The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 11, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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(stored at r,Mklhv m BKHind-rlaaa Biatter.
W. C RM.LMr. Huttaeae Maaacer.
Howard Hthiit. Omai, Nib.
IMS Howard PtrrrV Omaha, Neb.
I 't P-t!! A"? . "3tloB 'U.'Ttileafo, 111.
1'. O. lo iv. 1'rlpi'l Croea Uolo.
a Year, ft rlv In jcfvic.
THE AMERICAN U nut the organ of
any arcUordrr, BMoclatloa, party. clUjue,
fart'.oa or dlvlatoa of tbe population of
this grand Republic, and ropudlata aad
brand aa tulM all claim or chartee that
It la euob. ift aucb claim or charge ba
made by any prnon or peraona whom
soever. TI1K AMERICAN It a aewapaper of
genrral circulation, going to and being
ivJ L ' " religious blHfs
and political affiliations; by the white
and the black, the native-bora and the
naturallted, the Jew and the Oentlle, the
I'roU'Ktant and the Koiuan Catholic
Tl.Ui'I:.u ci lo subaUnllaUd In any
court of Juatlce at any time.
I, JOHH ft THOKftOH. 4rM(.
For President.
wm. Mckinley,
of Ohio.
For Vice-President,
o( New Jersey.
For President,
of Nebraska.
For Vice-President,
of Maine.
For President,
of Illinois.
For Vice-President,
of Kentucky.
For Presldont,
of Nebraska.
For Vice-President,
of Georgia.
For Presldont,
of Maryland.
For Vlco-Presldent,
of Illinois.
For President,
of Nebraska.
For Vice-Provident,
of North Carolina.
WE do not believe In 8tatos Rights.
This Is a (rood year to begin to think
for yourself.
YOUR duty Is plain,
your party primaries.
Always attend
McKinley's stand on the immigra
tion question meets our approval.
Arkansas was a regular hot-bed of
free silver sentiment The Democrats
Increased their maj irlty nearly 30,000
Tus most rabid antl-McKinley paper
in the country since Septomber 5, is
the Memphis American, It makes some
ridiculous assertions.
While we may not be in accord with
everything in the Republican national
platform, It more nearly represents
our idea than any other.
If you stay away from the primaries
and incompetent men are chosen don't
blame the men who participated, but
the fellows who stayed away from the
It IS foolish for Intelligent American
Citizens to say the Romans are sup
porting McKlnley. Every observing
person knows they are the loudest
mouthed advocates of both candidates.
The amount of silver currency In
the United States in 1872, when we
bad free coinage, was 155,000,000; the
amount in 1S95 was $625,000,000 almost
twelve times as much. Did the in
crease in the volume of silver cur.
rency raise the price of wheat? Wheat
in 1872 was worth 11.24, in 1895, 51c
Use your own thinker.
Romanism controlled the Democratic
party of Nebraska to an extent that
Constantino Joachim Smyth, the paid
attorney for the hierarchy of the Ro
man church in that state, was named
as the party's candidate for attorney
general. Smyth is reported to be a
member of the Society of Jesus, whose
damnable oath is published on another
page of this paper. It will be in keep
ing with the teachings of his church
and of the Society of Jesus to deny
both his membership and authenticity
of the oath.. The good people of Ne
braska should bury this Roman beneath
an avalanche of good, loyal, Protestant
Among many people the question of
Immigration has baen one of very ae
rlous concern. They have looked upon
the large influx of unskilled, unlet
tered and dependent foreigners during
the last twenty years a one of the
chief cause of the present flnanc
distress They argue that none have
felt the effect more than American la
borers and mechanics in all the various
branches of Industry. The American
merchant has also come In for his
share of the hardships resulting there
from. Yet none of the old political
parties have dared to enter a protest
against it. The labor markets have
been glutted and the American work
lngraan has been forced into the back
ground in order to give place to one
who has not been within our boundary
long enough to rid himself of the odor
of the steerage, let alone becoming ac
quainted with our customs, laws or
free institutions. The consequence
that there is now an immense over-
supply of labor.
