The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 23, 1896, Image 1

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'AMERICA FOR AMERICANS" We hold that-all men are Americans who Swear Allegiance to the United Stale without a mental reservation.
VoU'U . VI.
Nombik 43
Rome Attempts to Abridge
Free Speech in California.
Her linieas Distsrrba Patriotic Meeting
at Tallfjo Wklck State President
Hodelsen Waa Addretslsg.
Romish love of fair play and free
peech waa very much Id evidence at
Vallejo on the evening of September
28th. Said the News or xt morning:
"Last evening B. F. Hudelson, state
president of the American Protective
Association, appeared at Eureka Hall
Intending to show the aims and objects
of the organization. Admission to the
hall was by ticket. Long before the
doors opened there was a large attend
ance of persons on the outside who, not
having cards of admission, appeared to
be in a state of mind to create trouble.
There was no mistaking the fact that
the meeting would not be allowed to
proceed without Interruption, and it
was not."
A howling mob of Catholic hoodlums,
led by Bill Heggarty, brrke down a
side 'door and burst into the hall,
breathing out threatening and
slaughter in the most obscene lan
guage imaginable. There were hun
dreds of ladies present, but that made
no difference to the papist thugs. The
rioters were all well primed with
whiskey and nearly every one carried
a knife or a pistol. As they swarmed
over the seats and up through the
crowded aisles toward the speakers'
stand, women and children were shoved
aside and trampled upon. The shrieks
of the terrified females ere mingled
with threats of murder aad the most
frightful profanity. monlum
reigned in the hall. President Hudel
fon was forced to quit the platform, and
the meeting broke up in wild disorder.
In its editorial comments upon this de
spicable occurrence, the Vallejo Cftwm
srlesald: "Seldom does public, condemnation
.go w far in iU width aad cope as in
the disgraceful affair which occurred
la Eureka Hall last Monday nlglt
The driving of a man by thceats of vio
lence, and low prid Ti.o Insults from the
lecture platform, the stulting and muz-
rling of free speech are not In line with
the growth and development or the
dignity of a Christian city. That the
local branch of the American Protec
tive Association should tee fit to have
Mr. Hudelson come here, after the re
ports that freely circulated to the ef
fect that prejudice against him was
very strong, is considered 111 advised.
Another speaker of the association, It
is believed, cculd have come and gone
without oppoiitlon, insult or trouble of
any kind. It is certainly wrong that
the man, after he came to Vallejo,
should tot have been allowed to deliver
his lecture in peace and quietness, and
depart unmolested. Those that did not
want to hear him did not need to go to
the hall. Many ladies who went to
listen had not the least idea that burn
ing insults were to be thrown at the
lecturer that would scorch and singe
their own ears, or that they would find
themselves hemmed in by excitable
perp'e, wbo were ready to start a riot
at a moment's cctice. It was apparent
from the moment the speaker stepped
1o the front cf the plutfoi m that he was
to stand a fusiladc of vile words too
dirty for utterance from dccmt mouths.
These Intel ruptions did not come from
one plaee but frcm every co-ner, side
anu aisle. And the meeting was
broken up and Hudelson sought a place
of safety. There is little doubt but had
he fallen into the hands of the excitable
hoodlum element surging at the hall
that he would have suffered many in
dignities if he had not in the melee
lost his life. It must not be thought
for one moment that the respectable
element, the law-abiding and God-fearing
people of Vallejo, wbo regard free
speech .and the love of liberty as part
of the rights of every American citizen,
countenance for oce instant this brutal
exhibition of force, violence and nause
ating display of billingsgate. The dig
nity of thejeity has been offended, and
its residents and citizens look upon the
events of Monday night as a black page
In the history of Vallejo, one of the
brightest and most prosperous of the
cities of California."
The pope's Irish wbo perpetrated the
outrage had no excuse whatever for
their riotous conduct. The Y. M. I.
editor of the News admits as much. He
"When thetlecturer was In the midst
Of oratory the noisy elemeat again
broke out and disorder reigned su
preme. It was out of the question to
proceed sadtOi meeting adjourned.
