The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 5

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Is Our Country Getting Pur
er and Better. or Weaker
and More Wicked.
lUninUm Sunt II I ol rolled and Made
laaecueas.U Oar Liberties er I'er
rpt lira W 111 Kale I he tvurU.
ible; let U atay m It U and Columbia
is doomed. No nation on earth could
Ion be a nation where freedom la on
the wrong aide. Freedom for corrup
tion In every aspect of evil, and that
meana chains for all that la good.
"V run not serve two m altera. " "A
' Congrt- I reparinK U I rvfide far a Ra
tional I mTrHj.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 1!.-The
bill to establish the university of the
mlttee, with a ateady Incrraae of pub
lic tntereat.
With the approval of the national
university committee, patriotic women
of the country, under lead of Mra. Kl
len A. Richardson of Ilcaton, have or.
nation divided against Itself shall not(tt both bounce of congress tomorrow.
..and" I The bill In general terms provldea
Vnlted Statea will again be Introduced ganlied the George Washington mem-
oriai commission lor auxiliary, loougn
Independent work, their purpose being
How can Romanism be controlled tor an Institution of the highest type
and made Innocuoua to our liberties. ' for the graduate of accredited col-
Bdltor The American: The writer
noticed lately In a certain dally paper
an account of the municipal election
in Augusta, Georgia., In which it la
elated that votes were "paid for open
ly, tome of the voters securing as
much aa $10." Now, this paper does
not print the account with any
to create excitement as It is in a spirit
of regret the language Is couched.
The editor had, the day before, on
learning of Patrick Walsha election
over Judge Dunbar, congratulated Mr.
Walsh, and after having learned of the
corrupt practice at the polls, gives
forth a rebuke In plain words. What
are they going to do about It, we won
der? And doubtless we may just keep
on wondering, for ours Is a wonderful
And the same paper alluded to
gives out the statement that Judge
Seaborn Reese Is threatened with an
other "hauling over the coals" for
having "been drunk on the bench and
oft." Some time ago, It will be re
membered by the reading public, that
Hon. Yancey Carter and others were
the cause of an "Investigation" held In
Atlanta, of charges of a similar na
tore against Judge Reese and Judge
Swett, only the latter worthy had "1m
morality" tacked to the tall of his
robe in addition. Both of these judges
are said to have had their characters
"vindicated," but in Judge Reese's case
it seems that the "jedge" cannot arise
and say "this is the same oP drunk,
gen'lmen." It seems he has been do
ing so several times, and just keeps on
doing so, and trying to preside In
court when he is unfit to be anywhere
but at home, hidden out of sight, It
all these things be true.
The writer, however. Is not trying
to put odium upon the good old state
of Georgia, for what may be true in
Georgia, is true of the whole coun
try. The whole body of our dear Co
lumbia is sick very sick and needs
Doctor Reform mightily, with all the
remedies he can muster, for the de
voted lady is tormented with, as old
Mrs. Partington would have said, "an
implication of diseases." She is being
badly treated by some of her children
And that la enough to break down the
constitution of any mother.
She knows that there ought to be
reform In her courts in her laws
' and that none but honest, respectable
sons should be allowed therein. In
Justice to the rest of the family. She
knows that there are hundreds too
many "young snips" admitted to the
bar and there are bars and bars
who have no more right to be admit
ted there than a drunkard has to be
admitted to the kingdom of Heaven,
and Scripture says nay to that last
The condition of things anent the
courts of our land is enough to make
the hair crawl off the back of a dead
man's head with disgust If he's got
hair enough to crawl In these bald'
beaded days. To read of crime and
the ever-increasing diabolism which
marks Its onward march. Is to feel
the forebodings of doom to any coun
try which makes it possible for such
fiends to escape swift punishment.
