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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1898)
THE AMERICAN , i1!"1?!!! " - " " " " t MOW TO COUNT MONIY, I THtY MKANT NO MURDER. J JAPAN'S NEW MINUTER ' . 4 tke Umi mi (ImM M4 fMker l sara. TV waiting crowd turf e about tbe -WaUM end" of lh watfon. and Mtltkll the dispenser of ticket kara eealed lbetualvee on m little weaah just Inside. Suddenly Ue word U five and aa attendant ulU trafv hoisting th window, eol th Vulmi oonnneocoe, Not word da these young Dion have to My to each eAber r to their customer sUUs lb rfcUstolphla Time. Tbelr ve ar loekiaf at 0t or all itw and da acHpUona full of money and from ri(ai to loft and then back again they capture Iba clutched cola and bill mi iujf from eide to eld, enabling all V have an equal chance, Direolly a cola or bill It received It 1 m placed oo a abelf on a level wlU U aoller'a arm until tba patron baa made place for tba next in line, tben U la thrown Into a huge wicker baa katoa tba floor at his feet ThU retention of money In algbtfor a moment it In order to effectually aatU any dispute by an excited buyer who might be Inclined to question tbe accuracy of the change or the amount he had paid lit. It eoora almost an uaaecestary precaution, however, aa these young' men never get rallied" aad have no tima for talk or argu ment After tbe rush waa over recently Mr. Callan consented to talk about lb difficult art which embrace accu racy and speed to no limited extent aad. alter modestly admitting that It waa an expert profession In which big salaries were paid to the hi a tors," aid: We nover Jook at faces always at tbe band that holds the money. That onoe secured and the ticket or ticket and change thrust Into It then oa to the next" Suppose some one bothers you with questions or annoys you in any way so as to Interfere with your sale, what do you do?" He laughed aa be pointed to a fat man standing by. At a signal that fat man gets direct ly in front of the fractious one and by the simple process of moving backward gradually, all the time treading on hi coma the Una 1 opened, and by the time tbe crank baa got on the outside we have sold hundreds of ticket. We have a plentiful supply of change, and do not touch tbe money received. llounferfolt money we do not fear; w ran almost tell It by the smell a mile off. and the only notice we take of it Is to whisper one to the other. Bad stuff!' Where Is that olllcerP and is the dishonest one who baa offered It can scarcely get away quick enough. Think of a man com ing up and asking for thirteen whole and seven half tickets and slapping down a handful of bills and silver to pay. It takes a quick brain and steady head and hand to complete the transaction, but with little variations aa to place and detail it occurs so continually that It is almost aa easy aaaaay as taking a fifty-cent piece aad handing out a ticket" 'an any one with training become a successful ticket seller?" Said Mr. t'allan. cautiously: "lam aura 1 don't know, but my opinion only my opinion, mind you is that th olrous tickot seller Is born, not jB.ade" STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. The risnh Left Frrd Kberhardt Spwh leoa. Hot Otherwise Uninjured. Lightning played a queer prank when it struck Fred Kberhardt just aa he waa passing through a doorway over which a borso-shoe waa nailed. Kberhardt is a stationary fireman, be ing employed in the engine room at tba lleiru brewery, says the bt Louis rost-Dispatoh. lie had carried a shovel of cinder out to the rear of th brewery, and was returning to the aglne room when he waa struck by lightning as he was passing through the doorway. The flash momentarily blinded him, and ha was so shocked by the electrlo current which passed over his body that he stood for some time as if rooted to the spot When he had partially recovered his composure and attempted to call to the other workmen in the brewery. he found to his amazement that he was unable to utter a sound. He had been struck spoechless. Ho was as- aisted to his home and It was some time before he recovered from his dazed condition, but to-day he is ap parently well as ever, with the ex ception that he Is still unable to speak. His hearing was not In the least im paired. Ha listens Interestedly to the conversation of his family or friends and answers questions put to him with a nod or shake of the head, but he