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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1897)
"THE AMERICAN Mout Romanists and Their Doings Past and Present. A listeriaa Bays Igsatias Lsvsla, Fat. tr ef lae Jesuits, fchlverec at lae First Apprsacs ef Death. When the Roman Catholic church, at the councU of Trent, or any other council, make the doctrine (bat ail the benefits of Christ are conferred by baptism, then she haa gone off on it tangent. Let John Ireland. Corri gan and Martin' think of these things and ponder them weiL When the Roman Catholic teachers of theology tell you that the concu piscence after baptism la not sin, but Imply natural, tell him to go off and lay down and die. He needs it badly. If there la anything that will cause X. P. A".s In the Roman Cathode church, and Roman Catholics say thers are more in the church than outside of it. it is caused by these doctrines, which, as a bubble, can be pricked by a child. And the funny part of the whole business Is that men who want to give the world the impression that they are "brainy" and not fools to be led around by the nose by personalitiea of like caliber, ars willing to permit the world to see their position. The council of Trent was eighteen years Ionic, ending In 1563, and dur ing this time . the Roman here tic laid plans to destroy the Refor matlon, if possible. Hut before the close of the century the Protestants of Germany and other countries had religious freedom. Rule or ruin is the practical out come of the doctrines of popery. When Bohemia choee a Protestant ruler and endeavored to have freedom the pow ers of Rome reduced ner from 3,000,' 000 to 780,000. "The end justifies the means" is practiced If they have no: got it in their theology. The Jesuits have little uss for Au gustine. Because of the writings cf Cornelius Jansenlua, bishop of Ipres, they not only show that they are fcemi-Pelaeian. but they procure the Judgment of the pope against the friends of Jansennis, who were ban' lahed, imprisoned, their property con nscated and they themselves persecu ted in every way, as the Jesuits knew how to do. Because of the way the pope is snubbing the Roman Catholic clergy of the United States the Jes uits are unable to do very effective work here. And yet there is more to follow. In 1669 the Jansenlsts got the etg nature of twenty French bishops on their side against the Jesuits' demands regarding the Augustinlan doctrines, and the pope consented! to the request. But in ten years the Jesuits overpow ered them. And in this country, as in so many others, the pope is a weather vane, and always turns when the wind blows. In other words, he is a figurehead and dances to the tune of the most successful schemers. Why do not some of the Roman Catholic clergy in the United States state what they think about some of the acts and doctrines the pope en dorses, and do as the jansenlsts did in Holland, separate, and paddle their own canoe? We may Imagine they de sire to bask In the sunshine of the papal money schemes and laugh at the "out-of-date" religion than to get down and rustle. What they need Is a leader, but they do not seem to have the man with the necessary pluck. One thing which caused the Jesuits to hate the Jansenlsts is the fact they favored the laity studying the scrip ture. There was a "rub." They knew that as soon as the people studied the scriptures their soft jobs would be changed to "You git!" In 1709 the convent Jansenist at Port Royal was destroyed by order of Louis XIV., not because of immorality, but because this convent, which was for both sexes, was conducting things on better principles than the Roman brethren wanted it conducted. So the arm of the law was brought to bear upon them, and thereby let the pirate ship float on quietly. The Jesuits were partially restored by Pius VII. And after this he Issued a decree against bible societies. Was it the Jesuits that the bible societies troubled? This Is what Octavian, a Jesuit, writes of Ignatius, the father of the order: "Our father Ignatius was holy, but at the approach of the least agony he shiv ered as in a fever, and exclaimed: 'I have done much good to the church of Rome, I have seen many provinces of our men, colleges, wealth, but all these thing desert me now, and I know no' whither to turn;' he ex pired In trembling." Let men fight against the work that Christ has done, give a false interpretation of it, and keep it from the common people and we may expect them to tremble. ' In 1854 the Immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed a doctrine, and then, to make this aa absolute rrrtaiuty they make the pope infallible and then the doctrine of the mother of Jesus must be correct. A Roman Catholic wilt get on a ring and go about that ring and think he is go ing in a straight line to aome place, and he has not mental acumen enough to see the Plus IX. favored the Jesuits, whether by compulsion or otherwise, is a question. But circumstantial evi dences show that Leo wanud bla own way and the Jesuit genu or gang as you may call Uiew took the gen tleman by the south ear and told him woat he must do or iney would uo something, aud Leo did something. 