THE AMERICAN. CITY AM) STATK Rrprrerntalivr M-rr arrived" home Tuh!ij tcoIi for a holiday to. Mr. and Mr. Charir I.. Ttiona. jut returned (mm a o;ouro in Ibe Orark. Article of incorporation lor the Hell Dryg Company have two fll-ti it h tbe county clerk 4k)b Kitilnjfii. I In- pusHiM. is caid to rw etr!i5d in one t' tie rianu ni blacksmith lui. In this dir. St Andrew F'Wopal church save m rm l cnl holiitay enU rialnnii ni ' h HhrJ llil) clurcb on Momlav rrnlnf. The (oidrr.t of Clifton Hill will Inakc a vlorou ptvWl ain..t 1,K-Mt log aloin at ti e corrur of Military avenue ml Grant s'rt. The taking of in the Ictfi Ullve ootiUM caw has bet D clow d and the anu M ed rt ratory to ml tnili n to the 1 j;Ulattire. Some tHiil who saw Count Cndjth ton Vat-la t the lo)d, who aw him roll f.-om hi chair In llifl K x, a-MTt hal ti e old limn was drunk. Ac-online 11 e r (tort ( ni'ial Vlnci-o will warn he pi vlnjr Spain no end J Iroiinlc. He wan iriily wvrrely woundid, and in i-erdily reeovi rliif. A mas meeting wax held by the hio pie of H BMin to protest aaiiiht the ac lion of tl.e county commissioner in denying their petition to he Incorpor ated into a vl ltifc'e. " Tho Orchard UilJ M. E. church treated their Sunday school children to Cbrlsiu'as tree, well filled with praunU, Wodnenlay etenlripr. also a musical and literary entertainment. A resolution ha bocn offered In the board of county commissioner tender ing the use of the county poor farm for iposltlon purposes, rent free. The matter will come up for consideration at the next meeting. Ex-State Senator Thomas 11. Crane of X)maha and Mlsa lialrd were united In arrlage at Holy Trinity, Thurtdav evening, Bishop Worthlngton, assisted by Rev. Percy Silvers, officiating. It. B. Howell of Omaha was bust man. The bride In the daughter of Captain Balrd, an old resident of Lincoln. We have had vague suspicion that our fecial bachelor ex-senator Intended doing something like this for some time and we are not surprised at his action. However we will wish him and his bride all the happiness pos sible. Senator John M. TburBton and Con gressman Mercer both delivered speeches favoring the Independence of Cuba at the mass meeting In Washing ton Hall last Wednesday evening. The peech of Senator Thurston was especially strong. Among other things, he declared that the time had arrived when the Cuban patriot bould be recognized by the Uultcd State as belligerents. He declared the character of tbe warfare being waged by Spain as infamous as In the time of the Inquisition. It cannot be called warfare. It is murder, rnpine AMERICAN TYLEK ITEMS. When Roman Catholics talk about godless public schmds, they would like to have you believe that their church believes in and uses tbe BIMe The fact is that there Is not a Bible within the four walls of any Roman Catholic church on this continent. The larce book you see on the slur Is not a Bible but tbe mlwsal (never heard of until tbe eighth century), the Romanist mast-Sook. That what vou believed to be a Bible or Testament In the hand of the reading priest was neither the one nor the other it was his breviary In this book the epistles and gospels for the year are to be found, and the Spriest must read the one to be read upon this or that Sunday. He canrot select a passage hlmeelf, no matter how obnoxious the one for that day may be to him. The priests have no choice in the matter. Think of a Christian church without a Bible in It! If you can, then you will not be amazed tbat such a church antagonizes Free- Masonry with its open Bible. Recently a Roman Catholic priest asked the editor o' the Pastor, a New : York magazine having ecclesiastical sanction, the question as to the ungra ciousness of Romanists refusing to help any Protestant charity, when Roman lsts are constantly asking and receiv in; liberal belp from Protestants. The editor settles tbe question. He says "Protestants hold tbat you may be saved in any church. We hold that you must belong to the Roman Cath olic church in order to be saved. So the matter resolves itself into this Protestants will be damned anybow, and we might as well get all we can out of them in this world. But we can not give them anything to help a re ligion which we declare is so absolutely faUe that those who belong to it can never be saved." The Michigan Catholic, in comment ing on the presence at the Lord Mayor's banquet in London, England, of the United States Ambassador at the Court of St. James, shows its poisonous fangs wbro It ays "It Is oulraf-o-i that a THINt'i such a this Is to be suffered to ryrale