The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 31, 1897, Image 6
HE AMERICAN "NEW PREACHER NOW. I tha Waare Talk M IHffrr- at IJkmm Nwwaays Nw bars tha bw preacher." for mm Iks old-fashioned women bv fiM4 away, m alao have th antique latg) men, who formerly talked about ta gotdea seats In hrsven an J the rearing Rra of an eternal hell. On of tha sew preacher In thl end of th waivers la the Rev. Krank R. Mason, t Brooklyn. At the First Church of Christ the other Bight, !r. Maaoa spoks la answer to th question, "I ther a Mir and thU U what he Mid: "Ye. U you nsaks one, Ther la no local hell. Hall and heaven ar condition of salad, not locations. Hell la th abridgement of power. It I the shrlv llag of the mind. Man rattles hi own brimstone In th pocket of hi thought It la aet on Are by the friction of nega tive, Idea. The pessimist relegate hia heaven to futurity. Th optimist en Joy It on earth. Th on who la con tinually singing, 'Earth la a desert rear, heaven is my home,' Uvea In per petual bell. II I Buffering from ec clesiastical dyspepsia. 11 baa eaten th forbidden apple and can not digest It" Th new preacher alao ha a club of al own. Since the New York Clergy club waa established some time ago it kaa had Its headquarters In the dlo essan house, 29 Lafayette place. This Institution Is composed wholly of cler gymen of the Episcopal church, and was established for literary and social purposes. On account of the necessity for using the room devoted to the use of the member of the club on the first Boor for diocesan purposes, Illshop Pot ter aent out a notice last week an aoancing that the reading room would be abandoned, the papers, books, etc., Wing removed to another and smaller apartment, to be used only by those members of the club who occupy rooms ta the bouse. What waa formerly the reading room will now be the reception room for visitor to the bishop. New Yerk Commercial Advertiser. FORMATION OF COAL. Dr. Greene's Theory l'mrati Horn Hitherto Unknown Phenomena. The formation of coal, according to Dr. Homer Greene's cosmtcal theory, iraa due to the solar orb bringing forth, millions of yean ago, when It waa larger and hotter than to-day, a won derfully luxuriant vegetation, Includ ing plants of Strang kinds, mosses as large as forest treet, and ferns thirty teet In height, growing up richly from the clayey soli and forming dense Jun gles In the vast marshes, the latter covering great acrea of the earth's sur face; these ferns, mosses and the leaves, branches, and trunks of trees In time falling and decaying where they grew, only to render the soil more fertile and the next growth more luxuriant year after year, century after century, this process of growth and decay going on, until the beds of vegetable matter thus deposited became of great thickness: the earth's body, however, still contin ued to shrink, in consequence of which .bar crust sinking throughout vast '""areas, the bt1a of vegetable matter go Idg down and the water sweeping again jer the great marshes, sand and mud - ?aad gravel were laid down anew over the deposits, and the clayey soil from which the next rich growth would Baring was spread out on the surface, . this process being repeated again and again, as often, indeed, as seams of coal la any coal bed. In this way, accord ing to Dr. Greene, the conditions for the formation of coal were made com plete, atmospheric air being entirely excluded while the vegetable beds un derwent the processes of decomposition ao that In some beds of coal whole trees have been found, with roots, branches, leaves and seeds complete, and all con verted into the same kind of coal as that by which they were surrounded. THIS STORY IS OF M'COOK. It Tells How the Warrior Kicked Colo row Dow unfair. ? Edward, one of "the Cghtlng Mc Cooks," while governor of Colorado ter ritory, had a good deal of trouble with the Indians, and especially with their chief, Colorow. With a party of hia braves Colorow came to Denver one Bight, and after drinking heavily told bla followers that he was going up to kill McCook. The governor had his of fice in a two-story building, and sat with his back to the door, with a looking glass on the desk in front of him so that he could see any one com ing in without turning. McCook was expecting some trouble with Colorow, and was seated at his desk when the In dian came In. Colorow had a pistol In hia band, and, approaching McCook, he stood by his side and grunted: "Mc Cook, liar!" The governor never look ed up, but kept on writing. "McCook heap liar," repeated Colorow, but the governor never noticed It. "McCook heap big liar," continued Colorow, and ' still the pen scratched away. Colorow mistook McCook's silence for fear and let his pistol hand drop until his arm