H AMERICAN X TH vewtibut A. II r the door y. And l there any opening la the' door? A. There it a g An opening In the d.r to perk thunieh? ... A i come In the veettlmle then I the etterlor par lot are there. Then when ahe wants to me th Inmates or nmtticia, anil wi on. as are suppimed id Ih what I railed an enclosed order, the nUtcr. (the ouulde atstrr, the riternal), fives the tvrfvaKf to a amtcr who la enclosed and that ta mported to the lnthrr Superior. y. Wall then, to nim.lt all up, thei no nx'lhod of gUlng Into that building at all until you have pinned through theee two, until the meeitage la tatutd through the two door-keeper, and the diaira have Im-mi nlocked and they have been allowed I to enter? A. Not the front door where the slater atop. Q. Yet there la an entrance enter ing the cloister? A. There la the outalde entrance, and then there la the yard; the bark gate optm Into their yard. Q. And th la yard you aay la fenced? A. Yra. Q. So that In either way the egrea la ahut off? One way by the cloister, and the other way by the fer.ee? A. Ye. 0. Now what are you rule thora, with reference to the Inmate com municating with each other or talk ing with each other? A. What do you mean by that? To allow them to talk prlvate'y? Q Yra. privately. A. Well, that Is a rather delicate question to put We can't always allow our Inmate to talk privately together, y. Y'ou can't? A. No, certainly Bit y. Now In this particular ward that the plaintiff waa In, ware they ai. in the wash-room, all In one large room. In this Iron lug root a? A. Thoy aie not always In omm room; they have a claaa room I toftf you. y. How many sister did you have In charge of that Aeawu-tment. A. Soi l tlium po e and sometime loss? y We 1. ab ut bi.w many? A. Uon Shiiy thiw. Q. Did that include Suiter Zoph rli.e or not? A. Generally three In ttie washroom department (if I had that number). Slater Zephrlne beside. 0. WERE THESE INMATES IN THIS DEPARTMENT AMiOWKD TO TALK WITH EACH OTHER? A. NOT IF WIS COULD AVOID IT. Q WERE THET ALLOWED TO TELL EACH OTHER THEIR NAMES? A NOT THIOIR NAMES NOR THEIR HISTORIES. j Q. Nor their histories? A. Cer tainly not Q. Were they allowed any book to read? A. Ccr a'nly. Q What n ture? A. Any kind of good literature. y. Were there any regular stu dents taught there? A. Mont or the gl'la there e'e over age. didn't come there for study, Q Did you teach; did you give any Instructions In any atutlle. A. Yea. fo a time they got It. Q, Well, during the time the plain tiff was In that department? A. in the wash-house department therj was a very nhort time 10 study. Q. Only what? A. En the w:iah-hnu-e department they weren't, they hadn't time to st"dy, tut they came he-e for reforma'ion. O, Well, I krow and you siy Ihey didn't study? A. We didn't rocelve them with tbat Intention to send trem to srhocl. Q Y'ou kept them tbtare for work? A. Kept them there to fry to reform them. O. Well, whak way 41 d. yiw reform them. A. Bv advice, hf example. Q. What time In thn moaning did they commence to work? A. The work'ne hoim depended very much on the rush of work. 0. Well, what waa the usual hour for g-t'ing up? A. The entire house hold frets up at 5 in the summer and ha'f post 6 in the winter. Q. When do thev commence work? A. Well, that would ho pretty hard tc loca'e. It often varies; there is no -art, et hour for it Sometime 8. Bomet'mes 7, and so on. O. Well, you wruld put It from 7 to 8, then, would you? A. They are rare'y at work at 7; I could better put it at 8. Q. And he work until what hour for d'nner? Well. ' ft How Ions a time are tVy given for dinner?' A. Well, the rule is rec reations until half past 1. They somttmes go In and finish their work when they are hurried o ha73 the work to do anyone that under stands housekrepl'-E knows that laua drv work has to b sent out n cer tain time, ard when we make con tracts for laundry work It has to be Q. It has to ne done on tha Jot? A. It has to be sert at a certain time. Q. What time do they quit In he eve ning? A. At 6 o'clock. Q. Do they do any work after sup per? Sometimes. Q. Can you tell me when the plain tiff entered your Institution? A. When she entered? j Q. Can you give me the date? A. ! I can give you tr-e date, I think; to the best of my knowledge it was the first of December. Q. What year? A. Now, the year I am not sure about; I didn't lo k it p I have It on the records. Q. Well, am I right in paying It was in 1S94? Do you think? A. You miKht be; I wouldn't be pofitiva. Q. Do you remember about the length of