t THE AMERICAN THE WANDERING JEW of Marshal CIUriEH XII. CONTINI'KD THK llfiitAKV On would think Hut Spoilnport fcrd something.' U Agrieola. Tbey lttn(1 tut heard only the wli. oundlng through the Jail tries of th tioulevard. . . Now I think of tt. father- when the ararden-door is once upcn. hall we Spoilsport with u?' Yn; for If there W a watch-dog. h will settle him. And then hp will give us notice of I h approach of those who go the round, he 1" In''1- Itgent. so attached to Hose ami Blanche, that (who known?! ho may help to discover the pl.uv where they re. Twenty nines I have, tf-a I find thpm In the woods, l.y the moat extraordinary Intulnii.' A slow and solemn kn. ll hero ir above the noise of the wind; it was the flint stroke of twelve. 1 That no:e nemej to echo miMiriifully through the souls of Agrieola and his father. Mute with emotion, they nhuddered. ami hy a spontaneous movement, each grafted the hand of the other. In spite of themselves, their I thins la now to And them, without ac cident or delay. Bnolbtnort will go be- ! fore a ecout Come, my good dog!" ! mlilnl liujioiH i t, alKv an - mir -..J , softly!" , 1 I immediately, the Intelligent anlnjal advanced a few steps, sniffing and Hat- ' enlng with the care and caution of a ! hound searching for the game. Ily th half-light of the clouded ' m.Hiii, imgohert and hU aon perceived round them a V-shaped grove of tall tree, at whh h several path met. Un ci rtain which to ehoe. Agrieola aald to hla f.Uher: l-et ua take the pa h that rung alongside th wall. It will surely lead to some building." i "Right! l-et ud walk on the strips of ! grajw. inateud of through the mud. It, ! will make less nolae.' I The father and son. preceded by the Silierian dog, kept for some time In a winding path, at no great distance from the wall. They stopped now and then to listen, or to satisfy themselves txfore continuing their advance, with retard lo the changing aspects of the trees and hushes, which, shaken by the wind, and faintly Illumined by the pale light of the moon, often took strange ....... L.,t timfl in everv stroke of the and doubtful forms clock as each sueceive vibration was Half-past twelve struck as Agrieola prolonged through the gloomy silence and his father reached a large Iron of the night 1 gate which shut In that part of the At the last stroke, Dagoiieri sain io Ms son, In a firm voice: It Is midnight. Shake hands, and let us forward!" The moment was decisive and sol emn. 'Now, father.' said Agrlola, 'we will act with as much craft and dartug warden reserved for the superior the same Into which Mother Hunch had In truded herself, after seeing Itose Si- j mon converse with Adrlenne da Card ovllle. Throuirh the barg of this gate, Agrl- ... - ' . . . , m . , 1 11141a M thieves going to pillage a irun ( coi na ins jaumr iri i - box.' 'That Is true aald Agrieola. with uueaslne. 'What Is to be doner To call them at hap-haiard.' con tinued Dagobert. "would lie to give the alarm.' 'Oh, heavens!' cried Agrieola. with Increasing anguish. To have arrived here, under their windows, and yet not to know!' 'Time presses." said Dagobert. hasti ly, Interrupting his son; "we must run all risks.' m iiow, father?' i will call out loud, "Rose and Blanche -in ine.r o, ,,a.r, ,,.,,., ,noUK,lt ghe perceived in mure thev do not aleCD. The will 1. . . . . 1 be stirring at my first summons. By means of a sheet, fastened to the win her window Is not graled.CMFWYP dow. she w ho U on the first story will In Ave minutes Ih In our arms. As for 4 he one on the ground floor If her window Is not grated, we can have her In a s-cond. If it Is. we shall soon loosen one of the bars.' 'Hut, father this calling out aloud.' Will not perhaps be heard." I "Hut If It is heard all will lie lust.' I 'Who knows? Before they hav lime lo call the watch, and open several doors, the children may be delivered. Once at the entrance of the boulevard, and we shall be safe.' t Is a dangerous course; but I no other.' 'If there are only two men, I and Spoilsport will keep them In check, while you will have time 10 carry off the children.' Father, there la a lietter way a surer one,' cried Agrieola, suddenly. From what Mother Bunch told us, Mdlle. de Conlovllle has c i .w. i iiieu by signs with Rose and Blanche.' Yes.' 'Hence she knows where they are So saying, the smith took from tne lack the cord and uook; uswi armed himself with the Iron bar. and iHith advanced cautiously, followlm the wall In the direction of the little door, situated hot far from the angle formed by the street and the boulevard. They stopped from time to time, to llHten attentively, trying to distinguish those noises which were not caused either by the high wind or the rain. It continued light enough for them to be able to see surrounding objects, und the smith and thn soldier soon gained the little door, which appeared much decoyed, and hot very strong. Good!' said Agrieo!a to his father. 