The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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). Waiaaaa a limil
. Thera la A lav la rrae walca
Uurt Ui Ufa of every dramatic au
tkor, Mr m eichaaga, m H confer
poo tTrrv French clttsea tbe right o
laving a DOTrl or play immediate1)
cuprweed by the polie U hU iuw
happens to be mention In It In beit
arilety to avoid uDplaantnea tb
parodists erf tbe Cluny theater decides
to designate the chart-era In a reren
piece by Bomber. The effect thus pro
veed In somewhat peculiar, . for in
tan re:
"Ah, charming IS!, yem are the moat
adorable of all women!"
"And you are a flatterer. Count 18.
While the two were thus eienanKim
r ty t
(tea Oaaei
It la many a long year toce so much
secleoUfle and utineceaaary butchery
laa been Indulged In a la recorded In
be treatment of appendicitis In the laat
'ew years, says the New York ledger,
lever pain and certaia symptoms that
might be attributed to a down other
auwa are charged to appendicitis anl
t continuation of them auggenta experi
ment ta the mind of the doctor and
:he operating table looms up In the lin
nedlate future aa the only hope for lite.
There are yet many phynlciana who in
tint that operation of this aort are ab
solutely necessary, but It is a hop-ful
ilgn of the time that some of the more
conservative and experienced doctor
a tne
n ie Uma. wd" 1 that only In exceptional case.
y""n'f,M .urgery positively necessary. As a
denly appear and call out In a voice . .,, ,,, -
Of thunder; have been Immediately relieved by
-I have caugnt you now, . ... , of pure aalal
Are Oher, an, coward. In your family . , Th f , b,ve . btm-flclal
-Oraclou.r whirred CwtlJ on n mtmbran.,
tremb Ing In hi. .hoes. Oracloua fanal ,h, ol, ,P,m,d
Duke 63r
"Seventy-four." exclaim, the duke,
"turn this gentleman out!"
But at this point a fellow In the audi
ence springs to his feel.
"That' really too bad." he shont in
the direction of the Mage, "I will send
yon a summons."
The duke answers In surprise: "What
have you to complain jf. Pevcnty-four
I only a number,"
v-.T" 'r: . pp
Vri A Will vj n liru in j. u i, a w.
going to be degraded by having a aerv
art dubbed with It."
Everybody bad to give In to that ar
gument. It was the law. The play wa
stepped there and then.
Iwoiunllv Hrrorrlmr Ware flrat
g-atl hv a Tin Tnv.
When locomotives were first built
and begnn to trundle their small load consideration that the thorough wash
u spread over the surface, allaying ti rl
latlon and softening whatever food pro
lucta may have lodged In the appendi
ceal sac. The nonnentilcal theory put
forth by ono member of the medical pro
fession that no Infant was properly
equipped for life until by surgical
iieana It bad been deprived of the ver
miform appendix and thus fortified
against future danger Is too silly to de
serve moment's consideration. Mil-
lived and diet
without ever knowing that was such a
thing, and the proportion of deaths that
;an by any possible means be attributed
to this cause Is extremely small. Some
day doctor and patients will realize
that a thorough washing out and
cleansing of the Interior of the body U
quite hb beneficial as the same process
annlled to the exlerlor. It Ih asserieu
by those who have had sufficient ex
perlence to entitle their statements to
up and down the newly and rudely con-;
tructed railways of England the publlo
road were, for the greatest part, cross
ed at grade, and the engineer hnd no
way of giving warning of bis approach
except by blowing a tin horn. Hut this,
ai may be Imagined, was far from being
a sufficient warning. One day In the
year 1833, so run a story of the origin
of the. locomotive whistle, a farmer of
Thornton waa crossing the railway
track on one of the country roads with
a great load of egg and butter. Just
as be came out upon the track a train
approached. The englneman blew hi
tin horn lustily, but the farmer did not
hear It Eighty dosen of egg and fifty
pounds of butter were smashed Into an
Indistinguishable, unpleasant mass, and
mingled with the kindling wood to
Which the wagon waa reduced. The
railway company had to pay the farmer
tat value of hi fifty pound of butter,
hi 960 egg, hi horse and bis wagon,
It was regarded as a very serious mat
ter, and straightway a director of the
company went to Atton Grange, where
George Stevenson lived, to see If he
eould not Invent something that would
give a warning more likely to be beard,
Stevenson went to work and the next
ay bad a contrivance which, when at
tached to the engine boiler and the
team turned on, gave out a shrill, dis
cordant sound. The railway director.
