The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 10, 1897, Image 6

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(Md ittaaa's t,ilr4acaa
A round-faced apple cheeked and
flMHat looking little ol.l man sal by
Mm till of hia rathr ur d looking
H4 elderly wif on the way home
from an exc irlou lrit or. a Inn old
M ca'lisl U littla excursion
Ms was full of delightful
aMmortes of alt h had km-o and
Itoard, but bit wife lookoj and aod
trailing. rreent:y the old una
ulid out a littla old buck skin tag
au4 shook a silver dime and a nlrkel
Mil of 11
There. Ar mini v." he said to hit
Vlfa as be bold out the money on the
palm of hU band 'there sail that's
toft out ol a two dollar bill I tuk for
pamlin' money."
I know IU Nathan, and I think
It's tumble," replied, bit wife.
fehucks! 1 don t 1 b'llevo la
MVia a good timo when you tot
at to."
"Hi could of bad a pood time
Hhout wa-tlo' all that money."
Wastlu' UP Shuck! Hain't It
Hj hi far a feller to her a little
fluent out of lhl life:'."
"Uno kin her enfyment 'thout
ommittln' all sorts of sinful otra-
vaaiue. It lint m niton mo sick to
think o' how you've flung money
roun I to day.
What'd 1 Kit that was so dreadful
Well jou went beyond all reason
in evryUiing. What alrthly need
was tnera ol ye buyin soda water
'H nuse I wanted It twice."
Oh, yes, you alt us was one to pam
per the feslu And what alrthly
Heed bnd we o' that ten cents worth
bolooy sossitlgeP Five cents worth
would o' bonn plenty."
We et It all. jUt tho same.
Kt It? Of course we et it You
reckon I was coin' to add was' to
xtravagance by throwin' any of it
away.' An' what noed had we o' them
weet crackers when we'd tuk along
more bread an butter an' pie than we
could eatr
I think sweet crackers go mighty
wood once In a wliUm"
W'eiL we ain't made o' money to
pend on high liviu'. nomattor what's
food. An' look at them peanuts you
went an' bought Half of 'em wns
bad. I 'ennuis air onlioalthy things,
any ho.
Then youV ort to be glad that
half of 'era was too bad for us to eat
" J hoy cost flvo conta all the
tame. An' here I hare boon chilly
tva' mie'iibleall day on 'count o' that
tee creHtn. I did my best to keep
you from onlerln'. I knowed It
wouldn't npree with my stummick."
Vou oughtn't to have et then."
' "1 hud to eat it after you'd went
and waited good money fer it. It
jest seemed as thou?h you was bound
and determined to Hit); money away
to-day. you acted tike you wa a mil
lionaire. I declare if you didn't, Na
than bipes."
Aa Oreaalon on Which an Entire Meal
W t ook ail uv Kloetrioit j.
A highly Interesting event mark
ing anoiher step in the application of
electricity to human needs, occurred
recently in Ottawa. Canada. It was
nothing less than an "electrical ban
quet "in which every on the
table was cooked by electricity. The
affair look place at the Windsor House,
and was participated in by the mayor
of the city, several electrical notabili
ties pro mi nont ciliens. newspaper
men ami railroad oillcials. 'J ho menu
comprised a great variety of dishes,
an J would havo done no discrqillt Id
Deimonieo's, The whole bill of lare
or the banquet had been gotten up in
'"the oven at the olovtrlcal car sued,
during the day. and brought down to
the hotel In a special car. After the
repast the party were taken in an
'electric car to tho car shodsWhera
tne oven was inspected aud the V
Process explained.
A local paper gives the follow?!
description of the cooking apparatij
I lie oven is ol brick, about si ffbt
wide, and somewhat deeper," find
about six feet high. In the lower
part ol the oven are two Ahearn heat
ers fed by a wire from the C'haudiere
Electric Light company, giving a
power of fifty volt. There is no
water about this system as in the
house heating. It is just the dry
heat The maximum warmth pro
duced by the two heaters is literally
Bufllcient to roast an ox, so inteuso is
It, but of course can be modified away
down, and that easily. The beauty
of the new system is that everything
o cooked is done equally all '.hrousrh.