time she waa there. A. She left I thfnk It was In February, If I am not mistaken. Q. You think she waa there about how long? A. It waa over a yeir, anyway, a year and two months, I wouldn't be positive. Q. NOW, WHEN MAIL. COMKS THERE ADDRESSED TO ANY OF J5 INMATES OF THIS WARD, WHAT WAS DONE WITH IT? A. ALL I HIS MAIL THAT FA53KH thkuuuh this institution to, this iinotaiev passes TnKOUun MY HANDS Q. AND IS OPENfto BY YOU? A. CERTAINLY. Q. AND READ? A. Af READ Q. Well, what do yoa do witfl jL Give It to th Innate. this IMli.V. I Q. In every Instance? A. la every 1 iiivtance i iclv It la th lir to give It to her. It depends. If the m II mniM frtim on fr.uu whom should not receive It (J. Yi: ire th Judge rf ht? A. If It nnir from a rar at r a r'a tlve m the lxi j kIk ai to who thixilil receive It y Yon are the het Judge and you j art on that? A. Certainly. Q. And if you think I ImToper. It la not delivered? A. O raln'y. If I know the mall doe not come from a premier perann. Q And you are the al judge of that? A. 1 am the sole Judge. Q. When an Inmate win ties to end out mall, what la done thn? A. Send It out If It la to relat ve and f r d. y. And (1xm h go through our handa? A. It ,-oea through my hrnds, certainly. Q. And supposing you ih'nk it con tains matter that la not proper in anr way. what I done then? A. I doi t nnderatand what you moan by "not proper." y. Well, I aay, aupnoa'ng you think that the matter In the letter or any thing that Is there, la not proper lo be POUR A P A Ifthadof-itllCella-n sent out, what do you do? A. Of course. If It 1 not proper. It doesn't go cut Q. And you are the sole J"dte of what la Improper? A. Our Inmates en do very Improper things. Q. AND KO IT JUST DEPENDS Ui-ON YOUR WILL WHAT GOES OUT AND WHAT COMES IN? A. IT IS PRACTICALLY 80. Q. And you use your Judgment of that and thin la done with r.f rence to every Inmate In that Institution? A. Especially those la the refo. ma lory. , y. Y'ou aay there was about 40 or 19 In each department? There are about 0 there that you carried on at that time? A. Hardly as many now. Q. Well, but It varies, I suppose; sometime more and sometimes less. Now, during the time we are i peak ing, how many, something like that (we don't care for Just the figures, I don't expect you to be accurate) was the plaintiff ever out of thla institu tion to your knowledge? A. She went away heratilf once. Q. Yoa, she went away herself once. A. Ye sir. Q. About when was that, do you remember? A. I don't rmembr ex actly the date. I think It was In May a year ago. The date I don t quite re member, It made no Impression. Q. It waa along In the month of May after she came the e, wasn't It, the following summer sometime? A. Well. It ma be a year af.er, .1 wou'd not be positive. Q. How long was she out of that place? A. Just long enough to get back, that la all. Q. Well, what waa done to g t her back? A. That I can't exac.ly ex plain, as I am not the sister in that department, and know little If any thing of the affair until after It was all over. Q. Well, as you found It out, right away afterward, what was the? A. Well, as I remember having heard of it, this girl went out (the slater hav ing an intimation or knowing wat was her intention) left thi chapel, went down, broke through the clo s ter window, and went escxped three days after she Q. Well, Just there; now you ray ehe was only out Just loi g enot gh to get back. Now what means were taken to bring her back, do you re member? A. Well, as I had heard, the sister in charge told two of the girls to go after her not with the intention of brlngtnir her back, but telling her to take off the black dress she wor3 rnd we would give her an outfit for the world. y. Well, did they bring her back? A. She r&me back with them. Q. Well, ehe came back anyway? A. She came back. Q. What did you do when she came back? A. I don't know that there was anything done. y. Do you know whether during that time, when she broke out trat window there, that ehe Injured her self in any way? A. I heard she cut her hand. Q. Was your attention ever called to the fact? A. Oh, no, I understood it was a mere scratch of some kind. Q. Did you ever punish any inmates out there for escaping or attempting to escape? A. Did I? Q. Well, were they ever punished there? A. I have never punished them. Q. Well, whatever sister Zephrlne does there in its' Institution she does under your au.hortly. A. Certainly. Q. How do they punish cu there? A. Y'ou are not to lose sight of the fact that we keep a ref rmatory