The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 3

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A Tut Territory Wktrh T (ut4lM
Will KmImtbt t KrSf.
3 wo memben of the zoological
Mrey of I'anrU hve left IJuebeo
o one of the la pet, nuwt im. mrUnt
ad most perilous exploratory ur
jrt ever undertaken into what ia
io generally upoM.d to be the
wild, inhospitable territory in the
far north of Kastern Canadj. known
an the Ijil.rador peninsula. The ex
peditiou will bo alx-ent from civiliza
tion for m-arly two year, ani before
ita return to tjuobtvi hopes to have
olved tho enigma both of tho treat
LKe Mistassnii and of the cataract
of tht Hamilton river, conccrn'm
which such fa' uloua tale have been
told. It exi--ts to traverse the in
erior or l.abraJor from south to
liortb, as weil an from west- to east,
and to visit alike I npjava bay. in the
eitremo north, and liiolet and Ham
ilton inlets m the extreme ea.U.
The expedition, says the Boston
Herald, is led by A. I. Low of the
foologieal survey of Canada, and his
hief assistant ia I). I. Katoa. Mr.
Low has already visited and surveyed
Mistasslni lake, declaring it to be
about 100 miles in length, but his re
port has been disputed by other
Canadian surveyors, by the Indiana
who roam over the interior Rf this
ountry, and principally by W. II. IL
(Adirondack) Murray. to has the
tory of an EngJsh explorer, that ha
has recently found on tho Hamilton
river gigantic falls over L'OOOfoet high.
These alleged features of the great
Labrador peninsula will no doubt be
thoroughly examined by the expedi
tion, though the object of its mission
is rather to rep -ft upon tho course,
condition and chara 'tor of two vast
streams, the KastMuin river, running
weet into James bay, tho Hamilton,
running east in the same latitude
Into tho Haruilt inlet, which it is
proposed to mako portions of the
northern boundary of the prov
ince of Queboc. The change sug
gested will givo to tho proviuco an
additional strip of territory 250 miles
In width at its western extremity,
and including the whole of Luke
JJistassini and the Huport river and
surrounding country. Tho East
Main river, 80J miles from its mouth
and in the center of its co'irso, is
1,100 feet in width. Near tho source
of this river and not very far from
that of the Hamilton is Nichicoon
ost. where Indian hunters yearly
assemble with tho produce of their
chase, as well from Hudson and
Ungava bays as from tho shores of
Labrador and the St. Lawrence.
No white man has yet made the
journey mapped out for Messrs. Low
and Eaton, and few can imagine tho
dangers and difficulties they must
encounter in the interior of Labrador,
where the flies in summer are Jaeger
than horse flies aud bury their larv;e
deep in the flesh of the reindeer,
causing them to migrate from the
woodlands to the treeless, barren
wastes every year.
The 8'irveyors will winter with the
Eskim , probably lit Eort Chimo at
, Ungava bay, the most northerly fort
of the Hudson Hay company in East
ern America, whre in winter there
is but four hours daylight in twenty
four. Next year they will ascend the
Eokosak river from the fort into the
interior of the peninsula, and then
descend the Hamilton river to Ham
ilton inlet whence they expect to
find their shortest way home by
Hudson Bay company steamer from
the Labrador to London, and
thence across the . tlantie to Quebec.
Mot only is it surmised that the
great inland waters Labrador
abound in fresh water fish of com
merce, but the promoters of a pro
posed -ailway from lake St. John to
Mistalni. and thence to Hudson bay,
are a&xiously awaiting the report of
the expedition to judge of the possi
bility of connecting the great bay by
railway with Quebec and bringing
here the products of the northern
whale fisheries.
As an instance of the extent of
the c -'ry to be explored by Messrs.
