The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 6

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1tolM.. U teat W.r Witkt'.rdl
I !4rbw hi
HOME, Jan. J Tmtay I-eo XIII.
alebnUed quietly the sixtieth annl
arary of the ce Miration of hid first
MM, and, although the rerrmnntea In
oaiMN-tlon of the affair will take plarw
later yet he received the conicrafuU
Uona of the Mcred college an well a
a number of Vatican dignitaries. It
ay ! questioned wheiher the Pope
takes to heart the good wishes of the
Cardinals, for It la no ais-ret thut the
majority of thorn oppose hla pulley,
a fart of which he U entirely aware.
Thui hla f!ntton with Cardinal Lrdo
howskt. the prefect of the propa
ganda, and aa enrh the spiritual chief
of the Roman Catholic church In the
United Statea, are an strained thnt the
Cardinal' removal from the managc
aient of the propaganda la regarded
aa Imminent. Cardinal S.itolll being
Jaslgnated by the Vatlran go-a'p as
fell aureessor. There have been fre
quent difference of opinion of late be
tween the "white Tope," that la Leo
XIII, and the "red Tone," aa the pre
fect of the propannnda la atyled on ac
count of hla extensive powera. The
moat recent qnarrel has been In rein
sertion with the Cardlnnra action in
aummarlly dlamlaalnn from office Mgr.
Campbell, who for nineteen year has
been rector of the Scotch college here.
The rector found It necessary to In
stitute dlaelpllnary measures against
a Scotch nohlomnn who la being edu
cated at the college, and who la a par
ticular protege of the Cardinal. For
thli the rector waa dismissed by the
Cardinal at a few houra' notice. The
rector aubmltted to the rllamlssal but
demanded the return of $10,000 which
he had expended out of hla private
purse on the college. The Cardlnnl re
fused to refund the money, whereupon
Mgr. Campbell referred the mntter to
the Pope and threatened to appeal to
the Italian law courts.
The Tope has espoused the cause of
the rector, who has popular feeling
both In and outside of the Vatican on
all aide, and under the circumstances
the removal of the Cardinal from the
office of prefect of the propaganda Is
retarded as imminent.
1 don't know whether any intlma-
Uon of the contents of the papal ency
clical to the Canadian bishops Just Is
sued has been cabled as yet to the
United States. At any rate, there Is
a portion thereof inat, refers to the
recent dismissal of Mgr. Schroeder
from the University of Washington.
The Holy Father, while acquiescing In
tha decision of the American bishops.
In the matter, expresses deep regret
at the existing divisions of opln'on
and at the circumstances accompany
ing the retreat of the monslgnor. He
recommends to both sides union and
charity and the subordination of pri
vate interests to the imperious exi
gencies of the church. He adds:
"Above all, what I demand Is
alienee. The Inflammatory polemics
of the newspapers rend my heart"
Wr. Andrew on the !al School.
The address of Dr. Andrews, of
Brown University, before the one
thousand teachers of the Illinois asso- j
elation In their forty-fourth annual j
meeting at Springfield, was not only
notable for Its optimistic survey of
the educational field, but waa lmprea-
aive in Its suggestions as to what a
scholarly man may do Mr popular i
education. I
In contending that the public school
system is an Instrumentality of social
advance, Dr. Andrews starts with the
proposition that "if we would make
education the regenerator of society
m must have compulsory attendance
to the public schools." This Is a prop
osition from which there Is no escape.
Politicians may oppose It on the
ground of party expediency; aliens
may foolishly assail it through the
blindness of racial prejudices; but no
matter by whom assailed, it is true
as the law of gravitation. Dr. An
drews would make compulsory attend
ance apply also to the kindergartens,
and he would make the kindergarten
lead up to manual training. On this
subject he Bays:
"We must make the kindergarten
the foundation of our system of pub
lic education, and the age of 2 years
is none too early to begin this work
with the pupil. The kindergarten
should be made nnlversal. and Bhould
lead up to manual training.
"Thorough manual tra'ning often Is
of more value to the pupil than years
pent with books. It teaches accuracy.
I have known many a young man to
get hla first start toward a literary
tyle in the workshop. There he learn
ed to do things nicely. As for the
kindergarten Influence. I have known
one child to regenerate a whole family
working a complete change in a care
less mother, a rude brother and a de
graded father."
Dr. Andrew's utterances on politics
In echool management were equally
etrong. He declared that politics must
be banished from cur school boards,
to the end that we get better superin
tendents and teachers. He also made
a plea for the teaching of morals, for
more art In schools, and also main-
talned that the school authorities
hould furnish to the pupils every day
a high class hygienic luncheon, in
stead of allowing then to go home for
luncheon or compelling them to rat
cold and indigestible food from lunch
bankets. The plan of serving hygienic
luncheons to et-houl children has been
a great success In Boston and other
cltlee where It haa been tried.
