The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 30, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Ma.aa4aa. Arm ( mm
Tfcara mm Ta.jr Arm ;i..Bar
Communications liutn IVraia iplln
th rmarabl quIt-tuJ f to jwopl
and Hi bnc of th usual attenmu
at rioting and wiiilntlon. uotalth
Uiultnc lht violent nnioal of th
latt taaa, th KJtnburith 8mu
mati. For more than a nnratKn
thr Itiin bn In IVraia little or nona
of th Mohammr-dan fanaliilm whlrh
I at irr.nt foredoom In a tnt mora or
thodot ruU of tbo aultan of Turkrr.
lbs SbUh form of Islam, which pre
vail! In lVrla and In North InJIa alao.
Is ronwMerrd a danRoroua hfrrsy by
all other Mohiimninlaui. The I'cralan
Mujtahl.ln ami Moolla ar fiw in num
ber, ami even Ihey r not unaffrvifd
by the growing Soofl bclk'f. which sat
urate IVivInn llicraiurp and U really
a form of llldoo panth'Um. Ilixhop
Stuart, (he Kdlnlmrsh citizen ho has
ghrn h!l later year to contlmKng the
works of Henry Martyn an.l I. Uruce
at lxjhan IlJ Julfi- M Bt YrXl1
and Herman, fll.un the people open to
the Influencd of medical nilloti and
arhools. What ih Soofl niyntlcUm te
gan, In inpplng the tenet of Mam,
bun of late been continued to an even
wider tcalo by tha Hub! lalftf. which
It held Intensely, though aectrelly, by
about 1,000,000 of the people. All Ila
bti are friendly to Christian Ialara
u rnnl.llv loslnc Iti hold ob Persia.
C ttrnm Urn Arlinrl.Hr
In Wall.
Any woman w ho haa tKen overlooked
y nature In the distribution of dimple"
-an have the deficiency aupplted by
Of courae. the machinery be
In the hanl of a alulU-d manipulator.
,or the reult would be in unsightly
car, or possibly an open tore or coiu
pllcatlona of blood pols.ning. The
new apparatus the advent of whlcn
baa been hailed with Joy In the world
feminine, consist of a peclal!y de
signed knife, with a dainty, but ery
sharp blade, a tluy. keen-edged troop
and a very fine needle. With these In
struments a pretty, lifelike dimple cau
be produced as effective as the genuine
print of au "angel's kiss." A mall.
straight Incision is made In the cheek
or chin of the ambitious patient, rep
resenting the dlumeier of the proposed
improvement. With the little scoop a
small portion of the fat underlying the
fckln is removed; the delicate needle
sewt the edges of the cut together
again, and the operation la completed.
In lo or three days the stltchea are
removed, and within the week the
wound Is entirely healed, leaving the
slight depression In the surface of the
skin whl u poet call a dimple. The
operation Is a simple matter ot facial
surgery, but It require delicacy and
skill to prevent a scar. If It Is well
Tha Gataaa Thai Was Mara M
ttarhaaa Itra'atal.
A long while ago, when Itrlatol waa
growing rich with the profita of the
West India trade, of which It had
almost a monopoly, a stranger look
lodgings there, towards the close of
the year, and used to visit the coffee
room of that famous old Inu. "The
Hush," says the Household Words.
He would arrive about noon every
day and calling for 6-penny glass of
branuy-aiid-wati-r alt over it until be
had carefully gone through the tondoii
paper of the preceding evening. The
landlord of "The Hush," seeing how
anxious he was to read the Louden
paper, made It tin Icrstood that w hile
he had It "In hand" no one lo was
to expect It Rather "seedy" garments,
a lean body, a confirmed stoop and a
limited expenditure of a dally C-pence,
with nothing for the waiter, clearly
showed the newspnper reader to be a
poor gentleman" and by that title he
was soon distinguished, tra 1 nnmmng
eve honest John Weeks, the landlord.
anxious that the decayed gentleman
should have one good meal at least In
"The Hush," delicately Intimated lo
him that on the following day he kept
open table, to which he, would be we!-
rrtna froA if nAat 111 not 11111 V At 1
o'clock the next day the Btranger ap- her arms.
ha Waa t Jam' Wlfa mm4 kit laa
"I'm looking for a man named
Jones," be said at the door waa opened
to him by a woman almost six feet h'gi
and weighing nearly 2H) pounds, ac
cording to the New York World.
