r THE AMERICAN 1 1: v 1. i i V Vi I? V) 1 f WI1AT ROME TEXCUES. In 1900 Hundred Rome Will Take This Country and Keep It Hecker. She Boasts That ReUgieus Libert; IsOnlj Endured CbUI the Oppeite Side caa lie fat Into Effort Without In J art U the Konian Ibarra. Freemasonry declares Its faith in the Fatherhood of uod and brother hood of man, says the American Tyler. Yet the tinsel kind of this lat ter Dart of the Nineteenth century busies itself In a little selfish circle of "God bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife; us four and no more. Amen." If Freemasonry uses language with even an ordinary degree of Intelligence and meaning it plainly teaches one God. the Creator of all things, and that the children of Adam male and female, blac and white, rich and poor, educated and unedu cated, moral and immoral, religious and irreligious as is plainly, posi tively and repeatedly affirmed in the Great Light are included in the phase "brotherhood of man." This is the only kind of Freemasonry recognized o leeitlmate by The Tyler. In its general work of salvation. Freema sonry can be no respector of persons, Jf Masons saw this thing as the truth of their declaration demands, and as they will one day see it, Freemasonry would soon preach a gospel that would compel attention the world over and with a success that should soon lift the dark pall of death that now clothes in oppression and slavery, m ignor ance and superstition the great ma' Jorlty of this "brotherhood of man.' Llstlessness would take her flight from our assemblies, and the non ami iates and those suspended for non payment of dues would no longer ap pear as a great army of living witness es aeainst a dead Institution. Ma sonry, if true to her profession, must be touched with all the pain of pover ty and sickness and sorrow and op pression and dearth of mankind uni versal. Its closed ears to the cries of starved and outraged and butchered ones of this "brotherhood of man" will not relieve it from responsibility, because they possibly never crossed the theshhold of a Masonic lodge nor stood on the Mosaic pavement. The on million souls of this "brotherhood of man" in Cuba that have been offer ed as a sacrifice for liberty of thought and speech and life on the bloody altars of Spain, at the bid of a church whose unfortunate children they were, will cry out eternally against the hypocrisy of a brotherhood that boasted a relationship while their eyes beheld the helplessness, torture ' and miserable death, ihe enorts that true Freemasonry has made in the past and Is striving for to the death today is that which hath brought ev ry Freemason under a declared sen tence of death. The plea is oft and thoughtlessly repeated that bulls of popes against Freemasonry, and edicts of excommunication against the ehll dren of its church are of no conse quence; that Freemasonry being regu lated by the moon, is equally great and high with the moon itself, and therefore beyond injury from the barking of curs, but It Is forgot that Roman Catholicism is a beautiful sys tem for the accomplishment of its end, which is the enslavement of its de votees. These people, like all the na tions who sit in darkness, are mem bers of this great body the "broth erhood of man." The essential error of Rome is the Idea that the pope is the official representative of Christ with full authority over every member of this brotherhood. To this end her army of workers are found planning and plotting in every country under the sun. The kingdoms of this world are to become her kingdoms. As to where a Roman Catholic can, under such obedience, be a loyal American we ask the careful study of the follow- ing Roman Catholic authorities. The language will admit of no qualifica tion: Education outside of the Catholic Church is a damnable heresy. Pope Pius ,IX. Education must be controlled by Catholic authorities, even to war and bloodshed. Catholic World. I frankly confess that the Catholics stand before the country as the ene mies of the public schools. Father Phelan. I would as soon administer sacra ment to a dog as to Catholics who send their children to public schools. Father Walker. The public schools have produced nothing but a godless generation of thieves and blackguards. Father Schaner. It will be a glorious day in this country when under the laws the school system will be shivered to pieces. Catholic Telegraph. The public schools are nurseries of vice; they are godless and unless sup pressed will prove the damnation of this country. Father Walker. We must take part In the elections, move in a solid mass in every state against the party pledged to sustain the integrity of the public eh.ls. MoClosker. The common schools of this country are