lo mockery of America at aa K.rgllh how. Why Is be U) he uf-fcit-d to rut a light af ain.t It !a, our friend which has never fa.tered. In bis refewnee to the foivhadV d ng gresie -o!!cy of our hereditary fo-? Why in he. a paid man, paid by tl e country at large, to be tolerated when he defann s the honor of a grtal pro portion of the citizen of America who considered themRv-lve bound io coo nclcaiv to oppoe a my stem of finance which they believed ruinous to 'heir I'atlv )nd, and which they beTeved p!actd hi-r !o Umlldom to HritairV And yel Ionian Catholicism in Anf i. a vot d for McK'nl. y. and the pope rtjolrr over his !cllr, The gov ernment oufht Ui grant a patent on the conscience of Ilonian Catholii ism Tw Inllclcl Koniifch Arrhliiho. That the xiplsh church 1 the ar enl of Infidelity is well known to a'l whr have impartially studied her theo retical constitution and h. r practical working. That number of her clerg have been practical, and some even avowed, unbelievers In scrip tin al Chris t anlty l, or can lie, readily awuriainod from printed authorities, lint it is neverthele-s rather startling (so prone Is mankind to he influenced by outward profession and ex'ernal pomp) to find that even In our own day the two great epis'opal lieioHof Romanism, In Franc and Kngland resiiectively, were consid ered a self-conscious infidels, or as a'holsU. But such appears, from the testimony of M. H. de Villlers in the Free Review, to have been the fearful fact. Nor Is this the testimony of one who was or had'been a Protestant, nor of a secret or an ocn enemy; for, aetonuu- Ing to relate, M. Villlers haJ been brought up as a rigid French Roman ist, and became the personal friend of Mgr. Darboy, the Archbishop of Paris, and also of Cardinal Manning, the Archbishop of Westminster. M. Villlers, being troubled with doubts about Romanism, had long re ligious discussion with Archbishop Harboy, In Paris, and gradually, to his surprise, found that the metropolitan of Romish France the tldct son of the Romish church was practically an unbeliever himself; for Darboy wss (to qiiote Villlers) "at heart an atheist, like many of his brethren In the Ro nilsbl church," but a "ilrra and honest believer In the usefulness and necessity religious education." So much lor the Christian faitb of the Romish Archbishop cf Paris! Similar was the unbelief of the Archbishop of West minster! Villlers afterward came to England, and brought a special intro duction from Darboy to Manning, and In consequence became very intimate with the apostate archbishop, and held various Important religious discussions with him it London. As a result of these conversations Villlers tries in the Free Review to show that at heart Cardinal Manning was an InSdel. In his Interviews with the wily cardinal, Villlers trlt d to dis cover whether Manning held the same views on Christianity a he had found were hold by Darboy; but, to use h's own words: "The cardinal, however, as more cautious, or less candid than the archbishop. After patiently lis tening to all I had to say, he remarked most solemnly : 'My friend, be silent about these things. Darboy has been Incautlius: he always is.' He then laid hi' forefinger across his thin lips as if be wanted to emphasize his ad vice. "Many times thereafter I met Cardi nal Manning, and I enjoyed his protec tion and friendship to such an extent that long before his death I was able to ascertain that his standpoint was ex actly the same as that of the much lamented Archbishop of Paris purely utilitarian. However, he strongly dis approved of admitting this much, even to intlma'e friends. He said, with em phasis, that nobody had ever dared to mention this subject to him: as English Catholics hi well as English Protes tants would consider it an Insult to a-k a cardinal of the Church of Rome If he believed in the literal truth of dog matic religion. 'In France, and even In Rome,' he exclaimed, 'they have different ideas: and you, my friend, are privileged, as you have Archbishop Darboy's profession of faith at your back.' " (See tbe account in Review of Reviews October, 18!S, page 318.) Such are the modern heads of the Romish church! What must be tne real state of the inferior clergy, the blind followers of these blind icfidel istic leaders, and of the duped laity? See a small but valuable "Lire of Man ning," just published by Elliot Stock, explaining the cardinal's real charac ter, principles and acts. A. B. G. in Protestant Observer. i Feed Them Properly and carefully; reduce the painfully large percentage of infant mortality. Take no chances and make no experi ments In this very important matter. The Gail Borden Eigle Brand Con densed Mil has saved theusands of little lives. Mrs. C. A. Ai ams, 6th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb., writes: "I had la grippe and then malaria, indigestion, a severe headache and blind and dizzy spells. Your Dr. Kay's Renovator has eured me." Sold by druggists at 25 cts. and tl. micimh; if Ariis. Who wl 1 be tbe Lin'oo of the com ing Coogre. t ke.