The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 31, 1897, Image 3

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w. a. ArxnR,
Merohantn National bank. BUI.
sheriff a bale.
Ir virtue of an alia order of eJ Issued
Ml of th district court for Oourlu coun
ts'. Nebraska, and to mo directed. 1 will
ok th Sch day of January. A. P. ItML
al thm o'clock a, m. of an Id day. at th
aat front door or the county court houa.
fa Iho city of Omaha. Itouaiaa county.
ebrmsse, aWI at public auctloa to the
Mrrimi I'loon- tor rash, the properly de-
enrxd in atua order of BHiq. mm follows.
Th- undivided twnty-foiir-on-nnn
Vndtha CU-MH) of t. wml flftv-rive iS
of lot five, f.) In block threw huntr-d
! forty-two (SO of original plat of the
eyy of Omaha, and alio th undivided
avetv-slx-one-hundrdtrs 7-lii) of th
wrn nny-nv tft) r4 of mid lot nv In
v-k 34!, In th city of Omaha, aa sur-
p". Matted and rwor.le.1. all situated
B Onuirlaa munty. state of Nebraska.
ntd property to ho sold to satisfy Walter
ivewier. pinintlfT herein, the. sums a
Bjllowa, to-wlt: On the undivided J4-1w
f the wt ffi fx of lot I, In Work StI
arovo ow-nreri. tno sum of lhrw hundred
ad forty-thnen and S4-HO lIMM) dollar
JaMrmtvit. with tnterewt thereon at the
or ten tun rf cent per annum from
February 1st, IW; and the further sum of
JJ SB. attorney's fee herein.
Also to aatinfy Walter M VmW ,!.
alnlntlfT. on the undivided 7-H of the
west u reet or lot a. In Murk S42 above dv
Bibed, the sum of two hundml and
avrnty-onn and 41-10B trxi.41) dollars lii.lir.
jent. with Interest thereon at the rate
i ten per cent per annum from February
" . ana bjho me runner sum of 14
itaraev'a fees hjun
4"o satisfy the sum at one tiunivui n.i
tiros (tll W dollara costs herein, together
Wjt accruing- costs, according to a decree
rnuema oy ine enstrirt court of said
ouirliut county, at Ita wto-nui-w t.,
. In a certain action then and there
Jfidlnir. wherein Walter K. Kaeeler la
piainiirr and Amanda Herfrquist, Hllma
BefYquist, Oscar Nenraulst. Anna C Nl.
n and John Nelson, her husband, are
Omaha, Nebraska. December 94th, 1817.
Bherlff of TViuclaa County, Nebraska.
yf. A. 8AUNOKK3, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Itanrnuiat.
cket 6R. No. 377.
Ite. Ducket Z, page J17. 12-34-5
Karchahta National Bank Building-.
By virtue of an order of sale tngued out
h district court for Doug-laa county,
JBebraxka, and to me directed, I will, on
25th day of January, A. D. 18SH, at
a. m. of said day, at the cant front door
f tha county court house, In the city of
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at
blic auction to the highest bidder for
cash the property described In said order
C sale as follows, to-wit:
lot three (3) In block two (2), and also
1ft five (5) In block two (2), in Saunders
Hlmebaugh's Highland Park addition
S the city of Omaha, and also lot six (B)
block eight (X), in Saunders & Hime
Mugh'a Mount Pleasant addition to the
sty of Omaha, surveyed, platted and re
garded, all situated In Douglas county,
atate of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Wal
ta" H Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums
lots as follows, to-wlt:
On lot J, block 2, the sum of $12.05, and
aa attorney's fee of $1.20, and on lot 6,
Wock 2, the sum of $12.03, and an attor
ay's fee of $1.20, said lots being situate
tai Saunders & Hlmebaugh's Highland
ark addition above described, and on
lot t. In block 8. in Saunders & Hlme
taugh's Mount Pleasant addition above
described, the sum of $14.30, and an at
torney's fee of $1.43. which amounts, ac
cording to the Judgment, bear interest at
Be rate or ten (10) per cent per annum
icepting attorneys tees) from Septem-
r 11. isi.
