The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 21, 1898, Image 4

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B. Vrn-4 at Vnm. m wrund-ctM ntur.
W. C. KKL1.KV. HuiiM
IflJ lIOWHI Stmhcy. Ohah,
Tlphon SI I.
N Papar i b t)ronlinu4 tKcvpt
Urdcr of bul.rtbr.
Who Is your favorite for president
In 1900?
Home never change.
smper IJ.m.
Her motto I
Tut none but Americans on guard.
And don't expect to And tru Ameri
cans iu the rump of " enemy.
Yen, we have plenty of this issue.
Wo can nil your order, ton fo- SIO
rents: fifty for f 1.25; WO for $2.00; 600
tor $7.60; 1,000 for $10.00.
This edition ran be bought In any
number by friend wishing thera. We
will mnll ihem to you In large bundles
or to your friend dlroet Boe prions
in another column.
A lofty self-denial, personal fortitude,
passionate patriotism, concentration of
purpose and consummate skill In
massing the forces of freedom, are
the heroic element that rontitltute a
successful lender In tho cause of up-to-date
Who do you want to voto for for
president In W00T Fill out the coupon
In this issue, and send It In. Lot us
fcave a thorough American at the
toelin when Koine attempts to put her
boast Into execution that In 1900 she
will take this country and keep it
All our loyal friends, wherever they
way dwell, will make a serious in la
take If they relax any of their cus
tomary vigilance In guarding the por
tals of the A. P. A against the en
trance of any man who Ih of doubtful
veracity, or of whose general fitness
to sit In council with freemen there
la the shadow of doubt.
What marvelous changes the whirl
igig of time brings about! The New
York Sun, which during Dana's life
time was a democratic newspaper of
the stralghtest sect, has now become
the exponent of republican principles
and policies. The Sun is and hits al
ways ben one of the best edited dully
newspapers in the country.
The Chicago Evening Post alludes
to Alderman Towers as tho "rum-shop
statesman." It requires some courage
on the part of a Chicago daily nows
paper to opeak thus boldly, particu
larly In a scare" bend on the front
page, and when the person so desig
nated a? a member of the "ruling
race," which now Is known to really
dominate the local governmental af
fairs of the great metropolis.
Hev. Father Doyle, of the Puulist
Fathers, in a recent sermon at New
York, said that converts were coming
Into the Roman Catholic church at
the rate of 30.000 a year. What are
yon doing to prevent those born and
brtd protestants from being drawn
Into the vortex of pagan KomanismT
Uur young men and young women
must be effectually warned against the
Insidious wiles and subtle arts of a
hypocritical and degenratn priesthood.
Henry Cabot Ixxlgu ki writing
b history erf the American revolution,
which will appear serially In Scrlb
ner'B Magazine, and be afterward
published In book form. The first
installment appeared in the January
Scrtbner. Senator Ixxlge la the au
thor of tho new Immigration restric
tion bill, now pending before the con
gress. He is a brilliant writer, a
scholar, a patriot, and a publicist
whose brilliancy sheds lustre on the
American senate.
Motley, In the preface of his "Rise
of the Dutch Republic," correctly
states that: "The splendid empire of
Charles V. was erected upon the grave
of liberty." And It Is tipon the grave
of American liberty that tho Roman
hierarchy purposes-to erect a saeer
dotal despotism that shall reproduce
a society worthy of those dark times
when the will of the Roman pontiff
actually took precedence of the will
of the kings, govenors, legislators
and Judges of the earth.
Our thanks are due our good friend,
White Nixon, editor of the lloutzdale
Observer, for the admirable position he
gave our announcement of this week's
edition. It is appreciated the more
fully because it was unsolicited. Mr.
Nixon Is an old-timer in the anti
Roman crusade, having, unless we are
mixed in our data, been criminally
assaulted by the Identical gang which
we are exposing in such vigorous lan
guage this week. We hope he may
live many years to hold aloft the
banner of the free.
The Ohio legislature has elected
Mark A. Manna to the United States
Senate. Over 2.000 congratulatory tel
egrams have been received by Senator
Hanna. Senator William E. Mason
of Illinois, sent the following charac
teristic message: "Glory to God in
the highest, and on earth peace and
good will among republicans." If
Senator Hanna shall prove himself
more of an American than a partisan
we will be able to respond to Billy
Mason's paraphase of Scripture with
a hearty "Amen..