'lite Knignts of Persistency had all their privileges restored to them. And we might expect the Jesuits will down the otuer siue of the house if Leo were to die. But ail this time this Jesuit "stage play" is causing patriotic societies to be lornied aud gaining strength because of pig-headeducss of the tamers of deception. " If the Reformation had continued 1th the power it bad at the com nieuceuieni it would have made the Roman Catholic ecclesiastic will the Jesuits aa their secular managers somewhat down-hearted. But mere was a lack of unity among the work era as to methods and aiso in regard to doctrines, which had a tendency to weaken them aa an opponent of Ro manism. Let ail those who are op posing this political aud religious or ganization bear this in mind. Before the Reformation there were some popes who had a "hard reputa- tion," but when they were made the subject of discipline and criticism they changed so that no gross misconduct is reported of them. And in the United States, where the Roman Cath olic clergy is brought in contact with Protestants, they are of a' different stamp from those who are in Mexico and South America. At least they ap pear different. But if the pope had the United States In his paws what would be the necessity for these prieets to act any better than those in other countries? Now the search light must not be turned away from them and their doctrines and morals must be taken into consideration. Among other things which caused the Reformation to be less successful was the secularizing of the Sabbath, the substituting of philosophical dis sertations for sermons and the neg lect of missions, which is the life of the church. And while many oppose the principle, we may consider the plan of the people in this country who love freedom in thought and worship, help other nations which are slaves at the feet of Rome. Thus we will help others and stimulate activity at home against (this slaveholder over the consciences of men. . While people do not bear very much in regard to Zwlngle, the Swiss re former, he is admired now because of so many of the theologians of to-day endorsing his theological views. But we are sorry to see him in the war fighting against the enemies of the state, when he should nave fought them by his pen and the press. And the enemies of Protestantism would be very glad If they could Induce the Protestants to lay down their pens, It is the line after line written now that makes "Rome" tremble. The best men often have the worst enemies. And considering the fact that Calvin formulated laws to separ ate the church, we may call him one of the first A. P. A.'s. But because of his anti-Roman views his life was not considered worth much by some. If he had had an A. P. A. organization behind him of a few millions the "lion paw" of Rome might have been as soft as velvet. But this "A. P. A." has sold books from his library to re lieve persons who were in distress and had no money. Go to some of these velvet-capped Roman ecclesias tics and see what they will say to you when you are in need. A man stopped me on the street one evening and asked me for some assistance, and I thought the man was truly In need. I asked him what church he belonged to and he said the Roman Catholic. I asked him if he had seen the priest, and he said: "The priest will not do anything for me," and I gave him what assistance I could. And this Is on the same line as the priest who arrested a man Bimply because he came to his sacred (?) residence and asked for assistance. But they can not say things mean enough about Calvin, even while he was In danger of being put to death, through the work of Servltus, who may have been Instigated by the Roman Catholics to do this work, the same as Booth was encouraged by the "Romans" to kill Lincoln. When we see how many things which were done for the French and their present condition, we think of the miserable influence of Romanism. During the times of the Reformation the Psalms were translated into the French language by Marot and Theo dore Besa. But often the persecuted Protetants yrovli flee to Germany, and the best men of France have been compelled to flee because they wanted haa beea compelled to suffer for it. Beea made one true statement When at a conference at Poiasey, France, in 1561. which had btn call ed by the king, a cardinal said In reference to the men who represented the reformed doctrines: "Here come the Geneva dogs." and Besa answered: There is a need of faithful dogs la God's fold to bark at the ravening wolves." It is a wonder the cardinal did not send some of his dogs to "lay him out" for saying lu The Roman Cat hollos at the con ference in Prance, 1561, made the same statement that the Pharisee made concerning Christ. When The odore Besa made a statement of the Reformed doctrines the pope's genii y cried out, "Blasphemy!" And yet tbey make a man infallible and call him "another God on earth," etc And the Roman Catholics do not know any more what blasphemy is than the Pharisees did. I. T. K. The later Ocean fres 1 hat News la buppn-khed. For years the Citizen haa been mak ing tue assertion that the Associated Press has been In the habit of sup pressing news which is unfavorame to Rome, or which Is not in the inter est of certain corporations and indl? viduals. One of the most ardent sup porters of the Associated Press has been the Chicago Inter-Ocean; but now that this paper