THE AMERICAN READ AND COMPARE TIM A. P. A. Principle With the Canon Law and Several Oaths of the Ro man Catholic Church, 4 Thn Judge for YourMlf Which Ho the 'ru Spirit of Americanism In Trram, the A. P. A. Principlee or th Diabolical Obligations Takan by Roma's Minions A. P. A. Principle. the following are the declarations of prln tuples adapted by the National Council of e A. P. A. at DesMolne: "Loyally to true Americanism, which laows neither birth, place, race, creed, nor arty, ta the Drat requirement for niember aklp In the American Protective Association "The American Protective Association Is aet a political party, and does not control the political affiliations of lu members; but It teaches them to be Intensely active In the flacharge of their political duties In or out ef party lines, because It believes that all problems confronting our people will be bound solid by a conscientious discharge of to duties of citizenship by every individual. "While tolerant of all creeds. It holds that abjection and support to any political power aet controlled by American citizens, and which claims equal if not greater sovereignty than the government of the United States, Is irreconcilable wltb American citizenship. It la, therefore, opposed to the holding of offices ta state or national government by any sub ject or supporter of such ecclesiastical power. "We uphold the constitution of the United tate of America, and no portion of it more than lu guarantee of religious liberty, but w rld this religious liberty to be guaran ty to the individual, and not to mean that eader lu protection any un-A merlcan eccles iastical power can claim any absolute con trol over the education of children, growing ap under the stars and stripes. "We consider the non-sectarl-n free public senooi the Dulwarltof American Institutions, the best place for the education of American Children. To keep them such, we protest against the employment of subjecu of any la-American ecclesiastical power as officers r teachers of our public schools. "We condemn the support out of the pub lie treasury by direct appropriation or by Contract of any sectarian school, reform story or other institution not owned and controlled by public authority. "Believing that exemption from taxation Is equivalent to a grant of public funds, we flsmand that no real or personal property be exempt from taxation, the title to which Is ot vested in the national or state govern ments, or in any of their sub-dlvlslons. " We protest against the enlistment In the Cnited States army, navy, or the militia of any state, of any person not an actual citizen tf the United States. "We demand for the protection of our citi zen laborers the prohibition of the importa tion of pauper labor, and the restriction of all Immigration to persons who cannot show tetr ability and honest intention to become jilt -supporting American citizens. " We dem and the change of the naturaliza tion laws by a rtpeal of the act authorizing the naturalization of minors, without a pre vious declaration of Intention, and by pro Tiding that no alien shall be naturalized or permitted to vote in any state in the union Who cannot speak the language of the land, sad who cannot prove jeven years' consecu tive residence in this country from the dat t his declaration of his Intention. "We protest against the gross negligence eat laxity with which the Judiciary of out Ua administer the present naturalization laws, and against the practice of naturallz- tag aliens at the expense of committees or Candidates as the most prolific source of the present prostitution of American citizenship te tne oasest uses. "We demand that all hospitals, asylums, reformatories, or other institutions in whicn peeple are under restraint, be at all times abject to public inspection, wheUier they are maintained by the public or b, I private erporatlons or Individuals. -we demand that all national r state legislation affecting financial, coma rclal or industrial Interests be general In cl tracter mad In no Instance In favor of any one sec tion of the country, or any one class of the people." Cannon Law. L The constitutions of princes are not superior, but subordinate to ecclesiastical Constitutions. I. The laws of the emperor cannot dis solve the ecclesiastical orcanen laws. I. It Is not lawful for an emperor to exact aaythlng opposed to the apostolic rules. C. It Is not lawful for kings to usurp the things that belong to priests. I. No custom of anyone can thwart the statutes of the popes. t. Let no resistance be offered to the apostolic (canon) precepts, but let them be lalutlferlously fulfilled. t. The yoke Imposed by the holy see Is to a borne, though it appear intolerable and Insupportable. t. The pontiff can neither be loosed no bound by the secular power. I. That the Pontiff was called God by the pious Prince Constantino, and that as god he Cannot be Judged as man. 10. That as god he is far above the reach Of all human law and Judgment. 11. That all laws contrary to the canons and decrees of the Roman prelates are of no force. 12. That all of the ordinances of the pope ars unhesitatingly to be obeyed. 11. We ought not even to speak to one Whom the pope lias ex -communicated. 