H AMERICAN. 5 1 SS In S.S gh WE WILL, send inc aiickih - " , . , . . ' for ONE DOLLAR. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE ORDER. y are already pa.d in advance $1 00 will carry you one year from the expiration of the time for which it is paid, There will be no change from the present price of $2.00 a year in advance, and all arrearages must be paid at the S2.00 rate. This $i.oo Offer is Only Good Until January ist, i897 NO ORDER WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THE CASH. Adds: AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1C15 Howard. Street, OMAHA, NEB. TELEPHONE 01.1 BOIQE'S SEW ORDEBS (Ceattnued from First Page.) huxter business in spiritual affairs. Out Of the overflowing goodness of her heart she had tried to lighten the mle nf Ufa in her own humble and quiet way, and found her happiness In seeing all about her made comfortable. 4k. t nthnra expended in buying masses for the repose of their own souls and those of their relatives after death, she expended in minister ing to soul and body in this world, leaving to God above the affairs of de parted spirits, to deal with them ac cording to His mercy. She never pre Burned to add to the torments of this life, nor undertook to lighten the tor ments of the departed. Her duties lay ell in this world, and when her labor were ended, she qultoly lay down in death, leaving her future condition to Rh never would' pierce hw w'm with an iron cross, though it had often been pierced by the trials of We. She had see enough real poverty and mortification, but never dreamed of such a thing as poverty and mortifica tion self-imposed, by wearing upon her flesh a garment of sacking cloth er the ingenious invention of a bed bo-cob-trived as to deprive herself of whole some sleep. Images and holy water necnv no place in her creed, though soap and water are almost too prom- 4 cv,a Aa her (rood deeds from a of th's blood; concealed tuemseives ia the church, and when the pious farce began, took so active a part in the sport upon the naked backs of the fathers, as to inflict bodily injury, and break up the bloody entertainment. Still Prot estantism has been felt in Mexico, if not embraced, and the common people look back to the happy time when the soldiers of their Protestant conquerors made money plenty among them, and when even-handed justice was dealt . i -1 out alike to rlcn ana poor, nign nu low. Though the foreigners laughed at the fables of the priests and ridiculed tvi mnnlra. thev vet were honest In their dealings with the people instead of taking by violence. As there are no people so besotted that they do not ad mire courage and honesty, so the Pais- ano looks upon the heretic as a man of a superior race to himself. i4 sha did ner kouu nf Atv which she owed to her kind, and from the pleasure that it cave her to relieve misery wnue ais- .w-aW the ordinary duties oi me, and never dreamed of the sweet odor her good works left behind her-an which followed her to Heaven-an odor more acceptable to the Almighty 4k. n ill t.h endowments she might have left to pay for masses for the re pose of her soul. There is so much that is monotonous taiuiw over the details of affairs of the different orders of these female mvfl from the Sister of Guadalupe to the Sisterhood of Mercy, that it is as well to consider them as one, as divers households of single women, who, to t ..n!nnrv favor of God, bad ADftrated themselves I rom their fam ilies, and devoted their lives, some to mneatlnar prayers and acta of self-mor tification, some too attending at the hospitals on the sick or the blind, the idiotic, the deformed, the deaf and the dumb, others to educating young ladies according to their peculiar notions of education, others again consecrating themselves to pauperism, and living upon charity, and when the dally sup ply of almB has failed, these self-made poor sisters collect together, and there wait and pray, and ring their bell, un til some benevolent individual shall chance to hear the well-known signal, and come and relieve them. Such is the system of religion of all countries which bear the Christian name, but where freedom does not ex iat. and where liberty cannot thrive. There Is a trifling difference in its fcBfiS as exhibited in the Greek and Latin churches, but the difference is too slight for us outsiders to notice. In Mp.yIm it exists in its most unadulter ated state, less contaminated than else where with Protestantism or other for- Alcrn nuhHtances The old farce of self-castlgatlon is .mi omted. as it has been for three hundred years, but in the dark. Wood, or some substi- tute for it. Is heard to fall upon the floor by the few selected witnesses; but a party of boys, report says, being somewhat tkeptloal 'about the quality Two Indent Convents in Quebec. During my travels in Canada I spent some time In Quebec. This place was settled in 1607 by Champlaln, and for 150 years was the capital of New France. The place is peculiarly sit uated. The Lower Town, as It is called, is on the edge of the St. Lawrence, where the business In connection with shipping Is done. The Upper Town is 300 feet above the river level, which is the much larger and finer part of the city. The main city is truly built on a rock. The view from the highest poini is one of the fineBt in the world' The place still bears in a remarkable degree Its ancient French aspect, it aoounas with churches and convents. The most prominent is the Notre Dame ca- t.Tinflral. the walls of which date DOCK to 1647. The two most ancient and prominent . . 