The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 14, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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It 114 limit ! rna MM
f lofty I err.
t have W-vn iiiU-ivoirtl in th
l Al Milliard of IVttH"lvani tin'
king cf nulla of tlio Wi-lt-h moun
tain, M.t tl X York Sun. ArVr
Mr. liiil lUmrt loin of mi
bif ami pot lanliiiiH of iliiiiiiiT li
HI into tli t'lut.'hi' of tlx' w
tritxl and w nt to tin' H tntntiry.
YVht'n ho hal lnt'ii tiii-iv almiit Hejht
v-r ho turned r'li),rioiiH. I ! tolii th
jiiiU lit'ury invafhi-r llmt ho liwl -lnTii'Dixl
a flum' of tnrt; lie tiilUtHl
like a convert, prayiii a yoalot.
ami tho hymn wbu'li Sauki-y
i'V- '0il ivjointl;
they It'riirvil lii ian!mi; tln'y wol
rcimnl him U)nm hi rt'linw friini prw
a. Tin' notorioiH n tluw tujinl
waii How ISititluT Itu.'arJ. Id' ttxilc to
lirctti'lilii','. h lvatiu a t im v-iitiif
tanytlit, ii" j:"'"'''! ""' t'f th"'
clorjry, ho hiniil pvilihwr to
rK'iiU hn toltl tlirillin fctiiriiTt of hi
fiploiU H a iiiiili'f.M'itii'Hiit! jml luxuk
t'T, ho thwlurcxl (lint., tlumjfh a eriiui
iittl almost from tlu crllo," ho htvl
cntTiHl upon a new life, llrolher! wits a Mar prciwluT lifter ho
pot out of th" iietiiietitittry. It now
turns out, however, that all tli i time
Itu.Hrd hit leen iloini; lmniin-ii in
tho old lino an a thief ami niiwreunt.
Jlo wouhi preach ul a jilttco ami tuko
to tho highway at ttm end of his er
iiion. llo wouhl 'ii-. tho jiluto i)
church In'foru tho doxoloy anJ then
vtart out to crack a safo, or nteui a
horso blanket, or break into a toif, or
rob a lMMtollhfi, or burst tho Htrnnjr
box of a railway Mtat.ion, or do aoiuo
of tho other deeils for which bo had
been famous lx'foro hit conversion.
I la struck out for deviltry whilo yot
tin jilaintivo rails rang1 in tho eara of
hit hoarcrii, Ho eurnod a utche,l in
which rtilijjlous tracts wore mixed tip
with incriminating ma tl. Holockod
p the stolon gondii whim he went out
to battle with sin.
V have hoard of other rasoa, but
not of any uioro intoreaUnjf than Aim
A short time Bfjo, just aflor Uuz.zard
tke liad had jiresiti-Ml at a religious
mootin;j, ho was arrostod in clorioal
parb, taken to court, and put upon
trial at Lancaster oharod with twenty-two
crime. Ho plnudod guilty to
ome of thorn. Ho was sentenced to
eleven years' conlinomeut in th? rxm
ltontlary. We do not need to draw any moral
from Huzzard's case. Hut can it be
that lUi.zard's conversion was genuine
after all, and that ho merely fell into
temptation now and thou through tho
foroo of habit?
How ! Mtm4 rwwrt !'
maail rraM Mr lln.Uid.
Tin' New York -retui tMMl puffing
and panting in tho station, the Hiien
toin w-re ntowin away tlnir iiiili-m.-nls
and wMWling at thrir wat
tnat.'t. nn 1 th rtilluian wrt4'r. with
pr.ipii. tary air wan junl alxmt ta
nwiii himwlf alxianl.
Ju-t then ymng Mr. Itrownmith.
glancing out of tlio window, naw th
if. of his bosom iil triumphantly
(ka.t the i"irl-rus of ti galoa will a
hugo liundlo, evidently frtim the laun
dry, in her arms. Shu wa ImyonJ
doul.t much agitata, for her hat was
awry and lier nook tin under her ear,
but her mien was victorious.
