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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1898)
HE AMERICAN. THE AMERICAN n'BUSHKD WMIW SCliffKllTION UATKS: Bl lr Annum, . - - - MP" LM! . t .tr Ell AMV.KU'AN 2 00 ard HtfH, . . . ICtliUtr. lOHN C.THOMl'SON. W. C. KEU.KY, - OMAHA. NEH.FKKKUAHY IH, IHUH FT TO THE PUBLIC. u . . ..... ....... r any , order, aawiclaUoa. party, cllqum factUw or dlvtalua of putnilaUoa of tU grand Krpubllc and rxinidlnUiB and brand aa tatas all rlatiun or -nar H U uch. U " claim or raarin b mad fcv any prraoa or paraon whom tor. TUI AMERICAN U a papr of oaeral circulation. Rotnf to and bl road by people all rsllxloua tmllnfa ad pollil.-al affiliation; by lb whlta and lh black, U naUboni aod lh aaturalUrd, U Jew and Uia Untlle, Urn mMwtanl and Urn Komaa Catholic. TbUolalin can be aulietanUatad la any court of juatlt-a at any tint. AMERICAN PUSLISHrNa CO.. $, von o. nomno. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE? FOR 1'KISIDKNT. W. 8. Linton Ml Wm. J. Bryan Henry M.Teller M2 John C. Thompson Wm. McKlnley 502 Cunningham R Soott 431 Haion S. Plngree 252 Henry Cabot Lodge 35 J. 0. Foraker 8 VICK 1'KK.SIDKNT. Henry Cabot Lodge 981 Thomas E. Watson 731 Garret A. Hobart 420 Cunningham R Soott 4.15 W. C. Kelley 401 II. F. Bowers 387 Robert T. Llnooln 105 tlov. Bradley 9 John I Webster Ill W. S. Linton 67 W. A. Stone (Ponn.) 42 John C, Thompson..... 139 Thomas J. Morgan IS John P. Dolllver 18 J. J. Jonet (Mo.) 15 Wm. M. Stewart 9 Henry M. Teller Hacen S. Pingroe.... Hudson Tuttle JohnT. Morgan (of Ala) John H. Gear G. F. William. Bonj. It. Tillman Sond In your choice for president and vice president. Let us be united in 1900. Now la the time to get together Do your own thinking and vote your own sentiments. See our advertisement on the eighth page. Now is the time to act. DECLINES HKCAUSK INKl.UilHLE. I desire to thank the friends who have honored me by declaring that I was their choice for vice president; but while conscious of the honor, I am not unconscious of the faot that I am inel igible to the high oflioe. I am not a native born cttlaen. Please change you votes to some other candidate. Sinoerely your friend In this con test for your liberties and your homes, W. C. Kkllky. We have plenty of the issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten for 30 cants; fifty for $1.25; 100 for 12, ; 500 for J7.G0; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. ' "Why wouldn't It be an excellent Idea for fifty or more of our loyal friends to "get together" in each of those cities where a patriotic paper is published and agree to patronize any merchant who advertises in a paper printed in the Interest of pure Ameri canism? It is absolutely necessary that The American and all journals of like character shall each have an equitable share of the advertising pa tronage of those engaged in business in. tho city in which the paper is printed. We Relieve there are lay Catholics who are entitled to our commiseration and pur kindness, but we are firmly convinced that commiseration and kindness are generally wasted on the priests of Rome. It is one thing to treat with charity and forbearance the ignorant and unfortunate dupes of a pernicious politico-r&igioun system, and another matter to treat with charity and forbearajiioe an alien priesthood who are the cunning end designing upholders of such system. There has been, brought forward a proposition 10 u i" aiuuu i money value by making a composite dollar conjaining one-half of a mass of metal combining 24 grains of pure gold and 371 grains of pure silver. If the double standard could bo maintained in this way, there woud then be nothing in the monetary situ ation to forestall the actual return of thut prosperity for which we are all Imaging. The feasibility of the composite-dollar scheme should be promptly Inquired Into at Washington. SALINE CLEWETT CASE. Iju ro.mtti we stated tht In thels utt of March 4, would publish the awttrn UwUrmtoy la thw cwMirated r ( of Sallna C1mwU agaimtt the House of th Ooixl HhP-pbrtrd Bt, Paul, and to day w dilrw t aay that the evidence will be in our hands in sufficient Urn to k that promise, although the In now, and will m pnbally fir aevival day. th alworWng topic of nmverMnthm In buslnetui. legal, poll ticAi and hrlmlJi clrcbw In the city wbr It I Uilnr: trV'd. Not ulnoa Abraham IJncoln dofond nd Hov, rhlttiquy againet the pnr Jurwl t.wttnMHiy manufa-tured by Itoturt to ruin and dUgrax-e him han Itonin giaiM to such lengths to win a rjum, and t prevent the true charac f una of her Institutions from be winlng known to the inibllc. thir friends who am pushing the cane write ua that they have to contend again lying, intimidation and per jury, and that lUme la now trying to brilio certain Junwu. Those are al ways Home's weapoiia. She always liaa nxm and women who will go on the witness stand and swear falsely. Sho always tins men and women wno will Urn in nor lhalf. 