greatly delighted, ordered similar con
trivances to be attached to all the loco
motives, and from that day to this the
voice of the locomotive whistle has
pever been silent.
I n if out of the digestive apparatus by
means of tepid water properly purified
would prevent at least half of the dis
eases from which humanity suffers.
A akota Thief Taaea llaho Whipple
nil flvlllaattoa to Taak.
Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, say
that the Dakota Indians once held a
war dance near a mission house. He
went to Wabasha, the chief, and said:
"Wabasha, you asked me for a mission
ary and teacher. I gave them to you, I
visit you. and the first eight i thl
brutal scalp dance. I knew the Chip
pewa whom your young men have
murdered. HI wife 1 crying for Her
husband; hi children are asking tor
their father. Wabasha, the Great Spirit
hear hi children cry. He la angry,
Some day he will ask Wabasha: 'Where
Is vour red brother ?' " The old chief
mlled, drew his pipe from hi mouth
and said: "White man go to war with
hi own brother In the ame country;
kill more men than Wabasha can count
In all hi life. Great Spirit smiles; say
Good white man! He has my book. I
love him very much, I have a good place
fnr him bv-and-bv.' The Indian Is a
wild man. He ha no Great Spirit book,
kill one man, ha a scalp dance. Great
Spirit 1 mad and Bays: 'Bad Indian! I
put him In a bad place oy-anu-oy.
Wabasha don't believe It!"
The other day at Mostesuma. while
. . .k.
we cltlsen were conversing at
lepot, a negro approached ana na
Iressed one of them a follow:
"Kurnel, I b ar yo' want to git a man
ut oa de plantaahun."
Tea. I want a man out there, re
plied the colonel aa he looked the negro
jver. "Seem to me I've seen you
Reckon not, ah. Ixe new roun
nut I'm sure I've seen you some
where. Let' see. I was over at ferry
the other day."
"Yes, sah. yo' waa ober to Perry.
"And while there I called at the Jail."
"Ye, sah. yo' called at de Jail. Dey
baa got a powerful nice jail oner ai
And while at the Jail I aw a coiorea
man who wn serving a sentence lor
itealtng a hog."
No doubt of It, kurnel. Ye, yo dun
.... . . . J I..I1 A t
aw a cull d pusaon rigm in urn jn
And you are the man," aid me
colonel a he laid hi band on me
negro' shoulder.
Jes so. kurnel-Jes' so. I was right
In dat Jail at Perry, an" I dun 'members
of seeln' yo' pas along. Curious what
a niem'ry some white folk ha In their
But you dont Biippose I want a man
who has been in Jail for stealing, ao
you'" exclaimed the colonel.
"No. sah no, sah. Of co'se yo dou i.
Dat's what I'ze here to dlsplaln about
Yo' got It all wrong 'bout dat hog, kur-
nol. De pusson who dun stole ao nog
waa asleep when yo' called. I wasn't
In dat Jail for stealln' no bog. I'xe no
such man as dat."
"Then what were you In fort"
"Why, dey said dem two bags er cot
ton seed meal what dey found In my
cart was tooken from lie depo'."
