The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, December 10, 1897, Image 5

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Mm ad Oaegbtor revtaft for I'r
yteae Ellravacaae.
A visitor la oue of the government
offices where women are employed in
one of our cities was conducted by the
superintendent, an old man with large
experience. The last room Inspected
was filled with women at work, says
the Youth's Companion.
The visitor remarked: "This Is a
higher class of women than that em
ployed at the same work in some oth
er kind of business. These women
have been educated and have refined
faces and voices. I should judge they
are not used to manual labor of any
"They are not," was the reply. "In
almost every case they are the widows
or daughters of men whose Income
died with them, but who. w
hile living.
gave to their families luxuries beyond
their means.
"That young girl by the window was
In fashionable society in New York
two years ago. Her father, with a
salary of $5,000, lived beyond his
means. The woman In mourning is
a widow of a physician whose income
averaged $6,000. He probably spent
"That pale girl is the daughter of a
master builder, who lived comfortably
among his old friends until he was
seized with political ambition. He
moved Into a fine house, bad his car
riage, servants and gave balls. He
died and bis daughter earns $12 a
week, on which she supports her
mother. There Is hardly a woman
here who is not the victim of the vul
gar ambition which makes a family
ape its wealthier neighbors In Its out
lay." "That Is an ambition not peculiar to
us Americans," said the visitor.
"It Is more common among us be
cause In other countries social post
tion depends upon birth, while here It
is usually fixed by money. How many
families In every class do you know
who are pretending to a larger pecuni
ary wealth than they have?"
The American Indian Make Dainty Bit
ver Trinket of Mexican Dollar.
An exhibit which usually surprises
the visitor at the National Museum in
Washington is the group showing the
American Indian working In silver at a
forge of his own contriving.
Contrary to popular supposition, the
Indian Is a very clever workman, In
metals. Some of the amulets, armlets
and buttons found In the possession of
the far Western Indians are of excel
lent finish and workmanship. The In
dian loves ornaments and delights to
deck the blankets and buckskin robe of
his young son with silver trinkets.
His bullion Is the Mexican dollar,
and he uses a rude forge fitted with
bellows made of buffalo skin. They
generally have two pairs of bellows,
which, being worked alternately, fur
nish a steady draught.
Some of the designs wrought upon
these rude silver buttons prove that
the Indian is far from an unimagina
tive being. It Is clear that he has more
conception of the beauties of nature
than most of his critics would admit
The use of the blow-pipe is not un
familiar to the Indians. They make
us df it to braize the eyelets of buttons,
The lamp used for this purpose Is very
crude, consisting of a rag daubed with
tallow, placed In an open dish of metal
or stone. As the Indians have been
gathered into reservations they have
lost the use of even these rude me
chanical arts, and the practice la now
confined to a few In the mountains of
Northwestern Mexico. Here an occas
ional rude forge may still be found,
and Its output of forged silver trinkets
still passes from hand to hand. Dishes
are sometimes made of silver by ham
mering out a dollar very thin and then
pressing it against a design already
cut in stone.
Forgotten How to flay.
Gentle mother, whose life is full of
work and care, have you forgotten how
to play? If so, let your own children
teach you over again. Join in their frol
ics, share their sporls, learn to play
their games. It may seem loss of time
to you, but it means infinite gain to
the children for the mother to be also
the playfellow.
This cannot always be done, but it
can be done often enough to Increase
manyfold the child's delight In sport.
There is no opportunity like it for In
culcatlng the doctrine of fair play and
of unselfish sharing of toys. From be
ing pleased and proud to have mother
play with them, they can easily he led
to the desire to make hsr have a good
time, and from that to the considera
tion and practice of giving other peo
ple pleasure. Remember the play time
Is his best time for the average child,
They learn quite early enough that
they can have good times without the
mother. Do everything to postpone
that evil day, and, leaving the welfare
of the child out of the question, the
play will do the mother good. It takes
away the worry and makes at least
one bright and sunny halt hour in a
day that may be full of cares. We
have no space to enumerate the advan
tages, but they are many. Try them
for yourselves, dear mothers, and help
each other by reporting the results of
the trying upon your heart, and also
upon the temper and spirit of your
A Suitable Reward.
"You have done well," said the sul
tan, "and I have been thinking how
I can best reward your services."
Tewfik Pasha made a profound sa
"I can stand a little more prosper
ity," he replied cheerfully.
"Just so," said the sultan. "How
would you like to be made superintend
nt of the Atrocity department?"
