The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 1

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DMt your approval ahall apprrciata
your ubucripuoa. The pnea la tfcO
toeU)r with a g ood book.
THE AMERICAN and llii" Ho' ClmrUri
('hinliiuy'a "FWVy yr In tha Omwih r
Riiitm" wint to any aitdrfw fur (CO
Htmti Uk your ortlnr and CASH.
e4 MKIUCA FOU AMERICANS" We ho d that all men aie American! win Swear AHetfUce to the United SUWa without a mimul reservation.
Nu.MKKIt 1
With Enthusiasm in the
Cause of Pure Ameri
canism. 41 G ! 6 ni" i Wafted From Etfry
Section, Until It Keboe From
Ocean to Ocean and From
Magra to the (iulf.
BUFFALO, N. Y.. Dec. 28. Editor
American: Dear Editor Will you
kindly continue my paper, and I will
lorward the money for the same the
, last of January. Don't feel as though
I could get along without The Amer
ican. Your exposure of Roman (pris
ma) convents speaks the courage ol
the man. Every American should pat
ronize your paper. Then what a pat
riotic sheet you could throw out to the
world ! Just read In one of our Buf
falo papers about a Roman priest In
sulting our flag in Brooklyn, N. Y.
The priests' followers are the ilrst
' sues to comment when our flag Is In
sulted on the high seas, but they
ever peep when a fatherly priests
Samples it In the dust! Why should
It not be right to shoot a miserable
ur like that for treason It would
make an example for the rest of the
ounterfeit Americans. Yours in F. P.
p., S. O. MAILS.
tlemen: Enclosed please flsd drafts
tor $9.00 In payment of two renewals
smd seven new subscribers; all to
some under wrapper to eacti subscrib
er. While I am writing will 6ay that
for the small outlay no Investment has
given me so much value received and
as good satisfaction. Your fight to
free the girl prisoners from the
ouses of Good Shepherds ought to
meet a hearty response and practical
encouragement In the way of :i great
ly enlarged subscription list. Am
afraid, however, that that foul blot
will never be wiped out until woman
takes hold of it. It was a woman (Mrs.
Harriet Beecher-Stowe) who aroused
public sentiment against the inhuman
Institution of slavery. And not till
woman raised her voice were we able
to stamp the seal of doom on the Mor
mon curse, a question that Congress
wrangled over, but evidently were
afraid to touch. But when woman
Anally laid hold of It, it had to 'go.
Therefore, I say, plead with woman
to reach Into these institutions where
those of her own sex are unlawfully
Imprisoned and bring them into the
enjoyment of that liberty granted
y our Constitution and which, we afe
so proud to boast about. Wishing
you great success. Your truly,
T. M. C.
PAOLA, Kans., Jan. 1. Hope I am
sot too late with my renewal of sub
scription for the American. Have been
very busy and cannot do without thr
paper. Please renew me for another
year. VET. W.
DIXON, III., Dec. 3i. Editor Amer
fcan: Dear Sir and Friend I will now
enclose $1 and renew my subscription
to the dear old American. I cannot
get along without your excellent pa
per. Yours truly, C. C. B.
ELLENSBURO. Wash., Defc. 30.
Oentlemen: Please find enclosed $4 00
for four subscriptions to The Amerl-
. Yours In F. P. P.. H. C. A.
ELMIRA, N. Y., Dec. SO. Friends:
I am very sorry I cannot send you a
Bst of subscribers, but I found that
those who had promised me had sub
scribed jointly with some one else.
However, If they only take The Amer
ican, It matters little who they sub
scribe with. I received the package of
papers and sent to several clergymen
and officers of the R. R. Y. M. C. A.
We direct our efforts In this way to
eompel their notice of Rome's work
ings. The 'churches have been our
worst enemies, remaining silent when
'we needed the most encouragement
and advice in this reform, and why
should they be afraid to offend. If
they speak the truth. If they are op
posed to Romanism and seek to hide
the truth, by their silence, they are
guilty of hypocrisy to a great extent,
and we Intend to call their attention
by sending them papers and other
The enclosed clipping Is woth re
peating, I having cut It from an old
Progressive Thinker, so I enclosed It.