has had a falling out with the Associated, it tells fam ily secrets in the following fashion: "Persons who have not followed the recent course of the Associated Press can hardly comprehend the extent to which It has been debauched by .vlr. Rice Water Lawson and his bench- man, Melville K. Stone. We have known the Associated Press intimate' ly for many years. We have known it to be a great news collector, whose arms were stretched out to gather in reports from all parts of the world, and lay them down, true and clear, in the offices of its patrons throughout the United States. We have valued it in the past as the most comprehen sive and impartial news-gatherer that the old world or the new has seen, and we should value it today as highly as ever had it not been debauched re peatedly by the unscrupulous gang now controlling it. The leader of this gang is Mr. Rice Water Lawson; his henchman and accomplice is Melville . Stone. To suit the personal and financial interests of these two men the news of this country has been misrepresented, mangled and sup pressed. Made recaless and arrogant by the success of their high-handed methods in Chicago, they have as sumed to sit in judgment on the sub jects which the newspapers of this country should allow the great Ameri can public to consider. With malice In their hearts, falsehood in their minds, and venom on their tongues, they have arrogated to themselves a strict censorship of the press such as no officials of the czar would dream of assuming. They has not confined their activity to politics, as do the censors in despotic Russia, but have presumed to distrot all or any news, when such a distortion subserved their business interests. "A few sample instances will make this plain to our readers. Recently a sculptor In New York City sued Whitelaw Reld for several thousand dollars. He alleged that Mr. Reid had misappropriated money which had been given him in trust until used to erect the statue of Horace Greely, which now stands in Greeley square. Here was a man who had been a can didate for the vice presidency of tho United States and an ambassador to France, charged with mlsappropria tion of funds by a respectable and re sponsible citizen, yet not a word about it was allowed to pass over the Asso ciated Press wires. Whatever the re sult of the suit, every newspaper from Bangor to San Francisco would have printed the report of the trial on the first page. But the Associated Press was dumb. And why? Because Mr. Rice Water Lawson and his henchman wanted Mr. Reid's support In their scandalous handling of the news of this continent "Again, when Mr. Whitelaw Reid returned from his jubilee mission to England he bad a rather interesting unpleasantness with Mr. John Sher man, Secretary of State. Mr. Reld vio lated diplomatic etiquette by invlt ing his chief to come to Ophir farm to receive his jubilee report The conse quence was a series of snubs given by Mr. Sherman which entertained New York city for a week. But In this case, too, the Associated Press was dumb. Mr. Rice Water Lawson and his henchman again decreed that the peo ple of the United States should Cot get the news. Their reasons doubtless were the same as in the case regarding the Greeley statue fund." Doa't Tulmrro hpit uu tuuoae lour Lire Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever. be m netic, full or life, nerve and vigor, take No-T Bao. the wonderworker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or tl. Cure guaran teed Bool-t and sample free. Address owning w i ii to.. Chicago or New York, Do you not wish to have some good reading the coming winter months? See our great offer on another page. freedom, and the nation if 110.1 lUITLE. lie Writes Aa Istrrrsllag Letter A best bpsia ass the tpantarda. It is said that persecution stimu late rather than suppress. This is true to a re rial a extent, but persecu tion may be carried to the extent of the destruction of the opposing- ele ment The Reformation was an ex ample. In moat countries of Europe the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church. The intt-llertual awak ening which pervaded the great mass of the people was not retarded by the ripressive efforts of the Catholic power. A few good and great men were tortured, imprisoned or devoted to the flumes, while there were count less others to carry forward the ban ner of freedom. Especially true was this of the Ger manic and Anglo-Saxon, who from re motest time were actuattd by proud ideas of personal liberty and the right to think. On the other hand, the Cel tic people, more superstitious, were given to place reliance in authority. yielded to the arrogance of tueir priests. Irish, French, Italian aud Spanish were not drawn Into the vor tex of reform. France felt its current, but the dreadful persecution of the Huguenots, the massacres, auto da tea and the steady adhesion of the kings to the holy church checked the popular tide and held it until it broke forth in political instead of religious revolution. Spain felt the full and crushing force of Catholic policy. Nowhere else on earth could the Holy Inquisi tion have found rest That demonic Institution was organized persecution, and having absolute control in Spain, proceeded to eradicate heresy by the means always cherished by the mother