The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 14, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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t Jeweler and Optician
115 S. 16th STREET,
Fine Watch Repairing
t c?? French Clocks.
TCaclBSlvs stbUb raamlaer lor P., I.
I M. V. B. B. Co.
The tinner employed by Cudabj
r on a strike kgkinst a reduction in
The annual convention of the Young
Feoiile'i Cbrlitlan Union meet in
Omaha next week.
The infant ton of Mr. and Mr. D. B.
Corliu died last Sunday after a pro
tracted lllne. We sympathize with
them in their a miction.
The Woodward Theatre Company
wind up it engagement at the Creigh
ton Theatre Sunday night. It ha
ever played to uch large and appre
ciative audience a have greeted them
i he past two week.
Ben. J. Morris, the gentlemanly cap
tain of How and Chemical Company
No. 7, was the happiest man in Omaha
lat Saturday. Ill good . wife pre
vented him with a great, big, bouncing
baby boy.
The retail grocer of the city and
their famlllc in number tufllclent to
fill twelve Burlington coache, went to
Ashland Thursday and had a picnic
They are reported to hare had a most
enjoyable time.
The John L. Webster Republican
liut meet next Thursday night at
Republican headquarter, first floor
New York Life Building. A full at
tendance of all the member is desired,
The Seventh Ward Military Band,
which I an auxiliary to the club, will
be present.
The Douglas County Veteran' As
toclatlon will hold its third annual
reunion at Whitmore' Grove, Valley,
Neb., August 19 to 21 inclusice. An
excellent program has been arranged,
and it 1 the earnest doelre of those
having the matter in chargo that
every old soldier and his family will
be present and help make the occasion
one that will long be remembered.
Many of the brightest soldier orators
In the state will be present and speak
to the comrades. Camp Are every
evening. Free straw, fuel and tents.
One fare for the round trip. Several
bras bands will be present to enliven
the occasion. Don't fall to be present.
C. J. Smyth and Judge Gregory lat
night addressed a large gathering of
voter at the Y. M. I. hall In South
Omaha. After the meeting, which
was a successful one, a permanent or
ganization was perfected with 500
name on the roll. A brass band
helped make things lively. Without
a doubt the meeting was one of the
most successful ever held in that city
and attracted a good deal of attention
from the fact that many old-time Re
publican fell in line and joined the
club who bad never voted any other
than the Republican ticket in their
lives, yet this time they declare that
they will support the silver candidates.
LAWRWVnt. KKn., Asniit2. IKOfl
Editor The American: 1 Wt.
the inscription nri of E. P"le' of Sn TV-nefaen? 2. What,
would be the coot of the Romn tbenl.
"gy b h translated Into EnplUh?
3. What pm beeome of rhissoae. the
minister who vm assaulted In Santa
Ve for not rerovig ' bat durlnp- a
oman rarsde? 4 What ba bee
'one w'h the man r-v,n aasaulteri
TUshon MeNamara? 5 TTnw lonp wlt
It be heforw the oaths will be published
apaln? I have pmmWd some V
friends and cannot upplv them. You
ran answer through your pane. Re
spectfully yours. A. N. R.
1st Three dollars per year, twenty
five cents per number.
2d. Twenty-fiveeentsbuvsthe "Ho-.
rl1e Book" and fifty cents pays for
3d. We do not know. Can anv of
mi subscribers in New Mexico answer?
4th. Do not know. Will Massa
enuseUa friends please answer.
5th. Next week.
The Irish Tote.
New York. July 18 The Sundnv
Union, the Irish society orpan. in U
Issue to-morrow will contain an edi
torial predicting Bryan's election. Tha
editorial further says:
"The Union Is Deiroeratlo and for 25
has stood by Ms puns Fven 1f
McKlnley we-e to wn. we should op
vo Mm: even If Brvan were t" be
beaten we should support htm. The
one is a Republican approved and com
mended by the A. P. A.: the other Is a
Democrat who denounces the A. P. A."