The American of uecember 24 Is full
of Interesting reading and its column
or positions are read at our council
meetings, and the lime Is fast ap
' proachlng when Protestants must de
cide between Popery and American
Ism. Enclosed find amount for a year's
subscription, $1.00. I cannot go ovr
to town for an order, but hope this
rim nnnvrrniT in 1 1)1 i
UfiUWK HI lo AdLJjCi
pKM jfTiff Will
He may never have realized the importance of having
may reach you all correct. Yours for
Loyalty and Liberty,
APLINGTON, Iowa, Dec. 25. Gen
tlemen: I have been around town to
day to see what I could do for you in
the way of subscriptions. I find it the
same as our California friend reports,
lots of good patriots, while it don't
cost anything, but draw on their
purse and "they ain't In it." They
don't seem to realize that a few pen
nies now may save a good many drops
of blood by and by. If every patriot
would take some patriotic paper and
after reading It would hand it to some
friend that has not yet got to think
ing, how much good his dollar would
do In a year. Only a dollar apiece, but
it would save our country. Friends, I
will try to get along without a new
coat this winter, but not without my
American. I enclose money order for
$8.25 and list of names. Hoping to be
able to get you a few more names. I
am yours In F. P. P., A. E. H.
E ASTON, Pa., Dec. 28. Dear Sirs:
I am sorry to disappoint you, but I
can't help it. I am disappointed my
self for not being able to secure at
least a few new subscribers, but, be
ing in the holiday season, needing
more money than usual for the holi
day festivities, they plead poverty,
and others think there is no cause for
alarm, Just because they don't know
what's going on In the country. And,
as regards President McKinley's ac
tions, he is completely Romanized;
he will never get my vote any more,
if he does aspire for the second term.
I am glad that Rev. Johnston stirred
the President up on the Jesuit ques
tion. It's the best thing that could
happen. It's deplorable that so many
people do not take any Interest In
this all-important matter of preserving
our Institutions. They will let the mat
ter go by default. I hereby enclose ?2
money order for two subscriptions to
January 1, 1899, for myself and a
friend. Address papers as heretofore.
I would not like to be without chis
paper. I would state that my friend
was a Roman Catholic at one time,
but he Is now bitterly opposed to
them. He Is more severe on the Ro
man doctrine, and its prelates or
teachers than any one that I know,
and he has a brother and several fis
ters In the Roman faith. Very truly
yours, W. H. R.
AURORA, 111., Dec. 28. Dear Sirs
and Friends: Please find enclosed
postoffice order for $5 for f ve (sub
scriptions to your paper. I will write
again soon. Hoping you will have a
prosperous year, I remain, your friend,
J. G.
KANSAS CITY, Kans., Dec. 30.
Enclosed find draft $1.00. for which
please renew my subscription to
American for 1898. Now, In regard to
my brothor-ln-law at Selma, Fresno
County, California, I hive paid for
his paper out of my own pocket so
far, but can't renew it this year, as 1
don't feel able, so you will have Id
lock to them for the money. 1 enjoy
your paper ever so much. May God
bless you In your noble word is iny
earnest prayer. Your in F. P. P.,
J. M. V.
j MOWEAQUA, 111., Dec. 28. Dear
Sir: Since I received your letter I have
tried to get others to send with me,
but not until just now, when I came
across a friend and asked him again
and he gave me a dollar and I went
into the bank and got another draft,
so here they are. Send papers until
January 1, 1899, and then stop it with
out more money comes. I am with you
first last and all the time. I am an
American, now over 82 years old, and
hope to live to see Linton or some
other as true a man In the White
House with a Congress of like prin
ciples. True Americanism is nearly
dead here. We had ninety-one mem
bers two years ago, but now it has
all "gone to grass," and they will
hardly talk about it any more. Now,
after McKinley had the support of
the A. P. A.'s, to think he would take
the enemy Into his cabinet is more
than I can swallow. It makes me mad
to think we can't find a true man any
more, and now he wants to send one
to the Superem Court bench! But he
does not want to give Cuba her rights
of freedom; yet I have some hopes
that Congress will do something
soon. I live in hopee, but I may die
in despair, and not live to see our
country conquer Its greatest enemy. So
do the very best you can for the new
party, for 1900, so we can find out
whether we are America or Rome. I
read and circulate all I can. The Irish
call me the boss A. P. A., and if I
don't stop it they will blow me ulgher
than a kite; but I told them two could
play at that game; so we live here
yet. Yours truly, E. D. B.