we have no academy out there. Q. No. I am not finding fault with your institution. A. We keep a reformatory for way ward girls and incorrlglbles. The only punishment that I allowed, gave simply what we call a tick drees, that Is put on when they are very Incor rigible, use obscene language, talk ob scenely to each other, use blaspv,era our words, and anything of that kind: a tick drees la put on them, made of common gunny-sack. That Is put over their dress. Or their drfsi Is turned wrong-side out. Or, if they are very obscene, they are kept aloof from the others, as much aa we can do It Q. But still they are all, of this de partment In one lirga room? A. Un der the supervision of the sisters. And I told you we don't allow them to talk together If we can avoid It for that very reason. Q. Now, when they go "up to their dormitory to sleep, where do they sleep? A. In single beds. Q. Each In a single bed? A. Each in a single bed. Q. ARE THEY ALLOWED TO TALK THERE? A NOT IN THE DORMITORY. IT MUST BE) ABSO LUTE SILENCE Q. IT MUST BE LOUD ENOUGH SO THE STSTKRS CAN HEAR IT? A. YES, SIR. q It would not be about themselves or about their history? A. Certainly not about their history. Q. And how about their name? in there, do they carry their real names? A. No sir. o what do voi do? A. Whan a yun girl to placed la oar depart ment by her parent of guardian, the I placed there Urauie Q. Well, that la not what I want I don't rare. Hut I say. do you gl e them a different name? A. W g ve them a different name to save their families. Mr. Hutta: Will. I move to atrike that out I move to strike out "to aave their famillea." The Court: S:ricken out. y What name did you give the plaintiff? A. She went under the name two d fferent name. She wai Adelnlde when Onrt she came, and afterwards, when she received thU (onarrate dr, us that tb a-iked of me so earnea.ly ana received the name of lrvtta. y. I.oretta; la that the name she kept until ehe left there? A. Yra. y. When old she leave the Inst tu Hon? A. I think it waa in February. I am not positive as to the date. I don't know the date. Q. Well, when ah left, did any person come and demand her? A. I Oon't know whether thev de manded her. Q. Did any one else come after her? A. Simply came and asked. Q. Who was it? A. If I heard the tory right, two gentlemen came first claiming they were couilns Q. Who were they? A. I don't know their names. Claiming that they ware cousins, I think. I am not positive of that. Q. Well, did you Inquire? A. The slater went back and asked. Thev said they were cousins I believe cousins, aa well as I remember. I was not the sister who listened to them. Q. But this was commun'catrd to you by the sister? A. This Is what I heard. Q. Well, did you deliver her up to them? A. The sister did I didn't see her. Q. Waa that the first time that any body came there? A. The first time that I know of except Mrs. Root Q. Well, from your the wav trat business Is done there, the communi cations from the inmates eeneral 7 paas through in that ward passed through Sister Zephrlne? A. Yes. Q. You passed throu-h eich ward how frequently? A. Well, ence or twice a week. Q. Now, when you go through there, what la the usual ceremony? A. I generally go to see them on Sunda s; as a general thing I see them all. In the class-room together. Q. That Is, you mean, by this class room A. The recreation room. Q. Recreation room, or wherj they do their Ironing? A. Oh, no, no no. They bad a large cla?a school-room. Q. What takes place when you met them- there? A. Why, they say "Good morning" to me, and I s y "Good morning" to them; thre is nothing more than a pl aint word. I alt down and they all congregate around me and talk and have a pleas ant time. Q. Do you sit upon anything does It have have you any throne, aa you call It? A. There Is no throne. I will assure you of that. Q. Don't they call It a throne? A. There is a chair, not quite aa elevated as this. Q. And they congregate around that? A. They all sit around me. Q. You call that that is called the throne, Isn't It? A. That is the name the children give It. Q. Then what do you do when they get around you? A. Talk to them pleasantly. Q. You give a ceremony In which you bless them; isn't that so? A. (Laughing). There Is no ceremony about It Q. Well, what do you do? A. As I told you, they congregate around me; when they come up to that throne they don't come up for my blesBlng, J assure you. Q. Now Is there not any time when they are compelled to kneel before you? A. They are never