A Found of Facts
is worth oceans of theories. More in
fants are successfullr raised on the
Gall Borden Eagle Brand Condensed
Milk than upon any other food. Infant
Health is a valuable pamphlet for
mothers. Send your address to the
New York Condensed Milk Company,
New York;
When down town drop in at John
Rudd' and leave your watch, If it Is
out of repair, to be fixed, 115 So. 16 St
The following pro'ioaed amendment
to the Countitutiun of the State of Ne
braska, a hereinafter set forth lu full,
are submit Ih1 to the elector of the
Hate of Nebraska, to be voted ujhju
at the general elm-lion to be held Tuoa-
duy, November 3, A. D., Ib'JO:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (il). four (4), and
five (5.) of article six (0) of the Conxti
tut ion of the State of Nebraska, relating
to number of judge of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Ba It reaolvwl and martial hf IB Legtsla
lure of the Hlala of Nobraaaa:
Nerttita 1. Thai WM-tl'in two (2) f artlnla
all 1) f Ilia t'ouatllutlon of tha Mate
of Nrhraska ba araamlcd nhIo mad a fol
lows: Hnotlon a Tha aum-ama mrt shall until
ntbarwtaa prorttnd ujr law. ooutut of flva
(&) juitgra. a majority of whom hall ba nixw
aarv Ut furtu a quorum or to wronounea
adaotaliin. It ahall have original Jurisdiction
In naana relating to raveuue. civil naana lu
whti'h tha atata ahall tat a parly, uiamtainu.
quo warranto, haliaaa onrpun, and mi h
appellate Jurladlotlou, a may ba provided by
tfeetlon 8. That section four (4) of arttnla
SIX (II) of thn lhulltutlon of tha hteta
ut Nbraka, ba awnudud ao aa to road aa fol
low: tfcvtlon 1 Tha Judical of tha supreme
court shall ha lwt.l lir tha electors of tha
atata at larga, and thair term of otBoe ut
oapt aa hiTxinaflar provldod. ahall ba for a
ar.l of not li-aa than 11 va (5) vara aa tha
aitlKlatura niav praaontw.
Iw'tion H That am-tlon flva (fi) of artima
all () of tha tViixtltuUon of the Htata of Nr
braaka, lia awaoiliHl to raatl aa followa:
Hai'ttiin 4 At thn flrt Rvnaral alaotlon to
ba bald In tha y- ar IMWI. thr ahall ba alnotad
two CO luilil(a of tha aunmiia onurl ono
of whom ahall ba al tnd for a Or in of
two Vi yara. ona for tha tarm of four CO
yaara, and at waoh ganxrml olwtlon thura
aftar, thara ahall ba aluclad ona juil of
tha anpraiua court for tha trm of five
(&) yrara, unlaaa otharwiaa prorUlrd lr
law: Provlilad. that tha ludiraa of thn au-
prama oourt whoaa taruu have not expired
at tha tlma of holding tha ganaral alao
tl"il of lMDl, ahall oontinua to bold thair
oftloa fur tha rvniaimlar of tha tarm for
which Ihuy wara reapacUvair oouiiula
aloiiad. Approved Maroh 29, A. D 18113.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendmout to section thirteen (13) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme aud district court
Ha It roaolved bv tha Laittalatura of tha SUta
of Ntibraaka:
Maotlon 1. That aaotion thirteen tm of
artinleaix (ft) of the Uonntitutiou of tha Mlnto
of N abraika ba amandud ao aa to read aa fol
eo. 18 Tha judge of the anpreme and
dtatriot conn ahall reooive for thir aurvUw
auoh ooniHnatkon aa may bo provided by law,
parable q,unrtrly.