sinks of moral pollution and nur series of hell. Chicago Tablet The time Is not far away when the Roman Catholic Church of the Re public of the United States, at the order of the Tope, will refuse to pay their school tax. and will send bullets to the breasts of the government agents rather than pay u. It will come quickly at the click of a trigger, and will be obeyed, of course, as com ing from Almighty God. Mgr. Capel. We hate Protestantism; we detest it with our whole heart and soul." I Catholic Visitor. I "No man has a right to choose his religion." Archbishop Hughes in Freeman's Journal, Jan. 29, 1S52. "If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical majority in this country, re ligious freedom Is at an end." Cath olic Shepherd of the Valley, Nov. 23, 1851. Protestantism, of every form, has not, and never can have any right where Catholicity is triumphant." Dr. 0. A. Brownson's Catholic Review, June. 1851. We have taken this principle for a basis: That the Catholic religion witn all Its rights, ought to be exclusively dominant, in such sort, that every other worship shall be banished and Interdicted." Pius IX. in his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals, September, 1851. "Protestantism why, we should draw and quarter it, and hang up the crow's meat. We would tear it with pincers and fire It with hot irons! Fill It with molten Ieaa and sink It in hell fire one hundred fathoms detp." Father Phelan, Editor Western Watch man. "Religious liherty Is merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency In this country. mat Ions of the spectators. The pope After allegiance to (be Ilrltlaa eVeDu liae ecitl a blit.r offlolated at his own diamond mass, crown had been thrown off. the Jack fM,Ung England, and a lmdon dla-, the music being furnished by the choir bearing the crosses of St. George and p(,h rpporU (nat but for foreign era- of the Slstlne chapel. The venerable St. Andrew became Inappropriate, and iarraiMinieBtt the government would pontiff then attended a mass 01 os iw nu 01 junf, un, ioe lonii- undoubtedly attempt a wholesale sup- IB Ji.MIUI j . The United Ireland nepatr saya: "It would seem as If a heat av of hell had paused over fair Italy, and had dried up.ln the hearts of lis p opha. thanksgiving, kneeling on a prie dleu. nental Congress passed the following pnM,8ln (c th rebellion celebrations everything that was noble and At the conclusion of the mass his holl- resolution ness in a strong voice, pronouueed tue Konolved, That Ihe flag of the papal benediction. He then took hta I'nited States be thirteen stripes, al seat on the throne and received del- ttrnate red aud white; that the uulon gallons until 10.30 o'clock, when he be thirteen stars, white, on a blue was borne out on the sedla gesta- field, rvpreseutlng a new coustella toria amid the acclamations of those Hon. 4 present. "The colonial troops, while much bel li! holiness had a most radiant face , ter organized than ever Ix-fore, were nri It was evident that he was enjoy- 1 still planned for the current year through out Ireland. HaYK I t'T KOAMM. Ing excellent health. He recelvd hun dreds of rich presents. Emperor Fran cis Jo ph of Austria-Hungary bent him 50.1KK) tloriuB in gold In a noid casket and the queen regent of Spain sent a massive gold and Jeweled gob let. His gift from the United States was a diamond cross. Presldnt Fau.e sent six sevres vases, and the present from the sultan of Turkey was a su perb diamond ring. Every country sent a large contribution to the Pe ter's pence fund. HIE HUM ILXii. Servile SUters After Heading-The Amer ican luur Years (Juit the ('hurra. The Servile Sinters of America are extluct. Their passing Imam a without a regular uniform, ihe certaltity with the sale of their Chi Vf- daut. and Catholic. Weak kneed peo ple have gone over to Freemasonry la large numbers. The utterly deprave have found refuge in the Inner clrclea of the craft. Many people In Engllaa spiking countries still regard It aa & sort of high class mutual benefit soci ety. In reality Its principal purpose Is to destroy the Kingdom of God on earth, and substitute that of tho devlL The sale of this large brick structure .. of nlarrlaee must be de nial was owe the center vt culture and B,roy0), hy dVorce. Their hellish plot learning and art In West Chicago has u up (h k1ngllom (f tll. U ones. The Freemasons have swora to establish Satan. The taking Of Father Hecker, in the Catholic World, uly, 1870. Undoubtedly it is the intention of the Pope to possess this country. In this intention he is aided by the Jes- its and Catholic prelates and priests." Brownson's Catholic Review, July, 1864. When a Catholic candidate is on a ticket and his opponent is a non Catholic, let