The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, January 01, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Duw ! (om-tpuinleitt Think Ibr
Frtt-ataton krr All Kiehl.
Portland, Me , Dec 5 Tlirre ha rv
eeollj )im.'J aay in i'o-liaiJ an
gift Kentlemaa w o t a thorough
Auieriean, though I iioun it man?
knew ii; jt t 1 utn in a (Hxiii'ti i kno
that lal cprinj; a hen pjti'io is erf
being circulated here nk,ng ihe wna
tir aod r preventative to aid :n pci
iDg the liiii which H-'iiry CaTot L'dge
of MasfarhuM'tts had iiunxlueed in'o
the H'nau, rei-triclinif iiai i ijr alum,
when prewnU-d to him fur hn if na
ture he exol aimed. "Wr.b a I njr
bean'" The gentleman w t he iU)
Hob. William W. Tnoma, and I fuel
this incident is worth tni ".itijf ih-fore
the public, that a man ninety-two year
old, who has the growth and in
flux of the foreign element, should Vie
so alive to the evil of it to exi'laim,
"With al my bvart'" and i(fu d his
name in a jj.kkJ full hand. S.irely there
are othei in our city ho inijrht well
have imitated the exi'iipli of such a
well known feliow-cltiz -n.
It was recently related in my hearing
that in a G. A. It post which had some
half-doz-.n or si Irishmen for memhet s,
an A. I'. A. uitde application for mem
bership, whereupon he was duly black
balled by the aforesaid Irishmen, who
knew he was an A. P. A. The com
mander of the p;)st wag also an A. l
A., and being conversant with the facts
in the case, referred the matter to the
department commander, who promptly
threw out the blackballs and declared
Uie person elected, and the said Irish
men were so incensed that they left
the post in a body. They could not
tolerate the persons who were willing
to tolerate theao, so got out, which was
tke best thine thev could do. Let the
flood work go on.
What an idea the masses of the Ro
man Catholic people have of the A. P.
A.'s! The wife of a friend overheard
one Irishman tell his chum that "the
A. P. A.'s are raising the divil wid us;
they are all sworn to cut our troats.and
they all carry knives. I knows tbim,
and they knows I knows thim, and no
one knows thim better than I knows
thim." If that is a fact, there is no
doubt but the poor ignorant Irish
would have good reason to be somewhat
scared, but as it is not true, their
throats are safe f-om being cut.
I recently saw a copy of a Masonic
paper called the American Tyler, of
the date of December 15, and several
editorials I read seem to convince mo
that the editor is an American; and if
if be is not an A, P. A., he would make
a good one, as the following clipping
showing his comment on an article in
the Masonic Home Journal:
"Captain H. B. Grant, of Kentucky,
is not only a model grand secretary,
but he is a bo n soldier, an old army
officer who has seen service, and the
author of several systems of tactics now
In general use by semi-military organ
izations. Profiting by past military
drills for the benefit of the Masonic
Home, he proposes a competitive drill
for cash prizes at the celebration in
June next. Commenting upon this
worthy proposition the Masonic Home
Journal says:
" 'There is no telling when our 'citi
zen soldiery' may be called upon in
emergencies to quell insurrections, re
pel invasion or guard our extended bor
ders, as our 'standing army' is but the
nucleus for a fighting body. This being
true, every able bodied man ought to
have sufficient practical knowledge of
the alphabet of war, ordinarily called
'tactics,' that he may be able to 'fall
In' at a moment's notice to meet a sud
den call for disciplined men. until regu
lar organizations can ba put into the
field. This necessitates the training of
military companies, whose best in
structed men will be qualified for of
ficers of new companies, battalions and
regiments, and there will be thousands
of officers needed.'
"That's right, Brother Home Jour
nal. The Tyler believes you are more
of a prophet than you take credit for
being; but are you not afraid of getting
called down for writing war articles in
a Masonic paper? Just think how close
you are to Sir Knight Knoch Carson,
But it is evident that you can take
greater liberties than can The Tyler,
because you arc not an Irishman with
red hair ami a pug node. If The Tyler
had ever written such hot A. P. A.
stuff as the abovo, his ganctum would
have been lilioi with the echoes of
'sectarianism, bigotry, un-Masoniu,'
etc. But you are right; seven hundred
thousand armed and drilled Roman
Catholics in this country, arc a menace
to tho future peace and prosperity of
the Republic' "
It would seem that at least two Ma
sonic brothers had i heir eye teeth cut,
and I hope tbey will keep idling it on
till the whola Masonic fraternity will
be a unit for tha principles of the
American Protective. Association, ar.d
come out and make it known: for if
there is any organization on the face of
the earlh whose members should be A.
P. A.'s, it is those of the Free and Ac
cepted Masons, and we will all say "so
mote it oe," when that takes place.