A rallforwla HUn Mould Have Koaa
r4 With (iald.
Notwithstanding the fabulous wealth
of the Klondike region It cannot boast
of a road paved with gola. as can Call
fornla. The Hear Btat has plenty of
extravagant citizens, but It remained
for a widow and widower of Suoni
county to commit the crowning act of
folly, which furnished that locality
with a public thoroughfare of the New
Jerusalem style. It was a case of sheer
obstinacy. John Johnson, a widower
of liloomfleld. wlshil to Improve the
road from his home to the village of
Valleyford. For this purpose he re
ceived permission from Widow Martha
Jones to take rock from a hillside on
her farm. While carting the nxk he
noticed what seemed to be specks of
gold saining iu mr buimikiu. m-mmi:
wealth. he sent samples to San 'ran-
laeo t0 De assayed and learned that the
I stone he was building his road with
as gold-bearing quartz worm irom s
to $10 a ton. Then he sought the
Idow and, pointing out the fortune
hich seemed to be hidden In the hill.
proposed to share the cost and profit
of development. Hut the widow was
coy financially as well as sentimentally.
She did not believe in Johnson or tls
gold-mine yarn, and in the language
of the Bowery "trim 'em down hard."
Her permission had been given to put
the rock on the road, and that was
II she cared to have done with It.
Johnson wasfurlous, but he saw his
opportunity. The widow had given (he
rock for the road on the road it
should go even it were worth $100 a
ton. So all summer long Johnson's
wagons worked until four miles of
road were built, but the widow didn't
Cause of Grav Hair.
Gray hairs are honorable, no doubt.
but their advent is not usually hailed
with any exuberant joy by men, and
certainly not by women, and It Is
curious to note in going through Ufa
at what varying ages people commence
to show the passage of years by the
change in the color of the hair. And
yet the whitening of the hair does not
always portend the approach of age, for
the hair of some individuals laboring
under certain passions has been known
to become gray in a single night. Many
reasons have been suggested for gray
hair; some assert that the cause is a
contraction of the skin about the roots
of it, and from this cause suppose that
Polar animals become white, the cold
operating as the contracting power;
but this theory is untenable, or we
might all turn gray if we happened to
be exposed to particularly hard frosts
As a matter of fact, there are fewer
gray people in Russia than In sunny
Italy or Arabia. The more likely rea
son is that the vital power is lessened
In the extreme .ramifications of those
almost Imperceptible vessels destined
to supply the hair with coloring fluid
The vessels which secrete the fluid
cease to act, or else the absorbent ves
sels take it away faster than it is
furnished. This certainly appears to
be feasible, for grief, debility, fright,
fever and age all have the effect of les
sening the power of the extreme ves
sels. Against this theory it may be
urged that if the body be again lnvlg
orated, the vessels ought, according to
our reasoning, to again secrete the col
oring fluid, but to this it may be replied
that the vessels which secrete this fluid
are so very minute that upon their
ceasing their functions they become ob
literated and nothing can ever restore
Stopping and Starting: Electric Cars,
It takes Just as much electric power
to start a car as it would animal power,
and it requires less current to keep
the car moving than to start it, so that
a great number of starts and stops
means a large consumption of energy,
In the American Electrician there ap
pears an article in which the actual
figures for these two cases are given
It is shown that the cost of one stop
on each trip of a car during a year on
a fifteen-car line may amount to $70
or to J467 for a 100-car road; so that
if these figures are multiplied by two
stops at each crossing on a road oper
ating long lines the large cost is evl
dent. Careful handling of the con
troller will save over $1,000 a year on
a 15-car road , and $7,000 per year on
a 100-car road. The difference be-
tween a careful motorman who has
been well instructed and a careless one
may amount to from 3 to 8 per cent
of the total energy consumed. It is
perfectly safe, according to this au
thority, to say that 10 per cent of the
energy can be saved by more . care
ful handling of the controller, while
on most roads at least 15 per cent
could be saved without doubt. The
maxim of every motorman should be
"Use the brake as little as possible
and drift as much as possible." The
employment of skilled raotormen ca
pable of understanding the mechanism
they handle would result in a saving to
the trolley companies, even though a
higher salary were paid the men, and
at the same time add much comfort to
the passengers.
All Sort of Rlche.