8he always haa men and women who will try to scam, to Intimidate, the wwik, and she always ban the nxu and the money ready to attempt to corrupt both the court and the Jury when she has a onitn in court. In proof of the charges we refer you to the published and uncontradic ted statement In "Fifty Y&vs in the Church of Rome," that, in order to convict Mr. Chlniquy of a foul crime, a priwt of Roma offered his sister a Ann farm If sho would swear that Chlniquy did that which he never thought of doing. That offer was overheard or another woman who travelled all night to take the wit net Btand the neit morning to save the defendant's fair name. In proof of the second charge we refer you to any Roman Catholic, man or woman, who says their church does not teach that marriages not performed by a priest are not marriages, but are filthy con cublnages . In proof of the third we cite you to Rome's constant "clack ing" agalnnt out-spoken antl-Roman- Itits, for the purpose of Injuring them and curtailing tholr influence, which scan less courageous people Into either keeping still or elding with them. And in substantiation of the hurt, charge we refer you to attorney John J. O'Connor of this city who at tempted to bribe Judge Scott, and was dlHlwrrod last Deomnlmr because of such attorn (it. Hut, while we and the friends in St, Paul know theso are Rome's tactics. It is often Impossible to keep her from putttng them into successful operation, and If tho ease at St, Paul results In a victory for Rome, it will, in all probability, be the result of somo such influence as that which our frieauls assert they are compelled to combat. The Roman church never trusts to law or faot; ahe trusts Implicitly in corruption. If she cannot win a public official by flattery and a promise of fu ture political preferment, she catches him by the use of money. Few men have the moral stamina to resist the charm and glitter of her gold; and yet, If she cannot corrupt a man with offers of either position or gold. Rome slu a woman on his trail, who never tires in her efforts to win him from the path of duty to a life of profligacy that leads down to ruin. If the church is resorting to bribery, lying, perjury and Intimidation to de feat Salina Clewett it knows the judge and the Jury it Is dealing with and there is but little hope of Miss Clew ett securing a verdict against the un holy institution. However, win or lose, the revolting, cruel, inhuman, unchristian and damnable treatment acraidod the inmates of those papal prison pens known as houses of the Good Shepherd, will be fully exposed in our Issue of March 4; and every American woman 6hould read the sworn testimony and then solemnly vow that not another cent will she evr contribute to- upbuilding and maintaining 6uch sinks of iniquity on the free Boil of the United States. We want the help of all the pa triotic mothers and of all their loyal daughters in this effort to drive out of this grand country those miserable slave pens where American girls are reduced to a condition worse than that of the beasts of the fields. There are thousands of bleeding hearts in those black enclosures today, yet no elort is made to give them re lief or secure them their liberties When the black man's bondage became unbearable much of the best woman hood of the nation rose up and sacri ficed all they held dear for the 6ake of humanity. Now that the burdens of these "White Girl Slaves" have become intolerable, will not all the best womanhood of the nation again sacrifice that suffering women may enjoy equal rights and full freedom? trtotle pwpra. and to Inform such buinM-men that they deal with thetn because of the advertising pa tronage that la bestowed upon Jour nals which am sound on the American question. Our friends cannot afford called the "Utile Monitor of , lie. This la the wish of my heart, that J yon may long be spared In prosperity Roman Catholic stores so long aa there a single loyal Protestant carrying the same line of goods in the town or city In whloo they reside. Rome, Rome. The nubllcatlon Is edited br Coun- 1 and health to breathe the sweet air of teas Caroline Arnaud. said to be the our most glorious country after it is daughter of the Duke of Modena and a cleansed and purified of the vile stench near relative to the present Emperor of Romanism. May your shadow of Austria She is well known in never grow less! May you never feel every court of Europe and her- Intrl- th want of a friend, but if you ever o spend one cent of their money in KOtten her In trouble, t should need one, may you find them The Chicago Daily News of Monday said the Rev. W. W. Whitney of Jollet addressed the Rapt 1st ministers of Chicago on "The Sublime Egotism of Christ." It Is safe to say that the reverend gentleman's subject was really Christ's egoism not his egotism for he bad none. An egotist could not be a man of sublime egoism, or one who possessed a striking and cap tivating personality. Louis XIV. of France was an