"Whatever eaayavebtea the Utea-
In 1S95 W.J.Bryan suggested to C. J. Smyth that Priest Murphy, of Tecumseli, Nebraska, he nominated
by the Democratic convention aa a member of the board of regents for the State University of Nebraska, to which C. J.
Smyth replied as follows:
Hon. W J. Bryan (Dear Sir). In reference to your suggestion to nomi
nate Father Murphy as regent of the State University, I wish to inform you that I
have consulted with the leading Catholics among the Democrats of Nebraska and
Douglas County. You know that WE have a fight on hand with the A. P. A.,
and to nominate a priest at this time would be unwise and unfortunate, and would
greatly embarrass US in OUR fight with the A. P. A. We all agree that there is
nothing too good for Father Murphy, but for the reasons given, we must pass him
over now. Yours, etc., C. J. SMYTH.
The gentlemaii who furnished us the above letter copied it from memory about a month after it was written, but
vouches for its truthfulness. We published this letter first September 13, 1895, but to this day it bus not been denied.
tlon cf President Hudelson; whatever
may have been the objects of the Amer
ican Protective Association, the dis
turbance last night was a disgrace and
uncalled for, and certainly should not
have been tolerated. Vallejo can gain
nothing by such demonstrations.
"The fact that many ladles were
present and language made use of that
would hardly be uttered in the lowest
of resorts, makes the matter all the
The Catbollo writer cancot get away
from the fact that:
."There was do occasion for any such
demonstration, and as a consequence
ton town Is once more brought Into dis
repute of a character uncalled for.
'The Vallejo Chronicle also is some
what in f aver of Catholics, yet on refer
ring again to that paper we find that
no objection could be taken to any
thing that President Hudelson said.
"It was a very common place lecture."
'There was nothing fiery or wild
about it. The uneasiness with which
his audience acted was evidently dis
turbing. The speaker was exceedingly
modest. He put on no airs. He told
of the history of the order and how It
was founded in Clinton, la. He said he
did not want to discuss religion, but
desired to dwell upon the po'ltlcal
"As he neared the matter of state
appropriations for sectarian charitable
Institutions the feeling against the
speaker, which had been apparent
from time to time, suddenly Increased.
When loud voices were heard at the
hall door seeking admission the preju
dice against the lecturer became a vio
lent spasm. There was a large crowd
outside and here was to telling but a
tragedy would be enacted. It looked
as if the speaker would be mobbed."
And niobt-ed he would have been,
mayre murdered, if the papist horce
cou.d have laid their hands upon him.
No thanks to the Catholic toughs that
there was no bloodsiied.
No one doubts but what this damna
ble outrage was committed at the in
stigfttios of priests. The Catholic pul
pit has not offered one word of apology;
the Homish press dare not even make
mention of it. Hitherto the Mmdlor
and its minions have been content to
defame Hudelson's character, but when
they saw that their calamities were
without effect, they did not hesitate to
resort to more desperate measures.
The attempted assassination of the A.
P. A. leader in Kansas City and the
doings of the Y. M. I. mob at Vailejo,
are typical of the purpose of the Catho
lic church.
And now a word about Bill Heg
garty: We are told that this infamous
leader of the rabid mob is employed as
a rigger in the United States navy
yard at Mare Island. Is such a man fit
to hold a government position? Why
shouldn't he and every mothers' son of
an Irish Catholic who aided and ab
betted in this dastardly deed be sent to
jail? We pause for Father Yorke's
reply. Light.
The funeral of Henry E. Abbey, the
theatrical manager who died last week,
occurred October 20, in New York,
from the church of the Paullst Fathers.
Edward Lauterbech was one of the
pallbearers. So, Abbey was a Raman-
The Capital Patriotic Press
Bureau Looks Up
His Record, 1
We Wire it to Ton as we Received It, and
Utter no Word of Censure or En.
deromeat at This TUne.
