The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 21, 1898, Image 1

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    500.000 will read tbi? ' of the AMERICAN. We will Immediately Print a Second Edition. It Necess.ry will Wo;k our Machinery all day and all night. The Amerkan people shall know Rome's plans. Will YOU Kelp?
Oiiuuiny'a "Filly yrx In tin CUn'h of
lioanr" mmt to ny Wr lor J O
rVu.l iu your imlr mid CAmH.
II I Ilk IlLlia cuxi by t. J
met your approval w shall ap7
your sutwrnpuon. 1 txa price i
uKuier wiut a mooa Duoit.
'AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" We hold that all men ate American who Swcur Allegiance to the United States without a mental rett-rvallo .
Volume VI II.
You Will Find in this Article Indisputable
Evidence That Rome Intends to Over
throw This Government Soon.
She has Her Men Armed and Drilled-Her Women
are Collectirg a War Fund to Seat the Next
Pope in America-Will we Sleep Longer
There la a plot to overthrow thU
That plot was hatched In Rome.
It Is backed by the church in this
The laity are organized for that
They are armed and drilled.
Their wives and daughters are or
ganized and are paying monthly Into
their society money to defray the ex
penses of the war.
They are expecting the conflict to
follow the death of the present pope.
They realize that the pope must
leave Italy.
That he will not be tolerated in any
country In Europe, and that he must
find an asylum in the United States.
They expect the "No Popery" senti
ment will be so strong here that an
effort will be made to prevent his es
tablishment in this country.
To overcome this they have their
Hibernian rifles, their Clan-Na-Qael,
tbelr Mafia, their Catholic knights, and
other orders.
They claim also that a majority of
the navy, and of the army, are loyal
subjects of the pope, and the police in
nearly all the large cities are mem
bers of the "true church."
In Illinois and other papal strong
holds, they are boasting that the
president is under their control.
They also boast that the secretary
of the treasury Is under their hand,
and that the arsenals are in their pos
session. We are accustomed to the boasting
of Rome, but there is some truth in
these claims.
Protestants who have Investigated
have admitted that the navy and the
army were both badly Romanized.
The press dispatches, which are
generally under the censorship of
Rome, In May, 1891, stated that "Im
itating Sixtus V., Leo XIII. wishes to
leave his successor a tesore pontlflce
for exceptional circumstances, SUCH
AS WAR, exile or penury. It is as
serted that this fund absorbed 30,
00,000 francs (about 16,000,000) of
the sum received by him on the occa
sion of his sacerdotal jubilee in 1888."
So the pope was expecting war as
far back as 1888!
Yes, as far back as the birth of the
The spilling of human blood has
aeen their chief occupation, the sav
ing of souls but a cloak to cover their
-damnable work.
But we have not to do with the
popes of the past In this article.
They can be dismissed with the
general assertion that they were bad
men; that many of them were crim
inals, and that they were all licentious
and Immoral.
But Leo XIII. and the one that Is
to follow him are of vital interest to
tills nation.
The passing Ol the one and the ad
vent of the other may be fraught with
the greatest dangers to not only the
United States, but to the world at
We say this at this time because
we believe the Church of Rome has
already determined the day when she
will attempt to strike this nation to
the death; because she has her arm
ed and drilled soldiery; because she
has a majority of both the army and
the navy; because she has the armed
police In nearly every large city and
because of the subserviency of the
president of the United States to her
We say this at this time for the fur
ther reason that the pope of Rome
has recently invited the Italian gov
ernment to a new contest by declaring
against the monarchy and in favor
of the establishment of a republic in
Italy. That information comes by way
of the Associated Press, which, as we
have before stated, is not unfriendly
to the papacy. It appeared in the
Dally World-Herald of Saturday,
January 15, 1898, under the misleading
heading "Italy Tires of a Monarchy."
But under that heading It conveys
just as much Information as did the
accounts of Roman Catholic assaults
upon anti-Romanist and ex-Romanist
lectures under the headings of "A
P. A. Riot"
That dispatch reads as follows:
London. Jan. 14. The Rome corres
pondent of the Daily Chronicle, in a
startling statement this morning,
quotes largely from an article In Clv
ilta Cattoiica, which he declares Is di
rectly Inspired by the Vatican and the
pope, advocating as the solution of
the internal question between the Vat
ican and the qulrlnaltha establishment
of an Italian republic. The article,
which is based on the pope's Christ
mas allocution, declares that the
thing that stands opposed to papal
independence is not an Italian unity,
but "the special and concrete form
wherein that unity Is at present main
tained, with results more disastrous
to the state than to the holy see."
GO. It then suggests the con
stitutions of. Switzerland and
America as examples of "ad
mirable and glorious constitutions,
true union of nation and state, though
differing from that of Italy, which
has poduced nothing but weakness,
misery and starvation."
