The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 30, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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JtaM laaplay fcy lh HikiBBUHl
la lk riHalh tMlary.
From U Nlcbola. Peopl ouUIJs
M military Ufa o have no connoe
Um with th iUmc of gunpowder
know it only m a core, blatk powdrr
like nd. which wilt flh ott with
loud report If shui up In a cut of any
kind and tt on Ai.
It U a vrr qurvr mliUu-, made up
t three wimple and well-known sub-
lane, no one of whirs will explode,
although two will bum. No on knowa
when or how tl was discovered, for m
tar bark Into the dark a aa words
r tradition mill rarry ua we find that
fuopvwJtT, thoufh not utel for guns,
waa known. It was, no doubt, looked
upon with awe and fnr by the au
dials on account of Ita flam. Its noise
nd Ita rending fore, but ihlr limited
xat-banlral at: 111 could suiwsl very
lit t la U! for li.
Possibly It whs u-cI In warfare loiift
before tho bi K'lnniiu of history, but the
first man In hlstorirttl tlnu to form
n ldta of the ttiiibli dest ruction
wMch till aful. IniiHtiiig, tli ry null
atance might produce wiu an KriRllab
tnonk niinxil Iltwr Duron. Monks in
Ma day were tho li iiilnt. wliol.irg
and writers of the world, and this
Roger llMoon traveled aul studied
much and made continual experiments
In his laboratory to prote for himself
and to develop lt he learned from
others. He probably saw gunpowder
among the Moors In Spain and tried for
himself ita explosive effeet. Then he
wrote of ita composition in the year
1267, and In his wilting suggested that
it could be used In engines of war
to deal death and destruction to armies
of men.
Soon after Roger Haoon's time his
uggeetlona were taken up and guns
were constructed first by binding Iron
bars together with hoops to form a
tube, then by casting a tube out of
braes, with one end closed. Stone of
' aultable alxe were selected aa shot and
the powder had to be carried around In
chests or barrels and shoveled Into
the munlos of the guna. In spite of
these drawbacks very large guna were
built, for there waa one used by Mo
hammed II. against the Greeks at the
lege of Constantinople in 1453 which
threw a atone weighing 600 pounds a
distance of one mile.
Latching- en Kc PhMphata,
"On the broiling days," says a busy
woman, "food la very distasteful. I find
myself Ignoring luncheon hour, and
then in the middle of the afternoon am
exhausted In consequence. One needs
nourishing food through such strain of
weather, but not heating food, if I
eannot eat at noon I at least go out
and get an egg phosphate. There is
both nourishment and a little stimulant
In this drink. I take care to go to a
place where I can see the fresh gg
broken Into the glass, which I And
more appetizing and nourishing than
the extract used at some soda fountain
counters. About 5 o'clock I get a sec
ond one, and tn this way I get through
a broiling day with comfort. Two taw
eggs, I find, are sufficient nourishment
from breakfast to dinner, both of
which meals I force myself, if the incli
nation la lucking, to partake of. I'hy
alclnns say that systems weakened by
fasting succumb easily to the effects
of heat, but, on the other hand, hot
meals In the middle of the day for one
who must go on working through the
heat of the afternoon are not to be re?
ommeniien. it seems to me the egg
phosphate diet solves the problem."
lats In rIIM Ca4at af ( a--!)
What la probably one of the oldest
books on deportment In existence waa
discovered In Parla the other day. aaya
an exchange It waa published In that
city in l&a for the college of the Jesuits
of L Flarhe, and la entitled "Good
Mannera In Converse Among Men.'
