The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 30, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Wc, the undersigned members of Fraternal Orders and Mutual Insurance Companies,
having had our attention called to a circular sent out by Mr. Lynch and Mr. Swigert of Lincoln,
Neb., in which they contend that Attorney-General Churchill is unfriendly to Mutual Insurance
have thoroughly investigated the matter, and especially the connection of Mr. Churchill with the
case of the State of Nebraska ex rel. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Lincoln, and find
the charges made in such circular to be wholly untrue; and would further say that Mr. Wood,
the President of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company, stated to the undersigned that
Attorney-General Churchill's attitude toward this company has always been just and fair, and
that he (Mr. Wood) did not approve of the statement made in such circular letter. We further
desire to say that, after a careful investigation, we know that Mr. Churchill IS NOT UN
FRIENDLY to either Fraternal Societies' or Mutual Insurance Companies.
Dated at Omaiia, Neb., Oct. 27, 1896.
Chairman City Ctvtra! Committer, City of Omaha, JM,.t and Business Men's Iraternity.
Memltr of the Fraternal League.
President Fraternal Union of America,
This is to certify that Hon. A. S. Churchill Is a member in good standing of Commercial
Camp No. 107 of the Woodmen of the World, and holds Certificate No. 743o. Fraternally yours,
seal Supreme Cl&rk.
Eiifouratcinir rnkrs.
The Rochester, N. Y., lktily Stnr, la
edited by a Roman Catholic Referring
to Goo. W. A'drklgo's recent defeat by
the A. P. A. In hi gubernatorial as
pirations, the Star of September 6, ald:
"Ciit'iollo people are gettlnjr a little
indignant over some of the A. P. A.
doings lately. They scattered tho A.
P. A. placard at Saratoga, saylnjr that
delegates who did not want a oonfes
alonal in the state capital should vote
against George W. Aldriilge. Aldrldge
married Into a Catholio family, al
though he himeclf and his family are
Presbyterians and strict church mom
ben, "Ae a consequence of the way the
eeret order follows up all Catholics
nominated for public office, it Is becom
ing harder each year for Catholics to
get nominations at the hands of either
Dartv. for the loaders fear A. P. A. op
position. Not alone are the Catholic
themselves marked in this way, but
also those who have Catholic wives, as
note the fight against Dick Bland at
Chicago, as well as that against Al
drldge at Saratoga.
"A few years ago there were many
Catholics in all departments of the city
hall, especially Irish Cathohcs. whose
talent took them to the front in public
affairs. To-day there are only.afew
Catholio employes left in the building,
and the few that are there are kept in
their places only by the influence of
the much-talked-of King Calihan.
Look at the cace of Alderman Tracy,
who couldn't hold even his own brother
In his plaoe in the waterworks depart
ment ! "There are bright and young Catho
lio men who don't like thls)sort of thing
a little. They think they.are just as
good as any other class of citizens, and
don't like to be tat gets of a secret order
in case they ever want to enter politics.
"Rumor has it that the Knights of
Columbus, the new secret Catholic
order, is organized aa an oflset to the
A. P. A. The Knights are made up of
the best Catholio blood la the city,
such as James L. Whalen, B. F. Mar
tin, Ed. Ernst, William C. Barry and
men of that stamp."
. How'a Thisl
We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for
an case of Catarrh that caa not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
V. 3. CHENEY CO., Pro pa.. Toledo, O.
We toe undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the laat 15 years, and believe I ltn
. perfectly honorable la nil business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obllsations made by their firm,
Wast & Tbcax. Wholesale Druejtlste, To
ledo, Ohio, Waldiko, Kiknaw dt Mabtih,
Wholesale Drat glaU, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price '.5c per bottle.
Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
When down town drop In at John
Rudd's and leave your watch, it it is
out of repair, to bo fixed, 115 So. II St
Now is the time to subscribe for The
Fraternal Orders
Mutual Insurance
Are you alwut to have any PhetO
graphs taken? Visit the studio
203 North NHh. street.
Go to Edward Bauuoiey for Jilvery
17th and St. Mary's Avenue.