'It will yield at one blow. The smith was about to apply his shoulder vigorously to the door, when Spoilsport growled hoarsely, and mado a 'point.' PuKObert silenced the dos with a word, and grasping his son's arm, said to him In a whisper: 'Ho not dir. The dog has scent en some one m the garden.' Agrieola and his father remained for pome minutes motionless, holding their kreath and listening. The dog. In obe dience to hia master, no longer growl ed, but his uneasiness and agitation were displayed more and more. Ytt thev heard nothing. "The dog must have been deceived, father,' whispered Agrieola. "I am sure of the contrary. Do not move.' After some seconds of expectation, Spoilsport crouched down adruptlv. and pushed his nosn as fr aa possible ur.'U ' t! door, snuffini! un the air. T',ry are coming,' said Dagobert 1- -V 1 1 his son. U't us draw off a lit le distant", re- dlstance an open paling, which Joined a half-finished chapel, and beyond it a little square building. I 'Thnt Is no doubt the building occu pied by Mdlle. de Cardovlllo,' said Agrieola. 'And the building which contain the chambers of Rose and Illanche, but which we cannot see from here, Is no doubt opposite It,' said Dngobert. 'Poor children! they are there, weeping tears of despair,' added he, with profound emotion. Provided the gate be but open,' said Agrieola. It will probably be so being with in the walls.' Lot us go on gontly.' The gate was only fastened by the witch of the lock. Dagobert was about to open It, when Agrieola said to him: Take care! do not make it creak on ita hinges.' Snail 1 push it slowly or suddenly? 'Let me manage tt,' said Agrieola; and he opened the gate bo quick y. na tt creaked very little; still the noise might have ben plainly heard, in the lodged, as the poor children answered her from their windows. 'You are right. There is only that course to taka But how find her room ?' 'Mother Bunch told me there was a shade over the window.' 'Quick! we have only to break through a wooden fence. Have you the Iron bar?' Here it is.' 'Then, quick!' In a few steps, Dagobert and his son had reached the paling. Three planks, torn away by Agrieola, opened an easy passage. Kinialn here, father, and keep watch, said he to Dagobert, as lie en tered Dr. Balelnler's garden. The Indicated window was easily recognized. It was high and broad; a sort of shade surmounted it, for this window had once been a door, since walled in to the third of its height. It was protected by bars of iron, pretty far apart. Since some minutes, the rain had ceased. The moon, breaking ' through the clouds, shone full upon the building. Agrieola, approaching the 1 window, saw that the room was per fectly dark; but light came from a room beyond, through a door left half BlUmce of the night, during one of the ()n(,n jh(ll 8'lnllhi hoping thnt Mdlle nllml Airrlwlln. 'No, said his father; 'we must listen. , turned round and Tt will he time to retire, if they open seeking tne seem.. the door. Here. Spoilsport! down!" The dog obeyed, and withdrawing from the door, crouched down at the feet of his master. Some stands after, they heard a sort of Fplashing on the damp ground, caused by heavy foot uteps in puddles of water, and then the nound of words, which, carried away by the wind, did not reach distinctly he ears of the soldier and me smim. tVin anualla of wind. ' luiia ut'invtiii vmw wvi... Agrieola, and his father remained motionless for a moment, listening un easilv. before they vetn i i. ,',i.s through the gate. Nothing stirred, however; all remained calm and still. With fresh courage, they entered the reserved garden. Hardly had the dog arrived on this spot, when he exhibited tokens of ex traordinary delight. Pricking up Ms ears, wagging hla tail, bounding rather than running, he had soon reached the puling where, In the morning, Rose Si mon had for a moment conversed with ': Mdlle. de Cardovllle. He stopped an i instant at this nlace. as If at fault, and round like a aog Dairobert and his son, leaving Spoil sport to his instinct, followed his least movements with Intense interest, hop ing everything from his Intelligence and his attachment to the orphans. 'It was no doubt near this paling that Rose stood when Mother Bunch saw her.' said Dagobert. 'Spoilsport la on her track. Lot him alone.' Aftor a few RAconds. the dog turned tha people of whom Mother i hjg hea(1 towar(j9 Dagobert, and started us. getng their round." said i at fu trot ln tne direction of a door on the ground-floor of a building, op Punch told Arricola to his father. 'So much the better. There will he an Interval before they come round again, and we shall have some two hours before us, without Interruption. Our affair is all right now.' By degrees, the sound of the foot steps became less and loss die'inct, and at last died away altogether. 