The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 13, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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How Mit rn(l Trll ! p
Mr Prlnglo liad ln nmriVd Juat
tit month und v.oul.1 hv Wn tiP
rT. but ! w.i on of tin
who n-vir can !( -ll mmish alnne.
ay the IVlroit Kr I'n-ca. Sh s"
Inrlinrd to he joalou of Mr I'rliitlr
nd was filled with nunalw that h.vl
ltd actual foundation. Hut li" d'fldrd
ta at a trap for him and It wer h
urrd to her that ahe mltht possibly
tall into it herself.
On day when Mr. 1'rlngle went
home to dinner hit wife handed him
note, which ahe aald had been
tor him that morning. He opened It
nd. after nannlnn It hastily, thruat U
indifferently Into bla pocket.
"Anythln Importantr Ved hit
wife, In a tone trembling with eiclte
tuent. "No-o. A bualneaa maltcr, that U
"You aeemed pleased over It." aug
gerted Mrs. Trlngle.
Mr. rrlngle laughed. He aleo blush
ed. HU wife detected evidences of
ooiwcloua guilt In the fart that he did
no, offer to ahow her the letter. Yea,
she thought he had him aafely trap
ped and the knowledge made her ut
terly wretched.
Mr. Trlngle read the note over again
on hla way to the office:
"Dear Sir: I have often aeen and ad
mired you from a distance, and would
be greatly pleaaed to make your ac
quaintance. Meet me thla afternoon at
4 o'clock at the approach to Belle Ile
lrldge. I will wear a blue dreaa ana
carry a bunch of pink roaea.
At the hour specified the woman In
the blue drea waa there. A man
who waa not Mr. 1'rlngle walked up
to her.
"I have your note," he began, but
he turned on hlra like a fury. How
dare you apeak to me? I am here to
meet my husband by appointment.
"I guess not You are here to meet
Mr. Trlngle. who sent me to tee what
you "
"Wretch! If you address another
word to me I'll call for help."
"Eicuse me. but If Mr. Prlnglo had
expected to meet hla wife I am sure
Le would have come."
Mrs. Trlngle took a passing car and
vent home. She had changed hsr
dress and butter wouldn't have melted
In her mouth when Mr. Trlngle came
in. She thinks she has proved her
husband to be a model of rectitude, but
she doesn't know that he spotted "Ad
mlrer" at the first glimpse of her dls
Cuiscd handwriting.
Itata may lie worn to wilt the wearer,
either tlllc.l oer the fare or set well
IlraMIng and embroidery will be u-d
quite extensively thl fall and winter,
both on coals and skill.
Sleeves ate tit so full nor so high
on the thoul.lers. but arc yet far irom
the tight sleeves which acre promise.
Saco.uo coats are to be the dreany
wraps for the autumn, ana mey i
mado either of Uel or of the rich
pcau de sole,
All the latest fro.U have mouium--
i ...... lha
stsed. If not actually narrower. .
arm being covered with a tlgni-niun
smooth or wrinkled hleeve. with a very
short ruff or drapery arranged at me
Corselets sre In great favor, ann xne
bolera Jacket sorm to have taken a
new lease of popularity, ana, com
bined with the new corselet or uigu-
draped belt, will be much worn mis
NVarlv all the atxeet costumca are
made with a Jacket, cither real or sim
ulated, for where a tight-fitting waist
Is preferred, basques are irequenuj
sewed on to the bodice, the joining
Ing covered with the belt.
Snrava of sreen oats and bunches 01
green wheat are showing incmwiv.
among the trimmings of the fall mil
linery. In opposition to the bright red
cherries and currants that have been
Introduced for the decoration or iau
Covert coatings and fine-faced cloths
unless for dress occasions, are used
mostly In fall wraps, and they come In
many shades of tan and dark shades of
green and blue. One of the most usefu
and fashionable garments tor the fall
Is a long coat or ulster.
Bonneta for elaborate occasions are
airy, Indeed, being made almost en
tirely of gathered tulle or lace and Jet
,r.A ttmmert with dark velvet, sprays of
flowers, or feathers, while some of the
tiny affairs have a full osprey porcnea
upright at the back.