hung straight down. In an Instant McCook grasped the Indian's wrist, and In another the pistol fell to the floor. Turning Colorow around, the governor deliberately thrust him downstairs and ut of the door Into the circle of In diana who were waiting for the expect ed trouble. "Colorow's a squaw," said McCook to the assembled Indians, and, giving the chief a parting kick, he re turned to hia office. San Francisco Argonaut Not Always a Good Plan. Daughter You told me that when I wanted a favor of my husband I should ask him after dinner. The first time I tried it he not only refused, but k waa Just at cross and ugly as could i. He never refused ma anything be fore boo, hoo, boo!" Mother Bless me, my dear, you shouldn't hare asked him after a dln- aer yon had cooked yourself. MILLIONS OF HORSES. llwaels'S Kala Paamotaaa r ta A4 tiiH mt Other Laada. The mnet populous bora country in the world I Russia la Kurope. ; th Youth's Companion, It baa SCuki.UOO of bree. The United States come Bt with a horse pop ulation of more than 16.0Otl.0tH In proortl n to the number of Inhabit ant the 1'olted Male I far rid rln horse than Kussla But in that pro portion tho I'oitod taW are in turn far urpaied by the Argentine Re public, whoi-e.according to the latest B4(Hilbl figure, there aro a few more homes than peoido. The coun tries of Western and Southern Europe are thinly populated with horse compared with tl.e American contin ent and Kusnia. Italy, with a human population of more than 3 l.OtM.00 I, has only 720,0'H) horse, but it has almost twice a many mule and 'on key a horaoa Spain ha only a few more than SO'.OjO homo, or about one horao to every sixty poo ple. Most of the "cavaliers" of Spain ride on donkey. The United Kingdom of (treat Britain and Ire land has only about 2,0 K1.000 horsea The United State Is the most pop ulous country In tho world. It is also, by many millions, tho most populo.s pig country, possessing 46.OOJ.000 of ewlnu. There 1 also a larger proportion of pigs to the human population than in any other country larger even than in Ireland, a country which Is popularly but mis takenly supposed to be the Utopia of tho pig. The country of the sheep, par excellence, i Australia On that continent there aro a few moro than S.OOO.OOO people, but there are 62. 000,000 sheep that is to my, twenty sheep to every man, woiuaq and child. In the United States wo have only about 47.000,000 sheep, which, though a larger heep p ;ulation than that of any other country ex cept Australia and the Argontire Re public Is not proportionatoly so great a number as novoiul other couitrioa possess. British India has moia cat tle than any other country, b it tho Unitod States has almost as ttny upward f62,(K)0,00a However, tho Argentine Republio again leads in tho number of cattlo in proportion to human boings. If tho cattlo in Ar gentine were divided equally among all the people, every man, woman and child would have five cattle to take care of, and there wou'd bo enough loft to give one additional crlttor each to almost 1,00 J, 000 of the pooplo. Considered from the point of view of farm animals, the Argentine Kepubllo is probubly the most Important country in the world. Aibeatoa. Asbestos is a mineral fiber of the hornblende variety. It de.lvos its name from a Greek word which sig nifies "indostructili'.o by fire." The ancients wore familiar with its usos and the modos of obtaining it, yet, strange to say, always alluded to it as a vegetab.o production. It was uso.i in all thoir funoral ritos, but particularly whore cremation was practiced; tho corpse being wrapped in an asbestos cloth so as to koop tho ashes of the dead person frt m ming ling with those of tho wood or other combustibles used in incineration of tho remains. The pooplo of Kgypt and many other countries of tho an cients, especially tho royal and wealthy classes, made towels, nap kins, table-cloths, etc.. of asbestos, and cleanod them by throwing them Into the firo. Oreaa filter. A filter for removing grease, which often passes Into the boilers with the feed-water, consists of a metallic chamber or filter-box, in which are a secies of gratings, and between these gratings are placed layers of wire gauze and flannel of a special texture, which forms the filtering medium. The foed-wator from tho donkey pump enters tho tiltor-box on one side, passes upward through the filter-cloths, and thence out to tho boiler, the scum passing away through another outlet By this means it is found that all grease and greasy matter, as well as other Im purities, are arrested by tho filter cloths, which can readily be taken out for cleaning or renewal. The filter is equally applicable to land and marine boilers. Mora Patient Than Jolk Mr Henry Hawkins was once pre siding