'Now. quick! we must not lose any time.' said Pngobert to his foi, after waiting about ten minutes; "thy nre far enough. Ut us try to open the door.' Agrieola leaned bis powerful shoul der npalnst it, a"d pwhd vb'orous'v; but the door did not give way, not wlthstanding its age. . 'Confound it!' said Agrieola: "there s a bar on the Inside. I am sure of It, or these old planks would not have resisted my weight.' 'What Is to be done?' 1 will scale the wall by means of the cord and hook, and open the door from the other side.' So saying. AtrHcola took the cord and after several attempts, succeeded In fixing the hook on the roping of the wall. Now. father, give me a leg up; I will help mysolf up with the cord; nee astride on the wall. I can easily turn the hook, and got down into the garden.' The soldier leaned against the wall, and Joined his two hands, In the hol- nosite to that occupied by Adrlenne. Arrived at this door, the dog lay down, seemingly waiting for Dagobert No doubt of It! the children are there!' said Dagobert, hastening to re join Spoilsport: "it was by this door that they took Rose Into the house.' I 'We must see if the windows are grated." said Agrieola, following his father. ! 'Well, old fellow!' whispered the 1 soldier, as he came up to the dog and pointed to the building; 'are Rose and Blanche there?' I The dog lifted his head, and answer- ed hy a joyful bark. Dagobert had Just I time to seize the mouth of the animaj I with his hands. 'He will ruin all!" excaimed the i Rmith. "They have, perhaps, heard . him.' I No,' said Dagobert. 'But there is no longer any doubt the children are here.' At this instant, the iron fate, by which the soldier and his son had en tered the reserved garden, and which they had left open, fell to with a loud noise. "They've shut us in,' said Agrieola, hastily; 'and there Is no other issue.' For a moment, the father and son looked in dismay at each other; but Agrieola Instantly resumed: 'The gate has perhaps shut of itself. I win mase low of which his eon placed one of his j haste to assure myself of this, and to feet, then mounting upon the robust ; open it again If possible. ehoulders of his father, he was able, by help of the cord, and some Irregu larities in the wall, to reach the top. Unfortunately, the smith had not per ceived that the coping of the wall waa strewed with broken .bottles, so that fie wounded his knees and hands; bnt, for fear of alarming Dagobert, he re pressed every exclamation of pain, and replacing the hook, he glided down the cord to the ground. The door was close bv. ai'd he hastened to it; a strong wooden bar had indeed secured it on the Inside. This was removed, and the lock was in so bad a state, that it offered no resistance to a vio lent effort from Agrieola. The door was opened, and Dagobert entered the garden with Spoilsport 'Now, said the soldier to his son, 'thanka to you, the worst la over. Here Is a meant of escape for the poor chil dren, aad Mdlle. de Cardovllle. Th Go quickly; I will examine the win- dows.' Agrieola flew towards the gate, whilst Dagobert. gilding along the wall, soon reached the windows on the ground floor. They were four in num ber, and two of them were not grated, not Very far from the ground, and none of the windows had bars. It would then be easy for that one of the two sisters, who inhabited this story, once informed of their presence, to let her self down by means of a Bheet, as the orphans had already done to escape from the Inn of the White Falcon. Agrieola returned precipitately. It was the wind, no doubt, which Bhut the gate,' said he. 'I have opened It again, and made It fast with a stone. But we have no time to lose.' 'And how Bhall we know the win dows of the poor children?" said Dus bert. anxiously. de Cardovllle might be still awake, tapped lightly at the window. Soon after, ihe dour ln the background open ed entirely, and Mdlle. do tlamov.-ie, who had not yet gone to bed, came from the other chamber, dressed as she had been at her interview with Mother Bunch. Her charming, feature were visible by the light of the tapc she held in her hand. Their present ex pression was that of surprise and anx iety. The young girl sot down the candlestick on the table, and appeared to listen attentively as she aproached the window. Suddenly she started, and stopped abruptly. She had Just discerned the face of a man, looking at kar thrrmirh the window. AeriCOla. iettrillK tU. WUIIC, lie vai v would retire In terror to the next room, again tapped on the glass, and running the risk of being heard by others, said in a pretty loud voice: "It is Agrieola Baudoln.' I These words reached the ears of Adrlenne. Instantly remembering her interview with Mother Bunch, she thought that Agrieola and Dagobert . . . . a .v . must nave enterea me conveni iur vuu purpose of carrying off Rose and Blanche. She ran to the window, re cognized Agrieola in the clear moon light, and cautiously opened the case ment. 