-p church and ktate separata and "hew to the lioeV" onaty, who will take Ki-aie' place as 'he bead of the R 'man Un'veriy at Wahifilvn i a Je-uit. "K-.d ju i f) Ing iu ao-."' 7 he papal pagan a-e al fighting. Ke. p thm at it uoiil they are sufli- c -fully punshul and that may re quire many iLolit' Hi-Imp iVxe' mantle 1 a-t fallen on liishop Dottnu K(iiM-oial) We are g a J io see tiie-4! gentlemen snow to the world on which side of the fence ltl)y stand Mv the bV'op have (tuny emulators in l.U church. Priest Phelan of St. Louis is now lying about Re.-. Mr. O'Connor, editor of tho Converted Ctlholic. Ills lies hurt the church he reprefeot more than thise whom he erstcuu-s; but the time will come when Phdan't father the father of lies and Hart will have compl-t' charge of him, un ions he in ikes a radical change in hi methods and morals, and theru is little prosivct of that. His life, will Ik- a tale that is toll), and his deatli will be a wail lu ti c cold. ALKPH lie Relation uf the A. V. A. to Political Parties. The American Protective AssocU lion not being a political party is favor able to all parties which endorse its patriotic principles, and it rejects all parties as such that repudiate its prin ciples, and the order will select the best men available for official positions that can be found in any political party. But let us evainine the relation of tbe A. V A- to the political parties during the past year. If we under ! stand It, a committee was appointed by the supreme council of the order, held In Washington, D. C, last May, to present its platform of principles to the national conventions of all the political parties for their adoption or rejection. The comcittee presented Its platform of principles to the Republican convei tlon at St. Louis, but it was rejected. It was presented to the Populist con vention, but it was rejected, it was presented to the Democratic convention at Chicago, but it wa rejected. Then it was we are not mistaken, to the Prohibition convention at Pitts burg Thea, last of all, it was pre sented to the new National party con vention and it was accepted, and two of its planks were put In its platform. And that our re-" -i may readily see what the plalfor... principles were which nearly all the political ptrtles so shamefully rejected, we will repeat them here: 1. The protection and perpetuation of our public school system. 2. The restriction of Immigration and the revision of our naturalization laws. 3. That no public money shall be appropriate ! to sectarian purposes 4. That no state shall grant the right of suffrage to any person not a citizen of the United States. 5. That all property (public prop erty exeep ed) shal' bo subject to equal taxation. Now it does seem unaccountably strange that these statesmanlike pa triotic principles should have bsen o recklessly rejected by all the nat oial conventions except the one named; and especially are we surprised and pained o believe tbat the Prohibition party. at its national convention in Pittsburg, in 18i6, could have been so blind to what we believe to be to Its own interests as well as the good of the country, as to deliberately reject such an embodi ment of patiiotic principles which were presented by the A. P. A. com mlttee for their consideration. Especi ally was our surprise intensified in view of tne fact that we had all along believed that there was not a Roman ized leader or nemince for office in the Prohibition party, and that the c n vention' would gladly endorse the pa triotleprinciples of the order and give expression of the same in a series of resolutions, If considered impracticable to insert them in its platform, and as a natural result the Prohibition party omlnees would have been supported by many Prohibition voters of the noble order. It is believed that our president elect is a true American. He has given sub stantial evidence of toe fact by his open and frank declarations of his un swerving belief in the principles of the order, and it is said that when the papal committee went to him, urging him to deny his public declaration of