egotist; Jesus Christ was an egoist One of Louis' charac teristic declarations was: State, It Is I." How different was the attitude of the Immoral Galilean, who was always declaring: "Of mine own self I can do nothing; It Is the Father that worketh in me." The Savior had none of that arrogance and haughtiness which characterizes the pompous prelates of the papal church. The natural home of eccles iastical egotists is within the pale of that church whose pope arrogates to himself the legitimate right to rule both this world and the world to come. The Pope of Rome and tne Archbishop Irelands are Indeed su blime egotists, and therefore unfit to be exemplars of egoism. She has Just been released from a two years' imprisonment In France, having been convicted of the crime of obtaining money under false pre tences. In taking this step the Vatican has determined that what promises to be a second Diana Vaughn affair shall be nipped In the bud. The Countess claims, and la barking her assertion whh an array of the most extraordi nary documents, that the present oc cupant of the Papal throne Is not Leo XIII. She asserts that the present holder of the throne of Peter is a Dominican monk, elaborately made up to resemble the rightful Pope. er. But she would be left powerless if the people were permitted to search the Scriptures and were properly la- strutted as to their rights and duties. The "lying wonders" of Rome would then lose' their effect on the people. Hut how Rome has fooled the world so long la a mystery, yet a greater mystery Is that she deceives so many Protestants in the nineteenth ce- ahrmt vnn nlentv ail forest leaves. Vou have had a hard fight, but I be- I tury. Her diabolical character, idola lleve God has endowed you with a trous worship and bloody career is proper nerve to stand by your colors spread over the pages of history for and guns until the battle merges into victory and peace. Loyally in F. P. and P. J. F. C. The patriotic movement has enlisted the sympathy and support of many earnest men and women; but there are thousands of Protestant people In whose hearts the sacred fire of self- abnegating patriotism has not yet been kindled. We must not rest till we enlist all loyal men and women under our banners. If the patriotic women of the nation shall become a unit In demanding the abolishment of the so-called Houses of the Good Shepherd, they will have brought to their attention the manifold evils of the entire private prison system Of the Roman Catholic Church, and will most assuredly Join hands with the patriotic men to secure the effectual eradication of those evils. Any order or society on the Amer ican continent whose demonstrated purpose is to Inculcate patriotic prin ciples, to raise the standard of cit izenship, to safeguard our common school system, and (to prevent Im proper persons from settling in this country, ought to receive the active co-operation of every friend of liberty and of every well wisher of the Republic. No species of Jealousy must be permitted to dis turb the amicable and fraternal rela tions that should subsist between the members of the various patriotic or ganizations which are honestly en deavoring to thwart the purposes and plans of those who would destroy our liberties and subvert the American Republic The poet Whlttier was dear to the heart of the American people. He was pre-eminently the poet of free dom, lie was a man of exalted pa triotism. But the Romans those of them who are conversant with Ameri can literature do not like Whittier. No wonder. He wrote a poem In which he speaks of Pope Pius IX. as 'sitting upon a throne of lies" a fact tersely and accurately stated. The Romans fear facts that collide with the Institutions of their own al leged religious system. Rev. Frank M. Bristol, of Evan- ston (Chicago's classic suburb) will in April become the pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Church at Washington, D. C. President McKln- ley will have the opportunity of lis tening every Sunday for three years to a very eloquent and patriotic dl vine. Mr. Bristol Is a brilliant perian scholar and an earnest stU dent of the moral, Intellectual and pa triotic questions of the day. He Is short in stature, but not short am brains. Protestants should patronize their own kind of people. Thoy ought es pecially to be particular to patronize those merohAnts who advertla In pv The victory won by Mr. Jos. Brad- field over the Roman Catholic church in his suit to restrain the treasurer of the United States from Pwj-ing to the agents of that alien corporation any public moneys is far-reaching, and marks the beginning of the end so far as appropriating public mony for sec .irif,n institutions Is concerned. Mr, Bradfleld has rendered the American people a signal service, and we hope he will follow the case to its conclusion, which Rome must realize is much more distant than a decision in the present suit. A Papal Ban. Washington, Feb. 4. The Propa ganda Fide, on