'Madame." said the smith, hastily; 'there is not an instant to lose. The Count de Montbron Is not ln Paris. My father and myself have come to deliver j von.' I 'Thanks, thanks, M. Agrieola!' said Mdlle. de Cordoville, in a tone expres sive of the most touching gratitude; but think first of the daughters of General Simon.' 'We do think of them, madame, I have come to ask you which are their windows.' 'One is on the ground floor, the last on the garden side; the other is exactly over it. on the first story.' Then they are saved!" cried the smith. 'But let me see!' resumed Adrlenne, hastily: 'the first story is pretty nigh, You will find near the chapel they are building, some long poles belonging to the scaffolding. They may be of use to vou. They will be as good as a ladder, to reach the upstairs window, uut now to think of you, madame.' 'Think only of the dear orphans. Time presses. Provided they are de livered tonight, it makes little differ ence to me to remain a day or two longer in this house." 'No, mademoiselle," cried tne smiia, 'it la of the first importance that you should leave this place tonight In terests are concerned, of which you know nothing. I'm now sure of it." what do vou mean?" 'I have not time to explain myself further: but I conjure you, madame, to come. I can wrench out two of these Mrs- i will fetch a niece of Iron' it is not necesearv. They are satis fied with locking the outer door of this building, which I inhabit alone. .. . 1 ,1,. ' Ynn can easily oreaa oueu mr iwn.. And in ten minutes we shall be on the boulevard .' said the smith. 'Make yourself ready, madame; take a shawl, a bonnet, for the night Is cold. 1 will return instantly. ' M. Agrieola.' said Adrlenne, with tears in her eyes, 'I know what you rlolr for Tn v Rnkp. I shall Drove to vou. I hone, that I have as good memory as you have. You and your adopted sister are noble and valiant creatures, and 1 am proud to be in dented to vou. But do not return for me till the daughters Simon are In safety.' 'Thank to your directions; the thing will lie done directly, madame. 1 fly to rejoin my father, and we will tome together and fetch you.' Following the excellent advice of Mdle. de Cardoville, Agrieola took one of the long, strong poles, that rested against the walls of the chapel, and, liearing it on his robust shoulders, hastened to rejoin his father. Hardly had Agrieola passed the fence, to di rect his steps toward the chapel, ob rod In the shadow, than Mdle. de a human form Issue from one of the clumps of trees In the convent garden, cross the path hastily, and disappear behind a high hedge of box. Alarmed at the sight. Adrlenne in vain called lo Agrieola In a low voice, to bid him beware. He could not hear her; he had already rejoined his father, who, devoured by Impatience, went from window to window with ever increas- lng anguish. We are saved.' whispered Agrieola. 'Those are the windows of the poor children one on the ground floor, the other on the first story. 'At lasV" said Dagobert, with a burst of joy Imposlble to describe. He ran lo examine the windows. "They are not grated,' he exclaimed.' Ia1 us make sure that one of them is there,' said Agrieola: 'then by placing this pole against the wall, 1 will climb up to the first story, which is not so very high.' 'R'ght. my boy. Once there tap at the window, and call Rose or Blanche. When she answers come down. We will rest the pole against the win dow, and the poor child can slide along It They are bold and active, Ouiek, quick, to work!" 'And then we'll deliver Mdle. Car doville.' Whilst Agrieola placed his pole against the wall, and prepared to mount, Dngobert tapped at the panes of the last window on the ground floor, and said aloud: 'It is I, Dago bert' Rose Simon, indeed, occupied the chamber. The unhappy child, in de spair at being separated from her sis ter, was a prey to a burning fever and. unable to sleep, watered her pil low with her tears. At the sound of the tapping on the glass, she started up affrighted, then, hearing the voice of the soldier that voice so familiar. and so deal' she sat up in bed, press ed her hands across her forehead, to nssure herself that she wan not the plaything of a dream, and wrapped in her long night dress, ran to the win dow with a cry of Joy. But suddenly and before she could open the case ments two reports of fire arms were heard, accompanied by loud cries of 'Help, thieves!' The orphan stood petrified with ter ror, her eyes mechanically fixed upon the window, through which she naw confusedly, by the light of the moon several men engaged ln a mortal struggle, whilst the furious barking of Spoilsport was heard above all the incessant cries of 'Help! help! thieves! murder!" I Aval, house and church 110.000 Hennea. a house 20.000 Vannea. ditto 20.0o0 Met, d'tto 4'.0O0 Strasbourg O.Oon Rouen, ditto 15.000 By this It appears that these various appear that these various items to little less than two millions. Teaching, moreover, is another Im portant source of revenue to the Jesuits. The college at Broyclette alone brings in JOO.OoO francs. The two province in France for the gen eral of the Jesuits at Rome has di vided France Into two provinces, Ly ons and Paris) possess, besides a large sum of ready money, Austrian bonds more than 20O.O0O Trancs. Their propagation of faith furnishes annu ally some &0.