The address waa a thoughtful, schol
arly and original portrayal of the Ideal
school system, which Is not eo Utopian
but that It may ultlmutoly bo realised
in this country. Chicago Times-Herald.
New and Old Mrhool Method.
Kducational subjects are receiving a
thorough and wholesome overhauling
j at the numerous teacher's gatherings.
the elaborate reports of whit h make
Interesting and Instructive reading.
' Out of this comparison of notes, clash
of Ideas and exchange of Impressions,
suggestions for the improvement of
the school system will doubtless be
born. Progress depends on the freest
criticism and readiness to admit er
ror and try new experiments.
At the meeting of the Iowa teach
ers' association, we observe, an old
time school teacher, J. K. Macomber,
attacked fiercely and Indignantly the
new educational methods and princi
ples. He regarded them as shallow,
wasteless and senseless, as the pro
ducts of certain fads to which, as he
alleges, we have become addicted. He
pleads for the reversion to the old
fnshlone methods, to the guidance of
common sense. Pupils of high schools,
he says, are generally found to be poor
spellers; arithmetic, geography and
other fundamentals are even less com
pletely mastered. All this is claimed
to be due to the new methods.
We do not exactly know what meth
ods Mr. Macomber refers to as "new,"
and inapplicable, but his wholesale at
tack Is evidently vitiated by a failure
to distinguish between scientific, pro
gressive waysof teachlngessentlals and
advanced notions as to the scope of
common school education. The lat
ter may be open to criticism, but the
former certainly are not. The new
methods are vastly superior to those
superceded; they are calculated to fos
ter Individuality, originality and Inde
pendence; they render study agreea
ble and stimulating and easy. If
then, there be truth In Mr. Macomber'a
charge that common school pupils do
not learn to write, read or spell, and
graduate in Ignorance of the most Im
portant branches, the fault and vice
must be found elsewhere. Perhaps we
are trying to accomplish too much;
perhaps the children are crowded and
overtaxed in certain states, where too
much attention is accorded sentimen
tal reformers who expect common
schools to do the work of colleges. A
plea for fundamentals Is not untimely
nor is a warning against the multipli
cation of studies that necessarily in
volve the neglect of the things Imper
atively required by the duties and vo
catlons of the majority of men. A
smattering of astronomy and toology
and chemistry at the expense of arith
metic is certainly not desirable. But
such a criticism does not reflect on
the Improved methods of teaching that
which Is necessary.
While Justly congratulating our
selves on our departure from the old
fashioned routine and mechanical
ways, we must bear in mind the natur
al limits within which common school
training can be made effective and
beneficial. Chcago Evening Post.
" What We May Do to be Saved" ia a little book,
fflvlng full particular of a reliable cure. Free.
Dr. J. L, Stephen, Dept. H., Lebanon, Ohio.
Ton Pay for What Ton Order
on Burlington Route dining-cars.
The man with a 12 appetite pays $2
to satisfy It.
The man who wants a cup of coffee,
an omelet and a couple of slices of
toast, pays for that and that only.
The pay-for-what-youorder-way is
the only right way to run a dining-car.
It is in operation all over the Burling
ton system Omaha to Denver, Omaha
o Chlcag-o, Omaha to Kansas City.
Attorney, New York Life Building.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district court of Done! as county. Ne
braska, and to me directed, T will, on the
21st day of December. A. D. IW. at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day. at the EAST front
door of the county court house, tn the cltv
of Omaha, Dona-las county, Nebraska, sen
at public auction, to the hlgheest bidder
for cash, the property described In gaJd or
der of sale a follows, to-wlt: The north
ore-half (N H) of lot number twentv-one
(21V In block number three (3). In Potter A
Cohb'a second addition to the city of South
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to he sold to satisfy Robert
M. Zuar. plaintiff herein, the sum of seven
hundred and sixty-two and 77-100 (176177)
dollar Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from
September f7th. 1897:
To satisfy the sum of thirty-nine and
8M0O dollars costs herein, together
with accruing- coats, according to a Judg
ment rendered by the dltrlct court of said
Dotietiui county, at Its September term. A.
D. 1W7. tn a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Robert M. Zug Is plain
tiff and Ell H. Doud. Minnie
A. Doud. John S. Doud. Mrs.
Dond. bis wife, flrst and real
name unknown: William O. Slnane. Ella
M. Sloane. Tsnbell Jones and The Union
Stork Yard Company (Limited) of South
Omaha. Nebraska, a corporation, are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. November 19th. 1SST.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. H. RUSSELL, Attorwv.