Here is your linen, Henry, ileiir!"
hhe was crying when bhu caum within
cartdiot. "I went to tho ofll.-M inywdf
and gave the man a piece of my mind.
I'd have leen si-olding him yet if he
hadn't liiiggoHted that I bal lr.dy
time to rateli tlio tra'n. 'I hen 1 or
densl my liundlii Mint nl fairly flew.
So caroicHs of him not to havo tho
tliingi iv ady on time."
Humph' It wan carelens of you
not to have sent them earlier. I told
you "
I know, Henry; but I wnnlod io
wear my pink shirt waist just onco
more hoforo I sent, and 1 thought they
could all eo at onco."
Well, you ciunenear sending mo to
New York without an inch of clean
"I don't think you'ro grateful, when
I went to got tho linen and cmno on
hero without ovon curling my hair."
Tho lioll ransr.tho conductor shouted
All alMinrd," and Mr. Urownsmith
soiiHl tho bundle bis wife still hold
lust as tho whool.1 bo.nin to turn.
"CiKxlness mo! I'd nearly forgotten
to give It to yon, after alL Cood-by,
dear; don't forgot the diamond ear
rings. "
lint Henry was out of bearing.
(), well, ho'll havo to got thorn
now," sho mused; "ho has no excuso
now that ho cot hislinon in time and
(), I hopo tho stones will bo largor
than anv Alico lias!"
Then she wont homo with a smilo of
satisfaction on her faco. Hut tho smile
faded awny when sho owned tho bun
din tho laundrvman bad just sent
Good heavens!" she crlod,
"thoro is all of Henry's linon now.
got tho wrong bundle; and he is taking
all my shirt-waists and collarettes to
New York."
Ob I'roilart or tho IlrttUh VVorklioumi
That ! It Craillt.
The inhabitants of Toplar, who
work hard and live frugally in order
to pay their taxes honestly, must Ira
bighly grata lied to learn that thoy
have boon wonrlng their fingers to tho
bone to assist William KUw arils, an
Inmate of their workhouse, to lieeome
o fat that it takes him half an hour to
stoop to pick tip a pin and another
half-hour to ralso himself to tho per
pendicular, says the Lonuon Telegraph.
Aflor the , herculean exertion hobo
comes so exhausted that he requires to
spend tho next hour in slumlier to ro
cruit his shattered foroo. He tried to
Induce tho authorities to accept tho
theory that he had worked out, which
proved that the trouble of getting out
of bed in the morning was so enfeebl
ing in his case that it should bo omit
ted from the day's arrangements and
his food sent up to his bedside.
When the workhouse master de
clined to acknowledge the correctness
of this deduction. Kdwarda tried to
-rry his pot idea into ellect surrepti
tiously by crawling into a corner to
enjoy a nap. Never onoe was the
question asked, "Whore's Edwards?"
without receiving the response, and
always correct. '"Asleep, sir."
This prodigy, who puts all other fat
' boys in the shade, is only '.'0 and
weighs about twenty-one stone, and
his cheeks are so fat that ho has not
lor years soon his nose. And yet some
. people say that the poor-law system
isa failure. The other day a 8iooial staff
Unnpted to keep Ld wards awake, and at
failed, so tho sleeper was brought Iw
foro tho Thames magistrate charged
with neglecting his work. Ho then
admitted that he felt drowsy after the
good dinner which tho ratepayers
kindly supplied him, and if he did
oversleep himself a littlo ho "axed
parding." Mr. Dickinson said tho youth
was apparently too well nourished
and sent him to jail for seven days as
a tonic for an overfed and overslept
; A l'olnted Analogy.
A young man of this city has at
tracted some attention among his ac
quaintances by his frugal habits to
describe them by a gentlor word than
Is employed by his loss considerate
critics. One of his friends undertook
. to convince him that his view of life
. was mistaken.