(KH) francs, and the har vest which tne priests collect iy tneir sermons amount to 130,000 francs. The alms given for charity may lie estimated at the same figure, produc- ng together a revenue of 510,000 francs. Now, to this revenue may be added the produce of the society's work, and the profit obtained by hawking pictures. Each plate costs, design and engraving concluded, about 600 francs, off which are struck about 10.000 copies, at 40 francs per thousand, and there is a further ex pense of 250 francs to the publisher; and they obtain a net profit of 210 francs on every thousand. This, in deed. Is working to advantage. And it can easily be imagined with what rapidity all these are sold. The fathers themselves are tne travelers for the society ,and it would be diffi cult to find more zealous or persever ing ones. They are always well re ceived and do not know what it is to meet with a refusal. They always take care that the publisher should be one of their own body. The first person whom they select for this oc cupation was one of their members, possessing some money; but they were obliged, notwithstanding, to make certain advances to enable him to defray the expenses of the first es tablishment. But when they finally became fully convinced of the suc cess of their undertaking they sud denly called in these advances, which the publisher was not in a condition to pay. They were perfectly aware of this, and superseded him with a wealthy successor, with whom they could make a better bargain; and thus, without remorse, they ruined the man, by thrusting him from an ap pointment of which they had morally guaranted the continuance. CHAPTtv XIV. THE EVE OF A GREAT DAY. About two hourse before the event last related took place at St. Mary's Convent, Rod'n and Abbe d'Aiprigny met in the room where we have al ready seen them, in the Rue du Mil-ieu-des-Ursins. Since the revolution of July Father d'Algrlgny had thought proper for the moment to remove to this temporary habitation all the secret archives and correspondence of his Order a prudent measure, since he had every reason to fear that the reverend fathers would be expelled by the state from that magnificent establishment, with which the restor ation had so liberally endowed their Bociety. This was an Idle fear, for we read in the Constitutionel, Feb. 1, 1832. as follows: "When, in 1822. M. de Cor biere abruptly abolished the splendid Normal school, which, during its few years of existence, had called forth or developed such a variety of talent. It was decided, as some compensation that a house in the Rue des Postes should be purchased, where the Con gregation of the Holy Ghost should be located and endowed. The Minis ter of Marine supplied the funds for this purpose, and the management was placed at the disposal of the So ciety, which then reigned over France. From that period it has held quiet possession of the place, which at once became a sort of a house of enter tainment, where Jesuits sheltered, and provided for, the numerous novi elates that flocked from all parts of the country, to receive Instruction from Father Rosnin. Matters were in this state when the revolution of July broke out, which threatened to de prive the Society of this establish ment.. But it will hardly be believed, this was not done. It was true that they suppressed their practice, but they left them in possession of the house in the Rue des Postes; and to this very day, the 31st of January, 1832, the members of the Sacred Heart are housed at the expense of govern ment, during the whole of which time the normal school has been without a sheltei- and, on its reorganization, thrust into a dirty hole in a narrow corner of the College of Louis the Great. The above appeared in the Consti tutionel, respecting the house in the Rue des Postes. We are certainly ig norant as to the nature of the trans actions, since that period, that have taken place between the reverend fathers and the government; but we read further, in a recently published article that appeared in a journal, ln reference to the Society of Jesus, that the house in the Rue des Postes still forms a part of their landed property. We will here give some portions of the article in question. 'The following is a list of the prsp erty belonging to this branch of the Jesuits: Francs. House In the Rue des Postes, worth about 500,000 One In the Rue de Sevres, es timated at 300,000 Farm, two leagues from Paris 150,000 House and church at Bourges. 