Zur vs. Doud. Doc 57, No. COO. 11-14
Merchants Nations iiank building.
fly virtue of an order of !e Issunt out
a the district court for Dmialaa county,
Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on
Ins 2!h day of January, A. D. IK, at
10 a m. of aald day. at the east front dour
f the county court house. In the city of
Ofnaha. I triuirlaa county. Nebraska, sell at
public auction la the highest blddrr for
h the property deacriil in esM order
Of sale a follow, to-wlt:
It thre (3) In block two CH. and also
lot Ave (r.) In block two CI. In Haundra
tllmehautrh'a lilirhliertd Tark addition
lo the rl!y of Omaha, and also lot an 10)
In block elirht vv. In rlaund-r a lllme.
hauah'e Mount 1'leanant addition to the
ruy or omana. surveyed, platted and re
corded, all ailuaird In DoUKlas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said prnpYty to be sold to satisfy Wal
ter R Keeler. pliilntlff herein, like sums
on lot a follow. 10 wit:
On lot S. bbx k 2. the sum of $1105. and
so atlorney'a fi of II pt. and on iot 6,
Nock I. the sum of fi2H. an I an attor
nev" fes of 1 .an. ld lota helnir situate
n Haundera & lllmebauirh'a H If h land
Park addition above describe, and on
litt S. In block S In Bhiiii.I.ts A lllme
batitfh'a Mount Ptensant addition above
described, the sum of f 14 ). anil an at
torney's fee of fl 41. which amount, according-
to the Judgment, hear Interest at
the rule of ten lt per cent per annum
(ecentlnir attorney's fee) from Septem
ber 71. IW.
To satisfy the sum of thirty and Bl-1)
(ttOfil) dollar, costs herein, toa-ether with
accruing cost, accor-llna- to a decree ren
dered by the district court of said I ton if -las
county, at Its Sepember term.
A. D. IW. In a certnln action then
and there pendlnir. wherein Walter
H. Keeler la plaintiff and Ku-
ropla It Chase. Chase, first and
read name unknown, her husband. Dewltt
C. tiKKleatnn and Mr. Kmrlcston,
nrst and real mime unknown, hla wife.
Henry C. Campbell and Mm Camp
bell, first and real name unknown, his
wire, are nerenoants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December ?4. 1WT.
Sheriff of Dounlaa County, Nebraska.
W. A. Saunder. Attorney.
Keeler vs. Chase et al.
Docket t9. No. 21. El. Docket 7.. nun
SW. 12-24-6
Xtl Hoard of Trade.
Dy virtue of an order of sale Issued out
of the District Court for Douirlns County,
Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on
the 2Mh day of Jnnunry. A. D. WH, at ten
o'clock A. M. of said day. at the EAST
front door of the County Court Houae. In
thw City of Omaha. Douirlns County. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for rash, the pronerty described
tn anli! orrler or sale, n follows, to-wlt:
The west one-half (W'm of lot number
four (4) In block number fifteen (IK) In
Shlnn's addition to the City of Omaha, aa
purveyed, plntted and recorded, all In
Douelas County, State of Nebraska,
Said property to be sold to satisfy Jessie
I Orlmm, plaintiff herein, the sum of
two thousand and twenty-three and st-IOfl
($2,023.91) dollars Judgment, with Interest
thereon st rnt of ton (1i' 1- cent per
annum, from September IS, 1SH7;
To satisfy the Nebraska National bank,
a corporation, defendant herein, the sum
of twenty thousand five hundred and
thlrtv-slx and 00-KW (J30.S.tfi on) dollars
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of
ten (10) ner cent per annum from Septem
ber 17. 1S!M :
To satisfy the further sum of twentv
four and LN-WO (l.?Si dollar costs herein,
toirether w'th accruing costs, socordlne to
a Judgment rendered by the District Court
of said Donpln County at Its September
term, A. D. 1SD7. In a certnln action then
and there pending, wherein Jessie L.
Orlmm I olnlntlfT and Edwin A. Leaven
worth, Jeff W. Dedford, Mnrv O. Bedford
and the Nebraska National bank are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. December 24. 1W7.
Sheriff of Douirla County, Nebraska.
JAS. W. CARR, Attorney.
Orlmm vs. Leavenworth, et al.
Docket RS. No. n.
Ex. Docket Z. Pajre 89. 12-24-5
Notice I hereby riven that the under
slcned have formed a eomoration, the
name of whfch la Trana-Mlsslsslnni Min.
In and Development company. The prin
cipal place of Its hnslness Is at Omnha.
