The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 13, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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IU Had .t a Hlccvr Mm
Iku I a. I. H.K.
An bour After mlduight the other
Bifbt a patrolman found man seated
a the tpg of the pcstofflc with hla
lbows on hta knees and his bead In hit
bauds, says the Detroit Free Press, and
giving him a shake the offlcer said:
"Come, old man. this la no lodging
-No. sir." replied the man. as be
roused up. "thla is the postofflce. I
knew it when I sat down here. It ia
seldom I mistake a postomre for a lodg
ing house. Did you suppose I was labor
ing under the Impression that I bad
turned Into a cheap room on the fourth
floor back and left orders to be called
at 7 o'clock In the morning?"
"You'll have to move on," replied the
officer. .
"Isn't this a government building?"
"Yes. sir."
"Owned and run by the government
of the United States?"
"Yes, sir."
"And has Uncle Sam ordered me to
move on?"
"No, sir, but I have, and you don't
want to linger over an hour."
"My dear sir." said the night bawk.
as he looked up. "are you a bigger man
than Uncle Sam?"
"I am, sir!" replied the o...c r, as he
dallied with bis club.
"Then I bow to circumstances and
will move on. Could you spare me a
"No, sir!"
"Will you giv3 me your autograph?"
"No. Blr!"
"Then let me gaze at you fr half a
minute to Indelibly impress your feat
ures upon the tablets of my memory.
ThaL will do, and I thank you. I have
met a bigger man than Uncle Sam, and
I shall be able to describe him to the
children gathered at my knee. Officer,
tap me over the head with your club." ,
"There it is!" said the officer aa he
fetched him one on his battered old hat.
"Thanks thanks awfully! I have not ;
only seen a bigger man than Uncle Sam,
but (?) ! ! zz boom! !"
Applause for the Old King.
More than ten years ago a slight but
significant incident occurred in Savan
nah, Ga., says the Philadelphia Citizen.
Between the acts of a theatrical per
formance there was occasion to drop
large national flag from the flies above
tha stage. This was done without cer
emony, merely in preparation for the
-ensuing act, but as the heavy folds un
rolled and gave the stars and stripes
to the light such a cheer went up from
1L. . . .. ... 1
the audience that the house was shaken.
Savannah Is a conservative city, slow
to forget and tenacious ot old ideas.
Here, if anywhere in the south, the war
prejudice would be strong and yet the
mere presentation of the silent emblem
ot the nation called forth such a ring
ing, cheery response of loyalty that any
suspicion of the south's good faith must
have been shamed Into silence. Even
today men are not lacking who will
assert that the patriotism of the south
la shallow and grudgingly given only
upon compulsion. Southern orators
and writers from time to time protest
against this insinuation, but without
materially changing the opinion of the
keptical, for It Is easy to say that such
written and sp'-'cen utterances are In
sincere or Inadequate. But the spon
taneous expression ot a heterogeneous
multitude Is a bit of testimony which
cannot be gain'" 'd. And there has been
an overwhelming amount of such tes
timony upon the occasion of the tour
which the old liberty bell has Just made
throughout the south. Not alone In
Atlanta, its destination, but all along
the route, at every stop which it has
made, It has been the signal for an
outburst not unworthy of comparison .
with the scenes of the memorable day
when It proclaimed its brave tidings.
Nothing so appeals to the universal In
stinct of patriotism as does an inani
mate object which is emblematical of
a nation's character and history. Phil-
adelphia is properly jealous of the old
bell, and disinclined to relinquish it for
any considerable time, but if It Is care
fully guarded from danger, as it is in
the present instance, it Is fittting that
it should be loaned upon an occasion
of such Importance as that of the At
lanta exposition. It Is pleasant to know
that the old bell Is not so silent but
that it can yet speak to the hearts of
our people, and give fresh assurance
that a common bond of love and prldo
and reverence unites the entire coun
try. Women Settled the Mutter In Seattle.
