The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 17, 1897, Image 3

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9 14
TUl Vary
It U predicted that paper la ih com
1 material for malcbea. The prow
led of the wooden match industry be-
! appreciably affected by a new pro-
ceaa for manufacturing mauhe of iva
per U held to be extremely probable,
particularly aa tbe best wood for this
parpose la constantly growing scarcer
and more costly. The new matchea are
ouualderably cheaper than the wooden
product and weigh much less, which
count for much Id exportation. The
Btli-ka of the matches oouaint of pape
rolled together on the bias. The pane
la rather strong and porous, and, when
immersed in a solution of wax, steirln
and similar substance, sticks well to
Mthcr and burns with a bright, smoke-
leas and odorless flame. Strips one
half inch In width are first drawn
through the combustible mass and then
tarned by machinery into long, thin
tubes, pieces of the ordinary length of
wood or wax matches being cut off au
tomatically by the machine. When the
sticks are cut to size they are dipped
Into phosphorus, also by machinery
ad the dried head easily ignites by
friction on any surface.
There Is some talk of utilizing the
new Invention In the manufacture of
matches on an extensive scale for ex
port In India. The invention involves
na waste whatever, and the paper Is
delivered in rolls like the telegraph
tape, and converted at one operation
lato match-sticks, and by a second into
matches that would dry without stov
lag for a large part of the year in
India. One thing, however, must be
made sure of that a wax is used which
will harden at a shade temperature of
140 degrees Fahrenheit at least. Bos
ton Transcript.
After HI Owa Heart.
The late J. Hammond Trumbull
LA..D., long the librarian of the Wat
klnson library at Hartford Conn., was
rfaeply Interested in Oriental arehaeol
ogy, and some twenty or thirty years
ago made a visit to Egypt. Preparing
for the visit, be took up the study of
the hieroglyphics and found no dim
culty In reading the cartouches of the
kings. On one occasion while oa the da
habiyeh he was accosted by a native
dealer in antiquities who wished to
soli him scarabs. He shook his head
and intimated that they were forgeries,
The man loudly protested that they
were genuine. Thereupon Dr. Trum
bull took a scarab out of his pocket.
Hhowed It to the man and asked him if
that was genuine. He looked at it and
said, "Certainly."
"I do not think so," said Dr. Trum
"Why not?" said the man.
"Because I whittled it out myself yes
The dealer was greatly delighted.
He felt that he had met with a worthy
compeer, and he took him to his shop
and showed him where his own an
tiquities were made. The Independ
Knifing a Kanaam "Octopu."
Prom the Kansas City Journal: Onca
' ia a while one of the slaves and serfs
gets hia knife into the railroad octopus
and churns it up and down at a frght-
ful rate. A Union Pacific locomouve
set fire to a field of wheat in Russell
county recently, and 150 acres of it
were burned, while ten acres remained
' standing. The claim agent for the rail
road agreed with the farmer that the
ten acres should be cut and threshe l,
and that the railroad would pay for the
burned grain just in proportion to the
yield from the unburned portion. It
happened that the ten acres left stand
ing contained the cream of the crop,
" and It threshed out thirty-three bush
els to the acre, while it is estimated
that the whole field would not have
averaged more than fifteen bushels.
The railroad stood by its agreement,
and the farmer realized more than
twice the value of his crop. The claim
agent says that until the settlement
kad been made all the farmers in the
aeighborhood swore that the ten-acre
patch was not as good as tbe 150 acres
burned, and then they went to crowing
ver the manner in which the railroad
had been cinched.
Fate or a I.lttle fug Dog.
Last Sunday at Glen Island, N. Y., a
sea lion devoured a small pug dog
which was smuggled into the park by
a woman, who had hidden him under a
wrap. Thirteen lions were basking in
the sun on a raft. The dog fell or was
thrown into the water by a mischiev
ous boy and the lions made a simul
taneous dash into the water. They im
mediately sank under the surface, but
a moment later one of them appeared
within a few feet of the dog. The lat
ter was swimming toward shore, ap
parently unconscious of danger. Ho
turned his head In the direction of the
Hon, which disappeared with the dog
a moment later. The lion soon came
to the surface again, but the dog was
not to be seen.