A lively dlscusion is going on in
the editorial columns of the Chicago
dally newspapers on the proposed re-
Tribune is producing some powerful
arguments in favor of the retention of
the greenbacks as an integral part of
our currency system. All the other
leading Chicago dailies are in favor
of "the withdrawal of the government
from the banking business" and the
enlargement of the powers and scope
of the national banks. But we had al
ways supposed It was one of the !
gitiraate functions of government to
Issue money, to control its quantit
sua to guiAantee its quality.
We have stated in thU Issue without
the least equivocation, mental reserva
tion r evasion of mind whatever that
the Church of Koine bad hatched a plot
to overthrow this government; that
the Ulty were arming and drilling to
accomplish Its overthrow by fore of
arms, and that the women of" the
Roman Catholic church were raising a
fund for carrying on the war.
The charge Is so serious, and the
evidence so conclusive that Rome will
attempt to use force to bring thU
country under the yoke of Rome that
no sane man will pawl It by without
giving It the serious consideration
which It merits. j
We expect loyal, patriotic and fear
less Americana in every section of the
country to give due credence) and heed
to this warning, which has been made
as plain as the safety of the parties
who have furnished the Information
would permit. It Is even more plain
than the Roman church expected' us
to make It; and we trust no American
will fall to call the attention of bis
friends to the danger ahead.
We have not said that the trouble
would begin today, nor tomorrow, nor
next year, but we do say that the pope
will lie compelled to leave Italy T that
no European country will tolerate him
and, as a consequence, that it is the
intention of the armed military organ
izations In the Roman Catholic church
to see that he Is permitted to land
and to set up his throne In the United
We say that they expect the "no
popery" sentiment will be so pro
nounced that there will be bloodshed
if he attempts to set foot on American
Boll, and that they will then take this
country and lay It at the feet 6f the
pope, who will abolish our schools and
wipe out those obnoxious laws relating
to liberty of conscience, of press and
of speech.
It Is for you, Americans, to say
hether this movement to Install pop
ery In this country shall be success
ful, or whether It shall meet with Ig
nominious defeat
Silence at this time would be all but
criminal, and Americans who fall to
raise their voices, who remain idle
when there Is work to do, do not de
serve the liberties they are enjoying,
nd which Rome would deprive them
For that reason we say, spread the
news among your friends. Send them
papers. Don't stop until every man
In t he Union Is aware of the ..dam-
able, the black-hearted treachery of
the Roman Catholics, whom we have
taken to our bosoms and warmed and
fed when they were starving, and after
they had been driven from other coun
tries as criminals.
Work! As you value your homes,
as you value your lives, as you value
your liberties, awaken your sleeping
neighbors to a full realization of the
anger, for danger there Is, and no
man can tell Just when to expect It
Hut It will come.
The Roman Catholic hierarchy are
aily conspiring to destroy the liber
ties of the loyal citizens of the United
States. To those Protestant minds
that have not ye been awakened to
the manifold dangers which menace
our free Institutions this assertion will
seem startling. Hut what do we see
at the very seat of the national gov
ernment? The city of Wahington Is
lying in the lap of Uome.
Early In the present century the
authorities of the American govern
ment made a serious mistake when
they located the national capital at
Washington. The Potomac flats are
reiHirted to lie the source of unhealthy
physical conditions; but Baltimore,
which lies contiguous to the District
of Columbia, and which is the center
of power and influence of the Roman
Catholic hierarchy in America, gen
erates a moral atmosphere that Is far
moro menacing to the health of the
body politic than any bad climatic
conditions can possibly be to the phys
ical man. That city of monuments
in which the Roman Catholic primate
of the United States has his official
residence within a few hours' journey
ney of that beautiful city In which
re-sides the president of the nation.
It is well known that James Cardinal
Gibbons often leaves his capital to
visit Uncle Sam's capital. And It Is
undoubtedly "official business" con
nected wiTh the upbuilding and up
holding of the papal monarchy that
carries the cardinal thither. High
Priest Gibbons does not visit Wash
ington for his health; he goes to con
fer with those In authority on some
question, which will have a bearing
on the material prosperity and well-
being of the papal hierarchy In these
"infidel parts, apparently oblivious
of the fact that his religion teaches
that most of the members of the
government at Waih'nr.lci are "ir.
fldels" and will certainly be damned.