Low and Eaton, it may be mentioned
that Moose Fort, on James bay, is as
far avsy from the easterly point of
the Labrador coast as it is from
Washington. It is a terra incognita,
as truly so as when it was, in popular
belief, the home of pigmies, of
dwarls, of giants, of headless men,
and semi-human monsters. It has
always been, as it were, beyond the
line of actual knowledge. Jacques
Cartier, the discoverer of Canada,
narrates that the Indian king,
Donnacona, told him that he saw
men there that did not eat, but who
lived on liquids; that in another
region were men who had but one
leg and thigh, with a very large foot,
two hands on the same arm, tho
waist extremely square, the breast
and head flat, and a very small
In 1717 a young Eskimo girl v?as
captured in Labrador and seen in
Quebec in 1720 by Father Charlevoix,
to whom she said that in her country
she had seen men of monstrous size
resembling those of whom Cartier
wrote, and who were amphibious,
and could remain under water three
quarters of an hour at a time, so that
the Eskimo employed them to fish
up the fragments of ships lost on the
coast She also averred that around
Ungava bay was a people entirely
black, with large lips, a broad nose,
and straight hair; that these mon
were very wicked, and although
badly armed, having only knives and
axes, without any iron, they had
rendered themsolves a terror to the
Nobody supposes that any of ths
people so described will bo discov
ered by Messrs. Low and Eaton, but
the result of their exploration is ex
pected to cast an interesting light
upon a mysterious and entirely un
known country, and the races of
people inhabitating It.
Kaow ail ma b thM prmBta: Tkal the
undrl(Ded have eorlt-4 nuranlve to
gether fur lb purpose of turatag Corpor
ate. lft The aam of aatl corporation aball be
tho "I inland L fe A-KJCiail..."
!od. Tim principal pl- of transacting
lb bualBM i f 1 corporation and the
prlaclpal or home oftV lhensf shall bet bo
ly of "tnaba, Uularouny traa.
3rd. Tu eoral nature of itaa bulraa o
bo Iran -acted By said corporation ahall b
tba roodui iluc uf a neral life aa ' acctdeat
Insurance butu,e upon tba natural prem
ium or mutual emmm .eo plan, and author
ity In (Wen the Hoard of lUrectora to do and
perform whatever act ma be arivwirt,
lawful, prooer and expedient for the a?e
aud auccesaful rodui 'f all business ra
te aired la hv aald A clatloti The Ammm'I
tlon ba log he to take mt a arrurrd
by tnorurake upon unenruiiibrred real estate
and Invest In sucb aeeuril e an provided by
law It may and bur and fee laatueand do and
lerform any and all acta In conrwl'on
t ereaith or Inrldi r t thereto, t eit ary and
proper to th-ncceful Iransactlun of Hhu
klnese. and said Awda - hae the riirbt
to Invest in am h real rotate a may ' e awpi
sary for the conduct or transaction of lia bu
Ineaaor pniiteo by la or In tlie ettt-llon
of any building f rmeb purpose, or for any
other puri ose permlt'ed by lit. Th4 Hoard
of IMrectora havlnK Ite power to enact aurh
law, by law,, rut a -i d rexulaiiotia a may
bejijatauri p-oper fi r the ci uduct or luan
BKemei.t of aald Aao--lation.
4i h. Norapltalal ek UauthorUed but tl e
axseta of aa'd Ansoc lntion hIihII oonsint of aa
eHHu enta made upon the meiubera of aald
A.swh-Ih' loo holdlnic beut'ti.'lary rertltli'alea
aa provided by betai le f ratea aut form in
the hy law of aald Association.
5th. The time of 'heroin a eno ment of the,
business of aald corporation waa uion tbe
iih day of October. A. I. 1W. the date of
the pproval of the ArMrlea of Incor
p ration and the plau of operation of
the Aa oolutlon by the Auditor of
Public Accounta and ih Innurance Dt-purt -ment
of the Slue of Nebraska. Tie
termination thereof to be Dlnety-nlne yea a
from aald date.
Mb. The limit of Indehtednexa or liability
of aald ro'toratlon la aurb aa may be Incur
red by death Iriisea and the rtueuara of run.
ducting the aiTalra of (aid corporation, the
amount of lla lllty uton each bmtlrhiry
certlHcate held by any m mil r thereof to tns
limited by and dependent upon t e amount
co'lcted from an aneeuient. made to meet
aald cialm nut eireedlni' the amount named
In aald benenclary ( erilm ate.
7th. 1 he affair- of the t oruoratlon are In
be. conducted by five or more fllrectora. not
exce- ding tlftt t'n. wlio a nil hold their t fli-es
unt'l the f u rill 'luesdav In January. IM'.i.
and thereafter to beelecud annually at the
regular meet ne or mild A-or at on. the
aald IMirciora to elect from their nuuihrr a
freslilent. (erreiary. IrniMinr and Man
ager, wboohail h ve the control of the af
t.'B of aald AHHorlhllon.