,. Dead Tough Lack.
Charles Titel, a poor man in search
of work in Milwaukee, received word
from Chicago that he was left a legacy
of 3,000. Being without money to pur
ohase a ticket to Chicago, he resolved
to reach there by stealing a ride on a
freight train. In attempting to do so he
was drawn under the wheels and al
most ground to pieces. He died a short
time after the accident Ex. ,
Retting the Eyes.
A medical Journal says that in the
continued use of the eyes In such work
as sewing, type-setting, book keeping,
reading and studying, the saving point
la looking up from the work at short
Intervals and looking around the room.
This practice every ten or fifteen mln-
hvtes relieves the musoular tans ln, rests
ia and makes the blood lupplr
laoh bUar.
Attorney. l New York Ufa BuUdlnf.
Py virtue of a plurtea order of aale lav
suni out of III dlatrk-t court for Ituuiaa
county Ne4aka, and t m directed. 1
will, on the Zil day of rvecember, A. Ia.
tC. at W o'rli a, m. of aaid dav. at the
EA.-T front door of tKo comity c urt Mm,
lu the city of Omaha, Hough. county. Ne
braska, sell at putil e auction to the high'
bidder for -aah. thai rterty described la
ea!l order of aale aa fHwra. to-avit;
The raxt ono-hajf of the southwest quar
ter K rt w V and the ml forty -nine
and Jb-iou ! 0 acres of the irmt one-hall
of the south mat quart. Y V, 8 K H). ait
Aiioraey.elS New York Ufa aWUdla.
QHEKIKK-8 8AXJC-M virtue of aa altae
11 orderof aale Issued fX't of the district court
for IfcHiclaa ruuatv. Nebrajika. aad to "
dlrrrtrd. I will, ua the l4 da of Itocea her.
A. It. Irt. at 10 o'fiix-k A. u. of aaid
dav. at the EAST fro tduur of la count
court aouae. la tbe city of Omaha. IKu(laa
county. Nrhroka. aril at public aucttua to
tor nUheal Mtluer lor the property lie
arrlbrd la aaid order of atle, aa fulloaa, to-
It: oes-l alf iK f lot oa hundred
and one il Hi la Uier'e a.idltl..a to the city if
Omaha, a aurvryrd, platted and recorded
all la IfciuKlam-oofity. date of Net rank a, the
north oa -half tS and he south on-haif
In section number entht and the north I 'V saWI e.t ..ue b.lf ,KS) of aaid lot lo
ueonereu euarie.y.
Saul properly lobe aold to satisfy John
Wim)lii'. pU'ntltr herein, the sum of one
huedrrd aud nriytwo and J Oolars
if I AS .1M )uluient. ailth Inlerenl l.ere.'. at
rale of a-ven (I per ceot per anBuut frou
M t rd. PV7.
To ailufy te defendant Joseph W. t'one
he turn or three hna reu and at teen ana 41
Udi'htn. .1.(15 41 Ju'lKiiient, wlih Interral
tt.rieoa at tale of ten iUI per cent, per an
oi'iii from May Ird. lsJ.
