The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 04, 1898, Image 8

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lie Mrala kMklac Al-
tfcta'l Wfiwrf tba atoallxr-
rm Along Ilia KIih Nile - Dlallarl
fraaa Ulaar Msarrfa. 8
HE monitor l dla
tinulIird raoug
11 llurdi by tb
difficulty of killing
It. It otti It uanie
to Ha babit of
mblHlttuic to tv
warning of tue ap
proach of crock
ed ilea.
A live upeclmen
of tlil curloua 111
ard ha Juht been brought lo the Lon
don Zoo from South Africa. A natural
lat who undertook to kill one writes.:
"Having caught una of the apeciei
by the nork ao that she rould uot bite
me. I got a lurite worsted noill. and
Cava her several punctures with it, not I
only in the heart, but In every part of .
the cranium which was In contact with
the brain. This, however, was so far :
from answerlnic my purpose, which 1
was to kill her in the most speedy and
least painful manner, without mangling
or mutilating her. that she seemed to
hava allll anoiieh Ufa left to be able i
to run away.
"After this, my host undertook to
put an eud to ber, and
having Riven
aer several bard squeezes
about the
nd tied ber feet together, hung !
enest a
her up by the neck in a noose, which
be drew as tight as be possibly could.
"From this situation she was found,
in a space ot forty-elgbt hours, to have
extricated hersnlf, though she still re
mained near the farm, appearing at
the same time to be altnost exhausted.
Upon this w tied ber ft close behind
bar an ih.f with h. i j .... I
i... i,ik .v. ... ., :
claws, or which she bad Ave upon each '
. ,. . . .
toot, she could not damsM the serpents I
and other animals which I kept In a
ask of brandy, and among which I put
ber with my own bands, holding her
a long time under the surface of the
liquor. Yet she was so far from being
uffocated immediately that she flounc
ed about, and even a quarter of an
bour afterward convinced us by her
motion! that she had still some life
remaining in ber."
The Nile monitor or varan (Varanus
Kllotlous), of which the newcomer at
the Zoo is a specimen, is, perhaps, the
largest member of the family, and has
been known to attain a length of over
alx feet. In structural character It Is
somewhat distinct from other lizards,
approaching In several respects its en
my. the crocodile the largest of ex
isting reptiles. It Is on the eggs ot
crocodiles, or the young crocodiles
themselves, that it chiefly feeds, a hab
it which is said to explain the fact
that It appears on the monuments of
the ancient Egyptians. It is still com
mon to the Nile, though it baa also
been found In the rivers of South Af
rica, as well as in Senegal aud near
Sierra Leone.
Soman Cat hollo PrUt Organlaa a
Grand Army I'oat.
' ' A Grand Army post has just been
formed in Indiana whose membership,
with one exception, is made up of Rom
an Catholic priests and brothers of the
Order ot the Holy Cross. This unique
addition to the Grand Army is located
t JJoUe Dame, the seat ot Notre Dame
University. The formation of the post
was suggested by the presence In the
university of ao many Instructor who
fcugbt in the war or were chaplains.
A brother who fought all through the
war in the Irish brigade was re;enJy
transferred to Notre Dame from an
vnlversity, and a list of eligibles was
-a member of the Grand Army and
wanted to remain one. The Very Rt.
Father Corby, who was chaplain it
thj Irish brigade, is now superior of
the Order ot the Holy Cross. He op
proved the suggestion of a poet at the
( la . J av 11 A H.lllt.1
vmyersuy. u - " -
made. .nou8a w- iuuu ,
quorum and six over. Accordingly the
Tct was organized under permission
regularly granted by State Commander
Dodge. Notre Dame bas a fine war
"Word. In all, eight prlesta left there
to serve as chaplains, most of whom
arc now dead. In addition, there were
sixty sisters of the Order ot the Holy
Cross who went out as nurses, under
Mother Mary Angela, a cousin of
James G. Blaine. Most ot the veterans
among the brothers joined the organiz
ation after the close ot the war. G ,
Olmstead, who now belongs to the or
der. Is also a member. The only lay
man who has been admitted to this
branch of the church militant Is Col.