"You are wasting your time and
eacrgy in tho pursuit of a mere
shadow. You ought to enjoy life."
''But I do enjoy life," insisted the
- thrifty youth. ' '
j "Not as you conld. ! You are wast
ing g olden moments on the apprehon
'"'lons of the future. This ; talk about
, putting something by for a rainy day
la all nonsense." ; , l"
V. "Don't you believe it,'; waj tho
earrnest rejoinder. "That's what
Noaijh's neighbors used to say when he
was tbuikling the ark. W ashington
V A Slight Miatitke.
' "I wKkte it," cried the indignant
editor, " 'tljet the galled jado win. e;
our withers-, are unwrung,' and just
see how it re&Sa in the paper?"
. . "Mistake in iv?".
1 "I should emilio! That fool printer
has it; 'r't tho gallon juj danoej our
vita are ail unstrung.' "
AM lUrfcalor l'nrMt4 Th
W hen a man tnakrs a fortanat deal
he Is happy. It mattrra not w lietner
U piiirairrd in a lminou that is safe
r whellicr he inlulg in (tinr of
hanc or buys tickrU in the Loo-
Uiana or matrimonial lottrrr. Ami
when a man is happy lm want others
to rejoice, with him. And this is what
led the clerk of a court to tell a re
imrtor the following:
A (iermaii. a lacheloe, alMHit 50
years old. came into the office with a
ttroiid Hiiiile on his face and asked for
a marriage license. After the piper
was made out the (iennan took out
his pooUet-lioo'c to py for it, and
when the amount was nann-d tbn
hapiv man rsclaiined:
"Zwei tollar tnul a liolr; nioin
irrashiouH, but dot wos hlioap:"
"I was surprised, :d the clerk,
for some fellows will grumlile at
paying the legal price of a document,
even of this nature, but said
"Yah, mynher, dot was sheap; for
zwet tollar una i nun i geis me eiu
"Yes." .
"I'nd dem shildrens '
'Kin goot homo "
"All dose tings for zwei toll ar nnd
a holIY Mvn grachious, but dot was
blica" '.
The amttsed clerk, as tho old man
turned fo go, exten led the usual con
gratulations, and wished him along
life in which to enjoy the possessions
he was soon to acquire.
23 SO
DO M Viwi C n I n I TTri to nn ant mtof vtlrtini. rtvarrti r IS lti Liis
nDJULUlLlil UUAuaAlLLl inr. orTrrrrionrrriitr.Mii riruyuiarmlralii. Kih-o
plftmt kmklH trrr. 14. Mr K !.!" Kt I1 I O. t HH-aru. nailrMI. lu.. lr. ll
The New
Tho Heverioil Dinner and
versed ( ontnine.
When tho Yale athletes wore in New
York, prior to their departure for Ox
ford, a well-known Brooklyn society
woman gave them a dinner. It is part
of tho erood of these young men never
to exnross surprise at any ioko at
their expense. This their hostoss
know. ISho was determined to compel
a departure from this law and con
ceived her plan with that object in
view. The women of the party had
boon notitlod and were bound over to
silence mtil some comment should be
made by tho broadclothed guosU. At
an exquisitely appointed tablo the
party Bat down. Tho butlers first
served coffee, liqueurs, and can
dies. Next came ieos. Then sal
ads. Talk flowed on brilliantly and
easily. Evidently thoro was no stu
pidity on tho part of tho servants in
serving thus contrary to established
etiquette, for the hostess remained un
concerned. So did tho Yalo men.
Tho reversed dinner wont through its
courses without hitch or jar, until
after tho soun nnd iust boforo the
clams woro Bervod. Thon tho Yalo
man asked to bo excused. Their
hostess acquiesced with a broad touch
of wonder on her face. In ton minutes
tho Ujam filed back into the dining
room, each with his "swallow-tail" on
"hind part boforo." Thoy had done
honor to the reversod dinner. Tho
surfaco of unconcern was broken down.