To tat afv th- def nUant Ueorce Hiullh the
au- of Se hundred a-.d Sdy all aid ID-MO
d llara i.'MI.IUI tldnn rot. with Interest
Ihert on at the rale of ten tlt) urr cent, pe
aniuiu from January ZTith. IW4
To aatlafy the further auiu of i Ifthty-flve
and 61 luu Collars ilBioll coats hrreln, lo-
yvther with accruing coata. acordM to a
nineteen ! a-rea of tho west twenty-four
and tifc-litt i4 .s aires of tha nortliwwt
quarter of the norihst quarter (N V
of N K at of se-tion numla-r aeventeea
(17). all in toavnahip sixteen (!) north of
ranee thirteen (13) earn of the Sixth ITIn
ripal Meridian rontainlnir one hundred and
forty-iKht and 3&-hti (Iil'. ai-res nwre or
lees aa aurveyed. and reocr 1I. all aituatad
In IKHUTlaa county, atateof Neoraaka
Said rerty to he aold to satisfy Michi
gan Mutual Ufe Insurance company, plain
tiff herein, the sum of four thousand eight
hundred ami thlrty-alx and ST-l'W dollars
67) judirment. with Interest thereon
at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum
from May 4th. 1XH:
To aatlafy SjUoma Bowman, defendant
herein, the sum of eiirht hundred and nine
ty-alx and l&-lin dollars (s 16) judKment,
with Intereet thereon at the rate of tea
(10) per cent per annum from May Id. 1Mb:
And to aatlnry aaid Michigan Mutual Ufe
Insurance oompany, plaintiff herein, the
further aum of one hundred and thirty
nine and 96-100 (SIS 96) dollars Juda-ment for
taxes paid thereon by aaid plantlff In or
der to protect his Hen thereon, with Inter
eat on forty -six and 05-100 (tX06 dollars
from July 3d. 1K?H. at ten (10) per cant per
annum, and Internet on the sum of ninety
three and (1-100 (Ed l) dollars at the rata
of ten (10) per cent per annum from De
cember 27th, 1886;
And also to satisfy the further nm nf
one hundred and thirty and 2J-108 (.130231
dollars coats herein, together with accrulna
costs, according to a Judgment rendered
by the dlatrlct court of DoukIbs county, ax
Its May term, A. D. 18H6. In a certain action
then and there pending, wherein the Mich
igan Mutual Life Insurance company le
plaintiff and Julia FX Vandercook. James EX
Vanderoook, The Mutual Investment com
pany, John K Pierce, Receiver of Mutual
Investment company, and Saloma Bowman
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, November 19th. 1897.
Sheriff of Douglas County. NoDrasKa.
W. 11. RiiMsell, attorney.
Mich. Mut. Ufe Ins. Co. vs. Vandercook
et aJ. Doc. f: No. 184. ll-l-t
ludtrnieat rendered bv the district court o
said Itouglaa county, at lla May term, A. I
lwi lu a certain at'tloa then and there pend
ing, wherein John Woodford U plait tlfT and
Fcott Jackain I ou Jackson. Mrs. Mary jack
sou. KrataV K. ktuores. Albyn L. Kraok Clerk
or tre I) strict IHiurtof iM ugias County, ns
hraaka. Joseph W. ( one, Ueurite Hinltt. Tha
Mutual loTeunenl i ouipany or oniana. ne
I'taaka. and John L. I'lercs, Uecnlver of Ths
Mutual Invesu.ent Cuuipany of Omaha, Nt
braaka aredefeadanta.
Uuiaha, Weurarka, Norember 19th. 1H07.
John w. McDonald.
Sheriff of Dougl't County. Nobraaka.
H. K. nurnaiu. atturaey.
Woodford vs. Jackson el al.
DO.-.M.N... JW. II 18-5
"Convent Lifb Unveiled.'
This little work relate the bitter experlene
of a young lady who was Induced through Ui
cunning of the Jesuits add the Hlstert i"
Ohartty to enter a conven . Her story of th
heartrending scenes enacted In those sinks ui
Inluulty ts told In a convincing style, frlcx
In cloth 11.26, sent postpaid by
Probate Notice.