"Oh, I see. Well, what's the differ
ence?" "What" the difference? Heaps o' dif
ference, sah. On de one nana, lie
loadln' up a bar'l o' salt arter dark, an'
dem bags Jes' tumbled Into my cart
while my back wu turned. On de od
der hand, a pusaon goes out by daylight
and runs a hog aroun' do woods lor
ober two hours before he cotches a hind
leg. 'Scuse me, kurnel, I did reckon I'd
like to work on yo' plantasiiun, dui u
yo' am de sort o' man who can't see de
difference between a pusson restin tn
Jail to obleege de Jury an' beln" sent to
Jail for stealln' a hog I coumn t trust
my reputashun In yo hands, uooa
mawnln', kurnel, good mawnln!" Ex.
How' Th!l
w Om Hundred Dulln Rwr4 for
a f cm of Catarrfc UtM CU Bui be cured by
HirCrb fur.
r. 1. ta.mi w, rroo.. lowo.
i u-iinilDfld. b kauaa IT. J.
Chrv for th lat 11 year, and belter la
iliiuul Scuiclally able io carry outlay
ol'llfKtioos mad bjr lb- tr trm.
v tar tt 1 c X. oeoifww irum iu
lodo, Ohio. W.iimsu. Ki.tii a Maavia,
W hulFMle Drui (It u. Toledo. Uhl .
Hail" Catarrh Cure 1 aka Internally,
acun dlrvctl upoa He blood and ntuco-
urf acaa of ilia ftm. Frtca ic. per bottle.
solo by all uruKKlal. .raunionu u in.
Are vou about to hava any Photo
graph taken? Visit the studio of
205 North loth, street
, -Ikal
few Smavth.
Th track of the UNION PACIFIC
are o smooth and the car f urnlh.d
o complete that you can Imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok
ing Car a they pas through Omaha
everv morning
We handle the beat Coal for all purpotaa
frlces aa low aa Uie loaeau
Tel. 1138.
S06 So. 16m Street.
t Jeweler and Optician?
X 115 S. 16th STREET,
. . . aesciaiTV or . ,
Fins Watch Repairing
X French Clocks. :
ea..l. Uf.A.k Caaanlaae C aO
cavihbiiv nuivn ivi -
and M. V. R. R. Co. I
Frosted Toes
for the rich; poor people can't afford them.
S Protect Your Feet
Keep them warm and save trouble. Buy good, serviceable
warm shoe and overshoes. Don't throw your money awsy
on trash shoe and robbers. We have a large stock and
will give yon GOOD SHOES and LOW PRICES . . . W
are closing oat some Men's and Women's Fine Shoe at
P 10 to 20 Per Cent. Discount for Cash.
! -l07 South Sixteenth Street.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
Guarantees a perfect fit tn all case. Cloth
ing cleaned djed and remodeled.
504 N. ICth SL. : OMAHA. NEB.
fatclimalLer and Jeweler,
Fink Watch Repairing a speci ALT'?
612 South 16 Street.
Tha Human Horty.
Among the questions which a 7-vear-
old Montelalr. N. J boy was required to
struggle with In an examination waa
"Of what is the human body com
posed T"
A tt was a written explanation he
had some time to get bis thought to
gether and the following answer was
the result:
"The human body Is composed of two
thirds water and the other three-quarters
meat and vegetables." Exchange.
Tha IMnepla and III Parrot.
A Magpie who was Chattering Away
at a Lively rate was Aproached by
Parrot, who Snocrlngly said:
'What an Awful, awful How! Are
you trying to Scare all the Children to
'You are a nice Specimen to Sneer at
mv Music!" replied the Indlsnant Mag
pie. "If I had your Voice I'd go hang
HlRhmit Trae In tha World.
