The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 7

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UN A. P. A. Principles With tha Canon
Law and Several Oaths of the Ro
man Catholic Church,
mi Than Judge for Yourself Which Have tha
Tnte Spirit of Americanism in Them, tha
A. P. A. Principles or tha Diabolical
Obligation Taken by Roma'
A. P. A. Principle.
TVs following are the declaration of prtn
tle adapted by the National Council of
taw A. P. A- at DesMolaest
oyally to true Americanism, which
ktows neither birth, place, race, creed, nor
a rty, U the Brat requirement for niemher-
In the American Protective Associauua,
"Rke American Protective Association la
a a political party, and dot not control
KS political affiliations of it member; but
t teache them to be intensely active In the
Uacharge of then political dutle In or out
as party lines, bncaiue It believe that all
trabiema confronting our people will be
vmnd solid by a conscientious discharge of
tit duties of citizenship by every Individual.
"While tolerant of ail creeds, It hold that
abjection and support to any political power
at controlled by American citizen, and
Which clalnisequal If not greater sovereignty
tftaa the government of the United Stales, Is
Irreconcilable with American citizenship It
la, .therefore, opposed to the holding of offices
t state or national government by any sub
test or supporter of such ecclesiastical
"We uphold the constitution of the United
fctvtee of America, and no portion of It more
fciaa Its guarantied religious liberty, but
W N1(1 this religious liberty to be guaran
kw to the Individual, and not to mean that
utder Its protection any un-American eccles
kttcal power can claim any absolute con
trol over the education of children, growing
ay nndet the stars and stripes.
"We consider the non-eectarfn free public
' school the bulwark of American Institutions,
tha beat place for the education of American
afelMren. To keep them such, we protest
aaalnst the employment of subjects of any
CjMAaserlcan ecclesiastical power as officers
M teachers of our public schools.
"We condemn the support out of the pub
Ke treasury by direct appropriation or by
Contract of any sectarian school, reform
atory or other Institution not owned and
Controlled by public authority.
"Believing that exemption from taxation
la sqult alent to a grant of public funds, we
femand that no real or personal property be
assmpt from taxation, the title to which la
sat Tested in the national or state govern
ments, or in any of their sub-divisions.
"We protest against the enlistment In the
CJalted States army, navy, or the militia of
aay state, of any person not an actual citizen
ft the United States.
"We demand for the protection of our cltl
aaa laborers the prohibition of the Importa
tion, of pauper labor, and the restriction of
mO Immigration to persons who cannot show
Mr ability and honest intention to become
JwU-supportlng Ainerl an citizens.
"We demand the change of the naturaliza
tion laws by a repeal of the act authorizing
tits naturalization of minors, without a pre
vtboa declarat'on of intention, and by pro
viding that no alien shall be naturalized ot
pursaltted to vote In any state in the union
wSo cannot speak the language of the land,
wno cannot prove jeven years' coosecu
ttva residence in this country from the daw
M fela declaration of his Intention,
"We protest against the gross negligence
aft laxity with which the Judiciary of out
administer the present naturalization
leva, and against the practice of naturalis
ing aliens at the expense of committees 01
toaAldates as the niott prolific source of the
Msent prostitution of American citizenship
ta the basest uses.
"We demand that all hospitals, asylums.
etformatorles, or other Institutions in whlcn
teeiple are under restraint, be at all times
rsMect to public Inspection, whe tfier they
awe maintained by the public or b private
twaoratlons or Individuals.
"We demand that all national tr state
I jgftslatlon affecting financial, coma rclal or
t .rflai trial Interests be general in cl tracter
ad in no .nstance In favor of any ose sec
atom of the country, or any one class of the
Cannon Law.
i. The constitutions of princes are not
traertor, but subordinate to ecclesiastical
Ik The laws of the emperor cannot dts
selYe the ecclesiastical orcanen laws.
8. It Is not lawful for an emperor to exact
iwythlng opposed to the apostolic rules.
