The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 23, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Tha following propose! amendment
H tha Oonstitatioa of tha Stat of Na
toaaka, m hereinafter set forth in fall,
re labmittod to th lotort of tha
ttatt of Kebiaaka, t b Totad mpon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 8. A. D., 1890:
Joint resolution proposing to
Amend sections two (J), four (4), and
flva (8.) of article six (5) of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
ourt and their term of office.
Ba U raaolvsd and anaotad by tha LegUla
tare of tha B ata ot Nabraaka:
staotloa 1. That Motion two (I) of artiole
aU () of tha Constitution of the bUM
Sit Nabraaka bo amaudad aa e te Ml ss fol-
Saotlon t Tha eapreme eoart ahall until
HbarwtM pmvtlad by law. cuilil at flro
O) Judges it majority of whom shall ba w-h-eary
to form a quorum or to prononnoa
tdaoUton. Ii ahull have original Jurisdiction
i eaaoa relating to retrenua. civil oasna In
which lha atata shall bo m party, manilaum.
fno warranto, habaaa corpus, and auc h
appallata JurudioUun, as may ba provldad by
Saotlon 2. That seotion four f) of artiole
tlx CO) of the Constitution of tha Btate
st Nel
saws l
Si auraaka, ba amended so a to read aa foi
Bootlon 4. Tha judvaa of the supreme
eonrt shall le uie'tn.l by tha electors of tha
State at lanra, and tneir term of offioa. ex
cept as hereinafter provided, ahall ba for a
Cirtod of not lost than five (6) years a tha
Klslalare may praaoribe.
b'tion 3 That o.-tlon five (Ti) of ertloie
fix (8) of tha Constitution of lha (State of Ne
braska, be auimnlert to read a f ollowa :
Beotrinn 8. At the first general election to
be held In tha year lsl, there ahall be elected
two (it) juoges of the supreme oourt one
f whom shall be elected for a term of
two (3) years, ona for the term of four (4)
tears, and at each general election there
fter, there ahall be elected one Judge of
the anpretne oourt for the term of five
A) years, unlee otherwiae provided by
law; Provided, that the judites of the su
preme oourt whoie terms have not expired
at tha time of holding the general eleo
tton of land, ahall continue to hold tlieir
effloe for tha remainder of the term for
which they were respectively commis
sioned. Approved March 29, A. D. 1895.
joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (IS) of
article sis of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district oourt
Be It raaolvad by the Legislature of tha State
el Nebraska:
Seotion 1. That section thirteen (181 of
rtlola ix (8) of tha Constitution of tha atate
ai Nebraska be amended io aa to read as fol
lows: Sea. IS The jadgee of the supreme and
axatrlet courts ahall raoelve for their aerrioee
amok oompenaation as may be provided by law,
parable quarterly.
The legislature ahall at Its first saadoa
ater the adoption of this amendment,
Ihree-ftfths of ths members elected to
each bouse oonourring, aatabllah tbelr
oompenaation. Ths oompenaation so es
tablished ahall not ba ohanged oftenur
ban enoe In four years, and In no event unlets
twe-thirds of the members elected to
aach house of ths legislators soaoor
Approved March 10, IMS.
joint resolution proposing to
mend seotion twenty-four (M) of
Article fire (5) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of the officers of the exeoutire
Be it resolved and enaoted by the Legislature
of the Btate of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twenty-four (24)
f article five (5) of the Constitution of ths
late of Nebraska be amended to road as fol
ws: tteotlon 84. The offloera of the exeoutlve
department of the state government ahall
receive for their servioes a oompenaation
to be established by law, whti-h ahall be
either incr- aiwi nor diminished during tha
term for which they ahall have been com
missioned and they shall not receive to their
awn use any fees, cost, interests, upon paulio
moneys in thai - hands or under their oontrol,
perquisites of offloe or other compen
sation and nil fees that may here
after ba payable by law for services
Crformed by an officer provided for In
is article shall ba paid in advance into ths
stats treasury The legislature shall at Its
svat session after the adoption of this amend
ment, three-fifths of the membera elected to
each house of ths legislature con
curring, establish the salaries of ths
ffloers named In this article. Tha oom
penaation to established shall Dot be ohanged
ftener than ouoe lu four years and la no
event unless two-thirds of the members
looted to each house of the legislature ooaour
Approved March 29, A. D. 1886.
joint resolution proposing to amend
eotion one (1) of article six (6) of
tha Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka, relating to judicial power.