There is no scorching in one part and
half-doneoess in another part. To
avoid loss of heat by opening and
shutting of tho oven door in cooking
there are at the side of the doors
peepholes, as it were, protected by
heavy plate glass. Tho progress of
cooking can thus be watched without
disturbance to the articles being
cooked" The same paper states that
this -banquet" was the first instance
In the history of the world of an en
tire meal being cooked by electricity.
Mud It th.
Mud baths were common among the
ancienta the mud on the seashore and
the slime of rivers being especially
prized for this purpose. The Tartars
and Kgyplians still use them in cer
tain diseases. They . are taken by
many people at places on the conti
nent of Kurope, among which may he
named Driburg. Eileen. Xeundorf.
I'yrmont Spa, Marienbad, Franzens
braun. Kger. Kissingen and Teplitz.
Sky Top Like.
The true Indian name of Lake Mo
honk is Moggonck. and its meaning
Is the -On the great Sky Top." Sky
Top. as persons familiar with the
region about Lake Mohonk are aware.
Is the mountain upon which the Lake
is situated. Sky Top, by the way. is
an apt and picturesque name for the
mountain, for it is outlined with pecu
liar distinctness when seen from cer
tain points of view.
W. If. KlrWRU.
Atlumry. 1 N. V. Ufa Hull.llnf
Hy irt of an nnlrr of sale Inunl out
or the ifimii-t court for IwmikIiu county,
.-raaa. anal l mo directed. I will, on
Ihe H;h tay .r iwcnilwr, A. I. 1W. ai
1.0 orim-k a m. of aal.t dav. at I ha mm!
fnwit iUmr of in county court house. In
the city ot tttnaha. IxmikIils county, Ne
braska. Kf at i.ul.lle auction to tha hlrh.
Ml lMltr for ch tha niwty deac.rtl.rd
In Mill order of ula aa r.Uln tn.mli-
Th south one-half (i of lot number on
in ami in mat forty-elitht anl ona-thlrd
reel or lot numlrr two tS). In 111. h..
ory .la- a.l.lltion to th city of Omaha,
aa surveyed, platted and r oninl. all In
Ix.iirlaa county. Keliruka.
8alt ttmiicrtv to h In mmtlmtm A l.l.l-
a . ' , , , , ' " " . ... i j mil
r. juitin. iiiaintirr nwoin iHm
Ixvon hundrml and nlnoty.Hitht and W-
aoiiara juilmnmit. with In-
tctwt thereon at rata of tti Mn fMC Pftl t
to ut rv th furlh . .
and VliU itM 7s dollar. .t. k.ui. ...
nether with accrulnc coata. accnrdlnar to
ri-n.ieroa tiy tho dlattict court
of aald Hotiirlaa county, at Us 8f temtr
I'fni. A. II. 1KV7. In rwt.ln a ... I .1.
and lhw twn.llns wherein Ahaia 8 Au-
..n i i.iainun and llortnl K. Melain
nri'"n lrscn. rcutor of the laat will
u icni a it ii-ii t ii i r-ai rv ia.iaiam
nn.i.nn l-ar.rn. Muaanna lracn. Nells
pieriena al.ra.-n. I"er Ir-
r. o.. iiraen, Andrew llanaen.
llana lleiiH.n, j,ra llanaen. Harhara llan
aen. Ilnna Itaamuaaen unL nnm,n h.i,.
of William U Hernia, rieceaaed. and loin.
uaru inveaimeni company ara defendants.
immna, jNeorHHRa. 12 1 xa7
Slxrirr of liotivlns County, Netiraaka,
W. H. Ituaaell. Atturnev.
Auailn vs. Nl.'larn ft al.