Casco, in B jston Citizen.
The Primary of the Pope.
The Rev. Thomas Connellan re
cently replied ii Belfast to an able Jes
uit ad.oraWs of Ihe papa! uprtn4-
and in'ar.iilit ' Father Connellan'"
U a brilliant M-hmai, o" in the
prime of life, au from bing a pop ilar
p-itrt k tHHo e a po-rfu ai-!e tf
e-t iiilictl r.-lig on U tia written
an tx!retn-iy lolert-amount if bl
oa conversion, n.d te ha for -ea-year
h-ea uw'uliy irasrej in -e aen
intf the Ui-p -1 in Ire and. IntbUdi
course he shut that "Tnou art IV ler,
and uuon t ii r.kk I ail nu ld My
t'li i'C i. ' i not avatiai to R mti
Ca'.h ic a- a iij' tual t )-- church l
hunt upin IVler. rtr you mul inter
pret S.-rip'-urvaccrtrJini! mibe "naul
rjo i consent of the fattier "
Bji L tunny, a ci-.tiiii.-uHh u Kr.-ni-'i
Ili u iot'i hi) ic, Ii made an eiaunrale
a 'ul ptiDi.k ng aatus.s of t he tu teli
in of 'be fathers retfarjing taitt text,
an i the following resj!': Meveu
wn fathers held tnt r'eter was tbr
R 'ca forty four fathers hi itl that the
ro -Ic was Christ. S me Rom tn C'.ilho
li.- have ud, "On, L tuooy a a G !
lieaa ' N.uoubt, tut mat nothing
to say to hit argu uent.. I might as
well say that the papal champion as
mi uUi amuntaiic.
Thelat- Arcbbishop Kenrick of St
L iuis ha- in like manner analyzed the
views of the fathers as follows:
"S..vente?Q fathers declared that
Peter was the rock. Forty-four held
that Peter's faith was the rock.
"Might declared that the church wa
huiit upon all tho aposlics.
"-Sixteen heid that the rock was
"A few fathers hell that the' rock
meant all the faithful."
The Jesuit Maldonatus ays:
"Thera aro among ancljnt authors
some who interpret 'on this rocit,' that
is 'on this faith,' or 'on this confession
of faith, in which Tnou hast called mo
the Son of the living Gjd,' as Hilary
and Gregory Nyssen and Chrysostom
and Cyril of Alexandria. St. Augus
tine, going still turthcr away from the
trua sense, interprets 'on this rock,'
that is, 'on Myself, Christ,' because
Christ was the rock. But Origen, 'on
this rock,' that is to say, on all men
who have the same faith.' '
Father Connellan shows that the
Scriptures know of no such character
as "Pope," or "Prince of the Apostles."
Peter fell, badly, after his alleged
primacy aud infallibility were con
ferred upon him by the Lord.
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, be
hold Satan hath desired to have you,
that he may sift you as wheat: but I
have prayed for thee, that thy faith
fail not; and when thou art converted
strengthen thy brethren.
St. Chrysostom explains this text as
"He said this saarply, reproving
him, and showing that bis fall was
more grievous than that of the others
and needed greater assistance. For ho
had been guilty of two faults, that he
contradicted our Lord when he said:
'All shall be offended; saying, though
all should be olTonded. yet will I never
be offended,' and secondly, tnat he set
himself above the others ' "
The Lord's command to Peter, "Feed
My lambs, Feed My sheep," is thus ex
plained by Cyril of Alexandria:
"If anyone asks for what cause He
asked Simon only, though the other
disciples were present, and what He
means by 'Feed My lambs' and the
like, we answer that St. Peter, with
the other disciples, had been alreaiy
chosen to the apostleshlp; but because
meanwhile Peter had fallen (for under
great fear he had thrice denied the
Lord). He now heals him that was
sick, and exacts a three fold confession
in place of his triple denial, contrasti ng
the former with the lattoc, and com
pensating the fault with tbo correc
tion." Peter is thus assured and reinstated
after his mournful fall, but not con
stituted "Prince, potentate, pope or
vicar of Christ."
But what about Peter being in Rome
and baing pope? The story is that he
arrived in Rome A. D. V2, aod occupied
tho "See of Rome" twenty years. S ivs
Father Connellan:
"I lind an index at the end of the
Douay Bible, and there, und ;r the
year A. U. 57, I read that Paul writes
his epistle to the Romans. Thi- wie
tifieen years aTter Peter haa become
Bishop of lloiiu, as we are assured.
Vet there is no reference to Peter in
the epistle. St. Paul salutes many Ro
man Christians by name, in the last
chapter, but there is no reference to
Peter. UnJer the year A. 1).
learn from the same index that St.
Paul arrives in Rome, and that in the
following year, A. D. t2: he writes to
the Philippiaos and Colossians: 'The
brethren who are with me salute you.