Tho hostoss was hoisted by her own
petard, but tho tablo rang with ap-plauso.
llalioe'c Dreulnc iown In tho Wardrobe
of tho King of Dahomey.
Unlooked-for things have been
found in unlikely places, but there
has probably been no discovery more
remarkable than that of lialzac' s
dressinsr irown in possession of the
king of Dahomey. Monarch are rare
ly literary, and his dusky majesty,
one would think, was the very last of
them to have set much value upon the
nersoual rolio of a novelist, however
distinguished. Nevertheless the
French found it in the royal apart
ment at Abomey. There were some
Ingenious theories founded upon this
circumstance. One of the ainazons,
it was thought, might have been
a novel reader, and had sent to
Paris to secure the interesting me
monto. and. on the affair coming to
the knowledge of her sovereign, had
hastened to say sho had purchased it
for his own shoulders. For, indeed,
ho always woro it upon state occa
sions. It was not a dressing gown,
such as literary persons iu this coun
try are wont to wear, of second-class
flannel worn at the e isres, but of
purple velvet embroidered with gold.
As a matter of fact, it had been given
to lialzac by some of his admirers and
after his death had been bought by a
dealer in curiosities, who had placed
it, with other showy articles, on the
YVost African market It is sad to
think how a plain tale will "put
down" that is, destroy the materials
of a fine romance.
He Treats
all Acute
and Chronic
urn as C.
litrrh.As ulna
Hlieumat i"
hick M o a d -ache,
l.ot Mauhtt'd
Nrous Ue-
ti Illy, kldnry
I.Wt-r Mil
Troubles, and
ail prl
1115 Sou h Thirteenth street. Omaha. Mr.
Willlatna Is ati iret, ry of Omaha Keuubllcun
lllmrlallc League. mr naacau una iur
irtn been a nieuibet of the Omaha city
r.x-Uunataulo Clara, ola eouin rourteemn
street. .
Charles Carlaon. corner rweniietn ana
Ames avenue, kldaey and bladder trouble,
4 years' HiandloK.
John ItriKika. 54 norm r.iKnmnnm aireei,
of apralned nack. liver and kidney trouble of
trree years sianainjt. is now a wru inu..
Mra. II. A. Ilunay. 604 Park avenue. Kanana
City, Mo. Heart trouble and nervous debil
ity or man; yean sirujiiik-
Dr. i). Oee Wo guarantees a cure in every
cae or the nc ni-y will be refunded.
end2C8tan p i.,r ihiok ana question Dianx.
Any. n wand g advice can write to above
addresa or rail upon
DIt. C. GEE WO. 510 N. 10th Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Attorney, New York LJfe Building.
Ity virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Douxlaa county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the
2lHt day of IJecember, A- D. at 10
o'clock a. m. of aaJd day, at the EAST front
door of the county court house, in the city
of Omaha, DoukUl county, Nebraska, aetl
t public auction, to the hisheest biilJ.
for cash, the proierty deacriled in aaid or
der of sale as follow, to-wit: The north
one-half (N Mi) of lot numlwr twenly-one
(211. In block number three (3), In potter A
t'obb's second addition to the city of South
Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In IXmglas cuunly. state of Nebraska.
8al! proiwrty to be sold to satisfy Robert
M. '.UK. plaintiff herein, the um of seven
hun.irel and sixty-two and 77-100 ($762.77)
dollsrs judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from
September 271 It. lufl;
To satisfy the sura of thirty-nine and
88-100 UiS.SM dollars costs herein, together
with accruing coals, according to a Judtp
ment rendered by the district court of said
Douglas county, at Its September term. A.
