THE AMERICAN TT 4 Kansas uiv Auverusemenis .1. i. i.vGisii:. DEALER IN Few and MM Gooffs, - FURNITURE Square dealing guaranteed S120 Kishtfcnth Sircrt, W. S. WOODS. PatSiDENT. National Bank of Commerce, KANSAS CITY, MO. Capital Burplua Demand Deposit DIPbOTORS: Wb, Akew, J. C. Kjrelhoff. G. M. Cole, Joa. W. A. WilMn, H. C. Arnold, J. II Arnold, Cahn, W. S. ACCOUNTS CRT MEKK, licensed Embalnim-. BURT MEEK & CO., Undertakers and Funeral Directors. Carriages furnished at reasonable rates. 1813 Main Street .... KANSAS CITY, Mo. OLDEST CHIMNEY SWEEPS IN THE UNITED STATES 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I Eflwart, SOQ & ' Steam and bot air furnaoes aet and repaired. Chimneys, Gratea and Mwntels built and repaired. - Orrice uftaf arn, in Trout at V. U. Craft's Tin Shop. 803 WALNUT ST KANSAS CITY, MO. Dr. Whittier. Sr f OI?lfi I'81!? MKan8M c,t" Mo- .. r .. k ... Oldest and original. Most successful peels lit.'57. Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality. Organic Weakneta. Karl. iiw... iu Energy. Self IMstrust, Weak Memory, Kyspepsla, Kihaustlng Losses. "1 Aversion to Society. Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marrv. rt tinted lei atanhoou. Milky Lrlne. effect of ahiiM np nirnau rtTuiir, Tn ut a v iB fPfln'' 'iHlftl t"ly of each cane, pure medicine, tniiure a HEAL CURE. Uoa list No 1 free In plalnenvelope. Charges reasonable. Terms eaav. t all. JBJ'QOD AND SKIN diseases, all form SCROFULA. RHEUMATISM. CATi . , . . .. . " . ' . ' . a OB DIOOO (llfttaes GONORRHOEA, GLEEL, STRICTURE, PSli ,r, . lradlcl dictionary and Adviser fre UBahy io to 1S AN UP-TO-DATE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED ttsoffWor Especially prepared to meet the wants of Farmers, Mer Chants, Mechanics, Clerks, Students, Women, and all who desire a complete work at the minimum cost. Nearly 70 Comprehensive Maps. 140 New and Superb Illustrations . A Whole Library of Itself, of vital and absorb ing interest to every member of the household. Population of each State and Territory, of all Counties of the United States, and of American Cities with over 5,000 Inhabitants. IT CONTAINS much special Information regarding any Nation, Province State, City, Town or Village desired. The knowledge is rarely obtainable from a school geography, which necessarily has only a lew general facts and the location of important cities. Railroad maps are notoriously Incorrect and misleading, hence the puzzled Iruth-seeker, where large libraries are inaooesslble, is without relief unless he It the happy owner of a knowledge-satisfying, pleasure-giving People's Atlas. All Countries on the face of the earth are shown. Rivers and Lakes are accurately located. All the large Cities of the World, the important Towns and most of the Villages of the United States are given on the Maps. It gives a classified List of all Nations, with Forms of Government, Geo graphical Location, Size and Population. ,.n h?.w?' T'l- an.a U1 b.e r 50 CENTS. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. The Greatest Book Ever Written. On Romanism and Jesuitism IS REV. E. O. Black s Contains SOO Pases, Profusely Illustrated, Printed From New Typo. Price In Paper, 60 Cents. ADDRESS: AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1 a a Furniture, Stores and Tinware kinds of Koua'bl4 UU bounl old and e.hiiiKrii. REPAIRING to all buying and telling, KANSAS CITY, MO w. A. RULE. Cashier 11,000,000 00 SOI). 000. 00 5,000,000,00 Wm. Hutilir, J. J. Swofford. H. C. Ward, W. P. Voorhee Chester A. Snider, D T. Morton, Wood, W. A. Rule. SOLICITED. TELEPHONE 864 CO. Chimney Sweeps Brickmasons. & t. Lout My lift Ques- . ,v.' v , lUAUCffl, A 1 AltnU Cull or write for question list No, cured without Instrument or pain. at ofTee, by mall Sc. Hour to 4, T Llat tos. i MURRAY'S Pope. TI1E I'KOIIMD LAD. u,- Hay the TeiiM, Trawler and Modent Mian Id t kit Hah. There are two rona, either one of which ought to be conclusive with every American citizen. First: The trip from Denver to Utah via Rio Grande Western, "Gnat Salt Lake Route," la