THE AMERICAN. L l AN AFRICAN HEROINE. InIhi'I Wife 194 rxpr DMi'l fthaa Haiti. 4 la Sir Harry Johnston's Dew book Africa occur the following passage tkat happily portrays tbe prop: "The Atonga bsv a grrat Waning far Kuropran clothe On of th ni rasnarkalile spet-lmrus of thl Inulll teat race that I bar known-Han awe, alia Mafcrsno. who has n-a to high position in our native army who U able to read and evrn, I tx-llev, to play tb harmonium, bad passimi tar accumulating nulla of European CloUies of every description. When aervhig planter as Interpret, r some years aga. he asked aa purt ptiyuient ot bla wages for a disused dress unit ead tall ailk bat. These garments he eed to don on Sundays to our luex- tlBXHlabable merriment. Finding him etf loo much laughed at be made over Ua clotbea, aa a very special honor, to kit bead wife, wbo Is quite berolue ia her way. This woman used at one Una to accompany him on most of ar campaign, even Insisting on going lata battle, till one day she was wound ad and bla procedure was discovered ead Imm mediately put a atop to. It waa found out In tbls way. When go lag into action at Kawlnga's one of tka ofDcer of the Indian contingent aoticed a strange being charging In Uaa with tba 81khs. It was a black parson dressed In ludicrous caricature of a "maaher" In a very tight-fitting awing suit and tall hat. The masher, kowever, was, knocked down by a pant bullet (fortunately not much kart). and upon being picked up was foaad to be Itandawe's wife thus strangely habited." TREASURE. t Ilulll la Kecover Money anil Jewel. Another attempt is to be made to reaover the millions in specie, bullion and precious stones which have been lost along the coast of this and other countries in foundered ships. The Beans to be used Is a submarine boat built for the purpose and fitted with wheels for running on the bottom, as wall as with a propellor for navigating xaa surface. The Inventor of thin ves sel, which was launched the other day at Baltimore and chrlHtrnecl Argo naut, is Mr. Simon Lake of Haiti more. ine plan Is to run the boat along the bottom until the wreck Is reached, und then send out men In divers' armor, wao will be supplied with air from the reservoirs on the Argonaut. The ml- vaatage over the old method is that vna depth of water will be no factor, Md work cannot be interrupted by storms. The vessel Is thirty-six feet long by nine feet In diameter. She is built of steel and ribbed very stronsly to withstand the pressure of the wi'er at great depths. Electricity Is her pro pulsive. ODeratltlK and cnlillnir forrrv Mr. Lake says he has the bearluss of aeveral vessels sunk on the New Itr ey coast which are said to have had oa ooard J15.000.000 In specie and bul lion. Probably the first vessels hal will be examined, says the Inventor, will be the New Era. which sunk off Asbury Park in 1852. She lies In about forty-five feet of water. The Argonaut will be given a trlul trip In Chesa peaks Bay In a few days. Wrong- Kud I' p. Monsieur Calino, having taken a farm, he Is very careful to Instruct his asalstauts to take tho proper and sys tematic course In all they do. "Be sure you begin your work at the bottom." is his favorite maxim, and he repeats It whenever he sets bis men at work. Lately he had occasion to dig a well oa the place, and nut to this dutv a couple of men experienced In that line r work. "And be sure." he said to them, as they got their picks and shovels ready, "that you begin your work at the bot tom!" It was a still more curious reversal of things, perhaps, which led one of Monsieur Callno's servants, a good woman, to come running to him one day with the announcement: "Quick, monsieur, come here! Youi little Jean has fallen into the ditch, and he's into the mud up to his ankles!" "Up to his ankles!" said Calino. "Why, that's nothing." "Oh, but I forgot to tell you." said the woman, "that he's in head first!" Mr. Korvr's Pop-Over. Beat two esgs, without separating, until thoroughly mixed; add one cup of Milk. Put one cup of flour into an other bowl; add to it gradually the eggs and milk; beat until smooth. Strain through an ordinary gravy strainer. Put at once Into greased hot gem-pans, and bake in a moderately quick oven for forty-five minutes. If these are properly made and properly baked they should swell six times their orig inal bulk, and may be used for break fast or luncheon, or served with a liquid pudding sauce as a dessert. Whole wheat flour, if sifted three times, may be substituted for white four. Iron gem-pans Insure better re sults than those made of lighter met als. Mrs. S. T. Rorer In Ladles' Home Journal. A Warm Weather Visit "It's none of my business," said the man who had boats for hire, "but I'd like to know why you took this boat, rcwed out to the other side of the lake, stared at the water, and then came right back." "Well, it's hard to ex