Tha li-Kialatura ahall at tt firat aaxaton
aftar tha adoption of thia amend mailt.
tnrna Dlllii ol the member elnotad to
aa'h houaa concurring, aatabliah thiir
eompanaation. The oompanaatton ao aa
tabliahed almll uot be chanifud oftonor
than once in four year, and In no event iiiiichs
two-third of tha mombere elaLited to
aa'b houaa of I ha liftlalure oouour
Approved March 3D, A. D. ISO.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section, tweuty-four (24) of
article five (5) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska, relating to ooiu-
peusatiou of the officers of the executive
Be it rtwilvmt and enacted br the Lvvlalature
of tha Mtate of Nobraaka:
eection 1. Thtt atHtlon twentr-four TJil
of article five (.') of the 1'onaiitution of the
Biate of Maoraaka be amended to read aa fol
low: bectinn 24. The officer of tha erecntiva
department of tha elate government ahall
receive tor ineir acrvicea a oompanution
to be etalilinli.Hi by law, which ahall lie
neither increased nor diminished during tha
term for which they ahall hive been roiu
uilsioued and I hey ahall not receive to their
own uae any fee, cox l a, Inlereala, upon puolio
money in uiui- naiuu or unuer ineir control,
perquUHe of office or other oomoen-
aation and all fee that may here
after be payable hr law for aervice
performed by an officer provided for in
tnia arti 'in tmu o pant in advance into the
tate treasury The legislature ahall at it-i
first aeaaion after tha adoption of this amend
ment, tnree-ntin o me member eiecUxl to
h houaa of the legislature con
curring, eatabliah the aalariea of tha
Offioer - named in this article. The com
pcnation ao ealabliahed ahall not be changed
oftener than onoe in four yeara and in no
vent unit's two-third of the member
elected to each house of the legialature oouour
Approved March 29. A. D. 18US.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one (1) of article six (6) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka, relating to judicial power.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legiala
ture of the St:ite of Nebraska:
Section 1. That awction one (1) of article all
(fl) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to road a follows:
Section 1. The Judicial power of tht state
ahall be vested in a aupreme court, district
courts, county oourt Justices of lha
peace, polt.e magistrate, and in such other
oourta inferior to tha aupreme com I as may
be created by law in which two-third of
the members elected to each house
Approved March 29. A. D. 1805
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article six
(6) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district court
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That eeotion eleven (10 of
article six (6) of the Constitution of the stale
of Nebraska ba amended to read a fol
lows: Section It. Tha legislature, whenever two
thirds of the members elected to each house
ahall concur therein, may. in or after the year
one thousand eiht hundred and ninety seven
and not oftener than once in every lour years,
increase the number of judge of su
preme and district court, and the Judical
districts of the state. Such district shall
be formed of compact territory, and
bounded by county iinea; and such in
crease, or any change In the boundaries
of a district, shall not vacate the offlos of any
Approved March So, A D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six (6) -of article one (1) of tha
Constitution of the State of NebraakA,
relating to ayi fej jury.
Re II reoolvad and anactad by tha Lef lelatara
ei to Btataoc .rtraaa:
ho tloo 1. That aacUua all (. artic le una
ii oi io t ouai i uiivjtt ui ina ptat uc Ia
tiraaka l auii-ndHd to rvad aa fullowa:
twr-lloa . 1 ha riabl of trial t jury ahall
r atata innaiauv uut ina alnra tuar pro
viae mat la rirn wtiutia Be aiilh of the Jury
mar reudur a rerdl t. and tb legislature mar
aio auihoriae trial by a jury of a leaa numU.r
than t weir aiwa, la oouria inferior lu tha dia
Vri t court.