And If poor sick Columbia only bad
the nerve to draw a wet sponge over
her law-slate and write new laws to
fit new conditions, which have long
since arisen In her family circle.
would be a grand way In which to
wind ud the century so near to its
The writer truly believes that the
establishment of an A. P. A. lodge in
every town and city In the land would
have as healthful influences upon the
people generally, for it would be like
patting up Robbie Bruns' advice in
plain sight:
"If there's a hole in ae yere coats,
I rede ye tent it
A chiel's among ye takln' notes, an
faith he'll prent it."
No scoundrel likes to be found out,
and there must be a deal of scoundrel
ism where the courts are so crowded
with these young law-whipper snap
ners, whose sole ambition Is to be "
criminal lawyer."
"Better be a dog and bay the moon
than such a lawyer.
And this is clear as clear as God
ewn sunshine; any man who knowing
ly takes a guilty man's case and de
votes his entire time and all his en
ergies to prove that man innocent. Is
a scoundrel, for he is dishonest and
liar, no matter how "eloquent" he may
be. And such men should be deprived
of all right to practice law, for if they
do their utmost to clear a murderer,
then they would do any vile thing so
long as they believe escape from the
law were possible for them. We need
a reform in lawyers oh! badly urgent
ly do we need it In all Columbia'
diseases the great root is corruption
in the courts. Draw that poisonous
root out and all good things are pos
so long as corrupt men rule in our
courts? Are not all Questions apper
taining to "good government" shut
down and put down by judicial trkk-
The Augean stable was not such a
task for Hercules, in its cleaning as
the American courts would be for
those who might undertake the work
leges and universities only, with spe
cial reference to the work of original
research and Investigation in all Im
portant fields of Inquiry. The gov
ernment Is vested in a board of re
gents and a university council. The
to raise by subscription I2S0.OOO for
the erection on University square of
a first university building. It Is the
Intention of the committee that the
government shall co-operate In the
tablishment of the proposed univer
sity, and It Is Intended that the bill
shall lie pressed to early passage, so
that July 9. 1899, the 100th anniversary
board of regents embraces the presl
dent of the United States, the chief of Washington's bequest, shall witness
lustlce of the supreme court of the at least the practical beginning of
hut It Is a Dossible thing it can ne rnted States, the commissioner oi wi- " - --a
intra i w - i
wlsh ' done. And until It Is done, vain is the ucatlon. the president of the national versity oi tne worm
r.t .ho .nij imnnf thA evil. or. im mr f ai-lenoea. tne Dresidcm oil
wuia v. " - . - i , . .
the National Educational association. ..... .n ., , .
ih nresident of the university and SHAWANO. Wis., Nov. 30-SInce
a check to
the possibility of putting
ever-increasing crime.
if we are free to allow evil to work
out its plots in our nildBt, then sure
ly we are free to put a stop to this
frightful reign of terror.
Ours Is the only country on the
face of the earth where crime holds
EI.M1RA. N. Y IK. ll-ria
continue to send your paper to my ad-
dreae for nxl year. Will write you
later and awid the money, as 1 wish
to see some friends about subscribing.
MRS. 8. J. M.
ST. IH'IS. Mo.. IX 14. Encloeed
you will find money order for my sub
scription for nest year, aud ton centj
In stamps for sample copies, you am
doing a grand aud a noble work and
I am willing and anxious to show the
world that I am with you. O. 1. T.
Judge Rom. of Los Aogelw, In their
remarks voiced (be a,ilrneoU of ft
majority of the ctiiteus of this coast.
NeverlhnlfM, In all probability, lfc
appointment will be made. But win
the l ultml States senate confirm tha
same. Every senator should receive a
reuiousirance,aklng that his appelate
uicnt be not confirmed. Yours truly,
O. B. &
nine other citizens to be appointed by t September, when two young girls
the president, by and with the advice ' thia city were so wrought upon,
and consent of the senate, no two of under teaching of the Catholic church,
whom shall be from the same state. believe It was for the eternal
The university council is to have salvation of their souls that they
immediate charge of the work of In- must renounce the world and sep-
TRENTON. Mo., Imc. 14. I like
your paper very much, aud u not
waut to atop It; so will send you the
amount reuutwiwi. Only wish I could
seeud you more, but can't spare any
more at preseut 1 am a brakeiuan.
aud was off seven weeks with a
sprained aukle; and you know that
means bard times for me for awhile.