plain. I'm not very sentimental as a rule; but I wanted to recall the dear days of yore, when life was so differ ent. As near as I could locate It, the spot I was looking at was where I broke through and nearly got drowned, In ice water last winter. Washington Bttr. A CARDINAL'S JOKE. f art M km Itl 'a 'I n It. WhcB Cardinal Gibbons waa blhep of Klibinood. a. k happened la be the d eudanl la relalioa to to ma church proporlr. When railed la lbs wilna stand tba plaintiff's lawyer a dial ejruutiod lek'l luminary, a'ler vaia endeavor to involve the wikne in roolradio lion truck upon a plan woich be thought would annoy ilm bilioit He thereupon quo.lionuj lh rijjht of lr. tabbon to Hie title of bhop of Uicbiuond. and called on him to prove hie claim to llie o.lice. The defendant s counsel, anys Ibe Catholic New of courwt. ob -uJ to llii a Irrelevant, bul tba bishop, with a quiet smite said be would com ply wilh the re ,ul if allowed half an hour to produce llie necessary paper. Tbi buln allowed, the bishop lett the couri room and re turned in twenty tuinule with a docu ment which he proceeded to read with gteat solemnity all the more solemn as tba paper ti la Latin. The plaintiff s lawyer pretended to lake notes industriously bowing' his bead once la a while a if in ac quiescence, and seeming perfectly convinced at Ibe end. When the reading was finished he announced that the Papal bull just read were perfectly aalls'aotory. at tba same time apologising for hi i. pressed doubts. The next day. says the Halifax. (N. 8 ) Mail it leaked out that the bishop, unable to find the Papal bull at hi residence, had brought to the court and read a Latin essay on Pope Leo the (J real, written by ao ecclesiastical student and for ardod by the president of the col lege as a specimen of the young man's skill in composition. The smart lawyer nover hoard the la-it of It. Nut In 111 Line Ktaetly. A man with an nrmful of handbills went Into Mr. Suhoppenhoim's restau rant aud asked permission to lack a hundred or so to tho wall savs the Pittsburg C hroniole-Telegraph. V ol vos doser" asked fcchoppen- helm. Circulars advertising a railroad excursion." You goes away off mil a week or den day and you goes sheaper as to stay at home?" asked choppenbelm. J hut It" nd you vants to hang dose clr- gulars moln restaurant inf" "lou ve got It" Jot vot?' -The idea." "Den tnein gustomors vould read dose circulars?' 'That's the idea" Tnd go avay off den days or two weeks?" Yea" 'Und don't eat dinners hore vile dey vos away?" Well they could haraly do that you know." said the handbill man hesitatingly. 'Dot s vot I dinks moinsolf. Nein! I guess I von't have any of dose pills hung mein restaurant lu. (iood day. raeln frlondt" ' All the Children Had ltyllali N'linm. "Lobelia" said the backwoods housewife after inviting the tourist la et out a cheer for the stranger. Gerrymander, quit pullin' Salmagun di's hair. Hush up your yawpin' I'aeloria" "Excuse me," said the tourist ' but your children seem to be rather pecu liarly named. 'Wal, yea lou sea we sorter cot Demagogue, hush up that hollerln'l got tired of the oommoa every-day names that every body uses an Con somme, come out It-oru under the bed this minute! Co on out doors and take Neuralgia with you! an' 'lowed we'd give the children Convolvulua quit playln' with the firo! give 'em stylish mimes. We found the Hy polhenuse quit peslerln' Duplicate! found the most of them in a novel. A ferritin uproar arose out of doors. You Perihelion!" cried the old ady. "Air you pesterln1 them chil dren again?" "No, ma am." answered a childish voice. "We was playln Injun, an' Synopsis an' Golconda got a lira an' Unctuous is a-throwln' water on 'em." Buffalo Times. Mare Thn Olrkrn Could Stand. When Charles Dickens was la Washington, he met one morning oa the steps of the capitol. a young con gressman from Tennessee, whom the great novelUt had offended by his boorish ness. That morning Dickens was in a great good humor and full of talk. "I have" said ha "found an almost exact counterpart of Little Nell. "Little Nell who-"' queried the Tennesseean. Dickens looked him over from head to foot and from foot to head before he snorted out: My Little NelL" -Oh," said theTennes sean. "I didn't know you had your daughter with you." "I am speaking of the Little Nell of my fiction, sir." retorted Dickens, flushing. "Oh," said the imperturbable Tennesseean, "you write novels, do you? Don't you consider that a rather trifling oc cupation for a grown-up man?" Dick ens snorted like a quarter-horse and hurried down the avenue. Argonaut Trapped at Lat. Khlme I always contended there was a favored ring about these maga zine offices, and now Pve proved it Prose How? Khime Why. for two years I've been hawking my matter around among the different msgazines and have never been able to sell a verse of it Yesterday I took one of