William Haynes, who Is the dean of
the law school. Brother Leander, who
was a private In the Fifteenth Regi- j
ment of the regular army all through
the war, was chiefly Instrumental In
the post's organization.
Settled Aftar Two Years.
Two years ago a lightning rod ped
dler left Ottawa, Kan., between two
days, owing a board bill. Last week
the hotel man received a draft for the
amount and $1 added for interest. The
only explanation accompanying the
draft was: "I've sold my hogs."
A Time-Saving rian.
The pneumatic tubes to connect the
New York and Brooklyn postofflces,for
which the street excavations are near
ly completed, will carry letters between
the two points in three minutes and a
half. Wagons require half an bour to
make the transfer.
"How does your new belt suit you,
"Oh, nildi!llng."-.,leveland I'laln
It It laa Tall-rata Oaa. aa4 laa Uppr
l ip I'm Take ara of Itaalf.
"I can't understand," aaid young
Udy of ulwrvatlon to a New York sun
ivrUr, ! can't undorstttii 1 for tho
lifit of mn why you men, who wo ho
nuii'h and know ao iniich, xTMnt in
tho phrao Ktp a htilT ut lip.'
You ua it as a wirt of ioturvuo
yui in viu for of mriMM and
diiuiamr, lut it hai no valu mm nurh.
Tho uiht lip is not tho wnuk mciiihor
of thi) two; it lit tlm uiiiliT lip that
wanU htilTi nin. Tho Uix-r lip in
irat-tially 'xpi-HriionlMH. It tiMimlly
lies flat on tho toi-th; it in nearly al
waj a oovorvd with a mimtiwho I re
fer of coumo, to tho iiiulu upptir lip
and in con vernation
especially In cor- 1
MM'tly luii'iiiil con vernation, it does
not inovo at all. I.iko tho Chinese
joHM, it in a huriulem creature an I ca n
Ini wifely li t alone.
It in tho nether lip thut has to lio
watched and controlled. I can ulwayn
ti'U when a man in (joiinf to proposo to
me ly tho way in which ho wota hitf
under lip and presses It against tho
iiiM r for ooiiipHiiloiHhi ami mipport
just tho very tiling ho issm'kiuir for.
And I can always toll if he is ylng by a
peculiar fluctuation an l pulsation in
tho aaino lower lip. Ho will look you
straight in the eyo, jrrow fierco and
drop lii voico Into hi boots through
weight of lib emotion, but if there
l lhllt tit,,h 'out tho lower lip I
don't brieve him and I've never In-on
"n,nX J"1- lf "'" tlooply I
'l Horrow, not atTeeU it it in
in tho tremulousnoHH of tho under lip
that ho shows it. Tho sensitive man's
I I IT.. I.. - .11 i!ll 1 il. t.
luwur "H 18 aoiuuiu nuu, unit nieru in
"i'1"1 ul"ls auutib ib a jiummvu puina-
)oa thttl In
whole curve of
bepina in tho
lower lip and is really confined to it,
for the upper Hp is only pushed out by
the pressure from below. You can't
pout with your Uier lip alono.
"In fant, you can't assume or affect
any expression with the upper lip
alone. Just try it. Hold tho lower
Up firm with tho finger and look in' the
glass there. Ihe mouth has become
, . , , . .
simply a holo in the fooo, you see, and
. . , ' ao m, ..
so fur as the expreanionful character
of tho lip goo it is as it you had lost
a feature.
"It you want to keep back a smile
It's the lowor lip you must look after.
Weakness begins jthore, whether of
character, health or ago. It is not
the wouk upper lip that tells of down
fall; it is tho drooping, pendulous
lowor lip thut shows it.
And lot mo tell you something please,
for the benefit ot my sisters who have
not had tho advan I moan the ex
perience that I havo. Toll them that
whenever they see the lowor lip of
their male companion turn out and
over thickly that it is a dangor signal.