seems to have lost tbe power of speech entirely, as he is unable to utter a sound that may be Interpreted as a word of meaning. It appears that the bolt of light ning which struck Kberhardt passed over an electrlo wire and through a horseshoe before it reached him. The horseshoe was nailed above tbe door way and the electric wire ran through or very close to it The lightning burned tbe wire and must have passed over the horseshoe, as when the latter was taken down it was found to be perfectly magnetized. Kberhardt was struck by the current on the top . of the head. The current then passed down the right side of his body and through the shoe on his right foot to the ground. It tore the sole from the shoe and separated several hob nail from the leather. Several physicians have examined Kberhardt and are much puzzled over his condition. They have been unable to find an in jury to the organs of speech, and think that the man is only affected by shock. It is their opinion that be will regain the power of speech in tima probably slowly and by degrees. t Rounded o. Bunker Old man. I've got a new addition to my household. Hill (who live la tbe next block) io I hear. rlkr sad JUf The eurUle war aot tightly drawn, aad It was with ao great dif ficulty that th crowd collected out eld was enabled to peroaiv th fam ily group la th front parlor, aay to Detroit Tribune Tbe husband and lather waa observed to be ataading oa th tabl and gtsUoulaUag wildly, lli wlf and mother night b eea t a a a dancing wltn a maraea degree oi abandoe on tbe sole. Th babr re clined la a high chair aad blinked apathetically. r-uch people aln t Dt t nave me care ot a cnna suusriwuni; uo- clared a lady with glass, who stood very nosr thu house aad could ee plainly. "It a snama indignantly tainted tout woman with aa armful of grocerlea The husband and father suddenly aelxed a chair and waved it frantically above hi head. Oh.' The lady with rlaaeee shuddsred. Tbe woman with the groceries averted her face a If to save herself the hock ot witnessing a revolting tragedy. 1'h child ought to be reacued. Th wife aad mother, upon the In stant laid violent band upon a feather duster, and, leaping Into the air, shook it ostentatiously. This must b stopped. They re in toxicated and are going to kill that young one" Tho lady wltn glasses waa address ing the crowd. The stout woman bad Jubt time to express a firm bollef that tho people Inside tbe bouse were crazy when some determined men slapped forward and knocked at the door. The husband and father responded to tbe summon. 'Wo must Insist that you coasoyour murderous demonstrations toward yonder child." The determined men were not dis posed to equivocate. Wna wha' Tbe husband and father stood speechless and aghast We have seen enough to convince us that you either Intend to kill the babe or scare It out of Its wits. In either event we demand that you stop at once, or surrender the little one." Hut gentlemen'' Tho husbaud and father was getting agitated. Nothing waa further from our minds than murder or injury ot any aort" The three determined men looked sceptical. What then, were you doing? ' We wore seeing it we could induce baby to keep still long enough to get his picture taken." hereat the stout woman and the lady with glasses, who had been look ing over the shoulders of the deter mined men. suddenly recalled their dear ones at home and departed swiftly into the darkness. A WAR OF ANTS. Kutlvva uf tba llerinuda Routed by an In trading Vo from America. "About the Qerceet war 1 ever heard of was waved on one of the West India islands while I was living there, twenty years ago. " said Eugene Ketchum. of New Orleans. "It was in very truth a war of extermination, and the opposing armies were ants. 1'p to the time I speak of the llerraudas were overrun oy a species of fat and lazy ants that did no hustl ing for a living and who) conduct waa a sore disappointment to tbe man who had read ot the lesson taught Sir Robert Bruce by the achievements of an ant I hey were pesky devils. and so round and sleek that one could not risk the temptation to tread on evory one he saw. Welt one day an American fruit vessel anchored in our harbor and I noticed a string of frisky little red ants coming ashore along the cable with which tbe vessel was made fast to the dock. "Millions of these American emi grants crawled out to shore along that cable and the lazy, corpulent