the best things Longfellow frver wrote and I couldn't sell that Talk about having a pull in politics! Why. lit erature can give it point and beat it out of sight Puck. Thry Earn Handaome Saiarle. The women Dhvsicians of Philadal. phia are oredlted with receiving very larcra incomes for . their BArvinaa. Some average (10, 000 a yean others fZVVUl Do you not wlah to bav soma good read log ih c m log m nier mooih? S our great offer oe another page. W. A. HAt'NDKK. Mrrcoekis aaituaa. ttaak Bldg. Atturnrf . OIIKKIr K BALK. By 1rte of aa alias JufUt r vl sale leaned out of toe dlalrh-t court ttuogtaa county. Nebraaaa. axd to u.m aarecieHi. I UL ua te 4ia nay of Jaauarv a. I. IK, ai ua uj k a. a. vl aald day. at u kA(r frvnt do. of .be mUDtr auurt house la Ue clij of Oman. Douglas eouatjr Itebraaha. aril at pub Ic auclloa to ttie hisbrat blUiKr for cenla. tba urouertt dt-wrloed ta aaid i-rdrf of a.le a foUon. Ur- alt: furta f.ur(4l. ieiS). ! () nlo ), ten4IO) fouru-rntUi. Hf e. n (!. . Iitv a arvra leeu tU Blue. ma l. taeo'y Lib. tarmy. (ourCtt, la blocr la-jiSi. U Marru aud -at-! laob Auuel Addition to tbe rllv ..I Uiuaba. aa aurveyeo. u.atu-d and nmli ali tliu.tvd la llouglaa county, suaie of Ne uraka. bald property H bild to satisfy Vt llliam II. ll r oor , plalntllT brreiu, the auto of to bundrrd aud lurit-four and Ml-ho rt. li... VMSI) Judiin.ent. wnb luien.i tbereon al rate or ton Uui pnrrent par annum from u. 4iu. lutat. btcb aoiouuuaie a nr.t valid and tilsiiiiK Ueaupoaaaid property. To aatury tba auui of uiueiy-fuur andSl-KO dollar ti'Ji n coal berela. Ugelber wlU accruing ouata. atxordlns to a tudirn.Kiit rvuderrd t tbedlatrl I court .,r .,.,. i.,... laa couuty, at lu May term, A. 1. lmal au a certain action tbra and there tendlus. abrrelo William l. Un,r,i i. ..i-iT. .'... Jona K. Harris and iloa 1 llr.u 1,1. arederendanta. uiuaba, ftabraska, December Sd. 18V7. . JOHN W.MolJOALD. eberlO'of Douglaa Oouniy, Mebraaka W. J. rauudrrr, attorney. RrWa-iMirL 4 B P I ai aa .1 Doc. as. No. I- U-3-S NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCOR. POltATlON. Notice I hereby aiven that th artii of Incorporation of the "Omaha and Wood tuvor aiinlnar and KeaJ Viaie Comnun." have bn tiled In the oltli-e nt lh rlrrK of JJouslaa county and state of Ne- ttnuw. lhat the reneral nature, of lh hnin.. to be transacted Is to acquire, own, leitae, hold, work or operate minw of sold, silver and other minerals In the alales of Ne braska and Wyoming and el Mew lie re; alxo to acquire, own. IrsHe and uae water, wa ter rlifhus. mills and reduction worn In cident to the treatment of (fold, silver or other ores, minerals or earth, and to lease, sell or dispose of the same; to buy and aell orea, bullion, mines and claims: to con- Iruct and maintain all nn'ouurv nrii for the operuiion or currying out of th huslnen of said cornoratlon. an.1 tn - quire by purchase, lease or otherwise such other property, real or personal, as may h suitable or convenient for said bUHlneas; and to acquire, purchase, lease and sell real estate, as well aa to uee. maintain and dixpoite of said property or any thereof. That the capital stock of said corpora tion is three hundred and fifty thousand (KbO.OiO.U)) dollars, divided Into shares or ten (JlO.mi) dollars each, which shall be tuny paid When Issued, and may be In creased upon a majority vote of the stock holder, and that said corporation BhaM heRln business as soon as llfty thousand (SM.uiO.ou) dollars worth of stock has been sutmcnoea and Issued. That the affairs of the corporation shall De manaKea by a ooard or live directors. all of whom shall be stockholders, and shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stockholders on the first Tuesday after me nrst mommy m January in each and every year, and said board of directors shall elect from among the stockholders president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and they shall have power to adopt and enact by-laws for the manage ment of said business, and said directors shall also have power to appoint such other otlleers and employes as they may deem anvisanie tor ma conduct or their business. That the principal place of business shall he In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. That the highest amount of Indebtedness shall not at any time exceed twenty-ttve per cent or tne capital stock actually Is sued. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this th IStb aay or isovsmDer, a. u.. mm. (Signed) JOHN W. CAIRNS, . RALPH R. BITTINQER. JOHN D. HARRIS. 11-ltMt Inaorporatora W. A. HAUNDKUs, Attorney, Merchants National Bans: Kid it SHKRIKK'8 PA I E. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Dnottlas county, Nehrsska, and to me a reeled. 