Subscribe for THE AMERICAN now
The bust and cheapest patriotic paper
in America.
Send your book binding to The
Attorney. Suite 3U1 Hoard of Trade
Hal. t!ni1r and by virtue ot an oruVr
of anln on ri.-rpe of fi.rp.'l.isure of mort.
fivtfp, lHHtnd out of the dtmrtt-.t court for
ltout-liis county, mate of Nt-bracka. an.l to
lux alive ten. I win. on tno -in uny ot no
vmnlipr, A. P. WW, at on o'clock p. . of mid
da at tlin KAtT front dixir of tlit rotintj
court liouie. In the city of Otimha. Dunning
county, NcbraNkH. aell at ju hllc: auction to
the liitlitt 1 lililcr for rash, tlin in-opurty
itpMCrlbed In (aid ordur of sale aa follows, to
wit: Lot thirteen (i: in block ttht (Hi of Or
chard Hill, an addit ion to tin city of Omaha,
a surveyed, platu-d and r-cordid, all beinn
aim it oil In the county of DoukIivm and state
of NclirHHka.
Said tiroiierty to br sold to aatlafy William
W ll, f'avls.jilaliittlT herein, ti e nuimil three
thousand one hundred and thirtv-six and
10-IM) dollars if:t,i:M.lU). due on account of his
inorteaiie. and also tne sum nf t wo hundred
and three and 40-ItaO dollars it&Vi 40). with In-U-rest
and costs, which amounts are a Hrst
aud second valid and existing lien upon said
described premises.
Also to satisfy Kannle E. Bromo, defend
ant herein, the sum of one tl ousnnd a- d
seventy-four and ;-l0 dollars (St.074 s,
with tnteifst and costs, which amount Is a
third vlld and existing Hen upi n said above
dcscrllied premises.
Also to satisfy the sum of twenty-two and
411-100 dollars (2 4.1) costs herein, together
with accruing costs according to a judgment
rendered by the dist rict court of said Dounlas
county, at Its September term. A. I). 1X:5, in
a certain action then and there pending,
wherein William W. II. Davis Is plaintiff, and
Harrison O. Brome. Elizabeth A. Brome,
Fannie K. Hrome, Bancroft. Whitney & Com
pany, a corporation, and Callahan a Co u
pany, a corporation, are defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. October '.itrd. m.
Special Master Commissioner.
Jas. W. Carr. attorney for plaintiff.
Iiavls v. Brome. tt al. Doc. 52; No. 8. -
10 -
Attoroeys-at-Xaw, 321 Ramge Block.
ANTS. In the district court wlthla and
for Douglas county, Nebraska.
To Atolltle SUberhorn, non-resident de
fendants: You are hereby notified that on the th
day of October, A. D. 18WI, Fredrick SUber
horn, plaintiff herein, filed a petition In said
court, the object and prayer of which are to
obtain a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony from you on the grounds that you
have wilfully abandoned said plaintiff for a
period of more than two years last past
without any just or reasonable cause there
for. and for the custody of his three children.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day ot December, A.
D. 189ft.
Omaha, Nebraska, October SO, vm.
By Mad lorn it O'Connor, his attorney.
T EGAL NOTICE.-Notlce is hereby given
that by virtue of an order ot sale on at
tachment to me directed, and Issued out ot
the county court of Douglas courty, Ne
braska, In an action wherein Nebraska Cycle
Company Is plaintiff, and Albert Sudenburg,
defendant, I will, at one o'clock P. n. on the
Uth day of November, 18M6, -t the Storage
Bouse of the Pacific Storage Oompany, 808
Jones Street, Third Ward, City ot Omaha,
offer for sals at public vendue the following
goods and chattels, to wit:
One bicycle "Unique" 3HS&,
One bicycle "Unique" K1S.
One battery or motor.
Two stands.
Two floor screws.
Taken on said attachment as ths property
of Albert Sudenburg.
Dated this Uth day ot October IMS.
Attorney. IS New York Life Building.