100,000 Notre Dame de Liesse, dona tion in 1843 60,000 Saint Acheul, house for novi ciates 400.000 Nantes, a house 100.000 Qulmper, ditto 40,000 Rodin, dressed in his usual sordid style, mean and dirty as ever, was writing modestly at his desk, faithful to his humble part as secretary which concealed, as we have al ready seen, a far more important of fice that of soeius a function which according to the constitution of the order, consists in never quitting his superior, watching his least actions spying into his every thoughts, and reporting all to Rome. In spite of his usual Impassability, Rodin appeared visibly uneasy and absent In mind; he answered even more briefly than usual to the com roands and questions of Father d'Aig- rlgny, who had but just entered the room. Has anything new occurred during my absence; askea ne. Are ine re ports still favorable? Very favorable. Read them to me.' Before giving this account to your reverence, said Konin, I must inrorm you that Morok has been two days in Paris.' Morok?' said Abbe d'Aigrigny with surprise. 'I thought on leaving Ger many and Switzerland, he had receiv ed from Friburg the order to proceed southward. At Nismes. or Avignon, he would at this moment be useful as an agent; for the Protestants begin to move, and we fear a re-action against the Catholics.' I do not know,' said Rodin, 'if Mo rok may not have had private rea sons for changing his route. His os tensible reasons are, that he comes here to give performances.' 'How so." A dramatic agent, passing through Lyons, engaged him and his meagerie for the Port St. Martin Theater at a very high price. He says that he did not like to refuse such an offer.' 'Well,' said Father d'Aigrigny, shrugging his shoulders, 'but by dis tributing his little oooks, and selling prints and chaplets as well as by the influence he would certainly exercise over the ignorant people of the south or of Brittany, he might render servi ces, such as he can never perform in Paris." 'He is now below, with a kind of giant, who travels about with him In bis capacity of his reverence's old servant, Morok hoped to have the honor of kissing your hand this even ing.' : 'Impossible impossible you know how much I am occupied. Have you sent to the Rue Saint Francois? Yes, I have. The old Jew guardian has had notice from the notary. To morrow, at six in the morning, the masons will unwall the door, and, for the first time since a hundred and fifty years the house will be opened.' Father d'Aigrigny remained in thought for a moment, and then said to Rodin: 'On the eve of such a de cisive day we must neglect nothing, and call every circumstance to mem ory. Read me the copy of the note inserted in the archives of the socie ty, a century and a half ago, on the subject of Renneport' The secretary took the note from the case and read as follows: 'This 19th day of February, 1682, the Reverend Father Provincial Al exander Bourdon sent the following advice, with these words in the mar gin: Of extreme importance for the future. ' "Wre have just discovered, by the confession of a dying person to one of our fathers, a very close secret "Marquis de Renneport, one of the most active and redoubtable partisans of the Reformed Religion, and one of the most determined enemies of our Holy Society, had apparently re-en tered the pale of our Mother Church, but with the sole design of saving his worldly goods, threatened with con flscatlon because of his irreligious and damnable errors. Evidence having been furnished by different persons of our company that the conversion of Renneport was not sincere, and in reality covered a sacraligious lure, the possessions of said gentleman, now considered a relapsed heretic, were confiscated by our gracious overeign. his maiestr King Loui XIV., "c the said Renneport wa condemned to i he galleys for life." He escaped nis doom by a voluntary death; ln conse quence of which abominable crime ms body was dragged upon a hurdle, and ung to the dogs on the highway. "From these preliminaries we come to the great secret, which is of uch importance to the future Inter est of our society. "Hia majesty. Loui XIV.. in nl paternal and Catholic goodness to wards the Church In general and our order in particular, had granted to us the profit of this confiscation. In acknowledgment of our services in discovering the infamous and sacra- egious relapse of the said Itennepont. But we have Just learned for cer tain, that a house situated In 1'arls, No. 3, Rue Saint Francois, and a sum of fifty thousand gold crowns, have escaped this confiscation, and have consequently been 6tolen from our society. The bouse was conveyed before the confiscation by means of a forged purchase to a friend of Renneponf a good Catholic unfortunately, as against him we cannot take any se vere measures. Thanks to the culpa ble, but to secure connivance of his friend the house has been walled up. and is only to