'Cy Jones?" she queried.
"Yes, I think that Is the name. I'm
whlterapper and have come to gWe
him warning."
"What's Cy Jones been doing?"
"Licking his wife, and he's rot to
top It or we'll take him out and
switch him."
"Did you ever see Cy Jones?" aked
the women as she drew herself ip.
"Not that I know of."
She went back to the sitting room,
was gone a moment, and when she re
turned she was catrying a man about
four feet ten Inches long under J'er
arm. She gave him a twist and put
bin) on his feet and said:
"This la Cy Jones."
"Your your husband?" stammered
the whlterapper.
"Tho same, and I am Cy Jonas'
"Great Scott! There must be a mis
take here, madam!"
"Yea, I think so!" she dryly re
plied, as she tossed the little man In
peared at "The Hush" In his usual
seedy attire. He partook of the good
dinner with the apparent relish of a
Occasionally when the church mUtelon- done. It Is only necessary to assist the man (0 wnom iuch a f(iaBt lg a novelty
rles neern too openly active the paid
Moollaa try to excite the mt to ter
rify the converts, but they triat the
bishop and hit colleagues with pro
found respect, at tbelr father treated
Henry Martyn at Bhlrai. Six 'onverts
from Mam hava recently been aptlxed
In Julfa alone In spite of e legal
death penalty, and they are itost ef
fective agenU among thel" kin r red tnd
countrymen. The large co.o ot Ar
menians In Julfa prosper Chd id
vances In culture, sending out rTproseu-
tatlves to Calcutta. Bombay ivld tha
chief trading centers of outhe'n Asia.
Bishop Stuart finds them wiling co
adjutors, so that altogether Ptfila, tor
the time. presents a striking wmtrast
to Turkey. The English mltdon In
Persia gained a hold on the t.-tttude
of tat people In the famine of 1871-72,
when Bruce and Gordon were te only
men who saved the people, but the
earlier Sir John Malcolm and Martyn
re not forgotten,
procesa of nature by proper dressing an(1 m ju8tlce to the -stunning ale"
and protection, and the wounn neais for whlch far and near ..The uuah"
over so aa to entirely obliterate the wag famoug. the dinner was con
track of the knife. Not often does a ciurtPd, The decayed gentleman re
woman In possession of a natural dim- mained the last and read the London
pie desire to have It removed, but oc- paper !n tne kitchen. When he pro-
casionauy a man who considers tne pared to leave the landlord respectfully
mark a badge of effeminacy wtshet to helped him to put on his overcoat and
get rid of It. This Is Just as simple an at the ame time slipped a guinea Into
operation as the other. Instead of re
moving bit of fat from beneath the
surface, a small portion of the skin
Itself 1 cut away. The edges ot the
'Sorry to have disturbed you, ma'am,
but you see"
"Yes, I see, and let me help you over
the fence."
And placing the little man carefully
on his feet, she picked up the caller end
tossed him over the gate and went
back to her work In the kitchen.
John Roach, Borglar, Stays rtva Hour
In the roolar.
For five hours on a recent night John
Roach lay hidden In an Icebox In W.
Bulawa's grocery store In Chicago. He
waa then discovered and hauled out, el
most dead from the refrigerating pro
cess. Roach entered the store at C
o'clock, Intending to commit a bur
glary, and as he thought that the place
would close shortly after that hour, as
Kihlhlti His Wlraa (or Ms ly.