Americanlsn, and even threatening him with defeat, he remained unmoved, stood firm, and gave tbe Romanists no encouragement. The American Protective Asaoc'a tion and its friends will look with in tense interest upon the iocjtning presi dential administration, and it will be equally interesting to see how far the Republican party will adopt the presi dent's patriotic principles and work in harmony therewith. All will naturally wnderstaad, and none more clearly than the papal hierarchy, that the A. P. A. and its kindred orders will watch politics closely, and resolutely enter every open door in its legitimate work to which it has been legitimately called, and what the result) will be God knoveib, and this nation and tbe world at large will aeow 0 tbe near future J. G. P. Mr. arllr, Ha with . Malad City, Idaho, Dhc. 22 1 '. Waltkk C Kr.l.LEY, Buioe Man ager of The Mi kmc as: Dar Sir I got your letter Ibi day, and will end you tl for your paper for nt-xtyear. Vou appear lo be in earnest in your eiTorts to aave th's nation by curl g that wire soot caused by R ime. Well, it that can b; done it will be a gcotl thing; but the American bxly politic has many Mires In addition lo thai from Rom, that I fear i harder for the peop'e to discover, because sharp ers have managed to cover them up witl very fine doming. They are like whitewashed grave on the ojlid-, but tbe inside la fearful lo look a'. I wish your compny had come out to this western country to l veand publish your paper; for our altitude is higher than your and our air is purer and clearer. We have no so muc'J fog h re as you have thire. We ar.i fa vored here, it apiears, with a clearer vision of things, e-pecHily of the silver quest. on, than you are over there. WV Cialm that you have never studird the silver questiou us you snould. I hope you will be convert, d next year. Yours Truly In this Gret Fight for Right and Equality for all Americans, D. m W. Calendar and ( viipinis. So many beautiful calendars and en tertaining novelties have been issutd by the proprietors of Hood's Sarsapa rlllatbat we are hardly surprised to receive this season not only one of the very prettiest designs in calendars, but with it coupons which entitle th? recipient to attractive novel 'Irs. Every one who gets a Hood's SireapariHa, calendar for li97 secures something that will prove interesting and valu able as well as a beautiful specimen of tbe lithographer's art. The calendar is accompanied this season by an amus ing little book on "The Weather." Ask your druggist for Hood's Coupon Calendar, or send 6 cents in stamps for one toC. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. STATor Ohio, Citvof Toi.koq. t i.i cak i o-'ntv. . l Khans. dhrnbv 'mnk oath that be Ik the sfimi' par ner of the firm of K. J hknky CO . doing bu mm id Mih (.'Ity cf 1 , It-do. County nii.l Mate aforesa'd. sn1 tratsat firm will py tan sun of O.NE II UN Dlts.I) OOLLAK8 for each aid every case of Ca tarrh th hi cannot be cured by the use of 11 LI. S C ATAKRH I CHK PRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to tv fore me and su sirlhed In mv presence, this tlth day of December, A. D. ISWi. I A. W. GLEAH IN '),J' Notar, Public. HmI.'b Cut Kirn Cure to taken In er- allv and acts direct y on the bl od and mucous surface of ill syste u. ie d for testi monials, f n e. F. .1 CHENEY CO.. Toledo. Ohio. PfSold bv Uru itlMts. 75 . Are you about o have any Photo graphs Inker? Visit the s'udio o' FUGHES & SANDHEKQ. 205 North lfith. street TAKMEE WANTED. In every township. S days a week, during win ter to distribute suinples, collect mimes uf sick people and work up trude for theirdruiwistHon the 3 great family remedies; Dr. Kay s Keuo vator, Dr. Kay's Lung liulm and Kidneykura. Good pay to man or woman. Send for liooklet and terms. Dr. H J. Kay Medical Co., Western oflilce Omaha. Nab WOMANHOOD- ufleruiK women how to guard against danger ous surgical operations and quack treatment the American Association of Physician paased a resolution to distribute a little book on female diseases. "Womanhood" ex plains all diseases and Irreguluritles peculiar to women and gives the best methods of home treatment. Sent free for stamp to pay postage Address Eleanor Kendall, 816 North lh St., South Omaha, Neb. LDf tumg.y'oi We furnish every- you invest nothing. vvorK wun lames, pleasant, ana very profitable. Instructions Free, C C. Shinier, Omaha, Neb. Dr. Kay's Renovator, urr,ent,fveg! pepsia. constipation, liver and kidney disease At druggists ibe tl. Send fur free sample and booklet. Dr. 1J. J. Kay Medical Co., Omaha. NeU i A posit ive cure for ail coughs and k titsrrippe without causing nausea. T n !..' i n i r a ui. nays luiiu Ddim.k 1 PrlceWots. Sent by mail bv Dr B . Kay I Medical Co .Omaha. Neb Send for liooklet. W SOLD BY DBUQai3T8.',,T SAUNDKKS & MACK A It LAND. Attorneys. 