natives extended them a very poor welcome. In a day or two those wild anta as we called them, began to make war on the native anta. It was a battle royal at first but the natives began gradu ally to fall back and surrender their territory to the invaders. The lazy scoundrels were even too cowardly to bury their dead or rescue their wounded. For about a week the war waged fast and furious, the natives each day sustaining terrible loss and falling back further with each setting sua tome five or six years later, when I removed from the island, a semi circle could easily be discerned, with in which there was not a single na tive ant while before there had been billions of them, but on the edges of the semicircle fighting was still going on. and the strangers were gradually extending their territorial posses sions. I understand now that the na tive ant Is entirely extinct in the Ber mudas, the foreign foe having com pletely exterminated him from the islands and taken possession of his maffdficent domain. Wherefore. hurrah for America, " A Temporary Arrangement. "What have you named your baby, Rastusr Sam Pro Tem Jobnsoa sab.." What Is the Pro Tem for?" "To show that the name is only temporary. ah. We kind o' thought Sam might like to choose his own name when he growed up, sah, so we put Pro Tem In aa a warning to da public." Harper's Bazar. f'oaldn't Do Iu "I was frightened almost to death yesterday. Clara." What was the matter?" A big rat ran by my feet" Mercy! Didn't you jump on chair and scream?" "No; I had those ugly brown stock Tart Mta fHiUT raaaa wtta (ha Wart. Hoshl Turt, th new Japan miu ter to Washington, who la now on h way to bia puat of duty, I abort t stature and compactly built In ait and weight be resemble ex-Prealdent Harrison. Ilia manner la exceedingly affable and he ha a penchant for handshaking. He la a slave to tbe Igar habit, and I never without tba weed. He la a political follower of Count Itagakl. and with th latter aad Count Mutau brought about an alliance between tbe liberal and government parties that resulted la Itagakl becom ing minister of the Interior. Count Itagakl'a Influence later on led to Mr. Turt being sent to Washington aa tbs successor of Minister Kurlno, who goes to Italy. "Our trade relation with the Unltad States," ha aald, "are not what I would like to see. The United State I a bet ter customer of Japan than Japan la of this country. Why? England and Ger many underaell America In practically all manufacturing line. Again, tbe Kmgliah and the Germans are In keener search for our trade than the Amer icans. Tbey pay close attention to our want and study our demand so minutely aa to manufacture thing that exactly please our fancy and auit our tastea. The American are not doing that. We are Just now building a good many line of railroad and In a very few year we will have a network of them. The English are supplying most of the material, but there U a good op portunity for Americans to supply some of the material. "Yea, our relation with Russia ara pleasant. We are at peace with ths world. Korea, aa you know, ha an in dependent government, with Japanese adviser. I waa recently the adviser to It department of justice. It la true Japan still ha 800 troop and 200 gen darme in Korea, but their only duty 1 to protect two lines of telegraph built by our government. At the present time Japan maintains a standing ar my of only 60.000. "Aa to the talk of great improve ment in our navy, five warships are to be built. I do not know who will be awarded the contract. I visited your big warship, the Oregon, today, and I think you build fine vessels here In California." Minister Turl is only 45 year of age, but has had a stormy political career In bis native land. He was educated as barrister In London, and became i member of the middle temple. He prac tlced law In Japan, and after entering politics wag thrown into prison twice on account of rancorous political con teats. He refused to talk of his arrest In connection with Viscount Tonl and Dr. Bolssonade for the alleged unlawful publication of the Count Inouye mem orial, saying that the abuse he waa subjected to was political warfare and that his election as president ot the lower house of parliament waa his vln dlcatlon. San Francisco Examiner. No Two Men Alike. The professor who would aim at shaping the character ot all his stu dents according to one uniform Ideal