KANE Pa Dec. 27. Editor Ameri
can: My Dear Sir Being very busily
engaged in moving for the past two
weeks I found it Impossible to reply
to your letter requesting a renewal to
1 your paper. It affords we no little
pleasure to do so, however, at the
present time, and to say that this is,
I believe, my fourth consecutive re
newal and to assure you that as long
as you continue to sound the alarm
against the alarming conditions that
threaten our cherished institutions in
so fearless and able a manner, just
that long can you count upon me as
a subscriber. In fact, I have grown
so attached to it and its out-spoken
contents that I cannot afford to miss
a single number. You will find en
closed the amount in a P. M. 0., and
. s ir s ia. ...ti b il in, 'v . a vr r j
that gun handy until he saw the
please note the change in my address
from Hdye Park, Pa., to Kane, Pa.
Now, Mr. Thompson, I desire to ask
of you the following:
I wish to secure a set of some stan
dard cyclopedia. In which can I find
the least taint of Jesuitism in their
maPb-up; which give the bare facts?
Answer American standard or the
Encyclopedia Britannica. English edi
tion of lattter.
2. A missionary priest is soon to
appear In our town and expects to en
lighten us benighted heathen through
the medium of a "question box." Will
you please furnish me with a "bomb"
for the box?
Answer In case the laws of the
church conflict with the laws of the
state, which should a good and true
Roman Catholic obey?
An issue of the American a year or
more ago contained just th? ammuni
tion I want, but I sent it to a friend
for a similar purpose. I READDRESS
every state has received some, at var
ious times.
I also desire to get some stationery.
Will you please quote me prices and
designs. I would like to have the flag
In colors. Can you furnish B. P. O. E.
emblem in colors; head and antlers
alone preferred. Please inclose with
reply a number of subscription blanks.
I like to enclose them with my pa
pers. The Pittsburg Commercial-Gazette
has opened its columns to an in
teresting controversy upon Roman
Ism between Father Lambert, editor
Freeman's Journal, and David McAl
lister, D. D., of Pittsburg, and our
cause Is being ably defended.
Please pardon the length of this
epistle, and wishing you and yours
a Happy and Prosperous New Year,
believe me to be very fraternally
yours, J. H. W.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 26. Dear
Sir: Your letter dated December 1
came to hand some time ago. I in
tended to answer long before this, but
we were short of money. Yes, I am
just as strong an Aemrican as I have
been this long time. I intended to
send you more names last winter, but
It seemed like I could not spare the
money. My father Is dead, so mother
and I have a hard time to get along.
How I would like to Join in and tear
down all the convents and let those
poor girls go free. You ought to have
been here and heard one of our
boarders and I quarrel over Catholi
cism. He was not a Catholic, but he
could tell of lots of good qualities the
Catholics had; but I could find as
many mean qualities as he could good
ones and we had it red hot. I made
him mad because I could talk as fast
as he could. I am very sorry about
our president I never did like the
name of McKinley. He Is putting too
creatures display their venom.
many Catholics in office, and whore
are the A. P. A.'s in office under Mc's
administration. I never did like Mc
Kinley. In all of Mc's pictures ha
looks like he never would look any one
in the eye, or let other people look in
his eye; and look out for the kind of
people who always turn their heads to
one side when they talk to you. I
send $2.00 for my subscription and
for my brother also. If I send you
twenty-five more names and addresses
with 25 cents, could I get the book,
"If Christ Came to Congress." You of
fered it that way last spring and 1
wanted to send the names, but could
not spare the money, we have had so
much bad luck and trouble trying to
get what little money we did have, 1
could not spare It then. Hoping this
will find everything all right. Respect
fully. MARY C. B.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Dec. 29. I like
your paper and do not want to drop it.
Hope you will keep up the good work.
All good Americans want to see those
prisons, with their pet names, open
for public inspection and the many
hearts that are panting for liberty
set free. I, for one, would like to see
the American people make a strike at
the Jesuits and drive them off Ameri
can soil. They are corrupting our pol
itics and undermining our govern
ment. We see lots of Rome rule here
In Buffalo. Perhaps the people will
get an eye opener after a while. I re
main very respectfully yours,
W. M. S.
DIXON, HI., Dec. SO.-My paper fe
about run out. I want to subscribe for
six months. You will find In this letter
$t for six months. I am short of money
now, but won't go back on this pa
per. I will fight against Romanism as
long as I live. You sent me a list
some time ago. I was so busy that
I could not attend to it. I would have
time this winter to get new sub
scribers for your paper. I am in favor
of American Protection Association
to organize a new party, for I have
no faith in the Democrat or Republi
can parties. Those two parties give
Rome too much. F. L.