the grandest to be found anywhere on the continent. No European trip of equal lengtn can com pare with it In variety and grandeur of acenery and wealth of novel intereat. (Second: You should go because, when you have made this wonderful trip, you will find Utah at the end of It-Utah, one of the world's famous spots, and a land of gold, silver, copper, iron and coal; of lofty mountains and fertile val leys; of vineyards, fruits and flowers. Salt Lake City, the capital, Is of great Interest on account of Its historical and religious association. Here are Ilot Thermal Springs, Warm Springs, Sul phur Springs, Sanitarium, Parks, Drives, Canyons and the most health' ful climate on earth. Great Salt Lake, 1th the new and beautiful Saltair Beach Resort, of Moorish design, has no equal in America. Write to P. A Wadlelgh, Salt Lake City, for copies of pamphlets, etc. 1200.00 IX (iOLU (ilVES. Of Special IntereNt U Student and Teachers. It H. Woodward Company, of Balti more, Md., are making a most liberal offer of 1200.00 to anyone who will sell 200 copies of "Gems of Religious Thought," a new book by Talmage. This it one of the most popular books ever published. Three editions sold In 60 days. Agents sell 10 to 15 copies a day. An Estey organ, retail price 1270, given for selling 110 copies In 3 months. A 1100 bicycle given for soiling copies In 2 months. A gold watch for selling 60 copies In one month. This premium In addition to commission. Complete outfit 35 cents. Freight paid. Credit given. Agents wanted also for "Talks to Children About Jesus." One hundred and fifty thousand copies sold, and it is now selling faster than ever. Same terms and conditions as on 'Gems of Religious Thought." Other popular books and Bibles also. They offer special and most liberal rates to students and teachers for summer va cation. During last summer alanre number of students and teachers can vassed for their books. Among the list there were 23 who made over 1200, 57 who won the 1200 premium, and 76 made over 1150 for their summer work. Write them Immediately. if CTA1I THE 45TU STATE. The Homeseeker'g Promised Land. The territory of Utah entered the Union of States on January 4th, 1896, with a population of about 200,000 peo ple and a climate unsurpassed in the wide world. It Is richer in agricul tural resources than any other state. It has within Its borders nearly all of the known minerals and metals gold, silver, copper, Iron, tin, etc., In abun dant quantities. It has, best of all, a health-giving climate, always temper ate In summer and in winter. It has hot sulphur springs, and is In fact one large sanitarium. Utah is the ideal place to build a home in which to spend the balance of your days, sur rounded by farm and orchard which guarantee all the necessities and most of the comforts of life. There are mil lions of such homes now awaiting set tlement. Send to F. A. Wadlelgh, Salt Lake City, for copies of Utah pamphlets. It will pay you to post yourself on the merits of the new state, which has been amply termed "The Promised Land." What C. A. Potter Says. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31, 1895. The Howard Medicine Company. Gentle men: I desire to sav to all who feel the strength of their manhood slowly slip ping away, whose ambition is at its - lowest ebb, whose mind is beclouded, and the senses dulled, when you feel dyspeptic, and lose your self-respect, that your blood Is out of order, and all you need Is some of Howard's Vegetone Blood Powder to tone up your system. rill act almost instantly upon the blood; you will feel the renewed life and vigor coursing through your sys tem; you will feel the old-time grip in your hands; your mind will be as active as ever; your friends will observe the flag of health flying in your face, and you will feel like a new being. I have not felt so well for five years as I do since taking one package of your Blood Powder, and I feel as strong and active as ever. I weigh 15 pounds more than ever in my life. The change is so marked that it is the subject of com ment when meeting my friends. I recommend Howard's Vegetone Blood Powder to be, as I believe, the greatest blood-purifier on earth. C. A. Potter. Kot too Smooth. The tracks of the UNION PACIFIC are so smooth and the cars furnished so complete that you can imagine your self in your own luxurious apartments at home. Inspect the Buffet Library and Smok ing Car as they pass through Omaha L??.??."