The article concludes:
"Without the aid of foreign bayo
nets the true Italy will find for Itself
its one way and will rise again, let
us hope, from the ignominy in which
it now lies prostrate, to greatness."
The Dally Chronicle's correspond
ent asserts that this "is an interna
tional revelation to the outer world
of the policy actuating now In the
mind of Cardinal Rampolla" (papal
secretary of state.)
He adds: "Probably there would be
no truth in the supposition that either
Cardinal Rampolla or the pope has
any idea of even a temporary alli
ance with the republican party; yet
they believe that while peace with the
king is impossible, it might be possi
ble wuh a republic. The reason for
the appearance of this astounding pro
nouncement at the present moment is
the belief that not only the ministry
but the dynasty Itself Is menaced more
seriously than usual.
It is not to be supposed that the
king of Italy will quietly submit to
anything like that, and it is more than
likely that the challenge will result
in the confiscation of the remainder
of the papal estate by the government,
and the banishment of the pope and
hi3 princes from that kingdom.
Then, what would be more natural
than for him to seek this country? Or,
If he should be put to death, that his
successor should be Inducted into of
fice in our nation's capital, where the
deputy pope now lives?
Romanists are talking this today,
and when they are talking it can they
be surprised if Protestants speculate
as to the future of the church and of
the republic?
Not at all.
Then let us examine this question
according to the light of past and
present events.
Rome has always claimed that this
country was discovered by a Roman
This is not true, but she proceeds
upon the theory that a lie well stuck
to is as good as the truth.
Then, it affords her grounds for
claiming, when the time comes, that
she is its owner by right of discov
ery; and, as she has never ceded it to
any government, she will claim the
right to parcel it out to the faithful
who take up arms in her behalf. In
conformity with her canon law, which
says, "The goods of heretics (Protest
ants) are to be confiscated and ap
plied to the church.'
Those unacquainted with Roman
Catholic doctrine and history may Im
agine that this law is a dead letter;
but we desire to call their attention
to the fact that it was revived and
promulgated by Pius IX., in the latter
part of this, the nineteenth century,
and by his act and sanction and
authority it becomes the settled and
established law of the Roman Catho
lic Church throughout the world to
day. A damnable doctrine!
But what does the church of Rome
care for any person who has not
taken orders; has not entered her
service ?
Does she contribute a cent to al
leviate the sufferings of her own faith
ful, devoted and deluded followers,
when sickness, disease, or distress
overtakes them?
Instead she demands from them the
last dollar, aye, their last cent, be
fore she will administer the last rites
or say mass for the souls of their
A church that would rob and leave
destitute Its own members would not
be above putting the canon law into
full force and effect.
And present Indications are that
she will attempt to do that in the
very near future, for she haa been pre
paring for years, while Protestants
have been asleep.
Rev. Charles Chinlquy, who was In
the Church of Rome for half a cen
tury, in his excellent work "Fifty
Years In the Church of Rome," ex-
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poses one of Rome's schemes to sub
vert this country.
That admirable exposure of the de
signs and doings of the Roman Church
Is dedicated to the Orangemen of the
In the dedication Rev. Chinlquy
says: "Orangemen! Read this book.
You will not only understand Roman
Ism as you never did, but you will
find many new reasons to be more
than ever vigilant, fearless and de
voted even to death in the discharge
of the sacred duties imposed upon
you by your love for your country,
your brethren and your God."
And this is Rev. Chlniquy's ac
count of the plot:
When it became evident, in 1851,
that my plan of forming a grand col
ony of Roman Catholic Freneh-sp ak
ing people on the praries of Illinois
was to be a success, D'Arcy McGee,
then editor of The Freeman's Journal,
official journal of the Bishop of New
York, wrote me to know my views, and
immediately determined to put him
self at the head of a similar enterprise
in behalf of the Irish Roman Catholics.
He published several able articles to
show that the Irish people, with very
few exceptions, were demoralized, de
graded and kept poor, around their
groggeries, and showed how they
would thrive, become respectable and
rich, if they could be Induced to ex
change their grog shops for the fertile
lands of the west. Through his In
fluence, a large assembly, principally
composed of priests, to which I was
invited, met at Buffalo, in the spring
of 1852. But what was his disappoint
ment, when he saw that the greatest
part of those priests were sent by the
Bishops of the United States to oppose
and defeat his plans!