Hoc. M. No. 65. U-12-S
W. A. SAl'NnKltS.
Attorney, Merchants National Bank.
To the unknown holrs of Alekander Und-
," oeiiaei. non-realrtent dofondanta:
lou are herohv notified that .. io.
diiy of Novemer. A. I. lnOT. James U
llrowne, Maliiilff herein, filed his petition
In the district court of Tknurlns county.
Nelirnlta, airalnat the unknown helra of
Alexander I.liHlaay. deceaaed. defendants.
Ihe ohjert Snd tiraver of whleh l in r,
cloao one certain ta cerlltlrnte dated No.
vemoer z. iiciz. upon the fnl lowing- d
aerlhtMt rent estate, to-wlt: Lot one (O. In
Mock one (11, In Went Cummin, an addi
tion to the city of Omaha. Onuirlas county
Nehraakn. upon which there la now doe
he sum of M4.35. With Intereat at the
of ten per cent per annum from November
12, 1W7, for which sum, with Intereat snd
coats, together with sn attorney's fee
"""""i1"" tm per cent of the decree,
plaintiff pravs for a decree that he has
a ftrxt lien nnon aald real .- ..
defendants shnll par the aame, and In de
fsult thereof that the said property he
d !h """fjr ,h" "mount found dun.
..,. n.a mereor tne defend
ants h debarred of all rlarht. title and In-
etale rel'ler" an, for other
Ynu are also heeehv nnttAi
,n'' rrh of you are required to answer
::n 0T bfOT th. 27th day of
jJJS1 at Omaha. Nebraska. November
' iaxivq t r.
Ttlf TO A B wo.
- - "Hi'", ifr. r 1 1 ii nni..
1 oj, ix O. ZA
W. A. 9 Jt'Viipno
Attorney. Merchants National Bank.
To the unknown heir of Ift-nas Walx de
ceased. nnn.rMlilnnt .i..f .ln,i . .
You are hereby notified that on the 10th
day of November. A. D. 1X97, James I..
.m..,,c nurr nerein. nict his petition
In the district court of DoiiRlas roimtv
Nebraska, afralnst the unknown helra of
a ."i1. ,B,,!- deceased, James 8. Olhaon.
Addle Hcnsie an,t Me u.n.t. i
hand defendants, the object and nraver
or which Is to foreclose one certain tT
oertltlcate dateil necomher 2. 1890. upon the
.paiT'neu real eetate, to-wlt:
Irfit twelve fin. block six (6. Mncnln
Place, an addition to the city of Omaha
noiiKlna county. Nchrsnkn. tinon which
there la now due Ihe sum of tW.On. with In
tereat at the rate of tn
num from November 12. 1S)7. fnr which
sum. with Interest and coats toe-ether with
an attorney's fceamonntlna- to ten per cent
of the decree, plaintiff prnva for a decree
that he has a first lien niwn mid real es
tate, that the dofendants ahnll pay
same, and In default thereof that the aald
property be sold to satisfy the amount
round ditA. and that llnnn h1. thnnu.1 u -
defendants be debarred of all right (!'
and intereat in aald rcal.eslate. and for
Other equitable relief. "
You are also hereby notified that von
and each of ynu are required to answer
T!i n?1,lon "i or before the 27th.dayof
19 18W 81 0maha' Nebraf,k. November
JAMRS nnwvi?
, . Plaintiff.
Uv W. ,. Sounders his attorney.
Doc. 62, No. 2T.9. 11-19-4
W. II. Rt'SSKT.T,.
' Attorney. 61ft Now York Life Building.
Tlv virtue of a plnrlea order of ale 1
sued out of the district court for Dmieln"
conntv Nebraaks. and to me directed. T
wi'l, on the ?1t day of December, A. T
i7 at 10 o'clrx-k: a, m. of sal.Ddnv. at the
EAST front door of thecoimtv ccurt roitoe.