The text la In French, with a Itla
translation. Deportment In public la
first touched Upon. "In yawning do
not groan," this ancient guide to polite
ness says, "and do not gape even when
speaking. In blowing thy nose do it
not as one would sound a trumpet, and
afterward regard not fixedly thy hand
kerchief. Avoid wiping thy nose as
the children do with the fingers or upon
the sleeve. When listening to some one
speaking do not wriggle about, but kew
tnyseir in thy skin the while." It must
have been hard to obey this hitter In
jum-uon. juuging from what is said a
little further along: "Kill not fleus or
the like In the presence of others, but
excuse thyself ami remove whatever
torments thee." Three hundred years
ago gentlemen did not wear such sad
colored costumes ns they do to-day.
and one cannot help feeling that a little
pride and swagger wns excusable In a
dandy of those days when he donned
for the first time a particularly fetch-
ng costume of high-colored silken
nmi nose, let this "guide" re
marks severely: "If thou art well bedl-
xened, if thy hose be tightly drawn and
thy habit well ordered, parade not thy
self, but curry thyself with becoming
modesty. Demean not thyself arrog
antiy, neither go mlueingly about. Let
not thy hands hang limply to the
ground and tuck not up thy hose at
every turn."
lo not embellish thyself with flow
ers upon thy ear," Is another injunction
which sounds curious to-day, but the
advice, "When speaking raise not thy
voice as If thou wert crying an edict,"
le just aa pertinent now aa when the
budding young gentlemen of La Fleche
had It drummed Into them. Table
mannera In those days must have been
rather more primitive even than those
of some of the BO-cent table d' hotea
In this city, for the book Bays: "Being
seated at the table, scratch not thyself.
and if thou must cough or spit or wipe
thy nose, do It dexterously and without
great noise.'
"Stuff not thy mouth with food when
eating and drink not too much of the
wine if thou art not master of the
house. Show not overmuch pleasure,
euner, at trie meats or wine.
In taking salt have a care that thy
knife be not greasy; when It Is neces
sary to clean that or the fork, do It
neatly with the napkin or a little bread
but never with the entire loaf. Smell
not of the meats, and If by chance
thou dost put them not back afterward
before another.
"It Is a very Indecent thing to wipe
the sweat from thy face with thy nap
Kin or with the Bame to blow thy nose
or clean the plate or platter."
a, ....MB.B,v m a ar I e-w a a a a
inc. rnuaisui jlaju, rowoer, ana i reel as strong ana acuv
aa aver. I wlfh 15 Dounde mora Uu
inajtae i mi no, Traveler aaasiaaeai tw n m. Uf. t0. change la
Hkal4 TUlt I'Uk.
There are two reasons, either one of
which ought to be conclusive with
every American citizen.
Fint The trip from Denver to Utah
via Rio Grande Western, "Great Salt
Lake Route," 1b the grandest to be
found anywhere on the continent. No
European trip of equal length can com
pare with It in varietj and grandeur of
oenery and wealth of novel interest.
Second: You should go because, when
you have made this wonderful trip, you
will find Utah at the end of it-Utah,
one of the world's famous spots, and a
land of gold, silver, copper, Iron and
coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val
leys; of vineyards, fruits and flowers.
Salt Lake City, the capital, Is of great
interest on account of Its historical and
religious associations. Here are Hot
Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul
pliur Springs, Sanitarium, Parks.
Drives, Canyons and the most health'
ful climate on earth. Great Salt Lake,
with the new and beautiful Sultulr
Beach Resort, of Moorish design, ha?
no equal in America. Write to F. A
Wadlolgh, Salt Lake City, for'copiesof
pamphlets, etc.
marked that It la the subject of cor
sent when meeting my friends,
recommend Howard's Vegetone Dior
Powder to be, as I believe, the greate
blood-purifier oa earth.
c. A. Potter.
X easier.
The enormous engines that hat
'The Northwestern Line" OMAH7
CHICAGO SPECIAL east at 6:3.
evening, (U. P. depot) and into Cb
cago at 9:30 next morning Wei
worth taking a little time to see them-
nothlng in this country like them-
nearly as high as the Union Dapot, bi
not quite as long.
