of aaid day, at the east front door of th county court nouse in me city ot umana, Douitlaa couniy. Nebraska, aell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash Uie properly described in aala order oi saie as tollowa, to-wil: Lot throe (3) In block two (2). and also lot five (b) In block two U la Baunders & Hlmebaugn's Highland rara auuiuon to the city of Omalut. and also lot six (li) In block eight (6) In baunuers 4k Hime- baugh's Mount i'leasanl addition to the city of Omaha, surveyed, plaited ana re corded, all situated la Jjougia couniy, state of Nebraska. Bald properly to be sola lo satisfy wai ter K. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum on lots aa loilowB, to-wlt: on lot 3. block 2, tha sum of 112.05 and an attorney's fee of il.M. and on lot a, block t, the sum or 12.uj and an attorney s lee of li.M, said1 lota being situate In Baunders & Himebaugh's Highland jVark addition above duscribcd, and on lot &, in block 8, In Saunders & Himebaugh a Mount I'lwisaiit addition, above described, tbe sum ot and un attorney a tee of tl.t. which amounts, according to tne judg ment, bear Interest at the rate ot ten (to) per cent per annum (excepting attorney's let i irom sanibmuer it. iwi. To satisfy tne sum of thirty and 61-10 ( dollars, costs Herein, togeuier witn accruinir costs, according to a decrea ren dered by the district court of said JJouglas couniy at lis BcptemDer lerm, A. u. uwi In a certain action then and there pending wnerein waiter Jveier is piainiia alio Kuropia K Chase, Chase, tirst and real name unknown, her husband, Oewitt C. js.Kgle.ston and Mrs. Uggleston, first and real name unknown, his wife, Henry C. Campbell and Mrs. Camp bell, first and real name unknown, his wite. ara deltndants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 18th. 1891 JOHN W. MLHJNAIaU, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Kceler va Chase et al. Docket b. No. 21. Ex. Docket Z. page 388. i-u-o W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court tor uougios couniy, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the 2id day of March, A. D. 18H8, at ton o'clock a. uu of said day, at the east front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cosh, the property described In said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt: Dot IS, block 1 in Bed lord ulaoe. an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, plaited and re corded, all In Douglas couniy, state of Ne- oraska. Kauri nronerty to ha. aold to satisfy Wal ter K. keeler. plaintiff herein, the sum of thirty-two and 82-100 (J32.&2) dollar Judg ment, with Interest theron at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from February 1, 187; To satisfy further the sum of J30 01 coats herein, together with accruing costs, ac cording to a decree rendered by the dis trict court of said Douglas county, at ita February term, A. D. USS7. In a certain ac tion tnen and mere penning, on cm ter E. Keeler Is plaintiff and Mary Cun ningham and other are oeienuanis. Omaha, Nebraska. February 18, LS. JOHN W. M' DONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. BAUNDKIW. Attorney. Kanlar vs. Cunningham, at al. tvocket ST, No. 17. . M , ata, Docket i, l'so m . VT. A. HAUKDKIIH. Alioraev. Mar baa'a National Haak Bl4. SIIEKIFfw "ALIC-Mv virtue of an aliae twdet f sale laaueof ItU of U, IHatrtca ouri for ISiualas rounlv. Nebraska, a ,.4 ia me allen-ied. I will on u.e sib day of Maren A. II lm al Ira ..VUa k a. at. ! rain Da., at Usa kAKI front diair of llierou ly court kouaa. la t' rliv of Omaha, lanuglaa roui ty Nw. lraLa. at II al publk' auclloo u Uie big, aa bidder for ra h. ,e t 'oie riy deaa;tlue4 La aald orVler of sale aa follows, t -wit: Iota iwod. . als iSi and Ivalt lss (Sii la bliMa one it In a ,ulh Kicbange Hiaoa a Jul loo II, e rtly M -ouin iiiuha aa sur vt yel, platted and rt-c del all altuatal la liouglaa county, ata of Nebfaska. hal.i urouert to im sold l aaliars Jia aa L. iniane. plaintiff herein, tha susus aa fu lowa. In-all i On lo1. two (II, block one (I), above aw- a,rllMHi thaaum of MIS, together WIlA aa atlori-ry e Oa lot five is). iba-k one (I). a'ov dsn rrliied.tia sum ot aw.04. together with aa a torney a lew ' M Ml tin ot a i lot ui i'i ooe in. a wove waa rlbed the sum of together with aa allurney'a fee of U ISJ. ou lot twentr-t -a (at). ! one (ii. annvw dracribed, the akin of tM.So; Uigetbar wish a attorney s fee of ai M Alio' abirh sum,, ov the ludgmeatof swa district court. Iiear la ami ihre a (aicaaa- lug attorneys f-et), at in rata o' tea lie) par auuuiu from May am, iwi, aau arw r t Ilea upon aaid property. Tosatiaf v the further sum of oas hundred i-luu doll ra illlUOl) coaa here a. tugetaar wlib wcrulng coaia. according to a lungoaeet rendeied by tbe district court of said Doug las county, al I la May term, A. D. 1st?, iaacer.ain action tiieu and there padlag. wherein James L. Browne la plaintlS. aaa Da v Id H. Stuart, tats. Htuart, Ires and real name unkn wa. his wife. It. f. Clayton, first aud real name uakuowa. American Haok ana trust uom pan y at Woon-ocket, Soitb Dakota, a S ruu.aU a. Ueorgla A Oloud, Wl lis U. Cloud, uer uua- band. Ueorge W. liervey and Mrs. heivey. Brat aa real nama unknown. wife, aradefendan s. Omaha, Nebraska. K bruary 4th. im JOHN tV. MoDONALO, Sheriff of Douglas Oounty. Nebraaaa. W. A. Maunders, attorney. Browne vs. m uart at al. mx.nki No. 30. fc.x.