Although at the tiina al which the
national capital was fixed at Wash'
ington the Roman Catholics of the
region of Baltimore were already a
powerful and iulluentlil social body,
the American statesmen of the period
did not proba'olf forsee tae tremcud
ous power which was destined to be
wielded by the prelates of the papal
capital, of the state of Maryland, and
of tho nation at large. But it is an
ominous fact that the papal ablegate
to America should choose the city of
Washington as his place of official
residence for the double purpose,
no doubt, of performing effective
eavesdropping and "rubbernecking"
work, and to be within hailing dis
tance of the titular head of the hierar-
archy. Mgr. Martinelll Is in a sit
uation to watch the progress of events
at the seat of power of the American
government, while High Priest Gib
bons, as the nominal head of "the
church" in the United States, is
citadeled near by. But. even in Bal
timore, where the Roman Catholics
are so rich and so powerful, the
Methodists are numerous and Influ
ential, and have served as vigilant
sentinels on the watch-towers of our
political zion ever since the holding
of the famous "Christmas Confer
ence" of 17S4 the first conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church In
the United States. And the Meth
odists of the nation now purpose to
establish a great Protestant univers
ity at Washington, which will have
a decided tendency to retard and
break down the power of the pope of
Rome and to minimize, the Influence
of the so-called Catholic university,
located In the capital city. We wt.h
the Methodist brethren godspeed In
their noble undertaking.
There are also Indications that a
great national university will be es
tablished at Washington under gov
ernment auspices and superintend
ence, thereby carrying oui the Will
and purpose of George Washington,
who left a stun of money to be ap
plied to this proJict. The presence
of competent educators, Imbued with
the true spirit of American patriot
Ism and filled with burning zeal for
the cause of political purity, would
have a salutary effect upon the mem
bers of the Congress and upon the
olliciuls who may from time, to time
be enlisted with the administration
of public affairs at Washington. A
truly American national educational
Institution will seek to Inculcate those
principles of patriotism and of free
cit'zciihlilp which are so essential to
constitute the youth of the land prop
er defenders and true exemplars of
civil and religious liberty. not any patriotic heart be cast
down or wholly discouraged. Be not
dismayed at the apparent, all-power-fulness
of the Roman hierarchy In
the United States, even In such cities
as I.nltlmore and Washington. We
have vigflant and valiant friends iu
all the great cities of the Union,
though there Is everywhere great
need of the bwelling of our rank.
The enemy Is multiplying with pro
digious rapidity, and is active and
alert. If each of our friends would
faithfully and conscientiously pei
form the duty that lies nearest hiiii,
much good work would be accom
plished which is now left unper
formed. We must sow this country
knee-deep with patriotic literature
and with printed copies of the warn
ings to which Georso Washington
and other American patriots have
given solemn utterance. We must
seek, by every honorable means in our
power, to win over to our principles
the millions of Protestants who are
unconscious of the dangers that sur
round us and which threaten to de
stroy us and our precious heritage.
Iet every patriot do his full duty,
and all will be well with our land and
nation, and we shall enjoy all those
manifold blessings of which a benefi
cent Providence designed we should
be partakers.
Faul, tho greatest vicar of Christ,
the patron saint of Protestantism,
and "a citizen of no mean city," was
one of the world's conspicuous heroes
not because of any deeds of valor
which he ever performed on the field
of battle (for he was an apostle of
peace and opposed to force as a
means of conquering men's minds)
but because of his moral heroism, be
cause he possessed that Indomitable
spirit which overcame obstacles and
difficulties that would have appalled
the ordinary mind, and because he
never for one moment forgot his
high calling that he was divinely
chosen to be the teacher and the ex
emplar of the pure principles and re
generating power of the now religion.
His gospel was the antithesis of Ro
manism. He was a Christian patriot,
a loyal citizen. From the Apostle
Pnul's singleness of purpose and
grandeur of conception of man's duty
to his Creator and to society, we may
a nee of a high standaru of civic pa
triotism and public morality, and to
seek to make our nation bright with
new hopes and new realizations.