"He vainly spoke with a burning
eloquence for his pet scheme. The ma
jority coldly answered him: 'We are
determined, like you, to take posses
sion of the United States and rule
them; but we cannot do that without
acting secretly and with the utmost
wisdom. If our plans are known, they
will surely be defeated. What does a
skillful general do when he wants to
conquer a country? Does he scatter his
soldiers over the farm lands, and spend
their time and energy In ploughing
the fields and sowing grain? No! He
keeps them well united around his
banners, and marches at their head, to
the conquest of the strongholds, the
rich and powerful cities. The fanning
countries then submit and become the
price of his victory, without moving a
finger to subdue them. So it is with
us. Silently and patiently, wo must
mass our Roman Catholics In the great
cities of the United States, remember
ing that the vote of a poor journey
man, though he be covered with rags,
has as much weight in the scale of
power as the millionaire Aster, and
that If we have two votea against his
one, he will become as powerless as an
oyster. Let us. then, multiply our
votes; let us call our poor but faithful
Irish Catholics from every corner of
the world, and gather them into the
very hearts of those proud citadels
which the Yankees are so rapidly
building under the names of Washing
ton, New York. Boston. Chicago, Buf
falo, Albany, Troy, Cincinnati, etc.
Under the shadows of those great
cities, the Americana consider them
selves ss a giant and unconquerable
race. They look upon the poor Irish
Catholic people with supreme con
tempt, as only fit to dl their canals,
sweep their streets and work In their
kitchens. Let no one awake those
sleeping Hons, today. Let us pray God
that they may sleep and dream their
sweet dreams, a few years more. How
sad wal their awakening be, when
with our outnumbering votes, we will
turn them, forever, from every posi
tion of honor, power and profit! What
will those hypocritical and godless
sons and daughters of the fanaUcal
Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single
judge, not a single teacher, not. a sin
gle policeman, will be elected if ho be
not. a devoted Irish Romnn Catholic?
What will those socalled giants think
of their matchless shrewdness and
ability, when not a single senator or
member of congress will be chosen, If
he be not submitted to our holy father,
the Pope? What a sad figure those
Protestants Yankees will cut. when we
will not only elect the president, but
fill and command the armies, man the
navies, and hold the keys of the public
treasury? It will then be time for our
faithful Irish people to give up their
grog-shops, in order to become the
Judges and governors of the land.
Then our poor and humble mechanics
will leave their damp ditches and
muddy streets, to rule the cities In all
their departments, from the stately
mansion of Mayor of New York t; tht
humble, though not less noble position
of teacher.
"Then, yes! then, we will rule the
United States, and lay them at the feet
of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, that he
may put an end to their godless sys
tem of education, and sweep away
those impious laws of liberty of cons
cience, which are an Insult to God and
"D'Arcy McGee was left almost
alone when the votes were taken.
From that time the Catholic priests,
with the most admirable ability and
success, have gathered their Irish le
gions into the great . cities of the
United States, and the American peo
ple must be very blind indeed, if they
do not see that if tbey do nothing to
prevent it, the day is very fear when
the Jesuits will rule their country,
from the magnificent White House at
Washington to the humblest civil and
military department of this vast repub
lic. They are already the masters of
New York, Baltimore, Chicago, St.
Paul, New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah,
Cincinnati, Albany, Troy, Milwaukee,
St. Louis, San Francisco, etc. Yes!
San Francisco, the rich, the great
queen of the Pacific, is In the hands of
the Jesuits!
"From the very first days of the dis
covery of the gold mines of California,
the Jesuits had the hopes of becoming
masters of these inexhaustible treas
ures, and they secretly laid their plans,
with the most profound ability and
success. They saw, at once, that the
great majority of the lucky miners, of
every creed and nation, were going
back home, as soon as they had enough
to secure an honorable competence to
their families. It became then evident,
that o fthose multitudes which the
thirst of gold had brought from every
corner of the world, not one out of
fifty would fix their homes in San
Francisco. The Jesuits saw at a
glance, that if they could persuade the
Irish Catholics to settle and remain
there, they would soon be the masters
and rulers of that golden city, whose
future is so bright and so great! And
that scheme, worked day and night
with the utmost perseverance, has been
crowned with perfect success.
"The consequence Is, that while you
find only a few Americans, Germans,
Scotch and English Millionaires In
San Francisco, you find more than fifty
Catholic Irish millionaires In that city.
Its rlthett bank (Nevada Bank) is In
their hands, and so are all the street
railways. The principal ofilces of the
city are filled with Irish Roman Catho
lics. Almost all the police are com
posed of the same class, as woll aH the
Jesuits, with their enormous wealth.
' volunteer military associations. Their
1 compact unity, in the hands of the
make them almost supreme masters of
: the mines of California and Nevada,
j "When one knows the absolute, ab
' Jeet submission of the Irish Roman
Catholics, rich or poor, to their priests:
how the mind, the soul, the will, the
; conscience are firmly and Irrevocably
lieu to ine teei oi Trie priests, ne ran
easily understand that the Jesuits of
the United States form one of the rich
est nnd most powerful corporations the
world ever saw.