Was there ever such a season as this
for picking up riches by land and wat
er? Now it is a discovery of pearls,
pearls by the bushel, that is distracting
newspaper men. This tale from Ar
kansas beats the Dutch. Arkansas is
the last place in the world where one
would expect to tumble over real
pearls as thick as pebbles on the beach
bul wonders will never ceasa. If the
Klondike gold fields are so difficult of
access, then why not travel to western
Arkansas and go to pearl hunting? The
extent of these pearl deposits in the
lakeo and bayous reads like a fairy
story. Nuggets of gold sound deli
cicus, but how about "rrpes of pearls?'
Boston Herald.
. .1 W. w .t M.1H. r-'rl
ESTES L LAURIAT, Publishers . . . BOSTON.
If tiia Bee tho tlah Never He Alarmed
fnr lanKr I tione.
There have been numerous deaths
from lightning near New York in the
last ye?r, says the New York World.
In some cases the electric current
played peculiar pranks, and thus dem
onstrated that a bolt of lightning Is
something beyond the knowledge of the
scientist. It is impossible to forsi e the
conditions that might prevail during
an electrical disturbance, anu wiuu
bolt of lightning Is of great intensity
there la no telling what It may do.
When Benjamin Franklin deter
mined the character of lightning and
invented the lightning rod he made a
great discovery, but since then other
nvestlgators have added much to the
Btore of knowledge on the subject.
The matter of lightning rods has re
ceived a great deal of attention from
scientists in recent years, and a number
of popular fallacies have been exploded.
Various mystifying characteristics or
lightning have been explained and oth
er freaks of the electric current are
more or less understood. Some years
ago there was an international confer
ence on the question of lightning rods
n England, and the report of that
gathering, based on the observation
aud experience of the members, is the
most valuable contribution to the liter
ature of the subject ever made.
While it is generally conceded that
lightning rods offer protection to build
ings, it is admitted that under certain
conditions the most carefully erected
rods will prove unavailing. There are
many Instances in which buildings
have been struck by lightning though
provided with lightning rods. In most
of the eases the rods were not properly
constructed and connected, though in
other cases the rods were as nearly
perfect as human Ingenuity can make
them. The lightning that missed them
and struck the building can be likened
to an avalanche that is so powerful as
to sweep away all obstacles and go on
its way regardless of man and bis con
structions. From a report Issued by direction of
the secrtary of agriculture it seems
that the average death rate from light
ning In the United States is a trifle
more than 200. Practically all of the
fatalities occur in the months of April,
May, June, July, August and Septem
ber. The maximum death rate occurs
in June and July. There has been a
few people killed in November and De
cember, but the weather bureau has no
record of a death from lightning in
January or February.
The financial loss from fires caused
by lightning for eight years averaged
a trifle more than $1,500,000 a year.
Lightning has a preference for some
soils. Thus when the soil is of a chalky
formation lightning will strike but one-
seventh as often as when the soil is
sand. Clay soil will be struck twenty-
times to once in the chalky formation.
The bolts have preference for cer
tain trees. Oak trees are struck more
frequently than any other tree, and the
birch Is rarely a victim. It does not
seem possible that oak trees are struck
more than fifty times to one beech
tree, but the weather bureau reports
show such to be the case. Pines are
struck about one-third as often as oaks.
The danger from lightning is much
less in the city than in the country,
the ratio being about one to five. In a
record of eighteen deaths due from
lightning one was killed inside a build
ing, eleven were outside and six were
under trees.
As a rule lightning that strikes a
tree does no further damage. In only
three cases out of 100 did the bolt jump
from one tree to another.
Hellnm In a Mine.
Helium, it will be recollected, is a
chemical element which was known to
exist in the sun and some of the stars
long before it had been discovered on
the earth. When found on our globe,
two years ago, it was discovered in a
rare mineral of Norway named cleveite.
Since then cleveite has been in demand
in chemical laboratories, and its rarity
has made it costly. Recently a mine
was opened near Ryfylke, Norway, con
taining an abundance of cleveite, to
gether with several other rare miner
als. The cleveite from this mine, ex
amined in London, haa been found rich
In helium, and it sells for about $5 a
Cnrloalttes In etna.
There have been found In a prehis
toric mound in Humphreys county,
Tennessee, two images which are ex
citing much interest. The images are
In a sitting position, and one, repre
senting a male, is twenty-eight inches
high; the other, representing a femala,
is twenty-four inches high. They are
carved of stone of a kind different
from any in the neighborhood. The lo
cality, seven miles from Waverly, on
the banks of Duck river, abounds i
ancient mounds.