14(itl Karnam Street. OHEKIEK'S SALE Hy virtue of an alias order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on tbe 2nd day of Feb ruary, n. ii. ino. at it) o clock A M. or said day. at ttie EAST tro t door of therounty cour, house, in the city of Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed in said order of sale, as follows, to wtt: lots one (1). two (2i. three (Si. four4). five (Si. six iB). even iTI. eight (Si. nine (Hi anJ ten (101 in block eight M In Koyd'g Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, state of Ne oraska Said property to be sold to satisfy James W. Dvorsny. pla'ntlff herein, the sum of two hundred and ninety-live and ti'.t-ioo dollar (t-HtitWi judgment, with Interest thereon at rateof ten ( lot per cent per annum from May 4th. 1S1I6. which amoun s are a first lld and existing lien upon said above described property. To satisfy the sum of ninety-six and 77-luO dollars (l!S 77i costs herein, together with ac cruing cjsts, accord ng to a judgment ren dered by the du-trict co irt of said Douglas county, Nebraska, at It-s May term. A. D 1W4. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein James W. IWnrsky Is plain tilt , and Mary E. Be attv and William A. Kenny, her hiisbauu, are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. December :)Ut. 1MW. John vv. Mcdonald. Sheriff of DougUs County Nebraska. Saunders & Macfarland. attorneys. Dorsky vs Beatty et al. Doc. 55; No. 176. 1-1-5 NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. The regu lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the American Pub.isnlng Company will be held at Its office. 1615 Howard Street, 'Huaha, Nebraska. Monday evening, January 4, IsCi, at 8 o'clock for tt e election of office. Omaha, Nebiaska, December sn. 1HHH JOHN C. THOMPSON. President. Don't Forget '(y IF VOL wut to m.ike your Udy I i nothing better than a pair r-3 bho. We sll a Ladies' very p. Shoe, Turns or Welts, with Lone fS; aU size, widths A to E W" h'4v', a LadiM.' DongoU Kid. Button, Welt, Needle Toe, tj d Donola Kid Luce. Turns, Kazor Toe, at ... Men's Slippers, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. 3 Win IM WHITIMFV HALD & RICE, We bundle the best Coal for all purpm-es r ru es aa low as tne loaest. fel. 1338. 506 So. 1 6t n Street. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watrtunaler anil Jeweler, Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty 612 South 16 Street OMAHA. NEB. M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all case, cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 504 X. lGth SU. OMAHA. NER. The spot where Custer fell is within plain view of the Burlington Koute's track. The monument 1 h it n srks his last resting place is lit tle if any more, than a mils distant. You get a good view of it asf e train whirls eastward over the solidest. the imoothiest. the best track evtr built west of Chicago. A little booklet, giving a brief account of the battle in which Custer lost his life will he mailed to anyi ne who will ask for it. Write for a copy. Write also for iDf'rmatloti about rates and rains via the Burlington Kou'e to Helena. Bu te, fpo ane. Seattle. Tacoma, Portland or sny other Mon tanaor Pacific Coast city. J. Francis. Gen'l I'ass'r Agent. Omaha. Neb. A TYPEWRITER FOR $2Q Does the Work of the $100 Machines. Heretofore the great cost of typewriters has prevented many people from purchasing a machine. A Perfect Typewriter at low Pric has been a crying necessity. We are happy to announce that in the Odell Typewriter we are able to furnish you a perfect machine in every particular at the remarkably low price of $15.00 and $20.00 For a 8ing!e Ca,. For a Double Case. Vou can learn toopera e the Odell io ten minutes and the beginner becomes an ex pert In ten days' practice, whereas a long course at the hosines college is necessary to master the 91t0 machines. Some writing machines have rubber type; our type is metal, will not wear out. and prints clearer than any of er typewriter. The -trength, durability and fmih of the Odell Is umurpatsed. Kor manifolding it has no superior. Kor speed ir holds ts own with any writing machine made, no matter what the cost. THE LARGE DEMAND. That we are having an enortrous sale for the Odell is attributed to the fact that we nave no