Be It resolved and enaoted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Seotion 1. That section one (1) of article sii
CS) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read aa followa :
Seotion L The judicial power of tola state
shall be vested in a supreme oourt, district
courts, county oonrts Justices of th.
peace, police magistrates, and in auch othe
courts Inferior to the supreme com t aa ma
be oreated by law In which two-thirds ol
tha members elected to each hous'
Approved March 29, A. D. 1805.
' A joint resolution proposing u
mend section eleven (11) of article si
(6) of the Constitution of the State ol
Nebraska, relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district oourt
Be It resolved Htid enaoted by the Legislsturr
of tha State of Nebraska :
Seotion 1. That seotion eleven (11) o.'
article six (6) of the Constitution of the Stati
st Nebraska be amended to read aa fol
Section 11. The legislators, whenever two
thirds of tha members eleoted to each honn
shall concur therein, may. in or after the yen
as thousand eu-ht hundred and ulnety -Bevei
and not oftene' than once in every tour years
tnoreass the number of Judges of su
preme and di trict oourts, and tha Jodie
districts of th- state. Such distriota aha
be formed of oompaot territory, and
Bounded by tounty lines; and such in
ereaae, or anr change la the boundaries
ft a district, shall not vacate the offloe of any
spiwvsd March 81. A D. 1896.
A joint resolutUft proposing to amend
eotion six (6) of artiole one (1) of the
Constitution ti tha State of
(elating to tv
B tt rami sd and eaaeted by the LefiaUtsua
eat th- Hut of Nebraska:
KecbttM L That eesttoe at! (O. ertloie of
(1) of tbe Constituilua of the State af X
braaka be eauend d le read as followa:
section a. 1 Ua right of trial bv jury shall
tomato Inviolate, but toe tagta-etare tuoy pro
Pide tht in rim arUaas -eixthe of the fury
sua render a verdict, and tbe iaglaietuxe may
alM am bona tnai by a Jury of a leea anaibar
than twelve men, la eosu-ia lnfertos to ths dis
trwt ooart.
Approved Karah 1,1ft Ista.
A joint resolution proposing to
mend section one (1) of article fir (t)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of th executive depart
ment. Bo It resolved and eaaeted by lbs Laajtsla
tare of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1 That eeotloa one (1) of ar
tiole Ave O) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to road as fal
lows: Section 1 The executive department ahall
eons tst of a governor, lieutenant-governor,
secretary of atale. auditor ot pnbile eeoottnte.
treasurer, auierlntondent of public In
etruclion, attorney general, eomnilaaionar
of public lands and buildings, and three
railroad roinuiiaaieners, ee h ol whom,
exoept the said railroad oommiaaioaera,
a ball hold his offloe for a term of
two years. f"iui tbe first Thursday after
the Unit Tuesday In January, after
bia election, and until his suoaeor is
elected and qualified. Each railroad com
BiUeloner ahall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tueeday in January a ter
bis election, and until his auooae
for is elected and qua lfled; Provided,
however, That at the first general elec
tion hold arter the adoptiou of this amend
ment there ahall be elected three railroad
ooiumi-MionerH, one for the period of one
year, one for the period of two yeara, and
sna for the period of three yeara. The gov
ernor, secretary of atate, auditor of pub
lio accounts, and treasurer shall realile at
the capital during their turm ot office;
they ahull keep the public record, liooks
and papers there aiiti ahall perform auch du
ties aa may be required by law.
Approved March 3U. A D. im.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (26) of Ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state officerg.
Be It resolved and entiutod by the Leg
islature of th state of Ncbra-ka:
Section 1. That section twenty six (28) of
article five (j) of the Counitutiou of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Seotion 26. No other executive state offl
oera except thoae named in section one (1)
ot this artiole shall be created, except
by an act of the legislature which la
concurred In by not lexa than three fourths
of the members elected to each house
thereof :
Provided, That any offloe created by an
sot of the leitWlature may be abolished by
the leicislature, two-thirds of the mem
bers elected to each house thereof ooaour
ring. Approved March 30, A. D.. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing to
mend section nine (9) of artiole eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Ba It resolved and enacted by tbs Lswlala
ture ot the State of Nebraaka:
Seotion 1. That section nine (V) of arMele
Sight (8) of ths Constitution of the atate
at Nebiaska bo amended to read as fol
lowa: Section 9. AU funis belonging to tbs stats
for educational purposes, the Interest aad
Income whereof only are to be need, shall
ba deemed trust funds held by the state,
and the state shall supply sll losses there
of that may In any meaner eoorue, eo that
tha same ahall remain forever In vt elate
and undiminished, and shall not be ta
veeted or loaned sxcept on United tales
or state securities, or registered ooanty
boada or registered school a tat Hot bends of
this stats, and such fund with ths Inter
act and income thereof are hereby aolacna
ly pledged for tha purpoaes for which taey
are (ranted and set apart, and shall not
bo transferred to any other fund tor ether
Provided, Ths board oreated by section
1 of this artiole la empowered to sell from
time to time any of the seourttlee belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
ths proceeds arising therefrom In any of the
securities enumerated In this seotion bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for batter Investment Is pre
sented ;
And provided further. That whea say
warrant upon the state treasurer reg
ularly lsiued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the leglalature and Secured by the
levy of a tax for ita payment, shall
ba presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant, ths board created by section 1
of this srtiele may direct the atate treas
urer to i av the amount due on such war
rant from moneys in his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state,
and he shall hold aaid warrant aa aa In
vestment of said permanent school fund.