The flchu haa finally shown Itself on
children's frocks, having heretofore
been strictly confined to the gowns for
those of a large growth; but now there
i. . b enrniture which Is a sort ol,,,-, miiar and fichu combined,
which i extremely dainty and pretty
and which will undoubtedly find great
Attorney. It 4 Kara! Kliwl.
S'-UL MAsTklt xM MINION .m
!.- t'aUer sad l)jr ru of an imn-r
it ! oa uh r of fiirivhwuw of umrMr wt
itmwti out of in tlirti't court for iKiuulu
routily. ! of Nehrk. and l dl-r.-
I will oa Ih ! UT t N.ivu.t r.
A li I-'" at t" oVUkIi A M of said day. at
lh KAT front door of tti coonty court
hew, in the fit t of liii(i. hml-iuiiiy.
N.-l.r-k. Brll at iiutilk' auction tu tti lilKh
n t.l.l.l.r for Ii trort jf d-.:rltd ia
ld oror of i follow., to wit:
li li iSi unit srv. li iti la ll' U ii f J
I li-Ulrf. full illlu. n addition to Ui
city f Omaha: alo ' f .uriti Hvii.aii
m, .n.l iTi In Muck une ill uf linijr.iv.-
uifot AmocUUoo, an auuiuon to in cnj
of un.Hlia. all la luuxl couuty. Nlimk,
HkIU urop-rty to t old to satmfy tbe
uUlatirr. J. kawlita Urul. 10 tue hhi of tea
thou.Riid lntn hundred onii and to-l'W dol
lin itlu Mil ii, Willi lutvrmit from May in.
at Ilia rata of alahl l"i Pr cent per
,Ti"i'atif y th ui of ality-elicht and 1K-KI0
dollara n,riMia lirlo.Uimui'r with ac
cruing cit. accordlns to a iuduuii-nl rro
derml by Ui dl.trlct court of ld Ihmiilaa
county, at lu May term. A. l. 1-wn. In a cer
tain action Umo and there im oiIIoK. wh-rela
J. Kal.ton Uraiil 1 pUlntllt. and t barlea ..
tHUlre, Klla J. fouliY and the t lly of
Houlh Omaha. Netiraaka. ara defendanU
Hated alUuiaua, Nelirwaa, October Win.
A. U thus. OR( I KG E O WALI.ACK.
Hlieclal MaHtert'Amiiiila-loner.
8aunder A Mcfarlaud, aturi.eyi fur plalo
tlff. Orant ri FiUlre. et al.
Doc. 4"; to. ail. 10-10-5
WM. II. Itl SSi:!.!..
Attorney. l N Vork Life Hulldinc.
NuTI' KOP fHkltUra eALK orUFAL
K.-Tl K H eiriuw of a ilurlea order
of aie imuM oui of the UUlf l court tor
iKiualaa countv. Nenraaka and la iurauaiice
of the d iee of aaUl c url la an action
therein ln.!eid at Eiefuilua Ducket W.
irn.e 6T herein I re4 II. Kent t plintl
an t Altle J. Iteaft. rt al . are d-f.-non'a I
ill. al ten o'clock a. H oa the S4th ay of
oemlier. lwal at the KAT frout diar of
li Hjclaa county court bouw, at Umaha. Ne-
jhrk4,ael at public auction fi the hiKlo-al
bul. rr tor Mi a'1fy aaid onier and de
cree, the ral rai ale .m.aie is ixiuna.
roun'. Ne ra.ka. deacrllied at follow: lit
e ill In bl.a k lit iai in am mn ATenue
l ark a i addition to the city of roulb
Huaha. a aurtryed. platteu ana leccrueu.
II In liouKlai county, aiaui i r euraaaa.
Uuiana, ebraka. ocioor i.ira iv
John w. mchonald.
rbertffnf DouKlaa Oouniy. Nehraaka.
Kent a. Krad. et al. 11 Ti
Attornrya. 14H0 r'arnain Street.