the Catholic, candidate have the vote, no matter what he rep resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894. In case of conflicting laws between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the state." Pope's Syllabus of 1864. "We hold the state to be only an inferior court, receiving its authority from the church and liable to have its decrees reversed upon appeal." Brownson's Essays, p. 282. . "We do not accept this government or hold it to be any government at all, or as capable of performing any of the proper functions of government. If the American government is to De sus tained and preserved at all, it must be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that is, the gov ernment by the people), and the as ceptance of the Catholic nrtne.inle, which is the government of the pope. Catholic World, September, 1871. "I acknowledge no civil power." Cardinal Manning, speaking in the name of the Pope. S. R. S., 1873. 'The Pope, as the head and mouth piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters its discipline and issues orders to which every Catholic under pain of sin muBt yield obedience." Cath olic World, of August, 1868. 'In 1900 Rome will take this coun try and keep It." Priest riecker. "The will of the Pope is the supreme law of all lands." archbishop Ire land. Foes of the Public School. The suspicion exists tuat systematic efforts are being made by the author! ties of our larger cities to break down the public school system. This break ing down process is being carried on with great Ingenuity and is not openly avowed. It had its origin in the dread felt by the wealthy classes at the spread of education. There is too much education, and in consequence of this conviction we see the appropria tion for the public schools cut down and the appropriation for the poilce increased. In the city of New York the public school system has been brought under the control of million aires, with all sorts of theories about the dangerous classes. It Is an echo of the wisdom of Mr. Grover Cleve land, who, with his great learning, declared that the educated agitator is a menace to the state. New Time. It Wait Unfurled ou i'rupecl Hill. Bos tou, Jauuaiv 1, 17 Id. Prospect Hill (known also as Mount Pisgah) was the strongest fonlflcat.on f ihe American army during the Beige of Boston, and it was here that the Union flag was unfurled for the first time, Jan. 1. 1776. the day on I which the new Continental army wa3 organized. Upon that day copies of the king's speech at the opening of parliament had been sent from Boston by Geu. Howe to Washington. The speech was one better fitted to arouse opposition than submission to the English throne. It stated that the British nation was too spirited and powerful to give up those colonies which had been protect ed for so many years with "much ex pense of blood and treasure;" that both its army and navy had been strengthened, and that negotiations for foreign aid were already entered into. The English authorities enter tained great hopes of tne salutary ef fects of this message from the throne to the rebellious Americans. Ac cordingly the hoisting of the Union flag and the discharge of thirteen guns that saluted it were hailed with great delight by the BritiBh officers, who supposed it to be a token of submis sion to the crown. Referring to these circumstances, Washington, in a letter to Joseph Reed, dated January 4, 176, said: "The speech I send you. A volume of them were sent out by the Boston gen try, and, farcical enough, we gave great Joy to them without knowing or Intending It. For on that day the day which gave being to our new army, but before the proclamation came to hand we had hoiBted the Union flag, In compliment to the united colonies. But behold, it was received in Boston as a token of the deep Impression the speech made upon us, and as a signal of submission. So we hear by a person out of Boston last night. By this, time I presume they begin to think it strange that we have not made a formal surrender of our lines." The Annual Register, of 1776, gives a more detailed description of the flag. It says: "So great was the rage and indignations (of the Americans) that they burned the speech and changed the colors from a plain red ground, which they had hitherto used, to a flag of thirteen stripes, as a sym bol of the number and the union of the colonies." Previous to this so-called "Union flags" were displayed, but were merely British standards with the legend "Liberty and Property," or "Liberty and Union," set upon a field as em blems of Colonial rights and princi ples. In 1855 the Historian, Benson J. Lossing, discovered a contemporary occasional buckskin uuntlng dress of tago home and academy to the 8I-1 ,. . j,,,lllHa u,iriM,se is the first com- tlie Southern ritiemeu or of the fron- J ters of Providence. j n,an,m,.nt of Its decalogue. It say a tlernmeti beiug in pleluiesquo con trast to the bucolic homespun of tho New England mluuiemen. Washington's uniform is described in a letter written Ju.y 20, 1775, thus: "His dress is a blue coal with buff colored facings, a rich epaulette on each shoulder, buff underdrew, and an elegaul small sword; a black cock ade In his hat." Three of the cannon used at this time are now planted upon Cambridge common. They date from the reign of George the Second. Harper's Weekly. 