Major McKlnley, in his letter of ac
ceptanoe, takes a more advanced view
of the foreign immigration question
than his party, as may be seen from
the following extract from it:
The declaration of the platform
touching foreign Immigration Is one of
peculiar Importance at this time, when
our laboring pcoplo are In such great
I am in hearty sympathy with the
present legislation restraining foreign
immigration, ana lavor sucb extension
of the laws as will secure the United
States from invasion by the debased
and criminal classes of the old world
Wbliewo adhere to the publio policy
under which our country has received
great bodies of honest, Industrious citi
zens, who have added to the wealth
progress and power of the country
and while we weloome to our shores
the well-disposed and Industrious lm
migrant, who contributes by his energy
and Intelligence to the cause of free
government, tre want no immigrants
KVio ao not sees our mart to become cm
zens We should permit none to partlcl'
pate in the advantages of ourclvlllza
tion who do not sympathize with our
alms and form of government. We
should receive none who come to make
war upon our institutions and profit by
public dttqulet and turmoil. Against
an suon our gates must be tiarhtlv
We believe those who hold to the
principles of the patriotic American
orders will be agreeably surprised at
the stand the Republican nominee has
taken and will heartily endorse the
sentiments expressed, as far as they go.
He would have struck a still more re
sponslve chord had he advocated e
suspension of immigration till such
time as there should occur a demaud
for more. Congress, however, alone
has this power, and we are of the opln-
Ion that the real hope of Americanism
lies In a selection of congressmen who
have sufficient courage to amend our
laws so as to protect all actual citizens.
We would also advocate not less than
seven years actual residence In this
country before a foreigner should be
allowed to participate In the rights of
uffrage, and not then unless he has
adapted himself to our laws and cus
toms and is able to read, write and
speak the English language.
the campaign.
Now that the "gold wing" of the
Democracy Is In active politics,
there Is more or less speculation as to
what tffect it will have upon the pres
ent Issues and the men involved.
Judging from the election in Vermont,
the free silver sentiment in the East is
waning, although It had but little
foothold prior to the Chicago conven
tion. In the Western states particu
larly In Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and
Kansas if the wave has decreased,lt Is
hardly perceptible. These states are
the fighting ground of all parties, and
Republicans ought to be satisfied at
having withstood so well the early on
slaught of the free sllverites In these
states. It has given them courage to
prepare for the battle to come later on
In the campaign.
The bitter fight being waged In Illi
nois inside the Democratic camp can
be construed In no other way than as
an indication of the complete over
throw of Altgeld and Bryan. It will
solidify the Republican vote and, pos
sibly, save the state for Tanner, and
assure it for McKinley if a reasonable
amount of aggressive wore: is done.
The nomination of another Demo
cratic candidate for president places
Missouri in the doubtful column, and
the united influence of the various
patrlotlo orders with the Republican
party would, without doubt, insure the
state to the Republican party. We be
lieve the patrlotlo elementor those
holding to the principles of the A. P.
A. and other similar patriotic orders is
the balance of power in Missouri; and
when they understand that Mr. Bryan
Is, in reality, not in strict accord with
the principles they uphold, they will
not endorse him for their chief execu
tive. The members of the patriotic orders
of the country almost to a man believe
in maintaining the honor and dignity
of the United States under all circum
stances. While many of them have
been led to believe that free silver
would be a benefit to the country, they
are not of the kind who are not sus
ceptible to sound, sensible argument.
There was a time, immediately suc
ceeding the convention at St. Louis,
when a feeling of resentment was prev
alent among the A. P. A. 'a on a 'scour
of the treatment they received in the
make-up of the platform; but, as time
wore on, and other conventions were
held, and as they met with similar
treatment, they are inclined to believe
that tbe i;epubllcan party is no worse
than the others.
The American ha placed itself In
a position to carefully examine into
the merits of the case, and has not en
to red upon the campaign without care
fully weighing all matters in connec
tion therewith, and the conclusion
reached is based upon an honest con vie
tion that the principles it has advo
cated for nearly six years will be best
subserved by the election of Win. Mc
Klnley and a Republican congress.
This is said without any reference to
the financial question, without any
thought of the tariff, but with the
sole idea that McKinley more nearly
represents the A. P. A. idea upon the
questions of publlo schools and restrlo-
tion of immigration than any of his
Hon. Richard Smith, the man who
fought so nobly for the Fire and Police
bill in the last legislature, Is a candi
date for a re-nomination as state sena
tor. There should be no dissenting
vote in the convention when his name
is considered. He was too true a man
to be turned down for a man who has
been untried. Stand by Dick Smith
The Sound Money Democrats should
exercise ordinary horse sense in this
campaign. It will not benefit their
cause to send Bourke Cockran, the Ro
manist, to proselyte in such A. P. A
strongholds as Omaha, Kansas City
and Denver.
The pensions of the soldiers are hon
est debts earned by acts of patriotism,
regardless of what the World-Ilcrald
Was the Fate of Ex-Priest
Mamara's Assailant.
John Gould, who assaulted ex-Priest
McNamara at Lancaster, Pa., has been
fined (500 and three months Imprison
ment. The testimony proved that
Gould was very disorderly and called
Mrs. McNamara vile names. He threw
a two pound rock which caused an ugly
wound on McNamara's head.
During the trial there were several
lively passages bo t ween McNamara
and J. Malone, attorney for the de
fendant. At one time Mr. Malone told
the witness sharply not to say some
thing. Mr. McNamara just as sharply
replied: "If the court will allow me to
say it, I will say it. I will not be bull
dozed." McNamara said he had lived
In Brooklyn for thirty years. His oc
cupation was lecturW, preaching and
writing books. He had been arrested
often for trumped-up charges, but never
convicted. He had been rotten-ee&red
recently In Atlantic City by the same
kind of people that had persecuted him
In other places. He denied ever bav-
ng trouble in money matters. He had
been married sixteen years and had
been lecturing on theological subjects
ever since he left the Church of Rome.
Mr. Malone "Ever since you were
"No, sir," thundered the witness.
I left it." When asked if his depar
ture from the Roman church was not
hastened by the fact that he was short
In his accounts of the church funds, his
answer was:
"Never, sir! That story is accepted
by those who want to accept it."
He stated that he always asked that
the Roman Catholic bishops should
come to his lectures and refute what
he said, but not the general public.
Malone "Yoar object, then, is to re
form the Roman Catholio church?"
McNamara "I consider it impos
sible to reform it."
Malone "It owes you a considerable
debt of gratitude."
Other witnesses testified as to the as
sault, when the case was given to the
ury who returned a verdict of guilty,
ith the above results.
Been Fooling You.
Don't forget that ours is a purely
political movement a movement to
obstruct and thwart the purposes and
intrigues of a vast political machine,
originating at a time for and with the
purpose of acquiring civil and political
power and pelf under the guise of re
ligion, all over the world, and now con
centrating its forces on this continent.
And you, Protestant friends, don't con
tinue to insist that religion enters into
this warfare. That is just where the
enemy has been fooling you. Under
this sign they hope to conquer. It is a
war between America and Rome
nothing more, nothing less. Ind. Loyal
American, AUoona, Pa.
Follows Judge Scott.
A Washington judge has decided
that no foreigner can be legally nat
uralized before he becomes acquainted
with the constitution of the United
States. If this action of the Washing
ton judge is followed by judges
throughout the entire United States,
it will have the effect of keeping elec
tions within the control of Americans
instead of placing them in the hands of
horde of pauper Romanists. Justiet,
This Is a Good Thing -Punti It Along
II Uto ry Repeats Itself.
Cardinal Bellarmine said that the
pope "hath a full power over the whole
world, both In ecclesiastical and civil
affairs, and that to question it was a
detestable heresy." Pope Paul the
Second told the ambassador of Q leen
Elizabeth that "England was held in
fee of the apostolic see," and Pope
Pius the Fifth assumed to excommuni
cate and depose her. This was the
Gregorian theory of the scope of ec
clesiastical power. From the premises
of the Roman church it is strictly logi
cal. And although within the last
century the claim has been relaxed by
certain ltomlsb universities, and was
even proscribed by Pope Plus the Sixth,
the order to which Bellarmine be
longed, the Jesuits, has never relin
quished the hope and the purpose of
declaring it again; and when its as
cendency in the church was secured It
called the ecumenical council and pro
claimed the papal infallibility.
The essential absurdity of the decla
ration in view of the history of the
church is shown, indeed, in this, that
if the pope as pope be infallible, he has
always been so, as the infallibility does
not begin with Pius the Ninth. But if
he has always been so. ' church must
have believed it and taug A it. Yet, as
Archbishop Purcell said in the coun
cil, "Every one knows that the Council
of Lyons, after the Council of Florence,
examined the question of the pope's In
fallibility, but they did not see their
way through; they could not find sufH
clent evidence in Scripture or tradi
tion to define the personal, Independent,
separate, absolute infallibility of the
pope; therefore they laid the question j
aside." And in 1788 the great Romish
universities of the Sorbonne, Louvain,
Douag, Alcala and Salamance expressly
declared that it was no matter of faith
to believe the pope infallible. But the
Jesuits carried their point. It might
be absurd, but it was logical, and it
was desirable. Moreover, when it was
promulgated, absurdity would be no
Impeachment of it, for a true ecclesias
tical faith absorbs the Incredible. The
papal infallibility was proclaimed, and
the Roman pontiff was restored to the
position which Bellarmine had claimed
for him.
But the position of the Roman church
Is extraordinary. Within the year in
which the civil power of the pope was
declared he was removed from that
power by members of his own com
munion. In his own political capital
in Rome itself tho government, com
posed oi His leiiow-cnurcnmen, pro
poses the separation of church and
state. In Austria the government, also
of his own church, has forbidden the
priests to meddle with the schools, and
It rebuked the pope when he protested.
The greatest theologian and divine of
the church, Dr. Dollinger, and its
greatest orator, Father Hyacinthe,
have each protested against the decree
of infallibility. The King of Bavaria,
Roman Catholic, has signified his
sympathy with Dr. Dollinger; and
Baron Von Stauffenberg, a delegate
from Bavaria in the Gorman parlia
ment, also a Roman Catholic, states
that the Bavarian constitution distin
guishes between purely religious and
purely secular concerns, and says that
before long the question may be asked
Vhich is the true Catholic church?
But the most striking fact of all Is
that, while the most vigorous protest
against the action of the Vatican Coun
cil, virtually claiming for the pope the
civil allegiance of every member of his
church in the world, proceeds from Ro
man Catholics in the European mon
archies, the most unanimous and ser
vile acquiescence in it is found among
the Romanists of the American repub
lic This acquiescence is so complete
that they have, with one exception in
the priesthood, and he was peremptor
ily silenced, bitterly denounced the
peaceful revolution in Rome which has
placed the government in the hands of
the Romans. And still more signifi
cant and important is the fact that the
political party in this country which
claims by its name, Democratic, to be
peculiarly the party of the people, allies
itself with this Roman Catholic ele
ment, and it is because of this alliance
that Father Hecker and the priests
whom Mr. Parton mentions cherish
the warmest hopes of the supremacy of
their church in this country a su
premacy which would necessarily be
the overthrow of free popular govern
ment. In 1800 the Roman Catholics
were about one-seventeenth of the
whole population. In 1870 they were
one-sixth. In 1900 they hope to be
This population is mainly of foreign
birth, or of one or two removes. It has
necessarily no strong American feeling.
It is, with signal and admirable excep
tions, an ignorant and superstitious
population. It is compact and obedient
to ecclesiastical leaders. Those leaders
truly say with Byron, although in
another sense, "O Rome, my country I"
They live for one object the supremacy
of their church. They understand tbe
methods of acquiring and maintaining
it. Their purpose is relentless; their
vigilance unsleeping. A political
party, therefore, which, like the Demo
cratic, has sustained itself upon Ignor
ance, class hatred and prejudice, stead
ily disregarding the moral law and the
American doctrine of liberty, finds this
rapidly increasing multitude exactly
suited to lis purposes. It has, as a
class, no American Instincts, little In
telllgence, and all the passions of ig
norance: and by pandering to its de
sires the party can secure its votes.
Hitherto the politic il policy of this
church in this country has been the as
sault upon the public school system
Wherever that has been made, it has
been made by the Democratic party,
and, as the consideration of that and
other favors, that party has had the
Roman Catholio vote.
This is a fact too conspicuous and
significant to be disregarded. The suc
cess of the Democratic party would be
that of the Roman Catholic policy In
this country; for the party could not
safely alienate the Roman vote, while
it could be retained only by the strict
est obedience to ecclesiastical dictation
So true is this that there can be no
question if the Roman interest de
manded that, pending the overthrow
of the school system in this state by
Democratic aid, the schools in this
city, now wholly under Democratic
control, should be supplied with his
torles satisfactory to that interest, they
would be furnished. The dependence
of the Democratic party at this moment
Is upon the Ku-Klux feeling both in
tbe northern and southern states, and
upon the the Roman Catholic vote.
Let every American citizen consider
what that implies. Harper's Weekly.
Chicago, 111., August 24, 1896.
Matters around the Republican Na
tionai Headquarters opened up unus
ually brisk Monday morning, and the
prominent callers were somewhat more
numerous. In the early part of the
forenoon came Judge McCormick, one
of the old-time Democrats of Hender
son, Kentucky. The judge came into
Republican politics in his state through
the influence of the American Protec
tive Association, which contributed
more than any one factor to the elec
tion of Governor Bradley, the present
governor of his state. Judge McCor
mick was elected chairman of the Re
publican State Central Committee, and
had the management of the Bradley
campaign throughout. He is now an
enthusiastic supporter of McKlnley,
and insists that the Republicans of
Kentucky will carry that state by over
30,000 majority. The A. P. A. Is very
strong In Kentucky, and he thinks the
patriotic orders will hold the balance
of power.
Another Interesting caller was the
great and only "Count" Crelghton,
who found time to cross the street
from the Democratic headquarters in
the "Auditorium Annex," to pay a
friendly visit to Mr. Heath, the head
of the Republican literary bureau. The
"Count" did no', remain long, as the
air around the headquarters wasiproba-
bly permeated too much with Ameri
canism. Some people were curious as
to whether the "Count" had experi
enced a change of heart slnce he had
entered so largely into the Bryan cam
paign and, it is reported, opened'the
"bung hole" of his capacious barrel
with which to meet the Democratic
nominee's personal campaign expenses.
A few days ago a delegation from
certain Irish Republican clubs of -Chicago
called at headquarters in the in
terest of John F. Finerty, . and en
deavored to arrange for a series of
"Republican Speeches" in various Ro
man-Irish localities of Illinois; but it
seems that the record of the aforesaid
Finerty was too-well known toreceive
any encouragement from the National
Executive Committee and the delega
tion was referred to the state com
n'tteH. Up to this time nothing ,more
has bven beard of Finerty, and rumor
says that it was suggested that he en
ter upon a brief period of "probation"
in order that they may determine the
quality of his recent conversion.
Judge W. S. Kenworthy, of O ska-
loo sa, Iowa, has recently returned from
Kentucky, where he has been on a
brief campaigning tour in the Interest
of McKlnley. Although the judge has
been a life-long Republican, he is none
the lets true to American principles.
He expects to make several speeches in
Michigan and Indiana, and will return
to his Iowa home the latter part of
this month, when he will actively enter
state politics.
Ex-Mayor Webster Davis, of Kansas
City, was a recent caller at the Re
publican National headquarters. The
ex mayor is enthusiastic in his pre
dictions of Republican success in
Missouri, so far as the state ticket
is concerned, and thinks there is an
excellent fighting chance for the na
tional ticket, should the Sound Money
Democrats put up a candidate for presi
dent. Mr. Davis is billed for several
speeches in Arkansas, after which he
will take an active part in the cam
paign in Missouri.
A Word to Prohibitionists and the Mem
ben of the A. P. A.
Although the American Protective
Association does not deem it wise under
present circumstances to include the
national suppression of the drink
traffic in its platform of principles, yet
we believe that the order in Its indi
vidual capacity is very generally op
posed to it and would be glal to see it
abolished in all the land. Hence, many
thousand members of the order would
no douit very much prefer to cast their
ballots in favor of straight-out and
thoroughly worthy nominee belonging
to the Prohibition party than for those
belonging to the Democratic or Repub
lican parties, especially in view of the
fact that the order does not dictate
bow its members and friends shall
vote, only it is expected that they will
unite on the best men from tbe A. P.