Miss Pirloi's Young Housekeeper. Digo?
especially to aid beginners. 1 ells how to lur
nth the kitchen tentibly ithe right wy to buy
food and to care lor it. etc. A pUiu hook far
pUia people A book that farmers' wives and
daughters will be glad to own. One from
which any house wile may obtain an immense
amount ol valuable aid $100
Miss Parloi's Nei Cook Book. The mo-
thorough Cook Book published. The directions
are dear and concwe. It it thoroughly prac'
tieal. perfectly reliable and is marked by strong
goodsenie. Ccutaios 17M receipt, etc. $150
Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion, a complete
compendium cl cookery. Marvellously com'
prehcnsivc and copiously illuttrated SibO
. " I"' k"i""w " " n
Probate Notice.
In the matter of Ibo estate uf frederlck
Nolle In hereby lvi n that the creditor
of said repealed will mee He "f"'"'
of ".Id ndate b.fure me. County Judge
of DoukIks county. Nebraska, at the r.miny
court room In uid rutin! on I he lh
of rVliriiny, 1"'; on the 4th cl of April
.., . .i ii.m timw of June. in1 ait
o'cl.'s-k A. M each day. for the purpose of
nrrwnt!iii( I heir claim for examination, ad
lusl'iieni and l oHnf. l u.o u..- r
allowed fn thn creditor !o preeni Ihelr
rUIn and one year tor
lo eltle mid iUf. mini inn iiu ";
AuEiiHt. IM'T; thl noll'-n "HI puhlmhwl
In Thb Amkkicn for four we-U u
Ively, prior to the ttli Uy oi rrurua.j.
1:..34 County 1 ude.
How Our roal-t.rauuf.thora and Grand
iKither l.nrnecl Thidr Alhlwt.
I wondor if any of tho youn? folks
who road this history have over seen
a hornbook, asked that popular young
writer. Alice- Maude KwelL in a de
lightful story in Peterson's Magazine.
Indeed. 1 wonder if many of them
even know a hornbook it, or,
ralher. was. For. granting thai some
hornbooks are till to ba lound in
curiosity shops and the like places
they yet belong too much to the past
to be'llghtly written of in the present
tense. l!uU howover out of use now.
I we may be sure mat our ureav grunu.
father and grandmother, or at iea
allofthem who knew how to reudt
were no strangers to tho hornbook.
A hornbook waa as its name im
plies, a book of one pngo and one
loaf, a shoet of light colored horn,
with or without a wooden frnme, with
the ictlors of tho alphabet big: and
little rrom A to J.zard. as the old
peoplo engraved upon it, very
substantial and. alui! uninviting
to the Infant mind sot to learn
from Us dingy surface. Hut in the
day of hornbooks children's tasto for
pretty pictures. Drignt colors ana
cenoral variety was not much con
sulted and the hornbook, compared
with our primers and spelling book
waa perhaps, as dreary as "Tho Ele
ments of Morality" or "Improving
Selections for Youthful Minds" in
contrast to "Little Woman" or "Al
ice in Wonderland."
-., . Mr f een at NouB.
The re"s6h why stars are visible at
noon when looked for from a shaft or
well is that the eye is better able to
regulate and decrease the admission
of the rays of light through tho iris
to the pupil and from thence to the
crystalline lens. The use of the lens
is to collect the retina Saussure
states that stars have been seen with
the nuked eye in broad daylight on
the declivity of Mount Blanc at an
elevation of 7o7 feet. The ob
server must be placed entirely in the
shade, and have a thick and massive
hade above his head, to prevent the
strong light of the day from dispers
ing the faint image of the stars.
These conditions are the same as
those obtained from the bottom of a
well or shaft '
Two Slater of Ona Rara.
At Lenox:
Genevieve Why are you going
back to the city so early P Do you
find it lonesome here?
Maud No. dear, I'm going so that
the young men here can get some
The HlfrpTh-H Know nn Morn.
Cubeb I see McSnooze has gone to
his last, long sleep.
Scarcely W hat Dead?
Cubeb Oh. no. He' become a po
liceman. Washington.
America has never produced a more
polished scholar, a greater logician or
a grander Christian than A. Cleve
land Coxe, Bishop of the Episcopal
church for Western New York. His
letters to Satolll have never been
equalled by any living writer. Wo
have those letters printed in pamphlet
form. They make a book of 72 pages.
We will send you one of those books if
you will send us 25c. and the names of
ten of your friends to whom we can
send sample copies of The American
Show your Interest in this fight against
political Romanism by investing 26
cents In sample soples.