1'vpe favors Spalu. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. A special to the Journal and Advertiser from Washington says: It Is current news In Catholic circles that, Christmas day, the Pope made a very Important communication to the Spanish gov ernment concerning the Cuban war and the altitude ot tne Vatican toward Spain in the present crisis. About three weens ago it became known that it had been represented to the Pope, through the usual channels of Information on this side of the At lantic, that the cause of Spain was lost In Cuba. This was so powerfully influencing European opinion that the Pope took occasion, on Christinas, to address an Important communication to bis nuncio at Madrid. The Pope declares emphatically that the Vatican upholds -every form of legal government which is not antl Christian in Its situation, and calls the Carllsts to account, stating that they, no less than the other subjects in Spain, owe Implicit allegiance to the reigning monarchy, and must not at tempt to use the cloak of religion to cover purposes that are ulterior to the proper aims and objovts of the church This will tend to circumvent the Carllsts and in a large degree will shear them of importance as the main hold of the Carlists has been the posi tive sympathy received from the Cath olic priesthood of Spain. It will solve, or at least modify the dilemma of the present ministry. Following this pronunclamento the pope deals with the existing war, and sends his especial blowing to the sol diers of the king of Spain. Discussing the Cuban question the positive statement is made that the Vatican has never construed into an approval of the Cuban cause or disappro val of the conduct of Spain. It hag suggested that, where possible, the rigorb of war should be mitigated, but ut.uer no circumstances has It utter ed a word that might tend to encour age the parricidal and fratricidal strife. Notwithstanding this minimizing the pronunclamento Is a very distinct victory for the foreign dynasty. The whole Influence of the Austrian court was thrown into the balance to bring it about. Christina, the queen regent, is a Hapsburg princess, and for her sake and the love the pope bears his godson, the powerful influence of the Vatican for Spain has been again ex erted to save the falling fortunes of the present dynasty. Trouble In Ireland. DUBLIN, Jan. 1. The centenary ot the Irish rebellion of 1798 was ush ered in here this morning. by a great torchlight procession, which paraded hujuju, Jan. 1. tne sixuetn an niversary of the pope's first celebra tion of mass was observed at the Vat ican today. Fully 3,000 delegates from Catholic societies and parochial committees were admitted to the Sala Delia Logia of the Vatican at 8:30 o'clock this morning, and shortly after that hour His Holiness was carried in on a sedla gestatoria, amid the accla- coioreo. drawing mai ior tne ni st time the principal streets, headed by bands rendered an authentic presentment ot ot mualc playing Irish, American and French national airs. Memories of the rebellion are having an unmis takable effect in awakening national the flag. It was a sketch of the Royal Savage (Arnold's flag vessel on Lake Champlain in the batttle of October, 1776). An ensign was depicted fly ing at its mast head. This flag dis played the British union tne combin ed crosses of St. George and St. An drew in the usual upper corner, but the field had been changed from the solid red into alternate stripes of red and white. It was doubtless the Union Jack in the corner of the flag feeling in Ireland. Daniel Fallon, the lord mayor of Dublin for 1898, has his inaugural procession today, and for the first time in the memory of the living the English military bands and escorts were dispensed with. The lord mayor had arranged for the attendance of the military as usual, but vigorous pro tests were made by the Nationalists JtiHt been completed, and It Is to bo remodeled and repaired by Us new owners and converted Into an academy for the Instruction of young girls. It brought only $35,000, which Is far be low Its original