All tho saints salute you, especially
they that are of C;var's household,'
are the concluding words of' his epistle
to the Philippians. In the oncluding
verses of his epistle to the Colossians
Paul again sends tin salutations of his
companions, Arisiarc'aus, Mark, Jesus,
cailed Justus, Ep.ipb.ras, and Luke, the
beloved physician, but not a syllable
about Peter. Nay, nut a syllable about
the Bishop of R)ms, and iyet we are
told that at this time Petjr had been
Bishop or Rome for twenty years. I am
informed by the Douay Bible that the
second epistle to Timothy was'written
not long before St. Paul's martyrdom.
In the last chapter the illustrious pris
oner, no pear in if th porta tf death
and g!ry, wriu: "Ou'jr I. i U with
tup. At icy li ri an.w.-r no tuti sUhkI
with me, hut a'.l (on iik mr; may it
N- ltd n thi!r charge.. "
1 it p b e that at that crivt St.
I'ctt r was in II ime" We may, at any
rale, a-k; U it provable. ("hi themry
of the :.' y was unkti o till a?tr
l"e olrent of iht "i IV cei-ed ! live
no earth No one nii'ition the ope or
the i t f It Min. Paul knew no'.hiog
o such a l r Mi a a C'ir,!un po'
Jade ilm- not tuctilMri ii.m Jatue.
kn- w not slug of him lVu-r eiaiius m
such Mt ion f r hluiwif or f r anyone
else. Peter bad no authtmlj over the
other an slU-. He ucv r claim d Midi
authority Wfieit in tUe csiei- ul
"the tmw.r of tun (tej V he admit tec
Jew-a'id lien ile-. into tile I'hurch o'
Christ; I n1 dul mi iv thi Iord'a author
ity, aijd explained a I and de enJeii a 1
netore his tirethn-n. Not on word
abmr, papa! a it:iori:y in the whole
story. Tin' ouiy vicar I'iiri-. lft on
earth is tlie Sp r.t. the one, only, in
falllliieliulde, Willi s.
Mouiiteliaiik Mood; ami Home.
Kvangi list Moody is eo idiiclii'g re
vival services In Ne York t'i'y, and,
big crowds are attending his meeting-..
In one of his talks he said: ' We mux',
take a lesson from the Catholic. Oh,
! know some church people don't like
to hear me speak a good word for the
Catholics. Nevermind. L' arn where
you :au, I say. When we Protestants
get Htraightem d out ourselves, tnen it
is tini i enough (or us to straighten out
the Catholics.''
It strifes Bs very forcibly that Moody
has taken many lessons from Rome.
He has learned the art of begging to
perfection, and his tongue has learned
the Itomish twirl so thoroughly that
he has all manner of nice things to say
about "the Motherof Harlot." Moody
is overlasiiugly telling tho people wnat
the ll.ble says on everything - Joes he
ever tell what tin liihlo says on Koine-'
If he is ignorant of what God's Word
says about "Babylon the Great," he is
to be pitied. If h.; knows aud is afraid
be will lose his popularity if he tells,
then he is to oe scorned.
Now what lessons would Moody havo
us learn from Rome' Some choice les
sons on morality from Llgouri? Some
"holy" lnfacjies from Dons? Sjme rot
and treason or devilish casuisiry from
Gury, Sabetti, Sanchez, Scaviui, and
others? Moody is a big brass band
affair used by an apostatu Protestant
ism to inj'Ct at regular iuiervais a
little false life into its dyiug system.
A revival that comes as a result of thii
promptings of tne Holy Spirit is one
thing, and a revival "got up" by MooJj ,
out of which he maKee a pile of moue,
some of which he g.vos to Rome's con
vents, is another thing entirely. It is
with Moody as it is with the Cninese
laundryman, "Nomoiuo uo gettee up
pee revivee." A ge-ruine Protestant
ism should withdraw its support from
a man who persuades it to learn les
sons from Rome. Christ suould never
be the pupil of Antichrist. -Tne Red
Pope's Attitude May Change.
Florence, Italy, Djc. 19. Cardinal
Bausa, the arcnoishopof Florence, had'
an audience of forty minutes with the
king and queen of Italy at the Pitti
Palace today.
Considerable importance is attached
to the visit, as possibly indicating a
change in the relations between the
Vatican and the Italian monarchy.
The papal statjs were united with
the kingdom of Italy in 1870, but the
popes have up to tals time uever
formally admitted tnis termination of
their temporal sovereignty, and have
never claimed the annual allowano of
3,225,01X1 lire (U4."),0U0) provided for
thorn by the state.
It is thought in some quarters that
th:-,visitof Cardinal Busa foreshadows
a better understanding between the
Qairinal and tne Vatican, and that the
pope will uo louger maintain that he
has ucjo uajjatiy Uep.'ived of his
tompjrai dominions.