Wht We Mav no to be Saved" is a little book
giving full particulars of a nliable cure. Free.
Dr. J, Slepnens, iM.pi i.,i.ruaiiou,.uio
AMERICA has never produced a more
polished scholar, a greater logician or
a grander Christian than A. Cleve
land Coxe, Bishop of the Episcopal
church for Western New York. His
letters to Satolli have never been
equalled by any living writer. We
have those letters printed in pamphlet
form. They make a book of 72 pages
We will send you one of those books If
you will send us 25c. and the names of
ten of your friends to whom we can
send sample copies of The American
Show your interest in this fight against
political Romanism by investing 25
cents In sample copies.
Our Friend
I Agent for all the lWt Oradesof
Hard and Soft
Telephone lSlS,
Office 315 So. 16.
Your Patronage Solicited
tV. A. H UM1KHS,
AtUirnryJllarchaaU National Hank HldK
a r -T.i K itiert I. Unrl clu. I he
loual Han uf lI'Mlou
Miw.s. huiM. Th' Nallonnl Hu
nfbanuy llill.Nea Vork.lheWeMerr National
liaukof tha city ol y vor. ine wer
rhunt National rUnk of I Union, loaa, .1 W.
I'Mcttelil itlrKl nd real nm unknown! II ).
I'eulleld (tlr.t and ! nnum unknowni and
William II. Kidruige, uon-rewuein u. ii im-
Von am herehv entitled thai on thn ttfa
dny of Soveuitr IwJ. Waller K. hen er.
plaint I IT uieu uipeiiuon 01 uw" "
for Ihiimlaaeouuiy, Nehraka. aiialnl Itoli-
Unrlli h, I ue Mauarieiurer naiuiuai
Hank of H.'.lon MaachiDHol. 1 uti ro-
jIb' National Mauk, ol nauu' inn- "
ork, Ihe weiern national nann uih.
...... N.. V rk .Thn Mnr hanu National
u..k r i hniin. loaa. J. W. I'enBeld lllrl
aud real name unknowni, K. O. I'enlleid lUml
and real auin unknown) aud William II.
rldrlxe. and other, ui leniiaui. inn njwi
aud prayer of which I U foreclose one err
liiln lax certlMc.te dated Novemher 2filh,
Inuj. upon the followlun uecriueu r ai eitaie
tu-lt; ... . ... 1,11
Lot Ave (it). Block een ui. uri-naro ii ii.
an addition lo the C IJ ol Uiuaha DoukU
county. Neuranka.
I r w now UUW UIHW i"n m m
ttuiu of lt&.77 wilti inu'i-twl lit llm rtte of ln
..... aur un nil in I rum nuvHiiiuBr linn,
Iktu? fur arti ir h num. with Inurent and cuU
touether with an atlornry fee ainoiintliiic to
ten per cent of the decree, plitlnttIT pray for
a decree that he ha. a Ur.t lien upon ald
real iaU), tuat the defendant hall pay
et lu mild real elate, and for other e.jult-
hle relief. ...... a
v.... una ulan heretiv not Ilea that you and
eai:h of ou ate required lo answer mid pe
tition ua or ueiore loe aru u.jui J
Into. ufl
Dated at umatia, inenranan, nuwniwi ft. iv B-r.i.r.iv, riaoiwii
U) W. A. Sauuuer., UI. Attorney.
u-ai-4 A,uu'
V. A. HAI)NIr:itH.
Attorney. MercbauU National Bank Mil-.
SIIKKIKK'H SALK.-Hy virtue of an nlla
order of ale lud out of ihedlktrlutuourl
lor llouKla couiity, Nebra. aud to me
directed, I will, on the 4th day of January.
A. U. 1'H.
at tn o'clock
M. Ol KltlU
day at the KAHT front diuir of ihe county
oourt houe In the city of Omalia, DouKla
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
Uie hlnet uiuuer ior un,
oeacrtued in ald order of ale a follow,
"I'tafourd), Ave 15). tlx (ft) nine (), WindOl
fourteen (14). fifteen (Ifi). lxteen (1H), seven
teen (171. nineteen (ID), tweuiy 120), twejuy
fourOJI), lublocl; twj(3). In llarrl and I'at
urson'. Annex Addition o the city of South
Omaha, a urveyed, platted and recorded,
ah .Hunted In Dougla county, Ul of Ne-
bififtnrooertT to be sold to satisfy Wllllaiil
II Hrevoort. plaintiff herein, the sum of two
hundred anu forty-four and SO-lIX) dollars
un tiiHirn,f.nt. wuh lnteret thereon at
rate of tea (10) percent per annum from May
4th UWti. Which amount are a urn uu
. .....,iK. ii.. itnn tulri nrnnertv.