cost. Its former ten ants have gone out Into the world. They have practically left the mother church, and they have laid aside tholr holy robes and have donned the ap parel of the secular. Attached to this rausfer of property and the reuuu- clatlon of sacred vows by; the Servile Sisters is a story that teems with the exceptional and peculiar. The home of tho Servite Sistois just sold is situated at Albany avenue aud West Van Buren street. The slhters first came to Chicago In 1875, and soon had a flourishing community here. They built the academy and were in structors of scores of children and young people. It was close to 1880 that the first trouble arose, which finally resulted in their entire disruption. It is said that the mother In charge of the community refused to obey an order of a superior and take a trip to Cugland on some trying mission. For this disobedience the nuns were ex communicated from the Servite order. They continued their work under tho supervision of Archbishop Feehan, but from the first set back seemed to em anate an 111 starred career. The Sisters were In the habit of so liciting alms ut the city hall on pay day, aud this met with the disapproval of the archbishop. He ordered them to slop this practice and there was more trouble, and this caused such a rupture that excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church was threatened and finally befell them. The large community ot nuns finally fell away. With the separation of the community from the Servite order not a few left tho nunnery and went to other places. Their difficulties with the biBhop caused further depletion from their ranks, and today only three or four of the old colony remain In the city. The Servite order is small and re tired. It is very weak numerically In this country, inculding the Servite brothers, who are under an entirely separate church government. The order was founded In Florence, in 1223, about the same time as the origin ot the Franciscan and Dominican orders They proclaimed themselves the ser vants of Mary, the mother 01 God, and spent their time In doing penance and in worshipping her and devoting their efforts to the mitigation of the suf fering of humanity. The order was established in America in 1870 by few of the brothers who came from Italy and started a community at Green Bay, Wis. 1 ey came to Chi cago under Bishop Foley a few years later, and the Servite brothers still flourish here and have a church In West Jackson boulevard, and also con duct an Italian church in Illinois street. The brothers are entirely dis tinct from the Servite sisters, The excommunication of the sisters in Chicago caused quite a stir In both Church and secular circles. Their pass ing is now complete, and forms th last chapter in their career in America The former nuns are now living In Congress street, and two of them wear the ordinary dress of the up-to-date women. The third clings to the more sombre garb, and appears in it occasionally, but will probably give it up entirely soon. The transfer of the academy, which was called St. Mary's, was between C. J. Foley and Elizabeth Cooley, for merly at the head of the community here. She receives the money from the Home, In 1870, was planned by them. To corrupt and pollute the infantile mind they selected masters and mis tresses of the true blue stripe to ad minister, In copious draugths, tha poisoned beverage of secular cducatloa to the children of Italy In their secu lar srhoolH. They carried their blaa- mcmous cult within the walls of the capilol of Christendom. Female Ma sons are carefully selected to carry the sacred host to the temple of sutan to be desecrated. The hymn to satan, at their bandiiets and In their temp'ea, la so blasphemous and so diabolical, that Marglotta, who had told of their nefarious practices, dare not translate them fronj the Hebrew, in which they were written, into an intelligible tongue. Why do respectable men re main In this hell born soctT Because they are not allowed to examine Its secrets; they are simply the whltewaaa that covers the fetid sepulcher of Ma sonry." Can a man love his mother and hold his peace while she Is thus villlfled? Inquires the Masonic Tyler. Why, Then, Account to a Trlest! ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 31. A large ly attended reception waa given to night to the npoBtolic delegate, Mgr. Sebastian Martinelll, by the citizens of St. Paul at tho Ryan Hotel. An ad dress of welcome whb read to him by Hon. Daniel W. I-awler. Mgr. Mar tinelll, after thanking his hosts, said: The ability of a man and his great ness of heart and mind should b Judged by the work he has done and the achievements he has attained. Mankind is made up of domestic, civil and religious society. Leo XIII., with his encyclical letters on marriage on the constitution of civil society, and on the labor question deals with the security of a superior mind with the greatest problems and questions of the day, and strives to promote the pros perity and welfare of society aa well as of the nation, pointing out the means to be used for attaining that end and indicating the evils which lead to Us destruction or ruin. Among the evils pointed out by the supreme pon tiff are the want of individual and social freedom, the want of honesty, uprightness and religion. Because no man can be honest, upright and loyal to his neighbor who Is not loyal to his God, who is not Impressed with the idea that there is a supreme being to whom he mutrt give sooner or later an account of all his private and public actions. "There is no need for me to speak to you of the pope's geat love tor your country and its institutions, nor the interest he takes In its prosperity. The general character of the Ameri can people, the nature of your pollU cal constitution, based on one of the greatest attributes with which man is endowed, with liberty, stands as a basis and foundation for this hope. A keen observer cannot fail to notice that the marvelous progress made by the Catholic church In this country is due not only to Its principles and doctrines but also to the liberty which it enjoys in this free land. Such progress tan not be accounted for unless we admit the intrinsic force ot Christian prin ciples and doctrines and the fitness and adaptability ot the land in which the seed is sown. Let us therfore con gratulate you all for your good dispo sitions and on the work already achieved, and let me hope that yon will persevere with united efforts till it will be completed and become a hoisted at Cambridge that caused the through the press against associating sale and Is said to have shared, it with i tion. the sisters who stood by her during 1" conclusion Mgr. Martinelll paid a ,u v . , j ' warm tribute to Archbishop Ireland. the years of her troubles, and are now . . ... ,,,. 0f ri The monsignor will leave St. Paul I with her. Mr. Foley is a brother ot next Tuesday, having been the guest I the reverend, mother of the Sisters of Archbishop Ireland since before of Providence, who have purchased the ! Christmas, other guests during the English to misinterpret it to suppose that the Americana intend at once to submit once more to the rule ot George III. The colonial Union flag of thirteen stripes was also displayed in Penn sylvania during the year. A letter describing the departure of the Amer ican fleet under Admiral Hopkins from Philadelphia, in February, says it sail ed "amidst the acclamations of thous ands assembled on the Joyful occa- red coats with an Irish civic procession in a year which recalls such awful memories of barbarities by English soldiery in Ireland. The lord mayor, in obedience to this outburst, counter manded the invitation to the military. Thereupon Lord Roberts, the commander-in-chief in Ireland, forthwith recalled his acceptance of the lord mayor's invitation to the inaugural banquet, and the Unionist members of tho corporation drew up a protest sion, under the display of a Union flag j against the insult offered to the with thirteen Btripes in the field, em-' queen's soldiers, and intimated that blematlcal of the thirteen united colo- j they could not accept the hospitality nie8-" of the Mansion House either. building. Their home and academy is in Van Buren street, opposite the former holdings of tne Servites. They have changed the name of the acad emy to the Providence Academy, and are to refit It sumptuously and put It to excellent elevating uses. There are only thirty Servite broth ers in this country, and twelve of them are in Chicago. Saturday the last trace of the Servite sisters was erased from their abiding place of a quarter of a century and from the na tion at large. Chicago Times-Herald. Educate lour lT.ivr.-l. With ('nararru. Canity Cathartic cure constipation forever 10c 'J5c. It C. C. C. (ail, drutfKistsrutund niont same time including most of the lead ing church dignitaries of the northwest. KvrrvtxHiy o- Casearets t'andv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, peas ant and refreshing to the taste, aet eently and positively on kitluejs. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Pleasa buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-dav ; 10, 25, Ml cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Have you read Rev. Kostelo's great exposure of the Roman Confessional. We sell it. Price "0 cents. Most sen sational book ever published. Trans lations from Den, Ligourl, Kenrick and St. Thomas. Only 50 cents