KSTATK. By virtue of a pluries ordet
of sale issued out of tho district court for
Douitlai county, wenrasaa anu m pu.
of the derree ot said court, in an a.tton
therein Indexed at Execution Docket VV,
page K. wherein l red II. Kent U plaintiff
and Allte J. Bead, et al., are defemlunrs I
will, at ten o'clock a. m. on the !24th fayof
November, WM. at the EAST front door of
Douglas county court bouse, at Omaha. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bldoer for cash, to satisfy said order and de
cree, the real estate situate In Douglas
count v. Nebraska, described as follows: Lot
one (I) In block tlvs (M In Missouri Avenue
Park, an addition to the city of South
Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded,
all In Ihiuglin county, state of Nebraska.
Omaha, fiebfaska. Octoher 2:trd. WW.
, . joiiN w. Mcdonald,
Sheriff o( Douglas Oounty, Nebraska.
Kent vs. Rend, et al. 1(1 SI R
Attorneys. 140tl Farnam Street.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of van order
of sale Issued out of the district court
fur Douglas county. Nebraska, aud to me dl-
1 will, on the 24th day of November
A. D M. at 111 o'clock A. w. of fald day. at.
the EAST front door of the county court
house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county.
Nebraska, sell at public an tlon to the high
est i Idder for cash, tne property uescrmeu in
iiild order of f ale as follo ws, to-wit:
The southwest, ouarter of section six (6V
township fifteen (IS) north.range thlrteenL4.
east, of the hlxth Principal Meridian, coo-
talr ing In all ten (10) acres according to the
government survey, together w th all tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances
thereto belonging, all sltuxto in the county
of Douglas and slate or Neliraaka.
Siild iimtiertv to be sold to safsfy Albion
V. Five, plaintiff herein, the sum of two
thousand one hundred and twenty-four and
11-lon dollars ifj IJ4.1H. with Interest thereon
at the rate of ten .10) percent per annum
from Seuteiuber 24rd. lH'.tt, which Is a first
valid and existing lien upon said leal estate.
To satisfy David M. Cre. aetenaant Here
in ihu Rin'i. of three thousand three hun-
lr(1 n,l sltv-seven aid ;tA-Q dollars
it,;l7.3.M. with Interest thereon at the rate
of ten (10) percent per annum irotn w'ptem
Vmr Sird. 1M. which amount Is a second valid
and existing lien upon said real estate.
Also to satisfy the further sum of twenty
fmr and i;moo dollars ($!4.U) costs herein,
until na.d. toeether with accruing costs, ac
cording toa Judgment rendered by the dis
trict couit of said Douglas county, at Its
September term, A. D. lhiti. in acertam action
then and there penning, wnerein nuiun
Five lit nlalntllf. and John F. Flack Com
pany, a corporation organlr-ed under the
t . . .. . V7 . , . I , .. I . ... .. L" Vlul
laws l i nr, ui ww . . . '.
and David M. Ureare defenaants.
Omaha, Nebraska. Octolier 2,'lrd, 1898.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Saunders Macfarland. attorneys.
Flye vs. Flack Co., et al. Doc. 50; No. 256
10 23-5
herehv liven that Lewis A. Woods. Lor-
rai Knenls and Hurton A. Karr have organ
ized a Corporation under and pursuant to
the laws of the state of Nebraska.
The name of said Corporation Is "The
Mechanical Railway Signal Company." and
the principal place tor the transaction of Its
Duslness is tne city oi umaua. uouji
Mnnl. NnhrAAlrA.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted Is the manufacturing, buying,
leasing and furnishing automatic danger
alarms, signal supplies and signals for rail
ways, highways and street crossings; also to
purchase and sell snch patents and rights as
may be necessary or proper for the conduct
ing and protection of said business, aid to
purchase, own, lease, sell, encumber and
convey such real estate as may be necessary
or incident to tbe proper or profitable eon
ibwinr f aneh hnalnes and to Durchaae or
lease the property of said Corporation and to
do sucn other tnings as migni u ur dru.
necessary or Incident to the affairs ot the
Corporation. . , . .