It's tho red flag of mischief, and they
had better say good-by. Keep a stiff
lowor Up. young man."
Iha Hair . Insanity.
It was formorly supposed that peo
ple of palo complexion, especially if
the hair was a pronounced blonde, tine
and thin, were sjioeiuHy liable to men
tal excitement and brain disorder.
Statistics which havo recently boon
compiled prove this to ba anothor of
the gravo errors of the oliUUme
"specialist." At tho Klrkbrldtf, in
land, asvlum out of a total of 25 pa
tients only one ling red hair, and only
three either light hair or fair com
plexion. In the New York, London
and Taj-ls hospitals for the insane the
same proportion holds good. Exactly
why dark -haired persons are more lia
ble to mental diseases than those of
other shades ot color has not yet been
explained St. Louis Republic.
Went to Church.
The following story of the duke of
Wellington is told in the Christian
Commonwealth! It was a rule ot his
grace's household that all visitors
should attend worship on Sunday.
One excused him sell on the ground
that he was a Roman Catholic, and
there was no chapel near. His grace
caused inquiry to be made, found there
was one thirty miles off, and the guest
waa informed a carriage and
four were, la Waiting to take him
there, As a matter of fact he was not
a Vtaan Catholic, but simply had
leaded that M an excU8e. HoweVer,
in he had to get, nolens volens,
arrived back to dinner after
involuntary drive of sixty miles.
Contd Hot Compete,
Recently the Australian minister ot
publio instruction offered a prize for
the best work of Action in prose or
verse written in any of the nineteen
languages of the empire. Competi
tors appeared from all nationalities
but the Italians, and on inquiry for
the reason the answer given was that
the educated classes in Trieste, Tyrol
and Dalmatia are Irredentists, who
would gladly enter a competition
started by Italy, rut could not accept
an offer from Austria.
rrerentnbla llllnilnem.
According to some estimates twenty
per cent, and according to others as
large as seventy per cent oi tho bund
owe their aflliction to the nogligence
of midwives and others immediately
after the birth ot such unfortunates.
The blindness arising from this cause
is absolutely preventable by at least
two simple means.
The Old the Beet.
"But that ia another story," re
marked the young man in the course
of conversation.
"How I detest that phrase!" said
Gladys, "The old, old story is good
enough for me, any time."
A ret Knock.
Caller Is Professor Missem, the
weather prophet at homo?
Servant ios; but he can t see any
ono. He is suffering from shock.
CaUor My I myt Have some of hi
prediction come true?
amat ar Taaa maa A mar Ira a Ranchaa,
II Hat Iloaia-Rula.
Tho Isle of Man is only thirty-three
miles long and twelve wide, so that it
la not great tabor to get over it, ttays
a corrvKponileiit of the Richmond lis-fiatt-h,
and, as two railroads run ono
North to South and tho other Kaat to
j Wont you can aeo how convenient It
is to the visitor. iKiuglas, i'ort I rin,
I I'eel and Uumwy are the chief towns.
'llio Ihlo of Man, while belonging to
tho Uritish crown, i neither Knglish,
Scotch, Irish nor Welsh, but is a
separate country, with a homo-rule
government and a language of its
own, but yet with great loyalty to tho
. linis-ritil government and devotion to
the sovereign, for everywhere you go
you see pictures oi mo royal lainuy.
The government is known an the
hoiiHo of keys" and consints of twenty-four
inemU rs, elected every seven
years; but no person has a vote unless
ho iNtsses-HiM nuil estate of tho value
of i'4i, or occupation of the vulue of
1'liO per year, and women are also
entitled to vote. Tho court
of Tynwald, presided over by the
lieutenant governor, is conijioscd of
tho council, which embraces tho
bishop, attorney general, two judges,
the clerk of the rolls, wutor bailiT
and tho vicar general. This council
and tho house of keys are tho active
government of tho great Isle of Man.