14. PrlesU are fathers and masters, even af princes. li. The civil law is derived from man, but the ecclesiastical or canon law la derived directly from God, by which the pontiff can, la connection with his prelates, make con. Ctltutlons for the whole christian world, in tatters spiritual, concerning the salvation f souls, and the right government of the Church I and If necessary Judge and dispose tf all the temporal goods of all christians. I. A heretic, holding or teaching false loctrlne concerning the sacraments. Is ex communicated and degraded, and handed tver to the secular court. 17. Secular princes onwiUIc; to swear to Itfend the church against heretics are ex lemmunlcated, and they are laid under an Interdict. It. The goods of heretics are to be con tscated and applied to the church. It. Advocates or notaries, favoring here tic, or their defenders, or pleading for them a law suits, or writing documents for them, 're Infamous and suspended from office. SO. The secular powers, whether perma int or temporary, are bound to swear that they will exterminate, according to their Fewer, all heretics condemned by the church lad a temporal lord not purging his laud of leretiea, Is excommunicated. Those signed with the cross for the ex- termination of heretic, rejoice In the prlvt- let rranled to to the crusader for the help of the holy land. They are absolved from all obligations who are In anywise bouad to neretlc. 13. Whoever dies la battle against the unbelieving, menu the kingdom of heaven. 14. We do nut esteem tbuae houilclee to whom it may have happened ta their seal tor their mother church against the ei-commu-nlcatsd, to kill some of them. ti. That Catholic Princes are bound, both by civil and common law, not to receive or tolerate heretics and much more are aot to permit their rites, or other exercise of their religion, or rather, thlr false sect, but are most solemnly bound everywhere, to repel and sxpel them. U. The following temporal punlshmenU are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, and the consequent disqualifications for all civil acts, tnd Intestability, as well active as passive (that Is, they can neither make nor will Inherit what Is left to them by others). Ird Loss of paternal power over children, 4th Loss of dowry, and other privileges granted to women. 6th Confisca tion of all goods. 6th-Thst vassals and slaves and others are free from all, even sworn obligations due to tbelr lord or an other. 7th Capital corporal punishment, especially 'death, and perpetual Imprison ment. 27. The canon law forbids all toleration. 28. That metropolitans and bishops are to ex-ooinniunloate blm who granU liberty of conscience. 29. Ho oath Is to be kept toward heretic princes, lords or others. 10 Heretics ars to be deprived of all civil and paternal rlgbU. 31. The pope can absolve from all oaths. 83. Every bishop Is ordinary Judge In a cause of heresy. The reason is because the bishops can ex-officlo, and ought to extirpate heretics, and Inflict upon them the due pun ishments, and to this are bound on pain of deposition. Besides, are the Inquisitors es pecially deputed by the apostolic see. Every bishop In bis diocese Is thought to be, and In reality Is, a natural Inquisitor, (liter ally born inquisitor), so as to have the same power with those already mentioned in a cause of heresy. 33. In every promissory oath, although absolutely taken, there are certain condi tions tacitly understood, amongst which are: 1st If I can; 2nd To save the right and authority of a superior) 8rd When the oath supposes the honor of the apostolic see to be illicit. B4. That the council of Trent, (the last and great authority of Borne), decrees and com mands that the sacred canons and all gen eral councils, also the other apostolic enact menU Issued In favor of ecclesiastical per sons of ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its violators, all of which by this present decree It renews, and must be exactly observed by all. Cardinal's Oath. "1, .cardinal of the Holy Roman church, do promise and swear that, from this time to the end of my life, I will be faithful and obedient unto St. Peter, the holy apos tolic Roman church, and our most holy lord, the pope of Rome, and his successors, canon lcally and lawfully elected: that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against the pontifical majesty and person; that I will never knowingly and advisedly, to their In Jury or disgrace, make public the councils entrusted to me by themselves, or by mes sengers or letters; also that I will give them any assistance In retaining, defending and recovering the Roman papacy and the regalia of Peter, with all my might and endeavor, so far as the rlgbU and privileges or my order will allow it, and will defend them against all their honor and state, and I will direct and defend, with due form and honor, the legates and nuncios of the apostolic see, in the territories, churches, monasteries and other benefices committed to my keeping and I will cordially co-operate with them and treat them with honor In their coming, abiding and returning, and that I will resist unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them. That I will, by every way and by every means strive to preserve, augment