A harem Is now on exhtht'lon In
Berlin. A rerisian paana, w ho waa
bankrupt, waa Induced to sacr.'lce his
Ideas ot the proper seclusion fcf a Ma
hometan family for a consideration,
and he hat moved hit goods alS chat
tel! to Berlin, where they ma be In
spected by the curious. The hot e haa
been arranged so that without J'sturb
Ing the Inmates their borne life Ian be
een. The paaba exerqlsed goo. Judg
ment In the selection of hit wltt and
many of them are ot rare Beauty.
There are a acore ot children ranging
from 4 to 16 yeart, and a dozen female
servants. Many of the wlvet are ex
cellent musicians and play the piano
and Blng remarkably well. Tby also
do fine needlework. They have be
come accustomed to the ttaret of
strangers and pursue their usual house
hold vocations as unconcernedly as If In
Persia. The show will visit all the
large cities In Europe and may como to
America. New lork orld.
his hand. The poor gentleman pocket
ed the coin with a smile and a sigh,
He came no more to "The Bush." But
shortly after "The Bush" Itself was
dimple are drawn together with stitch- advertised for Balo, with all Us valu
es, the incision heals and the depres- able good will and appurtenances, and
slon disappears. The artificial dimple, poor Weeks was trembling at the
however, has Its drawbacks. It Is tool thou eh t of belnsr turned out by a new
nar m anant KTn m ntlo HihAlkoa t V a I V. L . aa-.MtA1 m v- I net I r a
v.......vv. ""' "" owner, wueu ..,cu V""" usual, he hid In the Icebox. In some
owner o piungca into me aeptns oitrrom uouttt & vo., tne Mnaon oanaers, . .
grief, whether her face be darkened to the effect that It he wished to ac
by anger, or distorted by Jealousy, the quire the house he had occupied he
dimple amllea on. The novelty toon might draw upon them for the pur
wears off, but the dimple doet not, and chase money. Hastening to London
becomes a mockery and delusion. I to tbank his benefactors and convince
"Nothing we produce artificially In the himself of the genuineness of the offer,
dimple line haa the charm ot the real he was Introduced to Mr. Thomas
article," said a well-known uptown Coutts, the head of the great banking
J i umi. a a a. i I m W aU.. tain
uermaiorngtsu i ne auiy oi a aimpie urm. wuo proveu lo o uu u .m , u,f uncon8clouB the cold on
,o punctuate a emue; u must come me poor geoueumu. tu. ,ce cne8t In & burry
and go. to meet the requirements of guinea." It is said, was afterward worn. ! hM R tQ whe expression, a perpetual smite mounwa in a orace , oy iu " , B.other clerk called the police. Roach
would be an awkward thing to carry or St. Albans, tne wiaow or Mr. uouus,
around, especially at funerals, and I
look at an artificial dimple In the same
way he forgot that the store kept open
until 11 o'clock Saturday night, and rs
he dared not move for fear of arrest he
remained In his Icy prison for five
hours. For some reason the Icebox was
not opened until closing time and then
only for an unexplained curiosity that
a clerk looked in. As he opened the
door he was astonished to And a man
Tha Nawspapir.
light We generally advise against the i iove u as the drinker does his wine;
operation, althongh It Is perfectly
narmtess, but any one who wants s
dimple can have It, with little annoy
Draamad liar Own Daath.
Racine (Wit.) Special Chicago Chronl
cle: In a diary found among the effect.-
of the late Miss Maraaret R OTnnnnr
the young lady drowned at Eagle Lake And ot those passing now that bright
Wpilneaitnv nleht was a nn&sn?n writ. I ly Snine
A dally, dear companion, map of life
In busy circle, politics and strife,
Of words from tart reply to those di
It gives alike to all who ask: a mine
Of sterling worth spread out before
the eye.
It talks to me of persons long gone
It Was Trna.
Ijile in the evening a report spread
thnv.tch the train that we had a fel
low-passenger, a niau worth $-'0,000,-
000, who had gotten on at Buffalo. I
mnle Inquiry of the porter of my car
and he replied:
"Dat'a wha: dey say, sah, but yo'
can't alius tell. He's In de next car,
but I can't dun say If he's rich till
Next morning the porter beckoned
me Into the smoking compartment and
"Dat Btory was all true, sah."