Yours, very truly, H. W. O.
H,,rh hirh carnival. If a man wants struction. research and Investigation. te frni parents and friends, and
It couslsts of the regents and other oeBe naPPy nome w uccunie oriue.
members to be appointed by them ot the church" within the prison walls
from among prominent educators, of a nunnery, some revelations have
from court to court, and is quarrelled J with a like impartial distribution. All " to the parents and friends that
over by a donen lawyers until crime courses and officers of instruction are Pu- them In a quandary whether
to be determined by the council, also e8e y"n8 a,r,s nav piuugeu. wuu
all regulations governing the Internal their sanction and encouragement,
management of the institution. Neither nto a life of misery and Buffering, if
kPnt from caDital Duntshment Then sectarian nor political preferences In no i aname; or wuemer tuey nave
o,Hi f th inrir nf "Intellleent ! nnv .rm r to hfl aJlowfld. whether taken a Btep to enhance their hap-
I lit? IVIUILd Vffc uv ' 1 rf - - "
mpn" ix one of homicide, and the 1 in the anpointment or in any of the Plnesa and welfare,
operations of the Institution. blnte tnen. tney nave neara or tne
A...h.i. ia otohiiuh ttih recent fortunate escape of seven
other institutions of learning such co
operative methods for learning and
statesmanship, but owing to the lack
nuni. fr.,,i ,w..m., nmniioni were made to endure, uatil
iiui,. eluded the wutcuful cure of
, The more modern movement In this
cause may be said to have been Inau
gurated in 1809 by the National Educa
tion association, when an appeal from
Dr. John Uoyt of Wisconsin, at the
close of his educational tours of In
to kill another for any reason he does
it without much fear of results. His
case, ir ne is arresiea, is uraggcu
Is almost lost sight of under the ac
cumulated verbiage of "the law,"
and If It can be done, the murderer is
wretch gets a few years In the peni
tentiary, to be pardoned later, it Is
more than likely.
And If a good man gets Into trou
ble by force of circumstances, his case
is made out without the "merciful con
sideration" accorded to a murderer.
Is this not the shameful truth? And
therefore it is true that our laws no
longer fit our country.
Unrestricted Immigration lands the
scapegraces of many countries upon
our shores, and we must either find
free bread for such creatures or sub-1 Bpection iu the countries of Europe and
mit to the crimes which they perpe
trate. One says, "Oh! America Is big
enough for all who come. Look at
the enormous untilled territory we
Certainly, but immigrants, that Is the
good majority of them, never intend to
leave the cities. No. no. they want
a field of operations ready prepared
and they cling to the towns where all
avenues of labor are congested, and,
having no kind of real work to do,
what can be expected excepting that
the criminal classes are reinforced by
Yes, we have a free country, and a
glorious country, but it needs laws
commensurate with its Immensity and
a code as simple as freedom itself;
laws so simple that nine-tenths of the
rascally pettifogging scamps within
her borders would find themselves
'out of a Job."
The land ot the free and the home
of the brave.'
That was true when it waa written,
but now the American patriot has a
gigantio battle to fight against, odds
great enough to daunt the bravest
men who ever stood under "the star
spangled banner."
No condition of things is a standing
condition; If we do not get better
and purer and stronger as a country,
we get worse. Which way are we
tending? Let every American go to
work in earnest to help save the
country he loves. Sentiment will not
do It. Nothing but earnest sustained
work will accomplish It
KEOKUK, la., Dmc. 14.-Enclose
please find 1 100 for American. All 1
have to say is "Hit 'em bard." I mean
the old bachelors. Pope and priests.