In tho eltv of Omaha, Dongln county. N'fc
hrnka. aell at nubllo suction to the hle-het
bidder for cash, the nrooertv described In
saM order of ante aa follows, to-wlt:
The east onevhalf of the southwest nna--ter
ft XV i and the west fortv-nl
and yuiaa m',t acre of th wet nne-hs'
of the southeast quarter (XV HSR i',V p'1
In section number elffht (K snd the north
nineteen d!n acres of the west twentv-fnur
and fiS-IIM r4.S acres of the northwe-t
quarter of the northeflat otinrter fN XV V,
of N of section number seventeen
fin. all In townshlo sixteen fW north nf
rnbee thirteen eaat of the Slrth PiHo.
clpnl Sferidian contnlnln one hundred and
fortv-ele-ht and X-MW fits :T acres more or
Vs as snrveved. and recorded, all situated
In Doneln. county, state of Nebraska
fta'd orooertv to he sold to satisfy MtcM.
ran Mutual T.lfe Insurance compenv. plfitn.
tiff herein, the sum of four thousand ettrht
hundred and thlrtv-s'r and 7-inn dollars
fSl.swCTl Indirment. with Interest thereon
f the rate of ten flo) per cent per annum
from Mav 4th. IW:
To satisfy Snloma. Howitinn. defendant
herein, the sum nf eltrht hundred and nlne-tv-slx
and IS-lnrt dnllnrs fS.1!r tudtrment.
with Interest thereon at the rale of ten
(W per cent per annum from Mav Sd. KM"?-
And to satisfy said Michigan Mntunl Dlfe
Insurance oomrtanv, plaintiff herein, the
further sum of one hundred snd thtrv
nlne and (TX 9n dollars Itidement for
taTea paid thereon hy said nlantlff tn nr.
der to protect his lien thereon, with Infer,
est on fortv-slr and 05-1(10 (t4fi.05 dollara
from July td. 1SS4. at ten (101 per cent per
annum, and Interest on the sum of nlnetv.
three and 91-100 (JSS.9U dollars at the rate
of ten fitn per cent per annum from Pe
cemher27th. 189C:
And alo to satisfy the further sum of
one hundred and thirty and 23-ino f$130Sn
dollars costs herein toR-ether with accrulna
coata. according1 to a ludETnent renderd
hy tho district court of Douglas county, af
Its May term. A. D. In a certain action
then and there pendlnir. wherein the Mlch
Isrsn Mutual T.lfe Insurance comoanv 's
plaintiff and Julia VI. Vandercook. James VI
Vandercook, The Mutual Investment com
pany. John I Pierce. Receiver of Mutual
Investment company, and Saloma Bowman
are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. November 19th. 197.
Sheriff of Pomrlan foiinty. NebrasKS,
W. IT. Russell, attorney.
Mlrh. Mut. Life Ins. Co. V9. Vandercook
et al. TW F4: Vo. 1!4 11-19-4
Mnl to Smwth .
The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the oara-furnished
so complete that you can imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Cars as they pass through Omaha
every morning.
ii. v nvnM.
Alloroey. SIS.N.w York Ufa Hulldlas.
(JHEKII KB SALE Hy virtue of aa aM.a
O ordvrof aalv taeuedoot of Ibedlairk-I C4ui
for Uu(laa county, Nebraaka. and to a e
direcieO I will, un ibe u day of ler her
A. U. leV7. at 10 otl. a M. uf aald
day. at W' EAST fro Id. aw of thacu.i.
coun kouMi. la ifca city uf Uniaba. laiuslaa
counts. Nebruaa. aell a public auciton to
iw nisneai oiuuer iNr run. Iba property d
arrlbed la said order of eala, as follows, b
Theeaat ons-l alf lEm f lot one hundred
and one tldli In Ulae's a.ldltloa tothsciie ..
t-aiana, aa aurveyro. piatieo ana recorded
all la IKiuslaacooniy. si ale of Nrrraaka. the
nortb on -half tSvi and be south nne.nair
eV or aaiu eaat oaa-balf (H,) of aald lot to
ueonereo Mparw..