standard would be attempting the im possible, because he would be atrlv lng to do what is at variance with the laws of nature and of nature's God, In all the Creator's works there Is charming variety. There are no two stars in the firmament equal in mag nitude and splendor, "for star dlffereth from star in glory;" there are no two leaves of the forest alike, no two grains of sand, no two human face. Neither can there be two men absolutely Identi cal In mental capacity or moral dispo sition. One may excel In solid judg ment, another In tenacity of memory, and a third in brilliancy of Imagina tlon. One is naturally grave and solemn another is gay and vivacious. One of a phlegmatic,- another of a sanguine temperament. One is constitutionally shy, timid and reserved; another is bold and demonstrative. One is tac iturn, another has hi heart in his mouth. The teacher should take his pupils as God made them, and aid them in bringing out the hidden pow ers ot their soul. If he tries to adopt the leveling process by casting all. In the same mold, his pupils will become forced and unnatural in their move ments; they will lose heart, their spirit will be broken, their manhood crippled and impaired. Cardinal Gibbons in North American Review. Called Off. "We are sorry to state," says the Plunkville Bugle, "that the debate be tween our two candidates for sheriff will have to be called off. One can' talk anything but tariff, and the other nothing but free silver, , and neither one knows the first thing about the sheriff business, so it is evident that a debate would be a futile and fatuous waste of the people's valuable time." Indianapolis Journal. Bad Service In America. The advantages of tipping are lucid ly explained by a New York barber, who observe that In the shops in that city a man gets no better service by tipping; he merely gets worse by not tiDDlne. It ia very much the same everywhere and in all lines of business where tipping is in vogue. Boston Herald. Theoeophtst Da pew. Wallace "What is th 'M.' in Chaun cay Depew'a name for?" Ferry "It must ba for Mahatma. Ha often relate personal experiences that took place front 300 to 1,000 years ago. Cincinnati Enquirer. Docfle'e Trlek. He "Nice dog! Have you taught him any new trick since I waa here last? She (sweetly) "Oh, yei; he will fetch your hat If you whlBtl!" Boston DR. C gee no HeTrtatt all Acnte nd Chrenic Disrate, urh as Oa- arra.Aetnuie ktieuuiat sn. lek Head- ache, feai ale weakeeae. Luet MaBbn'd Nt-rtoua Ua- Illy. Rldnr Ltvr aad ftoinacb alldlaaee. -a aatNtLS K. r. WIM.IAMH. ISAAC s. HASCALL. IUA Hou'b Thirteenth street. Omaha. Mr. Williams la a:rei. ry of Omaha Kepubltcaa lllnietallc League. air Haacall baa fur year been a member of U Omaha city council. ICi-Coastable Clark. Ill 8outb fourteen! street. Lbarlea Carlson, corner Twenueta ana Amee avenue kidney aad bladder trouble yarv aiandlnir. John Hruuka. 524 North Eighteenth Street. of sprained tack. liver and kidney trouble of trtre years aianain. is now a writ man. Mrs. H. A. DuKav. 604 Hark avenue, Kanaa City. Mo. Heart trouble and nervous debil ity of many years' elanulng:. "ONBTJLTATION FREE. Dr. C Oea Wo cuarantee a cure In even cae or the tui ney will be refunded. (tend ZC stan pr..r dook ana queation oiann Any' ne wantl' advice can writ to above address or Pall upon DIt. C. OEE WO. BIO N. loth Street. Omaha, Neb. W. A. BAL'NDKttS. Attorney, Merchant National Bank Bldg. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an alias order of sale leaurd out of the District rourt for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on tbe stn day of Marco A. D lHWt. at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the KANT front door of tbe county court bouse. In tl,a rite of Omaha. Douiclaa countv Ne braska, sell at puhllc auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In aald order of sale as follows, to-arit: Lota two G2). Ave iM. six (0) ana twentv-two ! In bloc one (1 In South Exchange Place Addition to the city of routh Omaha, aa aur veyed, platted and recorded all situated In Douglas county, sla'e or neniksxa. Bald property to De sola to satisry j aires . Hrowne, plaintiff herein, tbe mini as fol lows, to-wit: On lot two (2), block one (1), above de scribed, the sum of UZ.VZ, together with an attorney') 'ee of N.21. On lot five (5), hlock one (I), above des cribed, the sum of tJV.lH, together with an ai torney a