1 win, on the llth day of llecm ber. A. D. 1WI7, at lb o'clock a. M of said day, at the F.A8T front, diuir or the r.iiiiit court house. In the city of Omaha. Douitlas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction 10 tne m k nest ouioer ror casn, tne property ne si'rllied In said order of sale s folic w, lo-ll : All of lots seven (Tl, ten (10). thirteen 1 13), twenty-fire (25) and thirty iau) In Cunning ham A Hren an's Addition to the rlly f " 1 a surveyea, piattea ata recoraia alln Douilas countv. state of Nebraska. Said property tn be sold to satisfy Harry 1. Twlntlnp, plaintiff herein, the sums as fol lows, to-wit: (in lot seven (7), above described, 1he um ofi.';t;i4. together with an attorney' fee of (n lot ten (10), above described, the sum of C5 ai, together with an attorney's fee of On lot twelve (12). above described, the turn o : USi, together with an attorney's fee of $2 OA On lot thirteen (131, above desTlbed. the rum of $23.71. together with an attorney's fee oi On lot twenty-five (25), above described, the sum of $17.32, together with an attorney's fee On lot tnlrt V (30). above described, the sum ot I20.4B, together, with an attorney's fee of All of which sums, by the Judgment of the district court, bear interest (excepting the attorneys' fees) at the rate of ten (10) per cent iroin may aru, imi, ana are a nrst lien upon said above described property. To satisfy John A. Crelghton, defendant herein, the sum of three hundred and twenty nine and 65-100 dollars $.), judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerrv Kvan with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) ner cent per annum from December lHth, 1891; which amounts are a second lien upon lots seven (i), ten (iu, twelve (12), tnirteen (13) ana twenty- five (2SI, above described. To satisfy T. 8. Parmelee Oun Company, defendant herein, the sum of three hundred and sixteen and 45-100 dollars ($316.45), Judg ment against Jerry Ryan, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from May l.Hh, lnttt; which amount is a third Hen upon lot twenty-five (25), above described. Also to satisfy Daniel Condon the sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and ten and S4-100 dollars ($11,710.84), Judgment against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Ryan, with Interest thereon at rate of seven (7) ner cent per annum from February 3rd, 18!!; which amount Is a fourth Hen upon said described property. To satisfy the further sum of seventy-nine and .34-100 dollars iT9.34i. costs herein, to gether with accruing costs, according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. I). ini, in acerta'n action then and there pend ing, wherein Harry J. Twlntlng la plaintiff, and Dennis Cunningham, Mary Cunning ham, his wife, William Mealey. Mrs. Mealey, his wire, first and real name un known, Jerry Ryan and Mrs. Ryan, his wife, first and real name unknown. James J. Hpellman, Mrs. Spellmao, his wife, first and real name unknown, Julia Ooetacbuls, The County of Douglaa Daniel Condon. John A. Crelghton, Merchants Na tional Bank. John P. Breen. John Grossman. Qlobe Loo ATruit Company, Henry Leh man, Thomas Murray, Charles Klopo, K. 8, Parmelee Oun Comoany, Parlln Orendorff A Martin Comoany, McCord. Brady Comuanv. The Western Newspaper Union. Soren T. Peterson and Anna Cunningham are de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska November 12th, 1897. john w. Mcdonald. Sheriff ef Douglas Countv. Nebruka. W. A. Saunders, attorney. xwinung rs. uunnmgbam et al. Doc. 57: No. 208. Ex.-Doc. Z; Page 135. 11-12-5 From 10 to 1000 feet down, cold is found in abundance; the deeper you go the richer the ore. These are facte concerning Mercur, Utah. THE UNION PACIFIC is the only all-rail line to Mercur. For Mercur leaflet, giving full Dar- tlcular, call at City ticket Office, 13U2 FA&NAM ST. $300.00 in Cash FREE THIS LADIES' WAIST WITH BOLEUO. No. 6072, A 25-cent Pattern, Free to Everyone. How tn a it V wortU tlx )" think vu can J III'ICI fTI!PCB? 9" -rr- llv h II with llio l. itcra in llicuortl ITlflnUr AU I UilCllO I L'sc c itu Inter ai ocsired but not more times than it appears in Manu facturers." Iretics. sultixe. proper nouns, olnailcti and foreign words not allowed. Work it out a follow: Am, Can, Cans, Cure, Cures, Kuni, Same, I ai t. I'acts. I'rjctute. Manufacturers, etc. Words spelled alike but having U.Ut rrnt nirauiuKS count as one word. nr IHIi-r. We will pay $100 for the largest list. $-"i0 for the second largest, $.'" lor the third, $10 each for the next live, $5 each for the next ten and $1 tach U-T the next twenty-tive. That s to say, we will divide among forty-three contestants the aK'KrcKale at"" 'f $J'HI. according to merit. lon t you think you could be one ol the forty three? TRY IT. Our lurMH. The above rewards for mental effort are priven free and without consideration for the purpose of attracting attention to MODKS, by May Mantun, the most popular, up-to-date Fashion Magazine in the world. Its thnty-six