Gen. Weyler built barbed wire
fences to keep the Cuban patriots
from Invading his back yard. "The
trocha general" who starved to death
the women and children of his ene
mies will not live long enough to get
away from his own history, which has
disgraced his nation and the civiliza
tion of the country in which he lived
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
But this same Gen. Weyler is a
"good Catholic," and "loyal to Spain.'
The starving to death of non-combat
ants and defenseless women and chil
dren in Cuba met with the full appro
val of the whole Spanish nation, and
Rome. We all know what Spain, an
alleged Christian nation, will do with
"rebels and "heretics" who fall into
the hands of her soldiery. What
atrocious crimes and horrible cruelties
the papist Spaniards can with per
fect Impunity commit, and yet remain
in good and regular standing In the
"Holy Roman Catholic Church!
In the tragedy of "Richelieu" the
Cardinal Duke of France is made to
declare in a great crisis that: "In
the bright lexicon of youth there is
no such word as fail." And on the
sword which Emperor William of
Germany presented to one of his sons
last Christmas are inscribed the
words, "Your strength belongs to the
fatherland." The youth of our land
are the bone and sinew of the nation
"the rose and expectancy of the fair
state" the hope of the American re
pubic. To the rising generation we
may confidently say: "Your strength
belongs to the gatherland" that land
in which you enjoy the Inestimable
blessings of civil and religious liberty,
Then buckle on your armor rally
round the flag stand by the stars
and stripes organize for self-protec
tlon repel the advances of every for
eign foe. "In the bright lexicon of
youth there Is no such word as fail.
We shall publish a complete exposure
of the awful treatment, of the terrlbl
abuse, heaped upon, American girls In
Rouiau Catholic convents In our Issue
of March 4. The article will contain
the sworn testimony of witnesses In
the now celebrated Sallna Clewett case
of St Paul, Minn., which has attracted
widespread attention because of the
disgraceful and Inhuman treatment
which the Roman Catholic nuns ac
corded the poor, helpless creatures
who Imagined they were going into a
religious institution when they entered
the un-Godly place. American mothers
should read that evidence. Their
daughters should read It It will
make their heart's blood run cold, for
no fiend could exceed the average nun
In heartlessness and cruelty, and Satan
himself would not do what those girls
swear the angelic sisters did. It is ter
rible. Don't miss it.
Yes, we have plenty of this Issue,
We can fill your order, ten for L'O
cents; fifty for $1.23; 100 for $2.00; BOO
for $7.w; 1,000 for $10.00.
And the Roman church, flushed
with victory, intoxicated with the
success that has attended her move
to capture our chief cities, and drunk
with the knowledge that the presi
dent accords to her the credit of his
election, now proposes to capture this
country snd lay it at the feet of the
"Vicar of Christ" so that he may ptit
an end to the Godless system of ed
ucation, and "sweep away those im
pious laws of liberty of conscience."
And their dream may be realized
unless Americans awake.
There may be another St Barthol
omew massacre.
Men may be called to their doors at
night to have daggers plunged Into
their hearts, for Rome boasts of her
Browuson says: "What the church
has done, what she has expressly or
tacitly approved in the past that Is
exactly what she will do, expressly or
tacitly approve in the future, if the
same circumstances occur."
The Roman Church approved the
massacre of St Bartholomew.
Whut were the circumstances?
The Hugenots refused to accept the
doctrines of the Roman Catholic
hurch, and thousands of Roman
Catholics were embracing Protest
What are the circumstances today
In America?
Tho public
refuse to accept the
the Roman Catholic
thousands of Roman
going over to Protest-
doctrines of
hurch, and
Catholics are
And Brownson says what the
church has done in the past, what she
has approved, she will do and ap
prove again, under like circumstances.
But they were prepared, in 1572,"
you say.
"Yes, and they are prepared today,"
we answer.
Less than two years ago what did
we see?
The president of a Roman Catholic
military organization in New York
telegraphing the president of ' the
United States that in case of war with
England over the Venezuelan boun
dary dispute, he had 100,000 armed
and drilled men ready to take the
Think of that, you Protestants, who
can Bee no danger in Romanism.
Think of it as compared with your
standing army of 25,000 men!
Every man of that 100,000 is a loyal
Roman Catholic.