"Then he's worth $20,000,000, eh?"
"All ot dat, sah, an' mebbe mo'."
"How did you find out?"
"From de odder po'tah, sah. Da
gemman haa Jlat gin him 10 cents,
while everybody else has cum down
wld a quarter." St. Louis Dispatch.
ten July 8, In which she wrote that she
had a dream the night before that stu
was drowned In the waters of a small
lake. The unearthing of the contents
of the diary and her tragic death twe
weeks after it was written are eonstd
ered a strange coincidence. The fU'
neral of the girl took place In this city
this morning, and the body waa for
warded to the home of her parents at
Marysvllle, Mo.
Mot Inviting- Mora ('o!llinm.
"No, sir," said the man who had
wavered. "I won t learn to ride a bl
cycle. I had thought of trying It but
I have j ist heard ot a peculiar trait It.
the machine that caused me to changi
my mind."
"What's that?"
"I understand that when you first
try to ride If you see anything you 63
peclally wish to avoid you're almost
certain to run Into It.
"There's a good deal of truth in It.
"Well, that settles the wheel for me
I have enough trouble with blll-collec-
tore as it Is." Washington Star.
their light
No freight train draws such a com
modity Of var'ous wares as this thing brings
to me
Of Information; heav'n and day and
Ocean and sea are plundered of their
To give me what my soul so gladly
Rushville, 111. Rev. L. C. Littell.
Chicago Record.
another clerk called the police.
was arrested and at the station ad
mitted that he had entered the place
with the Intent of robbing It, Ave hours
before his discovery.
Too Maeh for Kolomna.
From the Oakland Echoes: King
Solomon waa the wisest man that ever
lived. People came from miles around
Juet to look at the receptacle ot so :
much wisdom. One day a young man
came to him and knelt before hit
throne. "Oh, king, live forever," aald
tha young man. "I am In love. I
btught the object of my affection a dia
mond pin. She allowed me to klea her,
and later accidentally called me 'dear,'
and blushed and apologized. Doet she
care anything for met" "I don't know,"
said King Solomon.
Roeaat Rook.
In Baron Rothschild's recent book o
anecdotes he tells some curious tale
of the extremely stringent rules of etl
quette which prevailed at the Freud
court In the reign of Louis XVI. Marl
Antoinette christened the Comtesae d
Noallles "Mine. Etiquette." Once, wh"i
she fell from a donkey In her prlva:
grounds, she Jumped to her feet ant
cried out, laughing: "Go and fetel
Mme. de Noallles: she will tell us wha
Is prescribed for a queen of Franc
when she falls off a donkey."
Mada an Error.
A clerk was showing a lady some
parasols last week. This particular
talesman has a good command or lan
guage, and knows how to expatiate on
the good qualities and snow tne Drsi
points of goods. As he picked up a
parasol from the lot on the counter and
opened it he struck an attitude of ad
miration, and, holding It up to the light,
"Now. there, isn't It lovely? Look
at that silk! Particularly observe tn
miallty. the finish, the general effect.
Peel It Paw your hand over it No
foolishness about that parasol Is tharaT'
be said, as be handed It over to the
lady. "Isn't It a beauty r
Yes," said the lady, "that's my ow
too I laid It down here."
Coining of Ponnlas.
It to not generally known that all the
fcnlnor coins of base metal, such as
pennies and nickels, are made at the
Philadelphia mint, and that nearly
100,000,000 pennies are coined there
every year. This large number la oc
casioned by the fact that thousands of
pennies are lost annually,.and,the.ioy
ernment has some r'.lfflcuity In main
talnlng a supply. 'The profit of the
government on their manufacture is
large. The blanka for making them
are purchased for $1 a thousand from
a Cincinnati firm that produces them
by contract. Blanks for nickels are
obtained In the same way, costing Un
cle Sam only a cent and a half a piece
Gold is coined In Philadelphia and San
Francisco. Not enough of It comes In
to the mint at New Orleans to make
the coinage of it worth while. Gold
pieces are the only coins of the United
States which are worth their face value
Intrinsically. A double eagle contains
$20 worth of gold without counting the
one-tenth part copper.