City office, 1401 Farnam street.
as. lists aa, ar BMfari St. MiSSiS
rU woaid ha aiflkmu to -
f 7WIi aad Marvwwa -S1
AtaiisrSs, tomswertua aad severe vaaUUaa- vifaa a Saa kiMuiMSmi. a
VtawarUuaaAarsUsvtlaof all my payaiaUaa eoaJaaaT I baauSewaaS I
Vltk M MMMUlk - - - - . . . J
aajwiaa. i anaa aaissal
-a 1 i rrtisl n '
ua th -
I terribly
rpbyslclaaa vttaoa aUU aay raJet. rusily hi
kl i")uoiiW eaa i Mcwa to unprova as aooa aa I ton la
' woadarTU. llSMnitrarlMiiaitiMliwuuiM..u I.Tr
tot aaea a paaaeaa aa Dr. Kay's Keaorator aa aiy phyaeiaaa aoaM act WSsiuL J
'Am aooa as I bxu to tnDrare mi hair hn. . Z. . r?-. . ZT9.
)l eoula aos axagaraM aay ease aor toe beaeila I have teaalvwa i-Ti,)
I Or. Kay's Renovator i
f 7. " ! UoCTtT to publtah this forth beneflt at others If roa dasira. " ft hi a Boal-t
V"? ,or moni ' dypepala. oonsUpaUoa. Uver and kidney dsaia J
and all nentoua sad Mood diiar. hradarhe. buiousDeas. 1U poodeooT TlZl
V dlaeams eta. AT THIS TIMB OF YEAB it la lawOusbis fai TnT ra&teTead
larjiroralos the aholesyiiUsm aud purine and enriches the blood. KlTlna aawktaC
V and vigor to Ih; whole ikxJt. The vrry et nerre tonle k noWTTverT clwlienl ind
m : - w w a-unlet vs x vav a 0 au A rAiLfii Msfl kf iti- 4
rUt or sent ly mall oa recelut of price e and II. Send for the booklet; U treats'!
all diseases and many say It Is worth 6 If they oould not gt another; sent free
from our Werners t)fflr. np. B. J K Meiirai r (to isth w, L.Ti.
ol too Smooth.
The track of the UNION PACIFIC
are so smooth and the car furnUhed
so complete that you can imagine your
self in your own luxurious apartments
at home.
Inspect the Buffet Library and Sniok
ing Car as they pats through Omsba
every morning.
200.00 IS (;0Ll)(ilVt.
Of KpMuI Iulr-rrst to Students and
It. H. Woodward Company, of Balti
more, Md., are making almost liberal
offer of 1200.00 to anyonewho will sell
200 copies of "Gems of Religious
Thought," a new book by Talmage.
Thl is one of the most'.'popular book
ever published. Three edition sold In
60 day. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies a
day. An Estey organ, retail price 1270,
given for selling 110 copies In 3 month.
A 1100 btcycle'glvenifor Belling 80
copies In 2 months. A gold watch for
Belling 60 copies ln!onemonth. This
premium In addition to commission.
Complete outfit 85 cents. 'Freight paid.
Credit given. Agentalwanted also for
"Talks to ChlldrenJAbout Jesus." One
hundred and fifty thousand copies bold.
and it la now selling; faster than ever.
Same terms and condition a on
"Gem of Rollglou Thought." Other
popular books ando Bibles also. They
offer special and .most liberal rate to
students and teachers .for summer va
cation. Durlnei last summer a large
number of students and teacher can
vassed for their books. Among the
list there wore 23 who made over 1200,
57 who won the (200 premium, and 76
made over $150 for their summer work.
Write them Immediately. if
2)().0( In (Juld (iivt-n.
The InU-rnat on Hi .w ml li.viL rvi
Haltlmore, hid., makes a most 1 1 hern! ilr
tit .VJ.t)u to anyone illng ioU Copies of tlii'lr
iKMiRH. iiiiu h pwry or jvuue. ur "K'IK
tuue Jewels." by Hunrtfeon. Tim crMO.l
M-lllns bo k out, A icold wmU Ii la irlven in
addition to cou mission for IIIiik IW copies
id uaii. uiiv aKeui aoia ,a l two vwum.
another 40 eoulen In 5 dare, ( oiimleie St i
roiiiuiuHiion nuini tor both booka for Jo
cents Freight uald. credit slven: other
books and fill ies h'so. Hest books and
bibles for fall and Am as holidays. Write
them liuuie. lately.