and advance the rights, honors, privileges, the authority of the Holy Roman bishop, our lord the pope and his before mentioned successors, and that, at whatever time anything shall be decided to tiieir prejudice, which Is out of my power to hinder, as soon as I shall know that any steps or measures have been taken in the matter, I will make It known V ie same, our lord or his successors, or sonv per son by whose means It may be br. f to their knowledge. That I will keep am. out and cause others to keep and carry the rules of the holy father, the decree. ordinances, dispensations, reservations, pro visions, apostolic mandates and constltU' tlons of the Holy Father Sertus, of happy memory, as to visiting the tl shoids of the apostles at certain prescrib times, accord' Ingto the tenor of that ' ich I have Just read through. That I wit. seek out and op pose, persecute and fight (omnt conatu per secuturumet lmpugnaturum) against hero tics or schismatics who oppose out lord, the pope of Rome, and his before-mentioned sue cessors, and this I will do with every possible effort." (Signature) then sent to the pope, Bisliop's Oath. , elect of "I.- the diocese, from henceforward will be faithful and obedient to St. Peter the Apostle and to the Holy Roman church, and to our lord, the holy pope of Rome, and to his suc cessors, canontcally entering, I will neither advise, consent nor do anything that they may lose life or member, or that their per sons may be seized, or hands in anywise laid upon them, or any Injuries offered to them, under any pretence whatsoever. The coun sel with which they sh all intrust me by them selves, their messengers or letters, I will not knowingly reveal to any, to their prejudice, I will help them to defend and keep the Ro man papacy and the royalties of St. Peter against all men. The legate of the apostolic see, going and coming, I will honorably treat and help in his necessities. The rights, honors, privileges and authority of the Holy Roman church of our lord, the pope, and his aforesaid successors, I will endeavor to pre serve, defend. Increase and advance. I will not be in any counsel, action or treaty, In which shall be plotted against our said lord and Roman church, anything to the hurt or prejudice of their persons, rlghu honor, state or power, and. If I shall know any such thing to be treated or agitated by any wbatsover, I will hinder It to my utmost, and as soon as I can, I will signify it to our lord. The ordi nance and mandates of the pope, 1 will ob serve with all my might and cause to be ob served by others. "Heretics, schismatics and rebels to our said lord or his successors, I will to my' most persecute and oppose. "Heretlcos, schlsmatlcos et re belles eldem Domino nostra vel successoribus predlctls pro posse persequar et oppugn? bo." "I will come to a council whet, 'am called, I will visit the threshold ot the apostles every three years and give an accountof our lord of all my pastoral office and of the things belonging to my diocese, to the dla- j rlpllne ol my ctergy and people. I will la like manner humbly twelve and dtlltrentlv 1 execute the apostolic commands. If I am detained by a lawful impediment, I will per form the aforesaid by a mrtubrr of kuy chap ter or a prteat of my diocese, fully Instructed In all things above mentioned. The posee slons belonging to tuy table. I will neither sell nor otherwise alienate without consult ing the Roman pontiff. 8o bW fee Sod and these holy gospels of Uod " , I!!! nature!, Bent to the liouitah Manager. Priest's Oath. , now In the presence of Almighty God, the bleaard Virgin Mary, the bieawd Michael the Archangel, the bleated 81 John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and the Saints and the Sacred HusU of Heaven, and to you. my lord, I do declare from my be trt, without mental reservation that the pope Is Christ's vlcar general and I the true and only head of the universal church throughout the earth, and that, by virtue of the kry of binding and loosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ bs has power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and govern ment, all being Illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may safely r j destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, 1 will defend this doctrlue and his holiness' rig lit and customs against all usurpers of the Protestant authority what soever, especially against the now pretended authority and church In England and all ad herents, in regard that they be usurpal and heretical, opposing the sacred mother of the church ot Rome. "1 do deuouuee and disown any allegiance as due to any Protestant king, prince or state or obedience to any of their Inferior officers. I do further declare the doctrine of the church of England, of the CalvInisU, UuguenoU and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not forsake the same, "1 do further declare that l will help, assist and advise all or any of his holiness' agenU In any place wherever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extirpate tbe Protestant doc trine and to destroy all their preteude power, regal or otherwise. I do further prom (se and declare that, notwithstanding I may be permitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion (Protestant denominations) for the propagation ot the mother cburch'i Interest, to keep secret and private all her agent' counsels as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word writing or circumstances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall be proposed. given In charge or discovered unto me by you, my most reverend lord and bishop. "All of which I, , do swear by the blqssed Trinity and blessed Sacrament which 1 am about to receive, to perform on my part to keep Inviolably, and do call on all the Heavenly and Glorious Host of Heaven to witness my real Intentions to keep this my oath. "In testimony whereof I take this most holy and blessed Sacramentof the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my con secrated hand, in the presence of my holy bishop and all the priests who assTet him in my ordination to the priesthood." Extreme Oath of the Jesuit. I. , now in the presence of Almlgbty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and the salnU and sacred hostof heaven, and to you my ghostly father, tbe superior general of the society of Jesus, founded by Saint Ignatus Loyola In the pon tiflcatlon of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do, by the womb of the virgin the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ declare and swear that bis holiness, the pope, is Christ's vice-gerent, and Is the '.rue and only head of tbe Catholic or unl versal church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to his holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose ber etlcal kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being Illegal without his sacred confirmation, and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and his holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatsoever, e- icclally the Luth eran church of Germany, Holland, Denmark Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authorities and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established In Ireland, and on the continent of America, and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred church ef Rome, i do now denounce and disown any alleg iance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the CalvlnlsU, HuguenoU and others of tbe name of Protestant or Liberals, to be dam eable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same. 1 do further declt e that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his holiness' asents. in1 any place wherever I shall be, In Switzer land, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Notway, England, Iceland or America, or In any other kingdom or territory, I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the hereti cal Protestant or Liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, not withstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the mother church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' councils from time to time, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever, but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me, by you or my ghostly father, or any of this sacred con vent. I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mentai reservation wnatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and ever command that I may receive from my super iors In tbe militia of the pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of tbe north, the burning sands ot the desert of Africa, or the plngles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining and will be submissive In all things whatso ever, communicated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare that will, when opportunity presents, make and wage rCentless war, secretly or openly. against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither age, sexor condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste. bolL flav. strangle and bury alive these Infamous heretics) rip up the stomachs and wombs of ttoelr women and crush their Infanta heads against the walla In order to annihilate their J execrable race. That when tbe same canoe be done openly. I will wvmly u the pole onouacun, the strangulating cord. Us stesi of the polaard. or the trades bullet, regard Iras of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the pennon or persons, whatever way be their conditio. In life, either publ& or priv ate, as I at any tliu mar b directed so te do by an agent of the pope or superior of tbe brotherhood of the holy father, of the society of Jesus. In confirmation of whl 'h I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all corporal powers, and with thl dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, wrltlea In my blood, la testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the mllltla ot the pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be Inflicted upon me oe earth and my soul be tortured by demons la an eternal hell forever. Allot which I do swear by tbe blessed trinity, and bleaaed sacrament which I am now to rscelve, to perform, and on my part to keep Inviolably; and do call all the heavenly and glorious boat of heavea to witness these, my real Intentions, to keep this my oath. In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the euchartat, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of thl dagger, dipped In my own blood, and seal In tbs face ot this holy convent f lie receives the wafer from the suDerlru and writ bis name with the point of his dagger, dipped lu his own blood, taken trust over tbe heart. 