church. Every thinker was brought before the bloodthirsty tri bunal. Every wealthy and prosperous citizen who exceeded his neighbors in thrift. Every one who surpassed In learning was suspected of treason and immured in a dungeon. The church bated freedom, hated wealth in other hands than her own; iiated learning. In the torture chamber of the Inqui sition not only were strong men bound to the rack and their joints drawn asunder; delicate, high-bred women were ruthlessly disrobed by the brutal servitors, tbelr bodies branded with red hot irons, their breasts torn by heated pincers or sus pended by the arms or feet until in sensibility shielded them from fur ther pain. Children were burned and torn before their agonized mothers. No device of cruelty which fiendish in genuity could invent that waa not employed on these helpless victims. There was no temporizing. The work was thoroughly done, and no seed left to trouble oftentime. The ig norant, superstitious, perfidious, hyp ocritical remained to produce a na tion exactly conforming to the idea of Romanism. If there is a pure and simple Roman Catholic country it Is Spain. The best class of Spaniards have the gloss of chivalry, but the nation as a whole Is the most illiter ate of Europe. The priests are the source of information and power. The people are as wax in their hands. Not only are the people ignorant beyond belief in this enlightened age, their bigotry and intolerance are as sur prising. None of the great reformers or agitators have disturbed them. Woman's rights, temperance, the new views of science, democracy, all alike are unknown and would not be com prehensible. A revolution means only a change of tyrants, for the government is in the hands of the church and cannot be other than the church dic tates. The most cruel, thoughtless, shift less and Impoverished people aside from savages, they persecute those who attempt to teach them humanity. A physician related his experience recently in a London journal In be nevolent work In Spain. He went to a Spanish city and began to practice medicine free of chargef often furnish ing food and medicine free. After a while he was so shocked by the con stantly observed cruelty to animals, for in no part of the earth are they so cruelly treated, and the horrors of the bull fights, that he wrote a pam phlet against these abuses. For this he was hooted at and derided by bis former friends and left the city in disgust for Madrid. When he arrived there he found that he was shadowed as an anarchist. All Free Masons or liberal thinkers are held as anarchists Another physician attempted to start a secular school in a Spanish seaport. This awoke the wrath of the priests, and when he died, which he did mysteriously, they refused him burial. A newspaper in Southern Spain made editorial comments on the sad condition of agricultural laborers, long hours of work, bad food and star- vation wages, even the want of the decencies of life. He was brought be fore the governor, and although no one could dispute that he had not written every word the truth, he was bullied, threatened and barely es caped sentence. Such writing can do little harm, as the laboring class can not read. Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, $1.25 'THE A. P. A. Hy RKV. O. 15. MUUKAY, A, At., l'h. I). A Patriotic Song Book for patriotic gatherings, homea, Schools, and all who love our Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and chool an I Society Entertain men l'rlcc, in Vapor Cover, 2G Cents The Araerlctn Publishing Ccrr.atsT. Americans ran know little of Spain, for unless they have personally seen they cannot comprehend the wretch edness and superstition that exlBts thers. A well known writer says we know aa little about that people as we do those of Mars, and then adds: "This very year at a bull fight hun dreds broke Into the ring and attacked one of the bulls with broken bottles, stones, clubs and knives, and these same people are docile worshipers of the priests. Assassinations are com mon; a mass is soon said and the af fair forgotten. Not so If any gewgaw ts stolen from the image of a saint That provokes a prolonged bowl of rage. No resident of Spain cares to tell the truth, for should his name be known big business would be ruined, and a gang of bigots soon have their knives in him." Here ia an object lesson. A nation brought by ages of Catholic rule to be exactly what that church desires. Roman Catholicism is the same in all countries, and had it been possible would have made Germany, England and all others exactly the same. She would, bad she the power, make our own free nation a people like unto the Spanish, who are after her own heart Do you doubt that this is her de sire and purpose? When has she ever changed? When ever relinquished an object? Just as far as it is possio.e will Ro manism bring this country to a level with her beloved Spain. Her tremendous power is seen by the way she has prevented our gov ernment from interfering with the wholesale murder in Cuba, while the people constantly demanded action. In this crisis, where the liberty of a suf fering people was at stake, we have seen that the power of Rome waa stronger than the voice of the people, itoqo o pdJjajaJd eApnorfxa J no put) the mandate of the pope. HUDSON TUTTLB. Kenie After Uraugemen. The Romanists of Victoria, Austra lia, have formed a new "Victoria De fense League," for the special purpose of putting down Orange lodges in the colony by the strong arm of the law, and preventing any member of the order entering the public service even as a policeman! It is a secret organi zation, but some of its confidential documents have come into possession of the Orangemen, through whose means they were printed In tUs Melbourne Age. The new league pro poses to ask all candidates for parlia mentary honors the following ques tions: "1. Are you opposed to any per son in the public service, and partic ularly In the police force, being a member of the Orange Boclety? If yes, and elected, will you support a bill to attain this object? 