There is ono feature of Bcial inter
est in reference to tho laws, and that
is that all laws p:iHsod by tho house ot
keys are sent for tho royul assent, and
when that lias been hoeured then tho
law must ba formally read in tho
English, and Manx languages on
Tynwald hill in tho open air, where
tho council and the keys united form
a Tynwald court, before they become
laws. This form of reading the law
at Tynwald is the oldest stylo on
record; was old In 1417 and has been
continued ever since. The 6th day of
July In ouch year is the day of public
proclamation of the laws passed by
tho house of keys.
Tho coat of arms of this islo is threo
legs of a man in a circle. The motto,
translated, reads: "Whithersoever
thrown, I shall stand. Tho Manxmen
apparently rather enjoy tho tliroo
legged crest, for everywhere you turn
your face, whether at a steumloat, a
railroad, a couch, a flag or on the win
dows of the stores, there you see tho
threo legs.
1 had road of the Manx cats without
tails and thought it a joke; but, sura
enough, tho cuts here are without tails
and I saw several without that grace
ful member. Somo ladies of our party
who had not seen tho Manx cat
were rather doubtful of the truth
of our report and we had to accom
pany thotn to tho house whore the cat
lived, and after u close examination
came away believers in the tuilloss
cat. I don't think pussy is improved
by tho absence of tho tail. Some peo
plo say this strange uet of nature ex
tends to tho dogs also.
The Manx language, like tho
ancient language of Ireland, is fast
passing away, and in a generation it
will bo ono of tbo dead languagos, en
joyed only by scholars. I met an old
woman on tho side of a mountain soil
ing milk, cakes and gingor ale, and
after asking some questions about tho
locality I learned from her that the
chiWrei) wcro not learning the Manx
aago, and that only the middle
aged and old people spoko it. She
said her childreu only spoke tho Eng
lish. I was anxious to get a book in
Manx, but could not tind ono in the
stores. Tho old woman referred to
showed me an old bible in Manx,
which I tried to buy, but she said no
money could buy her bible. It had
belonged to ber father.
All Dancer Foreeeeo.
It was at the dinner party given by
the contractor's wife.
"And I see you are not eating any
grapes, Mr fuewrtcn. lhey are so
nice, too. Don t you care for themr"
Mrs. Newrieh Well, really, I like
thom, but I am afraid of appendoskee-
tus, you know."
Hostess Oh, you don't need to be
afraid of them, Mrs. Newrlch, for I
paid extra for these, and the man told
me the appendeskeetus had been cut
out before he brought them to town
Indianapolis Sentinel.
An rot-linn Lonrdee.
Holywell, in North Wales, may
soon become an English Lourdes,
The well of St. Wlnofride, which gave
the place its name, has recently bo-
gun again to perform miracles. The
latest cure is that ot a little girl, who
recovered her voice on entering the
water. A blind woman got back her
sight, a deaf and dumb boy his hear
ing and speech, and pilgrims are be
ginning to Dock to the place.
No Sinecure.
Footman Please, mum, you'll have
to raise my wages.
Mrs. Highupp Why so, Jeams?
Footman You are havin' foreign
counts at 'most every reception, and
I'm put to the extra expense of pay-in'
a doctor to reset my jaw after each
Wasteful Extravagance.
Walker Seems to me our gas bill
for the last month is a good deal
larger than it ever was before.
Mrs. Walker Well, you will persist
in lighting the gas every time you get
up in the night to walk with baby
when the little darling cries.
The Wrong Shop. ,
Girl, ' jokingly I'd like a place
where I'll have everything I want,
nothing to do and no one to boss mo
Clerk Tills, miss, is an employ
ment office, not a matrimonial agency
Kew Vork'a Jewel.
New York publio schools now
teach nearly 237.000 children, and
there 1 still a demand for new build
log to hold many more thousand.
Aa lo!Ua4 Tat Brlace Itaatk la Bar
I Bihar.