In the Victorian State Forest, on the
slope of the mountain dividing Gippa
Land from the rest of the Australian
colony of Victoria, grow the highest
trees In the world, the noble gum trees
of the genus encalpytu. These tree
range from 350 feet to 500 feet In height
One of the huge tree that baa lauen
was found, by actual measurement with
a tape, to be 433 feet from the root to
where the trunk had been oronen ou
by the fall, and at that point thj tree
was 3 feet tn diameter. A ceaar tree
recently felled near ocosta. waso.,
measured 467 feet In height and 70 feet
In circumference. Dr. James gives
some Interesting particulars of these
gum trees. The eucalyptus globulus
grows 40 feel high In four years, in
FlorlJa, with a stem of a foot In dlam-
... . 1 i o . .
cter. Trees or uie same speuirs m uu-
temnls grew 120 feet In twelve years
nd hail a stem diameter of 9 feet, uiner
species also attain enormous size eu
alvptus diverslcolor la known to grow
40U feet high, and trees have been meas
ured 300 feet long without a brancn.
Hoards 12 feet wide can frequently be
retained. In 1S60 a monster petrified
.. o aa fm.nil In linker county. Ore
Comfori. to
r II
California. Thu sdav moralnx
a tourist steeping car fur
ftanver. Bait Lake. San
Franclaro and los Angele
lea ves Omaha and Lincoln
via tha Burllniton Route.
It Is carpeted, upholster
ed In rattan, bas aprlng
rest and back and l pro
vldad with curt a ni. bed
dins, towels, soap, etc. An
experienced excursion con
ductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany
It through to the Pacific
While neither
slvelr nnlahed nor
to loos at a
Ipftnrr. It la 1upt
ride In. Second clasa tick
ets are honored and te
price of a oerth, wide
en uiih and big enough for
two. isonly tf. . ,,
Kor a folder giving full
particulars, write to
The Wonderful New
Healing Sieve.
We Are Closing Out
Our Round
Cash or Payments.
714 So. Sixteenth Street.
aaaataa CaiMr.
CAPITAL. $400.000.
iflCommercial National Bank,
J. Francis. Gen'l Vass'r Agent. Omaha, Neb.
1 tree was lounu iu unaci vuunij, "v"i-vlu
And If I had yours I'd Sing to a Pole t J)igt 66fi feet )ong and Bt lu butt OT my
waa quite 60 feet in diameter. Amoer
nw heads of netrified gum adhered to
the sides of the trunk for a distance 01
100 foet or more.
A Strong Hint.
"Uncle" feier limes was a local ce
lebrlty who kept the tavern In Ran
dolph, Vt., In the old staging days. He
was noted for his dry humor, and was
never at a loss for a retort or for a
method of expressing his ideas. One
morning, after breakfast, aa a stranger
was about to depart without paying his
bill. Uncle Peter walked up to him and
blandly said: "Mister, if you should
lose your pocketbook between here and
Montpeller remember you didn't take tt
cot here."
This little Mailer can be Easily
Settled." observed the I'arrot, after a
moment's Thought. "Let us go Into the
Garden of the Musician and Sing for
him and leave It for him to Decide.
It being so Agreed, the two Hirds
perched themselves on a Limb near the
Musicians window anu oegan tncir
Songs. Each was trying his Host to
Excel the other when the Alarmed and
vnmiroil Ttcferpe rushed out with a
Club and exclaimed:
Great General Scott! but If you don t
Clear Out of this 1 11 have your Lives!
It's Worse than a Horse Fiddle!
Moral: Vanity and Boasting are Dui
a Tnln l.;over over uu a muc.
Foreign Immigration.
Of the 229,370 alien steerage passen
gers who arrived at the port of New
York last year, 42,942 above 14 years
of age could not read and write. About
149.500 of the steerage arrivals were
over 14 years of age, and only 29.287 of
inese brought with them $30 and over.
No less than 1S2.000 of the whole num
ber of steerage Immigrants had some
point In the north Atlantic states for
a destination, while only 2,451 were
bound for the south central states.
Don't l.t Tea Stand.
If only one pot of tea can be made for
a family taking their luncheon at dif
ferent hours, every housewife should
1. .w,i,i nut a a
.nt nt the abundance 01 iub uenn.
ay the author of "Guesscg at trutn.
n incident reiaieu y m. uuhkhuu,
he EnElish philanthropist wno cares
or friendless chiMren. Illustrates this
harncterlstic of eloquence.