Where He Ma ids,
Kansas City. .Mo., IJjj. 2ii, IMI'i.
KiJITOli riiK AMEKtCAN: Yes, sir, i
am willing to tie. p a.i 1 can in per
petuating Hie free m.-ti ..u aoiis ua 'au
tcoU to us iy our fatiiors ana grand
fathers. My graudlatuer was in the
revjlutnou seven year,, liu-.m lor
lioerty. .My father weiu L..rougu the
war u( 1"SI2 in Uetf.uso oi oar fi- iust,
lions. tiiat I m. gut eujjy them, .i-mcn
1 have doue lor nearly seventy-live
years. You sej i can't uo tuuoh in Utti
way of helping, yet I can send you my
dollar aud pray Our Fa.Ujr in Heaven
to opea tho. eyes of tne America peo
ple to the dangers waioa surround
thein and cause mem to rahy round
tue 11 g while it is time'. L-jl us Keep
open tae Little lt.-J SjhojI House and
defend all our institutions, as Uk-.- were
given to us by our fataci'-, Anyp-r-sjii
wao will not do so n not lit to Lie
called an Amr.oau. it 1 .voau uot de
fend them 1 would oo a trauor aud a
coward. Ling mty rui-: Amukicas
live aud fjarlessly plead the caasj of
liberty. Bidding yoa God-spjed in tho
course you are tauing for oar lioerty, I
remain, Y'ours Mjst R3Si)3Jtfully,a
HhiM n WbMla a trau4 with
awrd Tm IrwwkMM rMgac.
The bUycle lias played uianjr
part, bin It has ln-ru left to orrtaia
1'arisl.m otitdenu to ue the acrom
lliod tt I HC muellllle a a ar Inns In
what lUelr an.-'sior ailej a ' gentla
ud jiious t...H.Kr of arm" Tha
sliiiienls mere reiiu inn from a suburb
an run lo-ii a rei anise Kl.-u
were piuiiow.l io s.-t il it, but i!i of
the parly had .out hen,- i.istes and (wo
old swonl hmoiiets. Hid In- Kiifteestiid
the meiits of ihe Jailer .so persu.mltrly
that tH-toie 1..1.R lie ,li -imt;iiiin fiiun.l
thellimdn's faemc one tnotlier at HfiJT in rest. The first ua
s.iult f.uli-il entir. lv. hut t ti wN'oud
aut. less fortunate, nil In lit- crash
of the charge not nlilv the combatants
but their seconds weie dlsliU'yeled
All four were more or I.ks il uiiaged,
but worst of all one of l tie principal!!,
w ho liniment tonally played I tin An
cient Koman and fell on his own
nwtird- One feels curious to know
wlii.ii of (he four feeU tleil honor
haa beet) satisfied
Th Afrltaa Mn,l ruh
Atnontt the most :m. i.-m of . iiiuuU
mill Inhabiting; our iil.uiet Is Hie so
called niiid-llsh (proiopieriist of Africa
--a creature woittiv of our respect, f
only in considerai ion of iih vast anti
quity, which dates f ir lei. k in the early
BRea of (he woi l I lf popular interest,
(he most striking feature of the mud
fish Is the ponses-ion of limits as well
ad Rill. On the ippni.i. h o t lie .try
season, in Us n.iiui' il hauiil.-i in (''iiltal
Africu. the miiii uollows out a
chamber In mud, and cuicis upon a
period of rest rxieiulniK over many
months, duilnu which lime II is with
out access to water, ami lies air
only. While in the mud these HhIics
may he dug up. and survive even after
a Journey across the world in the dry
state. Professor Denny, of Firth col
lege, Sheffield, Knuland. received a
fihort time fd'o one of thesn mud
blocks. In the. presence of the st iideiiu
the hard block was placed in warm
water, and afier being thu exposed tor
nearly two hours I he lish. which went
to sleep in tropical Africa many
months ago, awoke ami came forth
from its temporary sepuchre to lind
Itself in a bath of tap water in the
biolmjical laboratory of Firth college,
where it is now alive, and doubtless
Cnvii-t l.nlior In III t'liiieil Ninlf.