Philip Knopf, a mounted policeman
altaclMMl to tho High Bridge sUtion,
went to his home, in Anderson avenue,
near High Bridge road at n.n the
other day, bays tho New York Record
er. It was his "short day off," and
after his lunch ho went to his room to
lio down for ho had been on duty since
midnight, and felt tired. Knopf's
family life was ideal. His w ife and
live littlu children idolized him. Mar
gery, hi two-year-old daughter, a
sweet-faced child with big brow n eyes
and yellow hair, wus deeply attached
to her father, and whenever ho was at
homo bhe followed him aUiut from
room to room, and if he went up stairs
tihe climbed up after him in case ho
did not carry her. Knopfs police
record was most excellent.
When Knopf retired to his room lit
tle Margery, as usual, pattered after
"Now stay downstairs, little one,
while I go up and sleep for uwhilo,
and then papa will come down to see
his Margery," said the policeman to
the littlu girl. Margery wrinkled up
her pretty little forehead into a frown,
and instead of olieyinLf she spent tho
next five minutes'in climbing upstairs.
Sho pushed ojwn the door of her
father's room and saw him sleeping on
tho lied. Sho tiptoed quietly n, for
she didnt wan't to waken him. Knopf
had taken oil his coat and had placed
his revolver on the bureau. Margery
was uttracted by tho shining metal,
and toddled to tho bureau to inspect
the weapon more closely. She picked
it up and was examining it when the
father awoke. Ho started with fright
and all symptoms of sleepiness loft him,
for the little girl had the pistol pointed
directly at her breast and was finger
ing the trigger. Every chamber of
tho revolver a big 88-caliber affair
was loaded.
Knopf didn't dare to cry out. He
feared to startle the child, so that she
might clutch the trigger with sufficient
strength to discharge the piptol. All
his hope was centered in tho fact that
perhaps her tiny fingers would not be
strong enough to move the trigger.
As nonchalantly as he could, he arose
quickly, and then mode a leap for
tho pistol. He grabbed tho barrel
away from the child's breast, but in
doing so pointed it directly at his own
body. Unfortunately the child's fin
gers were wedged in around the
trigger. In trying to unclasp the
child's hand, tho child Involuntarily
clutched the trigger tighter under the
pressure of the father's fingers on her
There was a report and Knopf fell
to the floor, the little girl still keep
ing tight hold of the pistol, from the
barrel of which white smoke curled.
"Oh. Margery, dour little Mai-gory,
you have shot papa!" exclaimed the
policeman, clutching his hand to his
left side, from which blood was oozing
and staining his vest and the floor.
Startled by the shot, Mrs. Knopf ran
upstairs. Sho stood transfixed at the
door, her eyes wide with terror. The
little girl waved the still smoking
pistol at hor and lisped:
"Papa's pistol. Papa sick!"
"Minnie, I'm shot. I tried to get
my pbtol away from Mario," ex
plained tho wounded man. Hulf an
hour later he was dead.
lie Wasn't Betting.
Tho two friends were talking at the
club about a certain young woman
one of them was paying attention to,
and whom the other thought his
friend was very anxious to marry. He
also thought the suitor was altogether
too diffident, and he had been trying
to brace him up.
1 11 bet you $103 for a wedding
present," ho said, "that you can get
her by asking for her."
"Come off," objected the other, "I
don't get caught on any cinches like
'That's no cinch unless it is for
"I guess yes, persisted the other,
because if she refuses me it will cost
me f iuu, ana u sne aoesnt noDoay
knows what it will cost me. Ain't it
a cinch?" and he got up and walked
the floor.
The Ollre Tree.
The olive tree is supposed to have
boon originally a native of Greece, but
It is now naturalized in the south oi
France, Italy and Spain, where it has
been extensively cultivated from time
Immemorial for the oil expressed from
the fruit. The tree attains an almost
Incredible age. Near Ferni, in the
Vale of Marmora, is a plantation
about two miloa in extent of very old
tree9, supposed to be the same trees.
mentioned by Pliny as growing there
In the first century of the Christian
Onljr Allowed 3,33.1 Wive.