(1. It Is not lawful for kings to usurp the
(Mags that belong to priests.
a, No custom of anyone can thwart the
Bjatute of the popes.
it Let no resistance be offered to the
e;otollc (canon) precepts, but let them be
sulntlferlously fulfilled.
f , The yoke Imposed by the holy see Is to
(4 borne, though It appear Intolerable and
t. The pontiff can neither be loosed no
brand by the secular power.
a. That the Pontiff was called God by the
pHras Prince Constantino, and that as god he
Bannot be Judged as man.
10, That as god he is far above toe reach
tt all human law and Judgment.
11. That all laws contrary to the canons
fd decrees of the Roman prelates are ot no
til. That all of the ordinances ef the pope
te snhesltatlngly to be obeyed.
n. We ought not even to speak to one
whom the pope has ex -communicated.
U. Priests are fathers and masters, even
ti princes.
V. The civil law Is derived from man, but
fee ecclesiastical or canon law 1 derived
Erectly from God, by which the pontiff can,
fa connection with his prelates, make con
Wrtntlon for the whole christian world, In
natters spiritual, concerning the salvation
It souls, and the right government of the
fteorchi and if necessary Judge and dispose
tt all the temporal goods ot all christians.
It. A heretic, holding or teaching false
tactrlne concerning the sacraments, is ex
Boaajnonlcated and degraded, and banded
tver to ths secular court.
It, Secular princes uuwUllr- to swear to
f efend the church against heretics are ex
asmnranlcated, and they are laid aster an
Is, The goods ot heretics are to te con
icoated and applied to the church.
M. Advooates or notaries, fsotliig here
Kes, or their defenders, or pleading for them
a law suits, or writing documents for them,
r ie I""""" and suspended from office.
f& The sec alar powers, whether perm ab
sent or temporary, are bound to sweat Vkat
Jkey will exterminate, according to their
Sewax. all heretics condemned by tha cb treat
sat a temporal lord not purging his laud of
wettcs. Is ex-oommunlcated.
Tfcoae signed with th cross for tns ex-
torailaatloa of heretics, rvjolos la Us prtvt
lece sraated to to tha cruaadars for the half
ef the holy land.
Si. Thry are ebeolvwd from all obUgatloaa
who are ia anywise bound to aeretlce.
tt. Whoever dies la battle against the
unbelieving, merits the kingdom of heaveav
14. We do not esteem tooee horalcleee So
whom It may have happened la their seal fo
their mother church against the ex-oomme-alcated,
to kill some ef tham.
ti. That Catholic Princes are bound, both
by civil and common law, not to receive or
tolerate heretics and much mora are not to
permit their rites, or other eserclaa of their
religion, or rather, thlr false sect, but are
most solemnly bound everywhere, to repel
and expel them.
St. The following temporal punishments
are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy,
and the consequent dl-Miualtncationa for all
civil acts. 2nd Intestability, as well active
as passive (that la. they can neltner make
aor will Inherit what is left to them by
utuerafc era Loss ot paternal power over
children. 4th Loss of dowry, and other
privileges granted to women. 6th Confisca
te of all goods. 6th That vassals and and others are free from all, even
sworn obligations due to their lord or an
other. 7th Capital corporal punish itent,
especially death, and perpetual imprison
ment. tt. The canon law forbids all toleration.
28. That metropolitans and bishops are to
x-oommunloate blm who grants liberty of
20. Mo oath Is to be kept toward heretic
princes, lords or others.
H Heretics ars to be deprived of all civil
and paternal rights.
U. The pope can absolve from all oaths.
C Bvery bishop Is ordinary Judge in a
cause of heresy. The reason la because the
bishops can ex-officlo, and ought to extirpate
heretics, and inflict upon them the due pun
ishments, and to this are bound on pain of
deposition. Besides, are the inquisitor es
pecially deputed by the apostolic see.