behalf of the Vatican has Just sent to this country a circu lar letter warning the Catholic pre lates and people against accepting as authentic the statements appearing in a new nubllcaUOD. UOW lBSUSd ftt Abnlllb nUra and tbnlitinnlst. I have often wondered If we are to have the experience of the "Old Abo- "The 1 ,,tlon Times" over again; those days when It could be proved at tne point of a pistol that the Constitution of the United States supported and sanc tioned slavery! Slavery might have remained much longer than 'it did, had not a judge of the supreme court decided to use a popular phrase "That a nigger had no rights a white man was bound to respect." That decision was not intended to perpet uate Black Slavery, but was to pave the way for enslaving the poor white trash. This alarmed the North. This stuck In the crop of the "greasy me chanic." That decision was the death knell of slavery. I was an abolitionist. I was also the first soldier to enlist in and for the war, west of the Mississippi. I en listed April 10, 1861. I had no hostill ity to the Southerner. I was opposed to slavery because slavery was op posed to me. I noticed that the emi gration didn't go South, it stayed North. The Southerners have been called "cavaliers" and the northerners "Puritans." I think the terms might be reversed. There was more of the Puritan element oiginally In the South than in the North. Washing ton and Jefferson were southerners. i The Intelligent emigrant settling in the North was an over match to the old negro without education, in the South, and it was a crime to educate 1 a colored man in the South. Here was presented the problem expressed. "This country must be all slave or all free." or. all ignorant or all Intelli gent; all do their own thinking or none. It was the European aristo cratic problem master and servant- asserting itself in America in antag onism to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. No doubt thousands who were liv ing at the time of the war, and even those in the war, never really knew the issue at stake, except the supposed one, "that we were fighting to free the nigger." That was not the main question. The main question was the Property Question that the man wno has no property shall have no vot?, I see that certain parties affiliate now; I think this affiliation Is on the basis of similar views. They all believe in a property qualification for citizen ship. This Is the old story of slavery to make slaves of all who do not own property. But these would be now as tnen, pnysicauy asseruve. American cltizans are not familiar Ith the most ordinary laws of prop erty and population. I will state them: 1. Population makes value. 2. Intelligence makes wealth. 3. Invention makes progress. Notice that the position taken by the South under slavery was antag onistic to all of these foundation laws of property. This is what destroyed slavery. Now. wherever you find one of these property aristocrats you will find he Is opposed to all these founda tions on which property is built I remember in 1857; I was riding in company with Judge Isbell. a former judge of the supreme court or lowa, who had been Instrumental in forming the "Incorporation Act" in the stat utes of Iowa He said he was always oppressed with the fear that the cor poration would become so omnipotent that It would destroy individual 11D erty. So ,to obviate this, In some de gree, it was fixed that the lite or tne corporation should not exceed twenty vears. but subject to renewal, wnue believe, at present, a home corpora tion, limited as to time, is a necessary evil. I do not believe a foreign per Detual corporation can exist here by virtue of our laws, and cetaimy ?nou. not. The "Edmunds Law" abolished polygamy nnd I am told it equally abolished the foreign perpetual cor poration9 doing business here under one Individual or a society, or a state. Self preservation la the first law of nature. 1 am in favor of applying all the Monroe Doctrine to all foreign corporations of whatever name character. No person to he permitted to do business only under the laws of this enmntrv. Political nepotism is bad enough, but property nepotism is damnation. I talk now about this revival of nronertvlsm lust as I observe men talk in the old abolition days, prior to the late "unpleasantness," about slavery. The proslavery journals in those davs were conducted like the Omaha Bee is today. Of course, Mr. Edward Rosewater was in the rebel service for a year or two (as I heard him state) at Huntsviue, Manama. and I think he is still In the same cause, or rather, that he has never been out of the old cause. GEO. W. BETTSWOKTH. MnthT sf Harlots "-Ret. 17:1-1. "With whom, the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the Inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornica tion." That Is. Intoxicated with the false and Idolatrous doctrines and corrupt worship and morals of Rome, and the klngd of the earth have com mitted