SlIKKIr'K' HAI.E. Hy virtue of an order
of al laHUrd out of the Ulatrlct court
for ltouklaa county. Nebraska, and to me dl
rwiel Twill, on the 24ih da of November.
A. 1 at ID o'clock A. M. of aald day, at
ths KA!T front door of the county court
hoiiaa. In the city oiuinana, iniumua roumj,
ebraak. aell at public au tlon to the hlKh-
eat i Idder for caab. the property ueacnueu in
aid order of HW aa ioiu w. ui-wii;
Tbe aouthweal nuarier oi aw:tion i mi.
tow nub I p fifteen (1 north, rnniie liuru-enuJi.
east of the Klitb Principal Mertdlaot cou-
l.lalim In all ten luiacrra accoruina win
government aurvey, Uigether w th all tene
ment, hereditaments and appurtenancea
thereto belonitlDK, an uvunw iu uit biuuij
of IhuiKlaa and alate of Nebraaka.
u.i,i ..nuiarttr to he aold to aaliafr Albion
W. Hve. ulalnllff herein, tbe aiim of two
thousand one hundred and twenty-four and
ll-liiu with Interest tbereon
. . nf ten .tin uer cent tier annum
from Heutembrr 21rd. 1HS5, which Is a flrst
..n.l .nil iatlna lien uuon said teal estate.
Toaatiafy David M. lire, defendant here
in, the mill or wiree tnouaauu imw mmm
Hmri .n1 alitv-aeven aid 35-1U0 dollars
l.;W7.ii. with interest thereon at the rata
of ten (101 percent per annum from Septem
ber sard, li&5, which amount la a second valid
nrf ..i.tintr linn uuon said real estate.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty-
f jur and W-10u dollars cos nerem,
until paid, together who ai.cruina ccmia. ao
..,iin i.i. iirinnient rendered bv tbe dlS'
trlct court of said Douglas county, at it
Hepteinber term, A. D. 1HIK). In acertairi action
then and there pending, wherein Albion W.
ci i. ni.iniiif. and John r. Hack Com
pany, a corporation organised under the
laws. .f the stats of Nebra-ka, John r. Hack
and David H. ure are aefenuanui.
Bhorlff of bouavUs County. Nebriwka
c....Hiin.. a. MutfiAiMtanti. hiu rnt vi.
Klye vs. Klack Co., et al Doc. 50; No. 856.
W. 11. Ul'KSKLU
AtUirney.eH New Vork Life Building.
HEKirF H SALE By virtue of aa order
of aala laaued out of the district court
for Douglas county. Nebraska and w me di
rected. 1 wIII.ob th 17th day of noemoer. la.
1 1. at tea ovlock a. or aald say, at the
KAMT front dixit of the county court house
In the city of Omaha. Douilas county, ne
braaka. aell at public auction to me nixnesi
bidder for cash, tbe pr .prtf deac rlbed la
S'ld order of aula as folio a-s, u-w.t:
but one (II la block nva in in msaoun
Avenue fark, an addition to the city of
Houlh Oman, as surveyed, platted and re
corded, all In Douglas county, state of Ne
braska. ....
puid property to tie sold to satisry r rea
II. Kent, iilalniiff herein, the sum of "even
hundred forty-sin and MMtN dollars iiTM.Mi
ludmnent. with Interest iner-o- at raw. oi
ten 1 101 percent per anuuin iroiu mc no uj
To aatlaft the sum of twentv-Dlne and
2s-l.l dollars d.'S'Jl) cU herein, with In
terest thereon at rate of ten (ioi per cent par
annum from the 25ib day of June, lxw, u til
paid. together with accruing coats, according
I., a luilirment rendered bv the district court
of said Douglas counly. at lu May term A.
1). IH'ai. In a certain action men anu mere
pending, wherein Kred n. Kent was piaintm.
and Altle J. Head and Adelbert J. Head were
defendants. .
Oumba Nebraska, October win. imm.
joiin w. Mcdonald.
PlierifTof Dougla County, Nebraska
Wm II UiimshIL a(.Liirti .