In tbe matter of tbe estate of Frederick
Btabrel. deceaaed :
Not ice la hereby glvtn that the Creditors
or t-uiu cetreaaea win meet me executor
of a Id extale before me. County Judge
of Douglas count v. Nebrai-ka, at the county
court najin In aaid county, on the flu uay
or Krbruary, lsim; on tnu tin day or April,
IH'.tH, and on the 4th day of June, 1HW. at
o'clock a. M eacb day. for the purpose of
nr. wiitlim thi tr ( laliim for exauilnution. aa
jiiHl:iient aud al unr. M inoulLs are
allowid for tbe credltora to prvaent their
claln s and one year fur the executrix
to settle ald est ale, from the lHlh day of
AuxuNt. 1K"7; tlili notlru will be publiNtieu
In I Hit AM.UICN for four weeka Hucceia
Ively, pr or to the 4th day of February
V2-3-i County Judge
CRM) MK A KILVKK i "ME. and I will
send yi.ur name and audruas to over 'JO
nr the leaoti.g pal nolle ana oiuer rerorui
papers, and you will recelvesainple copies
of each tor reading ana aistributiou
Some So -able Features
: '1 he es reminiwenres contsin more unDuWi.htd v. nr hi.tnrv than
any ollirr book CKcrpt the (iovrrnmenl puhlicauoiii. Mr. l)..:i
was mliinalely assui.intvd with Lincoln. Stimuli, lif ant, bhrrmun,
nnd theother Kreat mt?n ol tlic Civd War. Ho liad the coiitidtnca
ol the Hrrinlent and Ins great War Secretary, and he on
many privtt misiwmt to make important investigation! in Hie
aimy. Lincoln called hun " Tkt Eyei of tkt Omt'nmrnt at the Print. " Everywhere ihroutih llie-e
ini-nioirs are bin of Secrtt History and prtth Peiolltctioni of Great Mm. These Keniinistence- wdl
tie illutrated with many tan and Unpublished War IhtHofraphi Irom the Ooverumenl collection,
which now contains over 8,ouo negatives of almost priceless value.
'1 he McCluke's contained a complete Short Star
bv Kudvaid Kibiinz entitled ' 'l'HK Tnai or His Ahi tniir '
me t lie of a cloutied Tiger, an officer in ihe Indian army, and
i lebcliiout tribe. We have in hand also a New Baliad,
powerful, grim, moving song o( War Ships, It will be superbly
illustrated. Mr. Kipling will be a frequent contributor.
NEW ZENDA NOVEL ""'""o"',." 'Vhe nobl"'
, 1 Anthony Hope hai ever written.
Ruiyd Kiting, Robert Barrt William AlUn White
tan Afaturen, Ottaxe Jkanet Stephen Crane, and many
others, ti e bet story writers in the world, will contribute
to McCLU K K'S during the coming year.
the seouel to "The Prisoner of
on, in characters, in drjiniH
d most stirring novel that
ton's Wonderful invention. The result of eight yearh'
constant labor. Mountains ground to dust and the iron ore
extracted by magnetism. The attest Shi f. An article by
the inventor and constructor of "Turbinia,"a vessel th.u tan
make the .Tifml nf an .ra: p-in AT.
Telescope, by thr mot competent authority living. l.od Kelvin, a charatter sketch and sub,ui,'ce of
a conversation with this eminent scientist on unsolved problems of science.
Drawn from fifteen years personal experience as brakeman, fire,
man and rtimneer, by Herbert . Hamblin. It is a narrative of
work, ath-rniure, hazard accidents and escapes t and is as vivid
-uni dramatic .is it piece of fiction.
The ac ount of thh terrible fight written down by Hamlin Garland
as it tame from the lips of Two Mtvm, an old Indian t hief who was
a participant in it.
Its houses streets, means of travel, water supply, safeguards of life and
health, ports and pleasures the t oudiiions of tile of the perfected city of
the next century, by Col. George K. Waring, Jr., Commissioner ot the
Street-Cleaning Department of New York.
mara i wain eontritmtM an article in his old manner, describinr his
voyage from India to South Ar,ca. The illustrations are by A H
Frost mil Peter Newetl, and are as droll and humorous as Ihe article itself
, Anilrie: His fljlloon and his Expedition, from materials fu.mshed by
the brother of Mr. Strinberg, Andrew's companion. Svea Htdin in
f'nexflored Aia. a story of remarkable adventure and etulnranr
Lindar in Thibet. His own story. He was captured, tortured and finally escaped to India.
Jatk ton m the tar North. The famous explorer writes of the years he lived in regions far north of
the boundaries of human habitation.
The great Arctic explorer has written an article on the possibilities of reaching
the North Pole : on the methods that the next eapedilion should adopt, and the
- mun. Knowieuge to lie gained ny an expedition: concerning the
..lunate, the ocean currents, depths and temperature of the water, etc. This knowledge will be of the
greatest value to science.