1 TT . J 1 convents are the Ursuline ana noun Dleux. These date back to 1637. In that vear nuns came out from France and founded them. Parkham writes The voyage was long and tedious, Sometimes they lay in their Derins seasick and woebegone; sometimes they saner In choir on deck, or heard rnaes in the cabin. Ooce, on a misty morning a wild cry of alarm startled crew and passengers alike. A huge iceberg was drifting close upon them. The peril was extreme. Madame De la Peltre clung to Marie of de l'lncarnatlon, who stool perfectly calm, and gathered her gown about her feet mat sne migni, drown with decency. It Is scarcely necessary to say that they were saved by a bow to the Virgin and St. Joseph. Trlmont offered it In behalf of all tbe company, and the ship glided Into the open sea." iney wero rwo" Quebec with great demonstrations of joy. All the nuns fell prostrate and kissed the sacred soil or L-anaaa. Thev soon began their work, and in their exuberant zeal seized and kissed every female Indian child they could find, "without minding writes a jesuu father, "whether they were dirty or not" The chief founder of the Ursuline convent was Madame De la reiine. She had a romantlo history before she left France. In connection with her religious enthusiasm she seems to have had an Intense desire for admiration. "The halo of salntship glittered in her eyes like a dlamodd crown, and she aspired to outshine her sisters in hu mility. She was as sincere as Simeon Stvlltes on his column; and, like him, found encouragement and comfort In the gazing and wondering eyes below." She inherited great wealth and de voted it to her mission, and maybe credited with sincerity. In 1642 a company le't Quebec to found a colony at Montreal. About that tima Madame De la Peltrie for some reason became offended with her nuns. She concluded to join the Montreallsts. She abandoned tbe nuns, carried off all she bad lent them, and they were reduced to great destitution. After arriving at Montreal she was seized with an impulse to visit the Hurons to convert them to the faith. She wae, however, dissuaded from that enter prise by a Jesuit who had lately re turned from the country of the Hurons. After awhile she returned to Quebeo and became reconciled to her nuns, and died in 1671. The special work of the UrBulines is the education of young women, ice education given by them is of the most superficial kind, as I have reason to be lieve from considerable Investigation. Certain external accompllBhmenis are attended to, and foollBh parents are apt to think their daughter are finely ed ucated, while their training and at tainments are of a most mperfiolal character. The main aim m tne u rsu- llne and other convent schools is to make the pupils Roman Catholics or to make them tame Protestants, if not brought entirely over. The convent schools are the most efliolent schools for catching Protestants. While in Quebeo I took soma pains to visit the Ursuline convent as far as any outsider could. I now learned that none but priests were allowed inside the walls. I called at the establish ment, and I was told by the superior that I could not enter, but that I might visit their chapel, a separate building, which was very old and which con tained some very fine paintings. She sent a porter with me and I had an opportunity of viewing the objects of interest within. There was a box of the bones of eome saint sent by the pope or somebody else, which could be wn hv Davlnir 25 cenls, which 1 did not care about. I then had an Inter view with the chaplain In his room, Father Lamolne, a very genial old gen tleman. He showed me several ob jects of interest. He had an album of pictures relating to the hlbtory of the convent. He told me that Dean Stan ley while there looked through it with miirh Interest. In his room was the skull of Montcalm enclosed in glass, who fell at the battle of Quebec in 1759 Havlne learned that there was in ex istence a painting of Madame De la Pnltrie taken from life more than 200 years before, I expressed a streng de sire to see it. He said that they hardly ever showed it, but that he would favor me in that respect. He retired to a back room and brought It out, so that my desire was gratified. Parkman, the historian, writes: "There is a por trait of her, of which a