Dated Omaha. Nebraska. October Stllh. A.
Atlortwy. Merchant National Dank.
CUGblrKH MAI K.-H virtu of plurtea
oroer or aaiv aaauea out or tat uiatrict
court for l.tu(laa rutinty. Nebraska, and to
dj directed. wlll.oa the i'.lh day of Jaau
ary. A. It. law at tea o'clock a u. of said
day. at tha kAT front door of tbe count
Court bouse, la lb city of Omaha. lNunla
Cuun'y. Nrliraska. sell at public auctloe to
ineniiinest uiuoer r rcan. ins proieriy oe
acrlbed l said order of sal aa fullowa, to-wlt:
Lots one (II. two (tl. three (31. four 4. ie
p. sl( (. seven 1,1. elirbt is), n'oe il and tea
ill" sll In b'ook e ht ,M In Hoyd's Addition
to the city of Omat a aa surveyed, p atted
and recorded, all Id Itougtas county, state
of Nebraska.
Kald pnterty to be aold lo satisfy James
W. Dvortkt plaintiff herein, the sum aa
folic w to wit :
On lot one, above drs-rltieil. the sjm of
140 and an attorney's fi e o' fMU;
! lot two. alHe dewrl ed. the sum
M Ml. and aa attorney's fee of ' W:
On bit three, above cleacrllieil toe sum o
M M. and an att rney a fee of s. til
( lot four. alove dewrlbeil. the sum o
W", std an attorney's free of f. M
n lot live. lx ve .wp bed. the sum
!, 40. and an a"orney's free of M i,4;
on lot all. den'rllied. the sum of
and an attorney a fee of :r: renta;
4'u lot seven. alMive dewrl ed. the sum o
H VS. and an attorney's fee of 3 0 nU:
On lot elirhl, alHtve dvrllH-d. the autn of
.!:. and an attorney 's fee of cenla:
tn lot nine. alMive dearrflied, the sum of
H and an attorney's fee of 'M cent:
On lot ten. alMive described, the sum o
I.IWJ. snd an attorney's fee of :t cents:
All of wMeh aui a teleK the amount o
the Judgment attains! each of said lota, wtth
interest I hereon at the rate of 'n lltll pe
cent per annum from Muy 4th. I "'.!, leu'ept
I Eiat attorney's fees thereon) all if whirl
sums being a Drat val.d and existing lien
up n said property.
To aatlafy the fur her autn of One Hun
(Jrrd and forty-three and ;t! IK) if 14.1 ! dol
lars coats herein. together with accruing cota
ai-rordlng to a Judgnent rendered by the
district court of aald Douelaa county, at It
May term. A. I 1M1. In a c rtaln action then
and there pendlmi wherein J amea W l vorry
is piainun. ana mit-v r. iti utiyai u niiiiam
A- Keatty. her hual and are ufinriant.
Omaha. Nebraska. December ?4ih. INDT.
John w. McDonald
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska
nr. a. enunoera. attorney.
Dvortky v. Henty elal.
Doc. 85: No. I7U. 13 S4-5
11. i:. Hl'ltVAM
Attorney. 1115 New York Life Building.
OIIEUIFK'S RALE Ky virtue of an alia.
i otderof aale Insued out of the district court
fur I )ouglita county, Nrlimi-Ua. and lo
directed. I will, on t he 2Mb day of January
A. D. lf'.'H. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day. at the EAST fro tdoor of the county
Court house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas
county. Nebraxka. aell al public unction to
the highest bidder for cash, the property do
scribed In said order of sale, as follows, to
The east one-r alf (EV of lot one hundred
and one (101) In UIhu's addition to the city i f
J-,lj' I Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded
incorporators .. all In Douglas county, state of Nerraaka, the
Merchants National Bank Bldg
By virtue of an order of Bale Issued out
of the District Court for Dougjas County.
iveorasKa, ana to me directed, 1 will, on
the 2Tilh day of Jiitniary. A. D. IH'.iS. at ten
o'clock A. M. of said day, at the EAST
front door of the County Court House, in
the City of Omaha. Douglas Countv. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described
In said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt:
Lot IX. block 2. In Hoiltord l'luce. an ad
dition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all in Douirlaa
County, State of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Wal
ter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of
thirty-two and W-lno (BS2i dollars
Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of
ten urn per cent per annum from Febru
ary 1, 1897;
To satisfy further the sum of $20.01
CrfWts herein, together with accruing;
costs, according; to a decree rendered by
the District Court of said Douglas County,
at Its February term, A. D. 18U7, In a cer
tain action then and there pending;,
wherein Walter R Keeler is plaintiff and
Mary Cunningham and others are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, December 24, 1897.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Cunningham, et al.