Bha Kxpraaard Hanelf,
Ar, English paper tells of a real Mrs.
Partington. She walked into the office
of the judge ot probate and asked: "Are
you the Judge of reprobates?" "I am
the judge of probate," was the reply.
"Well, that's it, I expect," quc;h the
lady. "You see, my husband died de
tested and left me several little Infidels,
and I want to be appointed their execu
1IU Anxlaty.
Bank President I understand that
you are not only a good book-keeper
but a prominent member of the church?
Applicant Yes, sir; but I hope that
'won't count against me. New York
Not at Horn.
Guest Ah, then you are a musician.
What instrument do you play? Mu
sician The first fiddle. His Wife (em
phatically) But only In the orchestra.
Saphirs Witiblott.
B cyrla on Rsllaaya.
New York Press: More than "5,0h
bicycles belonging to passengers leav
ing the city have been handled by rai!
road companies during the first fort
night of the present month, end;ng yrs
terday. This is largely In txcess rf tin
number carried during any pre vie;:
two weeks, and forms a basis far t:i
opinion expresred to-day by a pss?:
ger arent that 1'ie 1; indling of bUycl
is nov.' tmong the 'uost difficult ;nc
lems conrrontinc railroad comp ail
Tha Fall Fabric.
Among the fabrics that will be In
great use this fall are handsome silk
and wool mixtures in checks and
tripes; Clarissa, a silk and mohair
mixture; Caraoute, a Panama weave
with mohair tufta; Jacquard mohair
Blcllienne. Scotch cloth, a pretty silk
and wool textile; Bourette Lena, and
ome handsome English serges, very
flexible and glossy, showing some ex.
oeptionally rich and attractive autumn
dyes also French mohairs in new
weaves and colorings. new mm
Evening Post
KxeiM-1 fv a Trovrb
"Did vou ever go to war, boss?'' i.
quired a traveler of a farmer.
"No, sir; I have enough to do loo'
inn: af'.er hegs."
"Than'i heaven," fervently e'acnla
ed the traveller.
"What for?" asked the astoahh"
granger. , -
"Because I have at last met Uie
who rea"y believes that 'the
m'Ehtier thar. :he swori
Not Altogether Smooth.
One eye was in mourning and there
was a long strip of court plaster across
the bridge of his nose.
"Yes," he sighed, "how correct it
la that the course of true love never
runs smooth."
"That's right" said his sympathizing
friend, "this trying to kiss a girl on a
tandem Is not all asphalt and mac
aflam." Life.
Rata ad.
Dick You know that feller workin
I la shaft 17 who was always klckin' for
la raise? Mick Yes. Dicb Well, ha
kicked over a oaa ot djcamlt to-day
land gat tt U-t-Dat.
Tha Long-eat Ride for Fire Cants.
Some time ago the editor of the
Street Railway Journal of New York
began to gather information as to the
longest rides given for a five-cent fare
In the cities of this country contain
Ing over 50,000 Inhabitants. The result
of his labor appears In the July num
ber of the Journal. The Mst contains
twenty-two cities, beginning with New
York, with nearly 2.000,000 Inhabitants,
and ending with Indianapolis, with
over 100,000 inhabitants. The longest
ride for a flve-oent cash fare In miles
Is as follows: New York, 12H; Chi
cago, 15; Philadelphia, 11; Brooklyn,
lft; St Louis, 15; Boston, 10; Jersey
City, 8V4; San Francisco, 12; Minneap
oils, 13; Cincinnati, 13H; Cleveland,
10; Buffalo, 13; Lynn, 6; New Orleans,
7; Washington, 9; Detroit, 10; Mtt
waufcee, 9; Kansas City, 11; Louisville,
9; Rochester, 9; Denver, 11; Indianap
oils. 11. New York Sun.