Approved Marsh 29, A D 1895.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a sew
eotion to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to be numbered seotion
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities art
located. Be it resolved and enacted by tbs Lsgls
lature of the State of Nebraaka:
Section 1. That article twelve (12) of) the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended by aiidlng to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two (2) to read
as followa:
Section 2. The government of any city ot
the metropolitan olaas and the gov
eminent of ths county in whicli
It Is located may be merged wholl
or In part when a proposition so to do ba
boon submitted by authority of law to the
voters of auch city and connty and re
oelved the assent of a mujority of th
votes cast in such city and also a majority
of the votes cast in the county exclusive
of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
Approved March 29, A D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six (6) of article
even (7) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, prescribing tht
manner in which votes shall be cast.
Bo it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six (6) of artlck
seven (7) of the Constitution of the St.iti
of Nebraska be amended to read aa fol
Sections. All votes shall be by bal'ot. o-
Such other method aa may bo prescribe!
iy law. provided the secrecy of vouiag b
Approved March 29, A D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing to
mend section two (i) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of thr
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to works of internal improvement anr
Bo It reanived aad eaaeted by the leaf
tslatare of the Mate of Nebraska I
ttectkoa I That eeottoe) two (7) ot arttete
fearteaa 04) of tha ConsUtutioa ot the
tats of Nebraska, be saueaded to read as
sVm. a Ke otty, ec-enty. town. prealaeK
muaiutpality, or other aubdivtaloa of the
a Sate, shall ever make donations to aay
works of Internal Improvement, or
manufactory, unless a prupniUoa so to
do ahall have been tret anbrnltted to lbs
Juellfled aiocture and ratified by a two
tlrda vote at an elertloa by authority of
law; ProvtJM That such donations at a
Oeaaty with the duaalioas ot saoh sebdt
vtakocia la the aggregate ahall not oseeed
tea per eeat of the assssesd valuattea el
nob county ; provided, further. That aay
otty or ooaaty may, by a three foarths
swse, laereaee aurb Indabtedneas five per
seat, la eddiMea to each tea per eeat aad
ae boada or evidences of Indebtedness so
leeaed ahall be vend anleas th same aha 1
eve endorsed thereoa a eertiflaate signed
by the secretary end auditor ot elate,
showing that the earns Is issued pursuant ts
Approved March 29, A D.. ltfla.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of atate of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, aa appears from said
original bills on file in this offloe, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejeotlon
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the Ed day of November, A.
D., 1890.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of tbe United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(SoaL) J. A. PIFER,
Secretary of Stat.
Wi'l pay for
Until: Nov. 1st, 1806.
Your friend cannot afford to be. with
out it. Send it to his address.
A number of patriotic papers have
declared that they have concluded to
support Bryan and Watson in this
campaign. Just how a publication
which pretends to be an American
paper and a supporter of the Little
Red School House can conscientiously
support W. J. Bryan when it knows
his record in congress is more than we
can comprehend.
Never since the'day that W. J. Bryan
was nominated has there been any
question in the mind of tho editor of
The American as to who should be
supported by patriotio Americans or
who would receive the support of this
paper. The American has been con
sistent since its first issue and it will
be consistent in Its last. It will not
support any man, now or hereafter,
who does not approve of the principles
of the A. P. A.; and W. J. Bryan is on
record as opposing that order. He is
on record as opposing tbe introduction
of the English language into the pub
lic schools of NewMexlco. Ho Is on
record as the special pet and champion
of Romanists in Nebraska, and he Is
on record as having favored the Intro
duction and adoption of an antl-A, P.
A. resolution by the platform com
mittee of the convention which nomi
nated him.
Consequently we have not and will
not endorse the candidacy of Mr.