Docket 67. No. 178.
Hx. Docket Z, Page 291. 12-24-5
Attorney. Merchants National Rank Bldg
ANTS: ToMnry Malone and Mr. Malone (8rst
and real name unknown) her husband, non
resident defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the 2flth
day of November.A D..18H7 James I,. Browne,
plaintiff herein tiled his petition In the dis
trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska.
against Mary Malone and Mr. Malone
(first and real name unknown) her huahanri.
defendants, the object and prayer of hlch Is
to foreclose one certctn tax certificate dated
November 9th. 1813. unon lbs following des
cribed real estate, towlt:
Lot lx (6) block two 2). lo Westslde an ad
dition to the City of Omaha, Douglas county.
There Is now due upon said certificate the
sum of 187.72 with Interest at tbe rate of ten
per cent ntr annum from November 26th,
1897, for which sum, with interest and cost
together with an al'ornrys fee amounting to
ten percent of the decree, plaintiff prays for
a decree that he las a tint lien upon said
real estate, that the defendants shall pay
the same, and In default thereof that tbe
said property be sold to satisfy the amount
found due, and t at upon sale thereof the
defendant be debarred of all right, title and
Interest In raid real estate, and for other
equitable relief.
You are also hereby notified that you and
each of you are required to answer laid
petition on or before the 3rd day of January,
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 26,
JAMES L. BROWNE, Plaintiff,
By W. A. Saunders, his attorney.
Doc. 82. 11-28-4
north on -half (N '4) and he south one-half
i O-'ii of said enat one-half (K',1 of said lot to
Deonereu separate, v.
Said property to be sold to satisfy John
Woodford, plii'ntlff herein, tlir mini of ooe
hundred and llfty-two and It loo dollars
(iir&lM Judgment, with Interest tbereon at
rale of seven (7) per cent per annum from
May 3rd, 189".
To satUfy the defendant Joseph W. Cone
the sum of three hum red and nfteen and 41
1(0 dollars, ((115.41) Judgment, wllh Interest
theieon at rate of t n (10) per cent
nn in from May 3rd, 1897.
To tat'afy the de'i ndunt George Smtih the
U'" of five hundred and fifty six ai d 10-1IK)
dollars ( judgnent. with Interest
then on at the rate of ti n W per cent, pi r
annum from January 2.01 li, 194
To satisfy the further sum of r Ighty-Bve
ami lit nit) collars i8.i)l) costs hi rein, to
gether with accruing costs, accord ng to a
Judgment rendered by the d i-trlct court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D
1897 In a certain action then ano there pend
ing, wherein John Woodford I- plait tiff, and
Scott Jackson I on Jackson. Mrs. Marv Jack
son. Frank E. Moores, AHiyn L. Frank Clerk
of tie u sirlet Uourtcf Douglas County, Ne
!raNka, Joseph w. i:onn. tie, rge Hmlt i. The
Mutual Inveatment Company of Omaha. N
liruska, and John L. Pierce, Receiver of The
Mutual Investment Company of Omaha, Nt -braska
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. December 24th. 1897.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
H. E. Kurnam, attorney.
Woodford vs. Jackson etal.
Doc. 58;No. 353 12 24-5
Attorney. Merchants National Bank Bldg.
SHERIFF'S Sale. By virtue of aplurlns order
of sale Issued out of the district couM
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will, on the 25th day of Janu
ary. A. D. 1N)S. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day.
at the EAST front door of tne county court
house. In the city of Omaha. Douglas count y.
weorasKa. ae'i at punnc auction to the h gh
est ' ldder for cash, the property described In
dald order of sale as follows, to-wlt :
'lhe Wrst One half (!4l of Lot Five (5) in
Block Three (3). Hatrl 'k's First addition to
the city of Omaha, as surveyed, pla'ted and
recorded, all lu Douglas county, state of Ne
braska. Said property to be sold to satlafv Harry J.