Po satisfy the sum of thirty and 61-100
u.oi) dollars, costs herein, together with
crulng costs, according to a decree ren-
red by the district court of said Doug-
Ma county, at Its Sepember term,
A, D. 1897, In a certain action then
and there pending, wherein Walter
kV Keeler is plaintiff and Eu-
rafla L. Chase, Chase, first and
rfkA name unknown, her husband, Dewltt
C Eggleston and Mrs. Eggleston,
it and real name unknown, his wife,
stenry C. Campbell and Mrs. Camp
Mi, first and real name unknown, his
wife, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 24. 1897.
her I ft of Douglas County, Nebraska.
Jf. A. Saunders, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Chase et al.
Docket 69. No. 21. Ex. Docket Z. page
m. 12-24-5
Merchants National Bank Bldg.
By virtue of an alias order of sale issued
at of the district court for Douglns
aunty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
wUl, on the 2.rth day of January, A. D.
1W8, at ten o'clock a. m, of said day, at
Wla east front door of the county court
house, in the city of Omnha, Dougl.ts
junt, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
t highst bidder for cash, the property
ilBcribed in said order of sale, as follows,
Lota (37), (38) and () in Luke & Temple
ton's addition to the city of Omaha, as
surveyed, platted and recorded, all in
Douglas county, state of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter
It. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums on said
lt as follows, to-wlt:
jn lot thirty-seven the sum of $29.92.
(In lot thirty-eight the sum of $11.37, and
Cm lot forty the sum of $30.10, whi.:h
amounts, according to the decree, bear in
terest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per
aamum from February 1st, 1897.
To satisfy the sum of Forty-one and
21-100 ($41.26) dollars costs herein, together
with accruing costs, according to a Judg
aemt ordered by the district court of
wld Douglas county, at Us February
m, A. D. 1897, in a certain action then
aad there pending, wherein Walter H,
Kjeeler is plaintiff and Alexander M. John
ston and others are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 24th, 1897.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Johnston, et al.
cket 67, No. 104.
JUx. Docket Y, page 2G5. 12-24-5
Merchants National Bank Bldg.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out
f the District Court for Douglas County,
aebraska, and to me directed, I will, on
le 25th day of January, A. D. 1898, at ten
clock A. M. of said day. at the EAST
front door of the County Court Hoase, in
the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the hlgh
at bidder for cash, the property described
la said order of sale, as follows, to-wit:
Lot 18, block 2, in Bedford Place, an ad
Mtion to the City of Omaha, as surveyed,
platted and recorded, all in Douglas
ounty, State of Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Wal
t E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sum of
Urty-two and 82-100 ($32.82) dollars
Judgment, with interest thereon at rate of
ton (10) per cent per annum from Febru
ary 1. 1897;
To satisfy further the sum of $20.01
ta herein, together with accruing
aats, according to a decree rendered by
e District Court of said Douglas County,
at lta February term, A. D. 1897, in a cer
tojn action then and there pending,
wherein Walter H. Keeler la plaintiff and
Mary Cunningham and others are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska, December 24, 1897.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney.
Keeler vs. Cunningham, et al.
cket 67. No. 178.
Be. Docket Z. Page 291. 12-24-6
From 10 to 1000
feet down, gold is found In abundance;
the deeper you go the richer the ore.
These are facte concerning Mercur,
only all-rail line to Mercur.
For Mercur leaflet, giving full par
ticular!, call at City Ticket Office,
1302 Farham 9T.
Attorr. CI Mw lark Ufa Baal II a.
Br vtrtM of a plariaa ardar tt aala ta-
uad out of th dlautrt court for Doua-la
county Nebraska, and to m directed, 1
will, on the Zlcl day of December. A. D.
1W7, at to o'rlo. a. ra. of aald da, at tha
BAtST 'rout doer of th cunty 01 tart l.ok.