"I was standing, he said, at my
front door one oiuer aaj m wium,
.lion a Utile ragged chap came up to
me and asked me for an order of admis
sion To test him I pretended to be
rather rouKh with him.
'How do I know u wnai you ten
me Is true? Have you any ineuua to
; Department
Store Prices
Best describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
anpak for you?
.. .r,. ji v, ohmiteil 'Nn T ain't
see to it that the tea does not stand . nn DUt lt the8e 'ere rags'- of tht .city, but .be graaua
with the tea grounds In lt longer than dnewaved his arm about as he spoUe tacked with spasms. She l
. .v . ffUQ r vnn minutes. I"na .. .... - tM' and delirious for weeks following the attack,
W tJ 11 a. DUt.n a-'- "
Will.' "
One of
Mv Creat
Month c f
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
. ... .i .
Judge Isaac S. bascall ana k. r. vyiuiam.
5f SSoUS'lSSi sroTaharNeb. onrof the AM work at about HALF what
Le!LB'8,&,8.Sa aio' our daughter bet ftt.w Dentists Charee
can-e very nervous and at tiniea alck and
ja. SSS.itSi W ww. 16Years' Experience 16
Set Teeth $5 00
Best Set Teeth 7 50
Gold Fillings 1.00 and up
Sliver Fillings t 00
Gold Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 26
Teeth out in the morning-
New Ones Same Day.
Does the Work of the $100 Machines. C
Heretofore the great coBt of typewriters
has prevented many people from purchasing
a umcblne.
A Perfect Typewriter at a low Pnca has
ben a crying nc esslty. We are happy to
announce tha. In tha
Odell Typewriter
we ar able to furnish you a perfect machine
in every particular at the remarkably low
price of
$15.00 and $20.00
For a 8Sngle Case. For a Double Oaa.
You can lear to rpfra e the Odell tn ten
mini. tea and the be-inner brc" ni s an ex
pi rt In ten days' practi a whereas a long
course at. th" hnsli es college is necesf ary to
niantrr the 1100 machines.
Pome wrltine n achtnfs have rubber type:
our type ia metal, will not vear out, and
,..ini. rimr.r iliMn v other Ttiewrltrr.
The atrength, durability and finiah of the
Ode' Ip uniurpuied. ror mannoioing i niw
noauperior. Kor peed n. holds is own with
nny wilting macnine maue, no mmr wui.
the cost.
towa Crramcrtea.
The state of Iowa has 839 creameries
and cheese factories. Last year they
produced 70,561.710 pounds of butter,
worth $13,000,000 and about 2,500,000
pounds of cheese, worth about 1250,000.
A. large part of the butter Is shipped
away, but most of the cheess Is con
sumed In tha state.
Xorembav and Daeambar.
A groom of 74 and a bride of 69 were
married In North Adams, Mass., re
cently. The groom had outllTed fltt
rives, but tha bride had only one other
A OnMUka
Ifra. Hunt ot Marrimao, N. esle-
b ratad fcsr oas-hundr4Ui birthday a
lew dart ago,
from three to five or seven
After that time pour the tea Into an
other Dot and throw the grounds away.
If you have only one teapot, Infuse the I
tea In some other vessel, pottery oil
some kind is best, and pour Into the pot.
In this way the injurious effects of tha
tannin which Is drawn out of the leave
after a long Infusion Is avoided, and you
save yourself, your friends, and famiij
from becoming tea-maniacs.
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Bh Wa I-o.t.
"I am lost!" she exclaimed in a ton
of terror.
'Fear not, fair one," said the hero,
who had not rescued anybody for three
or four chapters, and was beginning to
feel lonely. "I will protect you.
"I don't want protection," she an-
..ii "What I want la a map and a
compass and a guide book. I have Just jt u8 nuke your Holiday Plotures.
come from Boston, and the streets ner utest styles from locket to uie size.