1 The rYiilnn's Oath. "I swear by slmlghty God, by all to heavea and earth, by the holy prayer-book of my holy church, by the blessed Virgin Mary mother of God, by ber sorrow and grief at the cross, by ber tears and waitings, by the holy apostles St. Peter and Paul, by the glorious apostle of Ireland St. Patrick by the blessed and holy church of all ages, by tbe holy national martyrs, to fight upon the Irish soil, to fight for the Independence of Ireland to fight until I die, wading In the red gore of the Sassenach (Protestant) for the glorious cause ot nationality; to fight until not a single vestlre, track or footstep, Is left to tell that the holy soil of Ireland was ever trodden by the Sassenach tyrants and murderers; and, morover, when the Protestant robbers anu orutes in Ireland shall be murdered and driven Into the sea like the swine our Lord Jesus Christ caused to be drowned, then we shall embark tor, and take England, and root out every ves tige of the accursed blood of the heretla adulterer, Henry VIII., and possess our selves of the be wU who have so long kept our Island of saints Old Ireland In the chains of bondage.drlven us from ber shores, exiles Into foreign lanas. I will wade In the blood of Orangemen and heretics (Protest ant) who do not Join us and become our selves. Scotland too, having given aid and succor to the beast, we shall live In her gore. We shall cot give up until we have restored our holy faith all over the British Isles. To all of this I sincerely and conscien tiously swear wltb my eyes blinded, not knowing who to me administers this oath Oath of the Clan-na-Ouel. Tbe following la the oath taken by the members of that famous Romish Catholic society: "I (name In full) do solemnly swear In tre presence ot Almighty God, that I will laboi while life Is left in me to establish and de fend a republican form ot government In Ireland; that 1 will keep secret the names and everything connected with the Irish brotherhood from all not entitled to know such secreU; that I will obey and comply wltb the constitution and laws of the same. That I will preserve the funds of this order for the cause of Irish revolution alone as specified in the constitution: that I will deem It my sueclal dutv and mission to promote and foster sentiments of union, brot-)rly love, nationality, among all Irish I take this obligation without any mental reservation, holding the same forever binding upon me, and that any violation thereof, or desertion of my duty to the brotherhood Is infamous, and merits tbe severest punishment, so help me God." This oath the candidate is abjured to keep at the hazzard of his life. It was printed in the Chicago Inter Ocean and was sworn to be correct at the Cronin trial. It was reported by said paper November 17, 1894. Priests and bishops act as chaplains for this holy (?) order. Monsters. The enormous eoglnee that haul "The Northwestern Line" OMAHA- CHICAGO SPECIAL east at 6:30, evening, (U. P. depot) and into Chi cago at 9:30 next morning Well worth taking a little time to ee them nothing in this country like them nearly as high as the Union Depot, but not quite as long. City office, 1401 Farnam street. From 10 to 1000 feet down, gold is found in abundance; the deeper you go the richer the ore. These are facts concerning Mercur, Utah. THE UNION PACIFIC is the only all-rail line to Mercur. For Mercur leaflet, giving full par ticulars, call at City Ticket Office, . 1302 Farnam St. A Fish Story With elements of truth, easily passi ble by using the Northwestern line to some of the many lakes north. Cost you $2.00 to flO 00. Depends on the 'Financial Question." 1401 Farnam street. THE LITTLE RED SCHOOL- HOUSE A beautiful quartet or chorus for mixed voices, in sheet music, for use in concerts or campaign work. Words by Rev. James L. Elderdice Music by J. C. Herbert. Fillmore Bros., publishers, 119 W. 6th St., Cin cinnati, O., or 49 Bible House, New York. Price 35 cents. Stenographers and Lawyers having transcripts and other legal documents to be bound can have their work done at The American book-bindery. 1615 Howard street. Telephone 911. We do all kinds of book binding Omaha Advertisements I. I. HOliM Kit, ft Nr. York Life Building HUSIrK'i HAI F. -HY VIRTU K Or AN l order of sale Uaurd out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska and Umie directed. I will, on the ?Jth day i.f Sep tember, A. H. IM. at te o'clock a. M. of said day. at lb KAT front door of l he county court hon-r. In the rlly of Omaha. Dougls countv. Netiraka. sell at public auction to the h gloat bidder for cash, tb properly da ecrluts la aald order of sale sa follow, to wit: Lot twenty (lu) in block on hundred and twe.ty tl'-Vi in I'uudee place, an mldliloa lo he city of Omaha. Ifciuglaa county, al aloof Nebraska, a aurveyed. platted and re Corded, all In louia coun y. Nebraska. Paid property to be aold lo aatlafy K. L. Ilrowo. L-lalntlff heretu. the auiu of four hiinilred