Kent vs. ltead. Doc. W: No. 55. 10-19-8
tanourher on Taiatlon
Henry Labouchere Is always Interest
ing If not original. Here Is his Idea
of a sound system of taxation:
Every one ought to be allowed to
accumulate during his lifetime what
lie pleases, but when he dies ;here
ought to be a maximum that he may
leave to relatione or friends, all In ex
ccss of this maximum going to the
state. Take, for Instance, Mr. Astor.
It Is said that he possesses about fifty
million pounds sterling. Evidently he
cannot spend the Interest of
amount. In a given number of
therefore, if this money from
tlon to generation remains
liands of one single Individual,,
'toscome 500 million pounds
Neither the Indfvidital nor the
nlty will benefit by this. The
would meet It by handing into
11c trensury most of Mr. Asto
million pounds sterling on his
HowjKoultl this harm him? He woulu
' have ceased to exist. If the slate took
89 per cent of hla money on his death
he would still have one-half million
pounds sterling to dispose of and rn
thla sum his heirs or heir might rub
on very comfortably.
No receptacle has ever been made
strong nough to resist the power of
freezing water.
The gold fields in Tauldlng county,
Georgia, are being developed, and have
proved quite productive.
Burnhnm, the scout who ahot the
chief Instigator of the Matabcle war, If
home In Pasadena, Cal.
According to the statistics of the
Department of Agriculture, wheat land
In Kansas rent at 12.10 per acre.
A report baa been circulated In Lon
don that as soon aa Dr. Jameson Is lib
eraiort he will marry a beautiful
i Did the play go las!
tinds Well, hardly; but you
e seen ihe audience. New
I iks
i x
7 N
Katlnc Slowly.
The opinion that hurry in eating is
a prolific cause of dyspepsia Is founded
on common observation. The 111 rc
eults of bolting food have been attrib
uted to the lack of thorough mastica
tion and to the Incomplete action of
the saliva upon the food. Two-thirds
of the food which we eat Is starch, and
starch cannot be utilized In the system
as food until It has been converted Into
ugar, and this change Is principally
effected by the saliva. But there is a
third reason why rapidity of eating In
terferes with digestion. The presence
f the salivary secretion in the stom
ach acts as a stimulus to the secretion
ef the gastric Juice. Irrespective of the
mechanical function of the teeth, food
which goes into the stomach Incom
pletely mingled with saliva passes
elowly and imperfectly through the
process of stomach digestion. There
fore, as a sanitary maxim of no mean
value, teach the children to eat slowly,
and In giving this instruction by ex
ample the teacher, aa well as the pupil,
may receive benefit Troy Times.
'at-Bntldlna Flan.
There are fish that build nests Just
as birds do. The most interesting are
the paradise fishes of Japan. The
eesta they make are very odd, indeed,
being composed entirely of air bubbles.
Ordinarily of a dull silvery color, the
male fish goes a-woolng In a striped
costume of red, blue and green, with
atreaks of brightest orange on the cen
tral fins. Later on the female con
atructs tbe nest, swallowing air, and
ejecting it in the shape of bu Utiles held
and made permanent by glutitous cap
sules from a secretion In her mouth.
Wouldn't Do
Daughter "I think I ought to go to
cooking school, mamma, don t you?1
Mother "I can teach you to cook, my
ear." Daughter "Oh, but you won't
Oo. mamma; you only cook the ordi
jiary things that people eat.' Roxbury
11? Keeping etrong?
I niHllHKlU nwii
le 01i, I'm sorry to
the prominent citizens of
D.. la Oscar Silver, He own
a copper mine and manufactures iron
He Is a gold man.
The Bluefleld Institute for the High
er Education of Negroes has been
turned over to the state of West lr-
ginla. It cost J8.000.
The new woman has Invaded anotnei
occupation. A church or itoston na
Just appointed a woman sexton, prob
ably the only one in New England.
The average yield of wheat per acr
in the United States and Victoria If
about the same, that of the former be
ing 12.4 bushels, and that of the lattet
Fur-bearing animals are becoming so
scarce "that the feasibility of breeding
them la being discussed. It la conceded
that Siberia would be the most desir
able place for the establishment ol
farms for this purpose.