CoiiiinLsHlnncr Carroll I). Wright hai
issued a statistical reiort mi convict
lahor in the I'liiled Stales. The total
nuinhcr of convicts In the various
penal institutions of thr country has
riseti from 41..NX7 in ls.STi to r.l,2ll in
181)5, and the number engaged in pro
ductive la!ior has increased ilurinn Mm
same period from 3i).!Ci,'l to 3H.I15. The
total value of Koods produced or work
ed on in the i'liiled SlnliH in nil Ihe
state prisons mid penitent hirles w;i
$1,iH2,472 In lS'.ir, a decrease. In isS5
the total value of the product of eotl
v it I labor was $L'X,T."i:!,ii:i:i, ami ihe
wanes paid for convict labor ill that
year aKKiecateil $:i,MJ.!IT0; at the pres
en time the tolal value of convict la
bor dues not exceed $2,fio0.iiiHI. The ib-
line is iiiaile clearer by an enumera
tion of the stales in whose penal in
stitutions il has taken place, Theso
are Arizona, Arkansas. California, Col
orado, Georgia. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana, Maine,
Mulligan, Mississippi, Nebraska. Ne
vada, New Jersey, New York, North
Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Dakota, Tennessee and West Vir
ginia. In the remaining states Micro
was an increase.
Interenteil Ht I.MRl.
From the Washington Star: "Yes
Blrree," exclaimed the man who is sub
ject to long-range enthusiasm, "I'd do
it every time. I'd stick to principle:-,
and let party go to smash if the oc
casion came up."
"Would you?" said his wife, lan
guidly. "That's what I would. Am I, a free
horn American citizen, to give my mi
questioning allegiance to a mere nunm
a word an intangible collection nt
vowels and consonants? Hotter bow
down to some dynasty than follow a
hollow mockery."
"I (suppose It. is better." she nsacniei),
"Rather than do it. I'd bolt "
Her face hrightened. run! ;ie ,-e
markf ri :
"Humph! I'm glad to see you i !i : . i
estcd at last."
"Yes. John, dear, that reniiieb l ra.
of something."
"What is it?"
"Dh you holt the basene'til imr
when . i came into the house, .- 1
mid m. 10?"
I lie World' f.'irutiiol n
One hundred and ,:U:- I n.. .md 1'
:uo;ive.s are now ninniii:: in iii i
c iiunt i i' -s. Kni'iipe '.Lis ;..,-', 1 -I"."!!".
Asia 3.IMMI, Ail. Ir.ei.'i
Africa Too. In Kir.-'),i", Gr :n Hrc
and Ireland hold the premier msi
with li.hOO engines. Germany has
OdO France ll.ooe., Aus; ria-l Inn.',
the second largest continental conn
has 5.000.
:.: 1
, in
1 ",
iry, irv.
rriendly onoiitlioi.
'What's the matter, Colin rione?
Yon look blue."
"Things have gene wrong. 1 seem to
be losing my individuality."
"Cheer up, old boy best thing that
rould happen to you.'' Chicago Record.
Stopped nioktiie H'lcrtrcitett.
Charlie rarsona, aed 19, for nore .
than a year soiokt-J three paoknes ;
of cigarettes a day. He died a short !
time since at his homo in Kokomo,
Ind,( after being Ih convulsions for j
four days.
44 (' Kr ya r
troM loai.Mll !
From the Mail au-l Kipie Ha had
il.ip.islle.l bin ticket la the boi of td
doan loan utlen of th Hiiib avsnua
"I." roail al l-'lflleth lr-t early ?t'
niaruing. and counttiiR his hang
In a meaicb for plumed d inca and nlek
rl A iptarlcr f r II from bin han U and
rolled under the l.ils.-l step ahlch
form 'he e.!; of (he plttform there
it Isv n lilt, vl- . tun ei iiii li
as lbs K"M, ti ,i p d'S of I eitei Lie . i'hn
loti kmk the pi, line of !..(;,
"I i .n't C.lle jil'oi.l tin- hljllieil coin,"
he wmtfd ' I n. got Yin to liurii; but
It .hist mikiK nte mad in n e that iiiar
ler there, mid I run t ;:et it "
'i:run;i uie tun", tui-oer," ,id a
nieaHriiKiT lio. 'i.ii l tup reiiu for el
pennes, mid 1 II get joc.r inuu "
The ikjii.. ihe hoy for a mo
ment and shI i. tio all-ul "
lie returned in ,i fe miniHis with
his farm w ui km i on nlal wly In his
hand he had a piece of m mhi lnm The
crowd watched In in em hmsli- Krom
his mouth the tiny look a Hell nunll
cateil wa.l of rhewliiK gniii Me stuck
this on the end of the M.tiidhiU and
thriiHtliiK ihe stick through ihe narrow
"pace, presM-ii I lie soil aiiil (tiim
firmly on ihe lost coin Then he deftlv
drew il out and presenird ihe coin to
lis owner
"Keep t In' whole mil lit." said the
Inan ' l!oy. yoii'in n pe n h, We live
and lettm," ii m he Imielnl a (rain, hi"
face wteatlii-il In toi,ile The face f
Jhe hoy was siiniliii lv dei oi al ed.