photograph is before me. She has a Bemi-rellglous dress, hands clasped in prayer, large dark eves, a smiling and mischievous mouth, acd a face somewhat pretty and very coquetish." This description cor responds very well with the original portrait I saw. I ought to say something about Mary of the Incarnation who came irom France with Madame De la Peltrie, and was a leading spirit in founding the Ursuline convent. She had quite history before she came to Canada, She married at an early age, had one enn and her husband died in a few years. She became an intense mystic. One writer thus speaks of her "She fasted, wore sackcloth, scourged her self, washed dishes among the servants and did their most menial work. She heard In a trance a miraculous voice It was that of Christ promising to be come her spouse. Months and years passed, full of troubled hopes and fears. whpn Spain the voice sounded in her ear, with assurance that the promise was fulfilled, and that she was Indeed His bride." In one of her visions she had a call to go to Canada. But notwithstanding her visions and mystical abstractions, she had a prac tical faculty for business and conducted the affairs of the convent with remark able judgment. She died In 1761. The other ancient convent, the Hotel Dieu, I found more .accessible. This was founded by the niece of Riehlleu, tbe Duchesse D'A!qullon. The general design was to minister to the wants of children and sick people. I rang the bell, and a nun turned a circular slide in response. Having introduced my self, I stated that I wished to enter especially to see the bust and skull of Brebeuf, the celebrated Jesuit miss ionary who had been martyred by the Indians, This man labored for years moet heroically for the conversion of tbe Indians, accoidlng to the system he represented. He was laboring among the Hurons when the Iroquois victo riously attacked them, and was put to death by the conquerors. He was bound to a stake and scorched from head to foot He continued to speak and to re ligiously exhort his tormentors, who cut away his lower lip and thrust a red-hot iron down his throat. After that they hung round his neck a collar of red-hot hatchet; but the martyr did not flinch. An Indian called out to pour water on his head. The kettle was huntr over the fire and the water boiled and slowly poured on the suf ferer. The Indians cried. "We bap tlze you that you may be happy In heaven, for no one can be saved with out good baptism." Breheuf stood un moved, and they cut strips of flesh from his limbs, and devoured them be fore his eyes. Others said: "You told us that the more one suffers on earth the happier he Is In heaven. We wish to make you happy; we torment you be cause we love you; ana you ougnt w thank us for It." After other horrible tortures they scalped him and men cut open his breast, and then came In a crowd to drink his blood, expecting thereby to partake of the courage he displayed. A chief tore out his heart and devoured it. He was four hour? under torture before death ended his sufferings. I received two keys from the nun at the entrance, with one of which I wae directed to open the first door. This I did and entered a large apartment, and with the other key I opened a door which led into another, where there was a large wooden grating. Through this. all. whether related to nuns or not, must Bpeak with anyone from within, a third person being near to hear what might be said. The supe rlor, who was French, but could ppeak English to some extent, approached the grating. I told her I wished to see the skull of Breheuf. "Poor Father Breuheuf!" she exclaimed, "his spirit had a great Influence for good over this convent for years after his death." The Jesuits in France some years be fore had sent over a silver bust of this martyr, In the lower part of which the skull was placed, that could be easily seen through an aperture. The supe rior sent to have the bust brought, and the nun who held It raised It so that I could see the skull. After conversing with the superior a few moments I left, thanklne her for her courtesy and kindness. Prof. John Moork. This convention was composed of 723 delegates, and, compared with the number of reputable men who partici pated in this caucus, the proportion of bums, thugs an ex-crlmlnals of every degree of guilt, from pocket-picking to murder, was simply appalling. The following list of occupations pursued by the delcgatos was prepared by the de tective force of the city at the request of the Chicago Eagle: Of the deleRiitea those who have been on trial for murder numberod IT Sentenced to the penitentiary for murder and manslaughter and have served sen tence S Borved term In the penitentiary for bur Klary 38 Served terms In the penitentiary for pick pocketa , t Served ternn for araon 1 Ex-Bridewell blrdi, Identified by de tectlvea 84 Keepers of gambling hotiHes. T Keepers of houses of 111 fame... i Convicted of mayhem 1 Ex-prlze-flghters , 11 Pool-room proprietors 2 Saloon-keepers... 