In Ashnntee no man is ever allowed
to see ono of the king's wives, ana
should he happen, through accident.
to get a glimpse of one oi tho "sacroa
creatures" ho is forthwith put to
death. The law of that country al
lows the king to have 3,333 "help
meets" and no more. These wives
all live on two long streets in the city
of Coomasie, tho Ashantee capital,
the quarters occupied by them being
locally known by a word signifying
The Bargain Habit.
Is that picture just liko the orig
inal?" she inquired.
"Precisely." replied tho art dealer,
"excepting that it has been reduced."
"Oh, ha it been reduced?" ehe ex
claimed. "I'll take it beforo some
body else gets it then. Send it to my
house with the bill."
Strained Halations.
"What aro the relations now be
tween your wifo and yourseKP"
"Oh, only hor mother, two uncloa,
a litter and a low eouin."
A JfapeftbeCnlted State.
Tbe new wall mapiasued by the Bur
lington Route it three feet four Inchea
wide by four feet long; is print d In six
color; is mounted on roller; showi
every state, county, important town
and railroad In the Union, and forms a
very desirable and useful adjuact tJ
any household or business eeUblUh
menL Purchss-d in lot of 5,000 the map
coet the Burlington Route nearly 20
cects apiece, but on the receipt of
cent In stamps or coin the under
signed will be pleased to send you one.
Write immediately, as the supply Is
J. Francis, G P. A., Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
To Cora Constipation Forever.
Tulie t'.DM reta t'audv Culhamlc 10c or Be
If C, U. C tail to cure. tlriiKUiNta refund mono
From 10 to 1000
feet down, gold is found in abundance:
the deeper you go the richer the ore.
These ar fscta concerning Mercur,
on'v all-rail line to Mercur.
For Mercur leaflet, giving full par
ticulars, call at City Ticket Office.
i:W2 Farnam St.
Yes, we have plenty of thU" issue.
We can fill your order. Ten for 30
cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.00; 500
for $7.50; 1,000 for $10.00.
No-To-Kae for Fifty Crnta.
Guaranteed tobaoro habit cure, makes weak
men mrou-. blood pure. boe. 1 All drugKitt
Yes, we have plenty of this Issue.
We can fill your order. Ten for 30
cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.00; BOO
for 7Mo; 1,000 for $10.00.
To Cure Conatluatlon Forever.
Take Casc-ureta Camiv Cuthurtic. lOo orSSo
If O. C. C fail to cure. dniKioNia refund money
Educate Tonr Howell With Caaeareta.
Canrtv Cathnrtlr. cure condtlnaUon forever
c, 25c. If C O " t" -igt& refund money
Yes, we have plenty of this Issue.
We can fill your order, ten for SO
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for $7.50; 1,000 for $10.00.
of a Lot of Ladies' $3 00 fine Kid
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B and C widths, at
We will close them all out at
$1.50 a Pair.
107 South 16th Street.
Our Friend
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Telephone 18l8,
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Your Patronage Solicited
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantee! a perfect nt la ail caaee. chw
lnc cleaned dved a
and remodeled.
504 H. 16th St., -: OJUHA,
Shop, 723 8. 17th St. . Omaha
FOR PRESIDENT IN 190OI ... '5,7 ft
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. .... j., c i.o Ttrsi AMV.RTCAN of JANUARY 28. 189S;
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overdimeon "Jft 0" Uw,nd 50 OFTHESE BALLOTS with ffi C rjfl
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Moving and Hunt eipreaa work at reason
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HnuK'ur Id (oodantored. packed and ahlpped.
Carry alls tor picnic.
Office, 410 Korth 16th Street.
Telephone 1203.
Attorney, iter tiania National Hank Bid.
SHKKIKF'S SALE. By virtue of a- a art
order of aale tai-ut-d ou of t' e District
court for Ikmirlaa county. Nebraska, and to
me directed, 1 will. on the 8tb dy of MarcuA.
I) WH at un o'clock a. M. of raid day, at th
EAT front door of the cou- ty court house.