Tho .ut.hnrlMtd ranltal stack of said Cor
poration is l1.OOu.ft90.SO, divided Into 10.000
shares of IISu.UO eacn; nam stoca to oe non
assessable and Issued when subscribed for
and fully paid up. The Indebtedness of this
llnrnnratlon til St DO time exceed 16.000.00.
and the business thereof to begin on the 1st
day of Octeber. 1896, and continue for
perloa ot nrty wo) yeara.
The affairs ot the Corporation to be con
ducted by a Board of Directors,- consisting of
ot than three f8) nor more than ve 5)
members, who shall be elected annaally by
majority OT tne stocsnoiuerstn we uunwra
tlon and by such other agents, officers or
employees as Ue Beard ot Directors may de-
X JOHN Runn.
jeweier ana upticia.7 j
. - . 115 S. 16th STREET,
I Pine Watch Repairing:
A IM n r.. -. L 11.-1.. X
nenca u ocks.
r Wetc Eaemlner Is F.. e. t
I m. v. r. a. c I
v4HHH- t
co .InL
We bundle the brat Coal for all purposes
prices a Iuw a the ioeest,
Tel. 1338. 506 So. 1 6 1 It Street.
Merchant Tailor
Suits Made to Order.
- - 5" a. a sen -II , Mva)a IvJUhan"
04 N. 16th St, OMAHA, SEB.
f atcWtT and Jeweler,
Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty
(13 South 16 Street.
Eaijr 10 Wear.
Her: .a
'No pressure oa
Illpt or Back.
with Comfort.
I. ever uiovet.
lo8 Farnam Street.
medical, Optical, Surgical and jnatft.
ntailcai Supplies.
Oppoilt. Pitlon Hotel' OMAHA, NEB.
101 U'.tMli tt Kansas City, JIo.
A Regular GraJmtU in MrJirine. Over J I
i ears f rtti.ti.c ii tm nitaga.
Tli Oldest la lo aud Longest Located.
CV A ill Itorlr.ed Dy the State to ! t'lMrtlWS low. 1st nu icmy
or Injurious liioillelne used.
Isu llu.o lost from business. Parties at a
lllntanco 'i-eated l.y mull Rtid express.
Medicines sent every hero free from
friifeoor lircHkuge. State your c.'iso nn(
hcihI for terms. Consultation free ani
con tliluntlitl, HTsouully or by letter,
pei'inaiieiitly cuie . '
Srsiliiwi Wiss.t'uess sn4 (jtui KVvltlllty
(Sfcrmntet rkea arf.rtrk)prKlnclnir
tilmnlbs, nervousness, rushes of bliHsl
to t lie head, pal ns In tu-k, forgetful
tiess, tiashfuJnoHssn'd aversion tosis-l
.... ill...., ... ... 1
..T biui uignv ,",pc-irBimv ills, m" n
tial power enf;irgonil Htrnngthon weuk U
jmi mi ht.u ?TT.-.Ke you ni lot iiiarriago.
Sl)hiU, Gonoi rhiea, (ileet, and all fl
private Oiseasos cured fur life, B
itflrtlirp' cured without cnttlng, K
;"'i-l'u'L Caustic, souudsor bou- a
fries. No pain or exposure, l'utieuls E
can nse treat ment ot lionio. M
Trtfll '"r both sexes SO pages, S7
awl- pictures, with full descrip
tion of nlmve. Ciseases the eirecls and
cure sent sealed in plain wrn)Mr for
So. stanips. Sure fare li.r lihrnmalisiu.
Sendstaiupforuircular. 1 Btt MustUM
t)K Anatomy.
"$?00 for bovs diieaws thai I eannot cure.
of my
One of
Mv Creat
Monti- if
Read the following convinc
ing testimonial from two
orominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac S. fiascall and R. F. Williams
have this to say. We consider Dr. 0. Gee Wo
of 519 North 16th St.. Omaha. Neb., one of the
best physicians In the city for the following
reasons: Four years ago our daughter be
came very nervous and at times sick and
unable to control herself. We doctored with
and consult Ml nine of tbe leading physicians
of this city, but she gradually grew worse,
until on the 7th of October, 1895, she was at
tacked with spasms. She was unconclous
and delirious tor weeks following the attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. We then
employed Dr.C. Qee Wo, and the patient be
gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably
short time was up. She la feeling better
than sbe has for a longtime. She is Improv
ing every day and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. V. Williams, rather,
Isaac 8. Eascall, a near Relative.