Now Is the time to subscribe for The
Attorneys. 140 Karnara Street.
"KTOTICB To the unknown heirs of James
A 8. Demuscy, deceased, and Charles mur
mu win-i-Mulil....! defendants:
win mwa notice that on the 30th day
of October, lswl. Harry J.Twlutlng. plain Iff
herein. Bled his petition In the district court
of Douglas county. weorasK. againfj ninni
iinn.naev. Chiirlea Murray. Western
Cold 8urae Company, tbe Unknown Heirs
of James 8. D nipsey. d ceased, and John
Kush. defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain county
Treasurer's tax sale certificate and tax-s
paid thereunder, dated April 1st. 1NH3. and
...... ...i,,., ih west, one-half of lot five (S) In
block three (3of Patrick's Hrst Addition to
the city of Omaha. Douglas county, Ne
i..,. .L. H.m m certificate was Issued to
Chrrles 8. Dickey, and by him assigned to
the plaintiff, WHO is now me owu.-r oi i.o
........ Tiiupa la now due unon sa d tax cer-
tl licate and taxes paid t hereunder the sum of
one hundred and thirty-five dollar (llHft.00)
with Interest from September 2s, 18W1, at the
rale often (10) per cent per annum, and an
attorney's fee amounting to ten (10) per cent
of the decree. I'UlntllT piays for a decree
that the defendants may be required to pay
the same or that sad premises may be sold
..tiur thn amount found due and costs.
and that upon the sale the defendants be
barred of all Interest in tald real estaie.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before Decent ner iiu. i-sm. .
. Dated. Umaha, Nehrasfcn. NiWeSi'herS. 1896
By Saunders & Macfarland, his attorneys.
Doc. AH; No TO. 11
MAUIiKM O CONNOH,, Kl Kiimge Block.
A NTS. In 'he district court within and
for Douglas county. Nebraska.
To Alolhlo. SUborborn. non-resident de
f.MidiintM: ,
You are hereby notlfl-d that, on the 20th
day of Oetotmr. A. D. lH'.li Fredrick fllber
horn. plaintiff herein, tiled a peiltton In sutd
court, the object and prayer of w lch are to
o.italn a divorce from tbe bon'ls of u atri
inony from you on the grounds that you
have wilfully abandoned said plaintiff for a
period of iiinro than two years last, p st
without at y Juit or reasonable cause there
for. and for tne custody of hla three children.
You are required to answer said petition
on or bsfore the 14th day of December, A.
li. isssi
Omaba Nebraska, unnner in.
By Martlom & O'Connor, his attorney.
Attorney. Suite 331 Board of Trade
rtn rut UAriTlTU IXIMniSMUJbn o
8ale.-Cnder and by virtue ot an order
of sale on decree of foreclosure of mort
gage. Issued out of the district court for
Douglas county, state of Nebraska, and to
me directed, l win, on me n -j
..H.IU. a it ikol at one o'clock P. M. of said
day at the EAST front door of the county
court house. Id the city of Omaha, Douglas
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest Udder for cash, thy property
described In aald order of sale as follows, to-
1 1. ivmu in in block eluht (S) of Or
chard Hill, an addition to the city of ptuaba.
as surveyed, platted anu recorueu,
situated In the county of Douglas and state
of Nebraska. t , . .njim.
said property to oesoiu vo .. .........
W a. fJavla plaintiff herein, tbe sum of three
thousand one hundred and thlrty-slx ana
10-100 dollars d.i:.10. due on account of his
mortgage, and also tne sum of two hundred
j i,.i.m t.n.r. ,ai.40. with in-
terest and costs, which amounts are a first
and second valid and existing ueu uyuu ...
described premises. .
ant herein, the sum of one ttousand and
seventy-four and 38-100 dollars (11.074 4s).
with Interest and costs, which amount Is a
third valid and existing lien upon said above
described premises. ,
a i ts. ..tur v the sum of twenty-two and
43-100 dollars (fc2 43) cost herein, together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at lta September term. A. D. ls.ft. In
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein William W. H. Davis is plaintiff, and
Harrison O. rlrotne, tur.aneia n. jro...o.