The election of Saturday may be said
to be the victory of the women cf Seat
tle. There Is a sort of retributive jus
tice about it, for they have frequently
asked that of the five school directors
one should be of the same sex as the
majority of the teachers. They have
succeeded and the result will be watch
ed with considerable interest. It Is
claimed that fully 50 per cent of the
A. P. A. vote was made up of ladles,
but this is ...obably too high an esti
mate, and 40 per cent is, no doubt, near
er the mark. They were indefatigable
campaigners and took care to see that
their husbands voted. If a wife can do
no mortfthan this she will confer a ben
efit upon the community, for it Is evi
dent from the light vote that thousands
failed to cast a ballot Of the 8,200
votes cast there were fully 2,000 cast
by women, which would leave only
6,200 male voters, about half of the
voting strength of the city. Seattle
Bach s Smart Han.
A man was riding in a street car.
When he arrived at the place where he
wanted to get off the conductor was not
In sight, so he gave the bellstrap a
smart pull. "Here!" exclaimed the con
ductor, coming in, "don't do that!
Tou're ringing the bell at both ends
f the car." "Well." said tho man, "I
want both ends of the car to stop."
Mrs. Langtry rtJrs a machine painted
with her racing colors.
Two minutes Is the longest time that
Queen Victoria can stand on ber feet.
Lord Salisbury dislikes smoking and
never enters a smoking-room If be can
tvold II
H. B. Plant la to build a permanent
xposition building for Florida exhibits
it Tampa Bay.
W. Lewis Fraser. art manager of the
Century Magazine, made bis start In
life In Canada.
Henri Durant, the founder of the Red
Cruns movement. Is In a Swiss hospital,
Jick and in poverty.
Miss Mary Taylor, the heroine of the
poem, "Mary Had a Ldttle Lamb." died
recently at Soinerville, Mass.
W. II. Gllerbe, democratic candidate
for governor of South Carolina, is one
of thirteen children, all living.
Daniel Campbell and bis wife, of
Walton county, Fla., are said to be re
spectively 117 and 112 years old.
John McCarthy has arranged to write
another volume, bringing his "History
of Our Own Times" down to date.
Mme. Modjeska has 600 hives of Ital
ian bees on her beautiful California
ranch and sells a quantity of boney
every autumn.
Baring-Gould has finished a personal
life of Napoleon Bonaparte, upon which
he has spent the leisure moments of
several years.
Rudyard Kipling's greatest ambition
Is said to be to serve as a war corres
pondent. The next big war will take
him Into the field.
William Carleton. the Irish novelist,
left among his papers a complete novel
entitled "Ann Cougrove," which Is to
bo published (shortly.
The new shah of Persha Is anxious to
open the country to international com
merce, and favors the Introduction of
electricity and steam.
Reginald de Koven. who has set to
music a number of Eugene Field's
poems. Is writing new music for some
of the poet's later lullabies.
Empress Eugenia is said to have left
I the bulk of her fortune to her grand
daughter. Princess Beatrice of Batten-
berg's little daughter Eugenie.
C. E. Dugger, of Decatur county, Ga.,
was carried over the Oceana Fails,
forty feet In height, while bathing re
cently. He escaped unhurt.
Kin causes more trouble than whis-
Most women talk faster than they
If you get a particularly poor pencil,
you will never lose tl.
When some people are not nice, they
can look as though they are.
Everyone is looking for some one
who will think he Is always right.
How many pretty girls there are,
and bow wretchedly poor they are!
Men's clothes often look elouchy,
but they are not liable to fall off.
By the time a man is able to buy all
he wants to eat, he has no etomacn.
Men who are In business as partners,
are as sure to quarrel as man and wife.
No girl whose hair is naturally curly
should complain of her environments,
As a woman gets older, she begins to
pay more attention to ber present
No college graduate ever became old
enough to forget all his oollege fool
Nothing pleases a man so much as
to be coaxed to do a thing he wants to
do, anyway.
If the devil will just burn him, and
And no fault, a man won't mind hell
vej-y ujulu.
A man's idea of a good woman is one
who thinka her husband doesn't need
praying for.
When a woman Is good and tired out
you can make her cry by pointing a
finger at ber.
It costs as much to be popular as to
send a 16-year-old daughter away to
boarding school.
The moment a lie is born, it begins
to run.
Itsn't it about as wrong to be wrong
as it is to do wrong?
A lie is always an enemy, no matter
how friendly it may look.
Every converted man Is a living
proof that the Bible is true.
We would all love God more if we
would only trust him more.
How much praying is done In public
that God isn't expected to hear.
Bringing prayers closer together is
very apt to put sins farther apart.