, 2106 8. 18th8t,
Ex-OONSTABLB 8. B. CLARK, Office 819 S..14th
..says: I can't say too much for Dr. O.
u. wo. My nine ooy anu gin naa uyptneria
and Other physicians said they could not re
cover. I then called In Dr. O. Gee Wo, and
in less than 24 hours tbey were out of danger.
Ha also cured mvself of LagrtDD and gen
eral debility, and my wife ot inflammation of
tbe Dowels ana iemaie weakness, irom wnicn
sbe had suffered many years. I can't thank
him enough for what he has done in my
family. B. B. Clark aid Win.
Mas, H. A. Dcoat, 181 Clark St. Heart
trouble and nervous die Uty of many yean
Johh Brooks, SS4N.18t St. Of sprained
back, liver and kidney tro le of three yean
standing. Is now a well w n.
11 as. Ansa Park. 2109 8. 3th St. Cured ot
spasms and female weaka s of seven yean
Frakk Holm. Schuyler, Neb. Cured of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and was
siven up ss Incurable.
OoifSULTATiOB Fans. Dr. C. Gee Wo
guarantees a cure In every case or the
money win De reiasaw
Bend S-cent stamp for book and question
Kl.nW A ntnni sutlof ad vice can -rite t
. i ?" tiuat throne, Hiruoui an j Prl- m
A u3 valf Dlteaseu Cures puar an- g
rf i: )rj Over a-.( eaca cured.
above addresses or call upon DB. 0. QEB
Men's $3.50 Crack Proof Clf,
Men's 3. 50 to $4.00 Enamel, Lace 3 qq
Ladies' $3.50 Dongola Button Welt 3 00
Ladies' $3.50 Kangaroo Calf, Lace Welt; , " Qflfl
Ladies $3.50 Dongola Lace Century 3 00
These Prices Tomorrow, Saturday.
$100, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00.
107 South Sixteenth Street. '
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.
V -i c nn Cl. r.. a o rn tr . ....
auu fcot ju.uu ouuca lur o.ou
You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25
Youths' $2.00
Ladies' Shoes in the same proportionate prices.
718 So. Sixteenth St.
'"! ui iip iwi ujisbs mm "fT
i:-;ir.js:-sr at
K St
714 So. Sixteenth Street.
frtidnt. Vic..Prld.nt, Ca.hlir. Attittani Ca.hl.rt
CAPITAL., $400,000,
Commercial National Bank,
Store Prices
describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth 15 00
Best Set Teeth 7 60
Gold Fillings. 11.00 and up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Geld Crowns 6 00
Teeth Extracted 25
Teeth out in the morning--Aev
Ones Same Day,
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 YxiJts' ExpniiNCi 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglai Streeta.
Double Sole. Lace . ; ""riQ nA
loe SiDe!
I OU get 4.U0 Shoes for l2 7K
You get $2.00 Shoes for $150
Shoes for $1.50. .
TI "Retort"
The Wonderful New
Heating Stove.
We Are Closing Out
Our Round
Cash or Payments
Shop, 809 S. 16th St. .
You can set
your watch
by ths Burllnrto.
r Limitsd." Ifi i
ha tin
Lsavss Omaha
p. m.
Arrives Dsavsr lis
Two hsurs f astsf thaa an
otb.r train frsm jbmaha to
aU points la OalaTado.
Slsepers, chair Tear, diner.
Ask Us lacal ticket agent
far tickets via tl Burlier
ton Bouts an i BE SUBS
I. ftoairca, Oea'l Van' Ajreat, fcmaaa. ttr
ia-kV4 IBecrttary.
WO. Ill N. Uth Bt.Omaha, risD. .