1 1ll
iigenlitiM !''Oii rivatu mm I teil
I n f'tfiMBl it I ring 11. It
Atiionx a collecliiin of ailidea re
cently used hy hiuglais when eugaRed
in their "work" is one p.trtirulur on
trlvance thai aroused geneial interest
In aiipearance II reseiiililes H hug" iiin
hrella i hat has si-en haul net vice. It
was formerly the properly of a burglar,
and it was by its mean that he was
nhle to enter thu second story of a
building. Ileiiioving the cover, u slick
wound Willi rope, is revealed The
stick opens like a telescope or a Jointed
fishing rod Wound around It fs a
rope ladder, made of strong material,
und about thirteen feel in length The
ladder r only wide cnooifh for one fool
to lie placed on the rungs Tic u
tending stick was used to rinse one t ml
of the ladder to the window tlircigh
which the operator wished in -u "r.
and on the upper end of the holder i;re
two hooks to he fastened In the ,,ill
This imitation umbrella is regarded as
one of the most ingenious affairs ever
made use of by a I hi 'f
A llntrltr Acre I ill lit I Ii It-It i.
The history of a quarter acre lot in
Chicago reads like a riuiiahce. In Is'.'.'i.
when the population of the ciiy limn
beted fifty souls. Ibis ipiarler acre ei
raw prairie wes wurl h ?J0. Al $1
per day a man could have earned ,n
111 l-i; days t n on t' Ii in buy it uutri;di .
To-day it is worth $1 .i.Vi.iiii'). As Hi"
report of the Illinois Hurra il of Sta
tistics pu s it Six Ii limited averat-e
Illinois fai ins v inil I not now ex !iiii-e
for lint ipiurler acre of rare uain--land,
mid i e,'ir: 1! oun years of lie lahn
of one tiii-.n would be teqaiiel 10 ha
il. If "on years he-ine Hie Cini e a
era .some miiii had n'olnitied i tnel ,
luetil hi the eipiivaletil of one (liel if
and fifty cenlr a day had, I,ke
Wliinlerltig Jew.hci'n preHPfVed throeg a
nil Ihe viclssitll'h.s O' the ei'lltlll-es.
had been mirio ulously sustained w.i a
out exien:;e far any of the nc-es ai e
or loxuiies of life, had done his wiv
regularly from that day to this :t i0
il.'ys in the ye:"- i'hn'lt losint' n !;i v
and had linar le t a'l his wagi s, his sav
ings would not yet he enou:!h to buy
this ouarter Here of prairie land at ih -mouih
of the Chiearo River.
I n ir.-vnr Di It-it IVinprht
From the Homou Home .lauriial. -People
quote most from the aiilnors
t In y read least.
A broken heart you may heal, lint a
crushed object Is uowr of any fun nor
lis r-.
l-'ew men sei in to realize that a well
il,e;sed woman is an advertisement of
her husband's goodness.
I A hem.'iful soul might rest in ,-ny
' son of a body, hut it doesn't,
j Nowadays Hipo objects are ne s
'sari to a marriage a million dollars,
': 1 1 u . . i , e million do'lars .and a lean i r
W in n -i man shows enoiifh inn-fi
! in n rmi.:')'s act i oris to eoi In: ;
I 1 le se t It. -ii do r.nt i lease him 1: iaa
j safely be set down as in love with her.
! I rum I'aiiaT' Mi,f pojni.
j An Irishman whiiM- .- ip..:.i,:i
I in life has been rock Masting on-,,. ,- ;
a i:ii.-,i i ion on a tarm. and v , i s oim , -s-a!ed
outside vignro-isly e!.!. a
; (.ipier with an old 'a-!: oni d h 1 i:
I Twa, fi.rr.vr cnaijiai: .ens p. , i; -
j c !:: siiUn oi : m. ri'ol. a"es :e
! to cuniepiplati- 1 c S'-a.r ;:. a i
otii- of I hem s ly i n- '..!. ' '
' i' oi me eoiihii!e, 'j . r - i, ,.. i ;
tl,c:i ':- Mi-Miir.MS. and !: 's '. ' a a:--.
sure enieieh ! ll-' fi":i.' i :.- ,e n:.J (i
j woo leu I brill, pieparri' ' ; a ; : h .
' face."- Indianapolis .loiirn-l.
I t i ato tticf :trrif;- Ii-,.ii.
j K.f ' line uts with i jd.s.s :.;id i ar
I rier pigeons for trait: mitung ne s
are being made hy the (iyti,:.-. , i
I cic'y of Home, in tii inten t of :!,
. Italian ei niy. The r:d- r carr i ;, a .. a '!
I cage v : i a i died io his ma-diinc. J I w . i h
an- i v! nil well-'raieed pig. or:-- win
ic: nrtant obscrvat ians hai ! . a
tsK u and jotted down they at" p! e ed
I la envelopes and nflixiai to the bird,
j which are liberated.