To satlafv the sum of ninety-four and81-l(K
dollars !"l 81) Cot herein, toKetber wltL
MCruInK cou. accordlnn to a Jlf'''""1
? county, at lu May term, A. I. lis
taa certain action then and there pending
wherein William u. n""" Fi; TV. -
una. It. llarrl anu n.ia u. ui, . i
are defendant.
uiimlia, neuraa, itohihwi ., '""i-,
Sheriff of DouMlaa County, Nebraska.
W. A. Paunden., attorney.
Mreoori . nrn.,.ii.
Doc.M. No. 3-6.
Attorney, Merchants National Bask.
FENDANTS. To Nora BnxMibeck (formerly Nora Doo-
hue) and Hermann crpeiiueca,
band, non-reideiit defendants:
v .... . i, v iiilhuJ Dial an the Uui
day of November, A. V. 1V7, Wlllla .
Hrevoort, plaintiff herein, tiled Ida peti
tion In the district oourt of Dwugias
county, Nebraska, against Nora ktrsen-
beck (formerly isora ijononue; saw -mann
Kroenbeck. her husband, and ka.r
defendants, the objact and prayer of
hiKh la in foreclose one certain "-
tlllcate dated November 29, liStt. ape
following described real ewiaie, 9-wm..
Lot twenty block twonty-tgh (2t.
Wesiaide, an addition to the any
Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, wawti
which there is now due the sum of M.M,
with Internet at the rate or ten par sat
per annum from November 19, 1V7, ter
which sum, wlih interest and eats, to
gether with an attorney's fe ameusknc
to ten per cent oi ins uaree, io
nnvi for a decree that he has a first Haa
siuUl pay the same, and in default thereof
that the aald property be old to satwtV
1 1 , 11 , , , U..WI J-AMJ MlUa U SI UMf U,
the amount found due, and that tspoa so
thereof the defendants be debarred at ail
right, title and Interest In said real sateaM
and for other equitable relief.
You are also hereby notineo ua. ysn
and each of you are require. 10 aan
Bald petition on or before the 27 U. ju
Ilttcember. 1&97.
Dated at Omaha. IN e was. a, i-wTeewoer
19, 1S97.
W1LUAU tl. BRdlUUBt, risraaa.
By W. A. Saunders, His Attorney,
Doc 2. U-O-4
Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bld
ANTS. To kvelvn Fenton (formerly Evelyn Scott)
and ueorxe u. t enton, ner nusoanu, noo-res
ldent defendanis:
You are hereby notified that on the 24tb
day of November, lKV. James L. Browne, ike
plaintiff herein, filed hi petition in the Dis
trict court of Doug-la county, Nebraska,
against Evelyn Fenton (formerly Evelyn
Boo t) and ueorgo V- r enton. ner nusuauu.
and other, the object ana prayer
which are to foreclose one certain lax cer
ttneate dated November 2th, 1S3, upon the
following described real estate, to-wlt:
JotSlxttilln block two (2), Sprlngdale an
addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas coua
. .. KI.H...I..
There Is now due on said certificate the sum
of au.30 with interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum afrom Nov. 2nth, IKK, for
which sum, with Interest and costs together
wltn an snorneys fee amounting to ten per
Cent of the decree, piainlin prays ior a ut
eres that he Has a first lien upon said real
estate, that the defendants shall pay the
same, and In default thereof that the said
property be sold to satisfy the amount found
due, anu that upjn sale tnereoi ine ueienu
ants be debarred of all right, title and in
lerostln said real estate, and for other equit
able relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or oerore ine ira aay or January, ism
L.Omaha, iieb., Nov. 2ti, lii7.
JAMES L. BKOWNF., Platntif.
By W. A. Baunacra. hi attorney. ll-Si-4
There is something wrong with the
patriotism of the man who can alway
praise popery and denounce the patri
otio orders which oppose it.
the mu e, aud In oeraui tuereoi uh
property Ue sold to atlfy the amount found
dueT anJ that upon le thereof the delend
"::?... ,i..,........i ., nil nut. I t and lmer-
Vlic of llrarlag lain.