Douglas countv, Nebraska: the reneral
nature of Its business Is that of leasing,
buying, soiling; and develonlna- grold and
silver mine In the state of Colorado and
elsewhere; the prospectlns- for minerals In
the state of Colorado and elsewhere and
the erection and maintenance of such
building- and structure as may be neces
sary and Incidental to the business afore
said. The amount of Its authorised capital
'ook I twelve hundred (1 'no) doMnrs;
10 per cent thereof to he paid In at the
time of suhsorlnfion and the balance to
be paid at the call of the hoard of directors
two hundred (300) dollars of said stock
to be Issued for certain considerations
fnt'v nalH no and non-nssessnble. The ex
istence of said corporation commenced on
the 1Sth day of November, lSr7. and shall
terminate on the ISth day of November,
1S07. The blithest amount of indebtedness
to which this corporation can subject It
self shall not exceed an amount eoual to
two-third of Its capital stock actually
paid In. The business of the eomoration
shall he conducted by a board of three di
rectors to he elected by the stockholders
at the annual meetings, and the officers of
the corporation are president, secretary
and treasurer, to be chosen by the board
of directors.
Merchants National Bank Building-.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out
of the district court for Dousrlas county.
Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on
the 2Sth day of January, A. D. 1SSR, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day. at the east door
of the county court house, In the elty of
Omaha. Doue-la county. Nebraska, sell
at public auction to the hlchest bidder for
cash the pronerty described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt:
Lot five, block one, and lot eighteen,
block four, In Everett place, an addition
to the city of Omaha, and lot one In block
one. In Kent's addition tn the city of
South Omaha, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, all situated In Douglas county,
state of Nebraska.
Said pronerty to be sold to satisfy Wal
ter E. Keeler plaintiff herein, the siim as
follows, to-wlt: On lot S. block 1, In Ever
ett place, the sum of J1R.10. and an attor
ney's fee of n.RI, and on lot IS. In block
4. Everett place, an addition to the city
of Omaha, the sum of J12.5S. and an attor
ney' fee of i.S. and also on lot 1, In block
J. Kent's addition to the cltv of South
Omaha, the sum of $1505, nn1 an attor
ney' fen of $1.50, all of which amount,
according to the decree, bear Interest at
the rate of ten On) ner cent per annum
from September 27, 1W.
To satisfy the sum of thirty-four and
19-100 ($34.1) dollars, costs herein, to
irether with accruing costs, according- to
a decree rendered by the district court
of said Doupla county, at Its Sentember
term, A. D. 17. In a certain action then
and there pendlnir, wherein Walter E.
Keeler la rlalntlff and Elmer E. Lowe,
Mrs. I Owe. Ms wife, first and real
name unknown. Co-operative Land and
Lot company, a corporation nre-anlred
under the laws of the state of Nebraska,
Caroline R. Atkinson and Atkinson.
her husband, first and real name un
known. Isaac Troup and Mr. Troup,
bis wife, first and real name unknown,
David C. Patterson and W. R. Vaughn,
Jr., first and real name unknown, are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, pecember 24. 1RT7.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
W. A. Saunders, Attorney.
Keeler v. TOwe et si.
Docket 69, No. 48. Ex. Docket 7,. pnere
2S9. 12-24-6
eind ycur asm'- snd adrtre tn oer SO
of the leading patriotic ed other reform
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J. H. Padgett,
b) i ni. " m
I $300.00 in Cash FREE
A 25-cent Pattern, Free to Everyone.
How many wort! l you think you can "UIW1ICIPTIIDC00 9"
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facturers." I'retixt. Buiimcs, proper nouns, ohsoltti and foreign words not
nilowed. Work it out bh follows: Am, Can, 1'ans, Cure. Cures, Rum, Same,
I-act. Facts, Fracture, Manufacturers, etc. Words spelled alike but having
dnlerent meanings count us one word.
Our IMI'it.-Wc will pay $100 (or the largest list, $50 for the second
largest, $-J." (or the third, $10 each (ur the next live, $5 each for the next ten
and $1 each PT the next twenty-live. That is to say, we will divide among
lorty-thri-e contestants the aggregate sum of $:iO, according to merit. Don't
you think vou could be one of the forty three? TRY IT.
Our I'u i-imim'. The above rewards (or mental effort are iriven free and
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The designs and fashion hints, being by May Mantun, render it invaluable as
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ur t'oiulit ioiiH. You must send with your list of words 23 cents (stamps
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Our Kttra Inducement. K very person sending U'i cents and a list of
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return mail a pattern of this Ladies' Waist No. K972, (illustrated above), in any size
Our Aim. The present monthly circulation of Moitis exceeds 100,000 copies.