Owing to the fact that the Issue In
which Mr. Bryan's Washington record
appeared has been exhausted, and be
cause we are receiving requests dally
for copies of that paper, we have con
eluded to republish the article. It
follows: '-'
Capital Patriotic Press Bureau I
Washington, D. C, July 13. f
Now that Hon. W. J. Bryan, the
"Boy Orator of the Platte," Is the
presidential standard-bearer of the
"New Democracy," it may interest the
readers of the patriotic press of the
country to know how he conducted
himself as to the issues in which the
American patriots were specially in
terested in during his congressional
career, and particularly how he voted
upon the American measures which
were Introduced during the Fifty-third,
of which Mr. Bryan was a member
from Nebraska.
It will be remembered that it was dur
ing that session of congress when Hoc
W. S. Linton flung into tho congres
sional arena the first fire brand of op
position to the appropriation of gov
ernment funds to sectarian institutions,
delivering his famous speech against
the long-continued outrage on the 7th
of June, ISiU, durlrg the debate upon
the Indian appropriation bill for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 18U.Y It
will also be recalled that the Satollluos
were in control of the house, and that
during the di.-eu;sion of the bill In
committee of the whole, house, John II.
O'Neil whs in the speaker's chti'r.
After Mr. Linton delivered his speech,
Mr. Gear (now In the senate) moved to
recommit the bill, wiih instructions,
whereupon tho question of order was
raised, Mr. Cannon urging that the
motion to recommit was in order, but
O'Neil decided it was out of order.
An appeal from the decision of the
chair was made. "Papal Zouave"
Tracy of . New York (since retired by
the American vote), Crain of Texas
(since deceased), Springer of Illinois
(also retired), and other papist and
jack-papist members, moved to lay the
appeal on the table. Upon this ques
tion the vote stood, yeas 158, nays 58,
not voting, 135, Mr. Bryan voting yea.
I want to note here that while Joe
Cannon voted against tabling the ap
peal, and so seemingly supported the
minority in the house, who opposed
the pending measure to continue these
Catholic appropriations, and which in
a measure saved him from defeat at
the subsequent elections when Hoi
man and Weadock, and O'Neill and
Springer, and McEttrick and Lynch,
and McGann and Tim Campbell, and
Bryaa himself, and dozens of other
Romanist aad Roman sympathisers
were left at heme his conduct in tho
present congress more than undoes all
he ever did heretofore, and he Is de
serving of defeat hereafter.
On the 28th of June following, the
New Mexico admission bill was con
sidered la the house. Mr. Smith of
Illinois moved to amend by inserting:
"And in all of which public schools
the English language shall be taught."
This was opposed by the Catholics and
their sympathizers, because Spanish Is
tho prevailing language and in this
tongue the Cat hollo priests of New
Mexico oould best manipulate tho
schools to the advantage of their re
ligion. Mr. Smith, in presenting the
amendment, maqe a brilliant argument
In Its favor, clottag by asking:. "Where
la the American citizen who wtltptx
jec . to this reasonable provision?
Turning to Mr. Antonio Joseph, the
papist delegate from New Mexico, Do
you decline to accept this amend
ment?" "I decline to accept it," promptly re
plied Mr. Joseph.
I copy from the Record:
Mr. Hopkins of Illinois Does the
gentleman, upon reflection, still insist
upon his objection?
Mr. Joseph J do, most emphatically.
Mr. Hopkins of Illinois Well, I
trust there is patriotism enough in
this bouse to decline to admit New
Mexico Into the Union as a state unless
so just and proper an amendment as
this be adopted.
Mr. Gear It is a well-known fact
that 70 per cent of the population of
New Mexico are either Spanish or of
Indian descent. It is only a
proper precaution when thee people
come here and ask for statehood In the
American Union to require that their
children shall he taught the language
of the Uni'ed States the language
that we have been taught.