Bryan. On the.contrary we shall con
tribute to his'Jdefeat by giving his
record on the A. P. A. and Roman
questions as widean 'airing as possible
each week. la order to do this we
shall print and circulate a large num
ber of extra Americans each week.
These papers cost you nothing; they
will be as free as water, and we ask
you to read them carefully, and decide
for yourself who, nearest represents tha
American klca.
Another thing:
Do not consider the copy of The
American you 'receive as a sample
copy. It is not. It will be sent to
your address regularly until Novem
ber 1. Unless you are an old sub
scriber your subscription is paid for
until that date. It hascost ten tents
one cent and a1 half per copy barely
enough to pay for the white paper and
the postage, If any of your friends
want the paper until November 1st,
tell them to send in their name to
gether with a silver dime and we will
forward it to their address.
We had hoped to be able to send out
weekly 50,000 extra papers, but the
friends who had to raise the fund to
pay the expense found that on account
of the stringency of the money market
they were unable to raise enough to
pay the expense of issuing the papers,
so but a very small portion of that
number will be printed weekly.
However, each friend of true Ameri
canism can help some. There is no
friend of the Little Red School House
who does not have a friend who would
enjoy reading The American during
the remainder of the campaign, and
there Is no friend of the American flag,
of free speech and a free press who
cannot afford to send The American
to that friend when it only costs 10
cents for tba balance of September and
Are you interested In the d of oat of a
man tuu lulJ a member of the A. P.
A., when raid representative remon
strated vUU bltu fur tuaulylng to Ro
manists, that he "would bo a fool not
tosUud lu with tho Rowan Catholics
when they controlled his party and al
ways sujipoi tod him;'' alio had a Oouut
of the Roman church, and the son of a
Jesuit, as his body guard oo bis trip to
New York to be notified of bis Domina
tion by the Deuiuuratio party, and
whose paoegyrlo of a cross of gold has
been accepted by Romanists as a rally
log cry for the faithful of that religious
Will pay for
Until Nov. 1st, 1KIX1.
Your friend cannot afford to bo with
out it. Send it to his address.
Cripple Creek.
The Denver and Kio Grande R. R. is
the shortest and best route between
Denver, Colorado Springs und Pueblo to
the now Famous Cold Camp at Cripple
Tickets on sale from all points east to
Cripple Crook. Call on your local
agent and be sure that your tk'krt read
via tho Denver and Rio Urumlo R. R
Florence & Cripple Creek Railway.
Head Down. lttad Up.
No. 8 No, lu December l. 1KM. jNo.7 No. 1
V.M p V.KI S
11:40 i in::tl' a
M:.') p a
lilMki ,t:i! a
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1:02 a r.': IO:
tt.22p H::iiiii
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?:tua l,:Xi
Lv... .('ripple V.
....... Atmi'otnlu
Klktiin ...
5:11.5 p
4:.W p
4:40 i
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No. ;i
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.Suit I. tike
.. OkUcu....
.... HMITui,
io. nip
1: f a
'.::( p
... I12:ll"p
Trtiln No. 10. :'M a. in. (ilrort, for I'ticlilii,
Colorado Hprlos and Denver, connection
with throuuh. fast trains for all points eaet
and south. At Florence with through trains
ou the Kto Uraniiu for I.eiiU. v!ll; Asptvi
(lenwood, Urand Junction, Lake.
DKileii. (California and north western points
without chunge of cars. I'ulliiian Palace
HulTet and Tourist sleepers.
Train No. H, 9:'J0 p. in., the hiindsotnem
train In ths mountains. Pullman Hleeper and
1'iirliir carM, seats free, without chanice to
I'uelilo, Colorado Hprlniis and Denver, con
necting with through fast trains for all
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Trans-Continental limited and Han Juan
and all Southern Colorado points.
Tickets through to all foreign points at
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lines. Tickets furnished by telegraph with
out extra charge from any part of the world.
Lowest freight rates named to all points.
Prompt handling of ore a specialty. Dally
refrigerator service between Denver and In
termediate points to Cripple (Jreek and
Suburban trains for Victor leave at 7-45 a.
m., 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.
11. V. Khukubk, W. E. Johnson.
Gen'lAgt. I'reat. and Mgr.
Cripple Creek, Colo. Denver, Colo.
Reaches all trie principal towns and min
ing camps In Colorado, Utah and
New Mexico.
AU through trains equipped with I'ullman Talacr
and Tourist Sleeping Car.
For elegantly illustrated descriptive books free
of cost, address
rns'ttadOlMirr. TnSt Hum. Ga'l P. I T. Ifl
Go to
in a Tourist Sleeper.
It is the RIGHT way.