Fai.nle E. Brome, Bancroft, Whttney 4 Com
pany, a corporation, and Callahan Co a
pany. a corporation, ara defendants.
Special Master Commissioner.
Ja. W. Carr. atuirney for plal stiff.
Davis vs. Brome, st al. Doc. 52; So. s. -10-J3-S
, ,
Probata Notice.
In the matter ot the estate of Zulloa
Evans, deceased:
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the xe.;utor
of said estate before me. County Judge of
DJUKlas county, neorasaa, a me couuij
court room In said county, on the 6th day of
January. PM. on thetlth day of March, 1SOT,
and on the Dth day of May, 18H7. at o'clock
A M- each day, for tne purpose oi presenting
their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed for
the creditors to present their claims and one
year for the executor to settle said es
tate, from the 4th day of Noven ber, 1KW); this
notice will be puonsneu in im
for four weeks successively, prior to tbe 6th
day of January. 1807.
ll-B-4 County Judge.
Attorneys. 1406 Faro am Street.
SHERIFrU SALE. By virtue or an order
of sale Issued out of the District Court
for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me 01
rncted. I will, on the lUlb day of November. A.
I) l'wl. at ten o ciocn A. m oi said uay, as tne
KA!T front door of the county court nouse.
in iha i-iii n( Omaha. Douglas countv. Ne
braska sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash, tbe property described is
said order of sain aa follows, to-wlt:
Lot four (4) in block "rv ana tut six ioi in
block "K" In Saunders & Hlmebaugb's addl-
tl n to tlis city of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nehraska.asaurveveo. ulaltea anu recorueu
also lota ten (10) and elevenUl) In block one
0 In Saunders & Hlmebaugb's addition to
Walnut Hill, an addition to the city of
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorueu,
.11 in Hooir aa countv. stale or neur&sua.
HaI.I i.ri.ix.rtv to be sold to satisfy Arthur
M iinam. iilnlntlff herein, the sum of three
hundred and ninety nine and 70-100 dollars
(fcWH.TO) Judgment, Wltn interest tnereon ai
puia r1 ten illll oernent her annum from May
4th, 1806. which said amount is a first va id
and existing lien upon said lot four (4i la
)l,uli -V." and lot alx itfi II block "E."
To satisfy Arthur M Cowle, plaintiff
herein, the sum of three hundred and forty
two and 00 100 dollars (HM2.6)). with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten (10) per ceut per
annum from tbe 4th day of May, IHiHJ. which
said amount Is a nrt valid and existing lien
upon said lots ten(iO) aooeleveo (11) la block
To sutlsfv Ben B Wood and Daisy B,
Wood, his wife, defendants herein, the sum
of iwo thousand and seventy-seven and
30-100 dollars ( fci.077.3i) Judgment, with Inter
est thereon at rate of ten (HI) per cent per
annum from May 4th. 18SW, which said
amount Is a second valid and existing lien
upon said above described property.
To aat.luf lha auu of twenty -one and
63-100 dollars t!1.53) costs herein, together
with accruing com, according to a Judgment
rendered by tbe dlsirlctcourtof said Doug
las county, at lta may term, a. u. itou iu a
certain action then and there pending,
wherein Arthur M. Cowle Is p alntlff. and
Davis Skalnokowsky, UachelSka nokowsky
Hen B. Wood and Mrs. Daisy U Wood, Lis
wife, were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, October 9th, t
john w. Mcdonald.
Sheriff of Douglas Counly, Nebraska.
Saunders Macfarlaud, attorneys.
Arthur M. Cowle vs. Davis Skalnakowsky.
Doc. 62: No 283. 10-U i
Attorneys, 1406 Farnara Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE -By virtue of an order of
sale Issued out of tbe district court for
Douglas county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, I will, on the 17lb day of November, A
D. 18'JO, at ten o'clock A. M. of suld day. at
the F.AfT front uoor of the county court
house. In the cit y of Omaha. Douglas county,
Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash, the property described in
said order of sale as follows to-wlt:
The west one halfifii of lot five (5), In block
six (). Heed's First Addition to the city of
Omaua as surveyed, p altud and recorded,
all in Douglas county, stat of Nebraska.