U. lx7. Id a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Hubert M. Zug Is plain
tiff and Eli IL Uoud. Minnie
A. Ioud, John & Doud. Mrs.
Doud. his wife, first and real
name unknown; William O. Sloan. Ella
M. Sloaite, Isa bell Jonee and The Union
Stork Yards Company (Limited) of South
Omaha. Nebraska, a corporation, are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraaka. November 19th, 1897.
ShertlT of Douglas County, Nebraaka.
W. H. RUSSELL, Attorney.
Zug vs. Doud. Doc 67. No. XD. U-lt-t
Oup Friend
Z is Agent for all the Best Grades of
Hard and Soft
Avl too Smooth.
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the cars furnished
bo complete that you can Imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
It runs on Van Buren St
directly in front off the -
Rock Island &
Paenfters arriving In CMcaf o can, by the
new 1,'nlun Klevam'1 Loop, reach a- y part of
the city; or, fo a 8e cent fart .can be takea
lmmediau-ly to any of the large atjrea lo the
down to a dis' rii't.
All Kleva ed Tr.lna will atop at the "UOCk
I m 1 ! n a " -lat'on. Tcalnaevery inlnu'e
T' ese f.-illtlea ran only e offered h he
If y ju will send a 2 rep' stamp for pontaee
we will uiail you aton' e a new hlrd'a-eye tew
i f hlcago, liiHt l-aued la fl-e colora. which
shows you juHt what you want to know about
lhlcago and the new L,iopand bieratea eya
tem, i h s map you ahould have wh tberyou
live nut of the cltv and exiect to c tne to It,
or whether you live In ChiCHito and you or
ycur friends contemplate making a trip.
12-17-f Ch cago
America has never produced a more
polished scholar, a greater logician or
a grander Christian than A. Cleve
land Coxe, Bishop of the Episcopal
church for Western New York. His
letters to Satolll have never been "
equalled by any living writer. We
have those letters printed in pamphlet
form. They make a book of 72 ages.
We will send you one of those books if
you will send us 25c. and the names of
ten of your friends to whom we caa
send sample copies of THE AMERICAN.
Show your interest in this fight ag ainst
political Rumania n by investing
cents in sample copies.
Popular Medical
Telephone 18l8,
Office 315 So. 16.
Tailed Once
A Man of the World Who
Too often.
A man of tho world was wont to
call, not infrequently, upon a young
widow, says tho Illustrated American.
One day the pretty maid at the door
announced that her mistress was out
of town. On some pretext, however,
tho man entered. I lo also talked to
the maid. Somo days later, knowing
that tho lady had returned, ho called
again. He was a bit surprised when
a strangQ ruaiJ met him at tho door
and showod him to the little reception
room. While she carriod his card up
the stairs, ho reflected that she was
not so dainty as her predecessor, Rnd
she was not so pretty, though her uni
form was similar, and her cap was as
stiff, and her apron as spotless. lie
was realizing how much more the
woman was to tho dress than the dress
is to the woman, when the maid re
turned and announced, promptly:
Mrs. is not rocoiving." The
man of tho world bit his lip it was
the first time he had ever been denied
admittance- and moved toward the
door. The maid held it open for him.
and as he passed through it she
blurted out: "And she says, if you
please, sir. the maids receive in the
kitchen, sir."
Another Conspiracy Alnt the Tole.
To reach the North polo an archi
tect, M. Hauin, has propejed to tho
Geographical society of l'aris the con
struction of wooden huts one or two
days' journey apart. Ho considers
Greenland the most favorable locality
for an cxiierimcnt of this kind. Kach
of the huts would become in its turn a
base of supplies for the construction
of the next. As tho distance tote
covered is about 900 miles, a score of
huts would bo necessary to establish a
route to the pole.
A Beautiful Specimen of the Japanese
I'apraka Kerently Canght.
