The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 25, 1898, Image 3

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asallarrtta W Ik JapMM kUaHl
r rawarfal Java aft a KapUla,
Superintendent Ohniraua, of Wood
ward's Garden a. a few day ago
tupped away on of the uglieat and
raokt repubuve looking object ever at
the gardens or any where elan, say
toe Nm r ranciwo hiamuier.
It wan the Japanese aalaiuander,
Fur six yearn the reptile hat lived in a
pood about four fort in depth, and ex
cept when the water wax drawn off to
to be replaced by eome that was
fresher, has been seen but two or
three timus by visitors or any body
else. It usually rested on the bottom.
apparently in a dormant shape, or
moving sluggishly about, and lived on
animat-ulan and tadpole.
The reptile is over five feet in
length, and formed very much like an
alligator, with the exception of the
Head. which is broad and rounded.
' bout twice the size of a dinner-plate.
jkt the ends of the short, straight legs
are feet with five lingers, resembling
hands. The leathery skin is of a dark
brown color, dotted with yellowish
Sometimes when the water was
drained off Mr. Ohnimua would ex
pertinent with the reptile, and found
that although usually very slow of
movement, when aroused it could
travel like a flash, and the strong,
toothless jaw could snap a large,
heavy cane in two as though it were a
Before it was purchased by Mr.
Woodward he secured it for exhibition.
paying $50 a day for three months.
and the salamander was a drawing
card. This specimen is said to be the
third one of the kind ever in captivity
and the largest known. It was cap
tured in one of the interior lakes of
Japan, the only place where they have
been found.
Comparatively little ia known of
the habits of this particular speoies.
The popular belief has been that the
salamander had not been furnished
with eyes, but a series of experiments
made with this one by the use of a
powerful lens and other means, demon
strated that it is the possessor of one
pair, but so exceedingly small in size
that it is very difficult to distinguish
It has nothing in common with the
salamanders of Pliny, Aristotle and
Diuscorides, to which were attributed
all sorts of malefio powers, such as
being as poisonous as aconite, so
venomous that a touch of its saliva
caused the hair to fall out, and capac
ity to put out fire merely by walking
through it Asbestos was formerly
called salamander's hair, and even
Marco Polo insisted that asbestos was
the plumage of the salamander.
The Japanese reptile at all events is
merely a toothless amphibious lizard
of huge measurements and are a rare
thing under the sun.
Baron Henry Von Siebold. secretary
of the German legation in Japan, is
said to be the purchaser and to have
paid f 1.000 for the creature. It was
placed in a long box, and with a plen
tiful supply of wet blankets wrapped
about t, was sent on its voyage to
form an attraction in one of the larg
est museums in (iet-inany.
Baron Von Siebold's father, an emi
nent naturalist with a world-wide
fame, was the first to bring the atten
tion of the scientific world to the Jap
anese salamander, and had the privi
lege of giving it a scientific name that
bears some resemblance to his own.
But the Old Man Wi Only liajrael Oo
the Outside.
He was a gay young officer, and l'n
cle Sam was in luck to have such a
hired man, says the Philadelphia
Times, lite car was crowded, and he
had to set his bright new uniform right
down beside a dingy old farmer-looking
Well, my avuncular relative," said
he, speaking up so that the passen
gers might have a chance to join in the
laugh, "what promise does she of
whom one touch makes us all akin
hold lorth touching the particular of
farinaceous cereals?"
The passengers those who under
stood him and those who didn't, sn ick
ered. "How's the wheat crop, he?" re
plied t-.e dingy personage. "Fust
rate, fust-rate."
'Is that which fell alike by the wuy
side, into barren places, and upon good
ground completely subterranean?"
The passengers laughed.
Is the seed all under ground, eh?"
said the countryman. "Sure, all the
seedin's done and things are sprout
in'." "Has your retina been impressed by
any members o" the advance guard of
the canthari9 v.ttt,ta?"
The passengers giggled.
"Seen any potato bugs, eh?" said
the rustic, "you bet; seen lots of po
tato bugs, but nary an army worm. "
"No?" said the gay young officer,
hastily, heading off an incipient laugh.
"And why is the army worm no longer
with you?" ,
"Well," said the old professor from
the Podunk agricultural college, "I
heard that most of them had been
jugged for duplicating their pay ac
counts." The passengers roared.
Taking Flah br Electricity.
"There is no longer any need of the
fairy tales told by amateur fishermen"
said an electrical expert last night
"Wizard Edison has turned out a
fish hook, or rather a hook for all sorts
of fish, from the cod down to the min
now, that will stun the fish the mo
ment it touches the hook. If a man
gets a bite at all he is sure of his fish.
"The trouble with the amateur fish
erman is that he cannot land his cap
ture, but with this new electrical de
vice he will have do trouble in catch
ing all the flih he wants if they are
biting." Sew York Telegram.