In every town in the United State to
sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore
and Milk-Leg. Address
C A. C. Medical Co.,
C A. Crum, Mgr.
1703 Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111.
HOUSE A beautiful quartet or chorus
for mixed voices, in sheet music, for
use in concert or campaign work.
Word by Rev. James L. Elderdice
Music by J. C. Herbert. Fillmore
Bros., publishers, 119 W. 6th St., Cin
cinnati, O., or 49 Bible House, New
York. Price 35 cents.
A Fish Story
With elements of truth, easily possi
ble by using the Northwestern line to
some of the many lakes north. Cost
you $2.00 to $10.00. Depends on the
"Financial Que-
1401 Farnam stree
Few Sunntroke la Japan.
"Thl is my first visit to America,
and I am delighted with everything but
the weather." said Mr. T. K. Date,
bright young Japanese gentleman. "I
am greatly asionisnea to read in your
papers of the numbers of people who
die from excessive heat. In Tokyo we
have three months of very hot weather,
Just about the sort that you have in
Washington, but It Is a are thing for
any of my countrymen to eplre from
sunstroke. I think one reason that
uch deaths are infrequent in Japan is
that the people dress In much lighter
clothing than they do in the United
States. They also are more temperate
In the matter of food and drink, eat
ug no meats ana arinKing no very
ardent spirits. The rice beer that the
natives make contains ome percentage
of alcohol, but It Isn't strong enough
to do much hurt" Washington Post.
X Raya I'roved Him Nana.
A Hamburg young man has just had
his sanity proved by the Roentgen rays.
He declared ten years ago that he had
a bullet in bis head, which he had fired
Into it in trying to commit suicide.
He complained of pain, and, a he at
tacked his keepers and the doctors
oould find no trace of a wound, was
locked up a a dangerous lunatic. The
Roentgen rays have now shown the ex
act place of the bullet
Sot Hla, of Course.
"I waa unfortunate enough to leave
my umbrella In a street car yesterday,"
remarked Manchester.
"Whose umbrella was it?" asked Blr
mingham. "I don't know. 1 borrowed it from
Snaggs." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Jut When It Happened.
It was near the hour of midnight, the
hour when virtue sleeps and vice
N. etaiks abroad with Ita nude and pol-
luted form and scatters crime In all
lts festering and fetid blight among
Vhe flowers that sleep in their innocence
Vnd purity. Chilllcothe (Mo.) Tribune.
Kentlmrnt In Words,
Amiability The powdered sugar of
politeness, very apt to be adulterated
Abridgement' A collection of the
bad points of a good book and the fool
ish point of a pour book.
Ancestors The only luxury denied
the nouveaux riches and the one
moat desired by them. '
Aristocrat One ' who washes his
hands oftener than other. Hence the
others are the great unwashed.
Austerity The gold foil and iron
wire of the champagne of life. Be
ware of the cork when the seal break.
Abstention The sour grape virtue
of the fox, who couldn"t get what he
wanted, and didn't vant what he
couldn't get.
Age When we have three ages. The
real bona fide one, that which other
think we have and that which we say
we nave.
Ballroom A place where society
goe to be in the swim, especially the
summer bathing contingency. Look
out that you don't get beyond your
aeptn and beware of shark. New
York Commercial Advertiser.
And still they go like hot cakes. Kver
day the publishers ot the "SlNiiiNt
Patriot" are filling orders tor th
latest and best patriotic aonifster on the
market, it is now in the tenth editior
and twentieth thousand.
The Homeseeker's Promised Land.
The territory of Utah entered tbe
Hnlnn nf Rljitoa nn .fannarv iti 180ft
" J ""1 '"""l AII A
with a population of about 200,000 peo- ftHt YUU Willi UO i
pie ana a cumaie unsurpassed in the
wide world. It is richer in agrlcul
tural resources than any other state.