!"" w l. iu.i rnuciv, aou Dei ore arranging for your summer outing you should make Inquiry a to rates and routea. tor full ln'ormatlon. call at City Ticket Office, 1302 Far am St, WANTED AGENTS in every town in tee United States to sell a sure cure for Cancer, Fever Sore ana Milk-Leg. Address C. A. C. MEDICAL CO., C. A. CRCM, Mir. i:aiWhah Av. Chicago. Ill Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cmifflu, colds. tmoat d.tK how to test a diamond. A Urlad.ton. Mioai4 Maku No Impraa- toa Ca It. The safest way to determine tb genuineness of a diamond is to teat it hardness. The simplest test Is to hol.l (he stone firmly against a wet, rapldb revolving frrindstoiie from five to ten minutes. If the least mark appears up on the piece It Is not a diamond, for I: u were a diamond, so far from an mark being produced on it. it wouli be likely, on the other hand, to mak a deep Impression in the grind stone The same test may he made witr emery paper, or an emery wheel neither of which, although harder lha' a grlndBtone, will make any impresslo: upon a diamond. lois is a good tuing for one to re member in these days of manufacture' diamonds. The paste article Is mad with such care that it sometimes test the skill of the expert to diBtinguls the genuine from the bogus, but If th grindstone is brought Into play ther can be no room for doubt. Some peo pie think that if they rub a Eton against glass and It makes a deep In' pression it is a diamond. Some past articles will scratch glass and the Imt tatlon of sapphires, rubles and emer aids will do the same. Regarding the hardness of diamond? an expert says: " in 1S86 I made a' experiment. The stone here waa i round piece of Brazilian bort, with radiated internal structure. It wa kept on a polishing wheel made of han: lion with a diameter of one foot, fo seven and one-half hours a day for nln months, the wheel turning at the rati of 2,500 to 3,000 revolutions per minute and giving three feet of traveling but face to the stone. The total distance traversed was 170,000 miles, or abou seven times the circumference of thr globe, but the result was the polishing of only about one square centimete: of surface. With an ordinary diamon fully a hundred times as much would have been accomplished." So If a man wants to sell a real dia mond, and he knows that it is a gen uine, he will not be afraid to test it on a grindstone. Los Angeles Herald. The St, Louis Trne of Beauty. In no city of America Is there mon local Drlde concerning its beautilu women than In St. Louis. The south western metropolis has reason to fee entitled to a distinguished place in an; gallery of womanly grace, for its type of loveliness need no expression o commendation. They are distinctly and sDeak for themselves. St. Loul lost one of her unmarried belles re cently In the person of Miss Marl Ewing. who was married two weel. ego to Mr. Edward Rice. Mrs. Rice has been considered fo' more than a year one of the most celc brated of all the beauties of St. Louh She Is the eldest daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Gus Ewing, whose home is oi. of the fashionable centers of the clt Miss Ewing was educated at Sacre Heart convent, in St. Louis, and wei. afterward to Massachusetts to coir. plete her course of study. Subsequent ly she made a tour of Europe for year with her parents and returned t make her debut last season. Her entrance Into society was madf the occasion of a ball, given by he; parents, at which Miss Ewing com mantled immediate admiration no only for her beauty but for her bright ness and attractiveness of manner. Sh Is a blonde, short of stature and wit I a beautiful ngure. tier complexion i pure pink and white and she has mass of waving blonde hair. Neu Vork Herald. Lost Grandeor of the East. A comparison between the annua revenues of the Byzantine empire ii the beginning of the thirteenth cen tury and the present revenues of tu empire of the Ottoman Turks brink before the mind's eye a picttu of ti lost grandeur and wealth of province.