over a tedious and uninterest ing trial, and was listening, appar ently with absorbed attontion. to a tedious and uninteresting speech from a counsel learned in tho law. Presently he made a wncil memo randum, folded it, and sent it by the usher to the counsel in question. This gentleman, on unfolding: the paper, found these words: "Patience Competition Gold Medal, Sir Henry Hawkins. Honorable Mention. Job." His peroration was wound up with as little delay as possible Argo naut Chappie's Consolation. Chollie," said Chappie, sorrow fully, "did you evab weflect that if It wasn't for that beastly wow tieorge Washington (rot us into in the lawst century, you and I would have been weal English subjects?" "Ya as, and it makes me feel weal dwedful" "Well, I say. let's sweah allegiance to the queen now, old fel. Washing ton's acts need not bind us. He did not wepwesent us in the least, faw ye know, Chollie, we weren't bawn then, so how could he?" Harper's Bazar. Th Water Uly as Food. The water lily is largely used in some parts of India as food. The fruit of some species that grow plen tifully In the lakes of Cashmere is rich in starch and has muoh the flavor of a chestnut mixif aar a. CaarareU Caodr Cathartic, the moal won derful medical discovery of Uia are, peaa aiil and retro-shins: to the taaia, a-i ccolly and positively on kidue, liver and bowels rk-aiialoa; U entire ayaii-m, dlaprl colds, cum lieailaolie, fever, habitual rwuetipslloa and biHouanrwa. )laa buy and try a bos of C.CC to-day; Koldaod guaranteed to cure by ail druggist. Hart y ju notlood tur M Mt Wonder ful Combination Offer for next year on uhacrlptlof t W. A. HAl'.NDKItM. Attorney. Merchant actional Bask Bid SHFRIKF'8 MI K. By virtu of aa alias ' - " ' til iiinuiairil icuun tor IKiukI county. S-hrmka. and to ui A I , Bi I will nm it. iik ...... . . - - ' ... ..." -' .i m vi January. " - " m w . . ' - m m. i aatu day. at tl.e kAST front door of the county urt houae la tb city of Omaha, Ikiuglu j ..rut mmr . wii m, IUU IC aUCtlOa tO ' t.,u. tut, prniriy ctecrlleu la aald truer of aale a followa. Iita four lit flv. .1. itts .1.. .a. - ..a. fouru-rn (14). fif en (t). tlxitwa (Irti. wvpo- u.n .. tiarria ana rnv- l raon'a Annei Addition tn 1 he city of Noulh Oiuabn, aa aurvryea. platted and rcor1d. all liuled is UouKlaa county, atata of Ne braaka. Held property ta boeold to eatlafy William II U. W.U.B, ....... I . 1 . . bundrrd and forty-four and SO-IIV dollars ' j .... . wuu iuvrrt-aa inereon at v 1 r" tr annum tnirn atay tin, 1HMI. which amounts are a Drat valid and rilHtlu Ilea upon aald property. in inuery tna auiu of ninety-four andSl-IcO dollara tfui SI) roau herein, together wltL accruing coeta. accordlni to a judgment renderrd by the dlatrl -t court of aald Uou- ' J - - tnmj I'M "I, A . II. inHD, la a certain action then and there pending, wherein Wllll.m H. Kreoort la plaintiff and Jona K. Harrla and Kia L. llarrla. hit wife, ire defendanta. Uiuaha, Mebraalta. necember td. 1W. John w. Mcdonald, Pherlff of 1ouIm County, Nebraska. W. A. Haundrre, attorney. Doc. 66, No.3". 12-3.1 JA9. W. CARR, 331 Hoard of Trade. BHBRIFPS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court for DoiiKlae County, Nebrneka. and to me directed, I will, on the ffith day of January, A. IX 1898, at ten o'clock A. M. of aald day, at the KA8T front door of the County Court Hon hp. In the City of Omaha, DourIbs County, Ne brankn. Boll at public auction to the hUh eat bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale, as followa, to-wlt: The west one-half (W'4) of lot number four (4) In block number fifteen (lb) In Bhlnn'a addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted nnd recorded, all In Dotikrlaa County, State of Nttbrasko. Said property to be sold to sntlsfy Jessie I Qrlmm, plaintiff hpreln. tho sum of two thnuxand and twenty-three and 91-100 ($2,023.91) dollars Judirment, with Interest thereon at rate of ten (HO per cent per annum, from September 2S, 1SS7; To aatlsfy the Nebraska National bank, a corporation, defendant herein, the sum of twenty thousand Ave hundred and thirty-six and 00-100 (JM.MC.OO) dollars Judirment, with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from Septem ber 17, 1S94; To satisfy the further sum of twenty four and 2H-100 (J2I.2K) dollars coeta herein, together with accruing costs, aecnrdlnarto a judirment rendered1 by the District Court of said Douglas County at Its September term, A. D. 1S97, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Jessie I Grimm is plaintiff and Krtwln A. Iaven worth, Jeff W. Bedford, Mary O. Bedford and the Nebraska National bank are de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, December 24, 1R97. JOHN W. M'DONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska, JA8. VV. CARR, Attorney. Orlmm vs. Leavenworth, et al. Docket RS, No. 13. Ex. Docket Z. Pajre 89. 