Every bishop In his diocese is thought to be,
and in reality Is, a natural inquisitor, (liter
ally born Inquisitor), so as to have the same
power with those already mentioned in a
cause of heresy.
k?. Ia every promissory eath, althougn
absolutely taken, there are certain condi
tions t jeltly understood, amongst which are:
lst-If I cam 2nd To save the right and
authority of a superior) 3rd When the oath
upposes the honor ot the apostolic see to be
M. That the council of Trent, (the last and
great authority of Rome), decrees and com
mands that the sacred canons and all gen
eral councils, also the other apostolic enact
ments issued in favor ot ecclesiastical per
sons of ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its
violators, allot which by this present decree
It renews, and must ds exactly ooservea
by alL
Cardinal's Oath.
. cardinal of the Holy Roman
Church, dopromlse and swear that, from this
time to the end of my life, I will be faithful
and obedient unto St. Peter, the holy apos
tolic Roman church, and our most boly lord.
the pope ot Rome, and his successors, canon
ically and lawfully elected: that I will give
no advice, consent or assistance against the
pontifical majesty and person; that I will
never knowingly and advisedly, to their In
Jury or disgrace, make public the councils
entrusted to me by themselves, or by mes
sengers or letters; also that I wsll give them
any assistance in retaining, defending and
recovering the Roman papacy and the regalia
of Peter, with all my might and endeavor, so
far as the rights and privilege or my order
will allow it, and will defend them against
all their honor and state, and I will direct
and defend, with due form and honor, the
legates and nuncios of the apostolic see, in
the territories, churches, monasterle and
other benefice committed to my keeping;
and I will cordially co-operate with them
and treat them with honor In their coming,
abiding and returning, and that I will resist
unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall
atteupt anything against them. That I will,
by every way and by every means strive to
preserve, augment and advance the rights,
honors, privilege, the authority of the Holy
Roman bishop, our lord the pope and his
before mentioned successors, and that, at
whatever time anything shall be decided to
tiielr prejudice, which Is out of my power to
hinder, as soon as I shall know that any
steps or measures have been taken In the
matter, I will make It known V "le same,
our lord or hi successors, or sony v r per
son by whose means It may bobr " to
their knowledge. That I will keep anu '
out and cause others to keep and carry
the rules ot the holy father, the decrees,
ordinances, dispensations, reservations, pro
visions, apostolic mandates and constitu
tions of the Holy Father Sertus, of happy
memory, as to visit ing the tt jslioliis of the
apostles at certain preserltr times, accord
ing to the tenor of that ' ich I have Just
read through. That I win seek out and op
pose, persecute and figljt(omnl conatu per
secuturum et lmpugnaturum) against here
tics or schismatics who oppose out lord, the
pope of Home, and his before-mentioned suc
cessors, and this 1 will do with every possible
(Signature) then sent to the pope.
Bishop's Oath.
s elect of tho
diocese, from henceforward will
faithful and obedient to St. Peter the Apostle
and to the Holy Roman church, and to our
lord, the holy pope of Rome, and to his suc
cessors, canontcally entering, I will neither
advise, consent nor do anything that they
may lose life or member, or that their per
sons may be seized, or hands In anywise laid
upon them, or any injuries offered to them,
under any pretence whatsoever. The coun
sel with which they shall Intrust me by them
selves, their messengers or letters, I will not
knowingly reveal to any, to their prejudice,
I will help them to defend and keep the Ro
man papacy and the royalties of Hu Peter
against all men. The legate of the apostolic
see, going and coming, I will honorably treat
and help In his necessities. The rights,
honors, privileges and authority of the Holy
Roman church of our lord, the pope, and bis
aforesaid successors, I will endeavor to pre
serve, defend, increase and advance. I will
not be In any counsel, action or treaty, in
which shall be plotted against our said lord
and Roman church, anything to the hurt or
prejudice of their persons, rights honor, state
or power, and, if I shall know any such thing
to be treated or agitated by any whatsover,
I will hinder it to my utmost, and as soon as
I can, I will signify it to our lord. The ordi nance
and mandates of the pope, 1 will ob
serve with all my might and cause to be ob
served by others.