2fl5 Lawyers 14 Physicians 1 Grain dealers S Political employes , ..148 Hatters 1 Stationers v 1 Contractor 4 Grocers 1 Sign painters 1 Plumbers 4 Butchers 1 Druggists 1 Furnltnr supplies 1 Commission merchants 2 Ex-pollcemen 1ft Dentists 1 Speculators t Justices of the Peace 8 Ex-constables 3 Farmers 0 Undertakers 3 No occupation.. 71 Total delegates 723 It will also be remembered that Tam many, the moBt corrupt political organ' Izatlon la the world, Is also a part of the new Democracy. It also includes every ballot-box stuff er and intimldator in the south. Is it any wonder that Populists refuse to accept this so-called new Democracy with child-like faith, simply because it happens to have a respectable man at the head of the ticket? Morqan's Buzt-Saw, (Populist.) KICKOURAPHS. THE SEW DEMOCRACY. The Element That Taubeneck, Maxwell and Taylor are Fusing With. On September 19 the county conven tion of the Democratic party was held in Chicago and nominated a ticket. The pro-Romanist attitude of Bryan Is returning with double force against him. He thinks he cannot go back on his friends (?) who have placed him In office. Do not pronounce the Democratic nominee for vice-president too rapidly or the pigs will run after you. Watson will not try to hurt a man who Is down. That Is right Mr. Bryan will aid the sect that will help him to get the office he Is after. Will any one of them bid more than the pope's people will? Bryan Is a good man, but he is very badly in need of an office. If the pope's people have been given many positions in the departments at Washington during Cleveland's ad ministration, how much of Bryan's ad ministration would be gone before the departments would be full of the pope's pete? Bryan Is not a mean man, he would pay the Romanists well for their work You can depend upon that. Emtir Pat: I say, Mr. Broyln. You are very toy In, Were It not for your loiks, I now would be doyln'. Exit Pat To UiMHti.ri It's no more than rolglit, To pay for my folght. And It we bad not voated. He'd be In a plolght. Has Mr. Bryan oommenced to study Spanish yet? He has no i use for Enf Huh In Spanish Now Mexico. General Weyler, of Cuba fame, might be a good man to have appointed over the educational interests of this new state. He is quite Spanish. After Mr. Bryan is through with hi QlllbuBterlng expedition over tha (Jnttod States and is elected president, be will surely tella the rebels in Cubsv that the time for thatklnd of work U ended. The southern people iwho have la terests In Cuba might iwell have an understanding with the Platte orator, before he has a chaooe to clinch hi arguments by a veto. It seems to us, ifoJohnIreland had ft good place to jump, he i would jump out of the Roman Catholicschurch. He wants to use his own opinions too much. to be a good Romanist The Church ofaRomoJlsigood to help. him spend his one million, but a poor church to help him pick up that whlohv he baa lost Rev. Dr. Suott Hershey, because ot his lecture, "Shut the' Gates," must anticipate McKlnley's election and a. crowd from Europe to take all the posl tions in tbe factories, and he may have. precedent to build hlsjposltlon on. The United States revenue cutter went out to meet Martlnelll, but no. Protestant divine is given this honor. This may be due to the fact that moii of tbe Martlnelll flock are revenue cutters. It would be a good Idea for a band ot students to goto tbe university (Roman. Catholic) at Washington and let the professors see that they have brains and can think ajllitlo, and with a little common sense the big thing costing many thousands would be brilliantly "busted," and then the discharged bishop would not feci his position to keenly. The Irish Romanists want mo more Italians. Colonel Stump has gone 10 Italy to stop it. It may be the pope thinks they r become heretics too fast here. Yet we must not forget there it nothing too good for the "Oirlsh" Ro manlst, and all those whom he does not 'loike" must migrate. The day will come when,,thoy will be In their proper place. Aleph. Rbyan: PatHy, my boy, ' It gives nit) groat Joy, To help you along, And give you employ. Help Is needed by poor, tired mothers, over worked and burdened with care, debili tated and run down because of poor, thla and impoverished blood. Help ia Deeded by the nervous sufferer, tbe men and women tortured with rheumatism, neo ralgia, dyspepsia, acrofula, catarrh. Hal Comes c Quickly When Hood's Barsaparilla begins to t rich, purify and vltallit tht blood, and sends It in a healing, nourishing, lnvlf orating stream to th rervee, muscles and organs of the body. Hood's Barsaparilsa builds up the weak and broken down sys tem, and cores all blood diseases, because Sarsaparilla It Ui On True Bleed PnrUlt. AH drorftta. IV rreparsd only by 0. 1 Hood ft Oa, lowtu, Maaa. -j., arethewalypllhi to take liOOd S PillS wtthHood tSartaparulta