In tie cltv ofOnmha, Houitlaa county Ne
liracka. aril at public auction to the hltrtieat
bidder for cah. tbe property described In
aald order of sale aa follows. t-t:
Lota two (2). live (51. all (6) and twontT-twoj
(1 In bloca one (I.1 In South Kxchange Place
Audition o the city of couth Omaha, aa aur
v.yed, platted and recorded all aitualed la
IfciUKlae county, ata'e of Nebraska.
Said property to be wild to aatlafy Jarres
L. nrowue, plaintiff herein, tbe autua aa fol
lows, to-wit ;
On !ot two (2), bloi-k ore (1), above de
arribeu. the sum of, together with aa
altorijeyH 'n of M.21.
On lot Ave (), block one (1). above des
cribed, tre aum of f.tu.04, together with au
a torney'a fee o' CI U0.
On ot a z iti). bl ck one (11. above des
cribed, the auui of tsU.UH together with an
attorney's fee of 13 90.
On lot twenty-t-o (22). Mock one (1). above
described, the mm of Htj.Bj; tunethur with
an attorney fee of 13 Ml
Alio' hlohsuun. by the Judgment of the
district court. be r In ei-estih to n (except
ion attorneya' f e). at the rate o' tn (10) per
cent per annum from Hay 3rd, 1897, and axe
fir t Hen upon aaid proueriy.
Toaatisfy tbe further sum of one hundred
J-100 doll ra illOO Oi) costa here n. toKtber
wiib accruing costa. according to a judgment
rendeied by tbe district court of aald Dou
laa county, at Its May term, A. D. 18U7,
in a certain action then and there pending,
wherein Jan es L. Browne la plaintiff, and
David M. Htuart, fcirs. Htusrt, tret
and real name unknown, his wife, R. W.
Clayton, first and real name unknown,
American Bank and Trust Company of
Vtoonocket, South Dakota, a corporati n,
Georgia A. Cloud, WiMla O.Cloud, ber hus
band. Oeorge W. Hervey and Mrs.
hervey. first and real name unknown, hat
wife, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. P bruary 4th. 1806.
Sheriff of Douglaa County, Nebraska,
W. A. tfaunder. attorney.
Browne va. Htuart et al.
Doc. 5: No. 20.
Ex.-Doc.Zi f age 108. -
Lung Balm
The safest, plcasantest and most reliable
rough, throat and lung medicine known.
It contains no ipecac, tartar, emetic or
Jther naueseattng or injurious drugs.
It cures every kind of Cough.
Pleasant and safe for all aces. Does not
sicken or disagree with the stomach.
Coughed Four Years. Several
Doctors Failed to Help.
Cured by Lung Balm.
Omah a, Neb., October 7, IR0S.
Dr. B. J. K. MhincAL t o. Ocutlemun'.
About turr ycirs . go 1 v.d taken wiih La Grippe
and alter fc .vtriiiK I had a very cough. I
c. Ushed a.iuo-t contiiiu..! y ever since. I tried
wvcial docturs and various cimgh me ictnes, but
cou.d not get any relief. Vuur Dr. Kay's Lung
Uuim was recommended to Hie and alter taking;
ne package the coi: tiii left me emiie'.y aud 1 con
sider mysi 1( entirely i uied. I chceilully recom
mend vur Lung !'.. m to all wl o are in the very
bad condition thut I was. Yours tmlv,
Mrs. Hannah Shlpakd, 3(4 N. 16th St.
Call on druggist for Dr. Ka's Lung
Balm, Price 2jc, also Booklet coiit.'iining
valuable receipts and a Trcatie on Dis
eases, the most valuable free pamphlet
published, or, we will send by mail from
our Western Office.
Dr. B. . Kay Mfdical C.,
foo S. i6th St., Omaha, Nta.
Store Prices
Best describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds ofDenta)
Set Teeth M
Beet Set Teeth 7 60
Gold Fillings. 11.00 and up
Silver Filllnga 1 00
Gold Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 26
Teeth out in the morning--Kev
Ones Same Day,
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Years' Experience) 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
in 1000,