Trained to Hit l'p.
The Princess ot Wales, to the great
discomfort of whoever may be acting as
the maid in waiting, never puts Her
self at ease In traveling. Hour after
i M(.ina a Unit unripht nosl-
nour one r- .-J' ,-;";---' irtl,l had dvntharl:
tlon. and never thinks of removing net . -i,;Sflth couiSnotre
WinPt or lying down, bne auriDutes . i then called in nr.
the habit to her rigid bringing up, and
in speaking of it recently said to a
friend: "We were never auoweu iu no
rtnwn during- the daytime when we were
children, for fear of making ourselves
,nfidv and I am so accustomea to tn
habit now that I should never dream ol
removing my bonnet wniie on a jour
and at a consultation of physicians they
r" .j .i..i .i,.mnlil not set well. We then
Sari'SCptnceraTdin. and Douglas btreets.
ahort time was up. ene is leeiina uer Hhe lalmnroV'
log every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. ; "Tl-r'S.i.M
n a a 4-i aa w- a mi :a majvrrai iiuibvi c?
2106 8. 13th St.
KX-CONSTABM S. B. CLARK. Office 819 8..HU
nftva: Irani aaj 'v w
conr, l then cauea in ir. .
In less man b noura looi y
h of LaerlDD and gen-
eral deblilty. ar d'n,y wife of lnflamn-atlon of
the oowels ano iemaio wcuc, L"",T .1. J
Ik. h.H ...fferpd manv veare. I Can't thank
That we are hiving an enorn ous sbIb for
the Odell is attributed to the fact that we
have no corrpettt on. it being ibe only low
prlrfd and practical machine on the markets
186 and 1100 tpewi-lters are thlags of the
pat. They, like hlgh-or ce sawing ; mi
chine, ha e had heir day. No InW llgent
business o- prof ssional ii an la going to pay
$100 or a typewriter when the odell, coBtlt g
four-afths 'ess, wl 1 do better work than iny
bigh-prlc.d machtee. Neatness and speed
s what tne buainess men ot today ant. and
th-re Is n w no excuie for anybody to be
without a tpewrltr, either In nls ofnc or
hi- home. Tue Odell omes within the reach
of all. and It can be duly said that 'it fllla a
1 ng felt wa t." We are meeting the ao
mauds of the peop.e with a tj pewrltei that
has no equal.
she had suffered many years. I can I
him enougn
for what he has done In my
n nmiiT. 18U Clark Bt.Heart
trouble and nervous die lity of many years
Bt. Of sprained
Bleof three years I
are so straight that I am utterly cor
The Kaw Way.
rrnnnrten "How do you manage U
get such perfect-fitting clothsar
Style "Buy them ready made."
2 North 18th. street
when down town drop U at John
Rndd'a and leave your watch, If it Is
1 out of repair, to be flxed, Uo bo. m a
'nHiT&BOOKS. 524 N. 18t
itar and monevtro
tUl "PARK ad'S. Sh 8t.Cured ot
apasms and remaie weaau a ui .c.ou JC..
FrawkHoltjb. Schuyler, Neb.-Curea of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and was
a'l" " 1 1 . iriwm nr. a. Bee Wo
auarantees a cure In every case or the
money will be refunded ... .,
Bend -cent stamp for book and Question
blank. Anyone wanting ace caj;riw t
above addresses or call upon Dtt. C. GEE
WO. 61 N. Wth 8t.Omaha. Neb.
with Comfort.
Easy to Wear.
' No pressure oo
ips or Back.
No understraps. I
Never moves.
1408 Farnam Street.
piedlcal, Optical, Surgical and mathe
matical Supplies.
Oaposlts Pasts Hotsl. OMAHA NEB.
Writ for Terms and Oatalogue to
Cor. 15th and Harney, OMAHA, NEB.
Shop, 809 8. 16th St. . Omaha