and llilrt jr-tl ve and ttt-IIU dollara ilt.Atoi Julgmeiit, with Inurr.l (hereon at rale of tea ilUi percent per annum from June 24. Kt. which amount la a Drat lies upon aald lot twenty iS0 la block one hundred and twenty IM lu Dundee Place, an addition to the city of Umaha, Douglas county, Ne braska. To.Htli.fy William K Potter. Kerelverof the Netiraaka Saving A I- (change Bank, the utn of two hunilreu n nety and no- HO dol lar itJW) tab Judgment, with accrued interest thereon aud the Cimta of the suit, which auiu I a second valid lien upon aald lot twenty iau In block one hundrej and twenty il.Hi In Huiiile Place, an addition tJ the cliy uf Omaha, lougla couuly. Nebraska. To aatlafy the auiu of fourteen and W 1(10 dollar sV 1 4 wo cost herein, together with ac cruing coma according to a Judgment ren dered by the! I court of '1 Hon it I aa county, at Ha May term, A. 1. IMM. lu a cer tain action than and there pending, wherein K L. lirown wa plHlnlllf, and Commercial Necurlty l,oan A I'riixl I'oinpniiy, Louta Kroner. Nebranka Having A Km'liange Hunk and William K Potter. Heeelver of Ne bruaka Havings St Kichauge Hank, were de fendants. Omaha, Nebraska. August 2"ih. John w. McDonald. Hhertff of IKiugla County, Nebraska. L. D. Holme, attorney, lirown va. Com. fee. Loan A Trust Co Doc.M: No. liU). 8 2n-4 W.H. ItUHHKMi, Attorney, 618 New York Life Building. NOTICE TO NON-KKHIDKNT DKI'END AN I S -In the district court of Doug las county, Nehraiika. C. J. Camp, plaintiff, va. Albert Tucker, et al , defendant: To Allien Tucker, Caroline ti. Tucker and Keduatu liroa. Mauufacl urlng Coniuany. a corporation, uon-resident defemluuta: You will take notice that mi the Ifith day of August, 1MM, V, J. Camp, plaintiff herein. nleu his petition In the above entitled catme, lu the dlNtrict court uf Douglas county, Ne braska, aitalnst vou and earn of vou. the object and prayer uf which In to foreclose a mortgage executcu on tne iiitn iiiy or vairn, In'J, liy Allien Tucker and Caroline U. Tucker, upon the property described a fol lows, situated In the countv of Douglas, state of Nebraska, to wit: The north one third N. l-:il of li t nine tvi. Johiinou'a addi tion to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, Dialled and recorded, less seven and one. half iTm feet off the eaKt end of the north one-third (N. I-U) uf said lot nine (Hi, said tract. of land fronting sixty-five (to) feel un Twenly-Ufth Avenue, and one hundred thirty-two (l&!jfeton Jones Hlreet. io se cure tbe payment of the mortgage bond signed by Albert Tucker and Caroline U. Tucker, with interest coupons attiu'hed. for the sum or twenty-rour Hundred nounrs l:m Mb; that th. re Is now due and payable on said bond the sum of twenty-four hun dred dollars (f.'too (Jtli, with Inler'st accord ing to the tenor there, f from the llrst day of March, IHIift, for which sum, with Interest from March 1st, l"'.',V plaintiff prays for a decree that, the defendants pity the same, and that In default of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy tne amount found due. The plain tin" Is the legal owner anil holder of sld bond and morlnage. You are required to auswer said petition on or before the iuith day ol September, liwi. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, August 15, IHiXi. C.J. ('AMI', I'lalntiff. By H. E Hu'n mi and W. II. Russell, attor neys tor piaintnr. Camp vs. Tucker. S-21-4 PEXTCft t THOMAS, Attorney, 401 Bee Bulldjng. CHKRIFK'8 BALK. By virtue of an order el lJ sale Issued out of tbe district court fat Douglas county, Nebraska, and to reeled, 1 will '.on the2Utbday of September, A l. at ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at thl ifi ironi aoor at me cuunt v court nouaa in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. He- branka, sell at pub! c auction to the highest uiuuer ror caau, tne uroperty aeacribea i aiu oruer oi aaie as rouows. ui-wu: Lot nun ber twentv-one (21) In block an ber eight (81. and lot number twenlv-two (tt In block eight (HI in Bedford Hace Addltle to the city of Omaha, a surveyed. Dlattai and recorded, all In Douglas county, state ol neurafcua. Paid property to be sold to satisfy Irwas Levlston, plaintiff herein, tbe sum of night bundled and sixly-aeten dollars (ISSIOS Judgment, with tnlerert thereon at rat of ten (10) per cent per annum from May 4th lnue. which is a ft rat valid and sublstlng list upon saia lot twenty-one (Zi), block eight (et above described. And to aatlafy said plaintiff the further sum of eight hundred a d sixty-seven dol lars t-fi UUl. with Interest i hereon at the rata ortendOi per cent per annum from May 4th 1KW6. whlcu amount Is a drat valid and su luting linn upon said lot twenty-two (M block eight (8i, above described. To tatlsfv Sarah J. Itarrowa. dnfandaal herein, tbe aura of nine hundred and ntnaty dollars (IKIKJUO) Judgment, with Inter thereon at rate of ten (10) Der cent br a num from May 4th, lMKrl. which amount 1 a second valid and subsisting lien upon lot twenty-one (21), block eight (8), above de- sjriueu. To satisfy the sum of twenty-flve aae 83-1(4 dollars (2li 6,1) cost herein, together with accruing coats, according to judgmt rendered by the district court of said l)o las county, at Its May term, A. 1). 