Mr. Smith If we admit New Mexico
I hope it will he with the understand
n that, although you mny now teach
the BnglNh language, hereafter you
must teach it a- well as any other lan
guage whici you may care to teieh. 1
have great ret-pee t for Spanish, G,t
man, French, ami all other language,
but, above t':em all I have a cnater
ami higher roxiwct for the English
language the language of the Ameri
can people and of all our country. Ap
plause on the flojr and in the gal
leries Mr. Bit ghain The tections which
appeal to me are the paragraphs di
recting the benefactions or gifts of the
general government to the territory
coming into the statehood for educa
tional purposes. This vast acreage is
the gift of the people to the new state.
I assert It is the function of congress
In donating this vast amount of land to
iceorporate in this bill a direction that
the language of the United States, of
our people, our nation, shall be a part
of the instruction cf all the young men
who in the future are to dominate and
control that state. Therefore I say to
the gentlemen, the great future all
hope for his people can be best aided
and secured by an early Instruction of
the youth in the language of our re
public. Mr. Burrows I call for the yeas and
The amendmc nt was again read. The
question was taken, and there were
yeas 84, nays 119, answered "present"
3, not voting 148. So the amendment
was rejected.
Upon this roll appears the name of
Mr. Bryan as voting against the Intro
duction of the English language in our
public schools.
Subsequently, Mr. Wilson of Ohio
offered an amendment providing for
the teaching of the English language,
as a branch, of study, la the schools of
New Mexico, but not to the exclusion
of other languages; and even this rnost
reasonable and conservative proposi
tion was defeated by this Romanized
congress by a vote of 115 to 81 (152 not
voting), Mr. Bryan again voting with
the Cathollo majority against it, al
though many of the Democrats and all
the Populists voted for It.
Viewed from the standpoint of the
present congress and the advanced
Americanism of to-day, It hardly seems
possible that there could have been
found, two short years ago, a body of
American legislators who would legis
late against the Introduction of the
English language the language of the
people of the United States into the
public school of the country, and yet
such Is a fact, and with them voted the
now Democratic candidate for presi
dent of the Republic A. J. B.
gatelil Sails for Europe.
New York, Oct. 17. Cardinal Sa
tolll sailed for Genoa to-day on the
Kaiser Wilhelm II. The demonstra
tion attending his departure was the
culmination of the honors which have
been shown him during the last days of
his stay In America.
The cardinal spent the night at the
residence of Major John D. Kelley In
Brooklyn, and this morning celebrated
aa early mass in Major Kelley's pri
vate chapel. At 8;.'I0 o'clock he was
driven to the pier in Hoboken and im
mediately went to bia stateroom.
To escort the cardinal down the bay
the steamer Valley Girl had been
chartered. Several archbishops and
bishops were present, among them
Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Gabriels
of Ogdereburg, Bishop Wigger of
Newark, Bishop McGolrickof Duluth,
and iu addition, Father Pamblanca,
secretary of the cardinal; Kev. John
M. Kiely, Kev. Henry Brann, Dr. Mc
Govern, Sheriff Harrison, II. Baladsno,
Spanish consul: General Obicrn, pre.-i
dent of the dock beard; General Mich
ael Kerwin, General Jauic-K. O'Brien,
General La Grange, Justine Daly,
Judges O'Brien anJ Fitzgerald and
Jo! n D. Crimm'ns.
Only the chief delegates went on the
Hamburg line pier and to tho Kaiser
Wilhelm II. They were received by
the cardinal, who had-a pleasant word
for each of them. Toe Kaiser Wil
helm II. swung out of her pier with a
general tooting of whistles and cheer
ing. Salutations were passed betweeB
th'; larger steamship and the Valley
Girl all the way down the bay.
School Question Is Settled.
TORONTO, Oct. 19. Information has
been received kcre from Ottawa to the
effect that the Manitoba school ques
tion, which caused the defeat of the
Conservative government, with Sir
Charles Tupper as premier, after it
had been In power eighteen years, has
been finally settled by the Laurier Lib
eral administration.