The children of a millionaire can
only be slightly acquainted with their
The devil has a good start in every
home where there is a moderate
There are preachers who do not
claim acquaintance with Christ outside
of the pulpit.
The man who is holding on to a few
favorite eins, is playing hide and seek
with the devil.
One week a year of self-denial from
every Christian in the world would
soon raise money enough to bury the
devil, horns and hoof. Rams Horn.
A little vinegar kept boiling on the
stove while onions or cabbage are cook
ing will prevent the disagreeable odor
going through the house.
A "Besieged Resident" was the pet
name selected by Henry Labouchere
when writing bis letters from Paris.
Tb name was appropriate in the high
est degree to the circumstances antler
which the letters were written.
I don't suppon the blgt phool has
been born yet, but thare Is time enuff
yet to surprise us all.
The strongest intimacy s seems to ei
Ist. not between two barter, but whar
the hed ov one control the hart ov
the other.
Thare hat m.nny a woman married
a man Just far the eake ov getting rid
ov herself; this is a rad waste ov the
raw material.
Th single wimmiu. If they only knu
it. hold the Italian. ov power: but., hj
a general thing, they don't seem to kno
how to uie it.
Absolute sincerity may eilst. but ml
trade with human r.aiur hat taught me
o be satisfied if I kan find sincerity
that will pan 45 rents on the dollar.
If man would only Mlow his reason
az ilussly az the animals do their In
stlnktu. he could afford to take the
chances ov the hereafter very coolly.
The man who Is alUusn anxious to
bet 5 dollars on everything, either hax
grate doubts about biz Judgment, or
huz got a kuunterflt bill he wants to
eet rid ov.
I hav finally konklmled to take all
things Just az they cum; the iiHwt bit
ter disappointment I ever hav suffered
hav cum from having ml most ardent
wishes gratiTed.
It kosts more money, reckoning time
or ii a ;.i;::e a.i hour, to hum uny
kind of a game, so that yu kan beat
nny man !.ivIj k it, Hum yu kan win
lak if yu liv to be (7 years old.
I have known men and wimmin to
bekum thoroly disgusted with tho
world, ami all Hun thare waz In It and
not understand thai It waz themselfd
they wi-z disgusted with all the time.
Au illusinotis pediirree iz a trr.i...
burden, and responsiblity. To lus '
around the bones ov a distinguished
great-grandfather and do fusils t
bones and kredit to ourselfs. iz a rliis
t ran sack shun. i
The world uelduin makes a mistake'
when called upon to decide between I
what Iz positively false and wain la1
pua.nveiy ,ru; abslraet right and
wrong are reached bi instinkt ami in
stlnkt iz not only honest, but Iz smart.
Old bachelors are apt to think that
they are very important fellows, when
at best they are merely ornamental;
sumthlng like a tin weather kok on the
riuge pole ov a barn, that haz rusted
fast, and kan't even sbo which way
iue wina Dioze.
The corridors of Farnham Castle.
England, the Episcopal palace of the
Bishop of Winchester, are 1,791 yards
in length, all told.
An effort Is to be made this year to
raise the minimum salary received by
tne ministers of the United Methodist
churches of England.
Bluff City, Tenn., boasts of a pump,
kin sixty-five inches In diameter which
Is still growing on a vine belonging
to Mrs. William Berry.
Three hundred convicted murderers
were sent to the penal settlement on
the Island of Saghalien on one steam
er that left Odessa recently.
The French Academy of Sciences has
appointed a special committee to Inves
tigate the new treatment for consump
tion advocated by Dr. Crotte of Paris.
Blood poisoning, the result of the
prick of a hat pin several months ago,
has so enfeebled a young woman of
New Albany, Ind that It is feared sbe
will not recover.
Princess Dhuleep Singh was fined
12 shillings In the Burton-Upon-Trent,
England, police court for taking he?
lapdog to drive In her carriage with
out having it muzzled.
In Hlcksville, Ohio, recently, a wed
ding party was stormed by tramps,
who locked the groom in the smoke
house, ate the wedding supper and
stole the marriage license.
The prizes won by the Prince of
Wales' yacht Britannia during the past
season amount to $S,000. Some of the
crew of the Britannia have returned to
their homes at Wivenhoe.