In th city of Omaha. Doujrlaa county. Ne
braska, anil at public auction to the hifhoet
bidder for raah, the properly deecrtbed in
aald order of caje aa follows, to-wit:
The eaat one-half of theeouthweet quar
ter (r a W V and the west forty-nine
and K-iu (4 X) noma of the wM one-hall
of the aoutheaM quart, (W Vfc tt K V. all
In aectlon number etht (X) and the mirth
nineteen (19) airea of the west twenty-four
and a-10U (2t.9) acrea of the northweet
quarter of (he northeaat quarter (N W
of N H V) of section number seventeen
(17). all In township sixteen (IS) north of
range thirteen (13) east of the Sixth Iftn
Ciuii Meridian containing one hundred and
forty-eight and JS-liW (14 ; acres more or
lean aa surveyed, and recorded, all situated
In Douglas county, atateof Nebraska.
Said rowrty to be sold to aatlafy Michi
gan Mutual IJfe Insurance onmnuny. plain
tiff herein, the sum of four thousand elKht
hundred and thlrty-alx acd 7-l'W dollars
($4.N36(7) judgment, with Interest thereon
at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum
from. May 4th, 1K9C;
To satisfy Saloma Bowman, defendant
herein, the sum of eight hundred anj ninety-six
and lS-iai dollara ($s)&15) Judgment,
with Interest thereon at the rate of ten
(10) per cent per annum from May $d, 18!:
And to satisfy said Michigan Mutual Life
Insurance company, plaintiff herein, the
further sum of one hundred and thlrtv
nlne and 96-100 ($13.6) dollara Judgment for
taxes paid thereon by said piantlff In or
der to protect his lien thereon, with Inter
est on forty-cix and OV100 ($46.06) dollara
from July $d, 1894, at ten (10) per cent per
annum, and interest on the sum of ninety
three and 91-100 ($&! dollara at the rate
of ten (10) per cent per annum from De
cember 27th. 1886;
And also to satisfy the further sum of
one hundred and thirty and 23-1U0 ($130.23)
dollara costs herein, together with accruing
costs, according to a Judgment rendered
by the district court of Douglas county, at
Ita May term. A. D. 18H6, In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein the Mich
igan Mutual Life Insurance company Is
plaintiff and Julia R Vandercook, Jamea EI
Vandereook, The Mutual Investment com
pany, John I Pierce, Receiver of Mutual
Investment company, and Saloma Bowman
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. November 19th. 1S97.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska,
W. H. Russell, attorney.
Mich. Mut. Life Ins. Co. vs. Vandercook
et al. Dou. H: No. 184. 11-19-4
Artie lee ef lerarperalle.
Notice to hereby givee that th article
or incoroorauoa or th -Omaha an4 Wood
Kiver alining and KeaJ t Valet Company"
ea been Died la the otlice of the county
rlerk of Doiujla County aod a tela of Ne
braska, That tha reneral nature of tha business
to be transacted la to acquire, own, lease,
bold, work or operate mtnw of gold, silver
and other mtnrrals In the alatea of Ne
braska and Wyoming- and elsewhere; also
to acquire, own. Irase and use water, wa
ter lights, mllla and reduction worts In
cident lo the treatment of gold, silver or
otner ore, minerals or earth, and to lease,
ell or dispose of the same; to buy and aell
ore. Duiiutn, mines and claims; to con
struct and maintain all necessary works
for tha operation or carrying- out of th
ousineaa or said corporation, and to ac
quire by purchase, lease or otherwise sili h
other property, real or personal, aa may be
suitaoie or convenient lor aald business:
and lo acquire, purchase, lease and sell
rl estate, as well aa to use, maintain and
aistHiee or aald property or any thereof.
That the capital stork of said corpora
tlon Is three hundred and fifty thousand
(1.&0.IMI Ul) dollars, divided Into shares of
ten ($1000) dollara each, which shall ha
luny paiti wnen issue.i, and may be in
creased unon a maiorltv vote of the stock
holders, and that said corporation ahall
beirin business aa soon as fifty thousand
(ton. u) n dollara worth of stock has been
subscribed and Issued.