Human Ilrt Cn-
A man named Kenis, who iivet at
Mianus, Conn., has a tobacco pouch
which waa made from the skin of the
heart of the pirate Gibbs, who was
tanged oa fiedWt island la 1981.
jtm (, timevea ttnt, tha Talafrapk
h) ili-ia sf U Ii im a4y.
Norvrw "eil fn itia trta Cq wtj aart
I lite Imtlji rd reard rry m gaav
Norvoa are I k Bi-gM4 aeriaoU but bj4
Nerves are f-4 I y Ui bloo4 nl art (haratasa)
like it In chaiarter.
Norvet will t-e wrkk and itim'fd Oka
t'"4 Is Hi it, !! ml Impurt
Nerve ' t'tir'j t ttinnf ami minnj U
II." .'.kkI U rich, ie.1 and v t ""-
N.'rvcs Du l U i Irlnid la Uiwd a kiiui
i an tK-.-a.iM It makri Dra. r4 tluia.
Nerves d tttelr work olui!t7 aod wH,-
Uie hit a Ii unclouded, tci are a
eruiaifir alnt, ai'petlU and 41fa
tlnu aie (uod, wbea ua Uk
Th Ou Tru Wood PurlflM. AUdrnKflflU. ft
llOOtl ft I'lIlS and tit f illMaUnL
Aim li-at of I iit'4riiii-it Ion
KNnW .M.I, .; i: THKl-JM I'UKH-
i;nts ttiit w. i n .-ii.ip -t'i, .
Thidhl it. I .S K!.ip.:. M k, . I.
rtli.l UIM41 1 1 V I a I Mill ItiiVi M,M I -.'I
If. I .nil".-fii U 1 ht'l- .ltd I ItV I liMFt
pt ..')i!4 ii.t iin.i. i.u (imt'l' K fiitftU(tr
hif (In j-iiUMiM" ul futiittni; atttl Ihm oiiilri(
ii I't.i . .1 i i..n in Hie Hi tii ul Nt hruHhtt,
1 1 it tl (,-i.ln tt-lopt Mm fxliottli.K irH
cl m el liK-or I"1' it Inn ;
. f 1 1. i- j In- ti t um t.f i hH i tiriMira
Imiii Hh tll .- tti Am- 1 1. in tilt MimImk
iiii't .N!lllii4 t.nti.iit el Mm. il. t, N I'
ll. .-I, i
Aiih I.' Thf i'iiiMfMl jilurt fi.r th
f I t t !:. I lull tit till Willi "i'l ttf t tit' (111 (HH a-
iion -h.ill ! iti () illy f utimtnt, I mhii
l,m ( 'until v Nt til .imKii,
Atli. 1.' A Via' iiHliti liitur' of th
I ' 1 1 u 1 1 1 s : (m ht- 1 1 ;l ( It il hy thin flit 0-
i MHitit hIi.iII In- tho a iiuttiiiM hy piirt hiii,
Iffi Mf, .' h.uii', ui- ul ht-r w 1h of hutiii
.itit iiilniiu: i l.itniM in Hit Htiiif of r'olo
I utti jwnl t-lst'w h"tv, to iirtiilr, JtfN'Hpt
tihi liohi nit' rliirt'lo iiml io imiki rntld,
l list' or t x Ii iiiM' of nalil IhihIh nwi inln
mik hiitn Hiiti to fxt t iiif mill thlivr
.my .tiiil .ill nt i'!N(it y i on vt y,i!M H thtr
til or inoliK iK1' thi'li on, or til her IiihUU-iiii-nirt
oi writing hi ft l.i l tin t iln ri hi, lt
I'tt'i'i huilitlnt-H tlivrt'on, to inipniVf, Pit
hit ki. I M If iiinl 1 ui nh'h I In' m,i nit, to
Itmo ,-itiil htirniw inoiM, ami islv fint
Uik' nil iitM-t-HHiiry iitititfi hy niortnii
ttr nmiiKni;rt fi Hut h.i int. to rt'iii or
It'itsf alt or iiny i.irt of iti proprtv hhl
hy of liiriMl tit 1 1 ii- (MiMtotly of Hiil.l :ur
Miratioii, ttt buy, Mfll h'JiMf, i t hann tpr
ItiMilovt' an or nil Oi fluUl litticlrt or
litmiH, 'itliff in 4iiiii'il or It'iiHi il hv MkM
i in (Mil ;i I ion. an-l t i'oiiHtriif-1 cutiulK or
Witti't t (Hirf.H to or over timl in ruHrt hkI'1
littnlH .tini i laiinx, Cunt to lorn Ic, dig and
in mi ;unl mill, purrfiMr, tr oitu-rwlnn ac
iiir! iitiv aii'l all liiint'talM, oiH atut pr
i'oUH liit'l ,i h or ot I ht vn Ilia hit Hllb
m I it ttt i's, .itiil to tlo miy atut all Ihliiii uhq
I'MM.iry. iivHi iihlf, 4-iHivi'iitt'iit or atlvun
timtuii.s. iin'il"iit to ii KtMif'iitl in I ru n and
miHtiiK tiiiini-rH
( 'oiiv i am s ul any ami till rt'iil
shad ht- t xm uh'ij am) stn't hy I In prH-.