Said property lobe sold to satisfy Job
Wu.foru. ola'titlff herein, tbe aum of nn.
mi or a sou imy two and U lui dollara
lfl.2t.M Juilnliienl. with Interest thereon at
rate of a' Tea i") per cent per an a urn from
ny sru. !..
Tuaatlary t eitefeadan Joaeoh W Clone
Ihe aum of three hn- red and aiieea and 41
KOdol ara. itMIKII ludituieat, wllh loterrst
lleieoa at rale of ten 1 .01 tier cent, mi an.
aum tri-rn May Srd. Mn7.
To tat sty th le. adant Genres 8uilth the
u of B-e hundred and II ty six aid IU-K0
d.'llars ilAM.IUI Judirnent. with Interest
then on at the rate of ten (lot per Cent, per
annum from January i'.lh. IMt
To aailtfy the funner sum of lithtv.Sve
and HI 100 dollars i(iasi) coats lit rain, to
seihrr with ai-crulns ctwta, a-cord at to a
Jiiilifinent renorred by the d -trlct court of
said ltouslaa county, at IU May term. A. I)
17 In a certain action then sou there pend
Ins. wherein John Woialford I- olali tiff and
fcott Jackan I ou JackMin. Mrs. Mary Jack-
. frank K. arra. Albyn L. Krank Clerk
of the I) atrli-t Court f ItruKlaa Cou ly, Ne
;,nwi, juaepn it. i una, uhukk mull i. i ne
Mutual luetn.ent l oiiiuai v of Omaha. N
I laaka. and John L. I'lerce. Uecelvernf The
Mutual Invea' n.ent Company of Oluaba, Mi -
uraaaa areocrenoaDta.
Oinalia, Necrarka. November PMh. IW7.
fherirfof Ibiuitli s County, Nebraska.
H. E. Hurnam. RHo'cev.
Woodford . Jackson etal.
Hoc. nK:N . itVi. 11 1U-S
Attorney. Menhanis National Hank Hldn.
SHEMKK'8 8A1.E.-By virtue of an order
of sale Issued out of the District court
for DouiiIhh couniy, Nebraska, and to tne di
rected. I will. on the 141 h day of December. A.
D 1M". at ten o'clock a. M. of raid day, at tbe
KAeT front door of the com ty court house.
la tie city of Omaha, Douitlas count v Ne-
iraska. aell at uulillc auction to tbe tilirk eat
ukkut tor casn. tne urouertr dHacrllied In
said order of sale as follows, t .wit:
l.uts t wo ft), five ift). six im and twentr-two
r.-i in Dtoca one u In Moutli KicbanKs Pia;e
Addition io the city of south Uinalia. as sur
vryed, platU'd anil rrcoidrd all situated In
DoukIus county, sta'e of Nebraska.
bhiii property to ne sola to satlsry Jan es
. browne. ulalntiff herein, the aiima u
lows, to-wlt :
On 01 two 121. block ore II). abova rie.
srrilioU. the sum of tOKtber with aa
atuiroeyn or
On lot Ave fft). block one (II. above des
cribed, the sum nf tJV.04, together wllh an
a torney'a fee of M W.
On lut a x (til. block one (II. abt ve des
cribed, the sum of HO.utt, together with an
attorney's fee of 1:1 Wi.
On lot twenty-to (22). Mock one (1). above
described, the sum of HD.ttTi; together with
an attorney's fee of fcl Ml.
All ot hlch sums, by the judgment of the
district court, hear In erest three n (except
ing attorneys' f. es), at t lis rate o' ten (0i p-r
cent per anuum from May 3rd, 1897, and are
fir t lien upon said property.