"Heretics, schismatics and rebels te our
said lord or his successors, I will to my
most persecute and oppose.
"Heretlcos, schlsmatlcos et re belles eldem
Domino nostra vel successorlbus predlctls
pro posse persequar et oppugns bo."
"I will come to a council whe 'am called,
I will rtalt the threshold of the apostles
every three years and give aa account of our
lord of all my pastoral "flee and of the
thing belonging to my cuae. to the dla-
rtullneot my ctergy and people. I will ta
like manner humbly receive and dlllrentlr
execute the apostolic commands. It I am
detained by a lawful Impediment, 1 will per
form the aforesaid by a member of my chap
ter or a priest of my dtoreee. fully Instructed
la all thing above meaUooed. The pi na
sions belonging to my table. I will neither
sell nor otherwise allt-uata without consult
ing tha Uoinan pontiff. Bo h? we Sod and
theae holy gospels of God "
Sent to the Romish Manager.
I'rbt'i Oath.
, now In the presence of
Almlghty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the
blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed
PL John the Baptist, the Holy A post lee rU
Peter and Dt. Paul and the Halnls and the
rise red Hosts ot Heaven, and to you. my lord,
I do declare from my be irt, without uieutal
reservation that the pope Is Christ's vtcar
general and I the true and only head of the
universal church throughout the earth, sad
that, by virtue of the keys ot binding and
loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ
he has power to depose heretical kings,
princes, states, commonwealths and govern
ments, all being Illegal without his sacred
confirmation, and that they may safely tj
destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my
power, t will defend this doctrine and his
holiness' rights and customs against ail
usurpers of the Protestant authority what
soever, especially against the now pretended
authority and church In England and all ad
hereats. In regard that they be usurpal and
heretical, opposing the sacred mother of the
church ot Rome.
"I do denounce and disown any allegiance
as due to any Protestant king, prince or
state or obedience to any of their inferior
officers. I do further declare the doctrine ot
the church of England, ot the Calvlnlsts,
Huguenots and other Protestants, to be
damnable and those to be damned who will
not forsake the same.
"I do further declare that i will help, assist
snd advise all or any of his holiness' agents
in any place " iierever I shall be, and to do
my utmost to oxttrpate the Protestant doc
trine and to destroy all their pretended
power, regal or otherwise. I do further prom
ise and declare that, notwithstanding 1 mar
be permitted by dispensation to assume any
heretical religion (Protestant denominations)
tor the propagation of the mother church's
Interest, to keep secret and private all her
agents' counsels as they entrust me, and not
to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word,
writing or circumstances whatsoever, but to
execute all which shall be proposed, given in
charge or discovered unto me by you, my
most reverend lord and bishop.
"All of which I, , do swear by the
blessed Trinity and blessed Bacrament
which 1 am about to receive, to perform on
try part to keep Inviolably, and do call on
all the Heavenly and Glorious Host of
Heaven to witness my real Intentions to
keep this my oath.
"In testimony whereof I take this most
boly and blessed Sacranientof the Eucharist,
and witness the same further with my con
secrated hand, in the presence of my boly
bishop and all the priests who asstst him In
my ordination to the priesthood."
Extreme Oath of iiie Jesuit.
If , now In the presence of
Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the
blessed Michael the archangel, the blessed
St. John the BapUst, the holy Apostles fit.
Peter and &t Paul and the saints and sacred
host of heaven, and to you my ghostly father,
the superior general of the society of Jesus,
founded by Saint Ignatus Loyola In the pon
tlficatlon of Paul the Third, and continued
to the present, do, by the womb of the virgin,
the matrix of God, snd the rod of Jesus
Christ declare and swear that his holiness,
the pope, is Christ's vice-gercnt, and is the
true and only head of the Catholic or unl
versal church throughout the earth; and
that by virtue of the keys of binding and
loosing given to his holiness by my Savior,
Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose her
etical kings, princes, states, commonwealths
and governments, all being Illegal without
bis sacred confirmation, and they may be
safely destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of
my power, I will defend this doctrine and his
holiness' right and custom against all
usurpers of the heretical or Protestant
authority whatsoever, e-leclally the Luth
eran church of Germany, Holland, Denmark,
Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended
authorities and churches of England and
Scotland, and branches of the same now
established In Ireland, and on the continent
of America, and elsewhere, and all adherents
In regard that they be usurped and heretical.
Hposlng the sacred church ef Rome.
4 do now denounce and disown any alleg
iance as due to any heretical king, prince or
state named Protestant or Liberals or
obedience to any of their laws, magistrates
or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of
the churches of England and Scotland, of
tho Calvlnlsts, Huguenots and others of the
name of Protestant or Liberals, to be dam
eable, and they themselves to be damned
who will not forsake the same.
I do further dccli e that I will help, assist
and advise ail or any of his holiness' agents,
In any place wherever I shall be, in Switzer
land, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden,
Notway, England, Iceland or America, or In
any other kingdom or territory, I shall come
to, and do my utmost to extirpate the hereti
cal Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to
destroy all thetr pretended powers, legal or
I do further promise and declare that, not
withstanding I am dispensed with to assume
any religion heretical for the propagation of
the mother church's Interest, to keep secret
and private ail her agents' councils from
time to time, as they entrust me, and not to
divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word.
writing or circumstances whatever, but to
execute all that shall be proposed, given in
charge, or discovered unto me, by you or my
ghostly father, or any of this sacred con
vent. I do further promise and declare that I will
have no opinion or will of my own or any
mental reservation whatsoever, even aa a
corpse or cadaver (perlnde ac cadaver), but
will unhesitatingly obey each and every
command that I may receive from my super
iors in the mlllt. a of the pope and of Jesus
That I will go to any part of the world
whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen
regions of the north, the burning sand of
the desert of Africa, or the plngles of India,
to the centers of civilization ot Europe, or to
the wild haunts of the barbarous Bavages of
America, without murmuring or repining
and will be submissive in all thing whatso
ever, communicated to me.
I do furthermore promise and declare that
I will, when opportunity presents, make and
wage rtentloss war, secretly or openly,
against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals
as I am directed to do, to extirpate them
from the face ot the whole earth, and that
I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and
that I will hang, burn, waste, boil. Bay,
strangle and bury alive these Infamous
heretical rip up the stomachs and wombs of
their women and crash their infante1 heads
against aha walla la order to aoaihUata tbstr
execrable raoa. That when the same raaac
be done openly, 1 wilt secretly use the puis
onous cup, ths strangulating curd, the seta!
of the polsard. or the lesdea bullet, regard
leas of ths honor, rank, dignity or authority
of the pnratia or persons, whataver may be
their eoudltloa la Ufa, either public or priv
ate, aa I at any time may be d!rertd ao te
do by any agent of tha pope or eupertor of
the brotherhood of tha boly father, of the
aurtety of Jesua.
In confirmation ot wbL-h I hereby dedicate
my Ufa, nay soul and all corporal powers, ant
with this dagger which I now reoaive, I will
subscribe my name, written la my blond, la
testimony thereof; and should I prove tales
or weaken la my determination, may my
brethren and fellow soldiers of tha militia ot
the pope cut off my handt aud aiy feet, and
my throat from ear to ear, toy belly opened
and eulphur burned therein, with all the
punishment that ran be Inflicted upon me oa
earC aud my soul be tortured by demon la
an etetaai hell forever.
AUcf wntvh I owwrbT
the blessed trtulty. and blessed sacraanest
which I am now lorscelve. to perform, and
on my part to keep Inviolably; and do call
all the heavenly and glorious boat of heaves
to witness theae, aiy real intentions, to keep
this my oath.
In testimony hereof I take this most holy
and blessed sacrament of the eueharlst, and
witness the Sams further, with my name
written with the point of this dagger, dipped
In my own blood, and seal in ths face ot teir
holy convent
file receives the water from the superio
ml writes tils name wllh the point of his
dagger, dippee lulilauwu blood, taken tnm
over the heart
The Fenian's Oath.
"I swear by almighty God, by all In heaves)
and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my
holy church, by the blessed Virgin Marf
mother of God, by hersorrow and grief at the
cross, by her tears and waitings, by the holy
apostles St. Peter and Paul, by the glorious
apostle of Ireland-SU Patrlck-by lee
biassed and holy church of all ages, by the
holy national martyrs, to fight upon the
Irish soil, to fight for the Independence of
IrelanJ-to fight until I die, wading la the
red gore ot the Sassenach (Protestant) for
the glorious cause of nationality; to fight
until not a single vestlfs track or footstep,
la left to tell that the boly soil of Ireland
was ever trodden by the Sassenach tyrants
and murderers; and, morover, when the
Protestant robber ana orutes in Ireland
shall be murdered and driven into the ea
like the wine our Lord Jesus Christ caused
to be drowned, then we shall embark for,
and take England, and root out every ves
tige of the accursed blood of the heretic
adulterer, Henry Villi and possess our
selves of the beasts who have so long kept
our island of saints Old Ireland In the
chain of bondage.drlven us from her shores.
exiles Into foreign land. I will wade In the
blood of Orangemen and heretic (Protest-
ant) who do not Join us and become our
Bcotland too, having given aid and succor
to the beast, we shall live in her gore. W
shall cot give up until w. have restored oar
holy faith all over the British Isles.
To all of this I sincerely and consoles
tlously swear with my eyes blinded, not
knowing who to me administers this oam
Oath of the Cian-na-Gael.
The following ia the oath taken by
the members of that famous Itomlah
Catholic society:
"I (name in full) do solemnly wear In tt
presence of Almighty God, that I will labof
while life Is left In me to establish and de
fend a republican form of government la
Ireland; that 1 will keep secret the names
and everything connected with the Irish
brotherhood from all not entitled to knot
such ecreu; that I will obey and comply
with the constitution and law of the came.
That I will preserve the fund of thU
order for the cause of Irish revolution alone
as specified In the constitution; that I will
deem It my special duty and mission to
promote and foster sentiments of union,
brotWly love, nationality, among all
Irish I take thti obligation without any
mental reservation, holding the same forever
binding upon me, and that any violation
thereof, or desertion of my duty to the
brotherhood Is Infamous, and merits the
severest punishment, so helo me God."
This oath the candidate is abjured to
keep at the hazzard of his life. It was
printed in the Chicago Inter Ocean and
was sworn to be correct at the Cronln
trial. It was reported by said paper
November 17, 1894. Priests and bishops
act as chaplains for this holy (?) order.
The Northwestern Line
Extraordinarily lo excursion rates
at various periods during the next fow
months eant, north and west. Eastern
excursion tickets are good on either
the "Overland Limited," at 4:45 p. m.,
or on the "Omaha-Chicago Special," at
6:30 p. m., arriving at Chicago at 7:45
and 9:30 next morning, respectively
It is difficult to imagine better or
more complete equipment than these
trains are supplied with.
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Coughed Four Years. Several
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'THE A. P. A.
'lty iff SI. O. IS. Hi 11 lilt
A Patriotic Song Hook for
School, ami all who love our Nation. Special Selections for
Washington's Hirthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and
chool ati-l Society Kutertainmt'nts. Sent on receipt of price.
l'rlco, In Vapor Cover, 2 ft Cents.
The American Publishing CoraotsT.
BY R. L.
This book i one of latent
literature, but Is amonir the boot that nan yet bean written.
It deals with tha enufaimlonal and other practlcea of the
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