IM rtnt Maaatary to Urt la ! tMa
Age mt ta rul.
Sinv the days whan Pliny's fabled
Phtuaician mariner wr guppoatxi to
nave diaoovertvl the art of making
glass by burning aeawtfr! on the sandy
ahora the art of glut-making ha made
enormous strides. Hut the I'hirnicUus
were nut the diacoverpra. The Egyp
tians knew about glana long before
them, as is proved not alone by many
picture of glass blowers on the old
tombs and monument, but by the dis
covery of the article itself in many
forms in excavations at F-gypt. N ioevuh.
Troy and Alexandria, The arU of
cutting, grinding, gilding and co.oriug
glass were practiced 370 year hWore
Christ Pieces in the forms of Irnmw.
vases and bottles have been found in
Rome. Pompeii, and Hert-ulaneum. but
no windows. The tirst glass windows
in England were introduce.! by the
Abbott Benedict A. I. 671. The
Venetian glasstuukers and g'asnbluwers
were celebrated in the thirteenth cen
tury as they are celebrated to-day.
The manufacture of glass was one
of the earliest Industries in this coun
try, and to-duy the glass tnauufacturem
especially the mirror man ufactu rers
stand among the foremost und best
in the world. The first factory spoken
of was at Salem, Mass., and was the
property ot one Ananias I'niiklin. the
position of his factory is even now
known as Glasshouse Field. In 174G
there was a factory at Jamestown, Va..
and in 1750 there was another at Ger
manlown, Mass. But the first of which
any real history exists was organized
by Robert Howes of Boston at Temple,
N. II.. 1790.
To begin to enumerate the uses to
which glass is put one would have to
enumerate every trade, every kind of
building, every walk and employment
in life, every step in life from the
baby's bottle to the glass covered
wreath upon the grave, every science
and scientific experiment; there is not
a single movement in the life of man
or woman, that does not include the
employment of gloss. The great firm
of Siemens Bros., of Berlin, have for
many years been ever trying to pro
duoe a glass that shall bo strong
enough and flexible enough to act for
railroad sleepers, ties and wheels.
Some slight idea of the vastness of
the amount of glass used for windows,
says the Recorder, and mirrors may be
obtained when it is stated that for sev
eral years past the sum of money an
nually paid in premiums for Insurance
has reached close upon $700,000. a
Sum representing glass to the actual
value of 128.000,000. Nor does this
by any means include the whole of the
glass thus used, for assuredly there
are many people who do not insure at
all and some who only do so partially.
In a large hotel now building in New
York city there will be 3,600 sashes,
each about four feet square, without
counting the large windows on the
ground floor. A still better idea of the
quantity of glass used throughout the
united States may be obtained fiora
the estimate that during the coming
year thee will be manufactured and
imported some 89,600,000 square feet
of plate mirror and sheet glass. In
detail. 12.000.000 square feet of plate.
40,000, 000 square foet of window or
sheet glass. 4,000,000 square feet cf
mirrors and 5, 000, 000 square feet of
colored, ceiling, floor and roofing glass.
This is all to be manufactured in the
United States. Then there are orders
in hand abroad for importation into
America amounting to 3, 500, 000 square
feet of mirror glass. 25,000,000 square
feet of window glass and 800,000 square
feet of colored, ceiling, flooring and
roofing glass.
Tbe Woman Sat Hooking It and the
Baby W Safe.
It was a woman's voice crooning
sweetly the old lullaby:
And as she sung she rocked an
empty cradle with her foot keeping
time with its melancholy refrain. From
the nestling of the blankets it looked
as if the baby had only just been lifted
A man passing heard the singing
and retraced his steps so that he could
look through the open door into the
little plainly furnished room.
"Lxeuse me, ma am,, he said re
spectfully, "but I noticed that you
were rocking an empty cradle. I
reckon you never heard of the super
stition" .
"I am not superstitious," suid the
"Excuse me, ma'am, but folks told
my wife that if she didn't stop rocking
the cradle when the baby wasn't in it
something would happen an' it did.
The baby died when he was a year
"My baby won't die," answered the
mother, "he's been an angel these
three months, an' when I foel so bad
that I can't live another minute I come
in here and make boliove he's asleep.
It does me good an' mebbe God lets
him know, and it comforts him. Is
that superstition?"
"No, ma'am, I reckon not. an'. I
hope you'll excuse me. "
The man walked on bearing his own
burden of sorrow with him, and the
desolate mother rocked the empty
cradle and resumed her plaintive
Qently-f aU-upon-tby-head. "
Detroit Free Press.
Prevention of Imprudent Borrowing.