12-24-5 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice la hereby driven that the under aliened have formed a corporation, the name of which la Trans-Mlsslselnpl Mln Insr and Development company. The prin cipal place of Its bnslnps la at Omaha. DoiiRlaa county. Nebraska; the a-eneral nature of Its business Is that of leaslnir. buying, selllnsr and developing- (rold and silver mines In the state of Colorado and elsewhere: the prospecting- for minerals In the state of Colorado and elsewhere and the erection and maintenance of such buildings and structures as mav be neces sary and Incidental to the business afore said. The amount of Its authorized capital stock Is twelve hundred (1 vttft dollars; 10 per cent thereof to be paid In at the time of subscription and the balance to be paid at the call of the board of directors two hundred (2n0) dollars of said stock to be Issued for certain considerations fully pnld nn and nnn-nssessnble. The ex istence of said corporation commenced on the ISth day of November, 1S97. and shall terminate on the ISth day of November. 1907. The hltrhcst amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation can subject It self shall not exceed an amount equal to two-thirds of its capital stock actually paid In. The business of the corporation shall be conducted bv a board of three di rectors to be elected by tho stockholders at the annual meetings, and the officers of the corporation are president, secretary and treasurer, to be chosen by the board of director. ANDTtBWR. FFROT'SON. THOMAS E. MTCKI.H. CHART.K8 CARPKNTER. FT WOOD 8. BERRY. WTT.T.TAM SHERIDAN. JAMES I. COOK. W. A. SATTNDERS. Merchants National Bank Building. SHERIFF'S SAIjR. By virtue of an order of aale Issued out of the district court for Dourlaa county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the 2Sth day of January, A. D. 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m. of aald day. at the east door of the county court house, In the city of Omaha. Donglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the Wheat bidder for cash the property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: lt five, block one. and lot eighteen, block four, In Everett place, an addition to the city of Omaha, and lot one in block one. In Kent's addition to the city of South Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded, all situated In DouRlas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satlsfv Wnl- tor E. Keeler plaintiff herein, the sums aa follows, to-wlt : On lot 5. block 1, In Bver- ! ett place, the sum of $18.10. and an attor- ! ney's fee of $1.81, ad on lot 18. In block 4. Everett place, an addition to the city ; of Omaha, the sum of $12.65. and an attor ney's fee of $1.25. and also on lot 1, in Mock 1. Kent a addition to the cltv of South Omaha, the sum of $15.05. and an attor ney's fee of $1.50, all of which amounts, according; to the decree, bear interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 27, 1897. To satisfy the sum of thirty-four and 19-100 ($34.19) dollars, coats herein, to gether with accruing costs, according to a decree rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1897, in a certain action then and there pending, wherein Walter K. Keeler is plaintiff and Elmer E. Lowe, Mr. Lowe, hia wife, first and real name unknown. Co-operative Land and Lot company, a corporation organized under the laws of tha state of Nebraska, Caroline R. Atkinson and Atkinson, her husband, first and real name un known, Isaac Troup and Mrs. Troup, his wife, first a.nd real name unknown, David C. Patterson and W. R, Vaughn, jr., first and real name unknown, ar de fendanta. Omaha, Nebraska. December 24, 1897. JOHN W. M'DONALD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler vs. Lowe et al. Docket 59, No. 48. Ex. Docket Z, par 289. 12-M- SEND MB A 8ILVEB DIME, and I will end your nam and address to over at of th leading patriotic and other reform paper, and you will receive aamgl cople of each for reading aad dlatributloY J. H. PaaOBR, Bu t "tt $300.00 in Cash FREE THIS LADIES' WAIST, WITH BOLERO, No. 6072, A 25-cent Pattern, Free to Everyone. fflff tiVJ L ie t.ich letter as desired but not more times than it appears in " Manu facturers." Prefixes, sullixes, proper nouns, obsolttt and foreign words not allowed. ?