compelled. Q. Well, they do, don't they? A. They fo It of their own free will. Q. Isn't It a rule that they should? A. No, not exactly a rule. There Is no written rule for It Q. Whenever you go through this Institution Isn't It customary for all to kneel down when you go by? A. To kneel down when I go by? Q. Yes. A. Certainly not Q. Every one In that Institution stands up when you go through the room? A. They don't have to, but they do It out of respect It Is the cus tom. Q. It Is a custom, and It Is a cus tom that Is followed universally isn't ltf A. No, It Is dying out, very much. Q. Now was there any distinction made between these two reforma tories? A. Only In regard to the work. Q. Well, the place where the ward that the plaintiff was In was what waa known as the criminal ward, for a long time wasn't It? A. It was known as that when we got the city convicts. Q. When did you cease taking pris oners from the c'ty of St Paul, to that Institution? A. I think the Court knows that better than I do. I think It was about two years ago, I wouldn't be positive. Two years In March, 1 think. Q. Up to the tire you ceased tak ing them, did you confine them In this ward? A. Yea, elr, that was their department Q. And has the management of the wards, so far as the Inmates are con cerned, been the same as before and since that time A. They allow greater liberty now, we are not re sponsible to the olty for the convicts. We are not responsible to the city for convicts, so of course there is greater liberty In this department now the same as the other reformatory, but that belongs to the Institution. Q. I mean as to the working hours and as to the food, and all such things, is the same treatment that there was at that time? A. It has always been uniform. Q. Now up until about two years ago, you say you confined prisoners there from the city? A. Indeed I don't remember. Q. You wouldn't know from your books? A. Certainly: If I should con sult the books, f would know. Q. Well, have you them with youT A. I have not Q. Yon know Z tnbpoenaed yen to j bring the books? A. The city pris oners' books? Q. Yes. A. I haven't them with me. I have the c)aa books of the re formatory, but I haven't the city prisoners' book. Q. Did you keep them under lock and key, everybody In there? Y'e, but Is there any question but what they are kept under lock and key? A. The doors are locked, certainly. Q. And have 'heae Inmate permis sion to go out it large In this ward? A. Go out at large? Q. Yea. A. Why no. Q. I mean outside, anywhere? A. Oh yea. they have their own yards. O. Y'es, but the yard la fenced In and escape Is practically lmnoasible. lan't It? A. They are not permitted to ro outside the rrounds of the House of the Good Shenherd. O. Go where they wish? A. Why, of course not. How could we keen a distinction between the reformatories and young Innocent children and Mag. dalenes. when we allowed them to go at large? If they were mixed alto gether they needn't come to us to be reformed. O. Are they permlttted to have any vttors In there that they want? A. Why. certainly not O. Well, who says whether they can come or not A. I renerally fol low Ihe dictates of their narenta The dictate to me. O. It rents with yon. Do you al ways let the relative ee them? A. As a general thing, always. O. Alone? A. In the parlors. O. Tio Is present? A. A sister. O. There must be then, a slater present, to overnear the conversation? A. There Is a sister, always with an inmate, when she roea to the parlor, nies reoueetpd hv the narents that tber wont to see her alone. O. Otherwise the sister la there, and the conversation, under rule, must be audible to the sinter? a. That is the rule In the lnMtut1on and they are told that before they enter. They know the r' Institution before they enter, that Is, the parents do. O. And these Inmate know that when they enter that parlor? A. I don't know whether their parents tell them or not. O. I say the Inmates know tht the sister must hear this conversation when they enter Into the or1nr? A. Well, we donft make arrangements verv often with inmates themselves. Q. They don't cut much figure? A. It Is generally their parents or guardians who brine them to us. or some lady Interested In their refor mation. O. Suppose there Is no narent or guardian comes there, then how Is It? A. Then the rules are exp'ained to them when they come in. and they have to sign a paper. If thev come, and ask me to enter, themselves. Mr. Butts: I move to strike out that O. T am not tslktne: about when they