One-half of that 25,000 are loyal
Roman Catholics.
As loyal Roman Catholics they,
every man of them, believe that when
the laws of the state and the church
conflict it is a crime to obey the laws
of the state.
As loyal Roman Catholics they be
lieve that tho pope can absolve them
from their oaths of allegiance.
As loyal Roman Catholics they be
lieve it their duty to bring America
under the yoke of Rome.
And as loyal Roman Catholics they
believe It Is not a crime to kill a man
who has been laid under an Interdict
by the pope.
Believing these things they would
be the deepest dyed traitors not to
strike when their spiri.ual adviser
gave the command.
"But they will never give the com
mand," you say.
"But they did, and the command
was obeyed," we reply.
But this Is the nineteenth century
and the Church of Rome has grown
more liberal, more tolerant," you re
tort. And we say she Is just as intoler
ant. She will not permit her chil
dren to attend the public schools. She
will not permit her sons and daugh
ters to marry Protestants. She still
condemns the Masons, the Odd Fel
lows and the Knights of Pythias. She
prohibits her members from contrib
uting to the support of Protestant in
stitutions. She will not permit our
best citizens to join her numerous
secret societies. She brands your
wives as concubines and your children
as illegitimate, and she says your
laws are Inferior to her own.
But the Btrength of the Roman
Catholic army in the United States is
not confined to one-half our army
and that 100,000 men.
The dispatches and extracts which
follow will give you some idea of the
extent of the organization:
"You can say for me," said Colonel
Scannell, of Boston, "that there are
already In this city several companies
formed. They have been
drilling regularly in their respective
halls, and most of the menbers are
good shooters. The companies are
located in the city proper, South Bos
ton, East Boston, Charleston and
Roxbury, and all told there are 1,300
men enrolled in the new organization,
In addition to drilling In their respec
tive halls, the members of the order
take advantage of their holidays to
go out Into the woods WHERE THEY
At present there Is a dif
ference of opinion among the
leaders of the movement on
account of RELIGION entering
into it In the ranks of the Clan-na-
Gael are many Protestant Irishmen,
including ministers and others. The
question Clan-na-Gaels are now dis
Some Idea of the strength of
the Clan-na-Gael in this country can
be gained from the statement that
there are fully 700,000 men enrolled
in the organization. Councils of the
Clan-na-Gael are established In every
state in the Union. The union Is
strongest in Chicago and Philadel
phia, while New York and Boston
come next in order. Lincoln State
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 27, 1896. The
A. P. A. followers In New Albany have
worked themselves Into an excited
pitch over a lot of TORY GUNS
shipped by Charles Svendeen, a society
regalia dealer at Cincinnati. A box
arrived at New Albany consigned to
Father Roel, assistant rector of St
Mary's Church. It was apparent that
the shipment was of guns,
New York, Jan. 28, 1896. The first
regiment Irish volunteers, was for
mally turned over to a board from the
Clan-na-Gael at the Grand Central
i Palace last night John A. Moran.
formerly lieutenant-colonel of th$
old Sixty-ninth regiment was elected
colonel. There are eleven companies,
AND ARMED. They have been or-!
gantzlng for the last five months.
Roger F. Scannell told a represent
ative of the Lowell Herald, in Boston.
"That the movement for arming Irish
men and preparing them for warlike
work is MOKE important and of
motit people Imagine. In New
England alone we have at
least 40,00 men who could take the
field almost at a moment's notice. At
a conservative estimate 10,000 of
are also arranging to ARM THE EN
NOW DRILLING." When asked:
"What about ammunition?" he re
And the Irish World, a Roman
Catholic paper published in New
York, says: "Of the rank and file of
the United States army fully one-half
are Catholics. Over this army are
nine general officers that is, three
major generals and six brigadier gen
erals, but of these nine general offi
cers, until Coppiuger was appointed,
not one was a Catnolic."
And we believe it should have re
mained In that condition.
Should Coppinger succeed to the
command of the army, the subjugation
of the country could be made an easy
thing, as the capital could fall before
the rural districts could rally to the
defense of the country.
You say this will never happen.
We say it has happened, and
when a thing has once happened un
der and by the direction or authority
of the Roman church it can happen
again under and by the same direction
and authority.