This contest will close March 15 next so the names of successful sriellers mav
of Montis, but M'uil in your lint at
4 MODES FASHION MAGAZINE, (Dept. 437) No. 132
Attorney, Merchant National Bank Hldg
UllHUt K'S HALE. By virtue of a plurles
O order of tale Issued out of the district
court for DoukIhs county. Nebraska and
to me directed. I will, on the 11th day of
January. A. II. 1M, at teno'clock A. u. of said
day, at the KAfT front door of the county
court house. In the city of Omaha. IHiugla
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the hlKhest uiiider for cash, the property de
scribed lu said order of sale as follows, to
wlt.: Lot tire (ri, block one hundred and thirty
two (IXJi, lots oned). twoOand fourteen d4)
in h.ock one hun rd and thtrty-f ur ilHi
aud all of Mock two hundred and twenty On
In tne own or city of Florence as surveeri
pluiud at d recnriled and all being situated
lu DoukIhh county, Nebraska.
Said properly to tie sold to satisfy James
L. Hrowue. plaiuiill herein, tha sums as fol
lows, town ;
Uu lots, blo'k. )ll2theumof ".7il;
On lot I. block i:t4 the sum of $7 ?-.
Uu 1 5. blocK 131 the sum of Jll.lll;
On l"t H bio k 1114 the-umof 7.?l;
On all of b iK'k 20 the aum ( gttt 57:
all of wi Ich said sums by tb Judgment of
the district court Uar Interest thereon at
the rate of ten ill)) per cent per annum from
May 4th, 1HDA, and are a first lien upon said
aliove described property.
To satisfy the further sum of ene hundred
and fifty-three and 43- 10U tl.U4a) dollars
costa hereto, together with accruing costs.
ai'i'oruu.g to a Judgment r nucred uy the
district rourt of said Douglas county,
hi Hie of Nebraska at its May term, A. 1).
1MW. In a certain action hen and there
pi'udlnit, herein Jmih.s L.Browne s plaintiff
The On, aha and Florence Laud and Trust
(.Vinpany. Victor U-Laugiry, Mary M. ban.
try( lswIM. eniiiai'1 i ole. rank Murphy,
John A. Ilorbach aud o hers are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, lice. lOih. IHH7.
Sheriff of Douirlaq Uouuiv. Nubraiiua.
W. A, 8ac "iters, at orney.
Brown ,s u. & E. L. & T. Co. et al
I'oc t. No. 1. 12-10-5
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
FENDANT. To Francis M. Mi O.ea and Mrs McCrea
his wife, itirst and real name unknown) S.
Field (Hrst and real naue unknown) Anton
Dahl, S-itiiuel Ml-ears, J jna I ipps and Char
loite. (Lottie) Lipps, his wife, non resident
di f- nuants:
You are hereby notified that on the 25th
day ol October. A. D.. IHH7. James I,.
Hrowne, plaintiff herein, filed hla petition
in the district court of Douglas county,
Nebraska, ag oi si J hn J. ftlahuuey. Frau Is
M. McCrea and Mrs. Mol'rea, his wife
(limt and rfl name unknown) and other
uerendants. the otj-ct and prayer of
which Is to foreclose two certain tax certifi
cates dated November 22, 1WI2, uuon the fol
lowing described real ettaie. upon which
there Is due amounts as fellows, lowlt: 1 ot
one (1) In blocs three (3) up jo which th' re la
due the sum of $42 50, and on lot two (3i, In
block three (3) the sum of $a7.2S. all of which
lota being situ ted In Mahoney & Mlnnehana
add tlon to the city of South Omaha, Douglas
Co.. Neb., with Iiteresl at the rate of ten pri
cen' ner snnum from H-t .ner 2"th. 18 7, for
which aum, with Interest and costs to
gether with an attorney's fee amounting
to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff
prays for a decree that he haa a flrst lien
upon said real estate, that the defendants
shall pay the same, and In default thereof
that the said property he sold to satisfy
the amount found due, and that upon sale
thereof the defendants be debarred of all
right .title and interest In said read estate,
and for other equitable relief.
You are also hereby notified that vou
and each of you are required to answer
salu pei n Imi on or berorc ttio 17th day of
January. 1808.
I'sttu at uniana, neurassa, uecemoer luto
JAMES 1m BROWNE, Plaintiff.
By W. A. Saunders, Attorney tor Plain
tiff. Doc. 63. No. 108. 12-10-4
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
Tn Mrs. Ida R. Soule and Mr. Snule. her
husband (tirat and real name unknown) Mrs.