-Doo. ii fage 104. 3-4 I W. A. 8AUNDKR& " MerchanU National Dank JJulldin SHERIFF'S SALE. Br virtue of an order of aala Isauad aaat of tha district court for Dougiaa oouMm, iMeuraaka, and to ma uirecteii, i wui am tha 23d day of March. A. D. Uka. at 10 a am. ol said day, ai tha aaat from door al couniy court house In the city of Un LNiuglaa county. Nebraska, soil at Duotaa auction to the highest bidder for cash Is)) property deacrlld In aaid order of aaa aa follows, to-wlt; ixl nve. Dioca one. ana lot aigniawav block four. In Uvereit place, an addltti lo tha city of Omaha, and lot ona In DM one, In Kent a addition to the city ar Bouth Otnalia, aa surveyed, platted aaa) recordail, ail situated In Uouglaa couaty, atate of Nebraska. Bald property to be) aold to satisfy Wat. ter R heeler, plaintiff herein, tha stuna as lota aa follows, lo-wli: On lot 6, block 1, In Everett plana la of $18.10, and an attorney's fa af sum 11.81. and on lot 18. In block 4. Ev place, an addition to in city or umaaa. the aum of II2.&6, and an attorney' fat 4 $1.2,, and also on lot 1, In block 1, Keot'a addition lo th city of South Omaha, taa aum of fl&.Ob, and an attorney's fe ( $1.60, all of which amounts, according to tne decree, near inierest at tne rate oi last 10) pr cent per annum from BepimDr 7, 18DJ. To satisfy the sum of thirty-four aaat 1IM0O ($34.1!)) dollar, cost herein, togelaar wlth accruing costs, according to a u at: raw rendered by the district court of a!4 Douglas couniy, at It September tarm. A. D. 1897, In a certain action then aaat there pending, wherein Waiter E. Ksslsr la plaintiff and Elmer E. Lowe. Mrs. hows, his wire, nrai and real nam ua known, Co-Operatlva Land and Lot oem- tuny, a corporation organised under tn aw of the stale of Nebraska, Caroilata H. Atkinson and Atkinson, her hu band, first and real name unknown, Isaaa Troup and Mrs. Troup, hi wlra. nrst and real name unknown, uavia 1'allerson and W. ii. Vaughn. Jr.. first aa real name unknown, are defendani. Omaha, Nebraska, February I8tn, is. JOHN W. M' DON ADD, Sheriff of Douglas Couniy, Nebraska, W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler va. lw at al. Docket 60. No. 48. Ex. Docket Z. paaya 289. -;-! W. A. SAUNDERS. Merchants National Bank Iildg. S11EIUFF S SALE. By virtue of an alias order of sale Issues! out of the district court fur Douglas county Nebraska, and to me directed, l will, eat the 2id dav of March. A. D. 1808. at task o'clock a. m. of said day, at the east frees, door of the county court house. In th city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, Mat at pubilo auction lo the highest bidder far cash, the proierty doscrilied In aaid oroa of sale, as follows, to-wlt: The undivided twenty-four-one-ha dredlhs (M-HU) of the west tlfty-tlv feet of lot live (5) In block three hundreal and forty-two (Jf) of original plat of tk city of Omaha, and also the undlvld seventy-slx-one-hundredih (7S-10O) of tn west nrty-nve (iw) teet oi said lot nv m block Wi, In the city of Omaha, aa w veved. olatted and recorded, all ltimt4 In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy waiiar K. Keeier, plaintiff herrtn, the sums aa follows, to-wlt: On the undivided 34-H of the west 5& fe-l of lot 6, In block 4 above described, the sum of three hundrea and forty-threw and 84100 ($443.84) dollar Judgment, with interest thereon at ta rate or te-n (.10) per cent per annum iroew February 1st. 18!; and the further sum at $44.38. attorney's fees herein. Also lo satisfy waiter m. n.eeier ,aaja plaint Iff, on the undivided 7(-100 of ta west 65 feet of lot 6, in block 342 above de scribed, the sum of two hundred am eighty-one and 41-k) (81.41) dollars jud mont, with intereet thereon at the rata of ten per cent per annum from February 1st. KM ; and also tne lurtner aum oi a-i. attorney's fee herein. To satisfy the sum or one nunarea m three (loxuu) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a deer rendered by the district court of aak Dougiaa county, at its February term, A. D. ltfi7, In a certain action then and thar jwnding wherein Walter E. Keeler I plsunUff and Amanda itergqulst, Hllm Borgyulst, Oscar litrrgquist, Anna C. Net. son and John Nelson, her husband, ar defendants. Omaha. Nebraska, February 18, 1898. JOHN W. M' DONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. W. A, SAUNDERS, Attorney. Keeler va Uergquist, Docket 66, No. Itf. Ex. Docket Z, page 7. HM V. A. SAUNDERS. Merchants National Bank B'4g. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ilv virtue of an alias order of I out of the district court for county, Nebraska, and to me will, on the d day of Alareh, at ten o ciock a. m. oi saiu , east front door of the count in the city of Omaha, DougUj braka, sell at puolio auctb est bidder lor cash, the py in said order of sale, asj Lota (), (is) and ton s ad'lilion to surveyed, piatted Douglas county, Said property ' E. Keeler, aald lota aa : On lot thirty On lot i Un lot amounts. teresi at annum . To 26-MJ0 ($ with ment DougW D. 11 an tiff J ary . r AT r y f r tali r7 Ihirt v 7 id f 1 I J