Yes, and the old maids. Oh! They are
a lovely set, runulug an Institution
to their own taste and liking In vio
latlon of all law; and yet the Protes
tants that profess to be Christians
and have backboue, are afraid to
speak their conviction and cry aloud
ugainst the evils practiced by the Ro
mans. Instead ot having backbone, it
Is simply griHilo. Yours in F P. and
J. S. E,
m me Auieiaau siaus, auuiorued by
the government
A Dill was introduced and unani
moubiy reported in the house of repre
sentatives in lUi'i. ine measure con
tinued to receive the ludoraemeni. of
leading scholars aud siaiesmeu from
time to time, and in MHO a university
bill was introduced in the senate by
Mr. Edmunds of Vermont, aud upon
his motion referred to a select com
mittee, with Senator Proctor as chair
A Catechism.
Q. What is "the man of sin, the son
of perdition," mentionel 2 Tbess, 2:3?
A. He is a person or succession of
persons who head the great apostasy
or in other words, the popes in sue
Q. When was "the man of sin re
A. When the bishop of Rome waa
declared "universal bishop," "the head
of all churches," "Pontifex Maxlmus.'
The "mystery of iniquity had been at
work before and the elements of
popery in operation, but no formal
public act had been performed by
which the bishop of Rome was made
supreme, but when the title of pope
was asked, given and accepted "the
son of perdition" was revealed. This
took place A. D. 606. when Boniface
the III, ascended the papal throne. He
got the title through the aid of the
emperor Phocas, a cruel and blood
thirsty tyrant who had made his way
to the throne by assassinating his pre
decessor. Boniface asked for the title
of universal bishop and this profligate
emperor granted it, and that system
of corrupted Christianity and spirit
ual tyranny properly called popery
was fully developed. AH of the popes
of Rome have worn this blasphemous
title ever since, and it is their de
termined purpose to establish this sys
tem of Idolatry and tyranny over all
nations. Americans, are you ready to
submit to the reign of popery over the
United States? Are you ready for
fines, imprisonment and torture, for
liberty of speech? Then, show your
patriotism now. CALVIN.
young girls from a similar Institution
at South Omaha, aud their talcs of
the horrible cruelty and shame they
keepers and made their escape.
Since then they have heard ot the
recent fortunate escape of Miss Ban
doin und Miss Agues McMillan from
the prison house of the "Ciray Nuus
of Notre Dame," at Ottawa, lu On
tario, Canada, where their conscience
forbids them to bubuiil to the "obeld
enee" required and expected from all
true ""brides of the church."
These events, having taken place
about the time these two young girls
departed to become nuns und "brides
of the church," following close upon
the seduction ot a young girl in
Illinois by a Catholic priest, through
the agency of the confessional box,
and landing her in a house of ill
fame In Chicago, to be kept as bis
mistress, had a tendency to shutter
the faith of some mothers in the pro-
The present general movement was prlety of sending their confiding
begun at the pan-American congress daughters too often to be quizzed In
of by the appointment of a com- all manner of delicate questions at
mlttee of promotion, to be enlarged 'in the confessional.
the discretion of its chairman, ex-Gov-1 But what opened their eyes the
ernor John W. Hoyt, which committee I widest on the possibilities and dang-
by steady growth, became what is era of convent life under the influence
known as the national university com- of lustful, wine-guzzling priests, was to
mlttee of 100 a committee now grown have placed before their attention the
to several hundred embracing the teaching and practices ot a Capuchin
presidents of all the state universities priest at Carthagena, when he gained
and some two hundred other leading the reputation of a very pious saint
institutions, and superintendents of in the convent of the nuns to which
public instruction of all the elates but he was "father confessor," made .use
one and many of our most distin- of his holy Influence to persuade con
guished statesmen, scholars and men tiding sisters, individually, to the
of affairs. number of thirteen the remaining
In 18K2 ex-Governor Hoyt presented four in the flock being old and ugly
to the senate a memorial giving a that the blessed Saviour had ap
complete history of the enorts already peared to him in the mass and grant-
made lor a national university, with ed dispensation of their vows of
the arguments therefor, of which sev- chastity in his favor, as a reward for
era! editions have been printed. In their devotion, and that they might
1W3 benator Proctor's committee unan- be comoletely and intimately "asso-
lmously reported. elated with him in love." as his con
Senator Hunton of Virginia sue- cublnes.