Tosa isfy the further sum of flfty-onf and
IViuo doll-rs (151.35) costs here n. together
with accruing cost according to a Judgment
rendered by the dist rict court of said Doug
las county, at Its May term. A. D, 1HU7,
in a certain action then and there pending,
wherein James L. Browne Is plalntllf. and
David M. etuai-t. rs. Htuarr, llrst
and real name unknown, his wife. It. W.
C'ayuin. Hrat and real name unknown,
American Hank and Truat Company of
VuHin-ocket. Couth Dakota, a corpoiatl n.
Georgia A Oloud, Wl'lls o. floud. berbus-
nano. ucorss w. Mervey and Mrs
etvey. first ai d rt ai name unknown, his
wife, are defendan's.
Omaha, Nebraska. Novemlr-r 12th. 1897.
John w. McDonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska.
W A eaunders. att rney.
Browne vs. Stuart et al.
Dor. M; No. SO
ki.-Doo. L Page 10'. 11-12 5
W. A. SAUNDKKH, -Attorney,
Merchants National Bang Bldg.
SHERIFF'S MAI E.-Ky virtue of an order
uf sale Issued out of the district court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me
d reeled. I will, on thelltbday of Dec ni
ber. A. D. ISH7. at lu o'clock a. m of said day,
at the F.AST front door of the county
court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the property de
ft rihed In said order of sale ss folic. ws,
All of lots aeven (7), ten (10), thirteen 1 13),
twenty-five (25) and thirty (JO) In Cunning
ham & Hren an's Addition 10 the city f
O aha. as surveyed, platted and record' d.
all In Douglas county, state o' Nebraska.
Said property to be sold to satisfy Harry I.
Twintlus, plaintiff herein, tbe sums as fol
lows, to-wit :
On lot seven (7), above decrihed, the utn
of tZi lit, together with an attorne) 's fee of
On lot ten (10). above described, the sut.i
nf t'5 31, together with an attorney's fee of
On lot twelve (2), above described, the turn
o' f'.'o 8), together with an attorney's fee of
On lot thirteen (i:il, above described, the
rum of 125.71, together with an attorney's lee
of $!.f.7.
On lot twenty-five (25). ahove described, the
sum of 117 32. together with an attorney's fte
of si ?:i: and
On lot tt lrty (ISO), above described, the sum
o' f:(Mti, togetht r with an attorney's fee of
2 04;
All of which sums, by the judgment of the
district court, bear merest (excepting tbe
attorneys' fees) at the rate of ten (10) per
cent from May 3rd. 1W7, and are a first hen
upon aaid above described property.
To satisfy John A. Creigliton, defendant
herein, the sum of three hundred and twenty
nine and ti5-100 dolUrs (12i5), .Hid. merit
against Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Kan.
with Interest thereon at. rate of seven (7) per
rent per annum f-om December lstb, 1891;
which amounts are a second lien up n lots
seven (7i. ten (10). twelve (121, thirteen (13) and
twenty- five (25i, above described.
To satisfy F. S. I'srmelee Oun Company,
defendant herein, the sum of three hundred
and sixteen and 45-100 dollars (3l.45i, judg
ment against Jerry Kysn. wllh Interest
Ih reon at rate of seven (7) per cent per
annum from May 15th, 1N1I3: which amount
Is a third lien upon lot twenty-five (25), above
Alto to sat'sfy Daniel Condon the sum of
eU ven thousand seven bundled and ten and
81-100 Collars if 11,710 Mi, Judgment against
Dennis Cunningham snd Jerry Kyan, with
interest thereon at rate of seven (71 oer cent
per annum from February 3rd, ltt: which
amount Is a fourth lien upon said described
To satisfy the further sum of seventy-nine
and 34-100 dollars ($79.84). costs ht reln. to
gether with accruing costs, according to a
Judgment rendered by the district court of
said Douglas county, at Its May term, A. D.
1897, In acerta'n action then and there pend
Ing. wherein Harry J. Twlntlng Is plaintiff,
and Dennis Cunningham, Mary Cunning
ham, hia wife, William Mealey. Mrs.