- over which now broods the silence u. desolation. At the periods mention?.. the dominions of lLs Ureek emperoi. at Constantinople had bten impovei ished by the Invasion of the Frani. Crusaders, and the chief part of Au Minor, with its flourishing cities, hau been wrested from the Byzantine muu archs ly conquering Islam; yet the an nual liWome oi ine successors of Cou stantine amounted to s650,U0U,uou The revenuas of the sultan's empirt have shrunk to 190,000,000 per year Such is the blight which Turkish mis rule has brought upon some of the fair est regions ot the earth. Philucielpuu Record. Wltnirr -. From the Plunkviue ilugle: "We havi it on good authority that the lnseci which is gradually sapping the vitals oi the Clarion under the impression thai he is editing it says that he is person ally responsible for the remarks he hat chosen to make about us. That's when his editorials differ from the groceriet he owes for." Indianapolis Journal. Mostly Subsequent. Reporter the two men must havt been very unevenly matched. Wasn't there a marked difference between then when they stood up to fight? Spectator Yes, sir; but It wuz mort marked after the fight, an' Slim JIa, NSAS CI F STATE BANK. f"1 tJutwe C i i-uriuua... SUM W. O. COX. at. C. ADAMS rrr.; A't CaOii-r. KANSAS CITY Steam Carpet Cleaning AND MOTH DESTROYING CO. I l at . i . rv numr ana In . w.i . I u r- bLMM kHi A CO . ucreor to L. Jn. Vickeii." 1220 E. I8th it., Kansas Ciiy.Mo. nOUTIIAT'S HARNESS SHOP SECOND-HAND STOKE. 2220;East 18th St. Aw and Second-hand Good, of all kind. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 1032 Main Street. The UDdrrslirned h graph business since 111. This nailery has one of the Anthony s Latest Improved Cam era a fur u uklntt Finn I'li.n, .1,- ,u Brst out of the factory. In fct. this (rallery keeps up with all the Intent s,.U. 5 f? itM order Hne ,,,l0,08ral)n- 01ve a T. D. SANDERS, 103S Main St., KAXSAS CITY. JAMES BERRY, Looking Glass Plates BEVELED GLASS. Damaged Mirrors Re-Silvered at Short Notice, Send for Prices. Offloe, 1429 Walnut 8t., IAN8A8 01TY, K0 MCCRYSTLE The Hatter. Hsu cleaned, colored and retrlmmed. cAlso ladies' and Gents' straw hats cleaned. Eail Eighth Strest. Kansas Citt, Mo. Kansas City Tent and Awning Co,, IS IB S r a c " 3 o Awnings, Tents, Tarpaulins, Covers, &c 100 WEST EIGHTH STREET. Tslsphoni 1614. KANSAS CITY, MO, paney foags made of Old Ingraqe and Brussels Carpet. We take vnur Carnet. and rut. and make a Kub, from three to eleven feet wide, for 80 cents per tquare ysrd; frlnite extra. Five puuous oi carpet to me yaru or Hug. ZL.: SjsT Q..n. SAPPEN FIELD, BOT East Eighteenth SI., KANSAS CITY. M0. Troost Parlj On Troost Ave. Cable Ry Brass Band Concerts Sundays. Zoological Garden, Merro-go- round, Boating and other at tractions. Watch for the opening next week of Shooting the Chutes." Missonri Kansas & Texas Trust Co, KANSAS CITT, MO. M Wall Street. New Vork. 400 0 est nut Street. Philadelphia. IV wasnmirron street.. Hob ton. Blnple No. 238. Amsterdam. Holland. Dorotheenstrausse No. 54, Berlin. Germany. 81 Lombard Street, London, E. 0.. England. Capital i,eso,ooo. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 1,000,000. ARTHUR E. STILWKLL, President. Vice Presidents: J. McD. Trimble. E. L. Martin, W. 8. Taylor, Jacques T. Nolthe nlus. Arthur O. Rnblnrnn. secretary: William H. Taylor, treasurer; Frann B. Wilcox, fwnlstant treasurer; J. J. Cairnes, assistant secretary; E. 8. V osher. second assist ant sec retary, Trimble & Braley, general attorneys. Kzecntes a General Trust Business. Acts as Trustee, Transfer Agent or Regis trar lor Corporations. Acts as Execntor, Administrator. Guard- tan or Trustee of Estates. Collects Western Mortgages. Takes Charge of Properties, Collecting Rents, Paying Taxes, etc, for Eastern In vestors. Kansas Citv Directors A. E. Stllwell. E. L. Martin, Frank Cooper. F. A. Faxon. J. McD. Trimble, Robert Gllhaiu, Jacoues T. Nolthenius. O. A. Braley. H. NEVINS, t Practical Horse Shoer. Horses Entrusted to My Care rvill not be Abused. 