Then, this is made possible
because Coppinger was a member of
the Pope's army in Italy fought un
der hiB banners before coming to
this country, and before entering our
As no oath is binding on a Roman
Catholic, Copplnger's oath of alle
giance to the United States would not
be binding on him. If the pope were
to absolve his subjects in this country
from such oaths.
He has already absolved the sub
jects of Italy from their oaths.
And unless the king of Italy is a
coward he will accept the challenge of
the papacy and settle the question.
He will find out whether his kingdom
shall be turned into a republic;
whether it shall be ruined and plun
dered by the Church of Rome, as has
been the case In the United States,
and whether his subjects can have a
divided allegiance, as have the Ro
man Catholic alleged citizens of this
But the conflict that Is on in Italy
will not be settled there. It will be
transferred to this country before it
is finally settled.
We say It confidently.
We say it emphatically.
Those 700,000 Irish Roman Catholics
the most bigoted, the most ignor
ant, the most criminal, the most ab
ject slaves to the wills of Roman
Catholic priests who are armed and
drilled, the "importance of such arm
ing and drilling" not being understood
by "most people," will hasten to take
up arms against Italy and this coun
try, being at peace with that country,
win nave to make them stack arms
and go back to their avocations, or
appear in the attitude of favoring the
cause of the pope.
We do not know what other Ameri
can citizens think, but we are free
to admit that no Irishman would leave
the United States to fight against Ita
ly and in favor of the Pope, were we
at the head of the government, and
ir they did and ever attempted to
land on our shores again they would
ne hanged higher than Haman.
This thing of mincing matters for
the sake of the Irish vote, who have
been disloyal to every form of gov
ernment except that of the Roman
Catholic Church, might as well end
now as later on.
They should understand that we re
gard them with suspicion.
They should know that we realize
that they were the most implacable
enemies of this country in its rebel
lion against England.
That we know that more than 70
per cent of those who enlisted to
quell the rebellion deserted before
they served out their enlistment, and
after the pope had recognized the
It may e news to you to learn that
Abraham Lincoln did not consider
the internecine war, which cost so
much of the best blood of both the
north and the south, was a local con
test. He said, in a conversation with
Kev. Charles Chiniquy, at the out
break of the war, that he considered
the war was really backed by the
pope and the Jesuits.
That declaration will be found on
page 696 of "Fifty Years in the Church
of Rome." His exact words are:
Unfortunately, I feel more and
more, every day, that It is not against
the Americans of the south, alone, I
am fighting, it is more against the
Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits
and their blind and blood-thirsty
slaves, than against the real American
Protestants, that we have to defend
ourselves. Here Is the real danger of
our position. So long as they will
hope to conquer the north they will
spare me; but the day we will rout
their armies (and the day will surely
come, with the help of God), take their
cities, and force them to submit; then,
it Is my impression that the Jesuits,
who are the principal rulers of the
south, will do what they have almost
invariably done la the past The
dagger or the pistol of one of their
adepts will do what the strong hands
of the warriors could not achleva
This civil war seems to be nothing
but a political affair to those who do
not see, as I do, the secret springs of
that terrible drama But it Is more a
religious than a civil war. It is Rome
who wants to rule and degrade the
south, from the day of its discovery.
There are only very few of the south
ern leaders who are not more or less
under the Influence of the Jesuits
through their wives, family relations
and their friends. Several members
of the family of Jeff Davis belong to
the Church of Rome. Even the Pro
testant ministers are under the Influ
ence of the Jesuits without suspecting
It To keep her ascendancy In the
north, as she doe in the couth, Roma
it doinr here what he has done tm
Mexico, and in all the South American
republics; she is paralyzing, by a civil,!
wsr, the arms of the soldiers of Lib
erty. She divides our nation. In order
to weaken, subdue and rule it
"Surely we have some brave n4
reliable Roman Catholic officers and
soldiers In our armies, but they form
an insignificant minority when com
pared with the Roman Catholic trait
ors against whom we have to guard
ourselves, day and night The fact
is, that the immense majority of the
Roman Catholic bishops, priests and
laymen, are rebels In heart, when they
cannot be in fact; with very few ex
ceptions, they are publicly In favor of
slavery. I understand, now, wny me
patriot of France, who d'termined to
see the colors of liberty floating over
their great and beautiful country, were
forced to hang or shoot almost all the
priests and the monks as the irrecon
cilable enemies of liberty. For it in
fact, which Is now evident to me.
that, with very few exceptions, every
priest and every true Roman Catholle
Is a determined enemy or lmerty.