Beeply Enraged.
"I will hunt him to the figurative
ends of the earth." said the Boston
man, In most earnest tones.
"Pshaw!" said the other. "You are
not the first man who has been held up
and robbed of three or four dollars.'
"I care not for the paltry money,'
said the Bostonlan, "but when he
pointed the firearm at me the beast
said: 'Stand right where you are at!'
And a shudder ran through his frame,
39flA (iillMl IN QQLDl
V6roiro OVEN.
Vant Difference.
Everything in its appropriate place.
There is a vast difference between
dent in a pretty girl's cheek and
dimple in a dlshpan. Boston Tran
Gormandizing Intacta.
The caterpillars are great eaters, the
different species consuming from five
to twenty times their own weight ot
food each dy.
We will clve rjno.00 to anyone who will aril within the next
three month auueoiea of "Talk to Children About Jesua." One of
the mot popular louka ever pulillnhed. Over loo.oo ropira already i
Bold. AiceUla aril from 10 U lo eoplea a, day. Beautifully illiutrated. I
Freight paid and credit given. Complete caovaaalag ouUHaud full
information aawula. !
to an von who will eoll T5 copies In two months. Ve will give an
aCHTKY OUUASi, rrtait price K.70.U0, to anyone who will aell 110
copies In llirvemontbisepleudld opportunity for a Church or .Society
to ercure an or an. A GOLD WATCH, retail price tVHUO given to
anyone who will aell oOcvpira In 3U daya. This premium la In addi
tion lo the rt-L-ular commission. Ageula who do not secure any o I
the prizes, are xtven lilM-ral commission for any numher sold. I-ant
full, we mIiI lo Hitenu over fciVUUU in commissions. A large number
tuudeatrr tloo.oo per mouth. Write us Immediately and secure
an aicein v. It a ill pay you. No time to lose, someone will get ahead
of you. We also orW most lllteral Inducements on other books and
Hiiilcs for Kail and Holiday Trail-. A new book, M Forty Wars tm
China," sells rapidly. Anents often average 10 orders a day. riuma
terms and premiums as on -Talks toChll Iren." We gtYeeitranrdin
arv terms for selling Marion Harland's tew book. " Home of the
lllhle." f.i.t given for selling 140 copies In 3 months, or J1II0.0U bli'T
cle lor selling oo copies in one month. Bend 75c. ibroutiit. Write at once.
Lake View Consolidated
Gold and Silver riininjc Co.,
Located in Beaver Head County, Montana, offers
a portion of its
Treasury Stock at a Low Price
to secure money todevelop its property and put
in a mill.
This company owns FOURTEEN CLAIMS
of twenty acres each, all well prospected,
and have been examined by competent experts
and practical miners. The Ore assays from $12
to $300 in gold per ton. It offers the
Best Chance for a
Paying Investment
' in the West. The Stock is non-assessable, and
its development will greatly enhance it value.
This Company has all of the preliminary
work done, and is supplied with tools, tool-
houses, blacksmith shops, and stables, all com
pleted, and is only twenty-eight miles from a
Railway station. There is also plenty of Timber,
Water and Free milling Gold Ore. For partic
ulars, address the undersigned for circulars
and other information.
jtf. L. ZOOK, Agent,
1615 Howard Street,
- Omaha, Neb.
A.N UP-TO-DATE, . . .
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Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Mer
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All the large Cities of the World, the important Towns and most of the
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It eives a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo-
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rnli beautiful Atlas li bound In faeavj paper cover, and will be sent to Cft PFTt
tni address upon receipt of -Ou Ukllltfi
Bound In Paper: Prloe - QFJ GENTS.
Sent on Receipt of rioe. - iJi
TOs gtoif Was Published in rial Form in malja
American, and lad a Vcr Circulation.
The American
The Best Patriotic Paper in the West,