That the affaire of the corporation ahall
oe manured by a board or nve directors,
ail of whom ahall be stockholders, and
shall be elected at the annual meeting of
the stockholder on tha first Tuesday after
the first Monday In January In each and
every yr. and aald board of directors
shall elect from among the stockholders a
president, vie president, secretary and
treasurer, and they ahall have power to
adopt and enact by-law for tha manage
ment of said business, and said director
shall also have power to appoint such other
officers and employes as they may deem
advisable for the conduct of their business
That tha principal place of business shall
n in tne city or Omaha, Douglas county,
That the highest amount of Indebtedness
shall not at any time exceed twenty-five
per cent of the capital stock actually is
sued. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, thla th Ktb
dav of November, A. D . 1N.
(Signed) JOHN W. CAIRNfl.
U-lMt Incorporators.
"Oonvent Lifb Unveiled.'
Thla little work relate the bitter experlere
of a young lady who was Induced through th
cunning of the Jesuits and the Ulster )
Charity to enter a conveo Her story of tht
heartrending scenes enacted in those sinks t
Iniquity is told in a convincing style, r'rlc
In cloth fl.25, sent postpaid by
Probate Notice.
In the matter of tho estate of Frederick
Stabrei. deceased:
Notice In hereby fivi n that the creditors
of nuid CereHM'd will meet the executor
of Id estate before Ine, County Judge
of Ioukss county. Nebraska, at the comity
court room In said county on the4tli dny
of rVbruHry. 1MK: on the 4th dny of Aurll.
IrtiH. and on the 4th day of June, lHttH. at 9
o clock A. M each day. Tor the purpose of
pn sentltiK their IhIiiib for exsmlnutliin. ad
justment and al owiine-. Six months sre
allowi d for the creditors to present thelt
clatn s and one year for the executrix
to nettle tstd est h to, from the IHth day of
AukiixL. 1MU7; Mils not Ire will be puMtshed
in I mi Amlkion for four wet k MiicceKs
ively, pr or to the 4th day of February.
12-S-4 County Judge.
Some Notable Features
These reminiscence! contain mors unpublished war hutnry ,n,n
any other book except the Government publication. Mr. Din
wax intimately associated with Lincoln, Stanton, Grant, Sherman,
and theother great men of the Civil War, He had the confidence
o( the President and his great War Secretary, and he was sent oa
... miny privat mission! to make important invealigationi in the
army. Lincoln called him " Tkt Eyrt of (ki Gmrnm ut at tht Frtmt Everywhere through Ihee
memoirs are bits of Stcret History and J-rtsA RnMtctuns f Crtat Mtn. These Reminiscences will
b illustrated with many Hart and Unmblishei War fkott;raphs from the Government collection,
which now contains over 8,000 negatives of almost priceless value.
1 jvicllure s contained a complete cJiort Story
by Kudyard Kipling entitled "The Tomb of His Ancbstors'
the Ml of a clouded Tiger, an officer in the Indian army, and
a rebellions tribe. We have in hand also a AVw BaUad, a
powerful, grim, moving song of War Ships. It will be superbly
illustrated. Mr. Kipling will be a frequent contributor.
Kudyard Kipling, Kohrrt Barr, William AUtn tt'hitt,
Ian Matlurrn, Octavl Thantt, Slrfktn Cranr, and many
others, the best story writers in the world, will contribute
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Zemda." In splendid invention, in characters, in drjmjtic
situations, it is the noblest and most stirring novel that
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Edison's Wonderful Invtntion. The result of eight years'
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extracted by magnetism. Thi Fastest Skip. An article by
the inventor and constructor of" Turbinia, a vessel thjt can
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Ttltscopt, by the most competent authority living. Lord Kelvin, a character sketch and substance of
a conversation with this eminent scientist on unsolved problems of science.