enter the institution, I am talk ing when thev ente. the parlor? You say when their relatives come in there to see them, those rules are explained to them, that they must sneak audibly to the sister. A. No, there Is no such rule as sneak audibly to the sister. It is the rule of the institution. That is not said to theni all. the sinter -imply accompanies them to the parlor. O. It Is the duty of the sister to do what? A. It Is the duty 0f the slater to accompany the child to the parlor. O. And hear tb conversation? A. The parlor different sizes. The par lor where the rhlld-en nd the sisters are, Is rather small. We have a par lor Interior and exterior parlor. Q. Now have you or not you hsve escapee from there, once In a while, don't you? A. (Laughing) Indeed I have. 0. Have you hrd any lately? Why, yes, I think there are some of them In the court-room. 0. How manv? A. In the court room? 0. Well, but how many escapes do you remember In the last year? A. Last year I think there were six escapes. O. Who were they? A, They were I will not mention their names, that Is not rleht. If you want to know their class nam.-s, I will give them. Q. I would like to know their true names. A. I certainly shall not give them. I protect the charaeter of thoae under me. O. Y'ou say they are here? A. Many of them. O. Do vnn know a girl hv the name of Jennie Purdy? A. Purdv? I do not rememher the name Purdy. O. Well, when yon do have escapes, bow manv have you had escape from that Institution? I am not sneaking now about thoe that were committed hv the city of St. Paul, but outside of that bow manv escapes have von had from there In the last five years, since you have been there? A. Indeed I could not tell you. 0. Just give me A. I haven't the sliehtest idea. 0. Suppose aa manv dozen a year? A. It mleht be; and sumo yenrs none at an, I think. Q. Mind T am ereliirilnv th ASA i4 were ever committed by the Municipal Kuuri or me nry or St. Paul. And. by the W8V. Jld von ever have an nm . . . ,.u . w I. II V Will mitments from any other courts? A. r rum any otner courts. Well, not ex actly commitment T have hart crtrla sent from other places. w. res, but you never had any COUrtS Commit nrtaonara Oisni cent the Municipal? A. I had no com- iwiuiems rrom any otner court Q. When any of these escapes take place what do von do? A. If they are over aee, we let them go. Be cause the reason why. If they are over aee they are only there to piease their parents, and if hey want to go thev may bo at anv time thev want to it they are under age we are responsible ior mem, we try, ir possitle, to re cover them. Q. So you mean to say that If thev are over a thev can go at any time? A. Any time thev wnt t- Q. And have you ever. In the last year, attempted to get bark girls who were over ae. In anv way, by send ing police officers after them? A. Not when they are over age that I re member. Q. Have you sent the police offl cers after any Inmates? A. I have reported them when they were over are or under are I have renorted them. Q. Will you pleaae give me the name of those you reported? A. One we called Emma and the other we called Eva. Q. Now, did you report any others? A. No, answer. Q. During the last two years have you reported escapes oi other in mates? Why. certainly. Q. Did you report them to the po lice to have the police bring them bark? A. They were under age. Q. Didn't the police ever bring any of those escape bark to you? A. I don't think thev did without the par enta bringing them. Q. W'lll vou rwear that thev have not returned. Wl'hnilt h narant'a In. terferenee at all, at least 10? Oh. In deed. I could swar that. I don't re memberto th s lest of my knowledge I I remember the policemen bringing ! back none without their parents say ing so. I don't remember any one In stance. Q. But you do remember of the po lice brlnrln thm back? A. Detec tives when their parents told them so. did ouite recently. In the last three I weeks. O. Have the police brought any bark to you within the last three j weeks? A. I thlr.k it was about , three weeks not a policeman, a moth ! er broiieM back one that ran away, In tne last three weeka. O. What was her name? A. I ran't teU von. Wo call her Grace. o. Whieh ward was she In A. Sewlnr department. O. Since vour fln-e fvon have hen there for the U't five years) abont nw many Inmates have yon had In these two wardr? A. I would cer talnlv have to eonanlt tne hooka to re- member, t resl'y don't remember. ' O. Can't von elve an Moat 1 N"t the allehtesf. O. About what