The Egyptians had a very remark
able ordinance to prevent persons
from borrowing imprudently. An
Egyptian was not permitted to borrow
without giving to his creditor in
sledge the body of his father. It was
deemed both an impiety and an imfamy
not to redeem so sacred a pledge. A
person who died without discharg
ing that duty was deprived of the cus
tafiary Honors paid to the dead.
He Has Native: I be t-raity Waller Ulrte
a4 Laacbean.
"Why ia it. Oorge." began lira.
Maun, according to the Boston Trans
cript, "that you never cwne home noons
now? Can It be that you are grttlnc
tired of your little wife?"
"NonarnaeV exclaimed Mr. Mann,
with a laugh.
"Then perhaps it in my cooking that
you objeot to. I suppose they have ever
ao much better things at the place
where you go down-town."
"Oh. It kin't that at all. The fact la,
I have ao much to do now; I am ao hur
ried, you understand, that really I can't
take the time to come home."
"There la one thing I want to ask
you. George?"
' Well, what is It?"
"Do they have girl waiter where
you take your luncheon?"
"Yea that is, I think ao; why do you
"Oh, It doesn't matter If you never
took enough notice to find out; but
they tell me that in some of Uie reatau
rants they have girl waiters, and that
the men flirt with them awfully."
"But, of course, darling, you would
not think that of ma?"
"No. George I don't think you would
flirt with anybody."
"Of course not; but you did worry
Just a tiny bit about thoee pretty table
"Why, George, what are you saying?
Tou speak of them as being pretty, and
you know that you were unable to tell
me for certain whether there were any
girls there at all. Oh, what a blunder
ing fellow!"
"I mean that I have heard the men
speak of pretty table girls at places
where they lunched and I suppose I
got from that the Idea that all table
girls are pretty."
Mrs. Mann (after a pause): "George,
do you think you would enjoy your
meals better at home If I should put on
a white ekirt over my dress and put on
a white waist, with a big broad collar
around my neck?"
"What in the world put that into
your head?"
"Why, that is the way the waiter
girls dress. Isn't it?"
"And what of that?"
"Nothing; only, perhaps, If I looked
like one of those waiter girls you would
Just as lief come home to lunch as to
go to an eating-house."
"But. my dear, do you think you
could ever look like a waiter girl, what
ever you had on?"
"You mean by that, I suppose, that I
ain't pretty enough. If that le what
you think of your wife, George Mann,
the sooner we separate the better for
both of us. To think that I ever should
be treated In such an outrageous man
ner as this!"
CbU-ag-o't Wdl-L.oit Library.
The report of the public library board
for the fiscal year ended June 1, sets
forth that the number of books taken
to homes from the library and sub-stations
during the year, being 1,173,686
volumes, is greater than In the case of
any similar institution in the world.
Manchester, England, Is not a close sec
ond, with 975,944 volumes. Iloston,
Mass., comes next, with 847,321 volumes.
Birmingham. England, Is the fourth,
with a record of 818.312. The total num
ber of volumes held by the library is
217,203. Accessions for the year
equaled 10.485. The aggregate number
of books, periodicals, etc.. In use dur
ing the year. Including books of ref
erence, was 2,542,244, an Increase of 57,
192 over the previous year. The at
tendance at the central reading room,
and at the sub-stations, was materially
greater than for the preceding year.
A great demand Is noted for additional
reading rooms throughout the city,
notably in those districts of dense pop
ulation where the poorer people live.
Lack of funds has prevented extension
to as great a degree as is desirable.
For the reason that space is limited,
as well as money, comparatively few
volumes were purchased during the
year. All this will be changed after
January 1. when the move will be made
to the new building on the lake front.
More money will be available, while
space will be ample. Chicago Inter
More Than a Trifle.
It was only a little blossom,
Just the merest bit of bloom,
But it brought a glimpse of summer
To the little darkened room.
It was only a glad "Good morning,"
As she passed along the way;
But it spread the morning's glory
Over the livelong day.
Only a song; but the music,
Though simply pure and sweet,
Brought back to better pathways
The reckless roving feet.
Only! In our blind wisdom
How dare we say it at all?
Since the ages alone can tell us
Which is the great or small.
The Oraat Widow.
Mr. Frankstown "There goes young
Mx. Homewood cycling with that pret
ty grass widow."
Mr. Point Breexe "Tea; he's deeply
infatuated with her. He tells me he
can't live without her."
Mr. Frankstown "That's odd. I
know her former husband very well
and he confided to me that he could
not live with her." Washington Times.
A Compliment Indeed.
He I'm going to pay you the high
est compliment a man can pay a wo
man. She This is so 'sudden He T
know It. but I came awav wtthnnr in
pockttbook can you lend me a dollar
uuui lu-tnurruw 1
In the Year 1900 Rome Will
Take This Country and
Keep It Ilccker.
She BatnThat Religions Liberty la Only
Eadared I'aUl the Md eaa
lie pat InU Effort Wltseut la
J art U the Kemaa ( harrk.