Said property to be fold to sillsfy Ph'lip
L. Johnson, plaintiff herein, th- sum of one
hundred eighty-four and ;H loo dollars
(1181.34) Judgment, with interest thereon at
rate of ten (I'M per cent per anuu u from Sep
ivmiwr -':i ls'ir.
To satisfy the sum of thirteen ana iis-iuu
dollars (il-.OH) costs herein, together with ac-f-niinir
coHta. according to a ludgment ren
dered by the district court of said Douglas
county, at lta September term. A. D. tSWii. la a
certain action men aim mere
wherein I'btlip L. Johns n was piaintiu. anu
iim.iia Sncorli v Oomnanv. a coruoratlon. or
ganized and existing under the laws of the
state of Nebraska, was defendant.
Omaha. Nebr ska. o -.toner urn, imo.
john w. McDonald.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska
Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys.
Johnson vs. Omaha security uompany.
Doc. 51 and W: No. 186. 10-1H-8
hereby given that Lewis A. Woods. Lor
ens Koenig and Burton A. Karr have organ
ized a Corporation under and pursuant to
the laws of the state of Nebrask a.
The name of said Corporation Is "The
Mechanical Railway Signal Company," and
the principal place for the transaction of lta
business Is the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted Is the manufacturing, buying.
leasing and rurnisning auumiauu urr
.I....... .lunal auunltea and signals for rall-
w.v. hlirhwava and street crossings; also to
purchase and sell such patents and rights ai
. ha NMurv or nroner for the conduct
ing and protection of said business, acd to
purchase, own. lease, sell, encumber and
convey such real estate m may be necessary
f inrfrinnt to the Drooer or profitable con
ducting ot such business and to purchase or
lease the property of eatd Corporation and to
do sucn otner tnioita ai piikui w m
necssary or Incident to ths affairs ot the
Corporation. ,
Tko ...thnrlrad canital stack of said Cor
poration is $1,000,000.00. divided Into 10.000
shares of 1100.00 each; said stock to be non
assessable and Issued when subscribed for
and fully paid up. The Indebtedness of this
iwmniim to at no time exceed 5 000.00.
and the business thereof to begin on the 1st
dav of Octeber 1806. and continue for a
period of fi fty (50) years.
i-H affaiM of the Oornoratlon to be con
ducted by a B ard of Directors, consisting of
i.u. h.n t.hrA (3i nor more than five (51
members, who shall be elected annually by a
majority or the stocanoiuers oi wit oirpu
tlon and by such other agents, officers or
employees as tbe Board of Directors may de-
29 l?ecretry,
&Ut,mrvm'mmmTmn is si
S We win rv t-i TO to anyone w ho wilt sell within the next f
3 threa nioutba Xlropieaof "Talka to t lilblreu AIhhiI Jeaua" One of j
3 Die luual popular !.! ever rnit.lUued. Over loil.uU roplea a I read v j
old. AKenia mii irom i mi w e..iM. wwihuhj iiiupu.wu i
f reight i.l and credit vlveu. Couiplel canvaastus uutfll and full j
tiifuriuaUoaSaceula. j
i. .h. ni aell K conies In two months. V' will rive an I
ataTtCl OHUAX. retail rU-e r.TO.00, to auyone who will sell 110
routes in three mouUia, splendid opportunity for a Church or Society
to secure au organ. A OOUD W ATCI1, retail price HUM given to
......... arh sill ull Hln.Diea In 30 days. 1 bis premium Is In addi
tion to the rexular romnuaaion. AgenU who do not secure any o tj
the prises, are given liberal rommlaalon for any numlasr sold. Iat
fall, we pa 1.1 to aireiiui over r-.uw in roiiiiiiiaaioua. n uumuci
Buad over IUO.OO per wow Ik. Write us Immediately and sex-tire
aagenrv. It will rwr ,rnn. No time t lose, someone will ret hed
you. "ri ...ot Htanal Inoureuients on other books and
u.hie. for Fall and Holl.lav Trade. A new UKk. " Rortr lean im
i.i. "viii raonllv. Avenla often average 10 orders a day. ruinie
terms and preiiiiuins aa on "Talka to Chll tren." Weglveextraordin
.... ......... I..r aelllna- Marlon llarland's new book. u llama of lha
Bible." fJlOOO given foraelllng l0coples In i months, or 1100.00 blcy. !
ele lor selling 0 copies In one mootn. ueunix. sarouint. nnwHwca
Attorney. 523 New York Life Building.