PHOHAir NoriCK-la ! ntun of Ua
Mai of Alnur Wuldwed:
N.rtl.o M hereby given, th.l the creditor
of said itn-rwJ "III M,a n u
of aald f.ial brf,r n. Count? Judge of
)wia ro.intr Nebraska, at Mi. omitl
court ri' In ald count y om lh Hl day f
Jinuarf. turn on IhaJNlda of Marrai. IMM,
and on th. lt day uf My. Imm- a
VI - a. M rvh dar- for th Kuruuaa of
1rrntin( Uwlr claim f anilnatlw. a4
uliiriland l.i.n -. nl n...nla am aj
ord for Uia rrdllrt V Uilr
claim and . rr (. 'he. nx-iiUr laUla
aid miaui. front ll Will da of liow . IHV7;
inwnott'- "III I putMhrd la h Aaaai.
for four wvk nmmlit. prior bo U
iiMi dav uf Jaauarv 1.
County Judca.
notiok T nin-kksili;nt
To Henry A. Hi hreekennaa! (or bV-hrae-keiiKoail
and MhkkI 8chr keiift-aat lor
H. lue. kruijoul). Ill wife, non-realdaut d-
Vou are hereby noliflnt that on tha WU
day of Novemher, A. 1. it. Jainea I
lirowne. ,ln In ' 1 rf herrln, filed hi fietlHon
In !h dlalrl.l rourl of ImiikIu counly.
NehraHka. nualiiot Hiiiry A. Hi'hre. ken
khhi (or 8, hre kenn'Mitl and Mairl
H. hroekenMait nr H' hrwki liitoBti, hla
wife, and Idiloli'h Heal, defendants, thai
nh)'l and prayer of which I to forecloa)
Hire certalii tax certllh-alea dated No-vonilM-r
22.1. IK'12. ulHin Ihe following da
iTibed real eetale. and uiion whlrh lhr
I due amount follow, to-wlt:
The eat thirty feel or ine norm onw.
half of lot live, upon which there la du
the atim of the eaal w leei oi n
won h olie-half of lot five, upon which
there I due Ihe um of t 7; and aJao th
liHlance of lot live upon which there I due
tho aum of '.iil, all or mm properiv o
Inir Rltunled In block V In Ixiwe' addition
lo llmetty of Omaha. Douulu county. N
l,rli. wlih liilereHt ulHin eai tl of aa.PI
ainoiinta at the rate of ten Per cent per
annum from Novenitier imn, iiwi. ior
which auin. wllh Intertwt and roata to
Ketber with an attorney' fee amountlnir
U) ten per cent or mo um-r, jiiumm
praya fur a decree that he ha a flrt lien
upon Raid rniU eatale, that the defendant
nhnll pay Ihe same, and In default thereor
that (he aald property be aold to allKfy
the amount found due, and that upon sals
thereof the defendant) be debarred of all
rlitht, title and Intereat In aald real estate,
and for other equitable relief.
You are also nereny noimea inw j..u
and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before the 7th day ol
December. Iicw. . .
Haled at Omaha, Nebraska, November
19th. 1M17.
Tly W. A. BAUNDEIia. his Attorney.
U-19-4 Vac, a. No,,.,
wTll. HCBSEliL,
Atlomev.'HlNew York Ufa riiilldln.
SHKHIH 'H HAI.K.-Hy virtue of an alias
order of sale Imuiiied out of the district
Cturt for DoiiKla counly. Nebr ska, and to
me dlrecled, I wlll.on Ihe4lhday of January,
A. II. 1M. at ten o'clmk a m. of ald
day. at the KAHT front door of Ihe county
court house. In the cltv of Omaha, IhiuKlaa
.- ki.l..ii. ...ll at. niibl r. auction to
Ihe hltthent uiuuer ior cu, ."." - .',
crllied In ald order ol sale as follow, to-
ii,ui,ii Mm In block six ((bin I'ark Forett.
an addition U the city of Omaha, a ur
veyed. p atted and recorded, all In IHu(las
county. Kiate of Nebraska. ,
Maid property to no om i
Hinsdale. Kx-ulrlx of the last will anu tes
tament of Kdwln O. Hinsdale, deceived,
plaintiff herein, the mm of eluht hundred
and four and 24-KM) dollars m-!A) Ul'"o,
wllh Interest thereon at rat of tn (Kb per
cent per annum frem Heptember 2Sth. ikwj.
To atls'ythe further sum of twenty and
XMIIO (tai.IHi dollar cost herein, together
with accruln cost, accordlntj to Judg
ment rendered by the district court of said
llouKla county, at It Heptember term, A. IJ.