itrnt or 1 h'f jiiwKiiti-Ml, jtHt'iril hy th
Kt'cri'tary wnh ii' m-M th rt.iHru-
vrllrhj 4. Th . mn, I'MpH tl slock
(if IIiIm i'inHiiMl Inn -h.iU Two Million
Onlliii $j.iMMt,iMHi.tnii, In hhari-s ot Un
I hiliiir i$i ihi( t ai l) ,
i mh Million 1 jvt' 1 1 itiiilrt'tl Tliouminti
Jtoflnts of sah I capital Hiok nhall )m 1m
rtili'tt at Hie i-nlMMIt'liri MHMlt of til' hllMl-
inMM hy tliiH t'tirpnr tlimi, which shall b
paid up ',ipll.t htni k, anl nliall he palti
I or hy the ci it t v y 1 1 1 k to h.i 11 corporal ion
ri'al cstiiic, h.iatfil In the roijhfh-H ttf Kl
i'asit iiinl I'leinoiil, in (lie Mate ot Colo
t'.tiio, constsiMiM (' four milium i Iairii4
tnore put u ul;. i i y (ietfri Hm-iJ hy refi rt'i.ce
(0 the lit eil-t Iheivfnr. Tlie I'eMia Itlilef of
h.i il a u t horii tl nt pil a l hi uck hlni II te
treasury Mock, ami Miall lie paid rr, t
t lie l tlie I he hiiine Ilia V lie Hold, as ITMy
hi' leipni.-d .y the I'.oald of iMIerlorH.
Arlicl ,i, .No dU'tdiiids hatt-r shall
he paid lipoll MoeU out of I he profit
ot ihe coipuratioii unlit alltr nil laxe
of I'Vt i'v Isintt iiihl Ihe the insur.'iMce pro
iiiltimM and! oihcr cxpenscn id iitatiHic-
inc.. laklnu rare m, n paiiinn mid Miitlri-
I titihtt; ihe pi op ii v, und all thereof, art)
fully paid, loueiht'i wtih Ihe payments of
any and nil iutitfst due upon the ntort-K;iiii-N
thai may now he, or that may
hen-after he vput upon or against, any of
said latidv claims or property.
Article n. The highest anumnl of In
tlehtednetnM or lialillity to wtiith this cor
potailoti can at any time Huhjei t Itmdf,
shall not he more iliau two-thirds of the
paid up eapital stock of thN corporation.
Article The at'Iairs ami husutesrt of
I h is ciirpora t ton shn 1 1 he m.i naed and
conducted hy a hoard of not I'sm than.
Uvt din-clor. all of ulmiii Miall he stork
llolderM. Karh stockholder hall he en
titled to one vote for each Mm re of Mock
nvwit'd hy him. The annual meeting of
the stockhohicrs shall he la id in the city
of ( im a ha , i 'out: la m t'nmity, Nehru ska,
aforesaid, un the third Tuesday of May
of cacti year, and the following incorpo
rator, lo-vvit. I. N. SimpMin, J. C.
Thompson. K. H. f'lafw, M. I ,. Zook und
U T. Tulhotl, shidi he the Hoard of Di
rectors of this corpora i ion, until Mir lirst
a n fiii-i I meet tm , to- v. i f ; t h ird Tuesday of
.May. lt,, ami shall hold their otliceM
unit) i ht'i r
Arti. Ic v
shall 1m
rted and
tlicer of said corpora-
!ton shall
I .re i -tor-,
dent. i'.
iin-r a ud
I Ml - rim s
hoi. ii.
sc i! d. J
he elected from the Hoard of
and .-hail consist of a Pri
I p Mdi nt, N' rct.ity. Tr as
leh. Manager. The Hoard )f
n ic
iitii It h
t r li'i cm
the Moek
icl'orc p'M
ill he rho-
Ttie I'lei-
cc m! t it'll-
-)'. he I'll
o! one.
" - ill t
Nil hy ttit
r-. -HI or
T hi
1 1,
d M.
a in 1
r- -pur
; -' y.
V Ot
. :he
tho -vpt
:i bo
' Li.v i' 1 . h.v regular itl-
: nc' :ri fi ' !; !n kv.i'hh 1's of ihe
.i i.!'.r ! a oic oi' '.he UKijorilv of
!.ei-ci.!;:o our hands Uus VU day ot
M.. A I. A.
In presence of:
H 4- KLaAGG.