corepetHion. it being the only low priced and practical machine on the market; M5 and IKK) typewriters are things of the past. They, like hlgh-Dr cel sewing ma chines, have had 'heir day No Inte llgent business or prof - ssinnal n an Is going to pay IliiO tor a typewriter when the Odell. costing four-fifth, less, wi'l do better work than any high-priced machine. Neatness and speed Is what toe business men of today want, and there Is new no excut for anybody to be without a tvpewriter, either In his office or bis home. Tne Odell comes within the reach of all. and It can be duly said that "it Alls a long felt ihi t." We are meeting the de mands of the people with a typewriter that has noequal. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO AGENTS Write for Terms and Catalog ue to GEO. E- MtCKEL, Cor 16th and Harney, OMAHA, NEB 'Oonv8nt Lifb Unveiled. BY EDITH O'GORMAN Thl little work relate the bitter eiperlenc. of a young lady who waa Induced through tbi cunning of the Jesuit and tbe Ulster of Obarlty to enter a convent. Her story of thl heartrending scene enacted In those link of Iniquity l told In a convincing style Prlct in cloth C2S, nnt postpaid by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO - Our cui-fiice snoe sale! friend a present there of our Ladies' Fine tine Kid Lac or Button Needle or New Coin Toes. - . S-T.UU $3.00 -107 South Sixteenth Street. IJOKTDNE has often been llamed f r her blindness; but there Is none so blind be who neglect to take care of hi eyes; he will be blind as a bat some day. If there') a de'ect now. for it will grow larger and larger every week, and the longer if neg lected the birder It will be to cure. Come In and let our optical expert examine your eye. THE ALOE & PENFOLD COMPANY, Leading Scientific Opticians, 1408 Farnam Street. Oppotite Piston Hotel. OMAHA' NEB. Department Store Prices Best which describes the rates at DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dental Work. Set Teeth $5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings 11.00 and up Silver Fillings I 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the morning Sew Ones Same Day. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. If Years' Experience 16 Dr. WITHEKS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk., Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776 DR. C. GEE WO. What relatives of my Patients j During The Month f October. IRQ Read the following convinc ing testimonial from two orominent Omaha Citizens: Judge Isaac P. Unocal I and R. K. William have tb is to say. We consider Or. O. Gee Wo of M9 North 1ih St. Omaha, Neb., one of the best iihyslcians In the city for the following reasons: Four years ago our daughter be came very nervous and at times sick and unable to control herself. We doctored with and consulted nine of U e leading physician of this city, but be gradually grew worse, until on the Tth of October. 1895 she waa at tacked with spasms. She was unconclou and delirious for weeks following t he attack, and at a consultation of physicians they agreed that she could not get well. We then employed Dr. C. Gee Wo, and the patient be gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably short time was up. She is feeling better than she has for a longtime. She Is Improv ing every day and bids fair to get entirely well. R. K. Williams. Father, Isaac S. Hascalu a near Relative. 2105 8. 18th 8U Ex-Constable S. B. Clark, office 319 f. Hth 3 ..say: I can't say too much for Dr. O. G. Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherla and other physicians said they could not re cover. I then called In Dr. C. Gee Wo, and In less than 24 hours they were out of danger. Healsc cured myself of Lagrlpp and gen eral debility, ai d my wifeof Inllamn Htlonof the oowels and female weakness, from which she had suffered many years. I can't thatk him enough for what he has done In my family. 8. B. Olahk and Win. Mrs, LA. Ducat, 1812 Clark St. -Heart , trouble and nervous dib Hty of many year standing. John Brooks. 534 N. 1st St. Of sprained back, liver and kidney tro Bleof three year standing, lsnowawlli n. Mas. Anna Park. 2109 S. 3th St.Cured of spasms and female weakn 8 of seven year standing. Fhank Holcb. Schuyler. Neb. Cured of rheumatism of one year's standing, and wa given up Incurable. Consultation Fh. Dr. C. Gee Wo guarantee a cure in every case or the money will be refunded Send 2-cent stamp for book and question blank. Anyone wanting advice cej 'ritet above addresses or call upon DK. C- 6EB WO. il N. 16th St.Omaba. Neb. - w 1 1 ravw.i i