IMIM), In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Kllen J. Hinsdale, Kiec"trlx of
the last will and testament of r-lwn O.
Hinsdale, deceased, Is plaintiff, and yh'lst11
( hrlHtensen, Ollva Christflnsen. Klrt Na
tional Hank of Whitewater Wisconsin, The
American lllsnult and ManufactutlnB Com
pany, an llllool corporation, are delena
ant. Omaha, Nebraska. Hecember rl. 1WI7.
Hherlff of Douitla Uounty. Nebraska.
W. H. Hussell, atlorney.
Hinsdale vs. CJirlstensen et al.
Hoc W: No. iao.
Kx. Doc Z: Pane 13". !
Attorney. Merchants National Hank Blaj
To Mary Malone and Mr. Malona (flint
and real nrne unknown) her husbanu.non
retdent defendants:
You are hereby notlfle'1 that on the Mth
day of November A II..1KW Jnine. i,. Browne,
uUtntlff herein Hied hi petition In the dis
trict rourt of liouiriaa county, Nebraska,
snalnst Mary Malone una mr. maione
(lirst and real name unknowni her hu-hand,
defendants, ti e obtct and prayer of anion la
to foreclose one nert-ln ta rtertltliat dated
November -t'th. V2. unon the following des
cribed real state. iost:
Uit dx (HI block two(2) la We'lde an ad
dition to the City ol Omaha, DouKlaa county,
There is now one upon saia ceriincaii ine
sum of (N7.72 with Interest st the rats of ten
per cent m-r annum from November 28th,
for which sum. with Interest and data
together with an aforntys fee amounting to
ten per cent of ihe decree, pialntlff prays for
a decree that, beta i first Hen upon said
real eite, that the drfendant shall pay
the sasf "-"! 1 default thereof that the
said.' ooeriy be sold t" aatlsfy the amount
fould due. and t ai upon sale thereof the
defendants he debarred of all rlvnt, title and
Interest In i-ald real estate, and for other
Suitable rellet.
Vn . alsnnernbv notified that you and
r hofyu re required to answer said
pernion on or oerore ine aru uaj ui .lauuarj,
Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, No-emorr ,
I8W7. . . .
JAMKS JU. Btt'JWMfc, fiaintio,
By W. A. HauDders. his attorney.
1JOC. DS. o-iiri
Notice is hereby riven that the articles
of incorporation of the "Omaha and Wood
Klver Mining and Meal raiaie company
have been tiled in the ofllce of the county
clerk of Douglas county and state of Ne
That the s-eneral nature of the business
to be transacted is to acquire, own, lease,
hold, work or operate mines of gold, silver
and other minerals In the states of Ne
braska and Wyoming and elsewhere; also
to acquire, own, lease and use water, way
p rlirhts. milla and reduction worn In
cident to the treatment of gold, silver or
other ores, minerals or earth, and to lease,
sell or dispose of the tame; to buy and sell
ores, bullion, mines and claims; to con
struct and maintain all necessary works
for the operation or carrying out of the
business of said corporation, and to ac
quire by purchase, lease or otherwise such
other property, real or personal, as may be
suitable or convenient for said business:
and to acquire, purchase, lease and sell
real estate, as well as to uae, maintain and
dispose of said property or any thereof.
That the capital stock of said corpora
tion Is three hundred and fifty thousand
(J360.0u0.00) dollars, divided Into shares of
ten (JIO.OO) dollars each, which shall b
fully paid when Issued, and may be In
creased upon a majority vote of the stock
holders, and that said corporation shall
betfn business as soon as fifty thousand
(iao.u00.00) dollars worth of stock has been
subscribed and Issued.
That the afTairs of the corporation shall
be managed by a board of five directors,
all of whom shall be stockholders, and
shall be elected at the annual meeting of
the stockholders on the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in January in each and
every year, ana said board of directors
shall elect from among the stockholders a
president, vice president, secretary and
treasurer, and they shall have power to
adopt and enact by-laws for the manage
ment of said business, and said directors
shall also have power to appoint such other
officers and employes as they may deem
advisable for the conduct of their business.
That the principal place of business shall
be in the city of Omaha, Douglas county,
Nebraska. . , . M
That the highest amount of indebtedness
kali not at any Un exceed twentr-JTe
per sent of the aapitsi atoak actuals? av
susdj. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, Una Km WHt
day of November, A. D., lSrS.
vSigned) JOHN W. CA1RNU
U-lMt Iaaorpar