(.rlt it out as follows: Am, Can, Cans, Cure, Cures, Rum, Same, Fact, Facts, Fracture, Manufacturers, etc. Words spelled alike but having diilerent meanings count as one word. Our MI'T. We will pay $100 fof the largest list, $."i0 for the second largest, 'i" for the third, $10 each for the next five, $5 eath for the next ten and $1 each fi-r the next twenty-five. That is to say, we will divide among forty-three contestants the aggregate sum of $:tOO, according to merit. Don't you think vou could be one of the forty three? TRY IT. Our rurMM. The above rewards for mental effort are given free and without consideration 4or the purpose of attracting attention to MODF:S, by May Wanton, the most popular, up-to-date Fashion Magazine in the world. Its thirty-six pages, replete with beautiful illustrations of the latest styles in ladies', misses' and children's garments, make it a real necessity in every household. The designs and fashion hints, being by May Man ton, render it invaluable as an absolutely reliable F'ashion Guide. Our Conditions. You must send with your list of words 25 cents (stamps or silver) for a th ret Months' Trial Subscription to Moors. Our Extra Inducement. Every person sending 25 cents and a list of 15 words or more, will, in addition to three monrtis' subscription, receive by return mail a pattern of this Ladies' Waist No. U7a, (illustrated above), in any size from 32 to 40 Inches bust measure. ur Aim. The present monthly circulation of Mopes exceeds 100,000 copies. We purpose to make it 200,000. . This contest will close March 15 next so the names of successful spellers may be published in the following issue of Mokks, but aendl iu your list at una-, For our responsibility we refer you to any Mcrchantile Agency. Address MODES FASHION MAGAZINE, (Dept. 437) No. 132 W. A. SAUNDKH9. Attorney, Merchants National Bunk Bldg SHERIFF'S BALE. By virtue of a plurles order of sale issued out of the district court for Doukjlaa county, Nebraska and to nie directed. I will, on the 11th day cf January, A.I). 1HH8, at teno'cluck a. h. of aald day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, tha property de scribed in said order of sale as follows, to wlt: Lot five (M. block one hundred and thirty two (I.L'i, lota one (U. two (Ul and fourteen (14) In block one hun red and thirty f ur (114) and all of block two hundred and twenty On In tne 'own or city of Florence as surveyed filattcd ar d recorded and all oelng situated n Douglas county, Neoratka. Paid property to be sold to satisfy James L. Browne, plaintiff herein, the sums aa fol lows, towll ; On lot 6. blo -k, the sum of fT.76; On lot I, block 1H4 the sum oft 72, On loi 5. blocK Ul the sum of 11.13; On lot 14 bio k 11(4 the um of t.?l; On all of biock 220 the sum of ftl4 57: all of wi tch said sums by th' Judgment of the district court tear Interest thereon at the rate of ten (IU) per cent per aonutn from May 4th, lhW, and are a first lien upon said above described property. To RatiBfy the further sum of one hundred and Ufty-three and 43-100 dollars costs herein, together wltb accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, state of Nebraska at its May term, A. D. 1HM. In a certain action 'ben and there pending, wherein Jamt a L.Browne Is plaintiff The Ouiaba and Florence Land and Trust Company, Victor O.Langlry, Mary M. Lao try (I.U wife), bauiuel Cole. rank Murphy, John A. llorbach and o hers are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, Dec. loth. 18117. johi w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A, Saunders, aforney. Brown . o. & E. L. T. Co. et al Doc l. No. 128. 12-10-5 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT. To Francis M. MiOea and Mrs - McCrea his wife, first and real name unknown) 8. Field (first and rel Dan e unknown) Anton Dull I, Siniuel ulers, J inn i lpps and Char lotte (Lottie) Lipids, hia wife, non resident dtftndanu: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day ol October, A. D.. 1KH7. James I.. Browne, plaintlfl herein, filed his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, agm su J hn J. Mabouey, Fran. Is M. McCrea and Mrs. MoL'rea, his wife (first and rtal name unknown) and other defendants, tbe ul j'-ct and prayer of which Is to foreclose two certain tax certifi cates dated November 22, 1MU, upon tbe fol lowing described real estate, upon which there Is due amounts as follows, towit: lot oue (l)ln bloc three (3) upon which th re ia duetbeauni of U2 50. and on lot two (21. In block three (3) tbe sum of 17.25. ail of a hlch lots being sit u .ted In Mahoney & Mlnnehans addition to the city of Houth Omaha, Douglas Co.. Neb., with li.terest at the rule of ten pet cent ner mnum from ' lOmer 25th, 1R .7, for which sum, with Interest and costs to Ketlier with an attorney's fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and in default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof the defendants be debarred of all rifrht .title and interest In said real estate, ami for other equitable relief. You are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before tha 17th day of January. im. Daud at Omaha, Nebraska, December 10th 181)7. JAMES U BROWNE, Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunders. Attorney for Plain tiff. Doc. 83. No. 108. 