pages, replete with beautiful illustrations of the latest styles in ladies', misses' and children's garments, make it a real necessity in every household. The designs and fashion hints, being by May Wanton, render it invaluable as aa absolutely reliable Fashion Guide. Our t'oenlii Ions. You must send witb your list of words 25 cents (stamps or silver) for a l'kret Months' Trial Suhstrtftion to Monks. Our Kxlra Inducement. livery person sending 25 cents and a list of t 15 words or more, will, in addition to three months subscription, receive by return mail a pattern of this Ladies' Waist No. U72. (illustrated above), in any size from 32 to 40 inches bust measure. Our Aim. The present monthly circulation of Mopes exceeds 1 00,000 copies. We purpose to make it 2O0.OO0. This contest will close March 15 next so the names of successful spellers may be published in the following issue of Moots, but scuil in your Hat at once. For our responsibility we refer you to any Merchantile Agency. Address MODES FASHION MAGAZINE, (Dept. 437) No. 132 tw W. A. KAL NDKHS. Attorney, Merchants National Bunk Bid OHhRlr re HALK.-By virtue of a plurles O order of sale laaued out of the district Court for Douglas county, Nebraaka and to me directed. I will, on the Uih day of January, A.D. I8VH, at teno'clock A. M. of said day, at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha. Dougla county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed In said order of sale as follows, to wit; Lot five (It), block one hundred and thirty two (132), lois one (1) iwoi2laud fourteen 1 14) In h,oi one bun red and thirty-f ur il,U) and all of block two hundred and twenty (22oi In fie own or city of Horeoce as surveyed platted at d recorded and all being situated lu Dougla couuty, Nebraska. fald property to he sold to satisfy James L. Browne, plaintiff herein, the sums aa fol lows, towll ; On lot 5. bio k, 132 the sum of $'.76; On lot I, block 134 the sum of $7 72, On lu 5. blocs 13i tne sum of $1 1. 13; On lot 14 bio k 134 the .urn of $7.71; On all of b ock tU U sum i f M 57: all of wi lch saia ums by tb Judgment of the district court bar interest thereon at the ra'e of ten (10) per cent pt r acnum from May 4th, l(iU6. and are a first lien upon aaid aoove uescriotd property. To satisfy the further sum of one hundred auu tltly tiree and 43-loo ($153 43) dollar costs herein, together witb accruing costs, accordu-g to a Judgment rendered by the district court ot said Douglas coumy, state of Nebraska at It May term, A. D. lvtt. In a certain action hen and there pending, herein J ami s L.Browne a plaintiff The On. alia and Florence Land and Trust Ctuipany. Victor U.Lmjgiry, Mary M. ban, try (,.la wife), huiuuul i ole.. rauk Murphy, John A. Uorbach add oibers are defeudaiiU. Omaha. Nebraska, Dec. 10 h. IHn7. joh.s w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglui Couaty. Nebraa. W. A, Saunders, at oruey.! Browne v. u. & E. L. it T. Co. et al Doc 52: No. 128. 12-10 5 W. A. SATJNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National 'Bank. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE- FENDANT. To Francis M. iicOita and Mrs. McCrea. his wife, (first aud real name unknown) S. Field (first and real nan e tn known) Anton Dabl, Hiinuel Shears, John Llpps and Char lotte (Lottie) Llpps, his wife, non resident dt ft nuanta: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day oi October, A. D . 18W7. Jame I.. Browne, plalnllfl herein, filed his petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebrska, ag.n t Jt hn J. Mabouey, Fraiu Is M. McCrea and Mr. Mel. re a, his wife (iirst and nal name unknown) and other uerenaants. tbe otject and prayer of which Is to foreclose two certain tax certifi cates dated November 22, 18SI2. upon the fol lowing described real entile, upon which there Is due amounts as follows, lowit : lot one (1) In bloc three (3) upjn which th- re is duetheaum of $42 50, anu on lot two (2)ln block three (3) tbe uui of $37.25, all of hlch lots being tit u. tea In Mabouey & Mlnnehans add.tion totbeclly of South Omaha, Douglas Co.. Neb., wiih Interest at the raie of ten pet rent uer mnum from net... ner 25th. 187, for which sum, with Interest and costs to Kether with an attorney's fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a Ilrst lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof the defendants be debarred of all right .title and Interest In said real estate. and for other equitable relief. lou are also hereby notified that vou and each of you are required to answer said petition ou or befort tuo 17th day of January. 1898. Daud at Omaha, Nebraska, December 10th JAMES L. BROWNE. PlRintlfT By W. A. Saunders, Attorney for Plain tiff. Doc. 2. No. 108. 12-10-4 W. A SAUNDERS. Attorney. Merchants National Bank. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT. To Mrs. Ida R. Howie and Mr. Hnole. hsr husband (first and real name unknown) Mrs. Minnie Peppard and Mr. Peppsrd, ber hus t and (first and real name unknown, non-ree-ldent defendants: lou are hereby notified that on thnSth (lav Of November, A. D , 1897. The Farmer Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff herein, tied lu petition In tbe district court of Dmnrlsa County Nebraska, against Midway Invest ment uompany ana tns aoove named de fendant and other defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one cer tain tax certificate dated November 7th, 1892, upon the following described real estate, to- It: Lot 13. In block 7. Albrlnht'a Annex an addition to the city of South Omaha, Douglas Count v. Nebraska, uoon which there Is now due the sum of I1H.50 for which sum. with Interest and costs together with an attor neys fee amounting to 10 per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and in default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof the defendant be debarred of all risrhL title and interest In said real estate, and for other equitable relief. 'Ihe attendant, James F. Toy. on his cross-petition filed December 10th, 1897 the sum of $7.75 witb Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from December 10th, 1897. to gether with an attorneys fee. Tou are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer raid oelltlon on or before the 17th dav of January, 1898, nated at Omaha, Nebraska, December 10th 18S7. THE FARMERS' LOAN A TRD8T COMPANV. Plaintiff. Br W. A. Saunders, Attorney (or Plain- tin. Doc. t2. No. 202 12-10-4 Notice of Hearing Claims. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Alexander White deceased: Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas countv. Nebraska, at the countv court room tn said county, on the 31st day of January, 1898. on the 31st dav of March, 1898. and on tbe 31st day of May, 1898, at ( o'clock A. t. each day. for the purpose of iiresenting their claims for examination, ad ust men tan d allowance. Six months are al owed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the 26th day of Nov., 1897; this notice will be published in Ths Ameri can for four weeks successively, prior to the 31st day of January 1898. 1HI1IIU r. BAAltlt, 11-tM County Judge. J AS. tV. CAKlt, Attorney, 331 Board of Trade Building. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale iaaued out of the District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to tne di rected, 1 wlll.onthe 11th day of January, A. D I8'., at ten o'clock a. a) of said day, at the KAbT front door or the county court house, In the city ot Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska aell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property described Is said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: The nor h one-half (N. H) rf Lot Eight (8). In block Si venteen (17) In K. V. Smith's addi tion 10 i he city of Ouiaha, aa surveyed, plat ted and recorded, all iltuated In Douglas County, stale of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy John L. Marshall, Currier". Marshall, executrix. Ed waid Marshall and Edmund L. Plus, execu tors, pluiniltlt herein, the um of even hun dred and fifty-two ($7S2 00) collars Judgment, together with interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from Febru ary 1st, 1mi7. To satisfy the further sum of nineteen and 98-100 ($W.H8) dollars costs herein, together with accrulug costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by tbe district court of said Dougla county, at Its February term, A. D. I8K7. lu a Ctrl a n action t) en and there pend ing, wherein John L. Marshall. Carrie K. 5iarsbal, exei utrlx, Edward Marshall and Ed n, und L. Pitta executors are pla ntltfs,aud Juuiea Keevta 1. de.endaut. Ouiaba, Nebraska, December 10'b 1897. John w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. Jas. W. I'arr. attorney , Mar.-ba.ll ei al. vs Koeves. Doc. .V: No. 22U. 12-10-5 NOTICE. To Arthur L. Wyman. Eleanor Phelps eedley and Seiiley, btr ouahand, brst auu leai name unknown, non resident uelenuunts. Yuu are i ereby notified that on the 7th day ot Dect tuner, lst7 Harry d. Twlntlng. plaint IT Died hi petition in tbe district court ot Douglas couuty, Nebraska,agalust,you the de.euuauuj Ui object am. orayer or which is to foreclose one certain tax ctniticaie dated Jauuary Tib, 1892 Issued to William bchliep uiiu by htm assigned to the plalntllf, co.uricglot oO u Heed ial AdUi.ioa to the City of uiuuLd, Douglas county. Nebraska, 'lhat there is due the plaintiff upoo Bald tux cer liii Hle and taxes paid thereULder tne bum of $396.8i, with interest at tte rate ot ten perc ut per annum from December 7 h. lt97, lor winch sum, with interest, costs, and au a.torue's fee amounting to ten per ceut of tLe decree, plaintiff prays for a ue ciee, and that ne have a first lien upon said real etaaie and lhat the defendant puy the same and In default thereof that said real etiaie be void to satisfy the amount due, with Interest, attorneys lets and tosis, ana that upon sale thereof, tbe defendants be of all right, title or Interest In ald real estate, and t r other equitable relief. You are rtquired to answer said petition on or Uefore uie 17tn day of January, 1898. Omaha, Dec. 10. u, 1897. HAKKY .i.TWINTINO Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunders, Ills Attorney. 