1 he deM artists and illustrators .ire making pictures for
Mc t.LrE' Magazine. A. B. Frost, Peter Nrnvti. C. D. Cihson,
Jrnard lte, Kenyan Cox. C. A'. Lin son. ('. Stetem Allred
Iirennanf and others,
Jb J.t.1333
The November Number will be given free with new subscriptions. This number contains ths
opening chapters of Dana's Reminiscences, Mark Twain's Voyage from India to South Africa, tha
account of Edison's great invention, and a mass of interesting matter and illustrations.
Be sure to ask tor It In subicrlhlng
10 Cents a Copy
The S. S. McCLURE CO..
$1.00 a Year
200 Eact 25th Street. New York
The Jesuit Party in American Polities
Exposed and Expounded,
ein a eerut of eight letters written by lilsliw A. ULVJli
LAND C0XE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate.
This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of
excellent patriotic literature.
Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid
$10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B.
Cash Must Accompay all Orders.
:5 r wrn a it ni7T73 rar
: ' I LIBRARY. ;!
;S j
lz I ;!
DFT mm
A broad t'atomcnl this, but en that is kevm out bj thi belt, a,
Sm iMily tan jrou ni.ikr auth a pteveiit on such ti'tma,
but in lmn(5 so you will be giving some-tiling that Hill sj
rrmain a soun e I ! lij 111 iiisirtH tiim to its fortu- s
nate om-r (..r yrars to rim. We havo !r iil!ti to J!
ratciiil thrtiuh llir lii.licby m-amjo our rctiuikaMo in- si
trotluctory offer on the great a,
in ten lurce liaiidsotiie volutnta, over 5,000 pagra and
3.000 illulraliona, ahull has rr rntly Iwrn coniitcted JJ
alter years of prrturatuin and the rM-ii(liiute of vast ssj
urns vf money. Our rraxm fur thi U that the sets "Jj.
sold in this maimer m 1 II be theniot rtfeclive silvertiaitig JJ
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will be aold at $60.00 net. C
Utartv, it ia a cathrring tailhui the covers of one let of S
books of all that umtally goes to make tip Ihe "reference 1
corner" in any tiublic or private collection of books. 1
Chief among the contents of the library stand tha
necessities in every home, oflice, or si houl In the land. 1
But besides these, it imluittrt Btorrapnicai Dlctloo- j
ry , Gazetteer of tha Unit!. States, Dictionary 1
Of Technical Term, and other indiaenaable requisites !
of a wot king reference library, ,
Tko trnr.trlr.ari: is in itself worth 1
twice the price of
the whole library. It is far txtelUna the IxKik of refer- ar
ence for every man, woman or student to have at hi or
her cIIkiw at all times for quick, ready reference. It Is 2
the latest, best, most com Ue, yet thorough and accurate est?
encyclopedia extant, and the only one In existence
that Is brought down to September, 1897. It is
edited by John Clark Ridpnth, LI..I). It includes 5
comprehensive and trli.ilile artii lea on 1 he Cuban Ke 5
bclllon, Klondike tiold l leld. Moving I'hotogra
phy, and other topic of live intt itst to-clay. In all, say
nearly 100,000 topics are treated, and these are
magnificently Illustrated with thousands of engravings, JJ
colored maps and charts.
TUa A tlnS '"TO handjome series of "la)
I IIU Allt4i maps and charts, brottj;ht down to !!
date; 100 colored and 200 in monotint, viliiih, for con- sj
venience auke, are ftrattt'red thiouh the volumes of the
Encyclopedia, according to their alphabetical arrange- JJ
ment. Also hundreds of diagrams, sketches, battle saj
plans, portraits, etc. ML
The Dictionary lJ.g
times. It is an unabridged, etymological, prnnotincing, a
literary, scientinc and technical Dictionary of the Lngliah JJ
language, and is an acknowledged authotity both in Kng
land and America. The regular price of this great king asj
of books is 524.00. It comprises marly 3,000 closely JJ
printed columns of words and definitions.