12-10-4 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT. To Mrs. Ida R. Soule and Mr. Soule. her husband (drat and real name unknown) Mrs. Minute Peppard and Mr. Peppard, her hus band (first and real name unknown, non-ree-ldent defendants: Vou are hereby notified that on the nth day Of November, A. D , 1897. The Farmers Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff herein, fled Its petition In tbe district court of Douglas County Nebraska, against Midway Invest ment Company and the above named de fendants and other defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose one cer tain tax certificate dated November 7th, 18D2, upon the following described real estate, to wlt: Lot 13. In biock 7, Albright's Annex an addition to the city of South Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, upon which there is now due the sum of I1H50 for which sum, with interest and costs together with an attor neys fee amounting1 to 10 per cent of the aecree, piainuri praya lor a decree tnat ne i has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and in ' default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof tha defendant be debarred of all right, title and Interest In said real estate, and for other equitable relief, 'lbe defendant, James F. Toy. on bis cross-petition filed December loth, 18M7. the sum of fi 75 with Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from December 10th, 1897. to gether with an attorneys fee. Tou are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before tbe 17th day of January, 189s, Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 10th 18OT. THE FARMERS' LOAN TBD9T COMPANY. Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunders, Attorney for Plain tiff. Doc. 12 Notice of Hearing Claims. PROBATE NOTICE In tke matter of the estate of Alexander White deceased: Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas county. Nebraska, at the county court room In said county, on the 31st day of January, 1898. on the 31st day of March, 189s, and on the 31st day of May, 1898, at o'clock A. at. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months are al lowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the 26th day of Nov., 1IW7; this notice will be published In Thb Amsri caa for tour weeks successively, prior to tbe 81st day of January 1898. IKVINO P. BAXTER, Il-at-t County Judge. alT, 3 "MANUFACTURERS V J AS. W.CAKK, Attorney, 331 Board of Trade Building. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of aale Issued out of the District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will,ontbe 11th day of January, A. D. 1898, at ten o'clock a. at. of said day, at tbe EAsT front door or the county court bouse, In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sals as follows, to-wlt: Tbe nor.b one-half (N. SI of Lot Eight (8). in Block Seventeen (17) In K. V. Smith's addi tion to i he city of Omaha, aa surveyed, plat ted and recorded, all situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said propert y to be sold to Satisfy John L. Marshall, Carrie F. Marshall, executrix. Ed ward Marshall and Edmund L. Pitia, execu tors, plaintltft herein, tbe sum of seven hun dred and tt'ty-two(C752 00) collars Judgment, together with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from Febru ary 1st, 197. To satisfy the further sum of nineteen and 98-100 (119.98) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by tbe district court of said Douglas county, at its February term, A. D. 1897, In a certain action then and there pend ing, wbereln John L. Marshall, Carrie F. Marshall, executrix, Edward Maislmlland Edmund L. Pitts executors are pla nUffs,and James Reeves 1 defendant. Ouiaba, Nebraska, December 10th 1897. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. J as. W. Carr, attorney, Marshall et al. vs. Reeves. Doc. S3; No. 220. 12-10-5 NOTICE. To Arthur L. Wiman, Eleanor PbelpsSedley and Sedley, her buaband, brut and real name unknown, non resident defendants. You are I ereby notified that on the 7th day of December, 18M7 Harry J. Twlntlng, plaint ff Uled bla petition in tbe districtcourt of Douglascounty, Nebraska,agalnstyou the defendants tne object am orayer of which is to foreclose one certain tax certificate dated January 7ih, 1892 Issued to William Schltep and by htm assigned to the plaintiff, covering lot M m Keeds iind Addi.lon to tbe City of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, 'lb at there is due the plaintiff upon said tax cer lttcate and taxes yald thereuLder tbe turn of J.lMi.U, with Interest at tbe rate of ten per c. nt per annum from December 7ib, 1897, lor wnuh sum, with Interest, costs, and aa auorue's fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a oe ci ee, and that he have a UrBt Hen upon said real etaaie and that the defendants pay ;the same ana In default thereof that said real etlate be sold to fy tbe amount due, witu interest, attorneys lees and ioss, and that upon sale thereof, tbe defendants be debarred ol all right, title i t Interest In aald real estate, ami f r other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before me 17tn day of January. 