Minnie reppara and Mr. Feppsrd, her hus
t and (first and real name unknown, non-res
ident defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the 4th i1t
of November, A. D . 1807. The Farmer Loan
and Trust Company, Plaintiff herein, fled Its
petition In the district court ot Douglas
County Nebraska, against Midway Invest
ment Company and tha above named de
feudants and other defendants, the object
and prayer of which Is to f.ireclos one cer
tain tax crrtiriea'e dated November 7th, 1892,
upjn the following described real estate, to
wlt: Lot 13. In block 7, Albrltbl's Annex an
addition to the city of South Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska, upon whl-h
there Is now due the sum of Ha an
for which aum, with Interest and
costa together with an attor
neys fee amounting to 10 per cent of the
decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he
has a first lien upon said real estate, that
the defendants shall pay the same, and in
default thereof that the said property be
sold to satisfy the amount found due, and
that upon sale thereof the defendant be
debarred of all right, title and Interest
In said real estate, and for other equitable
ii lb f. 'I he u, fi-i.dat t. James F. Toy on his
cross-petition Bled Deceuibt r 10th, 18i7 the
sum of 17 7j with 'uter-s at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from December 10tn, 1807. to
gt ther with n nttorneys fee.
You are also hereby notified that you
and each of you axe required to answer
tald pttit'on on or before the 17th day of
January. 18M8,
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 10th
COMPANY. Plaintiff.
By W. A. Saunders, Attorney for Plain
tiff. Dim-. 12
Notice of Hearing Claims.
PROBATE NOTICE-ln tae matter of the
estate of Aleiancer White deceased :
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet ti e exe utor
of said estate before me. County Judce of
Dtuglis county. Nebraska, at the county
court ruom tn said county, on the Slstdav of
January. 18. on the 31it day of March, 1808,
and on the 31 it day of M:iv, 1898. at t
c 'click A. M each day. for the purpose of
iireseutlng their claims for examination, ad
usttnent. and allowance. Six tuont'is are al
nwed for the creditors to present their
claims and one year for 'hee xecutor to settle
said estate, from the 2l)'h day of pjnv . 18M7;
this notice will he published In IhsAiiichi
CA for four weeks successively, prior to tha
81stday of January 1m.
11-26-4 County Judge.
oim - c. For our responsibility we refer you to
JAS. W.CAltll,
Attorney, XII Board of Trade Building.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the District Uourt
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will, on the 11th day of January, A
D IM'N, at ten o'clock A. u of said day, at the
KAST frontdoor of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction, to ihe highest
bidder for cash, the property described lo
said order of sals as follows, to-wlt:
The nor h one-half (N f l ot Eight (81.
In block Si venteeo di) in E. V. Smith's addi
tion to i he city of Omaha, as surveyed, plat
led and recorded, all situated in Douglas
county, stale of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy John L.
Marshall, Carrie F. Marshall executrix. Ed
watd Marshall and Kumund L. Fitis. execu
tors, plamtitls herein, the sum of teven hun
dred aud lirty two (1752 00) i ollars Judgment,
together with Interest thereon at the rale
of ten (10) per cent per annum from Febru
ary 1st, lsn7.
To satisfy the further sum of nineteen and
UH-1U0 (fl.S)8) dollars costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
ment rendered by the district court of said
Douglas county, at Its February term, A. D,
Ixv'i, In a ceria.n actlun then and there pend
ing, wherein John L. Marshall, Carrie F.
Marshall, executrix, Edward Marshall and
Kuuiuod L. l'lt ts executors are pla ntifts,and
James Keevrs U deieudant.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 10'b 197.
John w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Jas. W. Carr, attorney.
Marshall et al. vs. Reeves.
Doc. 55; No. 0. 12-10-5
NOTICE.-To Arthur L.Wyman, Eleanor
Ftielpa oedley aud bedley, her
tiunbauU, first anu leainame unknown, Don
resident .efenuiinls.
You are i ereby untitled that on the 7th
day of Uectmber, 17 Harry J. Twiotlng,
plaint IT bled bis uetulon in the distrlciccurt
of Douglas county, ftebraska.agatn8iyou the
deienuauts tue object am orayer of which
la to foreclose one certain tax ctrilttcaie
d..ted January 7ib, 18X2 issued to William
bchliep idu by him asigned lo the plaintiff,
coericg lot d0 n Heeds nd Adul Ion to the
City of omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska,
ili nt there Is due the plaintiff upon sjld
tax cer lnVHte and taxes (.aid theteuLder
Hie sum of 3M).8, wllh interest at ti e rate
often perc-nt per annum from December
7ib, leUi, lor wnu h sum, with interest, costs,
aud au anorue's fee amount lng to ten per
cent of the decree, plaintiff prays tor a ue
ciee, and that he have a hrst ilea upon said
real ei-laie and that the defendants pay .Ihe
same and In default thereof that said real
etiate be sold to sa lsfy the amount due,
with Interest, aticrneys lees and os.s. and
that upon Bale thereof, the defendants be
debarred of all right, title i r Interest In said
real estate, ano f r other equitable relief .