Pay more and you are ex
travagant. Pay less and
you are uncomfortable.
The newest, brightest,
cleanest and easiest rid
ing Tourist Sleepers are
used for our
Personally Conducted
Excursions to
which leave Omaha every
Thursday morning reach
ing San Francisco Sunday
evening, and Los Angeles
Monday noon.
You can join them at
any intermediate point.
Ask nearest ticket agent
for full information, or
write to
J. Fkahcis, G. P. A, Omaha, Neb.
Cripple Creek Advertisements
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224 Bennett Avenue.
WE WANT our "Friends" and
are compelled to remove
sell our
Entire Stock of Clothing,
Ab we huve alwuys kept faith with the pooplo, you can rely upon
this statement. We will sell the host bargains ever offered
in this city. Do not fail to give us a call.
Midland Terminal
i:rr.Hho H
i t
Buburlinn j
'. M
rt ;t!
V ?1
I '3
r. h
10 HI
II) If,'
A. M
Ar. I.v.
. ..(. Cri'i-k.
, . . AniirniMlii ,
Klkuitt.. .
;t 4.1
1 III ! 12 211
I lei 12 II
12 .Mi 12 u-i
7 )
ti r2
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A. M
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8 W)
5 M
;i at 'r 4n 'ii S2
It 2.1
I) 1.1
A mi
ft Ml
fl 2'i
ft 110
4 45
I'ort land . , , .,
... Hull Hill.. ..
. .. ..tlrnHNV
, .. Hylvmille .. ,,
tlllli-tt. . ..
...Midland.. .
Murphy. .. .
:i in 12 ;in
II 42
11 ;i
;i t)5
;i iitt
1 ::
2 47
2 24
2 4
1 U
12 M
12 M
.ill 2
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10 f7
lii :w
lu .10
Lv. Ar.
... Divide..
I 4.1
A. at
h aft
8 uu
P. Bf
4 62
12 20
A. at
8 20
8 02
I 25
P. at
7 40
6 i
10 20
4 30
P. M
8 00
il ;io
fl'il. Hpira..
8 40
A. at
Ar. Lv.
Lv, Ar.
1 10
P. M
9 55
...Aspen . . ,
Ornnd Lake.,
Through Pullman Cars and day coaches are run Itotweun Cripple Drnek, Victor, Colo
rado Mprlnxa. and Dttnvt-r, on Trains 7 and 8. 1'aMsentii'rs can occupy berths In Colorado
Springs Sleeper until 7:0(1 a. m. Connection Is made at Divide with Colorado Midland Kail
land Railroad for all points In the West, and atCo.urado Springs, Denver and 1'ui'blo, wllb
all lines for the (Cast, West, North and South.
The Midland Terminal Is the only broad-n uno railroad Into the Cripple Creek district,
and Is sixty-five (to) miles the shortest, ana several hours the quickest time to all points
Kast and West. i. 11. WATKKS, Superintendent
II. COLLBltAN, President.
1615 Howard Street, Omaha Neb.
Capital Stock $2,000,000
Grijpiple Creek IVIiraingj; Dintrict
O r claims are surrounded by some of the richest strikes of recent years,
and are undoubtedly as rich as any in the whole district. They were located by
a practical miner, one in whom the Denver mint people had so much confidence
that they hired him to locate several claims for them, from which rich ore ha
been taken.
Surface Rock on our Nipple Mountain and nigh Park claims assays 12 00
per ton; down eight feet it advances in value to more than 17.00 per ton and the
indications are that these claims will be as rich at the richest claims in tha
Cripple Creek district.
Here is an opportunity seldom met with for the investment of money in
a mining enterprise near at home, where any who choose may visit the mines
and see for themselves just what is being done. The mines are located within
200 feet of a railroad.
If you want to MAKE MONEY buy stock in this companv. It is a safo
and sure investment, and WILL PAY DIVIDENDS TO EVERY STOCK
HOLDER, if the mines pan out as rich as present indications warrant us In
believing them to be.
We court the fullest Investig .tlon. Full Information will bo sent by
mail upon application from those who cannot call at office. Fill out tbe coupon
found below, giving tho number of shares you desire to purchase, and Inclose it
with a P. O. money order, or an express order, or with money in registered
letter, and mail it to us, making all money orders payable to
JOHN C. THOHPSON, President.
I I Enclosed please
for shares of stock in the American
Gold Mining and Milling Co., at 5c per share.
Now is the Time
to Subscribe for
tho Public to know Unit we
from our old Bland. We shall
Shoes and Famishing Goods
Railway Company.
an h InI, K!l(t.
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