1898. Omaha, Dec. 10 h, 1897. HAKKY J.TWINTINQ Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunders, His Attorney. 12- W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. To hvelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn Seott) and Oeorge C. Fenton, her husband, non-resident defendants: You are hereoy notified that on the 24th day of November, 1897, James L. Browne, the plaintiff herein, filed his petition In tbe Dis trict court of Douglaa county, Nebraska, against Evelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn Sco t) and Oeorgo C. Fenton, her husband, and otnera, the object and prayer if wblch are to foreclose one certain tax cer tincate dated November 29th, 1892, Uion the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lot Six (B) in uiock two (2), Springdale an ado ttion to the city of Omaha, Douglas coun ty, Nebraska. There la now due on said certificate the sum of 141.30 with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum .from Nov. 2tkh, 1897, for wblch sum, with Interest and coats together wild an attorneys fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a de cree that be has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants siiall pay tbe same, and In default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upjn sale thereof tbe defend ants be debarred of all right, title and In terest In said real estate, and for other equit able relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before tne 3rd day of January, 1898. iOmaha, Neb., Nov. 28, 1897. JAMKS L. BROWNE, Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunaers. his attorney. 11-28-4 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. To Robert L. Garl chs, The Manufacturers National Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, The People's National Bank of Sandy Htll.NewYork.theWeatem National Bank of tbe city of New York, The Mer chants National Bank of Clinton, Iowa, J. W. Pen field (first and real name unknown) R. O. Peutleld (first and real name unknown) and William H. Eldrldge, non-resident defend ants: You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of November 1897, Walter K. Kee er, plaintiff, tiled hia petition in thedlstrictcourt for Douglas couuty, Nebraska, against Rob ert L. Oariichs, Tne Manuf tcturers National Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, Tbe Peo ple's National Bank, of Sand Hill, New York, The Western National Bank of the City of New Yrk, The Mer hants National Bank of Clinton. Iowa, J. W. Penfleld (first and real name unknown), R. O. Penfleld (first and real a me unknown) and William H. Eldrlge, and others, defendants, the otject and prayer of which la to foreclose one cer tain tax certificate dated November 25th, 1892. upon the following deacrlded r al estate to-wlt: Lot Ave (S), block seven (7), Orchard Hill, an addition to the c ty of Omaha Douglas county, neoraima. There Is now due upon said certificate the sum of 116.77 with Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from November 24th, 1897. for wblch sum. with interest and costs together with an attorneys fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first Hen upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In defaul thereof that the said Sroperty be sold to satisfy the amount found ue, anu that upon sale thereof the defend ants be debarred of all rlgt. title and Inter est In said real estate, and for other equit able relief. You are alao hereby notified that yon and each of you are required to answer said pe tition on or before tbe 3rd day of January, 1898. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 26, 18V7. WALTER E. KEELER, Plaintiff, By W. A. Saunders, his Attorney. 11-98-4 Doc . at ! White Street, New York. W. A. 8AUNDER9, Merchants National Bank Bldg. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sals Issued out of the district court for Doug-Ins eooa ty, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the 25th day of January, A D. 1W8, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the east front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Doug-las county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to ths highest bidder for cash, tho property de scribed In said order of sale, aa follows, to-wlt: ' Lost elg-ht. nineteen, twenty and twenty one, in block three, and lots eight, also nineteen and twenty. In block six, In Saunders & Hlmebautrh's Highland Park, an addition to the city of Omaha, as sur veyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter Fl Keeler. plaintiff herein, the sum of Blxty-flve and 24-100 ($65.24) dollars Judg ment with interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from February 3rd, 1896, together with an attorney's fee amounting to J6.25, in tne manner or me amounts found due on each of said lots and as directed In the decree. To satisfy the sum of seventy-two and 21-100 ($72.21) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a decree rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its February term, A. D. 189ti. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Walter E. Keeler is plaln- tirr and Krastus A. Benson ana otners are defendanta Omaha, Nebraska, December 34th, 1887. JOHN W. M'DONALD. Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney. iveeier vs. nenson, et at. Docket 52. No. 148. Ex. Docket W. page 138. 12-24-S W. H. RUSSELL. Attorney, f 16 New York Life Building. (SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of an alias order of sale Isssued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebr ska. and to me oirectea, i win, on tne 4tn aay or janiary. A. D. 1898. at, ten o'clock A u. of said day. at the EAST front door of the cunty courthouse. In the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at pubic auction to t he highest bidder for cash, the oroperty de scribed In said order ot sale as follows, to wlt: Lot ten (10) In block six (6) in Park Forest, an addition to the cltv of Omaha, as sur veyed. p atted and recorded, all in Douglas county, State of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Ellen J. Hinsdale, Executrix of the last wll' and tes tament of Edwin C. Hinsdale, deceased, plaintiff herein, the sum of eivht hundred and four and 24-100 dollars (S804.24) Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 28th. 1896. To jatls'v the further sum of twenty and 33-too ($20.33) dollars costs herein, together wltb accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by the district court of said Diuglas county, at its.September term, A. D. 1896, In a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Ellen J. Hinsdale, Kectrlx of the last will and testament of Edwin C. Hinsdale, deceased, Is plaintiff, and Christen Chrlstensen, Ollva Chrlstensen. First Na tional Hank of Whitewater Wisconsin, Tbe American Biscuit and Manufacturing Com pany, an Illinois corporation, are defend ants. Omaha, Nebraska. December 3d. 1897. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. H. Russell, attorney. Hinsdale vs. Chrlstensen et al. Doc 55: No. 130. Ex. Doc. Z; Page 138. 12-3-5 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS: To Mary Malone and Mr. Malone (first and real name unknown) ber husband, non resident defendants: i You are hereby notified that on the Mtb flaw fT nnvamhar A 11 1UU7 1 ..... ... l . limiubiu uoiciu uiuu U1B pvbltlUD in tne dis trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Mary Malone and Mr. Malone (first and real name unknown) her husband, defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one certain tax certificate dated November 29th, 1892. unon tha following des cribed real estate, towit: Lot tlx (6). block two (2). In Westalde an ad dition to the City of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. There Is now due upon said certificate the sum of $87.72 with interest at the rate of ten per cent Dr annum from November 28th, 1897, for which sum, with Interest and costs together with an attorneys fee amounting to ten percent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and t at upon sale thereof the defendants oe debarred of all right, title and Interest In said real estate, and for other equitable relief. You are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of January, 1898. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 26, 1897. JAMES L. BROWNE, Plaintiff, By W, A. Saunders, his attorney. Doc. 62, 11-26-4 Until the supply is exhausted, we will send to each subscriber sending us the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 25o. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, 1b elegantly bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them. Get your order in early. Regular price of such a book s, ordinarily, 11.25. You get it for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't end stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents.