0 HE AMERICAN AULXS IX THE 01 IKtS. Oral In la (irrat Harrj t limine NataralUnl l lllwan. Tbcwe who hold good, toft, bl(h al tried positions la the various nocullve departments of the foveroioent, but hare revr r considered It necessary to twcrm citlwr ta order to cenient their frlp upon the, lucrative place, are now makinu strenuous effort to put theraseWes upon a voting haul. Tbe clcrka down at the city ball have recently bron overrun with tbU class of business, but have burn at a lows to ac count for the sudden and unexpected activity. Within the pat month alone Cfty-slx final naturalisation paper bare born 1aku out and thirty-two persona bave signed their name In a big book, announcing their Intention of brcrmlng citizen of the United State. Tbl 1 woven or eight time the num ber that in tbe sarce period of time transact the aame amount of buslni'as. Three reasons are offered In explana tion of tbl audden desire of no many people to become bona fide citizen. Tbe flrat 1 that a patriotic organlza tion of thl city decided to take vigor- ' oua action In the n. a iter of alien hold ing government xltIon, and a aim rulttee wu apjiolntcd to ascertain the number thua employed, and Institute an Inquiry a to why It waa that for eigner could obtain thews position to tbe detriment ol natural born Araerl can citizen. The second Is that General Groevcnor Introduced In the bouse a resolution which was passed, railing upon the bead of each executive department to furnish congreei with a complete list of all klion employed under their aupor- vision. Thl caused many clerk, who bad permitted tbolr first declaration to (lumber, to become panlo-r.trlck.en and they hastened before the judge authorized to act in such case and took out tbolr final papers with a de free of haste that would bave been more commendable at an earlier date, me mini reason is mat every ar rival from tbe effete and oppressed Old world Is seized Immediately upon land' lng with an Irreslstable ambition to bold office. So be rushes to the near est clerk of a United State court and announce hi intention of acclimating blmtelf politically, aa well a other wise. It i a trifle lingular that, although a month elapsed between tbe introduc tion of General Grosvenor's resolution and the adjournment of congress, only tbe secretary of state and attorney general bad transmitted replies, stat ing that tbelr skirts were clear and no aliens were employed in their respoo- Uve departments. , CD Of the fifty six who bave witbin the past month taken out their final papers, the names of eighteen bave already been located in the government blue book, showing that they bave for vary, lng periods of time been receiving lu cratlve salaries from the United States, although their allegiance was else where bestowed. Those eighteen names are as follows: George VT. Watson, of Canada, en graving and printing; William G. Wilding, England, bureau of engrav ing and printing; L. Morlsey, Ireland, war department, bureau of pensions; Thomas McCabe, Ireland, quarter master general's office, war depart ment; William II. Connelly, olerk, Interstate commerce; Ernest H. Elliot, JMovU Scotia, draughtsman, supervis lng architect's office; GustavRousfeau, Canada, bureau of er graving and print ing. The thirty-two who bave within a month filed their declaration at the city hall, are a follows: Carl Blanbock, 31 years old, a native r . .. - . - oi j.ufsia; Aninony wynn, 40 years Old. of Durham county, England; Tim Otby Sullivan, 24 years, of Ireland; Camllle Delucco, 37, of Italy; Pius Stung, 44, of Germany; Robert Dragon, Z2, or Jamaica; James Kiddy, 26, of Ireland; Patrick Carey, 22, of Ireland; Samuel Rung, 87, of Russia; Frederick Cbarles Pratt, 27, of London, England; Hyman Bernstein, 39, of Russia; Mary A. Kelly, 32, of England; Florence Pol lock, 37, of Dublin, Ireland; Daniel Garvey, 29, of Kerry, Ireland; James Galvin, 24, of Ireland; Francis D Brass, 50, of England; Margaret Cole man, 65, of Meath, Ireland; Alfred Johnson, 22, of Helsingburg, Sweden; James Ronan, 2S, of Ireland; Job. an nab. Collins, 55, of Limerick county, Ireland; Lizzie Riordan, 47, of County Clare, Ireland; Michael McCormlck, 63, of Ireland; Henry Swlvers, 51, Ger many; Dominico Mormondello. The Republic A Queer Women's League. Editor Standard.-Ooe of tbe first things which caught my attention after I had taken my seat last Monday even ing in Metropolitan Hall, where I had gone to listen to a lecture by Peter C. Yorke, of the Romish church, on "Protestant Marriages," was a large banner stretched across the stage, bear ing the Inscription, "American Wo men's Liberal League." Just under and in front of this were ranged two or three rows of chairs, placed there, as a matter of course, one would have sup posed, for the use of the women of the league, whose appearance was mo mentarily looked for, and the interest in whose expected advent increased as the hour for the exercises to begin I drew near. Hut, some time after 8 o'clock, just a our Impotent curiosity bad reached about the highest pitch of Intensity, a door leading to the stage from the waiting room opened, and in walked a gentleman In black, followed by another person holding in hi ban hat apeared to be a bundle of paper. and after these came a number of what It noon became evident, by their drea and general appearance, were Ilomls priests, who were all soon seated, while not a woman wa to be een. It was thought, though, that perhaps all thl wa preliminary to the ertrance of the ladle of the league, wblcb w a to be made more striking thereby, and that the massing of the "father" toward the rear of tbe platform wa simply to constitute a support and form a back ground for them, so as to render their presence more effective. It soon be came evident, however, that this con elusion wa an erroneou one, for it could readily be seen that the chair were nearly all occupied by tbe men, and a the moment passed, all hope of teeing any of the fair sex among the rest of the "plat'orm statuary" died entirely away, leaving simply an array of priests, with the label hanging above them "American Women'i Liberal League." A not one of them waa a woman, and hardly ono, If even that, was an American, the ludlorous- ness of the scene can easily be lmag Ined. But, as I re floe tod upon the situation, I saw that the Incongruity was not by any means as great as at first It had seemed to be, and I per ceived that by one of the blunders into which, with all her cunning, Rome will occasionally allow herself to be betrayed, she had here presented tbe real Instead of tbe ostensible Women's League, and, that there might be no danger of any mistake, bad placed above It, In unmistakable characters, the name to which It and no other body of Individuals bas any valid claim whatever. If, however, the members had come with their Sunday clothes on, dresses or the petticoats and other feminine apparel In which they are ac customed to array themselves upon the Sabbath day, the appropriateness would have been more readily appar ent, and would have boen recognized at once, The "American Women's League," so fari'as Its eontrel, and any power that It possesses or exerts is concerned, Is composed of the Roman Catholic Irish priests of San Francisco, with Peter C. Yorke at their head, so that no more appropriate tag could have been plaoed upon it, as stripped of its feminine disguise, it posted upon the platform inj Metropolitan Tomple on Monday eight, than the one so unwit tingly given to it, and which the at tempt bad previously been made to bave the public believe legitimately belonged to; the band of simple-minded, but deluded, Roman Catholio ladies, by whom, at the priestly suggestion, it had boen adopted. Truth Lover, in San Francisco Examiner, Education in Quebec. Le Monde says that "education In the province of Quebec 1 in a condi tion that Is humiliating by Its Inferior Hy." La Patrie remarks: "For a journal like Le Monde to dare to take part in the reforms demanded shows that our present system leaves much to be de sired." ue Montitur au com meres says: "There Is something radically wrong with our elementary schools, especially in the country. Will It require another electoral cyclone such as that which swept the province on June 23, to open the eyes of the educational authorities of Quebec? We have reached a point where we can but wish that the whole educational system be changed. What provincial member will be sufficient of a Christian and a patriot to undertake the reform? No one Is accounted a prophet in his own country, but for once we will make a prediction: If. next session, the provincial govern ment does not Include In its programme a project for the reform of our system of elementary education, it will be swept out of existence.- A law to ren der education compulsory is an urgent need." Quebec Is awakening to tbe fact that clerlcalkcontrol in educational matters has left that province at the bottom of the list as regards her education. Of ficial figures tell the tale. After all, It seems as though the school question which bas agitated Canada for several years may result In great good to the eastern province. The mandaments, pulpit deliverances and such like of the bishops during the elections, have set the people thinking and from all accounts they have turned their atten tion from Manitoba, a province occupy- ng a banner position in the educa tional list, towards Quebec, where edu cational affairs, according to the Mon treal Herald, "are in a condition which is a disgrace to the name of civiliza tion." Let the agitation and the good work go on. Winnipeg Daily Tribune. So, "Mam." Men are now holding positions in the government departments at Washing ton with 11,800 salaries, who have not yet taken out their first papers? Should these things be? Woman's Voice. PROTESTASTIS IS HISGAKT. frofTrM Being Made la Spite f Kemaa IVnurutlon. In Hungary Protestantism is mak log progress. Since the good and pious wido Madame de lleggL erected a monu ment at Debreczln, to the memory of tbe Hungarian martyrs of the seven teenth century, a new impulse has been given Protestantism, and sixtv one young men have dedicate! them selves to the holy ministry among their own people. This monument Is In honor of tbe martyrs to the treachery ol Rome. It present an open Bible and the names of the forty-one galley slaves. In 1764, March 5, tbe Roman Catho lic tribunal at Pressburg ordered 70b Protestant ministers to appear before them for trial for preaching tbe Gos pel. Three hundred answered the sum mons, appeared before the tribunal, were tried and condemned. The awful tortures and sufferings these noble, loyal, godly men endured beggars description. Forty-one of them were condemned to the galleys, but finally were liberated by tbe King of Spain through tbe re quest of the distinguished Dutch naval cemmander, Admiral Ruyter. The pages of history are stained 1th thousands of such instances of barbarity to Christians by the Roman Catholics. Rome never changes, therefore what would she do to-day if she had the civil power? Is I'nion l'ossible! I was talking with a staunch church man about tbe great union of all the churches, over which he was enthusias tic In this movement be taw tbe time foretold by prophets when peace should reign and the lion and lamD He down together. Glorious agel The return to the Garden of Eden! A paradise realized on earth 1 He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, who was well informed on the events of the day and eager for the extension of the power of his church for the moral advancement of the peo ple. "I do not see this matter In the light that it appears to you," I said. "The holy father at Rome has expressed his wish that all Christendom unite and become a solidarity. You rejoice at the same. Suppose this union pos sible, what will the new organization be?" "Why, of course, we shall all have to yield some points of faith, and meet on half-way ground." "And do you for one moment enter tain the belief that the Catholio church will meet you half way; that it will yield one point of faith? If so, you will find yourself mistaken. Can you in its past history of almost 2,000 years its claimed duration show a single in stance where it has yielded an lota in its doctrines? It bas at times ceased to urge, when it found the way hedged, but only to bide Its time and Btrike a more effective blow." "Catholicism, should it absorb all the Protestant churches, would be Catholicism still, with no more change than the tiger would experience after he had devoured the lamb." This gentleman Is a fair illustration of the attitude of multitudes, who are so cealous for church extension that they unthinkingly accept the proffered olive branch held out by the holy see It is the fair promise which leads to ruin. If they would pause to think, and take all the consequences Into con sideration they would see how impos sible it would be for the Catholic church to change; how contrary to Its tradi tions and usages for it to be fair or honest or truthful with an adversary It moves to its object with force If it can, u not, then by the subtle tread of the tiger, the cunning of the fox, the remorseless cruelty of the hyena. Or when these fail, it puts on a compla cent smile and deceitfully agrees with Its opponent, waiting its time to thrust him with the stilleto. Appearantly the school question which was urged so persistently a lew years ago, is no longer a matter of opposition. Does anyone think that the church has changed its views, or that it will not, the moment opportunity arises, push forward to have Its schools publicly supported? It has gone on Ignoring the national schools, and built up its own, where the Catholic children are taught to be Catholics not Americans; taught a perverted morality, an obso lete faith, history from books distorted in support of Rome and political ad hesion to the priests Instead of the gov ernment. There is constant and pa thetic appeals made by Catholic au thorities, that the church does not en gage In politics, while it is well-known that the Catholio vote of this country Is hold in the hands of the American pope, and will be solidly cast in the In terests of the church, regardless of party. The Catholic voter who shouts loud est for the Democratic party will, if commanded, silently drop the Repub lican ticket into the ballot box if that party gives pledges to the church. Is it not time that this terrible power be opposed by , an organized force, strong enough to offer a hopeful resist ance? What bas the Protestant churches to resist the tide? What baa tbe government, of which the Catholics bold the balance of power? Tbe time I coming rapidly coming when tbe crouching tiger will arouse for it fatal spring. There 1 only one organlza Hon which ia able to offer the least re istance, and that Is the A. P. A. Hudson Tuttle. Tbe Difference. They can organize their Clan na Gael, Catholic Foresters, Catholic Knights, etc , etc, all over the land for political and otber purposes, and it la all right. No criticism is made, no fault Is found, no steus taken bv tbe press to awaken the people to the dan ger oi such organizations. YY hen American citizens, viewing 1th well-grounded alarm the growth of the Instrumentalities controlled bv the priesthood of a church antagonistic very republican form of kovernment tne world over, start to organize a counter movement, then we hear the cry of intolerance, bigotry, race war nan v ism, and the like. The priests can from the altar or the parochial school Dlatform harancue their subjects, command them to sup port their policies, direct them bow to vote under the pains and Densities of tbe fires of sheol, and all is lovely. When American citizens seek to warn the people of their danger, and seek to instruct them (not con mand) how to avert the domination of tbe hierarchy, the cry of Intolerance, un American bigotry and the like, Is raised. Conscious of being in the rlcht. d predating the work aireadv done in cleaning out the enemies of our Instl tutlons In political life, knowing the work yet to be done in SDite of the weak kneed time server, the political trickster and pothouse politician. boodle r and ward bum, we shall eo on until public education is a success, and spirit of patriotism plows through out this land so strong that even those that are "common enemies" to our in stltutlons will understand the right, and join with us In making this a re public in fact, as well as name, casting off all allegiance to any ecclesiastical power or potentate. Wis;onsm Patriot. Another Miracle factory. The.Roman Catholio church Is work ing very hard to establish a miracle factory at Aurlesvllle, N. Y. Ail they need to set their business going is a couple of fake miracles, and then the constant stream of American papist dollars that flows towards Lourdes in France would flow into the pockets of American priests. The'' wax gods for the Aurlesvllle factory are now ready; now bring along somebody with i wooden leg and let a miracle be per formed so they can have their natural leg restored. This would not be any more ridiculous than the miracle which Catholio writers claim that St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of the PassionUt order, performed. He is claimed to bave restored a chicken to life after it had been drawn, filled with stuffing and roasted for his dinner. He called upon the roast chicken to come to life, and a writer of Romanist faith says It got up from the platter, its entrails, head and feathers came back to it, and life returned, and it flew screaming out of the window. This Is attested to by one of tbe greatest of Roman Catholio priestly writers of the present day, and doubtless there are millions of the ig norant and Illiterate followers of Ro manism who believe it is gospel truth. Some ridiculous history like this will, sooner or later, oe sprung upon us about Aurlesvllle, then the Romanists will begin a grand pilgrimage there for the purpose of leaving their hard- earned shekels with the aggregation champagne-drinking priests who will be assigned to duty at the shrine. Five gods cut by human hands out of marble will be set up there In a few days for the faithful to bow down to and hang their gold watches and chains to. Wisconsin Patriot. Fall Together. The political bosses are using their wits just now to detract members of the patriotic orders from their principles and their loyalty to the defense of the free Institutions of our country. They rekindle party prejudices and make promises in order to disab'.e the force of the organization, and in many in stances their emissaries have found their way into councils for the sole purpose of creating strife on political lines. These things should be watched with jealous care by the members, and when firebrands are thrown in they should be quenched with patrlotio zeal and dignified sternness by the officers of councils. Let each one put his thinker" in operation and learn that this order is not in with any of the bosses, but, on the contrary, is opposed to any boss rule or boss management in politics from the papal boss down to the ward striker. You must begin to pull yourselves together and allow the nasty little prejudices that the bosses seek to stir up die out and unite with other patriotic orders in the one truggle for victory. Members are doing more damage by not thinking and acting together than in any over zeal for the good of the cause. If you do not pull together you will be pulled to pieces, and that Is just what the bosses want. San Francisco Standard. C. LANG GREAT . . m DISCOUNT JS) I Q You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for the next thirty days. You eet $5.00 Shoes for 13.50 I You pet 44 no Rhn. enr ik You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 louins" iz.uv Shoes for $1.50. Ladies Shoes in the same proportionate prices. G. LANG, 718 So. Sixteenth St. When down town drop in at John Rudd's and leave your watch, If it Is tut of repair, to be fixed, 115 So. II St Go to Edward Baumley for Livery 7th and St.-Mary's Avenue. Subscribe for The American now The best and cheapest patriotic paper In America. I I I 1 1 1 1 i i , JOHN RUDD. Jeweler and Optician X 115 S. 16th STREET, . . MARIS SPIOULTV P . . : Fins Watch Repairing French Clocks. ' Exclusive Watch Examlaer for p., E. and at. V. I. B. C. Notice of Incorporation. Notice is herebv given that a corporation known as the Atheneuin Fraternity has been organized wltb Its principal place of transacting lM business In 'lie cltv of Omaha, !) uglas county, Nebraska, with Dower to transact business tn all tt e State of the Union and the Provinces of Canada. Tbe gentral nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be con ducting a Fraternal Insurance Association under the laws of tbe State of Nebraska, to Issue nieiuben) Id and benetlclarv certifi cates and to do all other business necessary to r clone oy an insurance company, mere shall be no capital stock or capital other than that ral.ed by ssNeunent upon Its member to meet death sod accident claims and tbe expenses of the cr rporatlon. This corporation was nuthnrlzed to commence business on the 2!th day of May, ls'.ti, and continue for a tern of ninety-nine years. with Dower to re-lncoroorate. The amount of tbe Ind btedness of this corporate n for general purposes and as a charge against the ge eral fur (I, shall not at any tlu.e ex ceed Ave thousand dollars (S.VUUO.0O). Tbe officers of this corporation shall be a Board of Dire lors.c agisting of the Supreme Presi dent, Supreme Vice- Presld nt, Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, Assistant Supreme Secretary and four Lther. and an Executive Council, consist ng of the Supreme Presidents preme Vice-President. Supreme Secretary. Supreme Treasurer and Assistant Supreme Secretary. umiLUa, .euraska, Beptemner iitn, if.m. JOHN T. UAILEY. Elmer K. Zimmihman. President. Secretary. 9-11-4 DEXTEH Ii THOMAS, Attorney, 401 Bee Building' SHERIFF'S- SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN execution Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to mealrected.l win. on tbe latn aay oroctooer, A. D. lHltrt, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the property described In said execution as follows, to-wit: Lot nne . block ' K. ' Lowe s Addltlrn to tbeclty of Umaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas county, state of Ne- Drassa. Said i ropertv to be sold to satisfy John A Borbach, plaintiff herein, the sum of one thouhand one hundr d and ninety eight and as-iiKJ do lars is . t.is.doi judgment., wi n Interest thereon at rate of eight (8) per cent per ani um from the ttth d,i of October. IWI. To satisfy tbe sum of one and 10-100 dol lars (Sl 10), Uienostsof Increase on said judg ment, together "rtn accruing costs, accord ing to a J dgment rendered by tbe district court oi saia uougias county, at its Septem ber term, A. I) lHHl, In a certain action then and there pending, wherein John A. llor bach was plaintiff, and Geo. J. Paul was de fendant. Omaha, Nebraska, September 11th, 1896. JOHN W MCUUNAL.U, Sheriff of Douglas Oountv. Nebraska. Dexter L. Thomas, attorney. Horbacb vs. f aul. uoc. is ana L.; no. 38. 6-U-5 SAUNDERS & MACFAKLAND. Attorneys, 1404 Farnara Street. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will, on the 13th day of Octobrr, A. I). IHltH, at 10 o'clock A. m. of said dav. at the EAST froi t door of the county court bouse, in tbe city of Umaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, the property described in said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt: Tbe west one-baif ( of lot Uve (ft) In block I 16). Reed's First Addition to the clt v of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas county, state of Nebraska Said property to be sold to satisfy 1'blllp . Johnson, nla'ntlff herein, the sum of one una red eighty-four and 34-100 dollars (S1M4.34) judgment, with interest thereon at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from Sep tember 23, 18H5. To satisfy tbe sura of tblrteen and OS-100 dollars (113 08) costs hf rein, together with ac cruing costs, according to a judgment ren dered bv the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 1896 Tn a certain action tben and there pending, herein I'hllln L. Johnson was olaintlfr. and Omaha Security Company, a corporation or ganized and existing under the laws of the state of Nebraska, was defendai t. Omaha, Nebraska, September lllh, 1896. JOHN W. MCDONALD. Sheriff of Douglas Count v. Nebraska. Saunders & Macfarland, attorneys. jonnson vs. uman security company. uoc. oi ana w ; no. im. v-ii-a W. H. RUSSELL, Attorney, 618 New York Life Building. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court for Douglas county, Nebraska and to me di rected, I will, on the 13th day of October, A. i'. ire, at ten o ciock a. u. or said aay, at tbe EAST front door of the county court house. In the cltv of Omaha. Dousing connt.v. Na. braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the ur.perty described in Id order of sale as follow, to-wli.: Lot one (1) in block five (5) in Missouri venue Park, an addition tn the cltv nt South Omaha, as surveved. nlattnd and re corded, all In Douglas county, state of Ne- uragKa. said property to be sold to satisfy Fred . Kent. DlaintllT herein, the sum nf wvnn hundred forty-six and 16-101) dollars (T46. 36) judgment, with Interest thereof at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the 4th day r may, tswt. To satisfy the sum of twentv-nine and 28-100 dollars ($20 28) costs herein, with In terest tl-ereon at rate of ten (10) per cent p r annum from the 25th day of June. 18, ui tll paia.togetner with accruing costs, according a juagment rendered by the district court said Douglas county, at Its May term A. 18.6. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Fred H. Kent was plaintiff, and A Hie J. Read and Adelbert J. Read were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, September 11th. 1896. john w. Mcdonald, Sheriff of Douulaa Oountv. Nohriuli. Wm. H. Russell, attorney. entvs. Kesd. Doc. w; No. 5S. 9-11 S I You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50 Department Store Prices Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Deptal Work. Set Teeth -....$5 00 Best Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings $1.00 and up Silver Filllnffs 1 00 Gald Crowas 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out la the morning Hew Ones Same Day, All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Years' Eipiriencb 15 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk.. Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. TELEPHONE 1776 CHRIST. HAM AN. WatcHmater and Jeweler, Fink Watch Repairing a Specialtt 512 South 16 Street. OMAHA, NEB, M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all cases. Cloth ing cleaned dyed and remodeled. 504 V. 16th St, -: OM1HA. EB. D.I.Hayden CARPENTER BUILDER. REPAIRING DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS. Shop, 809 8. 16th St. . Omaha DR. C. GEE WO. What relatives of my Patients Have To of Mv Great Cures During The Month of October,' 1895. Read the following convinc ing testimonial from two orominent Omaha Citizens: Judge Isaac 8. Hascall and R. F. William bave this to say. We consider Dr. O. Gee Wo of 619 North 16th St.. Omaha. Neb., one of tbe best physicians In the city for the following reasons: Four years ago our daughter be came very nervous and at times sick and) unable to control herself, We doctored with and consulted nine of tbe leading physicians of this city, but she gradually grew worse, until on the 7th of October, 196, she was at tacked with spasms. She was unconcloua and delirious for weeks following tbe attack, and at a consultation of physlclans they agreed that she could not get well. We then employed Dr.C. Gee Wo, and the patient be gan to improve at once, and tn a remarkably short time was up. She Is feeling better than she has for a longtime. She Is Improv ing every day and bids fair to get entirely well. R. F. Williams. Father, Isaac S. Hascall, a near Relative. 2105 S. 13th St. Ex-Cokstabm S. B. Clark, office 310 S..14th a ,, says: I can't say too much for Dr. O. G. Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherla and other physicians said they could not re cover. I then called In Dr. C. Gee Wo, and In less than 4 hours tbey were out of danger. He also cured myself of Lagrtpp and gen eral debility, and my wife of Inflammation of the oowels and female weakness, from which she bad suffered many years. I can't thank him enough for what he bas done In mi 'mliy. 8. B. Clahk AMD WlJB. Mrs. H. A. Duoav, 1S12 Clark St.--Heart trouble and nervnii. Hi,u. standing. ' Johk Brooks, 524 N. 18th St.-Of sprained back, liver and kidney trouble of three years standing. Is now a well man. Mrs. Anna Park. 2109 8. 13th 8t.--Cured of IDUttnfl and fpmula mknau .,f ,.. -. standing. rRANK Holfb, Schuyler. Neb.-Cured of rheumatism of one year's standing, and waa given up g Incurable. M Consultation Free. Dr. C. Gee Wo guarantees a cure In every case or tha nii,n alii U I..A...I 1 Ur " blank. Anyone wanting advice can wr?ttn ahnva arid re..... . .if ... . 1 J' al WO. 61n: Wth St.Omaba,eh.