It has within its borders nearly all of
the known minerals and .metals gold,
silver, copper, iron, tin, etc., In abun
dant quantities. It has, best of all, a
health-giving climate, always temper
ate in summer and in winter. It has
hot sulphur spring, aad.Isiln lactone
large sanitarium. Utah lis the Ideal
place to build a home-in which to
spend the balance of your days, sur
rounded by farm and orchard which
guarantee all the necessities and most
of the comforts of life. There are mil
lion of such home now. awaiting tet-
tlemet Send to F. A. Wadleigh,
Salt Lake City, for copies of Utah
pamphieta. It will pay you to post If No Cure all Money Refunded.
yourself on the merit or the new state,
wnicn ha been amply termed "The Df er hv Dormicdnn t , n. c 1
ew a- hhmivii V BTV alVVtl
rromisea uina."
fib our western imre. ir. B. J. Kn w.lieir (to A mih u rt .l.
Tho Croatoat Book Evor Writton
On Homanlsm and Jesuitism
Black & Pope.
Contains UOO Pages,
Profusely Illustrated,
Printed From Now Typo
Price in Paper, 50 Cents.
Send us 25c. in silver, stamp, post officf
or express order, and by return mail
we will send you a copy of "Thk Sing
lx Patriot." AU the latest Patriot it
Sotin with a good sprinkling of the oltl
ones. This is the acknowledged "up
to-dule" songster.
And they'll be hnppy. Stir up love tin
Native Land and the Oi.n Flao h
getting them once more singing lit.
ui.d ?ono8. interest vour irtenub
Want agents. Send 25c. for sample mio
omni. i ne Motriot lompony
308 Dearborn tet., Chlom.o
A Satisfactory Eiplaaatloa.
Utstractea Mother (at her daugh
ter wedding) "Oh! Oh! Oh! What
shall we do? The groom hasn't come
tne guests are beginning to giggle, and
my aaugnter la m a faint"
ruruu ui me raiimy uaim your
self, madame. I saw the groom only
two hours ago, entering the Great Dry
uoous emporium at the corner. He
said he had forgotten to get gloves."
Distracted Mother (suddenly break
ing into Bmiies) "Oh, then If all
right. He' probably waiting for hla
change." New York weekly.
For Selling a Book of Great Interest and
Popularity "Story f Turkey and
Armenia," With a Full and Graphic
Account of the Massacres.
R. H. Woodward Company, Balti
more, Md., are offering 1200.00 to any
one selling 200 copies of their new
book, "Story of Turkey and Armenia."
Thl is a work of great interest and
popularity. Many agents sell 15 copies
a day. A graphic and thrilling ac
count is given of the massacre of the
F. Hershev of Boston.
Fir: I have used tha Oxvdnnnr thrna
months, and some of my ailments have
wholly disappeared, others much Improved,
I feel like a new man. Cannot say enough In
pralae. You can refer anyone to me.
Yours. Jamka Mrl.iinini i
7 Mechanic St., Koxburv. Mass
Dear Fir: Rv advlre nt frlenda I hnnnhi
an Oxydnnor; within a month I felt better
than for veara. it hmt left, ma f fnm
colds and my family well. You are at
liberty to refer others to me.
T. W Pirn
223 Pleasant St., Boston
The Lataat Catch.
mere is a new "catch" going the
rounds, and some of the bright boys
have been bitten on it already. Some
apparently enthusiastic republican de
clare that he knows of a city of over
60,000 Inhabitants where Bryan will not
receive a single vote, and offers to back
his statement with a two to one bet
When the rabid Bryanlte Is duly landed
and the money posted, the campaign
Dunco steerer calmly cites Washing-
iuu an iuu yiai-e, wuere, inaeea, no
votes will be cast for anybody, and
gathers In the money.
Armenian which have aroused the Sanche's OxydonOf Victory,
185 Tremont St., BOSTON.
THe Uncle Tom'f CaHut ot tne A. P. A."
Portnaaeaa Wldalr Broken.
yU the beginning of this century the
Portuguese language was in use by 7 -
480.000; ia 1890 It was spoken by 13,-iOO.OOO.
rnttlnc on Airs.