ALTMAN, Col., Dec. 27. Editor
American: Dear Sir and Friend En
closed find postoffice order for two
dollars ($2.00) for renewal of my own
and a friend's subscrlptions.The other
dollar is to add a year's subscription
of my father at Lone Jack, Mo. Will
you please answer the following
questions In your next Issue:
1. Am I right in saying one of the
Judges of the Supreme Court is a
Roman Catholic? If so. what Is his
name and from what state is he?
Answer Yes. White. Georgia,
2. Do the Episcopalians, either in
England or America have the confes
sion box as the Roman Catholics do?
Answer They do and certain rec
tors arc. Unlay moving to establish It
In this city, together with a celcbsts
3. Of what religion wan General
Thomas, of the- lute war; Wlrli, tha
commander at Andcrsonville prison
and that fellow whom Jeff Davis
made rouiiiiundor-ln-chlcf of all the
prisons In the south.
Answer Thomas was a Protestant;
Wlrts was a Romanist.
4. Is there any book written by an
ex-nun who was In a nunnery In th
Hutted States.
Answer Think Edith O'Gormaa
was In convent In Now Jersey,
I wish to say In conclusion that W.
U Butler, of lono Jack, Mo., Is my
father and with the assistance of your
paper I have made an uncompromising
A. P. A. out of him. He Is an old sol
dier and nays those who try to de
stroy the government which he fought
three years to preserve are no friends
of his and cannot receive his support.
Ho says tne A. P. A. sentiment is
getting to bo very prevalent In the
rural districts In his part of the
stato. I say, may they gain moreso
all over the state, as firmly rooted as
the giant oaks that spring from ben
1 think they have had enough ol
Kerens and Phelanlsm.
I will aiM three dollars to the afore
said order for Ihreo ono year subscrip
tions. 1
Yours In F. P. P., '
NEW CASTLE, Pa., Doc. 22. Edi
tor Tho American: Some few months
ago my frbvid Mr. Alexander per
suaded me to take tho paper six
months on trial. I boo straight forward
statements regarding Romanism,
which I fear are only too true. Have
Chinlquy's book and read a good deal
on Romanism. But am frank to say I
belelve wo ought to speak the truth'
In love, Instead of sarcasm. Please
don't send the paper any longer to
my address. "He that takes the sword
shall perish by the sword. A Bible
poet says:
Truth forever on the scaffold, '
Wrong forever on the throne,
Yet that scaffold sways the future.
And behind the dim unknown i
Standeth God within the shadow, '
Keeping watch above Ills own.
Respectfully, MR. and MRS. D. K '
ST. 1X)UI8, Mo., IVc. ?9 Gentle
men: Enclosed please find $10 order
for ten American subscriptions. I told
my friends If they would subscribe $1
for The American, that it really repre
sented $10 lor true Americanism. I
also renew my paper for another year
and present U to my wife for her
New Year cilt. I don't know of any
thing else in the world that would
open her eyes any quicker. With best
wishes for a Happy and Prosperous
New Year, I'll remain, yours trulv,
A. P. B.
CHICAGO, III., Dec. 19. I send you
herewith one dollar ($1.00) for next
year's paper, and I will try to get
some more customers. I will do any
thing to down the cross-backs. I am
too poor or I would do better towards
you. I have been a tailor for thirty
one years, and been In different coun
tries. I have seen enough cruelty done
by them to make any person turn
against them. If I only had the power,
to speak I would be glad to tell what
I know. Please don't forget me. My
best wishes to you and a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Respectfully yours, J. R. S.
LA KB PARK, 111., Jan. 4. Sir: En
closed find $2 to pay for my copy of
yonr paper, also a copy to the address
of a friend In Watreloo, Iowa. Circum
stances prevented me sending It
sooner. Tho man who drew the pic
ture in your last issue did it to
perfection. I bave not read the piper
yet, as I gave it to a friend to be
banded around. I wish I could help
you as my Inclination would. Will
write you later on. R. J. P.
ANTHON, la., Dec. 2S. Dear Sirs:
Enclosed check or money order for the
following books: "The Priest, the
Woman and the Confessional," $1.00;
"Convent Life Unveiled." Edith
O'Gormon, $1.25; "Deeds of Dark
ness Disclosed." J. G. White, $1.30. I
shall start these books on mission
work at once.
The McKinley administration has
takrn all the republicanism cut of me,
and henceforth I shall not use my In
fluence or vote for any partylsm, and
If I can find an American on the list
of nominees will vote for him. But as
an old friend stated In The Amerhan,
"Cleveland's administration was bid;
McKinley's worse; what will be the
next?" The ngns of the times mort
assuredly Indica'.e that the next will
(Continued on Page 8.)