SUEKlFt S SAL!. By virtue of an execu
tion Issued ojt of the district court of
Nebraska. In and for Douglas county, to me
directed, tn a Judgmentof said court In favor
of Theodore L. Von Dorn against Frederic
Mengedobt, 1 nave levied upon tne east one
hundred and fifty feet (150) of lots one (1) and
urn In Mr-Oandllsh Place In the cltv of
Omaha, Douglas county, and state of Ne
braska, and on tne 1st day oi injcemoer, v. v.
1806 at the EAST front door of the county
court house In the city of omaba, in said
Douglas county, ineorasaa, at ten ocioca in
lha forenoon. I will offer said property for
sale and sell the same at public auction to
the highest bidder in money, saia property
to be801dtosatisiy saia ju i(mwiuu conn
Witness my nana tne ctmi uay oi rcuuiui
k i oii4 JOB ! W. MCDONALD.
Bberirr of uougias uounty, state oi
Nebraska. ju i-a
Doc. 87; Me. 357
Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
A large quarto volume of 1,100 doublt
column pages, and Is a standard' wort
In every particular. Cloth, 12.50, sea
hy express.
LeCaron the Spy
Gives a history of the Fenian raids o
Canada, and a complete expose of theli
plots again the British government
Paper, 50 cents,
Plain Talk About Romanism
of Today
B Eev. Hugh Montgomery. , This UttH
work Is by no means uninteresting. It
draws a comparison between popery
and Protestantism, and contains muci
historical Information. Price In papet
cover. 50 cents.
The Assassination of Lincoln-
is an Intensely Interesting volume
written by 1. at rtarris, one ot mo uu
ltary commission wnico vrieu ui
f my kti
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver flirting Co.,
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at rt Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
M. L. ZOOK, Agent,
1615 Howard Street,
Omaha, Neb.
A.N UP-TO-DATE, ....
Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Mer
hants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who
leslre a complete vork at the minimum cost.
Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps.
140 New and Superb Illustrations.
A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb
ing interest to every member of the household.
Ponulation of each State and Territory, ot all
Counties of the United States, and of American
Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants.
f T CONTAINS much special Information regarding any Nation, Province
TKa IrnnwlArlcrA In rn.rp.1 v nht&ln&bld
from a school geography, which necessarily has only a few general facte and
.ne looauon ui imwrui , -
Railroad maps are notoriously incorrect and misleading, hence tne puzziea
iruth-seeker. where large libraries are Inaccessible, Is without relief unless he
.8 ne nappy owner oi nuwieuKe-iwiJioijiijs, uicoouiw-g., WKw- .......
All V.4JU11 ul loB UU bUC ICKrO VI vuo vat wu v vuvwu
Rivers and Lakes are accurately located.
. ii a. ritio. r,i Vio WnHrl iha Imnnrtftnt Towns and most 01 tne
AH VUD 1CI0 VlllVD v wuw vvvmAH, "
Villages of the United States are given on the Maps.
s ni.aoiflpri T.iat. nf all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo-
graphical Location, Size and Population.
mil beautiful Atlaa Is bound In heavy paper cover, and will be aent to Cft PENT?
any address upon receipt of - - ww vbiiiwi
Bound In Paper: Fripe - OK GENTS.
6ent on Keoeipt of Prioe. - v-i-ij J.
Tbis Stort Was Published in Serial Form in tb.e Omaba
American, and b,ad a W? Circulation.
rdor T?Pom THE AnHDir'.AlVf
The American
. The Best Patriotic Pacer in the West.