The basis of settlement by the Liber
als has not yet been announced, but is
known that it is acceptable to the Man
itoba government
It will provide for national undenom
inational schools in Manitoba and will
make provisions for allowing clergy
men of any recognised Christian church
visiting the schools, after school hours,
to iastrnct and give such religious In
struction to the pupils as Is approved
by their paresis.
Romanist Toughs Try to
Bluff Sutton at Mission,
He b Equal to the Oeraslen and In Spite
T Threats, Ntoaes and Other lis
silts, Organists a Large Ceaaoll.
At Mission, Wash., an attempt was
recently made to lynch E. B.
A. P. A. looturer. The hall where he
was to eak was well Oiled, when word
was sent to Sutton that somebody
wanted to speak to him. Going dewn
stairs he met a crowd. A burly Irish
man, the foreman on the section, con
stltutlng himself spokesman for tho
crowd, said:
"Is your name Sutton?"
"Yes, sir; that was my maiden name
before I was married," was the reply.
"Well, sor, there is some of us gon-,
tie in In that don't want you to speak
bore this evening."
"Is that ho? Well, gentlemen, do
you know this Is a country of free
"I suppote it Is, sor."
"Then I suppose I shall speak, sor.
I have rented tho hall and shall hold
my meeting. If you do not want to
come you are at liberty to stay away.
I am elthor too young to know enough
to be Hcarud, or else I am too old to be
scared. At all events I shall hold my
With oaths and horrible obscenity,
be cursed and raved and called Sutton
foul names, finally saying, " -
you; I'll do you now."
Looking him square in the eyos, Sut
ton said: "I am Oxed for just such fol
lows as you If you ever attempt to lay a
hand on me."
Having forgotten his revolver Sutton
hurried to his hotel to get It, when the
gang rushed after him. They had a
long rope and were cursing aad yelling'
like so many devils: "We'll hang you
now; we'll fix you now, you . YouH
never get out of this town alive. , Now
we've got you."
The air waa full of rocks, but as the
gang was on the run failed to hit him,
although the full moon made it aa
light as day. When they had gotten
within three rods from Sutton he faced
them and, putting his hand In his hip
pocket, said :
, , "Now don't you fellows throw another
stone nor come a step nearer or I will
not be answerable for the number of
sudden deaths that may occur. You
may murder me finally, but I'll kill
three or four of you first. I fought for
free speech ia the army, and I can fight
for It again. I give you fair warning
to follow me no farther."
This dampened their ardor. Sutton
returned to the hall, and by the aid of
the Roman argument which kept pelt
ing on the roof and sides of the hall, he
was enabled to organ'.e a fine council
of the very best leading men in the
community. Many of them would not
have joined if Home's poor dutes had
not so clearly shown tho hoof of the
critter. hiohx'h ruin t.
Home mill the Itihle.
The Catholic church in IUvaria is
not only mlli'ant, it is rampant. The
An bbi.-hop of Munich has issu d a de
cree prohibiting hi-t faithful bishops
and clergy from giving any encourage
ment to tb; c'roulatlon of the Scrip
tures among the people, and denounc
ing all those who purchase a Bible or
New Testament witiinit having first
oUa'neJ the permission of their priests.
In Mitlerloieh a I'rote-tant church was
recently consecrated, and numerous
members of Catholic a-soaiations were
invited to and attended the ceremonv.
Thereupon tho bishop issued a mani
festo stating that those who had taken
part in this ceremony had committed a
deadly sin, for which they must do a
hard penance. In tho Catholic schools
the children were Informed, previous
to the consecration, that any of them
found In the neighborhood of the
church on the day of the ceremony
would be guilty of a deadly sin, and
that should their presence there be un
avoidable they were to turn away their
eyes from the procession of Protestants.
Rather medieval this for the end of
the nineteenth century Pi otestant 06
servtr. German Priests fer Silver.
Of the twenty-six German Catholic
priests In Chicago, twenty-three are
pronounced for Bryan, free sliver and
humanity. About the same proportion
exists in the German churches. This
Is a result of an actual canvass and Is a
refutation of the charge, that tho Gr
(nana are tot tho cold standard.