Education outalde of tne Catholic
Church I a damnable heresy. Pope
Plus IX.
Education matt be controlled y
Catholic authorities, even to war and
bloodshed. Catholic World.
I frankly confess that the Catholics
Und before the country aa the ene
mies of the publlo schools. Father
I would as soon administer sacrsr
sent to a dog aa to Catholics who
send their children to public schools,
rather Walker.
The public schools hare prod need
nothing but a godless generation of
thieves and blackguards. Father
It will be a glorious day In this
country when under the laws the
school system will be shivered to
Dleces. Catholic Telegraph.
The public schools are nurseries of
rice; they are godless and unless sup
pressed will prove the damnation of
this country. Father Walker.
We must take part In tbe elections,
move In a solid mass In every state
against the party pledged to sustain
the Integrity of the public schools.
The common schools of this country
are sinks of moral pollution and nur
series of hell. Chicago TableL
The time Is not far away when the
Roman Catholic Church of the Re
public of the United Slates, at the
order of the Pope, will refuxe to pay
their school tax. and will send bullets
to the breasts of the government
agents rather than pay iu It will
come quickly at the click of a trigger,
and will be obeyed, of course, as com
ing from Almighty God. Mgr. Capel.
"We hate Protestantism; we detest
It with our whole heart and soul."
Catholic Visitor.
"No man has a right to choose his
religion." Archbishop Hughes In
Freeman's Journal, Jan. 29. 1852.
"If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu
merical majority in this country, re
ligions freedom Is at Bn end." Cath
olic Shepherd of the Valley, Nov. J3,
"Protestantism, of every form, has
not, and never can have any right
where Catholicity is triumphant" Dr.
0. A. Brownson's Catholic Review,
June. 1851.
"We have taken this principle for a
basis: That the Catholic religion with
all Its rights, ought to be exclusively
dominant, in such sort, that every
other worship shall be banished and
Interdicted." Plus IX. In his allocu
tion to a Consistory of Cardinals,
September, 1851.
"Protestantism why, we should
draw and quarter It, and hang up the
crow's meat We would tear It with
pincers and Are It with hot Irons! Fill
It with molten leaa and sink it in hell
fire one hundred fathoms deep."
Father Phelan, Editor Western Watch
man. "Religious liberty Is merely endur
ed until the opposite side can be car
ried Into effect, without peril to the
Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con
nor. The Roman Catholic Is to wield his
vote for the purpose of securing Cath
olic ascendency in this country."
Father Hecker, In the Catholic World,
July, 1870.
"Undoubtedly it is the intention of
the Pope to possess this country. In
this intention he Is aided by the Jes
uits and Catholic prelates and priests."
Brownson's Catholic Review, July,
When a Catholic candidate Is on a
ticket and his opponent is a non
Catholic, let the Catholic candidate
have the vote, no matter what he rep
resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894.
"In case of conflicting laws between
the two powers, the laws of the
church must prevail over the state."
Plus IX, Syllabus 1864.
"We hold the stare to be only an
Inferior court, receiving Its authority
from the church and liable to have Its
decrees reversed upon appeal."
Brownson's Essays, p. 282.
"We do not accept this government
or hold It to be any government at all,
or as capable of performing any of the
proper functions of government It
the American government Is to be sus
tained and preserved at all, it must
be by the rejection of the principles
of the Reformation (that is, tbe gov
ernment by the people), and the ac
ceptance of the Catholic nHnninle,
which is the government of the pope."
Catholic World, September, 1871.
"I acknowledge no civil power."
Cardinal Manning, speaking in the
name of the Pope. S. R. S.. 1873.
The Pope, as the head and month.
piece of the Catholic Church, admin
isters Its discipline and Issues orders
to which every Catholic under pain
of sin must yield obedie ."Cath
olic World, of August, 1868.
'In 1900 Rome will take this coun
try and keep it" Priest Hecker.
'The will of the Pope is the supreme
law of all lands." archbishop Ire
Evervboay says so.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ape, pleas
ant ana reiresning to tne taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C C. to-day; 10, 25, Ml cenw. boki and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Yes, we have plenty of this Issue,
We can fill your order. Ten for 30
cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.00; BOO
for $7.60; 1.000 for $10.00.
We have plenty of the issue of Jan
uary 28, containing the exposure of
Rome's plot to take this country by the
sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25;
100 for $2 600 for $7.50; 1.000 for
$10. Have you sent any of that num
ber to your friends? You should! They
should not sleep longer.
Fifty Years in the
Church of Rome
For the Balance of 1898, for
The price of the book alone at retail is $2 25. but you get both the book and
the paper for 12 00. Send In your orders ACCOMPANIED HY THK CASH to
1615 Howard Street, ----- OMAHA, NEB.
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Satolli Letters
Ameriean Polities