12-1 AV. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. To Evelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn Scott) and Oeorge C. Fenion, her busLand, non-resident defendants: You are bereby notified that on the 24th day ot November, 1897, James L. Browne, the plaintiff bereiu, riled hi petition in tbe Dis trict court of Dousiaa couniy, Webraska, ftMiuB cToijru reui,on (formerly nveiyn boo t) and (Jcorgo C. Fenion, ber husband, and otuer., the object aud prayer if wuicn are to foreclose one certain tax cer tlLcate dated November 29ih, 1892, unon tbe louowing uencriDea real estaie, to-wlt: Lot Six (61 in block two (2), Springdale an addition to tbe city of Omaha, Douglas coun ty, Nebraska. There Is now due on said certificate tbesum of 1.(4.30 with Interest at the rale of ten per cent per annum ,rrom Nov. 2Uih, 1897, ror which sum, with Interest and coats together wltn an attorneys lee amounting to ten per lua ueuree, ptaiutiu prays tor a at -cree that be has a first Hen upon said real estate, that the defendants snail pay the same, and In default thereof that the said properly be told to satisfy the amount found due, anu that up jn sale thereof tne defend ants be debarred of all right, title and in terest In said real estate, and for other equit able relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before toe 3rd day of January, 1898. uOmaha, fteb., Nov. at. 1897. JAMES L. BROWNE, Plaintiff. By W. A. Saunaers. his attorney. 11-26-4 W. A. SAUNDEKS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. To Robert L. Garl chs. The Manufacturers National Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, Tbe People's National Bank or Sandy Hill. New York. thoWemerr National Bank of the city of New York, The Mer chants National Bank of Clinton, Iowa, J.W. Pen Held (first and real name unknown) R. C. Peutteld (first and real name unknown) and William U. Eldrldge, non-resident defend ants: You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of November 1897, Walter K. Kee er. plaintiff, filed his petition In thedlstrictcourt for Douglas county, Nebraska, airainst Koh. ert L. Oarllchs, Tbe Manurtcturers National nana oi Boston, massacnusetts, Tbe Peo ple's National Bank, of Sandv Hill, New York, The Western National Bank of the City of New Vrk, The Mer hants National Bank of Clinton, Iowa, J. W. Penfield (first and real name unknown), R. 0. Penfield (first and real . sine unknown) and William H. Eldrlgs, and others, defendants, the object and prayer of which 1 to foreclose one cer tain tax certificate dated November 26th, 1892, upon the following deacrlded r, al estate to-wlt: i Let five (5), block seven (7), Orchard Hill, an addition to the c ty of Omaha Douglas county, Nebraska. There Is now due upon said certificate the sum of $16.77 with interest at the rale of ten per cent per annum from November 24th, 1897, for which sum. with Interest and costs together with an attoruays fee amounting to ten percent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien upon said real estate, that tbe defendants snail pay the same, and In def aul thereof that tbe said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof the defend ants be debarred of all rigt. title and inter est In said real estate, and for other equit able relief. You are also hereDy notified that you and each of you are required to answer said pe tithan on or before the 3rd day of January, Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 26. 1897. WALTER E. HEELER, Plaintiff, .. . By W. A, Saunders, bis Attorney. H-8M Doc. 62. v White Street, New York. rk. J evvw-4 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT. To Henry A, Schreckengast (or Scnree kengost) and Maggie Schreckengast (or Schreckengost), bla wife, non-resident de fendants. You are hereby notified that on tbe ltth day of November, A. D. 1897, James L Browne, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Henry A. Schrecken gast (or Schreckengost) and Maggie Schreckengast (or Schreckengost), his wife, and Rudolph Beal, defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose . three certain tax certificates dated No vember 22il, 1892, upon the following de scribed real estate, and upon which there Is due amounts as follows, to-wit: The east thirty feet of the north one half of lot five, upon which there Is due the sum of $51.91: the east 20 