ceeded benator Proctor as chairman Whether they were soiled doves un
and the committee was made the der the cardinal teachings of obedi
standing committee it now is. It like- ence to the priest, and were there al
wise reported unanimously in 1894 and ready doing penance, is of little con
me uui was amy uiscuBsea in me sen- sequence. The weakness of human
ate. In 1895 the national committee of nature in eirls under bondnir and in
100 formed an executive council to act seclusion, dependent for all they have
In its behalf, both in the framing of in life upon those they are taught to
a bill and in systematically promoting believe can do no wrong, is so ereat
its passage, the membership being as that a monastic prison becomes the
follows: I most daneermiR nlni- on ourth n
Hon. Melville W. Fuller, chief justice send a young girl for the good of her
of the supreme court of the United soul.
btates, ex-benator Edmunds, Dr. Pep- Having learned from undoubted au
per, ex-provost University of Pennsyl- thority of the cruelties, immoralities
vanla; Andrew D. White, ambassador and shameful acts in convents, from
to Germany; Oscar S. Strauss, ex-min- those who have escaped from their
ister to Turkey; ex-Governor John Lee blighting influences, it is not strange
Carroll, General Horace R. Porter, that friends of the silly, fanatical
Colonel Wilbur R. Smith. Kentucky gIri8 who g0 tnerei otlen wisn they
university; ex-tenaior Hunton, ex- could call them back to life and lib
Senator and ex-Attorney General Gar- ertv. There is onlv one featnra of
land, ex-Senator J. B. Henderson of comfort for them and that is thv
Missouri, General John Eaton, Simon are not allowed to know what their
Newcomb, John A. Kasson. ex-minis- fate is, xhey can enjoy tne consoia
ter to Austria-Hungary; Dr. G. Brown tion of hope that it is well with them,
Goode, assistant secretary Smithsonian but it is even a hope in the deep
institution, ana ex-txovernor John W. Bhadow of fear and doubt Clo in
Hoyt Wisconsin Patriot.
This council, after several meetings,
Chief Justice Fuller presiding, pre- No, friknus, the Wandering Jew
pared the pending bill, and in due time ia not about completed. It wul last
the senate committee. Senator Kyle a 'east seven months longer, and the
chairman, submitted a favorable report mo1 telling, toe most graphic riecrlp
Including letters of Indorsement from tion ' Jeeuitism is ytt to come. Do
CHICAGO, Dec. 13. Enclosed find
money order for next year's subscrip
tion und a book. As I am working lu
tha shops I will hand around some
sample copies, if you will send them.
1 have scattered as many papers as
any one lu this Kouie-rldden city
Ixjug life to you and may the Supreme
ituler help you to so wield tha pen
that It will cut great lung ttlul le('P
gashes and expose the bullishness of
Itoniaulani. Happy Christmas and a
prosperous new year. We are still do-
nig btisiiictis In Council No. 45. Ini
tiate, new members every night. All
got work, and enough ot McKlnley
and ready for Linton. O. W. C.
Itor American: Well, sir, I feol muc
bettor today after reading the Rev,
Johuston's Thanksgiving semion. la
which he so plainly spoke the truth la
regard to the situation In this land of
fremlom. showing conclusively the
danger we are drifting Into by com
promising with Rome; and that he
should have the nerve to deliver auca
a sermon In the city ot Washington.