You are rtijuired to answer said petition
on or before me 17td day of January, 18a.
Omaha, Dec. 10 ll, 1807.
By W. A. Saunders, Hla Attorney.
Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg.
ANTS. To Evelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn Scott)
a ud George C. Fenion, her husband, non-res-ld
nt defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the 24th
day of November, 1807. James L Browne, ihe
plaintiff bereln, liltu his petition in the Dis
trict court of Douglaa couniy, Nebraska,
against Evelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn
Bo t)and Ocorgo C. Fenton, her husband,
and others, the object and prayer if
which are to foreclose one certain tax cer
tlocate dated November 29ih, 1802. u. on the
lolh.wlng described real estate, to-wlt:
Lot Six (6) in block two i2), Sprlngdale an
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas coun
ty. Nebraska.
There Is now due on said certificate the aum
of 134.30 with luterest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from Nov. 26ih, 1807, for
which sum, with Interest and costs together
wlin an st.erneys fee amounting to ten per
cent ot the decree, plaintiff prays forad. -Ciee
thai he has a first Hen upon said real
estate that ihe defendants snail pay the
same, and In riMfaul. thuMnf ... .k
property be nolo to satisfy the amount found
-uy.u suie uioreui tue ueiena
ants be debarred of all rlgbt, t.tle and In
terest In sa.d real estate, and for other equit
able reilef.
Villi KM rOmilraf ti BnawAB n I .1.1
on or before ine 3rd day of January, 1808.
vuiKua, hut AO itsvt.
JAMIT. T. UW.107S1E T3lnl.ll
... illllv, 1 IdiUIIII,
By W, A. Saunuers. his attorney. 11- 20-4
Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg.
ANTS. To Robert L. Oarl chs, The
Manufacturers National Bank of Boston
MtLfiHA hllaMlla. Thn I'm 1 11 ' - V. H.....I L ,.
of Sanov Hill. New York, theWesterr National
nana in toe cuy oi new I org, The Mer
chants National Bank of Clinton. Iowa, j. W.
1'ei tielu (Hrst and real name unknown) R. C.
PeuHeld (Hrt and tl name unknown) aud
William H. Eidridge, non-resident defend
ants: You are hereby notified that on the 24th
day of November 18117, Walter K. Kee er.
plaintiff, tiled his petition In ihedlstrictcouri
for Douglas county, Nebraska, aitamst Rob
ert Li. UarllLhs, Tue Mauuf Mturers National
Bank of Bjston. Massachuse ts. Tde Peo
ple's National Bank, of Sand' Ulil, New
York, i he Western National Bank of the
Ulty ,f New Y rk, The Mer hants Naticml
B.nk of Clinton. Iowa. J. W PenBeld (Hrst
and real name unknown). R. 0. PenHeid (Hrst
and real sme unknown) and William H
tldrlge, and others, defendants, ibe inject
auu prayer of which la to foreclose one cer
tain tax certlHc.te dated November 25th,
180.!, upon the following descrlded r al estate
Lot five (5), block seven (7), Orchard Hill,
an addition 10 the c ty of Omaha Douglas
county. Nebraska.
Theie Is now due upon said certificate the
sum of 118.77 with Interest at the rats of ten
pur cent per annum from November 24tn,
1807, for wnlch sum. with Interest and costs
together with an attorn, ys fee amounting to
ten P' r cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for
a decree that he has a Hrst lien upon said
real estate, that the defendants snail pay
the sau e. and In defaul thereof that the said
property be sold to sa isfy the amount found
due. an that upon sale thereof the defend
ants be debarred of all rigu title and lu er
est. In sulo real estate, ana for other equit
able reilef.
You are also hereiy notified that you and
e.:h of ou ate required to answer Fald pe
tition on or before the 3rd day ot January
1808. "
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 26,
WALTER E. KEELER, Plaintiff,
.. - . B' W' Al Bundera, hi Attorney.
11-88-t Doc. 62,
fAtlr v 4
a . , V. I
from 32 to 40 inches bust measure.
Vie purpose to make it S2O0.OO0.
be published in the following issue
Merchantile Agency. Address
White Street, New York.
Merchants National Bank Bldff.
By virtue of an order of sale leaned)
out of the district court for Douglas coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will,
on the 2Sth day of January, A. D. ISf.
at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the
east front door of the county court house.