Drawn from fifteen years' personal experience as brakeman, fire
man and engineer, hy Herbert H. Hamblin. It is a narrative nf
work, adventure, hazards, accidents and escapes, and it as vivid
and dramatic an a piece of fiction.
The account of thi? lernble fight written down hy Hamlin Garland
as it came from the lips of Tw Afottti, an old Indian Chief who w-s
a participant in it,
Its houses streets, means of travel, water supply, safeguards of life and
health, sports and pleasures the conditions of lite of the perfected city of
the next century, by Col. George E. Waring, Jr.. CommUsioner of the
. i-i r . . r ki .... v i.
kill CTTl-V.ICUllllf 1SCJ1( III1CI11 UllKW IUIK,
IN 1950
Mark Twain contributes an article in his old numur H..rr,h,. hi.
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Frost and Peter Newell, and are as droll and humorous as the article itself.
Andree: Hi! Balloon and hit Expedition, from materials fu.nished by
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Lxndor in Thibet. His own story. He was captured, tortured and finally i ih..
Jackson in the Ear North. The famous explorer writea of the years he lived in regions far north of
the boundaries of human habitation.
The great Arctic explorer has written an article on the possibilities of reaching
the North Pole ; on the methods that the next expedition should adopt, and the
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climate, the ocean currents, depths and temperature of the water, etc. This knowledge will be of the
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I he best artists and illustrators are making nictures for
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award Krttyon Ox, C. A". Linton, W. . .Steven's, Alfrtd
orrnnan, tiiu uincrs.
The November Number will be given free with new subscriptions. This number contains th
opening chapters of Dana's Reminiscences, Mark Twain's Voyage from India to South Alrka, th
account of Edison t great invention, and a mass of interesting matter and illustrations.
Be tun to aat for It la lubnctiblar
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Bishop Coxes
-as Satolli Letters
The Jesuit Party in Ameriean Polities
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LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New Y6rk, to thePapal Ablegate.
This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of
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For advertising purposes merely, and to introduce this
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A sroal statement this, tut m thai li korM out bf (hi bets. 5
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mat is Drought down to September, 1807. It is
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IMlW tile and handsome binding, we strongly advise the selection of the Half Morocco style. We refer to this publication JJP
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THE STANDARD AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 9-11 East 18th St., New York City. g
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1025 miles
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the world's record for long
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February 16th a special
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Write for booklet tellina
how run was made. Wrtta
also for information about
rates and train service via
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J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
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the Woman,
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Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis,
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Heretofore the great cost of typewriters
has prevented maoy people from purchasing
a machine.
A Perfect Typewriter at a low Price has
been a crying t.ertnnlty. We are happy u
announce that in the
Odell Typewriter
we arn able to furnish yon a perfect machine
in every particular at the remarkably low
price of
$15.00 and $20.00
For a 8ngle Cas.
For a Double Case.
You cas learn to operate the Odell to ten
minutes, and the beginner becomes an ex
pert to ten days' practice, whereas a long
course at the business college is oeceanary to
master tbe f 100 machines.
Some wrltin machines have rubber trpe:
our type is metal, will not wear out, and
prints clearer than any other typewriter.
The strength, durability and finish of the
Odell Is unturpasied. For manifolding it has
no superior. For spaed It holds Its own with
any writing macjilne made, no natter wba
the cost.
That we are having an enormous sale for
the Odell Is attributed to the fact that we
have no competition. It being the only low
priced and practical machine on the market)
No and 11(10 typewriters are things of th
past. They, like hith-prlce1 sewing ma
chines, have had their day. No Intelligent
buslnesaor professional man ta going to pay
tWO for a typewriter when the Odell, costing
four-fifths less, wtll do better work than any
high-priced machine. Neatness and speed
Is what the business men of today want, and
there is now no eicute for anybody to bs
without a typewriter, either In his office or
his borne. The Odell comes within the reach
of all, and It can be duly said that " It Oils a
long feit wast." We are meeting the de
mands of the people with a typewriter that
has no equal. ar-i
Vtfrlto for Terms and Oataloeue lo
16th and Ba-ny OMAHA,