Typhoid fevers and other diseases are
so prevalent in Daviess County, Ken
tucky, that the deputy sheriff who
served the notices for the last petit
Jury panel found only one man able to
go to court.
During the past two years Douglas
County, Oregon, has paid as bounty on
wild animals killed the sum of $8,807,
as follows: Bear 262, bounty $517; co
yote 912. $6,300; panther 670, $2,010;
total scalps 1,844, bounty $8,857.
Smelts are running In such numbers
in Bellingham Bay, Wash., that quan
tities of them are taken daily by means
of garden rakes and scoop nets Just as
,the tide turns to the ebb. They run
to the very borders of the high water,
"Self-made" fools are no better than
the ones who inherit their money.
In making up their minds too many
people are careless about the material
they use.
We may all be equal before the law.
but there's usually a mighty difference
In us afterward.
The man who says he can love but
once usually has himself for the object
of his affections.
"If" and "but" are the sons of hesi
tation and between them fill many a
public poorhouse.
It's an awful long distance between
the pulpit and the most desirable pew
In some churches.
The world owes every man a living;
and the laborer la simply the bill col
lector of the millionaire.
There ia work in the world for every
man to do, but some of them are fortu
nate enough to be able to hire some
one etee to do It
"There is one thing that is badly
needed In our post office," remarked
Wheeler, as be opened another dun
nlbg letter.
"What's that?" timidly Inquired bis
"A 'Post No Bills sign." Truth.
Snla'l Urn Ahr4.
Tb lord chancellor la the only mem
ber of the British cabinet who la not
allowed to go outside of Great Britain.
This is because he must have the treat
seal in his personal custody, and to
take the great seal outside of Great
Britain would be high treason.
'The Overland Limited
Is the fastest train out of Omaha, and
carries tne finest equipment ot ary
line In the west. Tickets via the
UNION PACIFIC can be scoured at
Geo. F. Ady, Gen. I'ass. Aft.
Denver, Colo.
Cripple Creek.
The Denver and Rio Grande R. It. Is
the shortest and best route between
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to
the now Famous Gold Camp at Cripple
Tickets on sale from all points east to
Crlpplo Creek. Call on your local
aircnt nd io, ure th at vour ticket reitiU
via the 1). nver ar.d Ulo Giande It. It
Florence & Cripple Creek Railway.
He d Mown. Ke.aU Hp.
tio. 8 No, In
December 13, 18115. No.
No. 1
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W 41) ,
H .VI p
11 JCm
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Coin Springs,,
W KrtT.
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. Ulc n win id ,
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No. a
Ar I2:A0.
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10.5 Ip
:M p
7:4" p
.Halt Luke ll:4fip
.. -Ugden.- l2:4.'m
Trnln No. 10, 8:110 a. m. tllrnct for i'unbln,
Colorado HprlnvH nm1 Denver, cinjitctln
with through fitnt tmiiK for nil points hiihI
nil noutb. At Kluronre with through trnliir
on the Klo Uritndo for 1i'u I vIIIh, Aspen
Ulcnwood. Grand Junrtloi, Halt Luke.
Oitdnn. Uallfornla and northwHiiern poluw
without rhitnue of cam. fullman i'alacc
Buffet and TourUt sleepers.
Trnln No. p. m., the handsomest
train In the mountains. Cullman slepr and
l'urli r cars, senM free, without change to
i'ueblo, Colorado Sprints and Denver, con
necting with through fast trains for all
polntaeast. At Florence with Ulo Grande
Trans-Continental limited and Ban Juan
and all Southern Colorado points.
Tickets through to all foreign point at
lowest rules. Agents for the best steamship
lines. Tickets furnished by telegraph with
out extra charge from any pnrt of the world.
Lowest freight rates named to all poln's
Prompt handling of ore a specialty. Dally
refrigerator service between Denver and In
tern edlate point to Cripple Creek and
Suburban trains for Victor leave at 7-4S a.
m., 11 a. m.and 3 p. ra.
H. F. Krcieoib, VI. E. JoHHftOH.
Oen'l Agt. Prest. and Mgr.
CrlppU ( reek, Colo. Denver. Colo.
"SceniG Lias of tne worm"
Reaches all the principal towns and mln
Ins; camps in Colorado, Utah and
New Mexico.
AU through trams equipped Willi Pullman I'iihw.
and Tourist Sleeping Cur.