18SH, la s certain action then and there pending wherein Irwen Levlston Is ulalntlff. and An drew J. Stanley, John K MacKenile. Deitat 1 i nomas, caniuel ttihnor. k "?rr'.r; Ula--.- anu earan J. Harrows, are defendant. Omaha, Nebraska. August 28th. 1MW , , John w. Mcdonald, therlfTof Douglas County, Nebraska Dexter L. Thomas, attorney. Levlston vs. Stanley, et al. Doc 64: No. 312. R-2K-.1 SAUNDKKS & MACFAHLAND, Attorneys, MU4 KarLam Street. OH EKIFK'S SALE By vtrt ue of an order ef sale Issued oui of ihe district court foi Douglas county. ,e rn-ka, and to me di rected,! will, on tbe 29th day of September, A D. 18M, at ten o'clock a. u. of said day, at vne &A91 iront uoor or the county court uouse, in ids ciiy oi umana. Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the hit k- , uiuuer tor casn, me property ancrlbed la said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: LOU one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), flv (Si, six (6), seven (7), eight (Hi. nine (V) and tea (10) 1. block eight (8) In Boyd's Addition to the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted a4 reuurueu, u m uougias county, slate of Ne braaka. Bald property to be sold to satisfy Jamet W. Dvorsky, plaintiff tereln, the sum of tw hundred and ninety-five and fiU-luo dollars (i-WSBSI) judgment, with Inlereat thereon at rate of ten (1U) per cent per annum from May 4th, 11-96, which amount are a first vallj and existing lien upon said above described property. To satisfy the sum of fifty-six and B-1M dollars i.i8.82) costs herein, together with ac cruing costs, according to a Judgment ren dered by tbe district court of aald Ikiurlu county. Nebraska, at Its May term. A. D. 194, w cerHia action men ana tnere pending herein James W. Dvortky Is Dialntlff, aal klarv E. Beatty and William . Baatt. k her husband, are defendant. Omaha. Nebraska. August IMh, Wm. john w. McDonald. Sheriff of Douirlas Countv. Nebraska.. Saunders A Macfarland, attorneys. uvorsKy vs. neatly, et al Doc. 45; No. 176. 8-28-5 Notice of Indebtedness. In comullance with the laws of the atate nf Nebraska, notice lsherebv given that t ha In. debtednessof Klopp& Bartlett Company at the close of business August li Is), waa I4.SS2 59. C. H. KLOl'P, --3 President. Dr. Kay's Renovator KWi3 and Is the best nerve tonic yet discovered. IfinNCV ifiTirrA'Pl Rhtumatism M U aC I MJ It A and Kidney Diseaies. MAl'.NOKKM MACFAHIiAftD, Attorney. HOI t'arnato flrset. Sit Fill t'K'a CALk ; -By virtue of aa order uf aal uauN out of the dlatrh-t court for Hougla county. Nebraska, and tunic di rected, 1 will, oe (H-pteiuber gutb. A. l. IMM at ten o'clock A- M of said day, at tae kAHT front door nf th county court konae, la th city of Omaha. IKmgla county, M hraaka, ali al public auctloa to the hlf kaet bidder fur cash, th property described la aid order of al aa follows, to-wlt: Lot four ti, flveiai, an (). nlnaiBi. tea (1st, fourteen (14). Sftea (15i, HllMl (16). e teen (17), nlnetrea (IVI, twenty (JO) eat) taenty-four (Mil block two (2Mb llarrWa) Fatteraoe' Aaoei Addition to th city ej south Omaha, aa surveyed platted ana re corded, all la Dtmglaa county, state ef Nebraska. halo property to b sold to satisfy Willie It. HreviKirt, plaintiff herein, thaaumof twe hundred and forty-four and U luu dollara i.4 Mil Judgment, with lntnrt at rate el ten (lui percent per annum from Mayita 1m) which amount ars a d rat valid and ax ial In I lien upoa said above described proa erty. To satisfy the sum of Bfty-two and M-Mt dollar (4 2n cost herein, together with ac cruing cost according to a Judgment ren dered by the dlatrlct court of said Douilae county, at It atty term. A. D. 114, la a certain action then aud there peadlaa. wherein William II. Hrevuort I plaintiff, aal Jonaa It. Harris and Huea L. ilarrla, his wlf are defendant. Omaha, Nebraska. Aiivuat 2Nth 11 joiin w. Mcdonald, HherllTof Dougla (looniy. Nebraska, g mind era A Macfarlaud. attorney. Brevoort va Ilarrla. et al. Doc.Vi: No. SHU. i-tH-S DKXTKK li THOMAS, Ai turner, 4nl Hue Building' SREItirK'd HAI.K.-BY VIKTUK OF AN rxivutl in Issued out of the district court for Dniiglua county. Nebraska, aud to medlrected.l will. on the 13th day of October, A. I). IH'.ai. at lu o'clock a. n. of said day, at the kAHT front door of the County court houae.ln the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, aell at public auction to the high eat bidder for cash, the property described in aald execution aa follows, to-wli: Lot nine iti, block ' U." Lowe's Addition to the ell y of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas couuly, slate ot Ne- l,ri- . . ... i 8nld property to lie sold to satisfy John A. Horbai'h, plaintiff herein, the sum of one thoiiaund one hundred and nloety-elsht and 5.V1HU do tars li .I'.W -V) Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of eight (8) per cent per annum from the ill h d iy of October, ln.ll. To aatlafy the sum of one and IU-100 dol lara (II Ml, the coals of Increase on said Judg ment, together with accruing coat, accord ing to a judgment rendered by the dial riot court of said Douglas county, al lu Hcpteui ber term, A. 1). IMU. in a certain action then and there pending, wherein John A. 1 1 or bach was plaintiff, and