Their extermination in France was one
of those terrible necessities which no
human wisdom could avoid; it looks
to me now as an order from heaven to
save France. May God grant that the
same terrible necessity be never felt
In the United States! But there Is a
thing which Is very certain; it is, that
if the American people could learn
what I know of the fierce hatred of
the generality of the priests of Rome
against our institutions, our schools,
our most sacred rights, and our so
dearly bought liberties, they would
drive them away tomorrow from
among us, or they would shoot them
as traitors. But I keep those sad
secrets in my heart; you are the only
one to whom I reveal them, for I
know that you learned them before
me. The history of these last thou
sand years tells us that wherever the
Church of Rome is not a dagger to
pierce the bosom of a free nation she
is a stone to her neck, and a ball to
her feet, to paralyze her and prevent
her advance In the ways of civilization.
science, intelligence, bapiness and lib
erty." But Lincoln did not know all the
secret work that Rome was doing to
destroy this nation.
He knew she was the friend
and adviser of the confederate states.
but he did not know that Maximilian
was into the conspiracy, and that be
and his armies were waiting in Mex
ico until such time as both the con
federate and the Union forces would
be shattered, the treasuries of the re
spective sides depicted, and the peo
ple of the entire country panting for
a cessation of hostilities, when he
would cross the border, fall upon the
demoralized forces, and after a short
but sanguinary struggle build upon
the ruins of a once glorious re
public a monarchy, by and with the
consent of the pope.
We have said in another part of
this article that Irish Roman Catho
lics were always disloyal to every gov
ernment except that of the Church of
We desire to assert that and to point
to their conduct in the war with Mex
ico. Colonel Edwin A. Sherman states that
in that war a circular was distributed
among the Irish offering them land
if they woud desert the American
flag; that a great many of them did
desert and tought under the Mexican
flag, were captured and branded on
the cheek with a hot iron, the char
acter of the brand beine the letter
D," to indicate that they were de
A man who cannot be trusted in
time of war is a traitor in time ef
The Irish are proving the truthful
ness of that assertion every day by
organizing exclusive Roman Catholic
military organizations for the pro
tection, defense or use of the pope of
"But the pope of Rome has no use
for an armed body of men," you
say. "He is a spiritual and not a tem
poral sovereign."
He does not think so. The Irish
military organizations do not think
so. No loyal Roman Catholic does
think bo. It is only uilnd Protestants
who believe that.
The pope has always laid claim te
temporal sovereignty, otherwise what
Is the meaning of this declaration by
Pius IX.:
"The church has the right to avail
Itself of force, and to use the temporal
power for that purpose."
Pius said that in 1854.
Besides, the Canon law says that
the pope cannot be bound by a secu
lar prince.
Instead, the pope claims the right
to depose heretical rulers, and to give
their possessions to the faithful.
When the King of Italy entered
Rome at the head of a victorious army
in 1870, Plus IX. excommunicated and
cursed him with the regulation papal
By that act of the pope, and accord
ing to the doctrine of the church,
every one of his subjects who belong
to the Church of Rome were released
from their oaths of allegiance.
"When a man is excommunicated
for his apostacy, it follows from that
very fact that all those who are his
subjects are released from their oaths
of allegiance by which they were
bound to obey him." St Thomas,
Vol. 4, page 91.
But the damnable pretensions of
the church do not stop there.
The council of Lateran, A. D. 1215,
and know ye that each and every en
actment of all councils and of all
popes speaking ex cathedra, have been
revived by the pope's sitting in the
nineteenth century, and within your
knowledge if you are forty years of
age, that council declared:
"Monarchs so deposed by the pope
are converted into notorious tyrants,
and may be killed by the first whe
can reach them."
A beautiful, a christian doctrine,
And yet there are Protestants who
say that Rome is getting liberal.
And many of these Protestants are
Masons whom the present pope, Lee
XIII., has condemned to death and
to suffer confiscation of their goods.
In fact, they have all been con
demned, cursed, anataematlzed and
ex-communicated, and as such are