fma of dav was It when the ntntiff entered vour huUd Inr? A. If T rememher rightly t was " the evening, but I did not receive her. o. But yon thtnk it was in the event"-? A. Yes. sir. O. Your socletv. you sav. own and control thla bnl'dinir? A hoot what the cot of that building? A. Well. T don't eraetlv know I would have to consult the books for that. 11. If. coat von about a hundred thousand dollarn A. T think so. O. And about what did the grounds r-oat von A Wei', thev were hnno-,t Wore T rie. And the buildings were rm before I came In eharee. O. Now these rules and testations that were n force In that ward ao- p'lad to evarv Inmate of tha ward a"Ve, dMn't thev? A. Uniformlv. O. What work did the plaintiff do durlnsr the time she was in this ward, do voi, know what was her particular work? A. Tf T mistake not as well as T know, and rememher hearing, she did sewln part of the time and wash In? and Ironing part of the time. O. But as a rule she did washing and ironlne? A I think so:T know R"e did Ironing: whethr she did wash ing or not I don't know, either or much of It O, Now when she made this escape, how soon after that that eha . .... w.u,. ...'Hi. i j 1 1 r" naa I hrone-ht back, or came back, aa you niu it, now aoo.i after that were you informed of the circumstances? A. I think it was immediately after; the same dav anyway, Q. You sav that she cut her hand? A. It was reported to me; I did not see the cut. 0. Did you have any conversation with her at all at that time? A. I never, to the best of my knowledge, had a private e0nveraation with the girl save on tivo or three occasions. Q. At this time did you have? A. Q. Or within a month or three weeks? A. No, sir, I don't remem ber, I don't think so O. Did you investigate the facts and circumstances at that time? A. Yes, it was reported to me exactly; I innulred the cause, etc. Q. And then that settled the Inci dent, you say? A. The which? . Q. I say that settled the incident A. Yes. Q. Now what sort of a hohlt aa ah. have on? A. We don't rail it a hov.it no one but the religious wear a habit. Q. What do you call It? A. She wore a black dress with a cape. Q. Was It worn by any particular class In there? A. By those that are supposed to be the best of all that Is there, by our society. They never get this dress but when their onii,t Is supposed to be exemplary. 0. And when thev p-nt thla Jnm u - - j n ' ". "i ii i i i'v, 1 u Is a badge. A. It Is suppooed that they are pretty good girls. I Q. Well, does that behavior (badge) relate to their conduct In here, both for behavior and work too? A. Work has nothing to do with it. Q.- It is for their good behavior outside of the work? A. For their moral conduct Q. IN THIS PARTICULAR WARD THE PLAINTIFF WAS IN. WAS SUGAR FURNISHED. PLACED UP ON THE TAHLE WITH THEIR FOOD? A. SVGt R IS NOT PLACED UPON THE TABLE, BUT THEIR COFFEE, ETC.. IS SUGARED. I Q. WELL, WAS IT FLACFD UP- ' ON THE TABLE? A. NO. SIR. Q. Where Is the food prepared? A In the main kitchen of the building. Q. Where is that? It Is the sis ter's department? A. In the sisters' department Q. And the sisters prepare the food? A. The sisters and two children ' that department I Q. And the food Is then carried and placed on the table In these two re formatories? A. In the refectory dining-room. O. NOW ART? TTTEY ALLOWED BUTTER ON THE TABLE THERE TO EAT? A. CERTATN1.Y THEY ARE, BUT NOT AT EVERY MEAL. WE COULDN'T AFFORD IT. 0. Are they allowed milk on the table? A. Their milk Is put In the coffee. 0. But that Is all the milk they get? A. Yes, the children get a glass of It Q. What do they have at noon? They have tea twice a day, you say, and coffee once? A Yes, sir. Q. They have no milk furnished them at any time, except to put In their coffee? A. No, none to drink. Q. Are they usually given pepper on the table? A. Their food Is sea soned for them. Q. Their breakfast conatsU of what? A. It varies. Every day I think tkey are different Q. About what Is It the usual fare? A. Well, they get perfectly good home-made bread, at every meal. For their brerkfaat they get that and this coffee, and they get what we call hash, that Is. fresh meat bought from Kasmlrsky Brothers. Q. Hash and bread? A. Let sae testifiy: Hash, bread and coffee, one meal. If they don't get butter. If they get butter, they don't get haah, as we can't afford to give a variety a hotel fare. On Wednesdays they get white bread, coffee and corn-bread, and molasses. That Is the breakfast Q. I am talking now just com. mence at Mondav and give me Mon