Approred March . A D. 14.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of article five (A)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officer of the executive depart
ment. Be It resolved and enaotad by Ut Legiala
ture of tha Slat of Nebraska:
Section 1. Thai ear Hon one (1) of ar
ticle fly Ol of lha Conatliulioa of the Stale
01 inebraaaa be amended to read as ful
Hection 1 The neeutlr department ahall
eooaial of a governor, lieutenant governor,
secretary of state, auditor of public atNH.uuia,
treasurer, auieriuttidant ut nubile in-
al ruction, attorney general, coiumianioner
of public land aud building, aud three
mllriatd eommiasiouera ea b of w hom.
esoepi Ilia Mil railroad oommiastouers
ahall hold his ottice for a term of
two yeara f-oui thv first ThuratUy after
tha first Tuesday iu January, afi-r
hie election, and until hi successor is
elactu.l and qualified. Ka-h railroad coni
misaiouer ahall hold his office for a term of
tnree years lgiunlugon the nrat Thuralar
after th flrst Tueaday in January ilxf
hi election. aud until hia sun-ea
aor ia elected aud qualified:
however, That at the flrt general elec
tion held attar the adoption of this amend
ment there idiall ho elected throe railroad
commissioner, ona for the pwriod of one
yaar, one for tha pertisl of two yeara, anil
ona for the Dental of throe years. Tha gov
ernor, secretary of stale, auditor of pub
lic account a, and treasurer ahall reside at
tha capital during their term of office;
they shall keep lha publio records, book
and paa-rs there aud ahall perform such du
ties aa may be required by law.
Approvel March DO, A. D. ItfOX
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-six (26) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive state ofllcer.
tU 1ft 1 , . . -
. - .1... i Vj luo ijeg-
lslature of the Slate of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section twenty-six (26) of
article five (i) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be auieuded to read as
oers emcept those named in section one (1)
of this article ahall be crested, except
by an act of the legislature which 1
nnncnrrthii In hv ... . , lu. ,w ....u.
" - - j - - iiuu iuira-juniu
of the member elected to each house
Provided, That any offloe created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
tha !. iultnt ........ 1. . .1 . t . u -
- vn. .,,,iub iu, luem-
bera elected to each house thereof concur
ring. Approved March SO, A. D.. ISli
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be It resolved and enacted bv tha I.nulsla-
ture of the State of Nebraska:
Suction 1. That section nine (TO of article
ight (fO of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 9. All funis belonging? to tha state
for educational Duroosea. the interest and
income whereof only are to be used, shall
oe aeemeu trust tuna neiu oy tne state,
and the state ahall supply all losses there
of that may in any uiauuer accrue, so that
the aanie shall remain forever inviolate
nd undimlnish'Hl. and shall not be In
vested or loaned except on United State
or state securities, or registered county
bonds or registered echoil district bond of
this state, and such funds with the Inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purpose for which they
are granted and set apart, and shall not
be transferred to any other fuud for other
Provided, The board created by section
1 of this article la empowered to sell from
time to tlma any of the securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
tha proceeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a higher rats of Interest, whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
sented; And provided further, That when any
warrant npou the state treasurer rcg
ularly Issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for its psyment, shall
be presented to tha state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money In the proper fund to pay such
warrant, the board created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant from moneys in hi hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state,
and he shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment of aaid permanent school fund.
Approved March i$. A. D 13H5.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve (12) of said
constitution to be numbered section
two (2) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such citiea are
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legia
lature of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That article twelve QZ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
ameuded by adding to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two C-0 to read
a follows:
Section 2. The government of any oity of
the metropolitan olasa and tha gov
ernment of the county in which
it Is located mar be merged wholly
or in part when a proposition so to do has
been submitted by authority of law to the
Voters of such city and county and re
ceived the assent of a majority of the
votes cast in such city and also a majority
of the vote cast in the county exclusive
of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
Approved March 29, A. D. 1895.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six (6) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, prescribing the
manner in which votes shall be cast.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section six (8) of article
even (?) of the Constitution of ths State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows: Section 6. All votes shall be by ballot, or
such other method as may be presoribed
by law, provided the secrecy of voting be
Approved March 29, A D. 189J.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (2) of article four
teen (U) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to works of internal improvement and
Be It r-as4ved Bad enacted by the Law
talature of tha Mat of Nebraska :
SarUoa I That anctloa two it) of article
ourma iii of ina luoatiiuiioa ol us
Slat of Nebraska, be asuaadod to read aa
bwc. a No city, county. Iowa, prod net.