fornication with this harlot by making ttomanism tho religion of the state or conniving at her abom inations or joining her political intrigue and sham the spoils. And the question may be properly asked, is not the United States committing for nication with Rometoday, through offi cers and office-seekers, from the pres ident down? Every corporation, so ciety, man and woman, whether in official place or not, that aids In any way to advance the Interests and the power of popery commit fornlflcatlon with the "scarlet" woman. "He that s not for me, is against me." There is no neutral ground In this case. Sil encer is sin, wnen it is our duty to protest. Popery is the greatest foe of human liberty and it is a crime not to oppose her. An observer can not fail to see how shy, reticent and careful, the press, the politicians and officials, are on all questions that' af fect popery. We must keep quiet and not tell the truth about "holy moth- a thousand years and so minutely de scribed in prophecy, that it is marvel ous that the nations am still de ceived by the sorceries of this Baby lonian harlot! We areopposedtoRoHie because she is not satisfied with lib erty and equal rights but claims su preme power to dictate to both church and state and all law Is null and voM unless in harmony with the edicts of the Vatican. Rome la amti-Chris-tian and her principles and claims are utterly Incompatible with Chrlstias ity, and our free institutions. CALVIN. er, no matter now abominaoie ner career. In defiance of law and hu manity, she must be permitted to build nunneries, houses of the Good Shepherd, kept as prisons, where de luded girls, betrayed and seduced by 'the mother of harlots," are im prisoned, and subject to damnable tyranny, half clad and half starved and that without remedy, for there is no law to open these dens of corrup tion and oppression. The govern- ment in silence looks on while these deluded victims suffer. It is a shame that such things should exist in this land of freedom! An iron despot ism within a republic! How can it be? It could not be If every American was a patriot and did his duty. Every despotism would be swept away and every tyrant hurled from his place of power if the world was rightly edu cated. That would disarm tyrants and deceivers. There would be no nunneries nor popish prison pens. It would not then be a crime to read the Bible and profess the Protestant religion. When the people are taught the truth and the right to think for themselves popes and tvrants are dis armed. A proper education would make the decrees of Tr?nt a dead letter. CALVIN. From Hradrord. BRADFORD, Pa., Feb. 13 Dear American: Yours of the 9th inst. at hand. This is what I think of your is sue of Jan. 28: It is the best paper In both a missionary and educational sense I ever looked Into, and I wish my means would allow me to keep your press running on that Issue until a copy of It was la the hands of every right blooded American in the Repub- Koinaniem vs. Christ imiity. Why do (Americans, Protestants and true patriots oppose the Roman Catholic church? Because, she is not strictly speaking, a Christian church at all, but a politico-religious cor poration, claiming not only suprem acy in religious affairs, but absolute jurisdiction in civil affairs, ascribing to one man, the pope, the honor of being the Vicar of Christ, "the Prince of the kings of the earth." Who made the bishop of Rome, the "Vicar of t-nrist? wno gave him supremacy over the civil power, the kings of the earth? Not the Lord JesUB Christ, for he is still "head over all things to the church" and "all authority in heaven and earth" is in his hands as mediator and he is "King of kings and Lord of'Iords." The highest authority in the church Is the word of Christ. "Thus saith the Lord," is final and settles all matters of doc tnne and worsnip. How then did a succession of men at Rome got to be head over all things to both church and state? It Is simply an act of usurpation, the work of "the mystery of Iniquity," the blasphemous claim of "the man of sin," "who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that Is wor shipped, so tnat he as God sitteth in the temple of God, Bhowing himself that he is God." 2 Thess. 2:4. This is the usurpation, prophecy foretold and this is the blasphemous claim of the pope today and of his predecessors. What right have the popes to such authority? None at all. How did they come into such power as to be come the dictators of princes and people? By usurpation, by Ignorance of the people, deceiving them through false miracles and lying wonders, aided by human depravity and the ar tifice and help of Satan. "And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast." Backed by all the subtlety of Satan, by all deceiv ableness of unrighteousness in them that perish." they have bnllt that monstrous system of iniquity called popery, or "Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". Such a system of ini quity could not