day' dinner, breakfast and supper? A. Now the sister may vary It, wltk my permission. It is my permission to vary it at any time the children don't like special food. The general run Is that. They get bread and hash, and coffee for breakfast, or mnsh. Now. I will give you the breakfast hll of fare: Butter, corn-bread, and mo and molasaes. That Is the breakfast, and coffee for breakfast, or mush, Q. If they get the corn-bread, they get neither the brsh nor the mush? A. No. 0. SO IT IS REALLY TWO THINGS, BREAD AND ONE SUB STANCE? A. ONE SUBSTANW AND COFFEE. Q. Now for dinner? A. For din ner they get soup, generally two kinds of vegetable, always fresh meat and tea and bread. Q. What are the vegetables? A, Potatoes. i Q. And what else? A. Lettuce. cabbage. Q. But potatoes forms one, I sup pose, of the vegetables that yon men tion? A. Yes. Q. Then meat you say, and sonp? A. Yes. 0. Now for 'upper, what? A. For tinner thev e-et either butter when they get one they don't get the other either butter, molasses and bread, or hash again, or stew made out of fresh meat, or prunes or apples baked ap ples, or fresh apples. 0. IF THEY GET ONE, YOU SAT, THE OTHERS YOtl SAY THEY DO NO GET. A. THEY DO NOT. 0. SO IT IS EITHER TEA. BUT TER AND BRTTAD, OR TEA AND HASH? A. YES. Q. OR TEA AND PRUNES A YES, AND WITH BREAD Q. Of course, bread all the time. A. Fresh bread. Q. Or bread ind prunes? A. Yea. Q. And tea, and bread and applet? A. Yes. Q. You have a great many other there besides these two wards? A. No, the same food goes to all. Q. How many sisters have yoa there? A. Thirty-five. Q. You feed them there? A. Sam way. Q. You have the Magdalenes there? A. The same food goes to them. Q. How many of them? A. Thirty. I told you before; about between thirty-two and thirty-three. Same food goes to them. Q. You say the sisters there feed upon the same diet aa these? A. I say the sisters get the same groceries and meat that the children do. Q. Do you remember when the Su preme Court made a decision stop ping the commUment of prisoners by the city? A. Y'es y. When was that decision made? A. I don't remember; some time In March I think. Q. What year? A. That I don't re member. Two years ago I think la March. Q. Two years ago next March. Now at that time did you have any of the city prisoners in there? A. To the best of my knowledge I don't re member any. I think there was one, I don't remember any. Q. Do you remember the city pass ing a resolution and coming out and serving it on you to release any pris oners there at tUat time that yon had belonging to the city? A. I don't re member that I was eerved with a no tice. Q. You were informed of that reso lution? A. I was Informed that there was such a resolution passed, but I don't think it whs served on me that I remember of. Q. But you remember that they passed such a resolution? A. I saw it through the papers. Q. And since that time, or at that time, did you release all that were committed by the? A. As I said, I don't think I had any committed by the court Just then. Q. Now isn't It a fact that you re tained some prisoners there after that resolution came? A. None but those who wished to remain. Q. Well, that Is not the question. Didn't you keep any there? A. I re peat, none but those who asked me to keep them. Q. Well, that is not the question sister; the question Is did any remain? A. Some remained, of their own fren will. Q. What were their names? A, Well, there Is now one there that wan a city prisoner oi.ee; I don't say she was a prisoner at the time the court made the decision, but she was once a city prisoner; her name In our Insti tution now is E'izabeth. And that to the only one that I remember of. Q. You say there was one named what? A. I doa't know whether she was a city prisoner at the time, whether her time had expired or that she remained of her own free will, but we had one who remained who waa called Veronica. Q. That was Josle Anderson? A. I don't remember what her name waa outside of that Q. Does your record have the ages marked upon It? A. The ages they give us, I think It does. I am not re sponsible for what they tell us, yon know. Q. Now concerning Miss Clewett. was she allowed to go out doors and go down town or where she pleased? A. Certainly not Q. Then during this time that she was In there, she had the liberty of this ward? A. Had the liberty of the grounds belonging to that ward and the whole ward. Q. And nothing further? A. No. Q. During the time she waa In there did she do her work well? A. That I don't know.