A. standpoint that can be found in any
political party. We believe that In
the whole range of Prohibition nomi
nees for any ofHoe not one can be found
who does not individually readily en
dorse the A. P. A. platform of princi
ples, and it Is well known that the
American Protective Association is
not a political party, but gathers In Its
membership and friends from all par
ties who are as Individuals with It
agreed on the one issue of political
Americanism; therefore it Involves no
breach of good faith for Prohibitionists
to be A. P. A.'s or fast friends of the
order, nor for A. P. A.'s to vote for
Prohibition nominees who are in every
way worthy of their ballots, from Lev
ering and Johnson down to the lowest
official nominees of the party.
We believe that the greatest disaster
that ever came to the American Pro
tective Association has been because of
the reception of unworthy members
who have been false to their obliga
tions, and also in electing men outside
of the order to official positions by vir
tue of their fair promises, who have
proved treacherous to their A. P. A.
Now, then, we would most respect
fully suggest to the great and noble A.
P. A. organization that it give the
worthy, patriotic nominees of the Pro
hibition party a good chance to be
elected by voting for them and helping
to elect them as true Americans .all
along the line, which, if successful,
will greatly strengthen the political in
fluence and power of the order and will
also do much in aiding the Prohibition
party in the glorious work of suppres
sing, by law, the national drink traffls.
We do most sincerely hope that while
the leaders and nominees of the Prohi
bition party will remain true as steel to
their party obligations, they will by
correspondence and otherwise give sat
isfactory assurances to the A. P. A. of
their warm sympathy and substantial
agreement with their platform of prin
ciples. And it is also to be expected
that if the A P. A.'s fini the Prohibi
tion party nominees to be suitable men
for the order to support, they will give
a practical demonstrate l of the fact
at the polls next Novem ler by helping
to elect many patrlotlo Americans
to the legislatures and congress, who
are now the carefully seleeted Prohibi
tion party nominees to fill the various
offices in the gift of the American peo
ple. J. G. Ping u ee,
Dundee, 111., September 8, 1896.
What Rome Breeds.
S me years ago the Spanish rulers
of Cuba awoke to the faet that edu
cated Cub ins did not b)w to the will
of the ecclesiastic ) of the R)man
church. Many Cubais who had vis
ited the Uilted States and Canada at
once saw the good effects of 'free educa
tion. Recently aa ioqilry'was set on
foot by the Seanlsh in Cuba as to the
political and social effect of education.
The report of this com mission de
nounced education and statedjthat the
only decent schools in Cuba were breed
ers of rebels, anl demanded that none
but Romaa Catholic priests be em
ployed as teachers in the schools to in
struct the youth of Cuba. Waat a
blighting curse Romanism' la; what a
breeder of popery it has been oruel,
superstitious, vlndlctlva beyond for
bearance of even her Jiifnorant follow
ers, and the persecutor, murderer and
torturer of all who oppose her, with
her iron heel of oppression. Rome op
poses the onward march of education
and civilization, and by all means in
her power obstructs governments and
nations In their eiueatlon of the peo
ple. The Church of 'Rome in Canada
caused the downfall of the late con
servative government byj demanding
the enactment of laws giving tRome
control of certain schools and school
funds whereby they would be enabled
to teach the youth of Canada to be
traitors to the country under j whose
protection they live. Orange Truth.
The Difference.
Policeman Howard had quite an ex
perience in making an arrest last night.
His attention was called to a man who
was soliciting alms along the .street.
Howard went for the fellow, and the
latter, seeing the policeman approach,
ran for liberty. Howard chased the
fleeing "vag" along Broadway and
down State street. He was horrified to
see the man jump across i the railing of
the bridge leading to the' pier, into the
black depths below. He met Police
man Dean, and securing a pike-pole,
the two went on a search along the
canal boats harbored there. After
much searching, they came across the
man in the water between two canal
boats. They fished him out and took
him to the second preelnct. Ex.
A poor man, who is starving for
broad and attempts to b.-g, is runjdowa,
whilst a lot of cowlad humbugs in the
form of nuns are permitted to beg daily
wim wagons. ualle JHeamintr.