Twlntlng, plain tt IT herein, the sum of One
hundred and ' hlrty-nlne and 43-100 dollars
(11394.11 judgment, with Interest, thereon at
rate of ten ilO) per cent per annum from Feb
ruary 1st. 1897, to ether with an attorney's
fee lu tbe sum of Thirteen an H 100 (f 13.94)
dollars, which an ounts are a Drat valid and
ex'stlng Hen upon said property.
To satisfy the sum of one hundred thirty
seven and .17 lOOdollars cost hf rein. together
with accruing cos la according to a Judgment
rendered by tl e district court of said Doug
las county, at Its February term, A. I) 1897,
In a certainn action thn and there pending,
wherein Harry J Twlnt'rg Is plaintiff, daa
Wlnnl red Dempsey. Charle. Murray, West
ern Cold Storage Company, a corporation or-
ganlzed and existing under the laws of the
late of Nebraska. Philip I. Devol snd
Adeila J. Devol, bis wife, and the unknown
heirs of James H Dempsey deceased and
John Rush, defendant.
Omaha, Nebraska December 24th. 1897.
joh v w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. Saunders, attorney.
Twlntlng vs. Dempsey, et al.i
Doc. 68; No. 70. 18 24-S
Ex Docket Y: Page 288
Bishop Coxes
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Umnha to Kaunas City.
1025 miles,
1047 minutes-
the world's record for Ion
diHtaiit'C f.iMt running hala
by tlm Burhrnt'oii Rout.
February 16th a special
train ovttr ita linn tnado
th run from Chu ngo u
Denver-a c I stance of 1024
iniles-in Din urii)ree(lnt-
eil tim ot 18 hours and
63 minutos. Allowing for
stopx, thn actual running
tinia w:is 17 hours and Hi
minutH, antl the average
rate of bpeed btj miles an
Write for booklet tellin
how run whs made. Write
also for information about
rates and train service via
the Burlington Route to
Denver, Salt Lake City,
Deadwood, Helena, Butte,
Spokane, Seattle, Tacotna,
Portland, San Francisco,
or any other western city.
J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
The Priest,
the Woman,
And the Confessional
By Rkv. Chas. Chiniquy,
Remit by bank draft, postal or express mouev onlflr. or hv rWiA.
tered letter to tbe
, WHICH , .
Does the Work 01 iD6 $10C Machines.
Heretofore the (treat cost of typewriters
has prevented many people from purchasing
Im inn uiue.
A Perfect Typewriter at a low Price baa
1 been a crying necessity. We are happy to
announce mat in the
Odell Typewriter
we ar able to furnish you a perfect machine
in every particular at the remarkably low
price of
$15.00 and $20.00
For a Single Cas. For a Double Case.
You can learn to opera'e t he Odell la ten
minutes and the bo. inner lcv mos an ex
p rt In ten dsy-i' prartl -e. whereas a long
courte at the tiuslrrsi colloge is necessary to
master the flOO muchlnes.
Some wrltlnj machines hate rubber trpe:
our type is metal, will not wear out. and
prints clearer than a"y ot er tvnewrlter.
The strength, durability and finish of tbe
Odell Is unsurpassed. For manifolding It has
no superior. For speed It holds 'ta 'own with
any writing maohiue made, no u utter wua
the cost.
That we are hvlnii an enorn ous sale for
the Odell Is attributed to the fact that we
have no con-petit on, it heinir the only low
priced and practical ma -hlne on the taarket;
S5 and fluo tpvw-lters ure things of tbe
past. They, like hluh-or cel solng ma
chines, have had -heir day No tntellcent
business o prof-aslnnnl n an Is going to pay
UnO ir a typewrller when the odell, costing
fimr-tifths !e, wl 1 do Inner work than any
hlKh-pricvd machine. Nealnes and speed
is what tne business men if todav want, and
thre !s n"W no excuie anybody to be
without a typewriter, eltner In Irs o'lhV or
M). home. Tne tKlell on ea within lhe reach
of all. and It ran be duly said tint ' it tills a
loni! fell a t." We are meeting the de
mards of the people with a tj pewrlter that
has no ecjit-U. , . J
Writ for Tonus ami Catalogue to
Oo. ISth auj Ha -nay OM.AHA,.S