be formed and main tained, except by the artifice and agency of the devil and wicked and designing men. Its fruit, doctrines and worship, show that It was de signed to destroy the church and over throw Christianity. The whole his tory of the Roman church Is proof of this. No means have been un tried to exterminate the true follow ers of Christ. It is said in Dan. 7:25. that the "little horn," the symbol of the pope. ..nat "he shall wear out the saints of the Most High." This Is still Rome's Intention to exterminate Protestants, this is her doctrine and her practice to the extent of her pow- Cathelorliim and Crime, It has been repeatedly stated that the criminal classes was largely re cruited from the ranks of Catholictiam, but I think few fully appreciate what an extent. Yet when we eoa slder that a few shillings given to a priest absolves the guilty from the most heinous crime, and that the priests are eagertoshare with the thief and ruffian it is not strange that crim inals should gather to the church that offers them a premium. The statis tics culled from the last annual re ports of a few leading penitentiaries furnish an object lesson that will carry with It the weight of convic tion. The Western penitentiary at Alle gheny, N. Y. has 408 prisoners. 14 -of whom are Catholics or about three eighths of the whole number. The Illinois State Reformatory has 1,37V inmates, 488 of whom are Catholics or about one-third of the whole number. Of insane criminals in the Illinois Asylum, of 123 prisoners 30 are Cath olics. In the Michigan State Reform atory of 749 prisoners, 129 are Cath olics. In the Branch at Marquette of 132 inmates, 60 are Catholic. In the state prison of Norta Dakota of 118 prisoners 41 are Catholic. In the SB mira state prison of 7,708 prisoners 3,577 are Catholic, or one-half. la the Wyoming State Charities, 14 prisoners are reported 52 of whom am Catholic. At the state prison of Iowa are 631 prisoners 108 of whom are Catholic. At the Iowa penitentiary are 640 prisoners 183 of whom am Catholic. The whole number of pris oners in the above named prisons is 12,033, of whomi 4,813 are Catholics, or more than one-third. The Catholic population of the United States, according to Saddler's Catholic Directory, (official author ity) is about 10,000,000 or one-seventh the entire population. We then have tine alarming fact Ithat one-seventh the population, furnishes over1 one- third of the inmates to our criminal institutions. And yet the Catholic chiwvh after burdening the nation with criminals and paupers has the brazen audacity to protest against re stictive immigation laws, by which the tide of ignorance and superstition may be partially staid! Petition from every society of Jesuits are pre sented to congress, and It will be seen that If this urgent measure will not be killed, by tae bluster of the prleets and the cowardice of members of con gress. The interests of the Catholic church now demand recruits from the lowest and most ignorant classes of southern Europe It can depend on these slaves to the priests under any emergency. They will do their bidding. Any legis lature whloh prevents these zealoms rut-throats, brigands and beggan from coming to our shores strikes di rectly at the cherished scheme of the wily power which is grasping lor dominion. HUDSON TUTTLB. A. P. A. Progress. 'Tis no secret, will you listen? I have heard it going round; And 'tis said sometimes aboveboard, The A. P. A's. are gaining ground. True there's many who oppose then. But for right, they'll stand or die; And our God will surely help them, If on Him they but rely. I O, my brothers, in the battle, You and I can make it go; If we do not fail nor falter, But our colors bravely show. Let us stand by truth eternal, We were certainly free-born; And we have the right of freemen, Which shall ne'er from ns be torn. V Those who wish to hush our voices, Wish it, for the nation's harm; Therefore, let us scream the louder. Quickly sounding the alarm; Let us cry, our crls though feeble, When united into one; Reach and rule this mighty natioa, Let ns shout the victory won. They who would prohibit knowledge. Do so for a wicked end; And in ignorance there's danger, Let ns then our schools defend. He whose heart and life are noble, Haa no wish the light to shun; Then why hides the priestcraft "holy" Or the "saintly" little nun? Let ns fling our colors breezeward, Flaunt them in the face of Rome; True America has children, For our country freedom's home. Let our stars and stripes wave o'er us, Wave, or let us shed our blood; Hallelujah, death or victory, Courage, brother, trust in God. Mrs. Matilda Allis. For fifty cents we will send you a copy of the Atlas of the World, con taining the latest and most accurate maps of Cuba and the Klondike coun try, besides a great deal of useful and valuable information. American Pub. jo., Omaha. We want to hear from every one of our subscribers before January first. Have we heard from you? "i i