For elegantly Illustrated descriptive books tie
of cost , address
Plw'twidGM'ISiT. Traffic HaiMW.
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way
Pay more aad you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
"Kie newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Frahcis, Q. P. 1 Omaha, Neb.
Cripple Creek Advertisements
224 Bennett Avenue.
WE WANT our "Friends" and the Public to know that we
are compelled to remove from our old utmid. We shall
sell our . . . . ,
Entire Stock or Clothing, Sboes and Famishing Goods
As we have always kept faith with the people, you can rely upou
thia statement. We will sell the betst bargains ever offered
in this city. Do not fail to give us a call.
Midland Terminal
I HVctlve
t a
P. M
10 10
111 ll'J
t M
6 :c
l. M
1 in
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12 M
l. u
12 20
12 11
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,.('r. Creek.
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;i io
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2 111
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I'nrtUiiil ...
. lnilepemlMiice.
... Hull Hill.. ..
.. fylvKiifu)
1 1 Hint t. . ,.
... Mlillnnd.. .
Murphy. ,. ,
Lv. Ar.
10 JO
1 15
A. H.
10 20
4 80
P. M
11 IS
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11 HO
.Ool. Hpus.,
.. I'ueblo...
8 DA
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P. M
A. .M
Ar. Lv.
Lv. Ar.
4 52
2 10
P. M.
12 20
t 55
8 20
8 02
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S 25
P. M
7 10
s as
.Bait Lake..
Tbrouiih Pullman Csrs and dty coaches are run between Cripple Creek, Victor, Colo
rado "prlnics, and Denver, on Trains 7 ana' 8. Passengers can occupy berths In Colorado
Hprlrgs Bleep r U"tH 7:J a. r. Connection Is made at Dlvlde with Colorado Midland UH
Und Kallruad for all points In the West, and at Co orado Hprlngs, Denver and Pueblo, with
all lines for ibn East. West, North and South.
The Midland Terminal Is the only broad-gage railroad Into the Cripple Creek district,
and Is slxty-flve itiS) miles the shortest, an several hours the qiilcUeHt time to all points
East and West. i. II. WAf KKS, Huperlotendent
H. COLLBHAN. President.
1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb.
Capital Stock $2,000,000
Cr-ijDjple Creek Alii vi DiHtrlct
O claims are surrounded by some of the richest strikes of recent years,
and are undoubu dly as rich as any in the whole district. They were located by
practical miner, one In whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence
that they hired him to locate several claims for them, from which rich ore has
'een taken.
Surface Uock on our Nipple Mountain and High Park claims assays tl 00
oer ton; down elif ht feet it advances in viuj ui more than $7.00 per ton and the
indications are that these claims will be as rich as the richest claims in the
Cripple Creek district.
Here is an opportunity seldom met with for the Investment of money In
a mlnlnjr enterprise near at home, where any who choose may visit the mfnei
and nee for themselves just what is being done. The mines are located within
200 feet of a railroad.
If you want to MAKE MONEY buy stock in this company. It is a safe
and sum investment, and WILL PAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK
HOLDER, If th mines pan out as rich as present indications warrant us in
'elleving them to be.
We court the fullest investig tion. Full Information will be sent by
mail upon application from those who cannot call at office. Pill out the coupon
o md bfllow, giving the number of shares you desire to purchase, and Inclose it
with a P. O. money order, or an express order, or with money in registered
letter, and mail It to us, making all money orJers payable to
JOHN C. THOHPSON, President.
Enclosed please
for. shares of stock in the American $
Gold Mining and Milling
Now is the Time
to Subscribe for
Railway Company.
March Int. IMMi.
A. M
h no
8 11
8 111
A. M
II bl
!. M
11 in
12 12
12 17
O 14
P. M
8 80
8 ill
P. ST.
II 30
11 15
11 M
P. M F. M
3 10
t 1.1
2 &U
5 no
5 118
5 11
A. M
8 25
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8 M
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1 Oft
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4. M
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P. M
12 01
4 40
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7 0U
B 15
5 30
I 20
1 M
6 0S
t OS
t 50
9 62
10 41
A. M
12 49
P. M
12 06
I 15
Par Value ot
shares SI each
find to pay
Co., at 5c per share
- N.
The American