standing up for America and all
America muns! Just think of It, and
think, al-o, that our President looked
upon hU remarks as not being suit
able on such an occasion, after be, tha
President, had taken an oath to sup
port the constitution of the United
States. He rather favors Rome. I fuel
so disappointed In the President of our
boioved United Slates. He baa been,
and is yet, using the great power con
ferred upon him by the American peo
ple. I delight In such a man as the
Rev. Johnston and hope and pray that
the sleepy Protectants will awake to
their plain duty and speak fearlessly
for Christ, the Bible and liberty, and
work and vote together for the good
of the cause of Christ and the wel
fare of our country. In other worda.
take Christ and the Bible for our ex
ample, rather than the Pope and his
gold. I believe every true American
ought to write the Rev. Mr. John
ston a letter of thanks for bis sermon
on Thanksgiving Day in the Capital
of the' United State. Mcthlnks I see
the light dawning! A true and
uncompromising friend of all Ameri
ca's free Institutions, I remain and etc..
W. C. R:
Kiln.-me Vi.ur llowxla Willi I mrtrrU.
Onnilf Cntlmrilr. cure conHilnatlnn tnrever.
V)c, 'Ac. JfCO"fc.: " iiu refund money.
Have y.JU noticed our Mut Wonder
ful Combination Offer for next year on
und my race well night run, but I feel
that I cannot withhold my little mite
Ironi so righteous a cause, as you are
in, one bo strictly American, as well
as humanitarian, and elevating and
civilizing for the world over. The
greater the, per cent of Romanists, tho
lower the grade of civilization. I am
with you. God bless and aid you in
your work to save the nation. I am
an old soldier of the late war; a lite
long Republlcan.but I am not pleased
ed with Mr. McKinley'a course toward
the Cubans. A recognition of Cuba ill
months ago would have; saved a hun
dred thousand Uvea, and given the
cause of freedom on other Impetus
upward. I am as ever, yours, for the
right. A. H. D.
We soil Edith O Gorman's Corvent
Lire Unveiled. Price $1.25.
Out Friend
is Agent for all the Bent Grades of
Hard and Soft
Telephone 18l8,
Office 315 So. 16.
Your Patronage Solicited
KALISPELL, Mont, Dec. 12. Find
enclosed money order for 12.00, for
which please send men your paper,
and a 11.00 book as per "ad." I had
purchased the money order before
hearing from you, so will send the $2
to you. i
' 1 scarcely know which book I want,
Chinlquy's "Priest, Woman and the
Confessional," will do. If you have
some of Fulton's books for a dollar
or a little more 1 will pay difference.
You can't send anything too radical
for me. 1 once was a member of John
A. Logan Council, 269, Dixon, 111., but
have "been going it alone," so to
speak, for over two years In this
state, and I can't stop fighting Ro
manism until I am dead.
The copy of The American that I
receive is read by neighbors until it
Is worn out. You people have plenty
of "unadulterated nerve," and I hope
you will stay with your job.
I am a friend of the Populist plat
form, but will not vote for a Roman,
nor will I vote for a sleeping, stink
ing Protestant that will cater to Ro
manism. I will not trust a Roman dead or
alive, drunk or sober. Yours in F.,
P. P.. and F. L. T.. P. E.
Attorney, Murchania National Bank.
FENDANT. To Georne J. Paul, Mra. Paul, his wife,
tliL auu real name unknown, OtKM-se U.
CliriHUe, the Harrwon N&Uonai Uaiik ot
Ctuiis, u., nun.runiunt Uwlenuanoj;
Take notice Unit on tne Jutti uay of No
vember, James L. Browne, me pluin
Uit nervln, hut petition In the Ouilrlot
court ot lJouK'a county, iNebriuka,
UKUUisl uot k J. i'aul, Mrs. 1'aul, iua
wile, Uuortte ki. Christie, the llarriion
National ouJik of Cauii, O., anu outers.