fee or 13 W. On lot a x 161. block one (1). above des cribed, the sum of tilU.Utl, together with aa attorney s ree or .i w. On lot twenty-to (22). Mock one (1). above described, the sum of 16.05; together with an attorney's fee of H 66. All of which sums, by the judgment of the district court, bear in-erest thereon (except ing attorneys' fees), at the rate o' ten (10) per cent per annum from May 3rd, 1W7, and are Drt Den upon said property. To satisfy tbe further sum of ons hundred 6-luu dollars (II0U.05I costa herein, together with accruing coste. according to a Judgment rende'ed by tbe district court of said Dour las 0 inty. at 1U May term, A. D. im. in ( aln action then and there pending, where. ii James L. Browne is plalntin, ana David M. Stuart, lara. Htuart. first and real name unknown, his wife, K. W. Clayton, first and real name unknown. American bank and Trust company oi Woonsocket. touth Dakota, a corporation. Georgia A. Cloud, WUlis U.Cloud, ber bus- band, Oeorge w. Hervey ana Mrs. tiervey, nrat ana real name unknown, nis wife, are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. February 4t,h. 18W. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Maunders, attorney. Browne vs. Htuart et al. Doc. 59; No. 20. Ki.-Doc. l Page 108. 3-4 5 In the District Court of Douglas county Nebraaka: Elizabeth Hall, plaintiff, va- Charles Hall, defendant. To Charles Hull: ou win take notice I hat on the 24th day of January. 198, 1 caused a petition to be filed In the above entitled rourt sgalrst you, praying for a divorce irom you on tne grouous or ueaeruon anu wantonly and cruelly neglecting and refua lng to furnish me with reasonable mainten ance, you being of sufficient ability so to do, and that unless you answer said petition on or before tbe Uth day of March, 1898. you will be In default, nd tbe allegations of said pej tltlon will be taken as true, and Judgmen entered according to the prayer of aald petit tlon. EL ZABETH BALL. Doc. 83. NO. 232. 2-4-4 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bask. SHERIFF'S) BALE. By virtue of an order of aale issued out of tbe district court for Douglas county. Nebraaka. and to mi di rected. 1 will on the 22 day of March. A. D. 1898, at ten o'clock a. u. of said day. at the EAST front door of tbe county court house, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at nubile auction to tbe high est bidder for cash the property described in said oraer or sale as rouowa to-wiv: Lot fortv-three(43)ln Windsor Place Exten sion an Addition to tbe city of Omaha, as sur veyed. Platted and recorded, all la Douglas county, state ot Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twlntlng, plaintiff herein, the sum of forty- nine and 89-luu 0M9.S9) dollars judgment, wita interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum from February 1st, 1897. ro satisry tne rurtner sum oi lourteen and 33-100 dollars (114.33) costs herein, togethar with accruing costs according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of ald Doug las county at its February ter-ji, A. D. IMS, in a certain action then and there pending. wherein Harry J. Twlntlng ts plaintiff and John Baumer. Josephine Baumer, his wife, and Christopher Shlndlerare defendants. omaba Mebraska. f enruary tdtn, imt. John w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney. Twlntlng vs. Baumer et al. 2-18-5 doc. 07. No. 24. &x. doc, . rage Department Store Prices Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds ofDertal Work. Set Teeth 16 00 Best Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings. 11.00 and up Silver Filling 1 00 Geld Crown 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the znomlng Nevr Ones Same Day. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Ykabs' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776 Aduiirera of James G. Blaine can ob tain of ui a beautiful history of that eminent statesman. Price, fl.OO. a v.i i -ovaw r HI- VitY'.r T5t? ,ia-f.'V t a. v ci L'.l... W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchant National Bank. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale IsBUed out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the &M day of March, A. V. IS, at ten o'clock a. m. of aald day, at the eaat front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash, the proiH-rty described In aald order of sale, aa follow, to-wit: Lot IS. block J, In lied ford place, an addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re corded, all In Douglas county, atat of Ne braska. . , Bald property to be sold to satisfy Wal ter R Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of thirty-two and 2-100 (J32.IS2) dollar Judg ment, with interest theron at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from February 1, 1897; To satisfy further the sum of $30.01 coats herein, together with accrulnK costs, ac cording to a decree rendered by the dis trict court of said Douplas county, at Its February term, A. D. 1SS7, In a certain ac tion then and there pendirur, wherein Wal ter E. Keeler is plaintiff and Mary Cun ningham and others are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 18. 1898. JOHN W. M'DONALD. Sheriff of Doue-las County, Nebraska. W. A. 8AUNDEKS, Attorney. Keeler vs. Cunnlrurh&m, et al. iKwket 67, No. 178. Hi. Docket Z. Ptur 291 . l-lf- SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I have levied upon the following de crlbed property of John T. Clarke and Will E. Clarke, defendants, to-wtt: The south twenty-feet (W)) of lot twenty five (2M and all of lot twenty. six (26) In hlock eight (W in II an worn Place Addition to tbe city of Omaha; te undivided one-third (X) of the north ( ne-hulf of (N.H) of lots one l) and two (2) In block three (3) in Bbull's Addi tion tn the cii of Omaha: the undlvled one- half (Slot lot thirty-four (341 lo Hartman'i Addition to the cltv of Omaha; the undivid ed one-tblrd (S) of the noJth one-half (Wot lot fifty-nine (Mln Kedtrk's Necona Aaaiuon to the city ot Omaha, and the east one-half (E. H)of lot six (6) in block one hundred and thlrtv-elgfat(l8)of the City of Omaha as sur veyed, plattep and recorded, and sll situated In Omaha, Douglai county, Nebraska. And I will on tne tat aay oi man u. intra, at. ten n'clnck A. M.. at the EAST front door of the county court bouse In the city of On aha. Douglas countv renraaa. eu at public auction to the hlghen bidder for cash the property above described, to satisfy Oli- . 1 1 . V. 1 . ... ..I ... I W KMklM ver -. Drown. iuun,p,uicu iiiniuuni uicu the sum of three thousand two nunarea ana fr and SA-100 13 2fl.M). and the further sum of th rty ig t and 98-100 (U8.98) dollar cost herein, which sums, by tbe judgment of the District Court within and for said coun ty at the Mav A. D. 1H94. term thereof, the said plntntiff recovered against the aald John T. Clarke and William E.Clarke. defendants together with Interest thereon at e!gh' (8) per cent, per annum from the 7th day of Ma? A. D. 1894. until paid and also all the costs of Increase on said Judgment and the accruing costs on sale thereof. Omaha Nebraska, jsnuary xxtn. iwv JOHN W. MCDONALD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska Brown vs. Clarke et al. Doc 43, No. 230. Ex. Doc. 1; Page 139. 1-28-5 JA8.AV.CAUU, Attorney. 311 Board of Trade Building. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will, on the 1st day of March, A D 1PH8, at ten o clock A. M. or said aay, at tne EAST frontdoor of the county court housrf In the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne braska, sen at puoiic auction, to tne nignesi bidder for cash, the Drooertv described In aid order of sale as follows, to-wlt: The norm one-half (N. tt or Lot Eight (H). In Block Seventeen (1) in E. V. Smith's addi tion to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, plat ted and recorded, all situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Bala property to oe sola to satisry jonn i.. Marshall. Carrie K. Marshall, executrix. Ed ward Marshall and kdmund L. Pitts, execu tors, plaintiffs herein, the sum of seven hun dred and fifty-two (1752.00) dollars judgment. together with Interest thereon at the rate 01 ten (lui per cent per annum irom seoru- ary 1st, ihw,. To satisfy the further sum of nineteen ana 98-100 (f 19-68) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a judg ment rendered by tbe district court of said Douglas county, at Its r ebruary term, A. D. 1897, in a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein John L. Marshall, Carrie F. Marsnau, executrix, r.awaru marsnauana Edmund L. Pitts executors are pla'ntlSs.and James Keeves is aetenaant. Omaha, Nebraska. January aim, itnm. JOHN W. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska Jas. W. Carr, attorney. Marshall et al. vs. Keeves. Doc. 55; No. 220. 