Mesley, his wire, first and real name un
known, Jerry Kyan and Mrs. Ryan,
bis wife, first and real name unknown,
James J. Spellman, Mrs. Speiluian,
his wife, first and rtal name unknown. Julia
Ooetschuis, Tbe County of Douglas. Daniel
Condon John A. Oretghton, Merchants Na
tional Bank. John P. Kreen, John Qrossman.
Olobe Loan&Trunt Company, Henry Leh
man, Thomas Murray, diaries Kiopu. F. S.
Farmelee Gun ComDany, 1'arlln Orendorff &
Martin Company, McCord, Brady Company,
The Western Newspaper Union. Soren T.
Peterson and Anna Cunningham are de
fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. Nnvembf r 12th. 1S(I7.
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff ef Douglas County, Nebraska.
W. A. Saunders, attorney.
Twlntlng vsi Cunnli gham et al.
Doc. 57: No. 2(H).
Kx.-Doc. Z; Page 135. It-12-5
From 10 to 1000
feet down, gold is found in abundance;
the deeper you go the richer the ore.
These are facts concerning Mercur,
only all-rail line to Mercur.
For Mercur leaflet, giving full par
ticulars, call at City Ticket Office,
1302 Farnam ST.
r$30b.00 to Cash FREE!
A 25-cent Pattern, Free to Everyone.
How many wirU !. you think you nn "lllUliriPTIIDrDC
forryttly hm-II with the let tern in the word MAilUr Ab I UnLlld I
L'se rath k-ttcr a dc-.ired but not more times than it appears in Manu
facturers." Irehxes, kullmcs. proper nuuns, vbsolcti and torviKn words not
allowed. Work it out as follows: Am, Can. Cans, Cure. Cures, Kura. Same.
Fact, Facts, Fracture. Manulacturerg, etc. Words spelled alike but having
dilierent meaninjjs count as one word.
Our Oifer. We will pay $100 for the largest list, $o0 for the second
larKest, for the third, $10 each for the next five, $5 each for the next ten
and $1 each for the next twenty-live. That is to say, we will divide anions
forty-three contestants the aRK'ate sum of $:too, accordinij to merit. Don't
you think you could be one of the forty three? TRY IT.
Our l'urMtNe. The above rewards for mental effort are given free and
without consideration for the purpose of attracting attention to MODES, by
Slay Manton, the most popular, upto-date Fashion Magazine in the world. Its
thirty-six pages, replete with beautiful illustrations of the latest styles in ladies',
J1""' ""i children's garments, make it a real necessity in every household!
Ihe designs and fashion hints, being by May Manton, render it invaluable as
an absolutely reliable F'ashion Guide.
Our t oiKlitioiiM. ou must send with vour list of words 25 cents (stamps
silver) for a J href Motiihs' Trial Subsn i'ptnn to Mont s.
or silver) tor a ret AtmiAs' J rial
Our Kxtra lllilllf-linnt. Kverv nerson unilinir rnts ,n,1 a ..f
15 words or more. will, in addition
return mail a pattern of this Ladies'
Our Aim. Ihe present monthly circulation of Moms exceeds 100,000 copies. We purrxwe t.
llus contest will close March 15 next so the names of successful spellers may be published in
of Moots, but h-iiU iti your list at once. For our responsibility we refer you to any Merihantile Age
MODES FASHION MAR&TINr rnanr !-, ai imuil:a. c. ...
m -
Sh tins
Omaha to Kansas City.
1 025 miles.
1047 minutes
the world's record for long
distance fast running; held
by the Burlington Route.
February 15 th a special
train over its lines made
the run fr"rn Cnicao to
Denver a 1 1 .tanceot 1025
miles in the unprecedent
ed time ot 18 hours and
63 minutes. Allowing for
stops, the actual running
time was 17 hours and 27
minutes, and the average
rate of speed 6d miles an
Write for booklet tellina-
how run was made. Write
also for information about
rates and train service via
the Burlington Route to
Denver, Salt Lake City,
Deadwood, Helena, Butte,
Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma,
Portland, San Francisco,
or any other western city.
FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
rM Chicago,
Rock Island
& Pacific RJy.
Gives ynu the choice of Two RnuteB.
one via COLORADO and the SCENIC
LINE, ard the other via our TEXAS
Our Texas Line is much quicker than
any other line through to
Personally Conducted Excursions.
The Phillips-
Rock Island Excursii ns
Are the most popular and carry the
largest Dusiness 01 any other California
Route. This fclgnlfiee that you get the
beBt attention and rective the best
The lowest rate tickets to California
are available on these excursions.
Don't start on a trip to California
until you get our Tourist Folder, con
taining map showing routes and all in
formation. For rates and rei-ervations
apply to any agent of the C, R. I. &
t itauway, or address
General Pattenger Agent,
Does the Work 01 tne $10C Machines.
Heretofore the ffreat coat nf tinpvrltnn
has prevented nisny people from purchasing
a lime.
A Perfect Typewriter at a low Pries has
been a rrylnn necessity. We are happy tc
announce that in the
Odell Typewriter
we ar able to furnish you a perfect machine
in avery particular at the remarkably low
price of
$15.00 and $20.00
For a 8ingi Casa.
For a Double Casa.
You caa learn tooneraie the Odell la ten
minutes, and the beslnner becomes an ex
pert In ten days' Dractice. whereas a Ions
course at the business college is necessary to
master toe siuu macnines.
t. . , a v.lll.i , ....... 1, .... .. ... V.V.... . .
Livu.v - i L.I... .1MM.1I 1111 .-1 111, . V I U WWII
our type Is metal, will not wear out, and
prints clearer than any oter tynewrlter.
The strength, durability and finish of the
Odell Is unsurpassed. For manifolding It has
no superior. For tpe.d It holds Its own with
any writing machine made, no matter wha
the cost.
That we are having an enorrr ous sale for
the Odell Is attributed to the fact that we
have no competition. It being the only low
priced and practical machine on the market;
JXS and 1100 typewriters are things of the
past. They, like high-priced sewing ma
chines, have had their day No Intelligent
business or professional a an is going to pay
f UK) for a typewriter when the Odell, costing
four-fifths less, will do better work than any
high-priced machine. Neatness and speed
Is what the business men of today want, and
there Is now no excute for anybody to be
without a typewriter, either In his oBlce or
bis home. Tue Odell comes within the reach
of all. and It can bo duly said that ' it tills a
long felt waet." We are meeting the de
mands of the people with a typewriter that
has no equal.
Write for Terms and Catalogue to
Cor. 16th and Harney OMAHA, NEP
a jjj,
to three months' subscrmtion rco-iv
Waist No. 'J7a, (illustrated above) in ar
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Population of each State and Territory, of all
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T CONTAINS much special Information regarding any Nation, Provlnoe
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Railroad maps ara notoriously Incorrect and misleading, hence the puzzled
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All Countries on the face Si the earth are shown.
Rivers and Lakes are accurately located.
All the lare Cities of the World, the Important Towns and most of the
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Cols beautiful Atlas ts bound In heavy paper cover, and will be sent to Cfl PCUTC
toy address upon receipt uf .......... . 3U ULUIw
Bishop Coxe's
The Jesuit Party in American Polities
Exposed and Expounded,
ein a mut of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLVEJ
LAND C0XE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate.
Thi3 little pamphlet contains 72 pages of
excellent patriotic literature.
Price, 20 Cents per Single Copy, postpaid
$10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B.
Cash Must Accompay all Orders.
The Priest,
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And the Confessional
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Remit by bank draft, postal or express money order, or by regis
tered letter to the
size from 32 to 40 inches bust measure.
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the following issue
Agency. Address
nniio oiruei, new Tork.