municipality, or other subdivision ot lha
siata, shall ever max doBatiuoa to Bar
works of internal Improvantant, or
snaaufas-iory. unlea a uroumiUna ao to
An ahall hare been trat aubmuted to the
qualified electors an 4 ratified bv a two
thirds vote at an abaction br authority of
law; frovisaVi That such d. .nation of a
county with tha donations of such subdi
visions In the uiral shad not
Ian per cent of the aeaeeaed valuation of
such county: Provided, further. That any
oily or eounty may. by a three fourth
Vote, Increase such Indebtedness Ave par
eent. to addition to such tea per cent aud
Do bonds or evidences of indeblednaae ao
leauea alien he valid unleaa lb- eaiue ahall
bar endorse! thsreoa a eartifl'-ate signed
by tha secretary and auditor of state,
showing that tha same la laausd pursuant to
Approved March 19. A. D.. 1S.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendment
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled aud engrossed
bill, a passed by the Twenty-fourth
ession of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, as appear from said
original bills on file in this office, aud
that all aud each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voter of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the 8d day of November, A.
D., 189U.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of the United
State the One Hundred aud Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(SeuL) J. A. PIPER,
Secretary of State.
of my
Mv Creat
Month of
Read the following convinc-
testimonial from two
orominent Omaha Citizens:
Judge Isaac S. Haarall and R. V. William
have this to say. We consider Dr. 0. Gee Wo
of 519 North 16th St.. Omaha. Neb., one of tb
best physicians In the city for the following
reasous: Kour ysars ago our daughter be
came very nervous and at times sick and
unable to control nerseir. we aoctorea with
and consulted nine of the leading physicians
of this city, but she gradually grew worse,
until on the Ttb of October, 1W. sh was at
tacked with spasms. She whs usconcious
and delirious for weeks following the attack,
and at a consultation of physicians they
agreed that she could not get well. We then
employed Dr. C. Oee Wo, and the patient be
gan to Improve at once, and In a remarkably
short time was up. She la feeling better
than she has for a long tlma. 8b is Improv
ing every da; and bids fair to get entirely
well. R. V. Wii.luhs. Father,
ISAAC S. UascALL, a aear Relative.
2106 S. 18th St.
Ex-Constabi.i S. R. Clark, office 319 9.14th
.. . i ........ . ... ...... it. . i
3 .nnjTB. 1 LKU b BHJ bW III U I 11 I III 1 ' I . J,
Q. Wo. My little boy and girl had dyptherla
and other Dhvslclans said thev could not re
cover, t then called In Dr. 0. Oee Wo, and
In less than 24 hours they were out or danger.
He also cured nivself of LaerluD and gen
eral debility, and my wife of inflammation of
the oowels and female weakness, from which
she had suffered many years. I can't thank
nun enouga lor wnat ne nas aone in my
family. 8. B. Olahk and Wire
Mrs. H. A. Duoav. 1813 Clark St. Heart
trouble and nervous dlblllty of many years
John B hooks, ss n. mth t.--Of soralned
back, liver and kidney trouble of three years
standing. Is now a wall man.
MRU. ANNA PARK. 2109 S. l.ltll Nt.--CUred Of
suasms and female weakness of seven years
rRANK riOLra. Bchuvler. NeB. Uured of
rheumatism of one year's standing, and was
given up ! Incurable.
Consultation Frki. Dr. 0. Gee Wo
guarantees a cure in every case or tha
money will be refunded.
bend 2-cent stamD for book and ouestlon
blank. Anyone wanting advice can write to
above addresses or call upon Dtt. C. GEE
no, oivi-q. tam ot. umana mn.