1-28-5 NOTICE. To Thomas S. Broderlck, nonresident de fendant: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of December, 1897, Mary K. Bro- derlcK niea a petition against you in tne district court or uoua-iaa county lor a til vorce from the bonds of matrimony, upon the around that the defendant baa been anility oi extreme cruelty toward plaintiff and la an habitual drunkard. You are re quired to answer aald petition on or be fore juonaay. tne urn aay or r eoruary. 1898. ALAKX i BKULUSKlUtl. 1-7-4 TEH PH&ES of tbe Congressional . . RECORD. Containing- the debate on the Indian Schools Appropriation and Linton 'i Remarks on Marquette Statue, In pampniet form, now ready to mall, One copy 60, ten copies 40c, fifty copies 12.00, one hundred copies 13.80 Address CHASE ROYS, 631 P Street N. W Washington, C D, Kostello's awful book, "Convent Horrors and Secrets of the Confes sional," 60 cents. We sell it to awaken Protestants, but we hate to deal In such stuff. American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb. If you want something nice aa weD as interesting and instructive, get Edith O'Oorman's Convent life Un veiled. Price, $1.25. We hare sold hundreds of them and they always five satisfaction. Order from as. W. A. flATJWDEKtf. Attorney. Mercaaaia NaUoaal Baa Blag. SHERirrBSALK-By rlrtue of aa allas der of sale Uaued out of lb district court i tor Doug la couaty, Nebraaka. aad Ut mm directed. 1 will, on tbe Bd day of Marsh ary. A. D. lMn. at M o'clock a. of earn iu. at the EAaT froet door of the couaty court houae. la tba city of Oaaaba. Doulaa county. Nebraaka, aell at public aucttra Ui U hifbeat bidder for cash, tbe property de scribed la said order of sale as follow, to-wit: All of loU eevea ID, tea fl. uurtewaiua. (TL twenty-! 2 and thirty Jt la Cuaalai kaaa Hren an a Addition lo us city oi On. aba. as aur rayed, platted and recorded Hald property lo be sold to satisfy Harry . Twisting, plaintiff here la, th soau as fol lows, to-wit: Oa lot eevea O, a bore described, the sua of C3 34, meet her its) aa attorney's few of ft 33. On lot tea (10), abova described, the stiaa of t2 41, together a lib aa attorney's fea of 12 .S3. On lot t wel ve (UI, above described, the saaa of Ctt.U, together with aa attorney' fee ef ti ua. Ob lot thirteen (U, above described, tas sum of CS.TL together with aa attorney's few of 12.47. Oa lot twsaty-flvefS), above described, tke sum of ft? 32. together with aa attoraey' fee nf II 73! and On lot tnlrty (SO), above described, tbe mum of tiU.M, together with aa attorney' fea ef It! 04; All of which sums, by the Judgment ot tba dlatrict court, bear Interest (excepting ths KtLnrinon' fneal at the rate of ten (10) nor cent from May Srd, 1MT7, and are a trst Of. upon said above deacrlbea property. To satisfy John A. Crelghton, defendant herein, the sum of three hundred aad twenty nine and 6&-1U0 dollars itUHi). judtmeat against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Kyaa. with interest thereon at rats of seven (7) pea- cent per annum from December 18th, 1891; which amounts are a second ilea upon ioa seven (7). ten (10), t welve (U), thirteen (U) aad twenty- five (Zftl. above aeacrioea. To aatlaf w V. 8. Parmeles Hun OomDaar. defendant herein, tbe sum of three hundred aad all tees and 4&-100 dollar Saio.3), Judg ment against Jerry By an, with Interest thereon at rats of seven (7) per cent par annum from May ISth, l(fi3; which amouat la a third Hen upon lot twenty-live CS), above) described. Alaoto satisfy Daniel Condon the sum or eleven thousand seven hundred and ten aad 84-100 dollars (f 11,710.84), judgment against Dennis cunmngaam ana jerry rvyan, wiiav Interest thereon at rata of seven (7) per cent per annum from February Srd, 1890; which amount Is a fourth Ilea upon said described property. To satisfy the further sum of one nndrad and titty-four and 29-100 dollars IU4JN, costs herein, together with accruing costs. according to a judgment rendered ay the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D. 1887, In a cer tain action then and there pending. herein Harry J. Twlntlng 1 plaintiff. and Dennis Cunningham, Mary Gunnlng- ham, his wife, William liealey, sirs. Mealey, bis wl'e, first and real name an known. Jerry Kvan and Mrs. Byaa, hit wife, first and real name unknown, James J. Bpellman, Mrs. Bpellmaa, his wife, first and real name unknown, Julia Uoetschuls, The County of D( uglas, Daniel Condon. John A. Crelghton, Merchants Na tional Bank. John P. Breen, John Grossman. Globe Loan&Truat Company, Henry Leh man, Thomas Murray. Charles Klopp, . b. farnielee Uun (Jouioany, rarun orendoradt Martin Com Dan v. McUord. Bradv Com Dan v. The Western Newspaper Union. Boren T. Peterson and Anna Cunningham are de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, February 18th, J8W. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Twlntlng vs. Cunningham et al. Doc. 57; No. 20V. Ei.-Doc. Z; Page 135. 1 18- 1. 11. ANDHKW8. Attorney, too New York Life Building. SHERIFF'S1 BALE. BY V1KTUK Ob AN order of aale issued out of tbe district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 win, on tne lain aay 01 maron. A. D. 1898. at 10 o'clock A. at. of said day, at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hlga est bidder for cash, the property described la said order of sale as follows, to-wit: Lot number two (2) in Block number three (3) In the Klrat Addition to the city of South Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded. all in uougias uounty state 01 neorassa. eaia property to oe sola to satisiy neuis Bursatrom nlalntlff herein, the sum of twelve hundred and thirty-three and 5-Nv (S1.23305) do lara judgment. 10 satisry tne rurtner sum oi Bieron and 98-100 dollars (IU 98) costs herein, So- f ether with accruing costs, according to a udtrment rendered bv the dlatrict court of said Douglas county, at its September teran. a. jj. lBVi, in a certain action men ana were trff and Harry Johnson, a minor. It defend ant. Omaha, Nebraska, February 11th. 1898. JOHN W. MCDONALD. Sheriff of Douglas Countv. Nebraaaa. I. K. Andrews, attorney for plaintiff. Burgstrom vs. Johnson. uoc. w; No. IS). 2-11-S W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney. Merchants National Bank BWg SHEKfFF'8 BALE. By virtue of an alias order of sale laaued out of the dlatrict court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on tbe 8th day of February. a u. intra, at ten ocioca a. m. or sara day, at tbe EAST front door of the county court house In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction ts the highest bidder for caah, tbe property described In said order ot sale aa follows, to-wlt: Lots four (4). five (S), six (8) nine (V). tenOO fourteen (H). fifteen (15), sixteen (10), seven teen (17), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty four (24), In block two (2), In Harris and Pat U rson's Annex Addition to the city of BouUt Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded. an situated in Douglas county, state of Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satlafv Wllllaia H. Breroort, plaintiff herein, the aum nf twf hundred and forty-four and 80-100 dollars (1294.81) judgment, with Interest thereon a rate of ten (10) percent per annum from Mar 4th, 1898, which amounts are a first valid and existing lien upon said property. xo aatisry tne aum or ninety-rour and sl-Kw dollara (t94.81) costs herein, together wltL accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Doug las county, at Its May term, A. D. 1896, in a certain action tben and there pending, wherein William H. Brevoort ia Dlalntirr , Jonas K. Harris and Kota L. Harris, his wife. are aerenaants. Omaha, Nebraska, January 7th. 1898. john w. McDonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraaka. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Brevoort va. Harris, et nl Doc. 55. No. 3. ,7.i DR. KAY'S Lung Balm The safest, pleasantest and most reliable cough, throat and lung medicine known. It contains no ipecac, tartar, emetic or other naueseating or injurious drugs. It cures every kind of Cough. Pleasant and safe for all ages. Does not sicken or disagree with the stomach. Coughed Four Years. Several Doctors Failed to Help. Cured by Lung Balm. Dr R I vP"aP,'Nbb-October 7, 189S 1JR. B. J. Kav Medical Co. Gentlemen- ?..l.y. , en,lrly cured. . I cheerfully reenm- bad condition that 1 was. "M.LT',"ng nairn to all who are in the ver . "IKS. ri ANNAH bHEPARD, 304 N. 18th St Call on drueeist for Dr V' t.,,, Balm, Price 25c, also Booklet contaii,ii,K valuable receipts and a Treatise on Iis-ea?e,s-the most valuable free pamphlet published, or, we will send by mail frcu our Western Office. Dr. B.J. Kay Medical Co 620 S. i6ih St., Omaha, N kb. i Globe. American rub. Co., Omaka, Neb. log on," American Pub. Co., Omaha, Neb,