For advertising purposes merely, and to introduce this
grand work to the public, we have derided to place a
few sets in each community at about one-third of
the subscription price, and deliver the set complete
the balance of the special reduced price b ing due in small monthly payments.
To show our entire confidence in the work and to insure you against any whatever, we further agree that
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C! F PJ I"! f It! V? an( t'le conlp!ete set will be forwarded, at once, to any address you may desire. Unless otherwise
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DOLLAI? keat 'he rate of f 1.50 monthly for fifteen months. Half Morocco and Full Sheep bindings can also be "i
" 'aa' sWsaas Ml supplied, the monthly payments being $2.00 and 1 2.50, respectively. To those who desire an extra dura-
IM OVaf k'eandhundsrjnie binding, we strongly advise the selection of the Half Morocco style. We refer to this publication Jj
" " and the Garfield National Dank, New York City. Send 2-cent stamp for postage on 40-page booklet of sample
pages, illustrations, etc., and further particulars regarding our wonderful Home Reference Library and its contents.
g THE STANDARD AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 9-11 East IGth St., New York City. M g
Mo book has ever been mads for youn people which compares la value, or bat had
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Millions of Copies
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Order from your Bookseller or ot as. Every Dealer carries It.
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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book. The most
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Is; ! tk above wit pottptid spas renipt al prire. Oratr frra j.r kill.r r n.
jjyj .i,i t?
8h irtctt Uiu-.
(Jinahu (o Auiisos t'tiy.
1025 mileSs
1047 minutes-
the world's record for long
distance fist running held
by the UurhtiKton Koute.
February 16th a special
train over its lines made
th run fron Chicago to
Dnnver - 1 1 .tanceol 1025
nultrti-in the iiunrcedent-
d limn ol IB liours and
54 minutes. Allowing fur
storm, the actual running
time w at, 17 hours and ii7
minuten, and tha averago
rate of sliced 5rt V Diiles an
Write for booklet tellinc
how run whs made. Writ
also for information about
rates and train service via
the Burlimrton Route to
Denver, Bait Lake City,
Deadwood, Helena, Butte,
, Spokane, Sent tie, Tacoma,
Portland, San Francisco,
or any other western city.
J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Does the Work 01 m $10C Machines.
Heretofore the (treat cost of typewriters
hK prevented many people from purchasing
a machine.
A Perfect Tvoewriter at a low Prira k..
been a crying necessity. We are happy W
! announce that In the
Odell Typewriter
we ara able to furnish you a perfect machine
in svery particular at the remarkably low
price of
$15.00 and $20.00
For a Singls Cats.
For a Double Case.
The Priest,
the Woman,
And the Confessional
By Rev. Chas. Chiniquy,
Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by reeig.
You can learn to operate the Odell In ten
minutes, and the benlnner becomes an ex
pert In ten days' practice, vhereas a long
course at tha business college is necessary to
unaicr uiv aiuu uiacmnes.
Some wrltlnx machines have rubber Irpe;
our typa Is metal, will not wear out, and
prints clearer than any other typewriter.
The strength, durability and finish of the
Odell Is unsurpassed. For manifolding It has
no superior. Kor speed It holds Its own with
any writing machine made, no natter wba
the cost.
That we are having an eoorn-ous sale for
the Odell Is attributed to the fact that we
have no coirpetltlon, It being the only low
priced and practical machine on the market;
IS5 and $100 typewriters are things of the
past. They, like hlitb-pricefl sewing-machines,
have had their day. No Intelligent
business or professional man la going to pay
ll.X) for a typewriter when the Odell. costing
four-fifths less, will do better work than any
high-priced machine. Neatness and speed
is what the Business men of today want, and
there Is now no excute for anybody to be
without a typewriter, either In his ofHce or
his home. The Odell comes within the reach
of all, and It can be duly said that "It fills a
long felt want." We are meeting the de
mands of the people with a typewriter that
baa no equal.
Writ for Termo and Oataloguo to
dor. 16th and Harney OMAHA, KBBf