O. A. tiuinand, of the Nadeau hotel,
San Francisco, was fishing at Santa
Monica when he caught what at first
sight appeared to be a solid lump of
gold. When the prize was safely
landed it proved to bo a specimen of
the Japanese fish known as the pap-
raka, and by experts it is said to
be the first of its kind ever caught on
that coast
The fish is a beautiful creature, be
ing exactly tne coior oi ournisnea
gold and of gracoful contour. It is
about nine inches in length, five
inches in width and about one and a
half inches thick. The head is short
and the mouth small, but full of rows
of sharp frontal teeth. The dorsal
fin is of. short length, but is sharply
serrated, and continues along the
back, ending in a larger fin, which, in
connection with a corresponding one
underneath the body and the tail,
gives it tho appearance of a three
tailed fish.
A remarkable feature of this beauti
ful fish is that it is furnished with two
distinct sets of gills. The eyes are
prominent and bright yellow in color.
No More of That.
Lyman Oatre, after a stirring meet
ing, had just gone off to bed, and was
in his firbt sleep when he heard a
loud knocking at the door, and a voice
called out: "I am gathering the
opinions of several prominent citizens
6n the so-anfi-so question; kindly tell
me what vou think of it" The next
day Mr. Gage sent round a polite note
to tbe proprietor of the paper 5n which
this nocturnal interview was to have
appeared: "If anvthing of the kind
ever occurs again," he wrote, "I shall
engage a man to go after midnight to
your house and knock yon up at three
a. m , in order to ask you a question
from me." He was never again
troubled in the same way.
A S50O0 l'rlie.
A prue of $5000 is offered by Count
Orloff Davidoff for the discovery of a
remedy "perfectly certain to cure or
protect horned beasts against the
ravages of the cattle plasrue." The
Your Patronage Solicited
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit lo all cases. Cloth-
Idk cleaned dyed and remodeled.
A Sensible Book lor Curious Pcople-A Useful Boot for Everyone
Op Coukse Yon Wast to Know
What Everybody Ought to Kkow.
Trra Yocno how to choose the best one to marry;
The Married how to be happy in marriage;
The Fond Parent how to have prize babies;
The Mother how to have them without pain;
The Childless how to bo fruitful and multiply;
The Curious how they "growed"and came to lie;
The 1 Iealthy how to enjoy life and keep well;
The Invalid how to get well again speedily ;
The Imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
All who want knowledge that is of most worth
Find it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Homo Talk,"
1,000 paos, 200 cuts, 3C col. plates; 200 recipes.
504 X. 10th St..
Shop, 723 S. 17th St. . Omaha
j TtTTTTTTTT Contains ovor 200 prescriptions for relief and cure of acuta and chronic disorder
11 KKP NIJIa. common ' adults and children) complete table of antidotes to poisonsi Illustrated
directions for resuscitating the drownedi hygienic rules for the care of infants.
TTH X TT5 K of the richness of this book and tho satisfaction It gives tothougbiuL
iU r rilli IL iri earnest and wisely inquisitive people caa be properly stated here.
The Anatomy of Man and of Woman; The Origin of Life; Man from the Keg; Dlaeaaea of the
fcktn; enereal Kruiitlaina; Three Kleaant olor I'latea of iml and imperial Omana;
Uver 20 lliiiairationa or Fulfil Development; 12 True-to-Life
(Joloritypea hy Color I'hotovranliy, iu tive C'olora.
Are You Well?
OOI) HEAL 1 11 is n mo
bnon too K''rilly allitliu-d.
Tliiwe fornnmtily tliwi vn
dow'd from lurtli arr Ait to
lie rerklea of tliclr herua?e.
It is Bo '-ay to lose or tliw-f.
Hate it that' Inrky f ellowa are
liiiky indeed it tiny have
seme enotiiih to learn how to
maintain it. This all ( nil do
hy reading 'Tlniii Home
Tnlh" o" the cauwB of dle
eawe, errors in diet, panwItrM,
execwdve meat eatinir, tea
and coffee drinking, the use
and abuse of aleoliflles, the
liad liaMta of children, the
prevalence of errors of
smith that undermine vliinr of manhood- chapter
that can't he read and heeded ton eagerly. 1 hen t here
are the numerous iee of adult", the tobacco linlilt
In men, tiKht laclnn in women, etc., etc., and the all.