307 Grand Ave., Kansas city, mo. Jewelry Sold on Weekly Payments. Optician. ALSO EYES TESTED FREE. l8 East latb St.. Kaaasa Citv. Ma. Universal Repair Co. CHAS. H. WARD. Propr. CiraenUrt BslKsrs. Brick and Tla Kara. PlMUrlnf aad Pamtiaf. RalMmilalDf snrt f aprr ILuiriuu Cuterna built and r tat red. iv r c orctloos put l. K.iioiaies cheerfully furnished. Ail work cuaranu-ed sMtaf actor j. QU 00 704 wtaaaoltt St., Kall ClTV, MO 6. BOCK, Brush Factoiy, 809 EAST 18th St.. All sorts of brushes made to order I yat reason able priors He pa Ir laic brushea. carpet (weepers, eic., etc, fcruk Brushes frsa 6c Usaaras. MRS. M. M. SMITH, Manicure Chiropodist and Facial Electrician. TJEMOVE9 Corns. Bunions and Ingrowing Nails ithnut rutin nr t.ha iimm of mj.M.. AIdo Facial Massage, Pupertluoua Hair, wrinkles, pock marks, moles and scars per manently removed by electricity. 444-445 NEW RIDGE BLD'G. Entrance. 912 Walnut St. or 916 Mala St. J. F. BUTLER. O. D. ROWI. BUTLER & ROWE, Cotractors and Builders. Olllce Fixtures a Specialty. All orders will receive our personal atten tion, eaiisraciion guaranteed. CALL TSLaPHONS tSSS. Office and Shop: 115 E. 13th Strist. Kansas City, Mo. How It Is Done! . . . We use only the choicest raw material, and give It a slow, mild cure, which develops all the natural sweetness of the . meat without making it too salt. Qold B&rcd flams AND Brf&lyf&s-lr Bacon Represent the best work of the packers' art every piece guar anteed. All butchers and gro cers have them. Armour Packing Co., KANSAS CITY, MO. In order to be ud to date I have con. eluded to reduce prices to regular customers in a way that will not lower me standard oi my shop. A Scientific and Positively Becoming Hair Cut for 250 COMMUTATION TICKETS. Four Shaves for atn. or Tm for : w Baths, In lare porcelain tubs, fine rooms. so cents eacn or a lor do cents at GRAND JUNCTION B ARBER SHOP and ATH ROOMS . . . HENRY A. MAYOR. 821 Delaware Street, First Shop north of Junction. fWMentlon this paper A-l City References Private and Hospital Experience, BEFT POTTER, Male Nurse. Surslc&l rases nrAfprrari. Tppma tin nn ts. 115 uo per week and expenses. Telephone lflol' 801 . 8th St., KANSAS CITY, M0. CHARLES WITTENBERG, Boots $ Shoec aw at MADE AND REPAIRED. 1302 Main St., Kansas Citv. Mo. DR. HENDERSON 101 W. Ith St Kansas City, Mo. A Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over V Years' Practice it in Chicago. Th Oldest la Are and Longest Located. Authorized by the State to treat Chronic, Neruout and Prt vat Dlteatet. Cures guaran teed or money reiunded. Over 30,01 K cases cured. Charges tow. No mercury or in lurlnnsmfwllpl np ,f ho time lout from business. Partlesata uisiance '.reaieo. Dy mail ana express. Medicines sent every where free from iraze or brerknge. Slate your case and send for terms. Consultation free and confidential, personally or by letter. I permanently cute Seminal V)akt,es ana Sexual Debility Spermatorrhea and rmpotenrv)rtT(nerl pimples, nervousnetis. rushes of blood to tne head, pains in the back, forgetful ness, bash! ulness and aversion to socie ty; stop night lossei restore lost sex ual power en large ud strengthen weak parte and make you lit for marriage. Syphilis, tJonorrlKBa, fcleet, and all private diseases enred. for life. Stri ft TP- c,lrel without cutting, W 11 caustic, sounds or bou fries. No pain or exposure, l'uileuu can use treatment at home. "RnOTT for lK,th aexes-W) pnges,27 ZT V . Plct"'s. w full descrip lion of above Ciseases the etTec-ls and cure sent sealed In plain wraf.per for 6c stamps. Kara Cure for hheumsttsm Send stamp for circular, i kkbAIuski m" okahatomi. -$50Q for I (wv dlsei that 1 cinnnl Cur. RmiIu etion ot Prices every illuming, ho bad all the marks, b'goshr '