Ueo. J. I'aul was de fendant. , Omaha, Nebraska, September IHh. WW- John vv Mcdonald, Hherlff of Douglas County, Nebraska Dexter L. Thomas, attorney, llorbach vs. I'aul. Doc. 15 and Li No. 34. U-11 -6 SAL'NDKKS MACK A IlL AND. Attorneys, 14(4 Farnam Street. OHEKIFK'S SALE -By virtue of an order n of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will, on the nth day of October, A. D. ikm, at ID o'clock A. m. of said day, atthe EAST froi t door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braaka, sell at public unction to the highest bidder ror cash, the property described In said order of sale, aa follows, to-wlt : Hie wot one-half (4 of lot live (ft) In block six ((li. Heed's Klmt Addition to the city ot Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas county, slate of Nebraska Bald property to lie sold to satisfy Hhtllp L. Johnaou. pla'ntlff herein, the sum of one hundred eighty-four and 34-luo dollar (f?IM 34) Judgment, with Interest thereon at rate of ten dm per cent per annum from Sep tember',!;!, IMllft. Tusatury the sum of thirteen and Oft-IOQ dollars iI3 (W) costs hi rein, together wltb ac cruing costs, accord ng to a Judgment ren dered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. lxwi In a certain action then and there pending, wherein i'hlllp L. Johnson war plaint! tf, and Omaha Security Company, a corporation or ganized and exlctlng under the laws of th state of Nebraska, was defend' t. Omaha, Nebraska, September II th. I8HH. joiin w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska, Saunders lit Macfarland, attorneys. Johnson vs. Oman security Company. Doc.M and W; No. I"tt. V-U-t W. II. llt'RSKLIi, Attorney, (II (J New York Life Building. SIIKKIFK'H SALE By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska and to me di rected, I will, on the 13th day of October, A. D. IHiw. at ten o'clock a. M, of said day, at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douilascounty, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described In sld order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot one il) in block live (5) in Missouri Avenue Park, an addition to tbe City of South Omaha, as surveyed, p.atled and re corded, all In Douglas county, slate of Ne braska. . . Sa'd property to be sold to satisfy red. II. Kent, plaintiff herein, the sum of seven hundred forty-six and art-100 dollars iJTfl.ifo Judgment, with Interest tberooi. at rate of ten i lui percent per annum from the 4th day 0fMaj,lWi. To satisfy the sum of twenty-nine and 28-100 dollars (fc'i1) costs herein, with In terest thereon at of ten (10) per cent p.-r-annum from the 2ftt.h day of June, lsutt, until paid. together with accruing costs, according to a iudirinent rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at its May term, A. U. ihm. in a certain action men anu tnere pending, wherein Fred H. Kent was plaintiff, and AtfleJ. Head and Adelbert J. Head were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, September 1 1th, fwri. John w. modjnalo, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. Wm. H. Kussell, attorney. Kent vs. Head. Doc. W; No. 55. 0-115 Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby Riven that a corporation known as the Alheneum Krateruity has been organlz-d with its principal pla?e of transacting its business in tbe city of Omaha, DuUglas county. Nebraska, with bower to transact business In all tie Mates of the Union and tha provinces of Canada. The general nature of ihe business to tm transacted by said corporation shall be CO -ducting a Fraternal Insurance Assoc! .t, . n under the laws of the Stats of Nebrasg o Issue meinberil In and beneficiary certifi cates and to do all other business necessar to be done by an Insurance Company. Ihdre shall be no capital stock or capital other than that rat.ed by assessment upju its members to meet death and accident claims aud the expenses of the corporation. This Corporation was uthorlzd to commence business on the T.'lh day of May, l1.). and continue fur a term of nlnety-ntne years, with nowerto re-lncornorate. Tbe amount of the indebtedness of this corporation to general purposes and as a charge against the general fund, shall not at any time ex ceed Hve thousand dollars ifo.uoo.00i. Tbe officers of this corporation shall be a Board of Dire tors.consistingof the Supreme Presi dent, Supreme Vice-President, Supreme Secretary. Supreme Treasurer, Assistant Supreme Secretary and four others, and an Kxecutlve Council, consisting of the Supreme PresldenUSiiDreme Vice-President. Suorema Secretary, Supreme Treasurer and Assistant Supreme Secretary. Omaha, Aebraska, September lltn. lf.V JOHN T. DAILKr. Elmeh K. .UkiRki.v, President. Secretary. 9-U-4 than a A VkU IVI I IV Send us ten cents, coin or stamps, and we will send your name and address to 100 of tbe must popular papers in America, i'ou will receive copies of each for readlne and dis tribution FREE. In addition we send your name and aduress to BOO manufacturer who want agents. (Many have received per manent employment, as we have testimonials to showl. i ou will receive samples ot goods and other things too numerous to mention You get bushels of mall. Address, U. 8. DIRECTORY CO., 1043 Van Buren Street! Chicane.