OWerttH CIlHloma OI BOCICly wmirnj .
Iwst of both sexes are aoomen to - aoeini iiir.i.-
w Thl ehnnrer RhnWM w IV tnouKIKiess yoitHH
folks ro astray, how prostitution has liecoiue tireva-rf-nt,
why it will not down, how Its baueful diseases
are conveyed to the 'lnnocent',-uiost startling and
Important facta to know. . ,
The result of a mad chase for wealth, of over
work, over-stndv. failures In business, ttie fact Hint
health Is the basis of wealth not rice remit and the
Cannes and effects of horrible melancholy these
are all matters It would be well for you to think over.
Are You Engaged?
Pi Ij nnptnff to ne aa
yet, perhaps. Well,
don't hurry; and make
no mistake. It Is ea
ensy to get In and so
1 1 ii n n It to net oot,
that It is well worth
while to 'be suro yoa
are rlrht before you
pu Hiicuu. i ncrc in
no book so helpful ia
enabllug you to select
wisely as "Plata
Home Talk." You
can learn something
from other's inistakea.
The History of Mar
riage of all kinds, in
all countries, the curl
nin experiments some nations have made, ancient
and modern, barbarous and civilized, help us to know
hat not to do. The sexual Immorality growing out
of unsatisfied nature and marriage in Ml is, the history
of pros! it ol ion. Its prevalence, allurements, dangers,
resuliB, the effort a of religions and asceticism tOBub
due and control the dominant passion all these stud,
iesare fruitful in Indicating piilnlls to avoid. Oa
the other hand chapters on adaption in marriage
physical, mental and magnetic on early marriages.
Intermarriage, elopements, etc., etc., aid the reader to
make a good match, select happily for home bihI off
spring, to avoid "Lucifer Matches," and to escape the
rat trap and lottery kinds of marriage.
Are You III?
AMERICA bas never produced a more
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fntnlcli, one book cannot cover "all the ills that
flesh is heir to," and therefore to enmre mitinfnrUnn,
lr.Foot aulhoritrs Ihe annimneemrnt thatatmpur-chain-
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trtks mitt consult him in vtrma or by Iritrr, u aiiout
rurge. ami the inquiry will be answered to the best
of bisabiUty.
Are You Married?
TflETJE are ehaa.
ters equally useful
In showing yoa
"how to be hnpny
though married.
Many married peo
ple would get along
Jwtter If they knew
now to adapt them
selves to each other,
and would try to on
derstand one an
other'sneeds. They
fuipld to read what
"Hum Home Tslk"
savs about the true
philosophy of Intcr
coure,t!ife'iiatiir. al relations of the
Soxes." the influence
I'D liealtb and evil
of perveTslons, "th2 wormwood that fmviitter socilti
life," etc , etc. Many will And much stiMsrnrtlon la
the chapter on barren neas which lias been the means
of great Joy to many a childless pair, aiding them U
discover and remove the obstacle. Others like Ita
nnliie "essays for married peonlc" treating of equal
ity, sleeping apart, excess, moderation, Jealousy. In
difference, prevention, continence, food for preg.
nam women, the explanation of child-making, why
children of second husband resemble the llrst.etc.,etc.
In short, men and women hesitate to talk with their
home physicians concerning many delicate unes
lions that perplex them and that thev really need to
understand, and which this hook will enlighten them
on hut rememter thai i f u foil jo rfo , ihr author
staniu rffutr to vtol e vp for the i
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A J-''-' IIJIUIX 1 ill jo Ken would, even In small tvpe, fill SO pages of this size.
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POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, S 1 .50
American Publishing (p.