"It is well known that tlxwe fifty
Catholic millionaire, with thir my
riads of employes, are, through their
wives, and by themselves, continually
at the feet of the Jesuits, who swim
In a golden
"No one, if he be not a Roman Cath
olic, or one of those eo-called Protest
ants who give their daughters to the
nuns, and their sons to the Jesuits to
be educated, has much hope, whTe
the Jettuits rule, of having a lucrative
office in the San Francisco today.
"The Americans, with few excep
tions, do not pay any attention to the
dark cloud which Is rising at thnir
horizon, from Rome. Though that
cloud is filled with rivers of tears and
blood, they let It grow and rise with
out even caring how they will escape
from the impending hurricane.
"It is to San Francisco that you must
go to have an idea of the niimlwr of
secret and powerful organizations
with which the Church of Rome pre
pares herself for the Impending con
flict through which she hopes o den
troy the schools, and every vestige of
human rights and liberty's in the
L'nitel States.
"In order to more easily drill the
Roman Catholics and prepare thm
for the rrepressible struggle, trie
Jesuits have organized them into a
great number of secret societies, the
principal of which are: Ancient Order
of Hibernians. Irish American Society,
Knights of St. Patrick, St Patrick's
Cadets, St- Patrick Mutual Alliance,
Apostles of liberty. Benevolent Sons
or tho Emerald Isle. Knights of St
Peter, Knights of the Red Branch.
Knights of the Columeklll. The Sacred
Heart, etc, etc
"Almost all theee secret associations
are military ones. They have their
headquarters at San Francisco; but
their rank and file are scattered all
over the United States. They number
700,000 soldiers, who, under the name
of United States Volunteer Militia, are
officered by some of the most skillful
generals and officers of this republic.
"Another fact, to which the Ameri
can Protestants do not sufficiently pay
attention, is that the Jesuits have been
shrewd enough to have a vast majority
of Roman Catholic generals and offi
cers, to command the army and man
the navy of the United Stat.
"Rome is in constant conspiracy
against the rights and liberties of man
all over the world: but she is particu
larly so 1n the United States.
"Ixng before I was ordained a priest, I
I knew that my church was tt most
Implacable enemy of this republic. My
professors of philosophy, history and
theology had been unanimous In telling
me that the principles and laws of the
Church of Rome were absolutely ao
' tagnostlc to the lawi and principle
which are the of tha
Lnnstlliillnn .f ilia 1 'til tori Stntfl.
"1st. The most sacred principle of
the United States constitution Is tha
emilily of every clt'zin liof.ire the
law. Hut Hie fundamental principle of
the Chiinh of Rome, U the denial of
that eiia.lity.
2nd. Liberty of conscience is pro
claimed by the United Slates, a most
ssirred principle which every citizen
nniHrt uphold, even at the price of his
Mood. But liberty of eoncl"nce Is de
clared by all the Popeg and Councils
of Rome, a most godless, unholy and
diabolical thing, which every good
Catholic must abhor and destroy, at
any cost. f
"3rd. The American constitution)
imstires the attolute Independence of
the civil from the ecclesiastical or
church power; but th Church of
Rome declares, through all her Pont
iffs and Councils, that such independ
ence is an impiety and a revolt against
"4th. The American constitution
lve .very man free to 8irvo God ac
cording to the dictates of his con
science; but the Church of Rome de
clan that no man has ever had suck
a right, and that the Pope alone cam
know nnd say what man must beJieva
and do.
5th. The constitution of the United
Statw denies the right in any body to
punish anv other for differing from
him in religion. But the Church of
Rome says that she has the right to
punish with confiscation of their goods,
or the penalty of death, those who
differ In faWh from the Pope.
Tth The United States have es
tablished schools all over their im
mense territories, where they invlta
the peoplo to send their children, that
they may cultivate their intelligence
and become good and useful citizens.
But the Ohnrch of Rome ha publicly
cursed all thene schools, and forbidden
their children to attend them, under
pain of excommunication In thia world
and damnation in the next.
"7th. The constitution of the United
Stat is kipcd on the principle that
the people are the primary source of
aJI civil power. But hundreds of times,
the Church of Rome has proclaimed
that thie principle is impious and he
retical. She says that 'all eovernment
must rest upon the foundation of tha
Catholic faith; with the Pope alone aa
the legitimate and infallible ource and
isterprete of the law.' "
No words of ours are necessary to
make plain what Rev. Chinlquy haa
said In the above extract from hi
book. You who live in the large cit
ies know how well the plan has suc
ceeded. Tammany has captured New York.
Boston is absolutely in the control
of the Roman Catholic Irish Demo
crats. Chicago is controlled by Harrison,
who was educated in a Roman Cath
olic school, and who is married to a
Romrni Catholic woman.
Pan Francisco is dominated by tha
toughest element of the Roman
And to our knowledge not a single
city In the United States of any Im
portance is completely under Frotest
ant control.
Continued on 1'afe 4.