2. Are you In favor of the appointment of a royal commission to inquire into the state of Orangelsm in the public service? 3. Are you, if elected, prepared to sup port a bill to relieve all doubts con cerning the illegality of members of the Loyal Orange Lodges marching in procession, wearing the regalia of their order?" The Orangemen) of Australia are taking steps to defeat the schemes of the papists, and I have no doubt the Orangemen of England will take special Interest In the con test. Should Rome succeed in putting down the Orange order In Victoria, she will next try to do the same thing in the United Kingdom. English Churchman. Do people buy Flood's Barsaparllla In preference to any other, in fact almost u, the exclusion of all others? (Because They know from actual use that Hood's Is the best, I. e., it cures when others fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla is still mads under the personal supervision of the educated pharmacists who originated it. The question of bent is just as positively decided In favor of Hood's as the question of comparative sales. Another thing: Every advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla ia true, is honest Sarsaparilla Tj the One True Blood Furlfier. AlldrujRists. $1. frepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mas . , ni , , are the only pills to take I100U 8 FlllS with Hood s SauaparlUa, Why Hoods SONGSTER Nation. Special Selections for ts. Sent on receipt of prioe. A lap sf the Vailed Mate, The new wall map issued by the Bur lington Route is three feet four Inches wide by four feet long; la prloted la six colors; Is mounted on rollers; shows every state, oounty, Important town and railroad in the Union, and forms a, very desirable and useful adjuaot V any household or business establish moot Purchased in lots of 6,000 the maps coat the Burlington Route nearly SQ cents apleoe, but on the receipt of lis cents in stamps or coin the under signed will be pleased to send you one. Write Immediately, as the supply la limited. J. Francis, 0. P. A., BurllngUsi Route, Omaha, Neb.. Ho-To-Hm for rirtj Csata. Guaranteed tobaoeo habit enrs, makes weak ate strong, blood purs, too, sX All drugs. America has never produoed a mors polished scholar, a greater loglolan or a grander Christian than A. Cleve land Coxe, Bishop of the Episcopal church lor Western New York. His letters to Satolll have never been equalled by any living writer. Wa have those letters printed In pamphlet form. They make a book of 72 pages. We will send you one of those books If you will send ui 25o. and the names ei ten of your friends to whom we oast send sample copies of Tub American. Show your interest in this fight against political Romanism by investing 16 cents in sample soplos. To Car t'ou.tlpatlnn Forsvor. Take Cam-areta ttondv Cathartic lOo or Sft. It C. C. 0. (all to cure, druKKiau rofuail moo. No, FRIENDS, the Wandering Jew Is not about completed. It will last at least seven months longer, and the most tolling, the most graphlo descrip tion of Jesuitism Is yet to oome. Da not fall to read It to the end. Edarata Toar liowela With CaaearsU. Candy Cathartic, eurs constipation foreran WO, wo. lU.'J"Ca. reiuna i We sell 'Edith O'Gorman's Convent? Life Unveiled. Price $1.26. a We want to hear from every one of our subscribers befoie January first. Have we beard from you? To Curt I'un.upatlon Forr. Take Cascareta Candv Calhurtlo. 10c or SB. If G. C. C. (all to curs. druga-iata refund money. Oat Friend S. G- HOFF. . is Agent for all the Beet Grades of Hard and Soft COAL. Telephone 18l8, Office 315 So. 16. Your Patronage Solicited SUnion Elevated It runs on Van Buren St directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station Passengers arriving la Chicago can, by the w t nlon Klevattni Loop, reach any part of the city; or, for a five cent fare, can be taken immediately to any of the large stores In tee aown town aiamri. All Elevated Trains will atop at the "Koca Island" station. Tralnsevery minute. These facllltUe can only be offered bv the "GKKAT KOCK ISLAND KOUTK." If you will send a 2-cent stamp for pstag we will mall you at once a new bird's-eye view of I hleago, just Issued In tWe colors, which shows you just what you want to know aboat Chicago and the new Loop aud Elevatd Sys tem. 1 his map you abouldbave,whetheryou live out of the city and exiect to come to It, or whether you live la Chicago and you or your friends contemplate making a trip. Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, O. P. A 13-17-f Chicago