In the city of Omaha, Douglae county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the property de
scribed In said order of sale, aa follows,
Lost eight, nineteen, twenty and twenty
one. In block three, and lota eight, also
nineteen and twenty, In block six, In
Saunders & Hlmebaugh's Highland Park,
an addition to the city of Omaha, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas
county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
E. Keeler, plalntlfT herein, the sum of
sixty-five and 24-100 ($65.24) dollars Judg
ment, with interest thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent per annum from February
3rd, 1896, together with an attorney's fee
amounting to $6.25, In the manner of the)
amounts found due on each of said lots
and aa directed In the decree.
To satisfy the sum of seventy-two and
21-100 ($72.21) dollnrs costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a decree
rendered by the district court of said
Douglas county, at Its February term, A.
D. In a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plain
tiff and Erastus A. Benson and others ar
Omaha, Nebraska, December 24th, 1S97.
Sheriff of Douirlas Countv, Nebraska.
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Benson, et al.
Docket 52. No. 148.
Ex. Docket W, page 138. 12-24-5
Merchants National Bank Bldg.
By virtue of an alias order of sale Issued
out of the district court for Douglas coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will,
on the 2fith day of January, A. D. 1808,
at then o'clock a. m. of said day, at th
east front door of the county court house,
tn the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to tha
highest bidder for cash, the property de
scribed in said order of sale, aa follows.
The- undivided twenty-four-one-hun-
ereotns oj-imi) nr the west fiftv-ftve (55
feet of lot five (5) In block three, hundred
and forty-twa (342) of original plat of the
elty of Omaha, and also the undivided
seventy-six-one-hundredths (76-100) of the
west fifty-flve (55) feet of said Iot five In
Mock 342, in the city of nmaha, as sur
veyed, platted and recorded, all situated)
In Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
Fi. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums as
follows, to-wlt: On the undivided 24-100
of the west 55 feet of lot 5, In Mock .142
above described, the sum of thre hundred
and forty-threw and 84-100 ($343.84) dollars
Judgment, with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from
February 1st, 1897; and the further sum of
$S4.38, attorney's fees herein.
Also to satisfy Walter E. Keeler. said
plaintiff, on the undivided 76-ino of the
west 55 feet of lot 6, in block 342 above de
scribed, the sum of two hundred and
eighty-one and 41-100 ($281.41) dollars Judg
ment, with Interest thereon at the rate
of ten per cent per annum from February
1st, 1897; and also the further sum of $28.14.
attorney's fees herein.
To satisfy the sum of one hundred and
three ($108.00) dollars costs herein, together
wit accruing costs, according to a decree
rendered by the district court of said
Douglas county, at Its February term, A.
D. 1897, in a certain action then and there
pending, wherein Walter E. Keeeler la
plaintiff and Amanda Bergqulst, - Hllma
Bergqulst, Oecar Bergqulst, Anna C. Nel
son and John Nelson, her husband, are
Omaha, Nebraska, December 24th, 18W.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Bergqulst,
Docket 65. No. 177.
Bx. Docket Z, page 317. 12-24-S
Merchants National Bank Bldg.
Rv virtue nt on olio- f- .
out of the district court for Douglas
, "'Ji iitrortiniia, ana to me directed. I
JSil1, on th6 2R,n day of January, A. D.
1898, at ten o'clock a, m. of said day, at
the east front door of the county court
house, In the city of Omaha, Douglas
eount Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the property
described in said order of sale, as follows,
Lots (37), OS) and (40) In Luke & Temple
ton s addition to the city of Omaha, as
surveyed, platted and recorded, all in
Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Snld property to be sold tn satisfy Walter
t. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums on said
lots as follows, to-wlt:
On lot thirty-seven the sum of $29 92.
On lot thirty-eight the sum of $11.37, and
On lot forty the sum of $30.10. which
amounts, according to the decree, bear In
terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent cer
annum from February 1st 1897
Kimi'9,"!? 8um ' Forty-one an(1
26-100 ($41.26) dollars costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
m? by ,h district court of
5tJl a ,a8,oSol;nty' at lts February
InT'.h D- I897i. ,n a C6rtaln action then,
and there pending, wherein Walter H.
Keeler Is plaintiff and Alexander M. John
ston and others are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 24th, 1R97.
bherlff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney. uuraaKB
Keeler vs. Johnston, et al
Docket 57. No. 104.
Ex. Docket Y, page 255. 12-24-5
No! ire of Indebtedness.
Pursuant to provision of Section VH, Chap
terlrtof the statutes of Nebraska entltlej
"t orpors! bns." notice Is here iv given that
the aniou. t of the existing debts of ihe J W
I rswford Pompany Is EUM. Thound. One
Hundred, H'ty and 1M00 Dollars (18130.12.)
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 16 107
J. w. CRAWFORD, Pres.
O. M.HH RT Hec.
. 1