"What makes that hen in your back
yard cackle so loud?" "Oh, they've
Just laid a cornerstone across the
Btreet and she a trying to make the
neighbors think she did IL" Union
Good Advice.
"Mr.X has threatened to kick me
next time he meets me in society. If I
see him walk in what should I do?"
"Sit down." Standard.
civilized world. Ajrents are offered
the most liberal term and premiums.
Freight paid and credit given. Write
them immediately. tf
What C. A. Fotter Says.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895.-The QonrfltR nf thft flnnxonl
Xtll r- C .1 WWWIWW W I IMV Wwlll VIM
of tne sacred Heart.
pmg away, wuwo imiuuuD is at its Do you want to send some friend a book
lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded, S'."' lnkeAMmp'"AA' P- h" itUo,l0? wafii
and the 8ensea dulled, when you feel strennthen his faith, by giving hlra evidence
j..,l- - i i, . of the dlaDollc outrages of Komanlsm prac-
ayspeptic, and lose your self-respect, ticed within the wails of the 1405 convent i
that trniir h ond Is nut nf ni.W and all tne unitea states?
you neea is some oi liowara Vegetone send FOR THE
Blood Powder to tone ud vour svstem.
It will act almost instantly upon the SSCTetS Of tfl6 C0nV6nt
diooq; you win ieei ine renewea life
and vigor coursing through your sys
tem; you will foel the old-time grip In
your hands; your mind will be as active
as ever; your friends will observe the
flag of health flying in your face, and
you will feel like a new being. I have
not felt so well for five year a I do
since taking one package of your Blood
Beautifully Illustrated .Cover.
mce, co tents, rosipaid.
Address: rllinSflN TIITTI F.
........ . - ""-i
Berlin Heights, Ohio,
The Safe and Swift Nerve Nourisher and Blooa Builder.
3 BOTTLBSyor 2.-?' .
What KOLA Is and What It Does
It is a valuable remedy for Nerve Weakness and Exhaustion. Neuralgia.
Heart Failure anil Irregularity, "Tobacso Heart," Kidney and Bladder Ail
ments, Liver Trouble, Bllliousness, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Constipation, Rheumatism, and it completely removes the
depressing and distressing effects of the Grippe. '
For the tired, overworked women whose nerves are unstrun? bv the thou-
sand annoying worries of the household this wonderful tonic will prove a price
less boon.
It is carefully compounded with Celery, the great nervine, and is a true
nerve nourisher and blood builder.
It is especially adapt d to run-down nervous systems. It feeds the nerves,
enriches the blood, beautifies the skin, regulates the bowels, Increase the appe
tite and drives out disease by toning up the entire system.
As a guarantee, we return the money paid by the person who uses Kongo
Kala Kure and is not benefited thereby.
Put up in large bottles. Price 91.00 per bottle.
For the next 30 days we make a soeclal offer of 85 cents tier bottle, or 3 bot
tle for 92.00 pre paid. Three bottles are sufficient to give permanent relief in
all ordinary cases, and one bottle gives decided benefit
This Is a stronger preparation of Kolo, in tablet form, for those who wl h
i quit the use of tobacco. KOLA-BAC gradually displace tobacco by destroy
ing a desire for it, and in time creating a distaste for it It counteract the
deadly poison of nicotine, and cures the dread desire known as the "Tobacco
Heart." In boxes, 50 cent each. For the next 30 days 3 boxes for 11.00.
w i -
Hf Christ Oame
To Congress?
Tbe Most Sensational Book Ever
The wickedness of the Capital Citv exposed and its disorder! fcnnaoa
mapped out. Has been read by President Cleveland and his Cabinet, and by
Senators, Congressmen and their families. It is the boldest exposure of vice
and corruption in high places ever written. Read it and loam about your
high officials, your Senators and Congressmen and their mistresses, and the
desecration of our National Capital. STARTLING DISCLOSURES made
irnown for the first time! Read and learn. Over 15,000 copies sold in Wash
ington in three weeks. The best seller out. Now in its third edition
364 Pages, Illustrated. Sent Postage Prepaid on Receipt of Price.