feet of the south one-half of lot five, upon which there Is due the sum of $58.76; and also the balance of lot five upon which there is due the sum of $96.00, all ot said property be ing Bltuated in block U In Lowe's addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, with Interest upon each of said amounts at the rate of ten per cent per annum from November 19th, 1897, for which sum, with interest and costs to gether with an attorney's fee amounting to ten per cent of the decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that he has a first lien upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that upon sale thereof the defendants be debarred of all right, title and Interest In said real estate, and for other equitable relief. You are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of December, 1897. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, November 19th. 1897. JAMES L. BROWNE, Plaintiff. By W. A. SAUNDERS, his Attorney. 11-19-4 Doc. 62. No. .. W. II. UiSSKI.L, Attor-ev.ris NeW York Life Building. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an alias " order of sale Issgueu out of the district court for Dougla county. Nebr ska. and to me directed, 1 will.on the 4th day of Janaary, A. D. Ie98, at ten o'clock A M. of said day. at the EAST front door if the county court house, tn the cltv of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at pubic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed In said order ot sale as follows, lo wit: Lot ten (10) In block six (6) In Park Forest, an addition to the city of Omaha, as sur veyed, p atted and recorded, all in Douglaa County. State of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Ellen J. Hinsdale, Executrix of the last will and tes tament of Edwin O. Hinsdale, deceased, plaintiff herein, the sum of el. bt huudred and four and 24-100 dollars ($S04.24) judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from September 28th. 1896. To ratts'v tbe further sum of twenty and 33-100 ($20.33) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1896, In a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Ellen J. Hinsdale, EiecHrlxof the last will and testament of Edwin C. Hinsdale, deceased, Is plaintiff, and Christen Chrlstenson, Oliva Chrlsteusen, First Na tional Hank of Whitewater Wisconsin, The Ame'lcan Biscuit and Manufacturing Com pany, an Illinois corporation, am defend ants. Omaha, Nebraska. December 3d. 1897. john w. McDonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. H. Russell, attorney. . Hinsdale vs. Christensen et al. Doc 55: No. 130. Ex. Doc. Z; Page 138. 12-3-5 W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bldg JJOTICFTO NON-RESIDENT DEFEND- To Mary Malone and Mr. M alone (first and real nsme unknown) her husband, non resident defendants: You are hereby notified that on the Sfith day of November.A D.,1897. James Browne, plaintiff herein filed his petition In the dis trict court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against Mary Malone and Mr. Malone (first and real name unknown) her husband, defendants, tne object and prayer of which Is to foreclose one certain tax certificate dated November 29th, 1892, unon the following des cribed real estate, lowit: Lot tlx (6) block two (2). In Wesrslde an ad dition to tbe City of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska. There Is now due upon said certificate the sum of $87.72 witb Interest at the rate of ten fier cent per annum from November 28th, 89T, for which sum, with Interest and costs together with an attorneys fee amounting to ten per cent of ihe decree, plaintiff prays for a decree that be has a first Hen upon said real estate, that the defendants shall pay the same, and In default thereof that the said property be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and t at upon sale thereof the defendants be debarred of all right, title and Interest In said real estate, and for other equitable relief. Vou are also hereby notified that you and each of you are required to answer said petition on or Defore the 3rd day of January. 1898. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, NoTember 28 1897, JAMES L. BROWNE, Plaintiff. By W, A. Saunders, his attorney. Doc. 62. 11-26-4 Until the supply la exhausted, we will send to each subscriber sendino; ua the names of five of his friends, accom panied by 25o. for five sample copies of The American, one volume of "The Stenographer," a book containing the story of the life, trials, tribulations, courtship, etc., of a stenographer. The book has 220 pages, is elegantly bound in cloth, printed from good, clean type on a high grade of book-paper. We have 750 of them.. Get your order in early. Regular price of such a book s, ordinarily, 1.25. You get It for nothing if you buy five samples. Don't send stamps of a larger denomination than 2 cents. a