ueieuuant, the ooject anu prayer oi wtucn
winch are to foreclose one certain county
treasurer's uu cenuicaie. No. 741, Oaled
November 2b, lisu, and covering lot elgnt
is;, in block three Keuick 1 ark. an tul
uiuon to the city ot umaha, Uouaiaa
county, Nebraska, upon wtucn there la
now uue the Bum oi fcjtf.te, with interest
lrom Uopteuiber 1, lent, at the rate oi tan
Uu; pur cent pur annum. The plainuit
praya that it may be decreed mat ne baa
a unit lien upon stud preiumes and that
the same be void to nalisly the amount
uue tnereon, wan Interest, attorney a lee
amounting to ten pur cent oi uie uecrae.
auu couin, and thai upon sale the deiand-
ul uiay be ueoarreu ot ail interest la
auu leal eetaie.
iou are auto hereby notified that you
anu uuu oi you are reu.uireu to answer
ua petition or belore the Ann day ot 1
oeiuber, iowi.
i-fateu at omaha, Nebraska, November
Litn, Mtl.
JA.MHS U BROWNE, Plaintiff.
W. A. bauuuent. Attorney tor fiamtul.
. Loc. . o. 2W. lt-14-4
Attorney, Merciaaui National Bank.
some 300 eminent educators and lead
ing public men, as well as the argu
ments of members ot the council be
fore the senate and house committees,
since which time there has been a wide
correspondence and distribution of
documents from the office of the corn-
not fail to read it to the end.
" What We May IHHo te Saved ' Is a little boot,
glvinu full punk-ilia of a reliable cure. Free.
lr. i, L Stephen, Dept. B., Lebanon, Ohio.
No-To-Kae for lfty tenia.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, Mood pur. 60a, H. All dragglM
CENTERVILLE, Cal., Dec. 7. Your
favor of the 1st Inst waa duly re
ceived and contents noted. Enclosed
pleas find postal order to pay for The
American for the ensuing year. It
would alord me great pleasure to
send you many more dollars, for I
highly appreciate the fearless and un
daunted courage you have ever dis
played through the, columns of your
paper towards the great public enemy.
The same cannot be said of the press
in this state. They scarcely dare say
their soul is their own, tor fear they
will arouse the displeasure of the
enemy. 1 mailed to you today the San
Francisco Call ot the 4th Inst, giving
some of the views of the judicial and
legal fraternity of this coast In rela
tion to Jos. McKenna being appoint
ed to a place on the supreme bench
of the United States. Many of the re
marks were very pointed and to the
point Attorney John L. Boono and
To Nora Erpenbucit tiormeiiy Nora Dona
hue) and ticrnuuin Erpenbeck. her hus
band, non-reaiuent ueienuanla:
1 ou are nuicoy uuLUied mat oil the IBdk
day ot November, A. D. HsI, YVUlnun l
truvoori, plainun narein, tiled tils petu
Uon in the district court ot Doua-aa
county, Nebraaka, aainat Nora Eren
oeca formerly Nora uonohuei and Uur-
uiaun .rpeubeck. her husband, and ntfciy
ueieudauia, tne object and praye ot
wnicn u to foreclose one certain tax awr
uuuate dated November X), lafi, wpoa itw
loiiowihg described real estate. iohkJ(:
ll twenty ,M). block twenty-eujht 4(
wesuuue, au auuiuon to the iiy mi
Umaua, Douglas county, Nebraska, uQua
wuicit ttieie is now uue the sum ot t&.i,
wttn interest al the rate of ten per eeM
pur annum from November lis, lsu, iR
which sum, with interest and eosts, u
getner with an attorney's tee amounting
to tun per cent ot in decree, plauiou.
prays lor a decree thai he taut a brat Ilea
upon said real estate, that tne ueleudanut
snail pay Uie aauie, and Ul duiauil thereof
that uie said properly be aold to sausiir
the amount tcund due, and that upon suae
ihervol we attendants be debarred of ail
right, t.e and Interest in said rmti estate
anu tot otnur equitable relief.
iou are auto bore by nouiied Uiat XA
and each of you are required to anawv
said petition ua or before in 27 Ul day ot
December, itUl.
Dated at Omaha. Nebraska. November
1. ISA. Mi
By W. A, ttaundera, HU Attorney,
Doo. fit.