Store Prices
Best describes the rates at
Is doing all kinds of Dental
Set Teeth $5 00
Best Set Teeth 7 50
Gold'BMllinKs $1.00 arid up
Silver Fillings 1 00
Gold Crowns 5 00
Teeth Extracted 25
Teeth out iu the morning
Aew Ones Same Uay.
All work at about Half what
other Dentists Charge.
16 Years' Experience 16
Dr. WITHERS, Dentist,
Fourth Floor Brown Blk.,
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
The Free Silver sentiment is not on
the wane at this time.
c. nro,
You can save from 15 to 25 per cent, on all cash purchases for
the next thirty days.
You get $5.00 Shoes for $3.50 I You get $4.00 Shoes for $2.75
You get $3.00 Shoes for $2.25 You get $2.00 Shoes for $1.50
Youths' $2.00 Shoes for $1.50.
Ladies' Shoes ia the same proportionate prices.
718 So. Sixteenth St.
5?&S(m&ble Bargain;
To buy Jewelry, silverware or Watches at
the right price you mut visit Bennett's;
but be careful to get In the right door and
not somewhere else, uailer the Impression
you are In our store. Get In the right door.
New Shirt Waist Sets at 10, 15 and I'tc.
Sterling Sliver Waist Sets, 4c.'
Silver Flats Teaspooas, 3 and 5c.
Stem Wind Nickel Watches, ".He and fl.25.
Gold Plate Case, warranted Ave ysars,
Btem Wind Watch, only I2.SH.
Lead Pencils, good quality, with rubber
tips, per dazen, 5c.
White Envelopes. 25 for 2c
White Envelopes, 75 for 5e.
Note Paper, 24 sheets for 3c.
Shelf t aper, 24 sheets for 5c.
White Card Beard, 22x28, each 53.
Tablets a great bargain In Note, Packet
or Letter Tablets at 3; each.
Letter Files, see bargain at 23.
Bottle Ink, 3c; Mucilage, 3c.
I502-I2 Capitol Avnue,
Confidential Information Blank.
To the Editor of THE AMERICAN:
for the oflice of
by the
following secret societies:
lis past record as a public official
member of the
Mr ,
Every patriot is requested
above blank to this oflice at the
want the record of the presidential electors'and that of the con
gressional and state officers so far
district. Kindly attend to this
patriot in "your state.
And you
save money
Thethrough tourlstsleep
ers which leave Omaha
every Thursday morning
via tbe Burlington Koute
for San Francisco and Los
Angeles are neither as ex
pensive nor as fine to look
at as standard sleepers.
But they are just as good to
ride In.
They are clean and com
fortable are in charge of
experienced excursion con
ductors, and are accom
panied by uniformed Pu'l
man porters.
California travelers who
aim to combine comfort
with economy will find that
they are Just exactly what
they are looking for.
Write for full informa
tion. J. Fbahcis, Gea'l Pan . Ageat,Omaha, Neb.
Shoe Sile!
At Special Prices.
White Granite Pint Bowls. Sc.
" Quart Bowls, 8c.
" Steak Dishes, 153.
" " Komt Beef Dishes, 193.
Vegetable Dishes, 14c.
Glassware, Sugar Bowls. Creamers,
Spoonholders, or Butter Dishes, each 5c.
Special Plates Dinner ;. Breakfait, Tea or
Soup Plates, each 4c. .
Nine-Inch Glass Fri t Bowls, 10c.
Set of 6 Glaii Krult Saucers, 10c.
At Special Prices.
Celery Eauce, per bottle. Sc.
Breakfast Flakes, 2 lbs., 5c.
Castile Soap, 2 cakes, 5c.
Bar good Laundry Soap, 3c.
Worcester Sauce, bottle, 8c.
Potted Beef Tongue or bam, 4 lb. cans, Sc.
Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. can, 10c.
Maccaronl, 1 lb. pkg., 9c.
Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg., 3',c.
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