opened In a century and half, according to the last will of Rennepont As to lue fifty thousand gold crowns, they have been placed In hands which, unfortunately, are hith erto unknown to us, in order to be invested and put out to use for one hundred and fifty years, at the expira tion of which time they are to be di vided between the then existing de scendants of the said Rennepont; and it is calculated that this sum, increas ed by so many accumulations, will then have become enormous, and will amount to at least forty or fifty millions of livre8 tournols. From mo tives which are not known, but which are duly stated in a testamentary doc ument, the said Rennepont has con cealed from his family, whom the edicts against the Protestants have driven out of France, the Investment of these fifty thousand crowns; and has only desired his relations to pre serve their line, from generation to generation, the charge to the last sur vivors to meet in Paris, Rue Saint Francois, a hundred and fifty years hence, on February the 13th, 1832. And that this charge might not be forgot ten, he employed a person whose de scription is known, but not his real occupation, to cause to be manufac tured sundry bronze medals, on which the requests and dates are engraved, and to deliver to each member of the family a measure the more necessary as, from some other motive equally unknown, but probably explained in the testament, the heirs are to pre sent themselves on the day in ques tion, before noon, in person, and not by attorney, or representative, or to forfeit all claim to the inheritance. The stranger who undertook to dis tribute the medals to the different members of the family of Rennponc. is a man of thirty to thirty-six years of age, of tall stature, and with a proud and sad expression of counten ance. He has black eyebrows, very thick, and singularly joined together. He is known as Joseph, and is much suspected of being an active and dangerous emissary of the wretched republicans, and heretics of the seven United Provinces. It results from these promises that this sum, surrep titiously confided by a relapsed her etic into unknown hands, has escaped the confiscation decreed in our favor by our well beloved king. A serious fraud and injury has therefore been committed, and we are bound to take every means to recover this our right. If not Immediately, at leaBt In some future time. Our society (being for the greater glory of God and our Holy Father) imperishable, it will bh easy, thanks with the connection we keep up with all parts of the world, by means of missions and other estab lishments, to follow the line of this family of Rennepont from generation to generation, without ever losing sight of it so that a hundred and fifty years hence, at the moment of the division of this immense accumu lation of property, our Company may claim the Inheritance of which it has been so treacherously deprived, and recover it by any means In its power, faus aut uefas, even by craft or vio lence our Company not being bound, to act tenderly with the future detain ers of our goods, of which we have been maliciously deprived by an in famous and unscrupulous heretic and because it is right to defend, pre serve and recover one's own property by every mans which the Lord may place within one's reach. Until, therefore, the complete restitution of this wealth,, the family of Rennepont must be considered as reprobate and damnable, as the cursed seed of a Cain, and always to be watched with the utmost caution. And it is to be recommended that every year from this present date, a sort of inquisition should be held as to the situation of the successive members of this fam ily." " Rodin paused, and said to Father d'Aligrigny: 'Here follows the ac count, year by year, of the history of this family, from the year 1682, to our own day. It will be useless to read this to your reverence.' Quite useless, said Abbe d Aigrig- ny. 'The note contains all the import ant facts. Then, after a moment's silence, he exclaimed, with an ex pression of triumphant pride: 'How great Is the power of the Association when founded upon tradition and per petuity! Thanks to this note, insert ed in our archives a century and a half ago, this family has been watched from generation to generation our Order has always had its eyes upon them, following them to all points of the globe, to which exile has distrib uted them and at last, tomorrow, we shall obtain possession of this prop erty, at first inconsiderable, but which a hundred and fifty years have raised to a royal fortune. Yea, we Bhall succeed, for we have torseen every eventuality. One thing only trobulee me.' 'What is that?' asked Rodin. 'The information that we have in vain tried to obtain from the guar dian of the house in the Rue Saint Francois. Has the attempt been once more made, as I directed?' 'It has ben made.' 'Well.' 'This time, as always before, the old